272515 �.�i�ci��. �}�i WNITE — CITV CLERK � �"'�r�+ . PINK — FINANCE � 9 � C! G I O F S A I N T PA IT L Council CANARY — DEPARTMENT � 1 Bl_UY. — MAVOR Flle NO. o nci� s ution Presented By l Referred To Commit e : Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the' same are hereby granted. Haines Tree Service 9262 Otchipwe N. Tree Trimmer App.2191 Renew 1 add,l veh. Christ Thomp�s2m 1608 Rice St. Groc. A-1 Flor/Nur. 1+099 " Odd sale malt Poppin Fresh Pies 2239 Ford Pkway Rest. C-2 4126 " Best Steak House, Inc. 1405 E. Magnolia Ave Rest C-2 4171 " John 0'Connor 1690 Randolph Ave. Beauty shop 4229 " Darl Schassow 56 W. Plato Blvd. �,Groc. A-1 4240 " Gia Como'a Inc. 58 S. Snelling Ave. 1 veh. caterin� K 4248 " First Grand Ave. Bank 918 Grand Ave. Orig. 1Cont. D 4250 " Off sale malt �' °1 er n C�g� rr u Pearson Candy Co. 2140 W.7th St. Fds. MDWP 42'71 " St. Paul Rent-all Ib.c. 13�96Rice St. Hosp. Equip . ;veh. 4.�73 rr Len Vanelli 237 Grand Ave. Fds. MDPW 4278 " Griggs Cooper & Co., Inc 475 1v. Prior Ave. Bev. Al & Non Al. 4279 " Al1 State Aalvage Co. 1354-80 Jackson St. 2nd. Hd, Dlr. gen. 4284 " Ruth Solheid 14'74 Schaffer Ave. Beauty shop 4288 " Paul E. Milnar 201 N. Cleveland AveBeauty shop 4291 " Steve's Warehouse Salvg. 651 s. Smith Ave. Frozen foods 4292 'r Hansen Bakery Supply 509 1v. Aldine St. Fd. MDPW 4293 r' Charles Smith 613 Grand Ave. Sauna 4313 �r Edward W. Leloup 484 Omaha St. M.V. Slvg. Dlr. 4318 " Shirley L. & Philip Carlson 538 Selby Ave. Fds. MDPW 4319 'E Terry Brindley 1054 Payne Ave. Liquid fuel veh. 4329 " A. Johnson & Sons, Inc. 1738 Grand Ave. Flo/Nursery 4336 r' Sears, Roebu�k' & Co. 900 E. I,ake St. Elec. Appl. Rep. 4351 " �� " T.V. Master Rep. 4351 r' �� " 8 Servicemen " " COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By !#pproved by iNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY �� ,�. `"�' � R�'� % � ��1�1�1 WHITE - C�TV CLE�iK �.���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAITL Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby franted. Tom �.'humb Food Markets 1273 St. Clair Ave. Off sale malt App.3934 Renew Union Gosper Mission 445 Wacouta St. Hotel 90 rms. 4021 " Penny's Super Market, Inc 1645 Kasota Groc/butcher A-2 4024 " 'r " Off sale malt " " Sauking Lee Wong 1197 N. Dale St. Rest C-2 1�.0�5 rr Canteen Corp. 251 John Ireland Blve. Rest C-2 4027 " Sambo's Restaurant, Inc. 1484 White Bear Ave. Rest C-2 4030 " Wayne Kittelson & Warren Bergman 6845 Cahill Ave. T.V. Mstr. Rep. 4090 " Mitchell Nahinsky 880 White Bear Ave. �as Station �3p) 4117 �r '� 6 add'1 pumps " " Ge " Gen. Rep. Gar. " " John E. Larsen 1135 lrcade St. On sale malt 4154 " �� r� Rest C-1 " !' Thomas Chisholm 410 Selby Ave. xest C-2 4170 " Rodney L. Schultz 1041 Raymond Ave. Rest.C-1 4184 " '� " On sale malt " " " " Off sale malt " 'r Myrtle W. Owings 116'7 Rice St. 2nd Hd. dlr. gen. 4198 " North End CO-OP 959 Galtier St. Groc A-2 & froz.fds 4216 �' Ronald M. Turitto 2060 Randolph Ave. Rest. G2 4226 " Arnold E. Tessmer 7684 Stillwater Way N. Food Beh. K 4238 " White Castle, Inc. 800 �Tandalia St. Food MDPW 1 veh. 4259 " Hancock Nelson Mercantile 807 Hampden Ave. Food MDWP34 veh. 4266 " Phullis Langfield 3900 Beard Ave. S. Food veh. K 4277 " �� Speas, Inc. 582 N. Prior Ave. Food MDPW lveh. 4280 Ro�er V. & Juanita Roell 381 University Ave. Rest C-2 4301 " Gerald E. Kamp 1059 N. Western Ave. Groc. A-2&butcher 4303 " r► r� Off sale malt " " Hoeard Graves 11517 �ukon St. N.W. 1 food veh. K 4314 " COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, t�pproved by 1Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK �,�. PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council .� � ���'�.� GANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By T,T�F',IV.r,F ��mm� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ROSOLVID: That licenses applied for by the followiiig persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby $ranted. Jimbee Corp. 326 Grove St. Rest C-2 App. 4315 Renew " " Off sale malt " " 'r 'F Cigarette " " Holiday Station Stores 1529 White Bear Ave. 3 add'1 gas Pumps 4320 " Marvin Huber 1002 Delaware Ave. 1 food beh. 4323 " Schroeder Milk Co., Inc. 2080 Rice St. Milk Pasteurization 4324 " " " lst. veh. " " tr rr 2nd veh. r� �� �� �� 11 add�1 Veh. t� �� St. Paul Meat & Produce 402 University ave. Orig. Cont. D. 4325 ;; " " Food 1�PW 4325 n �r 1 veh. �r �r Twin City Newspeper �20 E. Fillmo�e Ave. Food MDPW 4328 'T Service, Inc. " 6 veh. " " Captain Ken's Firehouse 1814 Selby Ave. Food MDPW 4332 " Ew ►� 2 veh. r� �� Joseph & Kathleen Chierella 603 N. Pascal St. Food MDPW 4333 " �� �� 2 veh. �r �r �'red Hagerstrom $972 Granada Ave. 2 food veh. K 4334 'r Jerry Hurley 861 Payne ave. Food MDPW 4337 " er �► 4 veh. ►r �t Universal Intern'l., Inc 1231 Pier�e Butler Rte. Hardware 4►356 " " f' Orig. Cont. D " Henry Peppin 53$ N. Prior Ave. Barber �357 " Keith Jackson ']3'7 N. Snelling Ave. Barber 4360 '� Central Warehouse Co. 2229 Terr�t�rial Rd. Food NIDPW 4362 " Vera H. Clark 1752 Van Buren Ave. =.Beauty shop 4364 " St. Paul Steel Supply Co., Inc. 312 frfalnut St. Scrap Metal Pros. 4365 rr Ve�idmark, Inc. 1255 Trapp Rd. Food MDPW 4366 " " " 1 food veh. K " " COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY \NHITE - C�TY CLERK ' F� (L � PINK - FINANCE � COURCIl i �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT ��UL ����� ��� � � BI.UC - MAVOR � � File N 0. Council Resolu`tion Presented By LICI+'NSF C.nMMTTTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RES. LVED: That licenses applied for by the followin� persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Redi-Care Inc. 2190 Marshall ave. Hosp.& s.r.renta. 4326 Renew equipment Roy Carlson 1124 Sims st. Tow truck 4348 '" 7 add'1 veh. Mississippi Street Metals 800 Mississippi St. Scrap Metal _ �355 �� Processor Minriesota Milk Co. 315 IIniversity Ave. 2 private fuel 4363 " pumps Midland Cooperative Serv. I-694 At Main St. N.E. Plzel dlr.-liq. 3 veh. 4367 '� Roberts Co., Inc. 1041 Grand Ave. Rental Clothes & Attire 1 veh. 4374 't Douald V. Phillips & Tree 1Trim & 1 43�7 �' Raymond Cook 410 Pleasant Ave. veh.2 �dd'l veh William H. Dunnigan 717 S. Cleveland Ave. 2 tow trucks 4386 �' Thomas Picha 236 Grand Ave. Tow truck 438� '� Thomas R. Pearson 217$ Marshall Ave. 2 Tow truck 4389 'r Edward J. Raba 1174 Rice ,St. To�,r truck 4390 " Tom Duellman 1935 N. Riae St. Tow truck 4391 " " '' 1 add'1 tow truck Donald B. James 809 Selby Ave. Tow truck 4392 " St.Paul Frame & Alignment Corp. 337 .w. 4;�th St. Tow Truck 4394 " Ruben �amansky 485 s. Snelling Ave. 2 tow truck 439� r' Latuff Bros., Inc. 8b8 University Ave. Tow truck 4396 " COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gy, t�pproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK �,����.� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUe - MAVOR File �O• Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date REXOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. East Side Bevera� Co. �615 Marshall St. Ne. Bev. A1/Norl Al 4368 Renew 'r 4 veh. '� " Stephen J. Corrigan 1853 Berkeley Ave. �Catering B 4370 " " '� � veh. K " " M Armor Food Service, Inc. 238 Chester Ave. Foods MDPW 4372 " r' 6 veh. K " t! Best Food Services, Ii�c. 65 E. Kello�� Blvd. 1 food veh. K 4375 George R. Busse 894 W. I,arpenteur Ave. Flor/Nur. 4376 !a �r ri 1 veh. F� 'F Sam Ba�lio 551 Toppirig St. Foods MDPW 4380 " �r 'F 1 fd veh. K '< <' Johnson Bros. Wholesal�e Liquors 2341 University Ave. Bev.,Al&Non-al 4382 " " " 8 veh. Fr tr New York Tea Co. 818 Vandalia St. Foods MDPW 4383 " " " 3 fd veh. K " " Gourmet Foods, Inc. ��860 Vandalia St. Foods MDPW 4384 " " 5 Fd. veh. K 'F " Mabel R:ogalla 960 P�rne Ave. Flor/Nurs 4405 " e� t� 1 veh. t� t� Alice Flood 1208 Jefferson Ave. Beauty shop 4407 " Northomation Systems.,Inc.7421 Bush Lake Rd. Food veh. K 4412 r' Ivy R. Hagan . 540 Selby Ave. Barber 4418 " LeNore A. Turner 740 N. Snelling Ave. Sauna 4421 " Chiro Torntore 1652 Charles Ave. --�roc. 4422 " 'r 't Veh. Peddler " " Garuion's, Inc. 2728 W. 7th St. Rest. C-2 4425 't �r � T�vern rr tr ': " Cigarette " " _ Young, Inc 801 E. 7th St. New M.V. dlr. 4426 " " " 2nd M.V. Dlr. " " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By l#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CI�fV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE r BLUE'RV - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT � PAUL Council �;,�:,. ,t,,�� . File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By �I��,�c� r��rr,a��+�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID: That licenses applied for by the following p�ersons at the addresses stated be an:d the same are hereby granted. Harold E. Anderson 874 E. 7th St. Tow truck App.4393 Renew Gerry H. Tepley 134� University lAve. Tow truck 4397 " Lexington & Larpenteur"h616'76 N. Lexington Pkwy. Tow trauck 4399 " Nathan Lerman ']26 S. Cleveland Ave. � 2 tow truck 4404 " Arie Lancmand 1071 S. Cleveland Ave. 2 tow truck 4406 " Apex pest Control Co. 1128 W. 7th St. Pest Control 4409 r' Weis's Auto Specialists 695 Arcade St. Tow truck 4413 " Manuel Zuniga 191 Maple St. 2 Tow truck 441.4 " Joseph L. Fleming 459 S. Robert 1St. 1 Tow truck 4419 " Clarence Bloarquist 840 Magnolia Ave. Tree Trimmer & 1 veh. 4435 '► The Minnesota Club 333 N. Wa',sh.j.ngton Ave. Parking Lot 4442 " Arthur Wilson 414 W. Minizehahah Ave. 1 tow truck 4453 " Charles Agnew 647 w. Central Ave. Tow truck lveh. 4464 " E.C. Arneson 139 Concord E�change �'Fuel dlr. liq. 4512 " er rr 1 ve�. �� �� John Ritter 1085 Homer Tow truck 4519 " Robin L. Sk�lton 70 W. Hyacinth Ave. Tow truck 4524 rr Edward J. Easton 329 W. Winona Ve. Tow truck 4525 " St. Joseph's Hospital 49 W. lOth St. Parking Lot 4529 �' Robin Hood Construction 77 E. 9th St. Parking Lot 4539 " Clair B. Frable 1341 St. Clair Ave. 2 tow truck 4400 " Richard & June Hassett 791 Hampden Ave. 5 Liquid fuel veh 4514 " Gerald M. Kalstabakken 1118 E. 7th st. 1 tow truck 4465 " Gre� M. Seitz 128 Bremer Bldg. LRest C-2 31.59 " �ilver Mist Corp/ 728 Armstrong Ave. Rest C-2 3680 " r� rF Off sale Mal� �r �r " " Cigarette �' " Donaldson's 95 E. 7th St. Rest C-2 3730 '� " " Confectionary B 3730 ri rr Beauty shop �f " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By tapproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By WHITE - CtTV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLU� - MAVOR File �O• �r��� S�TT•��"'�� Council Resolution Presented By T.TCFNSF [�OMMTTTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Twin City Meats 236 Chester St. Fds NIDPW-B App. 4511 Renew " " S-K-veh. 4511 �' Coca Cola Bottliri� Midw,�st, Inc. 1189 Industrial Rd. 3-K-fd. veh. 4515 '� Coffee System of Minn. Devisi�cxi of A1� 496 1v. Prior Ave 2-K-veh. 4516 '� Rowland Campion 920 Rand:olph Ave. Butcher-B 4517 " r� �r Ca t�ring-B �r t� tr rt 1-K-veh. ►t t� John Morrel & Co. 2103-5 Wabash Ave. Fds-A'IDPW B 4521 '� Johx� Morrell & Co. 2523 Wavash St. Fds-P�PW B 4522 " �� �� 19 K–veh. ►i �r Mike Pohu 1340 Western Ave. N. Tree Trim & lveh. 4523 " " " 1 add'1 veh. 's " Harry Schnitmer ?_703 Territorial Rd. Junk dlr. 4528 " °.' " Privat.e fuel pump 452$ " Doris Vanderbeek 2028 St. Clair Ave. Be�ty shop 4531 " Helene Houle 1694 Randolph Ave. Beauty shop 453� �«� James Kennedy 1338 Randolph Ave. Orig. Cont. fds-D 4534 " Jenny Lee, Inc.1 115 W. Plato Blvd. Fds. MDPW-B 4536 r' Rosemary Thorson 766 Lafond Ave. Beau�y shop 4541 " Bell ColdStorage, Inc. 240 (:hester St. Fds Warehouse B 4542 " Herman Bauer 176 E. Arlington Tow truck 4544 " Guardian Pest __Control, Inc. 701 E. 4th St.Du�.�zth MN. Pest Control 4547 " Thomas L. Su�gs 251-15th St. N.E. New Brtn. MAD oper. 4548 'r Sugar Creek Foods 2225 Territorial Rd. Fds MDPW-B 4565 " H.R. Johannes 609 N__ Dale St. Barber 4567 " Henry Neal Troast 1271 Gresham Ave. N.,Oakdale Veh. Peddler 4570 " Henry Neal Troast 1271 Gresham Ave. N. , Oakdale Groc. A-1 4571 " Olson Bros. Liquors, Inc. 678 University Ave. Orig. Cont. D 4573 �r r' " Off sale malt " " " " Cigarette " " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council CANl�RV - DEPARTMENT File NO.� +'��� � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By T.Tf FN�F C,nMMTTTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. A. Weisman Co. 2727 26th ave. S., Mnpls. Fdstf-VM oper. App.4574 Renew A. Weisman Co. „ 2727 26th Ave. S., Mpls. Fstf-VM oper 4575 " Schoonover Auto Rebuild, Inc. 1060 W. Co. Bd. E. Tow truck 4582 " " " 5 add'1 tow trucks " " Richard Kawitter 3211 W. Owasso Blvd. Shoreveiw Pest Control 4588 " Minnehaha liquor store, Inc. 1022 Ban Buren Ori�. Cont. D 4590 " " " Cigarette " t1 Peter Scarner 682 Aurora Ave. 1 tow trucks 4604 " Parrish's Inc. 2176 W. 7th St. Rest C-2 461.2 " " " Off sale malt " " " '� Cigax*ette �' 'r " " Tavern " " Dahl's 620 Club Inc. 620 W. 7th St. Rest C-Z 4620 " " " Tavern " et e� r� Off sale malt '" " " '� Cigarette " " The Coachman Inc. 1192 N. Dale St. Rest C-2 4622 " " " Cigarette " " Joyce Bohn 2384 English St. Tow truck 4636 " " " 13 add'1 trucks " �' William Tschida 2067 Grand Ave. LTow truck 4637 " Delore Beach 1191 Randolph Ave. Tow truck 4638 !! Marjorie G Kuhn 1582 E. Sherwood Ave. Tow truck 4639 Roy Deutsch 234 N. Snelling Ave. Gas station�3p) 4640 '' �� �t 6 add'1 put�lps �� �� " " Gen. rep. �ar. " " Dee Jay's Aawkeye Liquor, Inc. 111 Concord St. Orig. Cont. D 4646 " W " Ci�arette " " A.R.A. Services 2401 E. 80th St. ,Blmtn 1 vhe-k (� atering 4654 " Dannon Milk Products N.6015 Li11y Rd., Meno falls, Wi.2 fd veh-K 4655 ►r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ _ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by Nlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK }i �{�� � PINK - FINANCE � BLU� - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL FlecilNO. � � � � ���" CANARY - DEPARTMENT Council Resolution Presented By__:_ , r.r .FN�F CAMMTTTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Richard G. Bender 1111 N. Hazel Ave. Flor/Nurs App. 4657 Renew �� �! 1 veh. rf u Alice For 5770 N. Lexington Ave., New Brtn. Catering-. 4658 'r " " 1 veh-K " " Kruger�s, Inc. 2366 W. 7th St. Fds MDPW-B t+6g9 rr '1 " '] veh-K �� r► Clifford J. Wilsoti 118 Blair Ave. Tow truck 4664 " Steve Kelly 760 Bush Ave. Tow truck 4665�� '� Richard Holt 252�W 2526 W. 7th St. 2 Tow truck 4666 " Twin City Auto Service, Inc. 945 University Ave. Tow truck 4667 " Poor Richard's, Inc. 40Q Whitall St. Priv. fuel puap • 4670 " Daniel Nick 1574 Selby Ave. Barber 4671 " Victory Auto Park, Inc. 344 Wabasha St. Gas Station(lp) 4672 " " " Parking Lot " " Park Square RAmp 255 E. 6th st. Gas Station�2p) 4679 " " " Parking I�ot " " Walter A. Lenz 257'/z University Ave. Barber 4686 " Fred J. Newman 1585 Maashall Ave. Flor/Nur 4689 " Jackson Ramp, Inc. 345 Jackson St. Parki�.g Lot 46g0 " Kellogg Square Co. 111E.Kellogg Blvd. Parking Lot 4691. " Beaver Lounge, Incorp. �56 Jackson St. Rest C-2 4702 " " " Off sale malt " r' " " Cigarette " " H.J. 9�wik Properties, Inc. 1604 University Ave. Parking lot 4711 " F`rank Chirpich 678 Front St. Flor/Nurs. 471g 'r Stranik, Inc. 520 University ave. Gen. r� gar. 4724 " Larry & Janet Kane 1560 Payne Ave. Catering B 473'7 �' r� t► �r �� 2 veh. K The Junior League 1 E. 7th St. 2nd hd. dlr. gezi. 4'739 1e Paul Rudoi ph 812 E. 7th St. barber 4768 " Mar-Co Diversified, Inc. 155? 1n�hite Bear Ave Ldy/DC plt. 4074 " COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy /#pproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By �NHITE - CITV CLERK �..� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council �•���t.�'�"� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By _ LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: Th_t licenses applied for by the followizig persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. Louis J. Lepsche 1199 White Bear Ave. Groc. A-2& App. 4771 Renew F�oz./fds rr �► Off sale malt " " General Foods Corp. 1996 IIaiuersity Ave. Fds. P+�PW 4772 " D& R Truck Service 1450 Carroll Ave. Gen. rep. gar. 4773 " Charles L. Elliott 1088 Grand Ave. Con�ectionery-B 4802 " George Denemeyer 205 E• 4th St. Barber 4805 " D.J.�hgels Studio fo Hair Design 2169 Ford Pkwy. Beauty shop 4806 " A � F, Inc. 2015 Ford Pkwy. Ldy/DC Plt 4807 " Marviri Edelstei�l 178 Co��cord St. 1 veh-K 4808 " Earl Lenz 2036 Marshall Ave. Carpet Dlr. 4811 " Roy Deutsch 234 N. Snelling Ave. Tow truck w/gar. 4812 " Donald Burns 1111 University Ave. Gas station(3p) 4$13 " rr �t 10 add'1 Pulmps " " " Gen. rep. gar. " " Donald Burns 1111 University Ave. a, .tow truck w/gar 4814 " Mpls-St. Paul 7up Bottling Co. 3612 E. 44th St., Mpls. Bev. Mfg&Dist E. 4815 " " " 8-veh-K " �' Town & Country Caterers, Inc. 301 S. Broadway, Wayzata Catering B 4818 " f' R� 1 veh-K �r �r Fruit Distributors, Inc. 293 Commercial St. Fds. MDPW-I,B 4819 " " " 1 veh.K " " �� ' � . Sa1ad Delight, Inc. 293 Commercial St. Fds NIDPW 4820 " William & Emil Dey 1215 N. Dale St. Floe/Nurs 4822 " �r �► , 2 veh. �► i� Northern Vending Services, Inc. 1481 Marshall Ave. 1 veh.-K 4824 " Robert Gralish 1133 Rice St. Fss NIDPW 4827 " " " 1 veh. K t' " The Pioneer Co., Inc. 266 E. 7th St, Fds MDPW-B 48Z9 " r� „ 2 veh. K ►� n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by .4lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK �lr' � B U� - MAVORE GITY OF SAINT PAITL � F1eci1N0. � � ,��.� -� CANARV - DEPARTMENT Council Resolution Presented By ZICENSE C.�MMIT`�'H' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be al�d the same are hereby �anted. Thomas Leach 555 N. Snelling Ave. Fd. veh.-K App. 4830 Renew John McLean Distr., Inc. 2320 Territorial Rd. Bev. Mfg.& Dist. 4831 " '� " 10 veh-K !' " Mr. Steak Dist. Warehouse 711 Vandalia St. Fd. veh.-K 4832 " Merrill Chapman Co. 115 W. Wabasha St. Fds. MDPW-B 4833 " " " 1 veh.-K " '� Prom Catering Co., Inc. 1170 University Ave. Caterin�-B 4834 " rr �� 4 veh.– K �' " G�*nthi,a Grim 529 Stryker Ave. Beauty shop 4835 " Wolter Drug Co. , Inc. 436-$ University Ave. Ori�. Cont. D 4845 " '� " Off sale malt " " " " Cigarette " " James K. Philippy 2180 Marshall Ave. Groc. A-1 484$ " " '� Off sale malt '� " Leon Yarbrough 950 �l.iller St. Foot Peddler 4851 " b'red Seifert 1985 N. Chatsworht Ave. T.V. Mstr.rep. 4875 " Ruben Zamansky 2185 S. Snelling Ave. Gas Sta. (3p) 4876 " �t tr 9 add�1 pumps �r ►� " " Gen.rep. gar. �r r� Mrs. Tryntje Porte 362 s. Snelling Ave. Groc. A-2 F`ro�/Fds 4877 " " " Off sale malt " " Nancy Vital•e 570 N. Snelling Ave. TfT Serviceman 4878 " Lint, Inc. 608 W. 7t h St. Ldy/DC Plt. 4881 " Speedy Markets, Inc. 589 N. Dale St. Groc. A-2/Butcher 4884 " '� " Off sale malt " " Crown Auto Store 1546 w. 7th St. Gen. rep. gar. 4886 " Willis Landrith 513 Jackson St. Gen. Rep. �ar. 4889 " Bird & Cronin, Inc. 5A8 Jackson St. Rental Hosp. & Sick Room Equip. 4890 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY g�. t#pproved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY N�M17E - QITY CLE'RK � � PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII + � CANAR'V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File - NO. � ��� �� BLUL - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the followin� persons at the addresses stated te and the same are hereby granted. Ronald J. Sheetz 1580 Grand Ave. Ldy/DC plt. App. 4891- Renew Transportation Equipment Corp. 1000 Berry St. 2nd h�. MV dlr. 4894 r' Herbert C. Howard 97$ N. Dale St. Hardware 4$97 s' Thomas F. Gitz.en 234 Otis Ave. Tow truck 490'7 " I,iquor Village, Inc. 2289 Ford Pkwy Orig. Cont. D. 4947 " " " Ci�arett e �t " Kirby Distributors,Inc. 511 N. Dale St. Elec. app. rep. 4948 " Minn. Lumber & Wrecking Corp. 915 N. Albert St. 4 priv. fuel pumps 4950 ►' Mr. & Mrs. Willet L. Deyo 61 W. Winifred Ave. Bakery B 4983 " G. Bartusch Packing Co. 567 N. Cleveland Ave. Fds. MDPW-B 51.76 " " " 4 veh. K " " Don Esch 535 Gomo Ave. Gas Sta.-3P 517'] " r� �� 3 add'1 pumps �< <r � ,� F1ze1 dlr. Liq. " " r� " 2 veh. �► rr Puvo�el Flowers, Inc. 949 Grand Ave. Flor/Nu�•s. 5179 " ie er 1 veh. �t tr Marigold foods, Inc. 226 N. Smith Ave. Ice cream Mfg. 5192 " t� tr 1 veh. K tt ►� Joseph Keinert 402 University Ave. Fds. MDPW-B 5196 " ►r re 1 veh.K " " Steve Jaderston , 2102 Camo Ave. Tow truck w/gar. 51�7 '� Lawrence J. Anthony 2185 Ford Pkwy. Gen rep. �ar. 519g r' " " 2 tow trucks w/�ar. " 'r Ronald J. Radecki 1099 Grand Ave. Tow truck w/gar. 5199 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � H�a [n Favor Hunt I.evine _ � __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter TedesCO ' � � 3 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date Certifi Passe Council ecretary' BY /ap ro by 14avor: D � _ �B � 5 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY 4 �� _ BY