272520 WHITE - C�TV CLERK �F�
BLU� - M�VOR File NO.
R�'i'URN COPY TO VALZTpiTTON Council Resolution
~ U
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution,
Council File No. 260681, approved February 13, 1973 , did provide,
subject expressly to certain enumerated conditions and reservations,
for the vacation and discontinuation of public streets described as
All that part of Brown Avenue lying between
the southerly line of Congress Street and the
northerly line of Winifred Street;
All that part of Congress Street lying between
the easterly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway
No. 56 and the westerly line of Brown Avenue;
Also vacate the 10 foot wide sewer easement on
and along the southerly ten (10) feet of the
easterly ninety (90) feet of Lot 5, Paulson's
re-arrangement of the north half of Lots 1 and
2, Block 13, Brown and Jackson's addition, in
the City of St. Paul, Minn. ;
WIiEREAS, all such conditions and reservations enumerated in said
Council File No. 260681 have been fully complied with, other than
ttiose enumerated as Numbers 6 and 7 therein, which have not been
complied with to date; and
WHEREAS, the development proposal now cont�mplat.ed for Concord
Terrace for the en�irons here concerned provides for construction of
five duplex units in the replatting of the area, which differ from
the development proposal contemplated at the time of approval of
Council File No. 260681; and
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler Fi ce ar�d 1� emezrt Services
Hozza In Favor
Hunt a
Levine __ Against B�r _ Disector
Tedesco Form pprove by City Attorne
Adopted by CounciL Date � � ±
Certified Passed by Councii Secretary
Approved by INavor: Date _ Ap r e by Mayor for ' siori to Council
BY - – — BY
lt�t�SHEi� F E� ;� 4 "i�i���
P�NK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � ,�::.�,���.
- � U Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, due to such alterations in the site plan and its
development proposal, and in order to coordinate therewith, the
Council of the City of Saint Paul does, by Resolution, wish to
�elete, and supercede those express conditions and re��ervations
listed in Council File No. 260681 numbered 6 and 7 �herein.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD tr�at those express conditions
and reservations listed as Numbers 6 and 7 in Council File No.
260681, and none others therein, are hereby deleted and fully
superceded by the following express condition:
6. That petitioner shall record the plat to include
the dedication of Winifred Street as shown on
the proposed plat of Concord Terrace by Warren I.
Forsberg, Reg. No. 4840 dated December 2, 1977.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�. Finance andd b�nagement Servicts
Hozza [n Favor �
Hunt �
Levine � __ Against sy _ Director
� � 3 �� Form A by City Attorney
Adopted by C cil: Date
. ,
Cerlifi assed ouncil Secretary � B
tappr by iVlavor: Dat � � � Ap o by Mayor for Su n�to Council
By By
� ' . ' � ' �
a � . , • . . , . . . • ' . ' � • • . . - . . . . •.��� ' •
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. :t�K'F:F:DINGS OF THE COUNCIL � � � ' •
! • .,' • � OF THE CITy OF SAINT PAUL,, 19?=
•..,n;d prn�+rrty or and asscssmenls belnlC shown !n Cppq�
,...�.u�rn.�hlv h�tcr- t.v Auditor'� Filc No.8518]. Q• That the pctltloner dcdicatc to
�•,..�.t mm��v:�l �d AJopted by U�c Council Februar�� Z thc City a perm�nent easemcnt Jor faclHtics ow•ncd bp A
�,�r �I�ait hc rr- 1977. w•�Ikway purposcs 10 fect wi�lc,I arc locatcd ��•ithtn o�
. . .I.��r trou� ihc Approved Februa 13. � � ihc city's cit•ic ccnter
ry 97�, connrctmg lhc c��stin�; pedcslrian um: �n�in�lin�; y,jWt
•••� �f nut wo rc- (F'ebruary 17� 19?1) � brid��c across Tn�nk }��r��N,�y ��� � 11J8, SccUon 4."
� ••.�ut 1'aul �hail � 55 k�ith F.:�st \Vinitmd Jlrcct nnd
•.t a��rh p�•rsunal • sald pclitioncrs ur owncrs of ll�� and recommcncls lht icam
. as pru�•IdeJ by Counefl Ffle No. 2GOG81—By Rosatle L, ► P�oncrty assume the construclion 5Qy County Senate and 3
�[��t 1'�ul L: cnm- Butler— • and maintenance of the walk�vay .
}tcsolved, 1'liat unon the ► Rna�ke same manner as other sicic- 19735
petitio» of Adopted b�• thc Councp
...rr.•�•!��•r �rtion fhe IlousinG �nd Redevelop�nent A4. i
••�•�� �•t��'j��►�'� ��Y thority, U,we scctions ot public street� " 7• That the pctitloncrs dedfc�te to Approved February 1a,;
...•.1 nF:�lntit !hr��icrcinaftcr dc.^,cribed, be and the samA � lhe City a perm:�r.��nt easement tor (t'ebruary 17,�
. ..i.�t�• :ind cu1- �,�,rcby are cacated and discontinued q slrcet purposes tic�t wiU provi�ie Couneil File No. 2G05&i
»u.l hr tt public streets: - • � for a 60 foot r:�dius cul-de-�ac f�i »eredith—
�....t u rrr[Il;cat All that �r - � I thN �'�cinity of tl�c �ntersccti�n vf «hereas.On February 2,
.n nnd lncurpor- P• � uf Bcown Avcnue 17� . Brow•n A�•enuc and E. Winifred No. 8316 wns€rnnted by tt
• ••i+•�d �i;u�n the �nR betwecn the southeriy llne of r cil to the I'riends of I3�;
',, Cougress Sirret and ihe nosiherlr '' sirret. Said ea�cmcnt area to bc
��'^ '��11°O ��O l�ne uf �Vinifred Street; ' � • located and dcdicated in a mann�:r �'�pntd Childrrn,Ine.at tG'
r•� tnanni�r pro- pp that � { and form approved by the De-��o conduc: Liin„o �smes f�
p�rt of Con tcss Stseet • . r partment of Public R'orks a�d lon Thursdap irveninRS, '
•���.il F'ebruary i3, �YingY chccen the easterly r3ght• , t the City Attorney's oftice. 1�ours of 8:00 and 22:v0 p,
of-wa ]inc o[ Trunk Highwaq Hp,,. .. 8. That the I ltihereas, Thcy request
, , , q 197�, bfi and the westerly line ot Bropa ; cost and eapensee shall barricade(hours from ?:�0 to 11:30 p:;
.� ��� ��Ta� Avenue; e oblJteratc, rcbuild, constrvct �e if
Also vacate the 10 foot wlde stcvee r ' and/or recamp the strcets and� ResoTved. That Llcense l'
..._ • easemcnt on and alang the south• ' street intersection, including re- �
. erly ten (10) fcet ot the e�stcril' ' �bv the Frien<is of]iearin
ninety ��p) Icct of Lot 5, Paulson• i jusiment ot��sextstin�� A�d neW Children, Inc., be attd t
� •:••!ly RusaUe L. re-arran�cment of the north hai[ . . drainage and sewer facilitics, �n_ amended to rend y 7is t�
of I.ots 1 and 2. B)ock l3, Btowq � t effective Februar
�''•"'< <O ���� �u- and J�ckson's addition,fn the Gtp cluding the construction of tLe remainder oI the license p
� •���•..��:i y�atutcs. of 52. Paut,Slinn.; • � new said cW-de-sac. all lo the Adopted by the Couru�7 x
••���� u( thc Citp satisfaction of thc Department of 1973.
,,,,.���. �iitli������ siibject expre_-sly !o the iollowtas�pq. � Public �tiorks. Apprpved February ls. 19
••• .•t thc U.•pirt. ��tions and reservations: - E 9. That the petitfoner, beinb the tFebruary 1�. 197
�•� �t:�n:y;ornent 1. That the vacation be subjeet tp � Housing and Rede�•elopment Au-
'������ a� isrur a all the tenns and conCitions o[ ', j ihority, a public agency, not be
�' �'�n• uf tii:nt Sect�en 12's of tht Lcgfslatiye . reqaired to pay compensation for Councll File I�`o. 2fi06g; _
; ' "��+Nr tu ll�riin Code, as amended. { the vacation as sirbject land is :�ICredith--
+ j���T������. In cx- �• Ti:ai tl�e petitioner grant to the ► ' being developed for institutional �5'nercas^On September �
� �t••o�l Nu. 1:t•iG, State of T1ir.nesota. Departmcnt oi �sc pursuant to the Concord Tcr- cecsa 1*0. ��;� 1�•�� �;;en:c6
� •• : I��uruv�•inent HirnK•ays, access control to Trunk ; race Project D1inn. R-37, adopted ICouncil to thr. 1?���!�.v n.i.e
:.� �5.��• 1. 19:;;i.� High�ca�• \u. c., on thosc porttoni and aPprovcd b}• t};e Citp Council I1=��rt. Auxiliaty Chapser N+
j � ^:�����i�v. tI15's4 �j the heretoiore vacated areas on hIarch 22, 75G8, C. F. 23?;UJ, ltice S:reet.;o cond�et B:ng�
� ' '•�'..n•n•�i Lond that imme.iiately abut the said 30. That in lieu of a bcnd, the City��= Feriod, uri �;��cinesday rv
� ••r th�• Ur»�1•t- Trunk ]itghw3y I,;p, t� right-o1. be provided v�rith a written cov- an�e:i ihe hours of 8;0p znQ
� •���►�•t�u•nt ticrv• way. - enan� conditioned to indemnify
� � •� u��•���rr�•tiun 3. That the intcrests of Northwestern � - and hold the Cit��harmless for any �'�'hereas, They reqvest a
! " ti�nkh��; r��n� Bell Tel:•phone Compar.y �Q � - . � and a11 damages, claims tor d3m-�hours fre� 7:30 to 32:30 p,31Q,
�'•'W'�•�'�•�', ll�it Narthern States Poxer �mpa� r ages, costs, char�¢es, judqments,(be it
� ' ""�"d �I�:dl not be protccted. and expenses eE ece ` Resolt•ed. That License IQy
•••� ���� ('�t,►• or 4• T►�at :nc costs tor abandonment n' kind and
nature arising cr growin� out of�tl' thc 11i1i!:,ry Qrdc* 01 F'7x
"'""���' uf the of the inplace water mains itt �he vacation ot streets described IAuxi:iary C�apter tio. S� #e
''" ����•�� aut}»r- Bro�vn A•,•��r,ue and Congrq� 1n the petition, s�me is amendcd to :•ead "T;
� • �^��t a•4i�•�i i: Street be borne b the , Adopted by the Council Februa 33, Y•r•t.", °�ective Jarivary 2�
••-�•� ��nte bin�1 S. T'�at specific ea ementsetbe nz�. 7973.. ry the remaindcr of the licerss:
^°�'�•�+:�i�o t1,e tained to prctect the exSsfint ` • APDroved February 13, 1973. Adopted by ;ne Cuuncii i�k
� ��d rm�p�i� setivers .:nd provide for futur� i (February 17. 1973) 1973.
; •,:':�� I�t• Ciiaa. sewer maintrnance. Said easN � -
' • '���• �+�:ui,u•r ments to be dcscribed as foltows; ' f APProved Fcbrvary 13.17�
'"`�''��''� �k�n•1s A 30 foot wide (February 1T, 19?�
� �,.•� �,,,���f �.� ��c Permanent . CovnMl File No. 260682—BY Rosalie L.
sewer ca:cmenl Centeced OA Butler—
�'�^����Y. Fimd the rxistine 9" aewer tn $ • Councll FAe S�To. 2G0686 —
' "'• �'� �'In:mce Con�ress Street and Bmwn Resoived That in accordance with �IPre-lith—
� ,' �� •�uthurl7riJ Avenuc extencilns IS feet past .. Scetion Ig;il of thc City Charter and y;hcreas, Un February g,
•��� Rurh rc�f+. the er.d of the m:,nhole� Sectiun 1, Chapter 64, Special Laws Ci[c Council de:icd the app)
The c:�sement restricttons ate a� �8��. The Pnsirient e�' Ihe City Cnuncil Sharon �S. D;�,nico for a Savn
` •�! i'rbra�ry »� f411utvs: PPo�nts Patrick J. Itordler to 6U the at �U38 .ltarsh;ill A�•enue, tha:
i r a• No buitdings or othe! un��P�red tcrm of Itobcrt Sprafka to it
thTa• ��` ' ��j've on the Jant Court Iiouse and Reeolved.Tt�t Applir.atl�n 3
€ mancnt strurtum are City IIall Committec,
• "+��1 mitteJ within the euem�ept 19$doptcd by the Councit February 13, ll�ico at 200'�.�;d rs!al1 Avrn
• arca.
� b. No cl�aagc in grade or sur• ' ' Approved February 13, 199a. j��� same is hercby d�n1�d
tacing. tvi11 be perrnitt�Q { proper City ofC�ccrs are an!!i
� �fr tiv.a��e L. �+'�����n the easement sres � (February 17. 1973) re:und to Sharca Ti. D�ml:o!
tvithout written approv�
�` �"'��'�� ��f the trom the pcpartment of Pub• � ' SIOU.00
i � ••i���rnti��.� ���� 7ic \Vorks Se�vcr En�incer. . t Adopted by thc Covncll Fet±
Council File No. 280G83 _. �q Ruby 1973-
` .r :.��nt p.,,�l c. 7':�c on•nrr is responsil,le foe Hunt— Approved Feb:uary 13,191a,
� :; + .'„,r„�i.��,: �nv ciam.r;e to the surfacln�, Rcsolvcd, That ftic Counc;i pf th� (February 17� 3973)
�• �tt r.•;,�I 5����''"��'r`�����!structures may b� City ot Saie�t Paul hcreb
�!s �•�• In�blir I abcencinncd upon submisston � Y �pproves:
. . •"'•��'» :ir�•! c��tailed plans for asid ab:�ndon i '��A bill for an nct rcl�tm�
..ei�.�t„�� ��I �ncnt :ir�� ��.riUcn apUroval fsorq • City o(.Saint Paul; provicltn� f r 1!e Cli�LlcrFtle No. 2CDG�3—]jy �
� ` .•= a'�'•�� taxa•s� thc llrnartment of PubliC Works � contr;,�tinr, oiet to a �ariY of Rc soived, That 1n accordar.
Sewcr Ei�gineei. , thc u�,craLon and m�11,'•�ti�lncnt of the Urdinanc� No. l:�:tll, Council:
. • � parkinS ramps and otl�cr parking 2G0�3G, adoptcd January �, J
� '""';`Q'T+1-^±�.�,-�„��-�-. . . . . • � ~----�,,•,t,"}RF��,+�'MC�,�r+,�;�rsw�.�.�.,�.�� .
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°''��`,T' °• '�,, ����� ' '' � C(TY OF SA(NT PAUL
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'oF . � �a'� ;:r'`.� / ��y �� " ;� DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS
' ;� ��i�i�,�uii ,=
;w nn11,Ilji� ^Q�^
��"'��,,,����!'���''`� 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
' Janua ry 2, 1979
' Mr. J. William Donovan
� Valuation and Assessment Engineer
j Room 286 City Hall
Attention: Mike Eggum
! RE: AmEndment to certain conditions of vacation of
portions of Brown Avenue, Congress Street, and
sewer easement.
Dear Mr, Donovan;
' The Department of Public Works has completed its review of the abovo
referenced amendment. --
Conditions 6 and 7 of Council File Resolution No. 2G0681 approved
February 13, 1973 can be deleted in its entirety and the following
substituted thereto:
Condition 6: That the petitioner agree to foltaw through wifih
i the recordation of the plat to include the dedi-
catian of Winifred Street as shown on the proposed
plat of Concord Terrace by Warren I, Forsberg
Reg. No. 4840 dated 12-2-77.
Yours very truly,
Thomas J. E gu
Office Engineer -
Attachment: Ptat, Map � Res.
cc: Daniel J. Dunford, Street Engineering �
Robert H. Roettger, Traffic Engineering
a.A... ,.�.
� _ , tN�l bl: 12I1975 .
� ' Rev. : 9/8/75
i;�y � p 197g,
M� ,,� �����I�
Date: �'Y �S, 1979
FR: J• wiu.i� ��, �tima d� Asses�e�ar� ai�gi�e�r (8�t. S31'T) �e��art�i at�or :
F3.�a� b',�grs�� lS�ricss
RE: �emation o� �c�a a� ��gress �Btreet as�t fie�ra� �a►se��t
Ap�roval f� �bai.�sic�n to ��i.l ot PrO�ated Resml�rtion.
� p�ae o�' tl�e 8�sc�l�timn is ta �►n,� i�►o oP t]�e aor�it`f�rs spelUi ma,t
irn �� acrigi.m►1. xs��]a�ti�n �.p. ��1! �t� Fe'b�ra�urs 13� 1�3. T�eN
conditic�a trere aori.�ti�L�y s�eElueats� 1�y '�►he PabliQ ��ar,lc�r ll�par'f�Mat� �rhielt
l�we app�cnroet the �a1.a�tion af t]�a tw� cox�df��io�e and s�bstitn�io�a oi' t� r�er
, �
l. Pre�pOit�d R�a�olnt3�a ,
2. C.?. �6�681.
�. bstt� t�rct Pabli� ilarlcs �ated � �f 19?�.
� � � � � �