273454 � r . , . . . , . .. � � . hereia provided, or in the event Lessor for any reasoa d.etermines that this Lease should be terminated, then the Lessor may, at its option, terminate this Lease Agreement by g�ving Lessee ninety (90) d�ys writtea notice, and � - Lessee sha11 peacefli7.ly giv� up the possession of the premises and restore the property to its origi.nal condition. Nothing herein sha11 prohibit Lessee �a reasanably contesting the levy o� ar�y such tax. �. Lessee shall ha,ve the right to terminate this I,ease in the eveat tha.t (a) all or a substantial pa.rt of the lea.sed premises are taken by the right o� emi.nent domain, or {b) Lessee is deprived o� access to the leased. gremises, provided that such termination sha11 not be e�Y'ective unless Lessee provides Lessor with ninety (90) days written notice of sai.d termina.tion. In the even.t of such �Eezmi.nation, Zessee shall restore the premises i.n the manner and as prov.i.ded fpr in Para.graph 8 of this Lease Agreement. 5• Lessee shaLt have the use of the demised premises duz3ng the term o� this Lease for the purpose oP constxuctiag, aperating and maintaining a soli.d waste tra.nsfer station on],y. Lessee shall construct, operate a,ad mai�tai.n its said traasfer statioa i.n strict compliance w3.th a11 agplicable ordiaauces, State and Federal Laws, and in campliance with a11 rules and regulat�ons i.mposed by the 2fi.nnesota Po]lution Contro2 Agency. Lessee sha11 aot create nor maintain a nuisance, as def5.ned by law, on the demi.sed premi.ses. 6. Lessee a.�rees to flitnish and maintain, during the term o� tbis Lease, public liability insuraace, which shall protect the Lessor and the Lessee f�am claims or damages for persanal in�ury, inclucling accideatal death, which may arise au� of the occupation or use of the demised premi,ses by the Lessee, which public liability insurance shall be ia aa amvunt oY' not less than Oae Hundred Thausand Dollars ($100,000.00) per person for ia�juries, includiag accideatal death, and sub�ect to the same limitations for each persoa ia aa amvuat of not Iess thaa Three Hundred Thousaad Dollars (�3pp�ppp�pp� oa accauat of a.Zy single accidea'� or iac33ent, asad ituthar iac.�.ude� co�rsgs t�r praperty daaage ia aa a8ouat aot less than 2Tiree �^ed 3hasa�d i,to�,2,1„ors ($300,000.00) arising out of a single occurrence, whlch policies of f,asurat�ce � or certiPicates shall state that thirty (30) d��ys xritten notice sha12, be givcn to the City be�ore said insurance is changed or caace]1ed. Capies oE' said insura.nce policies ore.ertif'icates shall be fYled with the Director of Finance and Mana.gement Services. 7. Lessee does hereby expressl,y agree and undertake to fti,7ly iade��fy, hold haxia7.ess a,nd de:end the City o� Saint Paul, its agents, ofP].cers and employees fram a.ny and a11 dz3mages, claims, losses, jud.g�nents, suits, expenses, actions or causes oP action in whatsoever manner arising aut of or occasioned - ,` by the occupation or use of the demised premi.ses by I,essee. The Lessee fluther expressly agrees, to flilly indemni�y, hoZd harmless and defead the City oY Saint Paul, its a.geats, offYcers, and employees, f�o� aRy aad al], dama.ges, cla3ms, losses, judgments, suits, expenses, actioas or cau.ses of action arising out oP or xcasioned by the emission of air contaminants, storage or maintenance of solid ha.zaxdaus wastes, discharge of pollutants into ar�y water, ar any activity which is canducted on the prexnises duxing the term of this a.greement, causing air, wa.ter, soil or noise pollution under applicable Federal, State a.nd local law. In addition, it shall be � the duty of �the Lessee dn.ring the term of this agreement to immediately � notiPy �the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as required by I4SA 115.061 in writing, o�' a�y a:i.r, water, soil or noise pollntion which occiu s on or near the demi.sed premises which is due to I,essee's wse of occupancy of sa3d presnises. 8. Lessee agrees to make a11 amprovements to the demised preartses eatirely at its awn cost and expense, and all site i.mprov�nents (including, but not lim:i.ted to, grading, f'I.11 material, sur�aciag, feacing a.nd dri.veways) shP.11 be d,one ia strict accordance with ead.sting City ordiaances a.nd State laws, and fluther to the rea.sonable satisfaction of the Director of Coammunity Services. Upon the termination of this Lease Agreemeat, Lessee expressl,y agrees, at its own cost, to remove all iarprovements oa the demised preaii.ses and to restore the demised premises to its ori.�.na7, condition aad to the reasonable satisfaction of the Lessor, fYee and clear of az�y pollutants to a3,r, water, soil or noise as mayl3e determined by appZicable Federal, State or local laW. The premises sha11 be so restored within one hundred t�reaty (120) days of the termination oY this Lease. Lessee shatl ma.i.nta�n the insura.nce a.s described in Clause 6 of this Lease until the de.m�.sed prelaises is ao restored. 9. The Lessee agrees to pramptly pay a11 rates and charges which aa�y becox�e due aad payable Por �+ater, ga.s, electric curreat, se+rer rentai, stea�a, telephone or other ser�ricea prvvi8ad for iha d�cai�sed prr�isas �rlag t�s fl�11 tezm o� this Lea�e. 10. The Lessee shall keep the preynises in good order aad the exterier of the baildtng fYes frc�m all ref'use, sha11 keep the sideWalks fr�e frt�n sncir, ice aad a11 obstructions, and shaLl promptly a.nd reasonably remwe all ashes, garbage and ref�ise of aAy ki.nd fram the premises during said term, taking into considera.tion the �oses for which th�s Lease is ma.de. The Lessee sha11 not c�nit wa.ste. o� an�y ld.nd to the demi.sed pre�ises during sa3d term. 11. At all times during the term o� this lease, Lessor shall have the right, by its agents and eaiployees, to enter into a.nd upon the demised � � ' . � . . . . . . � . . premises a.nd improvements thereon duxing reasonable busiaess hours �or the purpose o� p�++i�ng and inspecting the same and determining whether the Lessee sha11 have coaaplied with its obligations hereuader in respect of the care a.nd maintenance a.nd use of the premises and the repair or rebuilding oP the improvements thereon whea necessary. 12. The Lessee shallo not erect, af"Pix or display a.ny si� on �he exterior of said premises without, in each instance, f5.rst securiag the wri.ttea consent of the Di.rector of D�partment of C��*+�ty Services. 13. The Lessee shall not sell or assi�nn this Lease ox sublet said prem.ises or at�y part thereo� without f`irst obtaining the written consent and agproval oP the Couacil of the City of Sai.nt Paul, evidenced by its resolution duly adapted and enacted. A�y such assi�ment or sublettiag wi.thcut the approval of Lessor shall be void, and sha11, at the option of the Lessor, terminate this Lease. Th�s Lease shall not, nor ar�y part ox interest thereo�, be assi�able a.s to the interest of Lessee, by aperation of law, withaut the written consent of I,essor. 14. A11 notices at a�y time to be served by the Lessors upon the Lessee shall be in wri.ting and sent by registered ma3.l with postage prepai.d, a.ddressed to the I,essee, Crosby American Properties, c�o Ameri.ca.n Hoist and Derri.ck, 63 South Robert S�reet, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55107. Atl notices at any time to be served by the Lessee upon the Lessors shall be ia wri.ting a.ad sent by registered maa.l with postage prepaid to City of ga3.nt Pau1, in care of City Clerk,Ro� 386, City Ha17. aad CrnLrt Horuse, Saint Paul, Mianeso�a, .55102. 15. It is a.gt�eed between the parties that in case at an�y titme de�ault sha11 be ma.de bJ the Zessee ia the payment of an�y rent upon the day uhea the same shall became due or payable, and such de�ault sha1l, coutinue for te:t (10) days, or in case dePault sha11 be made by the Lessee ia the perYor.r.�ace oP a.qy of the other tezas, conditioas or cov+eaauts of said Lease by said Leasee to be per!arxd, oLhar thaa tha covansaL for Lha pa;�r..rat of rent, taxes aad assessaeat� � aet vut ia Faz�rs;� 3 aao�, and said dePavlt shall continue for a period of thirty (30) da�s atter the service o� rar3tten notice of such de�ault by the Lessor oa the Lessee (no notice of default in the payment of rent being necessary), thez� the Lessor may enter into a.nd upoa the demised pre�ises or a�y pazt thereof a.nd repossess the saine, with or w;�thvut pre�udice to a�y o� its remedies Por rent or breach o� coveaant, and in a�y such e�vent may, at�its option, termiaate said Lease by giving written notice of its election so to do, or may, at its vption, let the premises or any part thereaf as the agent of �FT�n T.oc�e.o n�• rr�-i�er+.r�eA �o �/�w0!fY��Tf+ r;�1,�0 �-,r� ,�.�...,�.a;.... ...tw�... s-.. st..,, . _ . Lessor are, and shaLl be deemed to be, cumeal.ative, and the exercise oY one sha1S not be deeaced to be au election, excluding the exercise by the Lessoa at at�y other or di.�eren� time of a di�Yerent or incorisistent remec�y, aad shatt be deemed. to be given to said Lessor in additi.on to a.n�y other and fLtrther ri.ghts granted to sa3,d Lessor by the terms o�' this Agreement, or - by la.w, and the failure upon the pax�t o� the Lessor at ar�y time to exercise ax�y right or remedy hereby gi.ven to it shall not be deemed tv operate as a wa;iver by it o� its right to exercise such right or remec�y at a.z�y other or fliture tim,e. 16. In the event this Lease Agreeraent or ar�y part thereo� is deter- mined by az�y Court's decisioa to be contrary to any existing la.w, th�s Lease Agreement sha11 be tE''�`^��rAt@C�� a.nd the premises restored to its original conditioa to the satisfactioa o� the Lessor, atl at the sole cost and eapease o� the Lessee. In the event of such termiaation, it is expressly agreed. upoa by and between parties hereto that Lessor shal]. ia no wa.y be liable Yor any damages caused or incurred by Lessee. - , ; ; -- -- . . . . . . . .... . .. . . .. _ . . . -. .,. � � .. .. . . . . .... � . - ... . . . . . � - � . ; IN WITNFSS W�F, the Lessor has caused this Lea.se ta be executed on its behalf by its Ma.yor, its Director of Finance and Management Services a.nd its City Clerk respectively, and the Lessee has caused this Lease ta be executed on its behalf by its and , as o� the day a.nd year f'irst above written. ���`-�� �� ,�1-�/G'/ AFPROVID AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL: � �� __ _ eJt� sistant �ty�-�r orney I�yor 6_.��_� 9 , Director oP Fina.nce and Msuagement Services �l���'7 . C ity Clerk ' � CR06BY �CAN PRQPF.R7.ZF� COMPANY c�o AMERICAN HOIST AND �CFC By zts Aad ,_, ,,,�� Its , � } r�E�����, � .�.�,� ��• .�� �?��'�:,'��. - . �'x�.�'��-�.`��i������ ��� �. �����. ��_ � T (fNl (?l: :��2/29�5 . Rev:c. , 9/8/�b , , ;, EXFI,ANRTION QF ADatIN� ��'RATIV ,+C�3�, _ � � - , , - _: —���t�����(����� "� ,. --�...-- , :�7�4�4.. .� - . .� , Date: �Tu1�r la, 19'�9" � TO: � MAYOR GEflRGE LATIMER �� �_ -_. FR: a. lat. �a�n, Va1. & Asa�at. �aee�`� .�+ � ��� � �. B�La�a ( � . � ���. ,, ; RE: �� �ima �t �rith Craebq t�eorie:t�► �eriu�� '(sr��i�r�s�/1�r3.�s ; �i.st �ad nerrieaic �4T)• t ACTI01� RERUESTED:- � �gp�rrral re+�e�w�idstio� tci increaae a�i�hl�r rsa'� t�t �A«�� i�u.�� rl� =�� iac].�1+e � �.e1a�r t�t�.on ci�se. , � , . • �.�. ; = , ;,i. . � ;� PURPt�S�: AN�- RAi'IO[!�ltE �OR'Tt��S. ACTION s . .; � � . . . . . . ,., � . . . . . . . . ... . . - . � `. . . - . � �� . � � � � �.1 - -d . . . � . . . . .. . . 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BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VA oN � ncil Resolution , Presented By —��` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS, the City of Saint Pau1 awns certain lands in the vicini�y of the Municpal Stadiwn; and WHEREAS, the Crosby American Froperties, Inc. has requested permission to contiriue to lease a portion of said City c�med land. described as folla�rs; � That part of the Northeast l�+ of Section 27, Trn�mship 29 N, Ran�e 23 W., bounded on the west by a line fifty (50) feet east of and parallel w3th the west line of said northeast 1�+, on the northeast and east by the northeasterly and eas�erly lines of the Municipal Sta.dium property, and on the south by a line twenty (20) feet northerly of and parallel with the north curb line of DeCaurcy Drive as constructed, together with an easement for reasonable ingress and egress to public highways. RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into an a�reement for a one yeax term(including 90 day termination clause), co�nencing on the 21st day of June, �979 and. termirlating on the 21st day of June, 1980, with the Crosby American Properties, Inc. providing monthly rental of $400.00 and provided f�rther that the Crosby American Properties, Inc. f�irnish a lia.bility insurance contract in which the City of Saint P�u1 is also named insured, the limits of which are to be no less tha,n the genera.l sta.tutory l.iability for a municipa.lity as limited by Minnesota State Sta.tutes. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays -�reier Fi ce and ement Services �� In Favor �.�� r-� ��1. Levine __ Against By Direetor Maddox �j{d'�� �:'Q'�'rj �� Show sco � 2 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adop by Coun 1: Date ertiEied d by C u ' Secretary C OL.O�f� 7'-C-� � /� 61p by iNavor: D Approv y ayor for Subm`\��o Coun '1 B - — BY Pt�BUSttED AU� 1 1 1979 ;; . ,. ; , ; ,��. ; ' , _ _ ; __. --- /� � � d ' 2"73��5� _ � � c::� � -,-- t �- � ' , �� i - � , , . ;� � ' �•� ' �, �, � � . � � �, . � ; ; , : ; ��T , , ., , �� � � ; � �, ! ��� . s� � rr. , � � i � �,� � I `, � � u� L+ "� �� i ; I �= l � � � 1 � +� ' I ' '' ' ------ --- l � " � .'r, ; f---� I •�' ± �--;_---_� � i / . � ., � . � � � � � � ��` I � . 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