272503 (��, �q �NHIT£ - CITV CLERI( �� � �r���.{�`. PINK - FI ANCE . COUflC1I �� CANARV - DE�ARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL ���� B�� �AVOR� File NO. � - � %} ��3 �'o nc ' �solution Presented By � / �`� Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the final positions of the City in preparation for arbitration with Machinists Local 77 as set forth in Mayor George Latimer' s January 23, 1979 letter to the City Council, and authorizes and directs the proper City officials to proceed to hearing in this matter. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays � $�iler Hozza [n Favor Hunt • ' Levine _ v __ Against Maddox Showalter Te Adopte y Counci Date F�B 1 3 197' Form Ap ve Ci y At cney C ified Pas- by Council Secretary BY �� By /�?�-- �' Appr v by 1+lavor. Dat _ �8 � 5 �9T� Approve Mayor for Submission to Council By " _ — By '"� PuBI SNEp EEB 2 � 1979 . �,� � . �-� ��, . 1 GI'rY OIi' ��1INT l� -�4.eo�m oi�•i�-�c�: 01- �rir�: .7ny� .�..�.d�..s ���`���� .�...�.8 � � GEORGE LATIMEA Ja� 2 L�• !��!L� MAYOR � January 23, 1979 Council President Council President and David H,v Houa Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: 1979 Collective Bargaining Arbitration with International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge �677 Dear Council Members: The current collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Machinists' Local 4�77 expired on June 30, 1978. For several months Mr. Martin Companion and the City's negotiating team have met with this unit in an attempt to conclude a mutually satisfactory agreement for 1979. We have reached agreement on all language to be set forth within the contract itself, however, we cannot come to agreement on either the duration of the contract nor the amount of salary increase. Pursuant to Chapter 25.02, Subd. 4, of the St. Paul Administrative Code, this Council must approve the City's final positions for arbitration in this matter. Therefore, we are submitting to you the final position to be taken by the City of Saint Paul in this proposed arbitration. 1. Duration of Contract. The City has taken the position that we demand a three year contract. 2. Wages. The City proposes a 4. 1% salary increase for each year. 3. Management has taken the position that there should be no retroactive pay awarded in this arbitration. As you can see from the above position statement, this particular arbitration really involves only one issue, that being wages. I would appreciate your support in confirming by resolution the above listed policy positions of the City so that appropriate staff may have authority to proceed to arbitration with the Association of Machinists, Lodge ��77. Very truly yours, ����� � GEORGE IMER Mayor cc: Martin Companion Robert W. DeRoy Phyllis Byers O � . , , ���,.�-� ,�z .., ��I '1'1' <)1� �.1I \'1' I�.�I" I. . ,�s. �} ''�`�' ,Y�:n (>1'1'1(;I: OI' 'C1I1: �I_1YOI: /C,t�,����� —:�r CiE�AGF L..1CI�IER � �_.1 oH January 23, 1979 Council President and Aonorable riembers of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: 1979 Collective Bargaining Arbitration with International Association of riachinists and Aerospace Workers, Lodge ��77 Dear Council Members: The current collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Machinists' Local 4677 expired on June 30, 1978. For several months Mr. Martin Companion and the City's negotiating team have met with this unit in an attempt to conclude a mutually satisfactory agreement for 1979. We have reached agreement on all language to be set forth within the � contract itself, however, we cannot come to agreement on either the duration of the contract nor the amount of salary increase. Pursuant to Chapter 25.02, Subd. 4, of the St. Paul Administrative Code, this Council must approve the City's final positions for arbitration in this matter. Therefore, we are submitting to you the final position to be taken by the City of Saint Paul in this proposed arbitration. 1. Duration of Contract. The City has taken the position that we demand a three year contract. 2. Wages. The City proposes a 4. 1% salary increase for each year. 3. Management has taken the position that there should be no retroactive pay awarded in this arbitration. As you can see from the above position statement, this particular arbitration really involves only one issue, that being wages. I would appreciate your support in confirming by resolution the above listed policy positions of the City so that appropriate staff may have authority to proceed to arbitratian with the Association of Machinists, Lodge 4�77. � . Very truly yours, .-�.��?.� ���`'���j�' � GEORGE LA`TI1�iER Mayor cc: Martin Companion Robert W. DeRoy Phyllis Byers '�:z�°:J • �'��!���:� , . . . . __ _ _ _ : ''� _ _ _ ___. - - -- --- _ _ __ _ _ _-- - -_ . _ , - , �� . �NMtTE C�TV CLERK , � � PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L �Conncil CANqRV - OEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the final positions of the City in preparation for arbitration with Machinists Local 77 as set forth in Mayor George Latimer' s January 23, 1979 letter to the City Council, and authorizes and directs the proper City officials to proceed to hearing in this matter. COUNCIL111EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt � • ' Lev:ne __ Agains± Maddox Showalter � Tedesco Form Ap ve Ci y Att ney ,� Adapted by Council: Date ��� � � �`/ Certif�ed Passed by C�uncil Secretary By ��s � B; _ _