273346 WH17E - CITV CIERK y������� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � ➢ CANARV - DEPARTMENT -G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � i � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the request of the Mayor and the recomnendation of the long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1979 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council , is hereby further amended in tMe following particulars: FROM: T0: --r- Transf.er 1979 Capital Irt�rovement Bond monies: Downtown People Mover $ 181,500.00 (V-0666) Burns Ave lighting from Ruth � to McKnight. $ 27,500.00 (V-Ob55A) Surtnnit Ave. lighting from Miss. River Blvd. to Snelling. $ 154,000.00 Current Amended Appropriation Cha�ge Appropriation 1979 CtB Bond Downtown People Mover $1 ,00�,04�.40 $-181 ,500.00 $ 818,500.00 . 1979 CIB Bond Burns Ave. lighting (Ruth to McKnight-V-0666) � 27,500.00 27,500.00 1979 CIB Bond Sumnit Ave. lighting (Miss. River Btvd. to Snelling-V-0455A) +154,000.00 154,t)0�.00 ' APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � .C._�—� � De t o nce � M t Servi ces u et D � tor COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays """�' � Pub 1 i c Wo rks In Favor H� �.7��'2;�a���' �i°'�� Q __ Against BY M'�O7 Donald E. Nygaard, Di r (VS/mke) ghrnr�n►ter _� aut i 9 �9�� Form Approved by City ttorney Adopte � Council: Date — ; rtified Pas� y Counc tary� BY � By ^ �. App v y 17ayor: D _ 'JUL 2 3 1g7g Ap o d by Mayor for S b i i`oh to Council By B. �t,ts�fo Ju L 2 a t979 vra ui: 11�ty �5 . , , Rev. : •9/8/76 � � ' EXPL�NATSON OF ADMINTSTRATIVE OiZ�ERS, ` RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINA�CES � , � �� Date: May 24, 1979 . . � � A � � � , �. ^ '•r � � i . 'JUN � � `�'�°' �p: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMFR YQR'� �� �—---- FR: Public Works - Accounting � g�; Transfer of 1979 CIB Funds for ltghting projects on Burns Ave � � . (V-0666) and on Sumnit Ave. (V-0455A). _ . . ACTION R�QUESTED: Approve attached Resolution for Subm�ssion to C�ty Council. - PURP05E fiND Rr�,TIONALE FOR THIS ACTIdN: . � ; $181 ,500 can be transferred from money allocated to DoMmtowm .People ' Mover far 1979 since the People Mover appears tha't it might not �be . buil.t;. the money wt11 be used for the above two projects (V-0666 .� V-0455A). . ` � . y ; ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution r . JFSIVS/mke - �_L`?'�`r �_:_` �i�l.��::\1�` ��.�.�.�T��_. ' '���' � ��\ ' U:''�C`�_�:��'; �.t �L':��_�:: �i;.�L�� ti�i.f��i��., . ' t,,� ' : ' _ . i,. �, l��1 l �.'�`I �i : �• 1 •� '� � ' _ 1 F".:1 ' .:,�, •�..`• �'.• + `-`�.� ��y/f;;: Da t e : July 16, 1979 - _- ,.� �✓ � ��tl i1�j ��� `� �`s�._ %,� !�'� 2 i� � �t . i � i p . �oin-� °c�� i Ci i;� �o�ncii : � i; � ��i� = C 0•,`�3 i t�1�7�'L FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AN0 PERSONNEL �� �� , RUBY HUNT , chaifmcn, rn��.es the fot3� .rt«c repor� o n C. �. � Orciinance . - (9) [� Re,,ai:;'ri.on � - - -. - � O+h 2r . . . '� ��` L� , - - . The Finance Committee, at its meetjng of July 76, 1979, recomr�ended approval of the - .following: . . 1 . - Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Library Assistant I in Grade 20, Section 3.L (Technica] Group) . � . - � 2. Resolution establishing-title and class specifications for Library Assistant II in Grade 24, Section #.L (Technical Group). 3. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Library Specialist I - i�n Grade 3, Section 3.J. (Prof/Admin. Non Supervisors_ Group}. � . 4. ResoTution establishing title and class specifications for Library Specialist II - in Grade 7, Sectian 3.J. (Prof/Admin. Non Supervisors Group) . : . 5. Resolution revising mini.mum qualifications for cla-ss of�Afflrmative Action Technician. \ 6. Resolution to transfer .$181 ,500 of 1979 CIB Funds for lighting projects on Burns � Avenue and on .Summit Avenue. . � 7. Resolution regardi�g action necessary for a bonding program for single family rehabilitation. � � _ 8. Resolution regarding �ction necessary for a bonding program for mu7ti-family rehabilitation. � 9. Resolution to eliminate past practice of includ.ing the cost of fringe benefits - for special funds in the appropriation for fringe 6enefits in the general revenue � fund. . . 'i =[el%.?, SE:ti'1:i�1"�: �•�T.C�O;: t:11:�1� 1'.1:1.F_, :�£\��:$J:f;t S�I�t?