272478 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council w �/� - �CANARV - DEPARTME File NO. ��✓'� BLUE - MAVOR ,, `J �i�At�y 1 -- ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, acting pursuant to provision of the Community Development Program Year IV, the Redevelopment Plan therefor and Minn. Stat. Section 462. 521, that a public hearing be held before the Council upon the proposed public acquisition of real property located in the North St. Stanislaus Development Area, District 9, which hearing shall be held at 10 o'clock a.m. , on the 15th day of February, 1979, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. RESOLVED FURTHER that not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said public hearing, the City Clerk shall cause published notice of said public hearing to be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Saint Paul, of the time, place and purpose of said public hearing. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler nP�art�nent of Pl�lg & F�o�c ��-�I��t Hozza In Favor - - Hunt ,�"e2'�iri.�� Levine _ �__ Against BY � Maddox Showalter Tedesco � B � Form Approved City Attomey Adopted by Date v ` ����j �_. / � C er e d P a s s e y o n c i f S re t a r y B Y � sy Appr y (Vlavor: Dat _� t979 Approv d by ay r for Su m'ssion to Council By BY - ��� _ Pt1BLr5H�o FEB 1 7 1979 hGI�S(NG ANO KEDEVELGPMENT Ai1THORiTY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, PJl�NNESu►� ,. . � ,.�:::�:. . � • ' E�:_."... ::: / ° . .. �:�:: � . ! , � .i � �2��'� REPORT TO THE COMMISSICINERS DATE �anuary 12, 1979 REGARDING tVORTH OF ST. STAN'S � DISTRICT 9 As part of the Community Development Year IV Program, $363,000 was approved for aceuisition of substandard structures in the No. of St. Stan's area. (see map) An additional �137,000 has been programmed for use in CD Year V. On July 12, 1978, the N.R.A. Board approved the staff report describing the details af the program. Briefly, the program includes: � 1. Rehabilitation as the major activity with priority for rehabilitation loan and grant processing. . 2. Removal of substandard structures using the Selective Clearance procedure, if appropriate. � 3. Interior inspection for all properties to determine precisely which structures � are econvmicaliy or structu�•ally i��teasitle ro�• renabiiitatiuti ano sho�id be removed. During the Fall of 1978, staff conducted interior inspections of each structure. Twenty structures were identified as economically or structurally infeasible to rehabilitate. ihe o4vners of the twenty structures were contacted to discuss the inspection r�ports and the feasibility of undertaking rehabilitation. Two owners preferred to attempt rehabi� itat�on, one owner was uncertain, and 17 ►vould prefer to be acquired due to the articipated large rehabilitation costs. Based on the cornments from the 20 owners, considerations for land reuse, as single Ta;r�ily, and the $363,000 present budget, a determination was made to acquire 10 .:. . � - � Mc: of St. Stan's �::::�� ��::::: �'"��4 l� Page Two structures as indicated on attachment #1. The original intent to stay within the Selective Clearance Program proves to be infeasible for the 10 properties proposed in that they do not meet a11 of the eligibility criteria. Preliminarily staff has determined that parcel size prohibits rebuilding in some cases, staff appraisals _ sets a value in excess of $10,000, existing mortgage would negate the useability of the $15;000 relocation payment, and fixed incomes for some owners limit.� the ability = to rebuild with the �15,000 grant. Staff has met with the W. 7th Federation and has explained the results of the building inspections as �vell as the meetings with the No. of St. Stan's area residents. Support was received from the W. 7th Federation. (Letter attached) In order to proceed with acquisition of the 10 structures l.isted on attachment nl, a _ public hearing must be conducted by the City Council . Staff would recommend that � the H. R.A. Board authorize staff to request a public hearing by the City Council _ on tnis matter. H subsequent City Council public hearing for the acquisition of - structures utilizing the CD Year V funds will be necessary. Staff will return t� the N R.A. �3oara ide,i;if��ing those �tr..r�tur�s ar,d ��eg;�esting au�r��rizatia.� tu schedule a public hearing for those acquisitions. .��- , � � - � � ?om Sanchez , ' - �T- �.. RESOLUTION NO. 79-1/17- �i RESOLUTION, MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS RESPECTING idORTFi ST. STANISLAUS DEVELOP- 2+IENT AREA, COI�lMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRA.M DISTRICT 9 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 78-6/28-15, adopted June 28, 1978, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Idinnesota made certain findings and determinations and approved the Redevelopment P1an For Corcununity Development Program Year IV, and the program activities and budget therein identified and contained; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Program Year IV budgeted monies and programmed activity for the acquisition and demolition of substandard structures and relocation of occupants for the purpose of removing conditions of deterioration and development of new single fami.ly housing in the North St. Stanislaus Development Area, District 9; and � v�HEFEAS, the Community Deveio�ment Program Year IV left for future determination and public hearing the identification of specific properties to be acquired as a part of the said clearance and redevelopment area and activity; and Y�iEREAS, staff has completed interior inspections and condi- tion reports of structures in the North St. Stanislaus Development Area and identified those which are substandard; and t4HEREP.S, the Board of Commissioners has reviewed a recommenda- tion for acquisition and clearance of 10 properties identified in Attachment No. 1 and the schPdulinq of � public hearin? •»on s�.ia acquisiti�n �efore the Council of the City of Saint Paul. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of ±he Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , 2�tinnesota as follows: 1) That the structures identified �in Attachment I1o. 1 are substandard and blighted to a degree warranting clearance. 2) That the acquisition 'of the property identified in � Attachment No. 1 is necessary to eliminate existing conditions of blight, substandardness or deterioration, whicn properties do not appear capable of redevelopment without public assistance in acquiring, clearing and sale for private redevelopment for housing uses at its - value for such uses in accordance with the Redevelopme;�t Plan. • _ "_ _ . ._ . .. T i ' . 4 ,, � .. • . �; ' � . : . . . . ��•� � ��•.' � . . . . . ��I���� , - � /� t 3) That subject to the approval and authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after public hearing upon the proposed property acquisition, the acquisition of a fee title to the properties identified in Attachment No. 1 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is hereby approved. FUR'l�HER RESOLVED, that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to schedule a public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and to take all necessary actions in connection therewith including the preparation and publishing of required notices, all in accordance with applicable law and •the purposes of this Resolution. ° . Attachmcnt No. -1 � , � _ . �-�::: �_. �: . _ , t-::::::: �.. .. ,c~l,`�4�8 NORTH OF�ST. STANS 431 Superior � � 433 Superior 435 Superior 439 Superior 436 Superior 426 2 Superior 418� Superior 190 Richmon? 387-339 Michigan . - 391 Michigan .. _., ik��'�+,.� y wF:��r�a'.: _ ' - _ . .; �` - OM 01 , � : � >� ;� � � � .k r��„'`'���^F,� r .. ;•.�.� % . n� . w'�, _ .` `.w, . �..' � � . '.y 9 12 1 75 erF-+`�- -'�'�x^Cr`w,s�i. +,ctriN'�^ � .. . .. .. ,: „ � '�'�. �i�GV.,:� , . . . _ . k"'� , "EXPLP.�TAT20N�?OF"ADMINIS'T��A .�TE ORDERS.�� .� .9 8/�6 _ ,. , �. n. t !A _ A < ;�� �:. R�SOLZ7TI�NS,��;�ND`��033��INANCES . � ; � __ ,� . . ., . � p.. _r ., .,,,,: . .y . y�� ,, _ :..:,.�y.,�, - +�r � ,�`� �r . ����"`"��*� ��. :. �"�� i* ,��`? %ro. ..� i V, � .. � .� � .. .,r� +. � � �f a r'�0�i . . �(/'�)�y•/j( . � t. �a `?t,a.y't .I'�/ f ��� � . , � . � � ' . � �� �'1�'��.��T`" . � . _ . .. ;.� N - �^f... ':y� .�. '�^ wy, :;�J L^'�" .»�.2x. � . . Date: _1/23f73 Y _ � _ ��+� «W���,�v„ � . z � ., �-,..,�. . . . ..�,.: _ ,.., ,�.�.,� ,,�� 'F`ECE'l�t�'� . .. . � - ,V�,,F�i^�i�'�F . :. : I . . ;s h ;:� �-�-.���.�� - F�a 2 :�:;�� - - TO �. MAYOR. GEO E TMFR� � ��� � : .� .��"� ,� ': ' a "�` MAaF4�t215 drt�� FR; JIM H - .,, � >�,�..� ,,�,.� _ -"° . .: : �z � , � � e��,�a �, � - • _ ,�„r� � � � � .. - �.'=.'sFb�, ��� . , . �.. rs,'°�F �%i ' �;�a.t���r.'r'..1 {���a}� ' � . . . � . � . RE: S T. ST�`S .ACQUI$I'�'�flI'�.x�, �D ���'��!�;�`~� . . . , . ,. , � . . ���,..�,. . . . - .. , � , � ,�..�,. �. _ _... �, w. - �,.,.�" �, , : ..� ... . . �� .� ,_ �, r .� ..k,� _ - ._ .�, . .�e, �����, .._ . . -.:. ��W .t .�;-�,�.-� . �.. ;. ,�_ . - t�' �-w �- ,,� _ • . . � ta ' . _ �,.. . " - - .�,'i: �' . • � - - .. ,3� . . � . . , ACTION REQUESTED: ,: . -' ° , . � ht . . . � .,. . ., .,. �. - - Appro�re �for submission:'to �oun�il - .. - . . . 'J �.. . �-�• � : . ..'...' .1- .�•� � . . .. _ � ,�,i ..� . . . � .. . . .. � i'.��.,� � .... .. . . . .. . . . ' . .. '�,..�"aaY�`"Se"�+'f",J �.. . . . L_ ' . . . . .. , :L _ � �� . . � ,..�-.� _ . . z -� - . . � ,. .._ �.' ' . - '","�`i"�,u�'S�.a,_ ... ._: ° _ "T . ' . . . . . ' . .: _ .�. . -�._ . - . . . . -- ..:..« ., . ,.,_.. ,..._ :'t� :. _ �_ .. . . . . . . � . „c..3�f�..: � � � . .. . . .. � . ._ r y7?rl' . , . . . . - . � iL �.. :�.. . _ . '...�� . .�.; .._��' .,. . .. . . ��M " . ..:,'.'_ . ^'"6 n:R ;.,:. '.'. .. � .> . .. ' � � ' � � � - - Pt3RPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS -ACTION: � - _ ,;'.. ,�. _ _ w���. e;�t�"KR�'„A.� . . � �.��: .� . ... r . :- �sta�:����,te fc���g�b��c heari:ng on land acquisition under � . .' ��,y. ... ., � � - �� � � ..:�D� � f �rogra�un - ¢��,-�'�r, �' ������'��°",, . ;;;-�. �,����..._ .: . x �y,�r«e�+�+.r ..�- .�• . �"s�'•,�:. ,._ . y::., �.:� .. . .r . ,:: _ � .. .,:..� , .:,,. . . . ... ,,�r _ .A.�t`oy- ' . .. . . � .�. �^ . . . - ..c. W t. _ r�.u�la,. . . . ... . . . . . . ...#.� - .. . .. . . . __ ..::YO `,. � . _ .. . . . r;,r � - � _ . r , .. �hnt�3.A,�»��«;�� . .. r: � � � . _ �. .. . ��: . �.. � _ - �,:. .� . .:. _.� . .. _ .��, , � �.,:m� . . . . . . . , ... .�.�....r . ' .. .�,r.i.p..�."+� . .. . .1�., . .v�.�. .. . . . ATTACHMENTS:'-- Resolution HRA Resolution No. 79-1/17-6 and Report . . . � . . . .4 � • + , , I I �NHITE - C�TV CLEHK ����� PiNK - FINANCE `i I TY <)r �A I NT �� A I.I L Council C AN 4 Rv . iJF_F'4it!MF.N T • � H�..VE -- MAl(7F! File N . �i�At�y'�1 Council Resolution Presented By -__--_____--- — - Referred To ____ __ _ - Committee: Date Out of Committee By____ __— _ Date RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, acting pursuant to provision of the Community Development Program Year IV, the Redevelopment Plan therefor and Minn. Stat. Section 462.521, that a public hearing be held before the Council upon the proposed public acquisition of real property located in the North St. Stanislaus Development Area, District 9, which hearing shall be held at 10 o'clock a.m. , on the 15TH day of February, 1979, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. RESOLVED .FURTHER that not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said public hearing, the City Clerk shall cause published notice of said public hearing to be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Saint Paul, of the time, place and purpose of said public hearing. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Na}�s Butler ��arti[�lt Of P7,3TIY17.I19 & �C ��t Hozza _ [n Favor = „ , Hunt ,G. � Levine _ ___ Against By -��"� Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approvecj.�y City At orney Adopted by Council: Date — / � y / L / Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � B}. Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approv d by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - --- — ! By — _ 2'����� _ � _ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION, NORTH ST. STANISIAUS DEVEI.OP- MENT AREA, COPQ�lUNITY DBVEIAPMENT PROGRAM DISTRICT 9, SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA NOTICE IS HERT3BY GIVEN of a PUBLIC HBARING before the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAt�L in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on THURSUAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1979, at 10 o'clock a.m., upon the proposel of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to acquire,by purchase or exercise of the power of eminent domain, all parcels or tracts of land along Superior Street, Richmond Avenue and Michigan Street, as identifi�d below, under provision of the Community Development Program Year IV, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Redevelopm�nt Plan therefor as a part of North St. Stanislaus Development Area, District 9. Upon said Public Hearing, the Council shall consider whether the acquisition of properties identified by parcel nwaber and street address as follows: PARCEL NOS. PRECEED PROPERTY ADDRESS �6-6 418� Superior 56-10 � 56-11 436 Superior � 190 Richmond 56-26 391 Michigan 56-27 387-389 Michigan 57-11 431 Superior 57-12 433 Superior 57-13 435 Superior 57-14 439 Superior; is necessary or desirable in order to carry out the Redevelopment Plan and provision of Community Development Program Year IV,. Saint Paul, Minnesota. At said Public Hearing, all interested persons may appear before and will be heard by the Council upon the proposed acquisition of these identified properties. ROSE MIX CITY CLERK �a�,��*Y o. ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `►o `' �o'' DIVISION OF RENEWAL ... �CKi�K)[ �!C'7��+R George Latimer 25 Weat 4th St. � St. Paul, Mn. Mayor St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press February 1, 1979 55 East Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: LEGAL NOTICE Gentlemen; Attached is a Notice of public Aearing Upon Prnposed Preperty Acquisition, North St. Stanislaus Development Area, West Seventh District 9. Please publish this notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Diapatch on Saturday, February 3, 1979. Sincerely, Sheryl A. Pemberton Real Estate Specialist Enclosure �.�... HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA TO � /� ,O�/ //C U;G _ � DATE _. � . I 17 7 J . Ct,(��. C., i�F;Q/(�ICLJ S U BJ ECT �iG:CfC�LGl /7 I � � . . � � �L�J .J�lo , �G�C[/L� ���_� G,c� /,�i�. 2-�G5-_?9 _ . -���e2���.d ,� � C,Q,a� � ,a� _ G� C�,au,�r,e� .eo __ ����'� �� Z.�s` �� . . ,,�� f�/l�LI-tJQ�O-Q�,__� ..�e� _/�a�fv2a �✓J?GG�_� _ �o, .GQ� �Q.� ,�� � . 0 . . • .� �.�:�'� `�/��� ,n�-� ,�'�at ,�a� .��L'a.er,�..�n� z� �C2�� �k� � __�-3- 79 . �.���t.�,e� ,� .�%�Q..t :��� .c,[��_ ��o ,o�.,�e� G� =� • • �4 .°.a�:c��,ec.� ��v �-ts'-79. ,�yL ��oui ��olt,�e. ,c2�u� , �2�� �' ,�^_� �rte.' .Q.� 029�- �4/�/ _ � o�C.,� BY - DATE . _ _ _ _ __ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 51GNED Form N-RI IJ�The Drawing eoard,In<.,Box 505,Dallas,Texos INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER: INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: 'EEP YEILOW COPY. 2. SEND WIiITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT. 1.WRITE REPLY. 2. DETACH STUB, KEEP PINK COPV, RETLIRN WHITE COPY TO SENDER. _ � � � �. ,� �� y�� � �- ,�- � y ' if ..ye.__�. ,a�+.. .1 ,� P : r C IT}. 4 , i� yE I , '', �-J:Y#t,��. . 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