272535 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �i.�`,���;�� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE • -MAYOR � Flle NO. ♦ � ��`,e Ordinance N�. ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 54 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the immediate vacation of occupants of substanc7ard buildings and declaring certain violations of substandard buildings as con- stituting a matarial endangez�ment to the health and safety of its occupants, THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Section 1 That Section 54,19 (b) of the Saint Paul Legislntive Code is hereby nmended to read as followss b. Cbndemxzation o� Dwelling�e or Multiple Dwellings as Unfit for Human Hab itation. �+iThenever the enforcemerit officer find�s that any dwelling or multiple dwelling conatitutes a hazard to the healthr safety or welfare of the occupante cr to the public beea�t�e-4�-�ae}�e ma#�ter�a�eer-e�--�e-e��dr�ag�da�ee7= ��taar�#+�a�y=-ve��A-#n�ea�e�-e�-�e�eA��#�€ee�e�=-e�e-beee�ese-�� �eka-�t�e-sar���a�g-#ae#�4�#e�-e�-e�t��gttite��-e�-e�ke�w#ee-f�4�e te-ee�als�g-w���-��e-g�e*�#s�e�s-ei-�l�e-e�d#r�exee for any of the �.� .r reasons enumerated in this Chapter including Section (j) but �l�e-ea�e-�r�*ae such hazardaus condition has not yet reached such state of disrepair as to be proceeded against by condemna-� tion as a d�gerous structure as heretofore provided, he may condemn auch dwelling or multiple dwelling as unfit for hwman hab itation. If an dwellin or multi le dwellin or as7ty part thereof COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor � Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco _ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �3 -�� �'" ��'��9 By _ ` Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e by Mayor for Submis i� to Council By By WHIYE - CITY CIERK �t PIHK - FINANCE F�'�. ■ CANARV -DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L COIIIIClI f,r' J��/�,�+y� BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � ' Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. (`���� / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- is occupied by more occupants than provided by thia chapter, or is erected, altered or occupied epntrary to law, auch dwelling or multiple dwelling shall ba cleemed an unlawful' structure and the enforcement officer may cause snch dwell- ing to be vacated. It �hall be unlawful to again occupy such dwelling until it or its occupation, as the case mny be, has been made to conform to the law. Section 2 That Section 54.19 (e) of the Saint Paul Legislativ�,e Cade is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Vacation of Condemned �nd Placarded Dwelling. Any dwelling or multiple dwelling whieh ha� been condemned or placarded as unfit tor human habitation by the enforcement officer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required by the enforcement o�fieer, and it shall be unlawful tor any owner or operstor to let to any person for human hal�itation said dwelling* multiple dwellinq or dwelling nnitf and no person shall occupy any dwelling or multiple dwelling nnit which has been condemned and placarded by the enforcement oflicer after the date for the placard of condemnation� Reasonable time for the vacation of said dwellinge, as herein provided, shall include the immediate vacation of sa�me when in the opinion of the enforcement o�ficer the existing danger- . . . . ,...-- oua condition creates imminent health or safety �zards. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � �o � ���6'7� BY � Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Subm' i to Council , gy B M�HITE - CITV CLERK �� �(�'�7�� CANARY.- DEPARTMENT COURCII �t�. ��" '.+'��',�� BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution ��9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3 That Section 54.19 of the Saint P�ul Legislative Code ie fnrther amended by adding new subsections (i) and (j) to read as follows: (i) �angerous Structurest Unfit Dwellings �Critaria. For the purpose of this chapter, any building, etrueture, dwelling or multiple dwelling which violatea Sections 54.08 through 54.17, or which has any or all of the conditiana or defects described in Section 54.19 (j) mny be deemed a dnngeroua build- ing or structure, or an unfit dwelling for human habitation under Sections 54.19 (a) and (b) of this ahapte�, a hazardous building under Minn. 3tat. 463.15 Subd.3, or a substandard strncture under Minn, St�t, 290,101 Subd. 2. (j) Violations Constituting Material Endar�es�nent. The following violations may conetitute material endangerment with- in the mea�ning of Minn. Stat. 290,101 Subd. 8 when in combina- tion or alone, auch violatiana conetitnte a danger to the pub- ltc health, safety or welfare of the occupants or the p�ctblic: (1) Lacking Mainten�ncet Dilapidation. Whenever the dwelling, or any portion thereof� becauae of Ei) dilapidation,� deterioration, or decayf (ii) �sulty constructiont (iii) the removsl, movement or instability of any portion of the ground neceasary for the purpase af supporting such building j (iv) the deteric��ativn, dacay or inadequacy of it� fo�etndatian f or (v) any other csuse� is iikelg ts� partially or eaanpletely ct�llap�eT c�c whanever aay �ortion or member or appmz't�nance there- of is likely to fall, or to become detachec7 or disladged, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B!��'�'�'�'��'�' �� ��O –�9 Bl' Approved by iVlavor: Date _ App o by Mayor or bm' sion to Council BY - — BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIlI1C11 f' -���.;� BLUE -MA�oR ,GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ``�'� ` ���`��j �'- . ` -� Ordindnce Ordinance N�. ��`J� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _q,_ or to collapse and thereby inju�e persans• or damage propertyj or whenaver the building has bnen so da.maged by fire, wind� earthquake or flood, o� has beaame so d�alapidated or deterir,�r�ted as to became (i) an a�tt�active nui�sance to childr�nt �ii) a hmrbo� to� vagrante or criminmist ox (iii) as to anabla pereonae to resort thereta fo� the purpose of committing un- Iawft�I aeta, Z. Fire Hazard. Whenever the dwelling beca�Be of ob- aoleecence� dilapidated conditionl deteri+c=ration, daimage,, in- adaqu�te exits, lnck af su�fiainnt fire-reeistive ec�n�truction,� taulty electric wi�ing, gas connectiflns or haating apparatus, or othar cause, ia detnrminad by tha enf�rcement officer to be a. f ir e hazard. 3. I7hsnnitary Conditians. T+�henevsr tha dw�lling, be- cau�ee of iruidequat• mainten�nce f dilapi�ation, decay# dnmRge, faulty conatruction or arrangeatentj inadequate light+ air or aanitaition lacilities, ur�cYean tixtures, acetvmulntion of garbage, rafuse or combustiblaa, or otherwise# i� determined by the tnfo�cemant officer tc� be unssanita��y� unfit for humnn habitation or in such n condition that i�e Iikely to cnuss aickneas or disease. 4. Vermin or Rodent�. Whanevar tha dwalling hao open sewage systemsi rodant burrows or open faundation�� Ia.ck� radent proofing of the dwelling� or has vermin or �odent in- festationa. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department ofi Yeas Nays Butler In Favor — Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B ""�''�`�''� ��a 7J� By � Approved by Mayor: Date App by Mayor for Submi sion o Co cil By B - � � � WHITE — CITV CIERK � � 1 (�r�(1� ��� . G NARV — DEPARTMENT COUI1C11 aj. �s��, GITY OF SAINT PAUL ��- BLUE —MAVOR File NO. c + Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. � IO.J�% Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -5- 5. Lack of Basic Facilities. Whenever the dwelling lack� electricity, natural gas, heating or sewage disposal syetemsj or where the exlating systems are unsafe fcr continued operation. 6. Violatione of Other Rec�uirements, Whenever the dwell-- ing has been constructed�, exists or is maintnined in violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such dwelling provided by the building regulations of this city, as specified in the Unifox'm Building Code, or Uniform Housing Code, or of any law or ordinance of this atate or city ralating to the condition, location� cr structure of dwellings. 7. Condemned Property, Whenever any other condition exists which is so dangerous to the safety or health of the occupants or the public as to �ustify condemnation of the dwell- inq as u nf it for human hab itat ion. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in forca thirty (30) days following its passage, approeal, and publication. COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor . i�a�t. Levine � Against D�e�c Showalter , --^'" ' 'Fe�escc�' � Adopted t�y-Council: Date � 8 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ' ied Passed ounc' ecreYary B ���- �—`�`�/ Ap by Mayor: Date � 9 �9� Appr v d y Mayor for Subm sion Council i B - By �ra�.rs�ED 1�AR i ? 1979 , �+ . 1 C��� . �� ors oi: lzll9�s , ReQ. : 9/8/76 '�XF�ANATSQN 'OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, . r �IIT'IONS, AND ORDI1�iCE _..,_�.__._..r.� �.._...-_. . ���'4'�,�, ,� a�= January 30, 1979 . RECEI'�/Ei� � Ft� 2 i�79 � ;; �y; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �,,,«,,, �.-�-,..� �R: Tom Kelley �" RE: Amending Chapter 15. 19 of the City Ordinanc�es, so as to clarify the e�ergency candemnation as unfit for human habitation. . ACTaON R1:GUL�3TED: . ` Review, sign anc? forvrard �o �;ouncilnaz Levine. This ordinance � � � � has been before his cor��::ittee. � � � . . . k f ` ' PURPOSE AND RATIONAI.E r OR T$IS ACTION: � �' During a review of this section (5� .I8) for tax �isincentives , it was found t�iat sor_ie difficulty cat.l� occur when .er�ergency condemnation as un.rit was needea, both u•ith tax and appeals procedure: ' By r:la?�in�; sor�e �inor changes tlie Iiability is reduced�. , a ; ATTACffi�iF.1�1T5: � � �..��z _.._.._,..,...,.,__.�..___.,.____ _ _...._.. __.�... ,,.....�......_....,... . � ' � � let _ oc/�_� 2na p�..,loZ� 3rd_ •�� � Adogted�L� Yeae Naqa BUTT�R HUNT �''���!�� . f.� . .. LEVINE MADDOX � SHOWALTER /l I ' V I TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA) � � i