273411 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COURC11 ��� ■� PINK - - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT « � 7\�3� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (Coordinating Council) is charged with the responsibility of reviewing, recommending, and monitoring grants funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) which are sponsored by the City of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, LEAA and JJDPA grant projects occasionally seek amendments to their budget, goals or work program after the grant award is complete; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That all proposed amendments to the amount of the grant award, the grant period, goals or work program of LEAA or JJDPA projects sponsored by the City of St. Paul must be approved by the Coordinating Council , or its staff, before such amendments are implemented; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That all proposed budget adjustments for LEAA and JJDPA pro- jects sponsored by the City of St. Paul which would require an increase in a budget line item over the amount stated in the grant award contract must be approved by the � Coordinating Council , or its staff before the budget line item is amended. The Coordinating Council staff shall review the requested budget adjustment in relation to project goals and consistency with federal , state, and local cost allowability guidelines. The Coordinating Council staff shall determine whether the formal approval of the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board is necessary and shall obtain such approval when appropriate; and Be It Further . . RESOLVED, That it is the responsibility of the Project Director to notify the Coordinating Council in writing of the grant adjustment or amendment request. The Coordinating Council staff will review the request and decide whether to approve it. Coordinating Council staff decisions may be appealed to the Coordinating Council . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � �� n / w � �n Hozza [n F a vo r ��.� (��c,�a��,P x �m�z��� "'�_�-. Y Hunt Levine __ Against B Maddox Showalter T o ��� 2 g 1979 Fo Approved by ity Ado y Council Date — _C` ertified Pas• by Council S�creta BY By �lpproved b � vor: Date �U� � � �� App oved by a r for Su ' sion to Co cil BY �4 L 'lil _.�--- Z_ BY ��� AUf�-� 4 1979 2'7�4�� MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER S A I H T P A U l - R A M S EY C 0 U N T Y Co-Choirmon • CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIONER ROBERT ORTH �422 Clty HdII Af1t1eX Co-Chairman 25 W. Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 May 30, 1979 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: St. Paul City Council FROM: Mark Lofstrom, Grants Administrator �p� SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution on Grant Amendment Procedures , LEAA and JJDPA Grants The purpose of the proposed resolution is to vest in the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council the authority necessary to monitor Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Action (JJDPA) projects which are sponsored by the City of St. Paul . The resolution requires the Coordin- ating Council to review proposed grant amendments. The problem this resolution addresses is the independent revision of a grant project by the project director without formal local review. In the past there have been instances of project changes being approved by the Minnesota Crime Control Planning Board and being implemented without any local p�licy analysis takina place. Under the proposed procedure grant adjus�ments will be reviewed by the Coordinating Council staff to determine whether the project goals will be affected by the proposed changes, and whether or not the changes are consistent with the policies of St. Paul , the State of Minnesota, and the federal government. The proposed resolution has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Finance and Management Services. A resolution similar to the proposed resolution was recently approved by the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners for Ramsey County sponsored grants. MVL:jeb CC: Bernard Carlson �O