- MAVOR ---����- Flle N ' "�+
il Resolution �
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and Independent School District #625
have endorsed the concept of joint use of land and facilities
WHEREAS, The City desires to lease a portion of the Webster Magnet School
Site (Marshall-Webster) contiguous to City-owned property for
the purpose of constructing site improvements for recreational
use; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed
to enter into a lease and joint use operating agreement with the
School District in order to accomplish the above; subject to the
terms and conditions of the agreement, a copy of which shall be
kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � Commu 't Serv' es
Hozza In Favor
Hunt ,
Levine _ �_ Against _ ,,
Tedesco JAN 3 � 19_� Form Approved by ity torney
Adopted oun 1: Date
C ified Pa: d by Co il Secr ary BY
By ��� ,
t�ppr y Mavor: �AN 3 O 19� Appr d y May r Submi on t CouAsil
B _ — BY
eus�,t�� F E8 1 � �979 .
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THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of , 1978,
by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a municipal corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter
referred to as "City" and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, existing
pursuant to laws 1965, Chapter 705, as amended, hereinafter referred to as
WHEREAS, the District is the owner of certa�n real property known as Webster Magnet
School which is located within the corporate limits of the City of Saint
Paul , and
WHEREAS, said property is legally described as Lots 1 thru 30 inclusive, Block 11 ,
and the south one-half of vacated Ashland Avenue adjoining and lying between
the east line of Lot 11 , Block 11 , Holcombe's Addition extended northerly
and the west line of St. Albans Street, Lots 11 thru 20 inclusive, and the
vacated alley adjoining said lots, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to the City
of Saint Paul , and all of vacated Ashland Avenue adjoining Lots 16 thru 20,
Block 10, and Lots 11 thru 15, Block 11 , Holcombe's Addition, and
WHEREAS, the City is the owner of certain real property adjacent to that owned by the
District and which is legally described as Lots 1 thru 10 inclusive and Lots
21 thru 30 inclusive, and the vacated alley adjoining said Lots, Block 10,
Holcombe's Addition to the City of Saint Paul , and the north one-half of
vacated Ashland Avenue adjoining and lying between the east line of Lot 20,
Block 10, Holcombe's Addition and the west line of St. Albans Street, and
WHEREAS, the City desires to lease a portion of the Webster Magnet School site, which
is more particularly described as Lots 11 thru 20 inclusive, Block 10, the
westerly 15 feet of Lot 4, all of Lots 5 thru 11 inclusive, Block 11 , Hol-
combe's Addition to the City of Saint Paul and those portions of vacated
Ashland Avenue adjoining said lots as illustrated in 'Exhibit A' , and here-
inafter referred to as "grounds", for the purpose of construction site
improvements for recreational use, which includes the following: athletic
fields, tennis and basketball courts, children's play area, passive area,
parking, field lighting, and
WHEREAS, the City and the District covenants that each has good and sufficient title to
the premises above described and noting ownership., and
WHEREAS, the City and the District desire to enter into a Joint Lease and Joint Use
Agreement for the purpose of providing Comnunity Education, City Recreational
Programs and School District Outdoor Educational and Physical Education
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NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and advantages hereinafter
provided for the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, City
and District to do hereby agree as follows:
1 . THAT, the District does herewith demise, lease and let unto the City,
in consideration of a payment of one (1) dollar and the performance
of all other provisions of this agreement, for a term of fortjr.
(40) years comnencing , 1978.
2. THAT, the City herewith covenants and agrees that it will use said
premises for the purpose intended, to-wit: the construction of
site improvements for recreational use, which includes the
following: athletic fields, tennis and basketball courts,
children's play area, passive area, parking and field lighting
and such related uses which would be common to these recreational
facilities or any lawful recreational use as agreed upon by the
parties hereto. �
3. THAT, it is mutually agreed by both parties that either party may
initiate a request to terminate said lease by givin written
notice to the other party three hundred sixty-five �365) days
prior to cancellation or termination to which both parties
must mutually agree.
4. THAT, the District shall have access to and the use of its grounds and
the City's grounds during the regular normal school hours of the
school year. This shall be extended to include the use of said
grounds in total or in part by the District for such special
educational activities that occur after the regular normal
school hours or school year.
5. THAT, the City shall have access to and the use of the City's grounds,
and the School District's grounds, Monday through Friday after
the end of the school day throughout the school year and on
Holidays, Saturday, Sunday, Winter Break, Spring Break, and
during su�aner vacation. The City shall also have access to the
use of the District's building via application for permit and
approval by and through the District's Permit Office. Said
Permit will identify the spaces authorized for use, the term and
the conditions based on the Board of Educations current policy
for use of school facilities.
6. THAT, if additional hours of use are needed for any part of the City's
or District's grounds by either the City of District, a written
notice must be given seven (7) days prior to such need or use by
the requesting party to the appropriate party in charge (District -
School Principal) (City - Recreation Director) with both parties
mutu�ly agreeing to the change in hours.
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7. THAT, the City shall indemnify and save the District harmless from
any and all claims of whatever kind that may arise from the
City's use of the leased grounds and during any construction
of the improvements. It shall further be required that during
construction the City require its contractor to insure against
damage to the District's building, grounds, utilities and any
other liability created as the result of said construction
and that the District be named in the insurance and performance
bond documents. The City shall also indemnify and save the District
harmless from any and all claims resulting from improper design
or construction failure.
8. THAT, the District shall indemnify and save the City harmless from
any and all claims of whatever kind that may arise from the
District's use of the leased grounds.
9. A.THRT, the City shall be responsible for all ordinary grounds main-
tenance on the City's grounds and on the leased grounds area. This
shall not include weed control or fertilization. The City shall
also be responsible for all perimeter snow and ice removal or
sanding, including the Parking Lot and the total Webster Magnet
School site perimeter, and the District shall be responsible for
snow removal on steps and walkways leading to the public sidewalk.
Snow removal shall take place after each accumulation of more than
two (2) inches of snow.
B.THAT, the District shall place equipment for and provide for the
removal of all solid waste generated by the City's and District's
use of said grounds.
10. THAT, on a semi-annual basis, the City and District shall mutually
identify the costs incurred by each party for Items "A" and "B"
in Item No. 9 for the past six (6) month period with the City
paying 67 percent of said costs and the District paying 33 percent
of said costs, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by both parties
in writing.
11 . THAT, i.n the event the District or City, or both parties, shall
determine to discontinue their use of the site, said action shall
be pursuant to Board Policy File DO-R, as adopted by the Board
of Education on May 17, 1977, and pursuant to Council Resolution,
No. 268764, as adopted by the St. Paul City Council on May 21 , 1977.
12. THAT, the City's Recreation Director or his designee shall provide
full time supervision for all of its programs at all times. Said
supervisor shall be responsible for surveying the condition of the
grounds each day prior to commencing with the City's program or
programs and shall identify and report to his supervisor on a
daily basis any and all damages to said grounds or equipment which
occurs while in the City's use.
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13. THAT, the District's Building Principal or his designee shall provide
full time supervision for all school programs at all times.
Said Building Principal or his designee shall be responsible for
surveying the condition of the grounds each day prior to commencing
with the District's program or programs and shall identify and
report to the Executive Director of Plant Planning and Maintenance
on a daily basis any and all damage to said grounds or equipment
which occurs while in the District's use.
14. THAT, the City and/or District shall be responsible for the costs to
repair or replace any damage to the grounds or equipment which
occurs while said facility is under their control or use.
15. THAT, the City shall be responsible for the policing of the grounds
being used so that same will be returned in the same condition
as it was prior to the use of said grounds.
16. THAT, the District shall be responsible for the policing of the grounds
being used so that same will be returned in the same conditions
as it was prior to the use of said grounds.
17. THAT, all parties shall abide by all such rules and regulations mutually
agreed on and established by either party or by governmental
regulations current and future to insure safe, sanitary, fire
and health protection to all persons.
18. THAT, any improvements or alterations affecting the grounds shall require
approval by the Executive Director of School Plan Planning and
19. THAT, any improvements or alterations affecting the grounds shall
require approval by the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation.
20. THAT, the proper authorized District and City administrative personnel
responsible for the administering of this agreement are herewith
authorized to make amendments to the Joint Use Operating Agreement
subject to mutual agreerr�nt by both parties, and further subject to
the review and approval by legal counsel of both the District and
the City. It is further conditioned that no amendment(s) shall be
made to the lease portion of this agreement without approval of the
governing bodies of both the District and the C�ty of Saint Paul .
. �. . .
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above.
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Assistant ity Attorney ' M yor
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�U�� Management Services
Board Attorney ir r of Com i y S rvices
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Date : January 15, 1979 ,�;��� `16 ���9
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F'R: Thomas J. Kelley, Director, Department of Community Services
RE; Council Resolution regarding
Lease-Joint Use Agreement between
City-I.S.D. 625 for the
Webster Magnet (Marshall-Webster) Site
Approval of Resolution for submission
to City Council
This is necessary to authorize City participation in joint-use
site deve1opment and programming at the Webster Magnet (Marshall-Webster)
Council Resolution - for signature �
Joint Use Agreement - copy for reference