01-1077oR��i��� r Presented ay Referred To Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � " I �� ( Committee: Date -�'l i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul a Public Housing Agency. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS 6 � Shirley Kane Tom Reding s Soua Yang 9 10 ii Shirley Kane will be reappointed to serve a two-yeaz term representative of the Elderly iz Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term shall expire on September 1, 2003. 13 i4 Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident is Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. 16 i� Tom Reding shall serve a five- year term as a represenative as a Non-Tenant ia representafive. The term will expire on September 1, 2006. 19 20 21 22 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�.�,1� a�� — c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .__ �- Y �- � Approved by Mayor: Date '�Q c!i!/ By: s=('�9���viG �/�� Form Approved by City Attorney sy: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: k�� � o�-tono �� W�„� . _ _ o�t. io, aooi GREEN SHEET No �}��$1 , ��,�� ���_ 4GBJM BY (DATE) AESIGN 2��1 — MII�ERFOR rnYMONEY bnuFWt_ ROUTWG � ii1011qnLfERYIC.F90R qNN�LL�O[i�Kt'IG ❑wvanWRUmr�xt� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the reappointments of Shirley Kane and Soua Yang and the appointment of Tom Reding, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Public Aousing Agency. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this P���m eMervrorked undet a conGad farlliis depzrtmeM? VES NO Has Mis peraonrFrm e�er been a citY emPbY�1 YES Ii0 Dces thic pe�soNfirm possess a sltill not nonnallypossessed by amr wtteM city empbyee? VES NO Is �hi6 persa'Jfirm a fafpeted verrlM YES NO 17\T�:(N�i��7 OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUMBER (��M � a v m O N O O a O � � � h M � tl ai p � U W W �"� F �. � � O U 0 0 'a G Q 0 � O 0 0 3 a m � 0 m U a ¢ � O s 3 Q � c . 3 O S Q 2 a � m 0 � 0 N � 0 y N 3 � T 0 C - O am m O � U 0 ,_ `o_a c c � V N � O y @ � � r 3 m � a�� m R .. >E� y m � � N w�3 a� � V T �'. O m ti C Q � a O N d 0 0 C � ��`p�� U�0-dm - C R C N Q CL m.. t6 m o-�'o a m - o ' m � x o a L T � W N��a� O � � y _ d y;n a `c a m c � m a"'i E c a�i � w- a o '2oa a��amg - aia�o Q o � « n 0 v _ � p MN(O W O Q�# �t�0 tn� MM(h � # O T m � �� N NNC� i � N ��(D ? N(7 fD�� T m O C E C YO� ��T N � � LL � � t6 N� � Q W YNU> �_°L y . � V > U O ��Mr>2' f N 0 0 0 0 N N � � O O N @ � O L F- m a d K � rn c�i 0 0 o�-���� 10!04/2001 13:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV OCT-64-�01 12=25 CITI�T! SERUICE OFFICE � PLEA5E RETQRI�T Tp: LUCII�.& JOHN50N CITlZEN SERVICE OFFTCE 13'WEST IC�uId.OGt' BI,'VD. SAIlQT PA[JI„ �S(Y�A 55102 ie:651-166-8690 BAX: 651-266-8684 Name: /tiYir., <. � i,c/!� $ome Address: Gi�9 � L�AU�l�E fi Stree� — . Ctty: S' .c �-- •'� Zip: �.�/a 7 O 1 _ 1a `1 '1 TalePhone Numbes(e): �raa�a. nrea coa.s� �g} G.f/ - z�� •9 r G /- 29z - 3 ss�' � na�� cow�a: a� coona[ wara: rre�errea M�D� aaaee�: ��a �: �/."'' S'� s�.�[.�d i.,.v a'a'�o i Whst 9a }TYC Oecupetlaa? /f�t i r�,1" e,!� y� ���c f., Plnce a�Employmca� Commidee(e) Applied. For_ � What sld!]e, �g or expmience do You po�as for tLe cammtdee{s) iar whfch yoet .c;�f d,•-1 11 r,�,,��,�� � Ji1 /�- . 30 .� .i�r ,Gr . r.l � � r �01 612 266 8689 P_�3 11fE 3IItOY.n14t3�II iIIelad¢d ffi fb�i ap�Dp jB CO➢5� [►Y1pi� dYFI BLSW"��g !D t)lG 113LLIICSOt9 Gm=erameat Data Pr� Act As a resalt, t� iaformatlon is mt r�red fn tha emaal pnbSc. 10/04/2001 1J:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV O�T-04-20H1 22=25 CSTIZEN SERVICE Of�FItE [Reminder w Inclnde TP3epLoce Asea Codes] 1Vame: ��y �•� L o�-to�? ndar�- _ io� E%l "` �f'r�. ��.r-i..� m J � o �- � PBnne: �mmel (wo�k� l.f/-29�- 3fj�d Name: ��� Address: /�D d //'" �,� � • - — - P �,_f„� � irr.J f.��� / ,.._. PLuue: (Homel L i ..242 - D Name_ ,.1 .A.adreea _ '� �? ta S/ d/1 �ii�FF_� � Phoae: f$�) G.fr - 1�77 -74.�l� l i � i • � �0 3 In nu uoempt to ensare t�at oommdti�e repr�tfon refleeb tbc malQUp oi oar eammunit9. Flease checic the line aippUeable to yoo. This mformatiioa is atrlef� volunta[y. � tivhite (Can� ffisdc (A4iam Am�ea� Americsn In�an or Alaskaa L'sld�o Ihte of 8'RtL: 3-'3 � 4�� Dlssbled: Yea No ✓ If spce3al ae�omtaodationa are ar�ded, plssse epedty: $ow did J'on �ear about eLY oQealn�Y �P� A�aa or parjSe Ialaader Msle '� Bemsle � 02 612 266 868g P,g3ig3 TOTHL P.03 He.re yuu Laa prevWas coatrAa �th me oomm;�teo for.vhich poa are m*13ae �rr�T � sn, .eh�ea, aoa the circamstances? . � _ . . ., 10/04/2001 13:J8 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV 1�03 D � _ �n'1? Thomas L. Reding Thomas Reding is currently serving as an Assistant Chief of Police in charge of the St. Paui Police Department's Operation's Division. As such, he is responsible for all pabroi and invesligative operations. Commander Reding is a 30 year veteran of the St. Paui Police Depar�ent. He has held command and management positions as a Deputy Chief of the Support Services I3ivision and, as a Commander, he has led the Central Team Patrol Unit, Juvenile Seraices Section, Intemal Affairs Unit and served as Administrarive Assistant to the Chief of Policc. Other cazeer assignments included serving as a Watch Commander and Unit Commander of the Research and Development Section. Commander Reding has received a Iuris Doctor Degrae from William Mitchell College of Law and is admitted to ihe Minnesota and Federal Baz. He has also received a Bachelors Degree from the Univenity ofMinnesota and is a�aduate of the 1=BT National Academy. Commander Reding current�y teaches Legal Tssues in_Law Enforcement for Metropolitan State Univezsity. He also teaches Leeal Problems for the Police Administrator for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In addition, Commander Reding is the Past President of the Society of Police Futurists Intemational. He has lectured on the "Future of 1'olicing" at the Violence in America Symposium, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA, the First Intemationai Conference on the Police and Community, Sn Sao Paulo, Braz'sl, and at many regianal conferences and training sessions. He is aiso the Past President of the National Association of Police Planners and has served on several civic and nonprofit boards in the St. Paui, Minnesota, area He was a Rotary Foundation awazd winner and selected to participate in a 6-week Rotary Group Studp Exchange visit to Kyoto, Japan, in 1984. Commander Tteding is mamed and has two, grown children. Except for a 3-year entistment in the U. S. Army, he has lived his entire life in St. Paul. D i—to�'} CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilxnember James R� Ryan Kaess t`� ` Assistant to the Mayor October 10, 2001 PHA: Saint Paul Public Housing Agency 390 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paut, MN 55102 Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman is recommending the appointment of Tom Reding, and the reappointments of Skrirley Kane and Soua Yang to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency. Tom Reding will replace Bob Fletcher who did not want to be reappointed as a Non-Tenant representarive. Tom Reding will serve a five-yeaz term which will expire September 1, 2006. Shirley Kane will serve a two-year term as a representative of the Elderly Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term sha11 expire September 1, 2003. Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. Peel free to contact me at 266-8516 if you have any questions regarding these reaapointments. RKJIj Attachments ca Jon Gutzmann, PHA Staff � oR��i��� r Presented ay Referred To Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � " I �� ( Committee: Date -�'l i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul a Public Housing Agency. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS 6 � Shirley Kane Tom Reding s Soua Yang 9 10 ii Shirley Kane will be reappointed to serve a two-yeaz term representative of the Elderly iz Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term shall expire on September 1, 2003. 13 i4 Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident is Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. 16 i� Tom Reding shall serve a five- year term as a represenative as a Non-Tenant ia representafive. The term will expire on September 1, 2006. 19 20 21 22 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�.�,1� a�� — c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .__ �- Y �- � Approved by Mayor: Date '�Q c!i!/ By: s=('�9���viG �/�� Form Approved by City Attorney sy: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: k�� � o�-tono �� W�„� . _ _ o�t. io, aooi GREEN SHEET No �}��$1 , ��,�� ���_ 4GBJM BY (DATE) AESIGN 2��1 — MII�ERFOR rnYMONEY bnuFWt_ ROUTWG � ii1011qnLfERYIC.F90R qNN�LL�O[i�Kt'IG ❑wvanWRUmr�xt� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the reappointments of Shirley Kane and Soua Yang and the appointment of Tom Reding, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Public Aousing Agency. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this P���m eMervrorked undet a conGad farlliis depzrtmeM? VES NO Has Mis peraonrFrm e�er been a citY emPbY�1 YES Ii0 Dces thic pe�soNfirm possess a sltill not nonnallypossessed by amr wtteM city empbyee? VES NO Is �hi6 persa'Jfirm a fafpeted verrlM YES NO 17\T�:(N�i��7 OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUMBER (��M � a v m O N O O a O � � � h M � tl ai p � U W W �"� F �. � � O U 0 0 'a G Q 0 � O 0 0 3 a m � 0 m U a ¢ � O s 3 Q � c . 3 O S Q 2 a � m 0 � 0 N � 0 y N 3 � T 0 C - O am m O � U 0 ,_ `o_a c c � V N � O y @ � � r 3 m � a�� m R .. >E� y m � � N w�3 a� � V T �'. O m ti C Q � a O N d 0 0 C � ��`p�� U�0-dm - C R C N Q CL m.. t6 m o-�'o a m - o ' m � x o a L T � W N��a� O � � y _ d y;n a `c a m c � m a"'i E c a�i � w- a o '2oa a��amg - aia�o Q o � « n 0 v _ � p MN(O W O Q�# �t�0 tn� MM(h � # O T m � �� N NNC� i � N ��(D ? N(7 fD�� T m O C E C YO� ��T N � � LL � � t6 N� � Q W YNU> �_°L y . � V > U O ��Mr>2' f N 0 0 0 0 N N � � O O N @ � O L F- m a d K � rn c�i 0 0 o�-���� 10!04/2001 13:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV OCT-64-�01 12=25 CITI�T! SERUICE OFFICE � PLEA5E RETQRI�T Tp: LUCII�.& JOHN50N CITlZEN SERVICE OFFTCE 13'WEST IC�uId.OGt' BI,'VD. SAIlQT PA[JI„ �S(Y�A 55102 ie:651-166-8690 BAX: 651-266-8684 Name: /tiYir., <. � i,c/!� $ome Address: Gi�9 � L�AU�l�E fi Stree� — . Ctty: S' .c �-- •'� Zip: �.�/a 7 O 1 _ 1a `1 '1 TalePhone Numbes(e): �raa�a. nrea coa.s� �g} G.f/ - z�� •9 r G /- 29z - 3 ss�' � na�� cow�a: a� coona[ wara: rre�errea M�D� aaaee�: ��a �: �/."'' S'� s�.�[.�d i.,.v a'a'�o i Whst 9a }TYC Oecupetlaa? /f�t i r�,1" e,!� y� ���c f., Plnce a�Employmca� Commidee(e) Applied. For_ � What sld!]e, �g or expmience do You po�as for tLe cammtdee{s) iar whfch yoet .c;�f d,•-1 11 r,�,,��,�� � Ji1 /�- . 30 .� .i�r ,Gr . r.l � � r �01 612 266 8689 P_�3 11fE 3IItOY.n14t3�II iIIelad¢d ffi fb�i ap�Dp jB CO➢5� [►Y1pi� dYFI BLSW"��g !D t)lG 113LLIICSOt9 Gm=erameat Data Pr� Act As a resalt, t� iaformatlon is mt r�red fn tha emaal pnbSc. 10/04/2001 1J:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV O�T-04-20H1 22=25 CSTIZEN SERVICE Of�FItE [Reminder w Inclnde TP3epLoce Asea Codes] 1Vame: ��y �•� L o�-to�? ndar�- _ io� E%l "` �f'r�. ��.r-i..� m J � o �- � PBnne: �mmel (wo�k� l.f/-29�- 3fj�d Name: ��� Address: /�D d //'" �,� � • - — - P �,_f„� � irr.J f.��� / ,.._. PLuue: (Homel L i ..242 - D Name_ ,.1 .A.adreea _ '� �? ta S/ d/1 �ii�FF_� � Phoae: f$�) G.fr - 1�77 -74.�l� l i � i • � �0 3 In nu uoempt to ensare t�at oommdti�e repr�tfon refleeb tbc malQUp oi oar eammunit9. Flease checic the line aippUeable to yoo. This mformatiioa is atrlef� volunta[y. � tivhite (Can� ffisdc (A4iam Am�ea� Americsn In�an or Alaskaa L'sld�o Ihte of 8'RtL: 3-'3 � 4�� Dlssbled: Yea No ✓ If spce3al ae�omtaodationa are ar�ded, plssse epedty: $ow did J'on �ear about eLY oQealn�Y �P� A�aa or parjSe Ialaader Msle '� Bemsle � 02 612 266 868g P,g3ig3 TOTHL P.03 He.re yuu Laa prevWas coatrAa �th me oomm;�teo for.vhich poa are m*13ae �rr�T � sn, .eh�ea, aoa the circamstances? . � _ . . ., 10/04/2001 13:J8 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV 1�03 D � _ �n'1? Thomas L. Reding Thomas Reding is currently serving as an Assistant Chief of Police in charge of the St. Paui Police Department's Operation's Division. As such, he is responsible for all pabroi and invesligative operations. Commander Reding is a 30 year veteran of the St. Paui Police Depar�ent. He has held command and management positions as a Deputy Chief of the Support Services I3ivision and, as a Commander, he has led the Central Team Patrol Unit, Juvenile Seraices Section, Intemal Affairs Unit and served as Administrarive Assistant to the Chief of Policc. Other cazeer assignments included serving as a Watch Commander and Unit Commander of the Research and Development Section. Commander Reding has received a Iuris Doctor Degrae from William Mitchell College of Law and is admitted to ihe Minnesota and Federal Baz. He has also received a Bachelors Degree from the Univenity ofMinnesota and is a�aduate of the 1=BT National Academy. Commander Reding current�y teaches Legal Tssues in_Law Enforcement for Metropolitan State Univezsity. He also teaches Leeal Problems for the Police Administrator for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In addition, Commander Reding is the Past President of the Society of Police Futurists Intemational. He has lectured on the "Future of 1'olicing" at the Violence in America Symposium, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA, the First Intemationai Conference on the Police and Community, Sn Sao Paulo, Braz'sl, and at many regianal conferences and training sessions. He is aiso the Past President of the National Association of Police Planners and has served on several civic and nonprofit boards in the St. Paui, Minnesota, area He was a Rotary Foundation awazd winner and selected to participate in a 6-week Rotary Group Studp Exchange visit to Kyoto, Japan, in 1984. Commander Tteding is mamed and has two, grown children. Except for a 3-year entistment in the U. S. Army, he has lived his entire life in St. Paul. D i—to�'} CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilxnember James R� Ryan Kaess t`� ` Assistant to the Mayor October 10, 2001 PHA: Saint Paul Public Housing Agency 390 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paut, MN 55102 Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman is recommending the appointment of Tom Reding, and the reappointments of Skrirley Kane and Soua Yang to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency. Tom Reding will replace Bob Fletcher who did not want to be reappointed as a Non-Tenant representarive. Tom Reding will serve a five-yeaz term which will expire September 1, 2006. Shirley Kane will serve a two-year term as a representative of the Elderly Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term sha11 expire September 1, 2003. Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. Peel free to contact me at 266-8516 if you have any questions regarding these reaapointments. RKJIj Attachments ca Jon Gutzmann, PHA Staff � oR��i��� r Presented ay Referred To Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � " I �� ( Committee: Date -�'l i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the z appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint Paul a Public Housing Agency. 4 s REAPPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS 6 � Shirley Kane Tom Reding s Soua Yang 9 10 ii Shirley Kane will be reappointed to serve a two-yeaz term representative of the Elderly iz Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term shall expire on September 1, 2003. 13 i4 Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident is Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. 16 i� Tom Reding shall serve a five- year term as a represenative as a Non-Tenant ia representafive. The term will expire on September 1, 2006. 19 20 21 22 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�.�,1� a�� — c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � .__ �- Y �- � Approved by Mayor: Date '�Q c!i!/ By: s=('�9���viG �/�� Form Approved by City Attorney sy: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: k�� � o�-tono �� W�„� . _ _ o�t. io, aooi GREEN SHEET No �}��$1 , ��,�� ���_ 4GBJM BY (DATE) AESIGN 2��1 — MII�ERFOR rnYMONEY bnuFWt_ ROUTWG � ii1011qnLfERYIC.F90R qNN�LL�O[i�Kt'IG ❑wvanWRUmr�xt� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the reappointments of Shirley Kane and Soua Yang and the appointment of Tom Reding, by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Paul Public Aousing Agency. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this P���m eMervrorked undet a conGad farlliis depzrtmeM? VES NO Has Mis peraonrFrm e�er been a citY emPbY�1 YES Ii0 Dces thic pe�soNfirm possess a sltill not nonnallypossessed by amr wtteM city empbyee? VES NO Is �hi6 persa'Jfirm a fafpeted verrlM YES NO 17\T�:(N�i��7 OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUOGETm (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUMBER (��M � a v m O N O O a O � � � h M � tl ai p � U W W �"� F �. � � O U 0 0 'a G Q 0 � O 0 0 3 a m � 0 m U a ¢ � O s 3 Q � c . 3 O S Q 2 a � m 0 � 0 N � 0 y N 3 � T 0 C - O am m O � U 0 ,_ `o_a c c � V N � O y @ � � r 3 m � a�� m R .. >E� y m � � N w�3 a� � V T �'. O m ti C Q � a O N d 0 0 C � ��`p�� U�0-dm - C R C N Q CL m.. t6 m o-�'o a m - o ' m � x o a L T � W N��a� O � � y _ d y;n a `c a m c � m a"'i E c a�i � w- a o '2oa a��amg - aia�o Q o � « n 0 v _ � p MN(O W O Q�# �t�0 tn� MM(h � # O T m � �� N NNC� i � N ��(D ? N(7 fD�� T m O C E C YO� ��T N � � LL � � t6 N� � Q W YNU> �_°L y . � V > U O ��Mr>2' f N 0 0 0 0 N N � � O O N @ � O L F- m a d K � rn c�i 0 0 o�-���� 10!04/2001 13:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV OCT-64-�01 12=25 CITI�T! SERUICE OFFICE � PLEA5E RETQRI�T Tp: LUCII�.& JOHN50N CITlZEN SERVICE OFFTCE 13'WEST IC�uId.OGt' BI,'VD. SAIlQT PA[JI„ �S(Y�A 55102 ie:651-166-8690 BAX: 651-266-8684 Name: /tiYir., <. � i,c/!� $ome Address: Gi�9 � L�AU�l�E fi Stree� — . Ctty: S' .c �-- •'� Zip: �.�/a 7 O 1 _ 1a `1 '1 TalePhone Numbes(e): �raa�a. nrea coa.s� �g} G.f/ - z�� •9 r G /- 29z - 3 ss�' � na�� cow�a: a� coona[ wara: rre�errea M�D� aaaee�: ��a �: �/."'' S'� s�.�[.�d i.,.v a'a'�o i Whst 9a }TYC Oecupetlaa? /f�t i r�,1" e,!� y� ���c f., Plnce a�Employmca� Commidee(e) Applied. For_ � What sld!]e, �g or expmience do You po�as for tLe cammtdee{s) iar whfch yoet .c;�f d,•-1 11 r,�,,��,�� � Ji1 /�- . 30 .� .i�r ,Gr . r.l � � r �01 612 266 8689 P_�3 11fE 3IItOY.n14t3�II iIIelad¢d ffi fb�i ap�Dp jB CO➢5� [►Y1pi� dYFI BLSW"��g !D t)lG 113LLIICSOt9 Gm=erameat Data Pr� Act As a resalt, t� iaformatlon is mt r�red fn tha emaal pnbSc. 10/04/2001 1J:38 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV O�T-04-20H1 22=25 CSTIZEN SERVICE Of�FItE [Reminder w Inclnde TP3epLoce Asea Codes] 1Vame: ��y �•� L o�-to�? ndar�- _ io� E%l "` �f'r�. ��.r-i..� m J � o �- � PBnne: �mmel (wo�k� l.f/-29�- 3fj�d Name: ��� Address: /�D d //'" �,� � • - — - P �,_f„� � irr.J f.��� / ,.._. PLuue: (Homel L i ..242 - D Name_ ,.1 .A.adreea _ '� �? ta S/ d/1 �ii�FF_� � Phoae: f$�) G.fr - 1�77 -74.�l� l i � i • � �0 3 In nu uoempt to ensare t�at oommdti�e repr�tfon refleeb tbc malQUp oi oar eammunit9. Flease checic the line aippUeable to yoo. This mformatiioa is atrlef� volunta[y. � tivhite (Can� ffisdc (A4iam Am�ea� Americsn In�an or Alaskaa L'sld�o Ihte of 8'RtL: 3-'3 � 4�� Dlssbled: Yea No ✓ If spce3al ae�omtaodationa are ar�ded, plssse epedty: $ow did J'on �ear about eLY oQealn�Y �P� A�aa or parjSe Ialaader Msle '� Bemsle � 02 612 266 868g P,g3ig3 TOTHL P.03 He.re yuu Laa prevWas coatrAa �th me oomm;�teo for.vhich poa are m*13ae �rr�T � sn, .eh�ea, aoa the circamstances? . � _ . . ., 10/04/2001 13:J8 FA% 6512653850 SPPD OPERS DIV 1�03 D � _ �n'1? Thomas L. Reding Thomas Reding is currently serving as an Assistant Chief of Police in charge of the St. Paui Police Department's Operation's Division. As such, he is responsible for all pabroi and invesligative operations. Commander Reding is a 30 year veteran of the St. Paui Police Depar�ent. He has held command and management positions as a Deputy Chief of the Support Services I3ivision and, as a Commander, he has led the Central Team Patrol Unit, Juvenile Seraices Section, Intemal Affairs Unit and served as Administrarive Assistant to the Chief of Policc. Other cazeer assignments included serving as a Watch Commander and Unit Commander of the Research and Development Section. Commander Reding has received a Iuris Doctor Degrae from William Mitchell College of Law and is admitted to ihe Minnesota and Federal Baz. He has also received a Bachelors Degree from the Univenity ofMinnesota and is a�aduate of the 1=BT National Academy. Commander Reding current�y teaches Legal Tssues in_Law Enforcement for Metropolitan State Univezsity. He also teaches Leeal Problems for the Police Administrator for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In addition, Commander Reding is the Past President of the Society of Police Futurists Intemational. He has lectured on the "Future of 1'olicing" at the Violence in America Symposium, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA, the First Intemationai Conference on the Police and Community, Sn Sao Paulo, Braz'sl, and at many regianal conferences and training sessions. He is aiso the Past President of the National Association of Police Planners and has served on several civic and nonprofit boards in the St. Paui, Minnesota, area He was a Rotary Foundation awazd winner and selected to participate in a 6-week Rotary Group Studp Exchange visit to Kyoto, Japan, in 1984. Commander Tteding is mamed and has two, grown children. Except for a 3-year entistment in the U. S. Army, he has lived his entire life in St. Paul. D i—to�'} CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilxnember James R� Ryan Kaess t`� ` Assistant to the Mayor October 10, 2001 PHA: Saint Paul Public Housing Agency 390 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paut, MN 55102 Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Mayor Coleman is recommending the appointment of Tom Reding, and the reappointments of Skrirley Kane and Soua Yang to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency. Tom Reding will replace Bob Fletcher who did not want to be reappointed as a Non-Tenant representarive. Tom Reding will serve a five-yeaz term which will expire September 1, 2006. Shirley Kane will serve a two-year term as a representative of the Elderly Housing/Hi-Rise residents. The term sha11 expire September 1, 2003. Soua Yang will be reappointed to serve a three-year term as a Public Housing Resident Representative. The term shall expire on September 1, 2004. Peel free to contact me at 266-8516 if you have any questions regarding these reaapointments. RKJIj Attachments ca Jon Gutzmann, PHA Staff �