272505 WHITE - CITV CLERK r PINK - FINANCE G TY ,�OF SAINT PALIL F1eci1N0. ���'��"`)�� CANARV - DEPA/7TMENT BLUE - MAVOR � ncil Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and confirm of the following appointments by the Mayor to the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, their terms to expire on November 26, 1981: William Langford, 840 South Syndicate, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Judy McLaughlin, 275 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Arthur McWatt, 987 Dayton Avenue ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Virginia Kunz (designated by the Saint Paul- Ramsey County Historical Society) . COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � [n Favor Hozza Hunt ;�, Levine _ v __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesc Form A roved Cit Attor e Adopted ounc : Date � � 3 �� PP Y Y � Y � ;� � C �fied Ya• d by Council Secr�tary BY � � Y� � 5 �9 Appr ve Yayor for Submi s;b to Cquncil Appr ed y iNavor: Date ,� ^ � � B �/W�^ BY i Y �'uB���sHED F EB 2 4 197� �.. ������� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR IIBI'l l,ll � 34�7 CITY II11LL GEORGE LATIMF.R SAZNT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 MAYOR (612) 298-4323 January 18, 1979 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: I am transmitting herewith for your consideration and approval a resolution naming my nominees for ap�ointment to the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. These appointments are to fill three vacant three-year terms, to expire on November 26, 1981: William Langford, 840 S. Syndicate, 55116 Judy McLaughlin, 275 Summit, 55105 Arthur McWatt (reappointed) , 987 Dayton, 55104 Virginia Kunz has again been designated by the Saint Paul Ramsey County Historical Society to serve a three-year term. That term, too, will expire on November 26, 1981. Sincerely R € • ^ GEORG L l���R � Mayo GL/lm attachment