01-1073�'1 . 5. �•" i e��f rti L�' Presented By Green Sheet # , `� 3 $ �j RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To a3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WIIEREAS, the world wide web has grown from a static "electronic billboazd" to a means to deliver interacfive information, services and transactions to citizens, who increasingly expect to receive information and services through the web at times and places that aze most convenient to them, and WI-IEREAS, "e-governmenY' is defined as the use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees, and WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved funding for a web site implementation plan to improve the delivery of these e-government services to the citizens of Saint Paul, and piaced $800,000 in contingency for this implementation, and WI-IEREAS, the City has completed a detailed implementation plan and conducted a compeUtive request for proposals, and has identified the appropriate technical resources and software to implement this e-government plan, and WIIEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfers for the 2001 General Fund budget; Current Budeet TRANSFER FROM: Department of Technology and Management Services Administration 001-01001-0548 Council Contingency 001-01001-xxxx All other spending Total Budget TRANSFER TO: 001-01001-0219 001-01001-0280 001-01001-0259 001-01001-0856 001-01001-0857 001-01001-�x Total Spending Net Change Consulting Software maintenance Other training Software Hardware All other spending 800,000 511 344 1,311,344 0 0 0 0 0 511,344 1311,344 Council File # O l� �Dt}',�j .� Committee: Date Chanees (800,000) 0 (800,000) Amended Budeet 511344 1,311,444 237,000 237,000 50,000 50,000 13,000 13,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 0 511344 800,000 1311344 0 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. j°: � i� 3 s'� I �, � i:1 � i.—, �;\ i—�: i `•,.�a`;.v:ft: ��, Adopted by Council: Date �e.,_ S.(. xequested by Department of: By: Approved by Financial Services Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B�'� Form Approved by City Attorney B �. _ � . {� �z I By � AppYOVed by Mayor: Date ��j � � � 6 � _ to,�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: � By: . � � o�- ta ��:. r� ooi GREEN SHEET No 1 10386 Scott Renstrom 266-8b VST BE ON COUNCiI AG9dDr18Y (DA7El TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ■ u �.R„�� u «,.� � ❑ anr.nox�i ❑ arrcwrt ❑NWYJRL8FRNCESpR ❑RMMCYLL9 ❑ WYORpRABffifAIIT) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Move funds out of contingency to execute a contract with SCellent, Inc. for eGovernment Initiative. PLANNING CAMMISSION Ci6 COMMI'i7EE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract fa fhis tlepaAment7 YES NO 2. Nas Mis Pnso�rm ever been a cRY employee9 YES NO 3. �oes this persoNfimi possess a sltill rwt nortnalryP� �' �y �urreM dty emDbyee? VES NO 4. Is this pewonm�m a ta`ge[ed ventloCt YES NO Improvement in the quality of the ciy's web site and better communication with citizens and residents. SOURCE INFORMATION(IXPWM f COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER �t-I��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Co[eman, Mayor Saint P¢u1, Minncsota 55102 390 Ciry Ha1l IS WestKeZloggBoulevard Telephone: (657) 266-8510 Facsimile: (657J 266-8573 October 3, 2001 Dear Council President Bostrom: The City of Saint Paul is ready to begin the next phase of implementation of our ongoing eGoverment Initiarive. As you lrnow this includes execufing a contract with Stellent, Inc. to begin delivering the necessary software and consulting services. Council action is needed to move the necessary funds out of contingency. I understand that, as formally requested, staff has provided you a written report describing the process and rational for selecting Stellent, Inc. It is unperative that this happens quickly because of the need to focus on cifizen service, standardize information delivery, and provide departments easy content administration tools. The City of Saint Paul is a nationalleader in the volume of online information and services available to citizens but our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. Stellent, Inc. has been selected by the City to make access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees. Please put this resolution on the October l Oth City Council agenda. Thank you, � Mayor Norm Coleman Cc: Peter Hames o1-�n"t3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF 5AIN'I' PAUL To: Cily Coimcilmembers From: Sean Kershaw Date: October 2, 2001 Re: E-Gov web site vendor seleetion As formally requested by Council in January, this memo reports on the recent web site implementation RFP process. Staffhas selected a vendor, and is prepared to move forward with implementation pending Council budget action. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or concems, or need more information. The budget amendment is anticipated to be on the October 10'" City Council Agenda. Project GoaUProblem Statement The goal of this e-Govemment initiative is to use the web to improve the delivery of services to the citizens of Saint Pau1. The City of Saint Paul is a national leader in the volume of online information and services available to cidzens. However, our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. A content management system will address tkus problem by simplifying the process of posting and organizing information and services on our web site. This will improve the timeliness, supply and accuracy of information and services to citizens. The City's dependence on addirional technical and support staff will be minimized, and the long-term sustainability and functionality of the site will be greatly enhanced Background Staff worked closely with an outside consultant (Bom Information Services) to develop both a long-term "road map" and a detailed implementation plan to aclueve these goals. This implementation plan was presented to Councilmembers earlier in the yeaz, and is posted on the City's intranet at htto•//theorb. In January of 2001, Council transferred $800,000 to contingency for use after the content management softwaze and implementation consultant had been selected. Council action is needed to release these funds. ot-�o�1� Process Description/Summary • On hme 19'�, the City issued a formal competitive request for proposals (RFP) for content management softwaze and related services. The RFP outlined the goals and objectives for the project, including the detailed functional and technical requirements, and the criteria by which proposals would be evaluated. Potential proposers were given detailed functional requirements, including a description of the City's cutrent technology environment, but could propose a range of strategies to achieve these requirements. Proposals would be evaluated based on the following criteria: 1) Responsiveness to CiTy's web site plan 2} Cost 3) Technology fit with the City 4) Past �perience doing similaz projects, including references 5) Proposed implementation timeline • Vendors submitted questions about the City's expectations, existing technology, etc., and on July 13�' stafftransmitted detailed answers to all parties that received the RFP. • Twenty-four proposals were submitted by the deadline on August 1 st. • A core team of procurement, technical and functional staff reviewed the proposals against the criteria in the ItFP. Staff also gathered informa6on on content management softwaze used by other jurisdictions, and reviewed software evaluations prepazed by experts in the field. • Based on trus analysis, staff chose six proposals for finther consideration. A subsequent list of questions was sent to these sis vendors. These questions helped to clarify the functionality of the products, wmpaze this functionality to other competing products, and outline in more detail the technical hazdwaze requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. • Based on a review of products, and the answers to the previous questions, staff chose to interview two vendors. Staff reviewed softwaze manuals and other technical information on these two products. Staff also interviewed the project managers and technical staff, and checked references. A more detailed comparison was completed for both products. • With this information, functional, technical and procurement staff unanimously made a final decision that Stellent Inc.'s Content Management System would best meet the City's needs. Decision Rationale The final decision was based on the following key points: • Minimize customizarion and total cost of ownership by using an off-thashelf, packaged content management system. • Of the off-the-shelf products proposed, the Documentum (proposed by Westin) and Stellent (proposed by Stellent) software products aze the two best content management options for the City of Saint Paul's new site. -2- a t- tc'13 • When these two packages were analyzed in detail against the City's technical and functional goals and requirements, Stellern's Content Management System was determined to be the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. 1) Minimize customi�ation and total cost of owuership by using an off-the-shelf, packaged system. Proposals submitted in response to the RFP fell into ttuee basic categaries: Completely customized solutions built specifically for the City of Saint Paul; A pronri nroduct developed and supported by one company, but used by multiple cities; and Packaeed "off-the-shelf' content manaeement products that aze used, modified and integated by numerous companies and organizations. After reviewing and comparing a1124 proposals, stafF felt strongly that the City should minimize a customized appmach for its new site. Pacicaged solutions met the identified CiTy goals better in the five evaluation azeas and were therefore strongly prefened. Findings from the initial review process ate as follows: Evaluation CYiteria Ontcome and Comments Resoonsiveness to RESI7LT: 23 af the proposals met t6e minimum functional requirements set by Plan: Ma�cimize the City. content management functionality, ease of ' Pcoposals based on packaged products were more likely to exceed the minimum use, and "fiY' with City requirements, and include additional features (e.g., enhanced woriQlow, XML, goals. wireless, presentation flexibility, etc.) that could be used at any time, based on the City's evolving needs and phased implementation plan. * Proposals based on packaged products were generally more flexible and scalable, which in tum supports better long-term viability and use of the application for the City. Cost: RESULT: Proposals based on packaged soludons that signiScanUy eaceeded the Minunize short and cost range pnblicly set by the City were not considered for future review. long-term costs; i.e., cost of ownership. * Packaged products generally adhere to a planned upgrade procedure and schedule which supports the long-term viability of the application and reduces the amount of City technical support. * Custom solutions were more likely to have higher long-term cos[s for standard maintenance, because the work is specialized and must be performed andfor uvriated by the City. * Cost and time est'vnates for custom solution proposals appeared to be less firm and more prone to increases probably due to the fact the proposer was not starting with a known base. * Proposals based on packaged products offered less expensive and faster expansion to the in4anet, should the City decide to move in that d'uection. * If the system fails or is outgrown, replacement costs appeazed to be greater with the custom solutions. -3- o�- �o�� Technoloev fit: RESiJLT: No proposals were rejected in this round for tec6nology or network Maximize the use of eonfiguration reasous. existing City technology and * Proposals based on packaged producu did not require City technical expertise for technical lmow how developing product upgrades. Consistent with IS direction, the City should not be in the softwaze development business when commercial softwaze is available that meeu our needs. * Numerovs integration companies were available to implement and support the products identified in the packaged product proposals which means the City is not dependent on a single company, or the expertise of our staft; for support and maintenance. * The packaged product solutions requued a basic configuration set-up but minimai or no real customization maldng it easier to upgade the system when new software versions aze released Past exnerience: RESi7LT: All other large cities surveyed are choosing packaged products Choose a vendor with a tested product, * The packaged product proposals used softwaze that has heen tested hy hundreds af experience with lazge companies and refined over many years, resulting in a stable and reliable product. sites and/or public sector experience. Pronosed RESiTLT: Most packsged solutions allowed the City to phase in the release of imnlementation plan: the new site easily. Choose an efficient development strategy, * While most proposals anticipated meeting timeline of CiTy, stafF felt strongly that and emphasize strong modifying anexisting product would be much faster than building a product "&om project management. the gound up." Based on this, the following four products (from six proposals), were reviewed more closely. • Documentum Content Management System: Westin, Inc. • GovOffice Content Management System: Avenet Inc. • Microsoft Content Management System: Bom Informarion Services; and RCM Consulting • Stellent Content Management System: Ambient Consulting; and Stellent Inc. As mentioned, staff submitted a subsequent list of questions to these six vendors, requesting additional informarion on the product functionality and outlining in more detail the technical hazdware requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. � � l - to�13 2) Documentum (Westin) and Stellent's (Stellent) proposals are the two best options for Saint Paul. Staff carefully reviewed the detailed functional and technical capacity of these six proposals, and made the decision to wntinue with these two for the following reasons: Evaluation Criteria Commeuts Res onsiveness: ; Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent aze each very flexible and scalable in Content management terms of core content management capacity. Each has core functionality that is capacity considered state-of-the-art. s GovOffice is a content management system, but offers less functionality than the Documentum and Stellent ptoducts Resoonsiveness: * Documentum and Stellent each began as document management producu. Document management Their capacity in this regazd is extremely strong. Staff can work from all types capacity of existing electronic files or use the template functions to post and manage informafion. Cirizens view files in HTML. Very flexible and powerful. * MicrosoR and GovOffice offered significantly less document management capacity. * GovOffice requues citizens to download many documents to view them. r GovOffice developed For use with MS Word. Resoonsiveness: * All products offered basic "template-based" web page creation. Ease of use,-and haining * Stellent, and Documentum to a lesser e�ctent, aze especially shong in the strategy for intemal staff ability to automatically convert existing documenu in any format to web- viewable IiTML for citizens. This helps staffpost and manage existing informarion easily and efficienUy. * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent offer additional feahues and functionality that will require additional kainiug by some staff. Resnonsiveness and nast • Documentwn and Stellent each bave more than 1000 current customers. exnerience: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent have relevant public sector e�cperience Previous experience with with lazge municipaUpublic web sites. lazge customers and/or * GovOffice experience is limited to smalUmedium-sized sites. Saint Paul would municipal sites also be testing ground for a new version of their technology. Avenet has pazlnered with Microsoft, but Microsoft already offers a competing product for lazge sites such as Saint Paul's. (T7iis is the product Born and RCM proposed.) Cost and Technoloev fit: * Born, RCM and GovOffice each required Microsoft systems for malcimum Database and server functionality of content management systems. language * Microsoft's .Net technology is not fully tested in mazketplace. ' Oracle is the current Clty database staudard (e.g., GIS, AMANDA, etc.). Bom, RCM and GovOffice proposals offered no advantage for going with Microsoft's SQL or IIs. * Additional staff expertise would be required to maintain Microsoft systems for database and servers. * Documentum and Stellent use Oracle technology and enable the City to use existing staff technical experience. -5- o�-to�13 Technoloev fit: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent can each serve as the basis for the City's Required custom'vation intemet with little or no software customizarion. • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent require some initial set-up and configuration, but essentially no customization. This makes it much easier to upgrade and maintain the system in the future. • Documentum and Stellent offer open azchitecture technology, which simplifies product service. * GovOffice requires additional customizarion to aclueve the current funcrionality of other products for workflow, 3�vII., document conversion, etc. Customization creates barriers to fut�ue upgrades. Past exnerience: • Stellent and Documentum aze each over six yeazs old ("ancienP', in internet Longevity in the terms). mazketplace * Microsoft's Content Management System is a new product for the company. ' GovOffice is a new product, tested only in sma]Umedium-sized cities. Past exnerience: • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent are established and viable financially. Company viability * GovOffice is a new company. City would be almost entirely dependent on Avenet for support and maintenance, and very vulnerable if Avenet suffered business set backs. Past exnerience: * Documentum and Stellent are consistently ranked very favorably in softwaze Product reviews/ratings reviews. (StafFpurchased detailed functionaUtechnical reviews &om the Gartner Group, and did extensive web-based lit seazches.) * The Microsoft product was not rated strongly in reviews. * GovOffice lacks similaz third party, independent reviews. Past exnerience: * As the actual original developer of the product, Stellent was chosen over Vendor fami}iarity with Ambien4. product ImnlementaGon * Documentum and Stellent can be phased in with existing system. plan/Technolo2v fit: * Microsoft and GovOffice require extensive new technical expertise that may Need to reconfigure delay launch, increase internal costs and prevent phased implementauon. neiwork k Documentum and Stellent can be extended to the City's intranet with a minimum of softwaze (re)configuration. 3. StellenPs Content Management System is the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. Evaluation Criteria Comments Responsiveness to City's * Stellent is superior in terms of document crearion/conversion, worldlow, and web site plan, and overall ability to organize and manage dynamic information and content for the City. functionality Cost * StellenYs final cost proposal is very strong, and will enable the City to purchase additional user licenses. Technology fit * The network and technology solution proposed by Stellent was the best solution for City IS staff. � O 1 -to'� ; Bxperience and references s Stellent has the most experience with public and lazge city/county web sites: e.g., Scott County, Minneapolis, LA Coimty, City and County of San Fraucisco, Mesa AZ, County of Fresno, DOE, MNDOT, Redmond WA Police Dept, etc. * References for Stellent were all very strong. • Stellent is local, and has worked with otter potenrial parmers such as GovDocs. Implementation timeline I* Stellent's proposed rimeline was more reasonable, and helps the City "go live" with the new site quickly. Cc: Linda Camp Peter Hames Cindy Mullan Mazcia Moermond Jason Reid Rebecca Stenberg -7- ,� �� ,�e` , �_ JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember October 24, 2001 CZTY OF SAINT PA�7L OFFICE OF TAE CITY COUNCIL Peter Hames Technology and Management Services 160 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Sean Kershaw West Team Leader PED 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: E-Government Security Dear Peter and Sean, Ol-lb�S I have reviewed the Request for Proposal for Web Site development and the responses from the various providers. This review has prompted some concern regazding security for the E-Government project. As you know, President Bush has put togetHer a task force to look at issues of security and cyber terrorism as it specifically relates to government web sites. With that in mind, it is prudent to review and ask questions regazding security measures within the City of Saint Paul system prior to moving forwazd with any new web development. Has the City of Saint Paul had an external penetration audit done? If so, what were the results of the audit and how have we complied with the recommendations? If we have not had an external penetration audit, what measures aze in place resulting from any internal penetration audit the City may haue done? When was the last penetration audit done? Have any of the provider responses dealt with site security? Are there any early warning systems proposed? CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55 1 02-1 61 5 651/266-8610 s�� Printed on Recycled Paper Currently, we use Oracle for our payroll database system and a privately o, -ia�� developed softwaze for LIEP. It is my understanding that the code for Oracle was written in Pakistan, how do we protect or provide web site security to prevent someone form hacking into our payroll and information systems today? Have the developers of Oracle been contacted to see if they have security patches for the program? I know that we have firewalls in place to protect information in the Police Department, how aze we situated with protection in the Fire Departrnent? How secure aze the Police Department firewalls? I hope that you can have some answers to these questions today. If we have not had an extemal penetration audit done, I believe that it would be prudent to do so at our eazliest convenience. Also, we skould make sure that any provider that we may select has adequate security provisions in place to protect our information systems from attack. Although I have limited knowledge about programming and hacking, I do know that several federal government web sites have been "hacked into" in recent yeazs by young chiidren. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, Si rely, Jerry Blak City Co " member Cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers �'1 . 5. �•" i e��f rti L�' Presented By Green Sheet # , `� 3 $ �j RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To a3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WIIEREAS, the world wide web has grown from a static "electronic billboazd" to a means to deliver interacfive information, services and transactions to citizens, who increasingly expect to receive information and services through the web at times and places that aze most convenient to them, and WI-IEREAS, "e-governmenY' is defined as the use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees, and WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved funding for a web site implementation plan to improve the delivery of these e-government services to the citizens of Saint Paul, and piaced $800,000 in contingency for this implementation, and WI-IEREAS, the City has completed a detailed implementation plan and conducted a compeUtive request for proposals, and has identified the appropriate technical resources and software to implement this e-government plan, and WIIEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfers for the 2001 General Fund budget; Current Budeet TRANSFER FROM: Department of Technology and Management Services Administration 001-01001-0548 Council Contingency 001-01001-xxxx All other spending Total Budget TRANSFER TO: 001-01001-0219 001-01001-0280 001-01001-0259 001-01001-0856 001-01001-0857 001-01001-�x Total Spending Net Change Consulting Software maintenance Other training Software Hardware All other spending 800,000 511 344 1,311,344 0 0 0 0 0 511,344 1311,344 Council File # O l� �Dt}',�j .� Committee: Date Chanees (800,000) 0 (800,000) Amended Budeet 511344 1,311,444 237,000 237,000 50,000 50,000 13,000 13,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 0 511344 800,000 1311344 0 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. j°: � i� 3 s'� I �, � i:1 � i.—, �;\ i—�: i `•,.�a`;.v:ft: ��, Adopted by Council: Date �e.,_ S.(. xequested by Department of: By: Approved by Financial Services Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B�'� Form Approved by City Attorney B �. _ � . {� �z I By � AppYOVed by Mayor: Date ��j � � � 6 � _ to,�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: � By: . � � o�- ta ��:. r� ooi GREEN SHEET No 1 10386 Scott Renstrom 266-8b VST BE ON COUNCiI AG9dDr18Y (DA7El TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ■ u �.R„�� u «,.� � ❑ anr.nox�i ❑ arrcwrt ❑NWYJRL8FRNCESpR ❑RMMCYLL9 ❑ WYORpRABffifAIIT) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Move funds out of contingency to execute a contract with SCellent, Inc. for eGovernment Initiative. PLANNING CAMMISSION Ci6 COMMI'i7EE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract fa fhis tlepaAment7 YES NO 2. Nas Mis Pnso�rm ever been a cRY employee9 YES NO 3. �oes this persoNfimi possess a sltill rwt nortnalryP� �' �y �urreM dty emDbyee? VES NO 4. Is this pewonm�m a ta`ge[ed ventloCt YES NO Improvement in the quality of the ciy's web site and better communication with citizens and residents. SOURCE INFORMATION(IXPWM f COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER �t-I��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Co[eman, Mayor Saint P¢u1, Minncsota 55102 390 Ciry Ha1l IS WestKeZloggBoulevard Telephone: (657) 266-8510 Facsimile: (657J 266-8573 October 3, 2001 Dear Council President Bostrom: The City of Saint Paul is ready to begin the next phase of implementation of our ongoing eGoverment Initiarive. As you lrnow this includes execufing a contract with Stellent, Inc. to begin delivering the necessary software and consulting services. Council action is needed to move the necessary funds out of contingency. I understand that, as formally requested, staff has provided you a written report describing the process and rational for selecting Stellent, Inc. It is unperative that this happens quickly because of the need to focus on cifizen service, standardize information delivery, and provide departments easy content administration tools. The City of Saint Paul is a nationalleader in the volume of online information and services available to citizens but our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. Stellent, Inc. has been selected by the City to make access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees. Please put this resolution on the October l Oth City Council agenda. Thank you, � Mayor Norm Coleman Cc: Peter Hames o1-�n"t3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF 5AIN'I' PAUL To: Cily Coimcilmembers From: Sean Kershaw Date: October 2, 2001 Re: E-Gov web site vendor seleetion As formally requested by Council in January, this memo reports on the recent web site implementation RFP process. Staffhas selected a vendor, and is prepared to move forward with implementation pending Council budget action. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or concems, or need more information. The budget amendment is anticipated to be on the October 10'" City Council Agenda. Project GoaUProblem Statement The goal of this e-Govemment initiative is to use the web to improve the delivery of services to the citizens of Saint Pau1. The City of Saint Paul is a national leader in the volume of online information and services available to cidzens. However, our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. A content management system will address tkus problem by simplifying the process of posting and organizing information and services on our web site. This will improve the timeliness, supply and accuracy of information and services to citizens. The City's dependence on addirional technical and support staff will be minimized, and the long-term sustainability and functionality of the site will be greatly enhanced Background Staff worked closely with an outside consultant (Bom Information Services) to develop both a long-term "road map" and a detailed implementation plan to aclueve these goals. This implementation plan was presented to Councilmembers earlier in the yeaz, and is posted on the City's intranet at htto•//theorb. In January of 2001, Council transferred $800,000 to contingency for use after the content management softwaze and implementation consultant had been selected. Council action is needed to release these funds. ot-�o�1� Process Description/Summary • On hme 19'�, the City issued a formal competitive request for proposals (RFP) for content management softwaze and related services. The RFP outlined the goals and objectives for the project, including the detailed functional and technical requirements, and the criteria by which proposals would be evaluated. Potential proposers were given detailed functional requirements, including a description of the City's cutrent technology environment, but could propose a range of strategies to achieve these requirements. Proposals would be evaluated based on the following criteria: 1) Responsiveness to CiTy's web site plan 2} Cost 3) Technology fit with the City 4) Past �perience doing similaz projects, including references 5) Proposed implementation timeline • Vendors submitted questions about the City's expectations, existing technology, etc., and on July 13�' stafftransmitted detailed answers to all parties that received the RFP. • Twenty-four proposals were submitted by the deadline on August 1 st. • A core team of procurement, technical and functional staff reviewed the proposals against the criteria in the ItFP. Staff also gathered informa6on on content management softwaze used by other jurisdictions, and reviewed software evaluations prepazed by experts in the field. • Based on trus analysis, staff chose six proposals for finther consideration. A subsequent list of questions was sent to these sis vendors. These questions helped to clarify the functionality of the products, wmpaze this functionality to other competing products, and outline in more detail the technical hazdwaze requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. • Based on a review of products, and the answers to the previous questions, staff chose to interview two vendors. Staff reviewed softwaze manuals and other technical information on these two products. Staff also interviewed the project managers and technical staff, and checked references. A more detailed comparison was completed for both products. • With this information, functional, technical and procurement staff unanimously made a final decision that Stellent Inc.'s Content Management System would best meet the City's needs. Decision Rationale The final decision was based on the following key points: • Minimize customizarion and total cost of ownership by using an off-thashelf, packaged content management system. • Of the off-the-shelf products proposed, the Documentum (proposed by Westin) and Stellent (proposed by Stellent) software products aze the two best content management options for the City of Saint Paul's new site. -2- a t- tc'13 • When these two packages were analyzed in detail against the City's technical and functional goals and requirements, Stellern's Content Management System was determined to be the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. 1) Minimize customi�ation and total cost of owuership by using an off-the-shelf, packaged system. Proposals submitted in response to the RFP fell into ttuee basic categaries: Completely customized solutions built specifically for the City of Saint Paul; A pronri nroduct developed and supported by one company, but used by multiple cities; and Packaeed "off-the-shelf' content manaeement products that aze used, modified and integated by numerous companies and organizations. After reviewing and comparing a1124 proposals, stafF felt strongly that the City should minimize a customized appmach for its new site. Pacicaged solutions met the identified CiTy goals better in the five evaluation azeas and were therefore strongly prefened. Findings from the initial review process ate as follows: Evaluation CYiteria Ontcome and Comments Resoonsiveness to RESI7LT: 23 af the proposals met t6e minimum functional requirements set by Plan: Ma�cimize the City. content management functionality, ease of ' Pcoposals based on packaged products were more likely to exceed the minimum use, and "fiY' with City requirements, and include additional features (e.g., enhanced woriQlow, XML, goals. wireless, presentation flexibility, etc.) that could be used at any time, based on the City's evolving needs and phased implementation plan. * Proposals based on packaged products were generally more flexible and scalable, which in tum supports better long-term viability and use of the application for the City. Cost: RESULT: Proposals based on packaged soludons that signiScanUy eaceeded the Minunize short and cost range pnblicly set by the City were not considered for future review. long-term costs; i.e., cost of ownership. * Packaged products generally adhere to a planned upgrade procedure and schedule which supports the long-term viability of the application and reduces the amount of City technical support. * Custom solutions were more likely to have higher long-term cos[s for standard maintenance, because the work is specialized and must be performed andfor uvriated by the City. * Cost and time est'vnates for custom solution proposals appeared to be less firm and more prone to increases probably due to the fact the proposer was not starting with a known base. * Proposals based on packaged products offered less expensive and faster expansion to the in4anet, should the City decide to move in that d'uection. * If the system fails or is outgrown, replacement costs appeazed to be greater with the custom solutions. -3- o�- �o�� Technoloev fit: RESiJLT: No proposals were rejected in this round for tec6nology or network Maximize the use of eonfiguration reasous. existing City technology and * Proposals based on packaged producu did not require City technical expertise for technical lmow how developing product upgrades. Consistent with IS direction, the City should not be in the softwaze development business when commercial softwaze is available that meeu our needs. * Numerovs integration companies were available to implement and support the products identified in the packaged product proposals which means the City is not dependent on a single company, or the expertise of our staft; for support and maintenance. * The packaged product solutions requued a basic configuration set-up but minimai or no real customization maldng it easier to upgade the system when new software versions aze released Past exnerience: RESi7LT: All other large cities surveyed are choosing packaged products Choose a vendor with a tested product, * The packaged product proposals used softwaze that has heen tested hy hundreds af experience with lazge companies and refined over many years, resulting in a stable and reliable product. sites and/or public sector experience. Pronosed RESiTLT: Most packsged solutions allowed the City to phase in the release of imnlementation plan: the new site easily. Choose an efficient development strategy, * While most proposals anticipated meeting timeline of CiTy, stafF felt strongly that and emphasize strong modifying anexisting product would be much faster than building a product "&om project management. the gound up." Based on this, the following four products (from six proposals), were reviewed more closely. • Documentum Content Management System: Westin, Inc. • GovOffice Content Management System: Avenet Inc. • Microsoft Content Management System: Bom Informarion Services; and RCM Consulting • Stellent Content Management System: Ambient Consulting; and Stellent Inc. As mentioned, staff submitted a subsequent list of questions to these six vendors, requesting additional informarion on the product functionality and outlining in more detail the technical hazdware requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. � � l - to�13 2) Documentum (Westin) and Stellent's (Stellent) proposals are the two best options for Saint Paul. Staff carefully reviewed the detailed functional and technical capacity of these six proposals, and made the decision to wntinue with these two for the following reasons: Evaluation Criteria Commeuts Res onsiveness: ; Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent aze each very flexible and scalable in Content management terms of core content management capacity. Each has core functionality that is capacity considered state-of-the-art. s GovOffice is a content management system, but offers less functionality than the Documentum and Stellent ptoducts Resoonsiveness: * Documentum and Stellent each began as document management producu. Document management Their capacity in this regazd is extremely strong. Staff can work from all types capacity of existing electronic files or use the template functions to post and manage informafion. Cirizens view files in HTML. Very flexible and powerful. * MicrosoR and GovOffice offered significantly less document management capacity. * GovOffice requues citizens to download many documents to view them. r GovOffice developed For use with MS Word. Resoonsiveness: * All products offered basic "template-based" web page creation. Ease of use,-and haining * Stellent, and Documentum to a lesser e�ctent, aze especially shong in the strategy for intemal staff ability to automatically convert existing documenu in any format to web- viewable IiTML for citizens. This helps staffpost and manage existing informarion easily and efficienUy. * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent offer additional feahues and functionality that will require additional kainiug by some staff. Resnonsiveness and nast • Documentwn and Stellent each bave more than 1000 current customers. exnerience: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent have relevant public sector e�cperience Previous experience with with lazge municipaUpublic web sites. lazge customers and/or * GovOffice experience is limited to smalUmedium-sized sites. Saint Paul would municipal sites also be testing ground for a new version of their technology. Avenet has pazlnered with Microsoft, but Microsoft already offers a competing product for lazge sites such as Saint Paul's. (T7iis is the product Born and RCM proposed.) Cost and Technoloev fit: * Born, RCM and GovOffice each required Microsoft systems for malcimum Database and server functionality of content management systems. language * Microsoft's .Net technology is not fully tested in mazketplace. ' Oracle is the current Clty database staudard (e.g., GIS, AMANDA, etc.). Bom, RCM and GovOffice proposals offered no advantage for going with Microsoft's SQL or IIs. * Additional staff expertise would be required to maintain Microsoft systems for database and servers. * Documentum and Stellent use Oracle technology and enable the City to use existing staff technical experience. -5- o�-to�13 Technoloev fit: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent can each serve as the basis for the City's Required custom'vation intemet with little or no software customizarion. • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent require some initial set-up and configuration, but essentially no customization. This makes it much easier to upgrade and maintain the system in the future. • Documentum and Stellent offer open azchitecture technology, which simplifies product service. * GovOffice requires additional customizarion to aclueve the current funcrionality of other products for workflow, 3�vII., document conversion, etc. Customization creates barriers to fut�ue upgrades. Past exnerience: • Stellent and Documentum aze each over six yeazs old ("ancienP', in internet Longevity in the terms). mazketplace * Microsoft's Content Management System is a new product for the company. ' GovOffice is a new product, tested only in sma]Umedium-sized cities. Past exnerience: • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent are established and viable financially. Company viability * GovOffice is a new company. City would be almost entirely dependent on Avenet for support and maintenance, and very vulnerable if Avenet suffered business set backs. Past exnerience: * Documentum and Stellent are consistently ranked very favorably in softwaze Product reviews/ratings reviews. (StafFpurchased detailed functionaUtechnical reviews &om the Gartner Group, and did extensive web-based lit seazches.) * The Microsoft product was not rated strongly in reviews. * GovOffice lacks similaz third party, independent reviews. Past exnerience: * As the actual original developer of the product, Stellent was chosen over Vendor fami}iarity with Ambien4. product ImnlementaGon * Documentum and Stellent can be phased in with existing system. plan/Technolo2v fit: * Microsoft and GovOffice require extensive new technical expertise that may Need to reconfigure delay launch, increase internal costs and prevent phased implementauon. neiwork k Documentum and Stellent can be extended to the City's intranet with a minimum of softwaze (re)configuration. 3. StellenPs Content Management System is the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. Evaluation Criteria Comments Responsiveness to City's * Stellent is superior in terms of document crearion/conversion, worldlow, and web site plan, and overall ability to organize and manage dynamic information and content for the City. functionality Cost * StellenYs final cost proposal is very strong, and will enable the City to purchase additional user licenses. Technology fit * The network and technology solution proposed by Stellent was the best solution for City IS staff. � O 1 -to'� ; Bxperience and references s Stellent has the most experience with public and lazge city/county web sites: e.g., Scott County, Minneapolis, LA Coimty, City and County of San Fraucisco, Mesa AZ, County of Fresno, DOE, MNDOT, Redmond WA Police Dept, etc. * References for Stellent were all very strong. • Stellent is local, and has worked with otter potenrial parmers such as GovDocs. Implementation timeline I* Stellent's proposed rimeline was more reasonable, and helps the City "go live" with the new site quickly. Cc: Linda Camp Peter Hames Cindy Mullan Mazcia Moermond Jason Reid Rebecca Stenberg -7- ,� �� ,�e` , �_ JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember October 24, 2001 CZTY OF SAINT PA�7L OFFICE OF TAE CITY COUNCIL Peter Hames Technology and Management Services 160 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Sean Kershaw West Team Leader PED 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: E-Government Security Dear Peter and Sean, Ol-lb�S I have reviewed the Request for Proposal for Web Site development and the responses from the various providers. This review has prompted some concern regazding security for the E-Government project. As you know, President Bush has put togetHer a task force to look at issues of security and cyber terrorism as it specifically relates to government web sites. With that in mind, it is prudent to review and ask questions regazding security measures within the City of Saint Paul system prior to moving forwazd with any new web development. Has the City of Saint Paul had an external penetration audit done? If so, what were the results of the audit and how have we complied with the recommendations? If we have not had an external penetration audit, what measures aze in place resulting from any internal penetration audit the City may haue done? When was the last penetration audit done? Have any of the provider responses dealt with site security? Are there any early warning systems proposed? CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55 1 02-1 61 5 651/266-8610 s�� Printed on Recycled Paper Currently, we use Oracle for our payroll database system and a privately o, -ia�� developed softwaze for LIEP. It is my understanding that the code for Oracle was written in Pakistan, how do we protect or provide web site security to prevent someone form hacking into our payroll and information systems today? Have the developers of Oracle been contacted to see if they have security patches for the program? I know that we have firewalls in place to protect information in the Police Department, how aze we situated with protection in the Fire Departrnent? How secure aze the Police Department firewalls? I hope that you can have some answers to these questions today. If we have not had an extemal penetration audit done, I believe that it would be prudent to do so at our eazliest convenience. Also, we skould make sure that any provider that we may select has adequate security provisions in place to protect our information systems from attack. Although I have limited knowledge about programming and hacking, I do know that several federal government web sites have been "hacked into" in recent yeazs by young chiidren. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, Si rely, Jerry Blak City Co " member Cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers �'1 . 5. �•" i e��f rti L�' Presented By Green Sheet # , `� 3 $ �j RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To a3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WIIEREAS, the world wide web has grown from a static "electronic billboazd" to a means to deliver interacfive information, services and transactions to citizens, who increasingly expect to receive information and services through the web at times and places that aze most convenient to them, and WI-IEREAS, "e-governmenY' is defined as the use of technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees, and WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved funding for a web site implementation plan to improve the delivery of these e-government services to the citizens of Saint Paul, and piaced $800,000 in contingency for this implementation, and WI-IEREAS, the City has completed a detailed implementation plan and conducted a compeUtive request for proposals, and has identified the appropriate technical resources and software to implement this e-government plan, and WIIEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following transfers for the 2001 General Fund budget; Current Budeet TRANSFER FROM: Department of Technology and Management Services Administration 001-01001-0548 Council Contingency 001-01001-xxxx All other spending Total Budget TRANSFER TO: 001-01001-0219 001-01001-0280 001-01001-0259 001-01001-0856 001-01001-0857 001-01001-�x Total Spending Net Change Consulting Software maintenance Other training Software Hardware All other spending 800,000 511 344 1,311,344 0 0 0 0 0 511,344 1311,344 Council File # O l� �Dt}',�j .� Committee: Date Chanees (800,000) 0 (800,000) Amended Budeet 511344 1,311,444 237,000 237,000 50,000 50,000 13,000 13,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 0 511344 800,000 1311344 0 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. j°: � i� 3 s'� I �, � i:1 � i.—, �;\ i—�: i `•,.�a`;.v:ft: ��, Adopted by Council: Date �e.,_ S.(. xequested by Department of: By: Approved by Financial Services Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B�'� Form Approved by City Attorney B �. _ � . {� �z I By � AppYOVed by Mayor: Date ��j � � � 6 � _ to,�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: � By: . � � o�- ta ��:. r� ooi GREEN SHEET No 1 10386 Scott Renstrom 266-8b VST BE ON COUNCiI AG9dDr18Y (DA7El TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ■ u �.R„�� u «,.� � ❑ anr.nox�i ❑ arrcwrt ❑NWYJRL8FRNCESpR ❑RMMCYLL9 ❑ WYORpRABffifAIIT) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Move funds out of contingency to execute a contract with SCellent, Inc. for eGovernment Initiative. PLANNING CAMMISSION Ci6 COMMI'i7EE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract fa fhis tlepaAment7 YES NO 2. Nas Mis Pnso�rm ever been a cRY employee9 YES NO 3. �oes this persoNfimi possess a sltill rwt nortnalryP� �' �y �urreM dty emDbyee? VES NO 4. Is this pewonm�m a ta`ge[ed ventloCt YES NO Improvement in the quality of the ciy's web site and better communication with citizens and residents. SOURCE INFORMATION(IXPWM f COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO ACTNITY NUMBER �t-I��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Co[eman, Mayor Saint P¢u1, Minncsota 55102 390 Ciry Ha1l IS WestKeZloggBoulevard Telephone: (657) 266-8510 Facsimile: (657J 266-8573 October 3, 2001 Dear Council President Bostrom: The City of Saint Paul is ready to begin the next phase of implementation of our ongoing eGoverment Initiarive. As you lrnow this includes execufing a contract with Stellent, Inc. to begin delivering the necessary software and consulting services. Council action is needed to move the necessary funds out of contingency. I understand that, as formally requested, staff has provided you a written report describing the process and rational for selecting Stellent, Inc. It is unperative that this happens quickly because of the need to focus on cifizen service, standardize information delivery, and provide departments easy content administration tools. The City of Saint Paul is a nationalleader in the volume of online information and services available to citizens but our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. Stellent, Inc. has been selected by the City to make access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees. Please put this resolution on the October l Oth City Council agenda. Thank you, � Mayor Norm Coleman Cc: Peter Hames o1-�n"t3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF 5AIN'I' PAUL To: Cily Coimcilmembers From: Sean Kershaw Date: October 2, 2001 Re: E-Gov web site vendor seleetion As formally requested by Council in January, this memo reports on the recent web site implementation RFP process. Staffhas selected a vendor, and is prepared to move forward with implementation pending Council budget action. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or concems, or need more information. The budget amendment is anticipated to be on the October 10'" City Council Agenda. Project GoaUProblem Statement The goal of this e-Govemment initiative is to use the web to improve the delivery of services to the citizens of Saint Pau1. The City of Saint Paul is a national leader in the volume of online information and services available to cidzens. However, our site has become too large and complicated to manage efficiently. A content management system will address tkus problem by simplifying the process of posting and organizing information and services on our web site. This will improve the timeliness, supply and accuracy of information and services to citizens. The City's dependence on addirional technical and support staff will be minimized, and the long-term sustainability and functionality of the site will be greatly enhanced Background Staff worked closely with an outside consultant (Bom Information Services) to develop both a long-term "road map" and a detailed implementation plan to aclueve these goals. This implementation plan was presented to Councilmembers earlier in the yeaz, and is posted on the City's intranet at htto•//theorb. In January of 2001, Council transferred $800,000 to contingency for use after the content management softwaze and implementation consultant had been selected. Council action is needed to release these funds. ot-�o�1� Process Description/Summary • On hme 19'�, the City issued a formal competitive request for proposals (RFP) for content management softwaze and related services. The RFP outlined the goals and objectives for the project, including the detailed functional and technical requirements, and the criteria by which proposals would be evaluated. Potential proposers were given detailed functional requirements, including a description of the City's cutrent technology environment, but could propose a range of strategies to achieve these requirements. Proposals would be evaluated based on the following criteria: 1) Responsiveness to CiTy's web site plan 2} Cost 3) Technology fit with the City 4) Past �perience doing similaz projects, including references 5) Proposed implementation timeline • Vendors submitted questions about the City's expectations, existing technology, etc., and on July 13�' stafftransmitted detailed answers to all parties that received the RFP. • Twenty-four proposals were submitted by the deadline on August 1 st. • A core team of procurement, technical and functional staff reviewed the proposals against the criteria in the ItFP. Staff also gathered informa6on on content management softwaze used by other jurisdictions, and reviewed software evaluations prepazed by experts in the field. • Based on trus analysis, staff chose six proposals for finther consideration. A subsequent list of questions was sent to these sis vendors. These questions helped to clarify the functionality of the products, wmpaze this functionality to other competing products, and outline in more detail the technical hazdwaze requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. • Based on a review of products, and the answers to the previous questions, staff chose to interview two vendors. Staff reviewed softwaze manuals and other technical information on these two products. Staff also interviewed the project managers and technical staff, and checked references. A more detailed comparison was completed for both products. • With this information, functional, technical and procurement staff unanimously made a final decision that Stellent Inc.'s Content Management System would best meet the City's needs. Decision Rationale The final decision was based on the following key points: • Minimize customizarion and total cost of ownership by using an off-thashelf, packaged content management system. • Of the off-the-shelf products proposed, the Documentum (proposed by Westin) and Stellent (proposed by Stellent) software products aze the two best content management options for the City of Saint Paul's new site. -2- a t- tc'13 • When these two packages were analyzed in detail against the City's technical and functional goals and requirements, Stellern's Content Management System was determined to be the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. 1) Minimize customi�ation and total cost of owuership by using an off-the-shelf, packaged system. Proposals submitted in response to the RFP fell into ttuee basic categaries: Completely customized solutions built specifically for the City of Saint Paul; A pronri nroduct developed and supported by one company, but used by multiple cities; and Packaeed "off-the-shelf' content manaeement products that aze used, modified and integated by numerous companies and organizations. After reviewing and comparing a1124 proposals, stafF felt strongly that the City should minimize a customized appmach for its new site. Pacicaged solutions met the identified CiTy goals better in the five evaluation azeas and were therefore strongly prefened. Findings from the initial review process ate as follows: Evaluation CYiteria Ontcome and Comments Resoonsiveness to RESI7LT: 23 af the proposals met t6e minimum functional requirements set by Plan: Ma�cimize the City. content management functionality, ease of ' Pcoposals based on packaged products were more likely to exceed the minimum use, and "fiY' with City requirements, and include additional features (e.g., enhanced woriQlow, XML, goals. wireless, presentation flexibility, etc.) that could be used at any time, based on the City's evolving needs and phased implementation plan. * Proposals based on packaged products were generally more flexible and scalable, which in tum supports better long-term viability and use of the application for the City. Cost: RESULT: Proposals based on packaged soludons that signiScanUy eaceeded the Minunize short and cost range pnblicly set by the City were not considered for future review. long-term costs; i.e., cost of ownership. * Packaged products generally adhere to a planned upgrade procedure and schedule which supports the long-term viability of the application and reduces the amount of City technical support. * Custom solutions were more likely to have higher long-term cos[s for standard maintenance, because the work is specialized and must be performed andfor uvriated by the City. * Cost and time est'vnates for custom solution proposals appeared to be less firm and more prone to increases probably due to the fact the proposer was not starting with a known base. * Proposals based on packaged products offered less expensive and faster expansion to the in4anet, should the City decide to move in that d'uection. * If the system fails or is outgrown, replacement costs appeazed to be greater with the custom solutions. -3- o�- �o�� Technoloev fit: RESiJLT: No proposals were rejected in this round for tec6nology or network Maximize the use of eonfiguration reasous. existing City technology and * Proposals based on packaged producu did not require City technical expertise for technical lmow how developing product upgrades. Consistent with IS direction, the City should not be in the softwaze development business when commercial softwaze is available that meeu our needs. * Numerovs integration companies were available to implement and support the products identified in the packaged product proposals which means the City is not dependent on a single company, or the expertise of our staft; for support and maintenance. * The packaged product solutions requued a basic configuration set-up but minimai or no real customization maldng it easier to upgade the system when new software versions aze released Past exnerience: RESi7LT: All other large cities surveyed are choosing packaged products Choose a vendor with a tested product, * The packaged product proposals used softwaze that has heen tested hy hundreds af experience with lazge companies and refined over many years, resulting in a stable and reliable product. sites and/or public sector experience. Pronosed RESiTLT: Most packsged solutions allowed the City to phase in the release of imnlementation plan: the new site easily. Choose an efficient development strategy, * While most proposals anticipated meeting timeline of CiTy, stafF felt strongly that and emphasize strong modifying anexisting product would be much faster than building a product "&om project management. the gound up." Based on this, the following four products (from six proposals), were reviewed more closely. • Documentum Content Management System: Westin, Inc. • GovOffice Content Management System: Avenet Inc. • Microsoft Content Management System: Bom Informarion Services; and RCM Consulting • Stellent Content Management System: Ambient Consulting; and Stellent Inc. As mentioned, staff submitted a subsequent list of questions to these six vendors, requesting additional informarion on the product functionality and outlining in more detail the technical hazdware requirements for installation and ongoing use of the software. � � l - to�13 2) Documentum (Westin) and Stellent's (Stellent) proposals are the two best options for Saint Paul. Staff carefully reviewed the detailed functional and technical capacity of these six proposals, and made the decision to wntinue with these two for the following reasons: Evaluation Criteria Commeuts Res onsiveness: ; Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent aze each very flexible and scalable in Content management terms of core content management capacity. Each has core functionality that is capacity considered state-of-the-art. s GovOffice is a content management system, but offers less functionality than the Documentum and Stellent ptoducts Resoonsiveness: * Documentum and Stellent each began as document management producu. Document management Their capacity in this regazd is extremely strong. Staff can work from all types capacity of existing electronic files or use the template functions to post and manage informafion. Cirizens view files in HTML. Very flexible and powerful. * MicrosoR and GovOffice offered significantly less document management capacity. * GovOffice requues citizens to download many documents to view them. r GovOffice developed For use with MS Word. Resoonsiveness: * All products offered basic "template-based" web page creation. Ease of use,-and haining * Stellent, and Documentum to a lesser e�ctent, aze especially shong in the strategy for intemal staff ability to automatically convert existing documenu in any format to web- viewable IiTML for citizens. This helps staffpost and manage existing informarion easily and efficienUy. * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent offer additional feahues and functionality that will require additional kainiug by some staff. Resnonsiveness and nast • Documentwn and Stellent each bave more than 1000 current customers. exnerience: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent have relevant public sector e�cperience Previous experience with with lazge municipaUpublic web sites. lazge customers and/or * GovOffice experience is limited to smalUmedium-sized sites. Saint Paul would municipal sites also be testing ground for a new version of their technology. Avenet has pazlnered with Microsoft, but Microsoft already offers a competing product for lazge sites such as Saint Paul's. (T7iis is the product Born and RCM proposed.) Cost and Technoloev fit: * Born, RCM and GovOffice each required Microsoft systems for malcimum Database and server functionality of content management systems. language * Microsoft's .Net technology is not fully tested in mazketplace. ' Oracle is the current Clty database staudard (e.g., GIS, AMANDA, etc.). Bom, RCM and GovOffice proposals offered no advantage for going with Microsoft's SQL or IIs. * Additional staff expertise would be required to maintain Microsoft systems for database and servers. * Documentum and Stellent use Oracle technology and enable the City to use existing staff technical experience. -5- o�-to�13 Technoloev fit: * Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent can each serve as the basis for the City's Required custom'vation intemet with little or no software customizarion. • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent require some initial set-up and configuration, but essentially no customization. This makes it much easier to upgrade and maintain the system in the future. • Documentum and Stellent offer open azchitecture technology, which simplifies product service. * GovOffice requires additional customizarion to aclueve the current funcrionality of other products for workflow, 3�vII., document conversion, etc. Customization creates barriers to fut�ue upgrades. Past exnerience: • Stellent and Documentum aze each over six yeazs old ("ancienP', in internet Longevity in the terms). mazketplace * Microsoft's Content Management System is a new product for the company. ' GovOffice is a new product, tested only in sma]Umedium-sized cities. Past exnerience: • Documentum, Microsoft and Stellent are established and viable financially. Company viability * GovOffice is a new company. City would be almost entirely dependent on Avenet for support and maintenance, and very vulnerable if Avenet suffered business set backs. Past exnerience: * Documentum and Stellent are consistently ranked very favorably in softwaze Product reviews/ratings reviews. (StafFpurchased detailed functionaUtechnical reviews &om the Gartner Group, and did extensive web-based lit seazches.) * The Microsoft product was not rated strongly in reviews. * GovOffice lacks similaz third party, independent reviews. Past exnerience: * As the actual original developer of the product, Stellent was chosen over Vendor fami}iarity with Ambien4. product ImnlementaGon * Documentum and Stellent can be phased in with existing system. plan/Technolo2v fit: * Microsoft and GovOffice require extensive new technical expertise that may Need to reconfigure delay launch, increase internal costs and prevent phased implementauon. neiwork k Documentum and Stellent can be extended to the City's intranet with a minimum of softwaze (re)configuration. 3. StellenPs Content Management System is the best choice for the City of Saint Paul. Evaluation Criteria Comments Responsiveness to City's * Stellent is superior in terms of document crearion/conversion, worldlow, and web site plan, and overall ability to organize and manage dynamic information and content for the City. functionality Cost * StellenYs final cost proposal is very strong, and will enable the City to purchase additional user licenses. Technology fit * The network and technology solution proposed by Stellent was the best solution for City IS staff. � O 1 -to'� ; Bxperience and references s Stellent has the most experience with public and lazge city/county web sites: e.g., Scott County, Minneapolis, LA Coimty, City and County of San Fraucisco, Mesa AZ, County of Fresno, DOE, MNDOT, Redmond WA Police Dept, etc. * References for Stellent were all very strong. • Stellent is local, and has worked with otter potenrial parmers such as GovDocs. Implementation timeline I* Stellent's proposed rimeline was more reasonable, and helps the City "go live" with the new site quickly. Cc: Linda Camp Peter Hames Cindy Mullan Mazcia Moermond Jason Reid Rebecca Stenberg -7- ,� �� ,�e` , �_ JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember October 24, 2001 CZTY OF SAINT PA�7L OFFICE OF TAE CITY COUNCIL Peter Hames Technology and Management Services 160 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Sean Kershaw West Team Leader PED 1100 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: E-Government Security Dear Peter and Sean, Ol-lb�S I have reviewed the Request for Proposal for Web Site development and the responses from the various providers. This review has prompted some concern regazding security for the E-Government project. As you know, President Bush has put togetHer a task force to look at issues of security and cyber terrorism as it specifically relates to government web sites. With that in mind, it is prudent to review and ask questions regazding security measures within the City of Saint Paul system prior to moving forwazd with any new web development. Has the City of Saint Paul had an external penetration audit done? If so, what were the results of the audit and how have we complied with the recommendations? If we have not had an external penetration audit, what measures aze in place resulting from any internal penetration audit the City may haue done? When was the last penetration audit done? Have any of the provider responses dealt with site security? Are there any early warning systems proposed? CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55 1 02-1 61 5 651/266-8610 s�� Printed on Recycled Paper Currently, we use Oracle for our payroll database system and a privately o, -ia�� developed softwaze for LIEP. It is my understanding that the code for Oracle was written in Pakistan, how do we protect or provide web site security to prevent someone form hacking into our payroll and information systems today? Have the developers of Oracle been contacted to see if they have security patches for the program? I know that we have firewalls in place to protect information in the Police Department, how aze we situated with protection in the Fire Departrnent? How secure aze the Police Department firewalls? I hope that you can have some answers to these questions today. If we have not had an extemal penetration audit done, I believe that it would be prudent to do so at our eazliest convenience. Also, we skould make sure that any provider that we may select has adequate security provisions in place to protect our information systems from attack. Although I have limited knowledge about programming and hacking, I do know that several federal government web sites have been "hacked into" in recent yeazs by young chiidren. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, Si rely, Jerry Blak City Co " member Cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers