273354 WHITE - CI7V CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII ��� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ^ BLUE - MAVOR _ cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolution Approving Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1979. WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the Minnesota State Legislature empower the Port Authority to invest its funds in commercial paper of prime quality in the same manner as the State Board of Investment; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Legislature adopted Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1979 which permits the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to invest its funds in commercial paper of prime quality, subject, however,. to the tnajority of the Council of �he City of Saint Paul approving said legislation in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021; now, therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves Chapter 269 of the Laws of 1979 of the State of Minnesota as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021� and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, ��'hat the City Clerk is hereby authorized to execute and file with the Secretary of State a certificate stating the essential facts n�cessary to validate approval, in- cluding a copy of this resolution of approval, all as is more � fully provided for by statute. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �$trEle� � ,� In Favor Hunt Levine _�_ Against BY � ,T� � Maddox Showalt _ �Ul 1 g 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Council: Date Ce �fied Pas• y Coun '1 cret�dry BY � \ A r by Mavor. Da .IUL 2, 3 1979 Ap v by Mayor for Su is on to Council By BY � ��,tSHEp J U L 2�� ti�� .�, . .. ... .._ . .. ... . . .. �,. ����� ��� . 1979 SE.SSION::t: C}l.'269 `� � :�� �A I� (d) Evidence that appiicution of the requ3rements of npplicable \ZInnesota � R� ' Stntutes nnd department oP fiealth rules would, unless wai�ed,`prohibit the .4 � operation oP the demonstration project; � ,, , ,_ , . ; (e) Evidence that another arrangement'is available for assumptIon of full � financiul risk if full financial risk is wai��ed under subciivision 1; ` � �' ,.. , (f) Ar► estiinute of the numberi of SeArs needed to adequately demonstrate 1 � . the project's effec�s; und , �.} .:_ �`� ' . . ... c:� —_,.. .. ,. ._. r .:.. �f�. � (g) Other information the commissionei may rea'sonably r reqiiire. � �" Snbd. 4. Tl�e commissioner shall npprove, deny, 'or refer� back to� the `'��a �° health maintenance organfzation for modification, the appiication for a k� � demonstration project «rithin 60 days o! receipt from the health maintenance � ` �'' organization. ----- _.__ y - �. 4` Subd. 5. The commissioner may appro��e an applicfltion foe a demonstra- � i' tion project for u masimum. of sis � `�- , years, with an option to renew. �„ ..: Subd. 8. Each health maintenance organization for which a demonstra- tion profect ts a ` � � �'" pproved shall annualls,file a report with tlie commissioner summarizing the project's esperience at'the same time it files its annual '� ± report required by section 62D.08. The report shall be on a Porm developed `'" ` by the con�missioner and shall be separate from the annnal report required ' '� bs section fi2D.08. ' F Subd. i. The commissioner may. rescind `a `�` ppro�•al of a demonstration . s ' project if the commissioner makes uny of the findings listed in sect3on 62D.15, �� sulxlivision 1, with respect to the project for which it has not beeu � � ',��t speclfic esemption, or if the commissioner finds,that the project's operation is contiary to the information contained in the approved application. 142 U.S.C.A. g 1395 et aeq. _ �'�:x Sec. 2. Section 1 is effective the day following finai enactment. ` � APProved JZay 3Q 1979.� � . ,. . _ . . . - '•r��^",�`9 .. _ _. _ . . _ . ' �JH . ,-�--- , . ;�� . :: : � , . . . ;�z's ST. PAUL POftT AUTHORITY AND CITY OF SOUTH �• ' :. ST. PAUL—INVESTMENTS AND PURCHA �' � � . SES M�,� � _ _ . _ _ ..� . , � ��� � � �� � � ��CHAPTER 269- � �� " - � ��? . � , . . _ - � ��� � , , , , . S.F.No.926 . � , . �� „� '.: ;; - -: ; .X�, ,� . . � _. LNot Coded7 . .. : �� � � �,. Aa Act relating to certatn political subdivisions; authorizing certain Invest- ments• y �±� , providin a method of purchasing certaln equtpment. €<�,a' Be it enacted,by the Legislatu.re of the State.of Mdnnesot¢: ���' Section 1. NotwithstandIn the �'� � g pro�•isfons oP ➢iinnesota Statutes, Section ��' �� -�71.56, and the statutes referred to therein, or other law, the port nuthorit� of the city of Saint Paul mas invest its funds in commercial paper of prime � � qunlits in the sxme manner As the state board of ittvestment may invest mone3 � �, not currently needed, subject to,the conditions of �linnesotn Statutes, Section 11.10,Subdivision 1,Clause(c), � � z •.., Sec• 2. The cits of South St. Paul may esercise the powers of a statutory »[ city under 1linnecot� ctatutes, Section 41�.301. ' ` 569 �. � �; - �; 2 R j�+ �., �. � �+.. ti l. :1 S , _ .�d «: �. =.:�. s Ch. �69 71st LEGI5LATURE - '�� �N�;;, ,� � Sec. 3. Effective date. Subdivision 1. This act shall become ePfective as to the city oP Saint Paul only after its approval by a majority of the govern- �.� fi ing body of the port authority of the Mty oP Saint Paul and the governing `� 3' body of the city ot Saint Paul �nd upon compliance with 1Zinnesota Statutea, `� R Section 645.02L ' '� � Subd. 2. This s►ct is effective as to We city of South St.Paul only after its � approvAl by a majority of the governing body oi the city of South St. Paul � and upon compliance with Dlinnesota Statutea, Section 645.021. ;� _,` .. , _. . APProved :�Iay, 30; 1979. � u , � . , . �� � DULUTH—SPIftIT MOUNTAIN AREA AUTHORITY _ . , . .�: ,, CHAPTE ' _ ; , � �, ,,; . . R 270 .. x�: . , ,: _ . : �• S.F.No.1002 : . " _ �- �� . .. . . . ,, _ . ,.�Not Coded] , -, ,, _ . . _._. . . , . _.. . �' An Act relattng to the city of Duluth;"� defining eonstruction powers of the ''� SpiNt Mountain Area Authority; amending Lawa 1973, Chapter 327, '•�' � Sectton 5,Subdivision 3,and 6y adding a subd(vision.- ` '� �;� Be it ena.cted by the Legialature of the State of Minneaota: � Section 1. Laws 1973, Chapter 32?, Section 5, Subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. rotwithstanding any other provision of this act, the city charter, city ordinances, or state statutes to the contrary,the suthority may construct, maintain, improve, and operate, within the main area as described above in � designated areas approved by the city council and city planning commission, recreational housing consisteut with the use oP the area !or the purposes of this act; or in the alternRtive, the authorlty may lease or contract with others ," for the use of such designated areas for similar purposes. The construction of motel, hotel,.or campgrounds or other tourist and guest facilities designed to serve the users oP the recreation area shall be considered a use consistent ` with the �? purposes of this act. However, the construction ot any structure �? after January 1, 1979�hich is used for, or intended to be used for,permanent residential housing, including condominiums, ehall be considered inconaistent � � with the purpo.ses of this act. . ,�b Sec. 2. Laws 1973, Chapter 327, Section 5, is amended by ndding a subdi- "� vislon to read: ��• - Subd. 3a. The authorits shall have first option to purchase any permanent '+ ' residential housing, including condominiums, located within the Spirit Moun- ';� <_' tain Recreation Area constructed belo're January 1, 1979 when such property - ' is offered for sale. If the permanent housing is purchased by a person other '°` tl�an the authority, the instrument o! conveyance shall contain a covenant to y" the effect that the purchaser shall not in any material way alter the eaisting M� flPPearance of the renl property without the consent of the authority. � Sec. 3. This act is effectice npon approval by the governing body of Duluth And compliance with �1linnesota Statutes, Section 645.021. Approved �fay 30, 1979. � � . _ ,. >� �, 570 � � � ��.. :b. :'.�.,... _.� ..-r::..�. � \ :$ +i"�.� � A`.v: �'+i'08"H'A ..'.. ,.� :v.: .F� ..a: , �.:K,;kp?�''k"32 �,.#,a- yp'�'"�F"' f � �._'�.., . � . „ .�. , � ' :� �s�'�,.. S+,Se y+. � � �y� ;.� , "� �`&�sr:� ,� .:,� �����'°' -s,��"^' ,�„ "' �, 3. u " ' sw .. . �� �,� �, c..- _ :'.�,x,r. � . . :'-,i . . . . ...., ,�.�". . . .: . ,..,_h�,'�v..a�� _ ,,`-� °""° CITY OF SAINT P.AUL ,t, o��-,,. =-"� � '���'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY :� � :;. :o �� �, >� ini�nmi ,; `,;v '�"��i!i�1��i �= EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY a ,.- ,e�� = 647 City'Hall, Saint Paul, Minnasota 55102 612-2'�8-512" GEORGE LATIMER MnvoR RECEIVED 1 July 11, 1979 �()� i � �i��� 'i C �� a. � •�� G D PLANr�I��IG & ECQN"?tv^,tC ��� 1�..�g79 DcVE�UPPviENI I�IIp►YOR'S �FFICE Mr. Gary Stout, Director Department of Planning and Economic Development 1400 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Stout: EncZosed for your signature and referral to the office of the Mayor is a resolution for the Council to approve Chapter 269 of Laws of 1979 authorizing the Port Authority to invest in commercial paper. Sincere�y yours, '��% ��� !-t_.�---- �-� �o'Lc// f / ROBERT . STRAUGHN Assistant City Attorney ROS:er Encl. cc:Eugene A. Kraut, Port Authority Michael J. Galvin, Jr. , Attorney at Law , ��:,h�'�. .._.�, � OM Ol: 12/1975��- Rev. : 9/8/76 ������ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, . ' � � �: � ; yEL� � JUL 1�''979 Date: July l0, 1979 �Yp�,s OFFI�E T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: ROBERT O. STRAUGHN, Assistant City Attorney RE: APPROVAL OF CHAPTER 269 OF LAWS OF L979 ACTION REQUESTED: Need signatures of Department Head and Mayor to have matter placed on Council agenda for approval of special legislation authorizing the Port � Authority to invest in commercial paper. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: City Council approval is required to effectuate this special legislation passed by the Mi.nnesota Legislature at the request of the Port Authority. ATTACHI�4ENT S: