273440 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council fe� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO• ���� jo BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recomnendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1979 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - Specified 09061-536-000 transfer or contribution to Budget Fund $140,072 To: Operation and Maintenance Department of Community Services Public Health Administration 03200-537-000 transfer or contribution to Special Fund $140,072 Approved as to Funding: Approved: � ��_� , D�rector, Dep t ent of inan e an get irec r �lanagement Servi ces �� ��/�.� ������� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �1` � In Favor COMMUNITY SERVICES �Hezz�- �- Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Show esco Form A roved by t Ado by Council• Date ��—�_ � ertified Y� ed by Counci etery BY � i A v by Mavor: Da e Ap ro by Mayor for Su ' s tp.Eouncil au By BY �.18LISHED AU G 1 1 1979 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �`��2"��� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL INTERAFFiCE COMMUNICATION June 29 , 1979 T0: Robert Sandquist, Department of Community Services FROM: William G. Timm, Health Administration Manager ;����„� SUBJECT : Model Cities Health Program Funding Needs As you requested, we have calculated the funding needs for the Model Cities Health Program through September 30 , 1979. Based on the deficit existing at the end of May and an estimate of four months expenditures , the total expenditures for the period total $205,688. During that same period we will have receipts totaling $65 ,616 , leaving a net deficit of $140 ,072 . Based on this projected deficit, I request that you initiate whatever action is necessary to have this amount of money trans- ferred from the General Revenue Contingency Reserve Fund to the Model Cities Health Program 33246. There was $200 ,000 placed in the contingency reserve fund in 1979 for this purpose. With the upcoming grant under the Urban Health Initiative Program of HEW commencing October 1 , 1979 , we do not anticipate any further need for general revenue contingency funds beyond this request. WGT :cb Enc. ���'`���� Model Cities Program June - September 1979 Estimated Receipts & Expenditures Expenditures May Deficit 34,688 4 months expenditures @ $35,000 140,000 Extra Payroll for June 10,000 Payroll carried into Oct. 11,000 Supplies order but not pd. by Sept. 10,000 Total Expenditures $205,688 Receipts CHS 6 mos. � 6,445 , 38,670 Rent MIC 6 mos. � 381 2,286 Welfare 4 mos. � 3,000 12,000 Patient 4 mos. � 3,000 12,000 Misc. 4 m�os. � 165 660 Total Receipts _ 65,616 Total De�icit September 1979 140 072 ..�._. KM 6/28/79 . �h. . � OM 0?.: Z2/1975 ! Rev. : ������ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATTVE ORDERS, RESO�UTIONS, AND ORDINA���S Date: July 13, 1979 10: MAYOR GEORGE LATL'�iER FR: Thomas J. Ke11ey � �= Councii Resoiution transferring funds in the 1979 Contingent Reserve - Specif�ed to the Model Cities Health Program . . . ACTION R:QIIESTED: Approval of attached Council Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIDIVALE FOR THIS ACTION: Since Grant availability was uncertain for 1974 at the time the budget was prepared, $200,000 was set aside in the Contingent Reserve in the event no Grant was secured. A Grant has been approved, but funds wi11 not be available until October 1, 1979, thus requiring $140,072 for interim funding of this program. aTTACxM:�rrrs: Council Resolution � . . . � � - �Aj, q(�� ...... _. _ wHITE, - C�TY CLERK . . . • .. . ..� .. . . .. . . � � fn 7 'w��'�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANAF2Y - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR � File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Pau1 , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1979 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - Specified 09061-536-000 transfer or contribution to Budget Fund $140,072 To: Operation and Maintenance Department of Community Services Public Health Administration 03200-537-000 transfer or � contribution to Special Fund $140,072 Approved as to Funding: Approved: � a Director, Department of inance an dget irec r Management Services COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor COMMUNITY SERVICES Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY —' Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi(ied Passed by Cuuncil Secretary BY r B� Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council T,_. n_. �:.C'��:�' �.:?� ►,�.f�..r.:��.' _.L�1'� �T j j �,y y - �� f i 'f—�(�i� �i�'�'.�:1{'; �ti �.l'.'�.1': �ii.rt�.lr ti�iJ��iT x� •� • � /►�� j �;• �..;.._ `���;�1, 1. .`` ' ° a� 1:.'l� . ��� ,��\ .vj;���'� Dc�t e : July 30, 1979 . ,_ �� C � �'��i ��; �`�.� f ,- �--, �.: �, ,� z--�; -s� i.... i�. i �.._ Y i 1 � O : ��in� �'c��1 Ci�� CounciI � : �i i O i�lJ = C O;?t i i'3 t�f�� O i1 F,�N�ANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _ �Q � RUBY HUNT ;��ifr;,Cn� mc�kes fihe ratic:•�ing repor� on C. F. � Ordinc�nce - (10) [X� Resot�.�'rion . �� � • �} Oih�r - . i � � IL� . _ _ The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 30, 1979, recommended appro�al of - the fol.lowing: 1 . � Resolution transferring funds in the 1979 Contingent Reserve-Specif�ed to the Model Cities Health Program. (�995-RH�. � - . 2. Reso�lution amending 1978.-1979 Agreement with Sheet Metal Workers Loca7 76.. . �9994-RH)• ' . 3. Resolution amending Salar.y f'lan and Rates of Compensation to increase rate of . pay for Parking Lot Guard �Schools�. (9�93-RH�. " � 4. Resolution replacing title of Pro�ect Manager Assistant in Grade 7, Section 3.J � (Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors� with title of Project Manager I in same grade and section. �_ _ � 5. Resolution revising specification for Pro�ect Manager TV in Grade 22, Section 3.J. (Prof/Admin. Non Supervisors�. (99�7-RH). _ 6. Resolution establishin titles and class specifications for Project Manager II in - � Grade 10, Section 3.J �Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors) and Project Manager III in Grade 16, �ection 3.7 (Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors�. (9992-RN�. _ 7. Resolution establishing title of Accounting Technician T - Renewal in Grade 30 of Section 3.L. (Technical Group� o� the Civil Service Ru7es. (9991-RH). 8. Resolution revising class specification for and reducing the grade of the Disburse- - ment Auditing Supervisor classification firom Grade 38 to Grade 36 in Section 3.B � (C l eri ca1 Group� of tE�e Civi l Servi ce Rul es. (9990-RH�. 9. Resolution replacing title and class specification for Substitute Library Technician �in Section 3.1�� (Special Employment Group� with title and class specification for Su6stitute Li6rary Specialist. No cfiange in pay. (9989-RH�. 10. Resolution esta6lishing tit7e of Zoning Specialist in Grade 14 of theProf/Admin. Non-Supervisors Group (Section 3.J. ), a'tso establishing c7ass specification. : ; I`i iUlI.I, S6VE;�"I�i Tr'I.t%O:: S:111I' I'.1liL, tifi\���.SO�E:� S�?i?? � _ _ ._� . , . � oM ai: s.�/i9zs � �r. : s�s��� EXPLANATIC3N OF ADMINI.STRATIVE 0 ► �����„��2`�:� r�so�u�r=oN arra o I�c� RE���'� � 1�...�.�.�.�.����......� � . �,J��, 181979 na�= July 13, 1979 I'� �: � � � �6 � �_ CITY_ Ai-►uKiv�Y_ � JUL 1 ��979 TO s MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR'S C�f� �= Thomas J. Kelley. • �= Council Resolution t�ansferri�g funds in the 1979 Cantingent Reserve - Specified to the Mod�l Cities Health Program . . . ACTI4N R�QDESTE�: � ApprovaT of attached Council Resoiution . PURPOSE A� RATIONALE' FOR TSI3 ACTION: Since Grant availability was uncertain for 1979 at the time the budget was � prepared, �200,000 was set aside in the Contingent Reser•are in the event no Grant was secured. A Grant has been approved, but funds will not be ' availabl� until Qctober 1, 1979, thus requiring $140,072 for interim funding of this program. ATTAC�iEN'tS: � Council Resolution �