273339 �-..WHITE - C�TY CLERK j������ FC�ANARV - DEPARTMENT COl1flC1I �� � � � BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REHABILITATION LOAN FINANCING PROGRAI�'! UNDER CHAPTER 260, LAWS OF MINNESOTA FOR 1975 AND MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 462A AND CITY OF SAINT PAUL ORDINANCES NOS. 15975 AND 16504 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS WHEREAS, the City desires to make available below market interest rate rehabilitation loans to persons of low and moderate income to make possible the rehabilitation of residences within the geographic limits of the City upon terms and conditions not other- wise generally affordable to such persons in the private loan mar- ket; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development of the City has proposed that the City undertake a program (the "Re- habilitation Loan Program") to make available such below market interest rate rehabilitation loans, and that the City issue revenue bonds pursuant to Chapter 260, Laws of Minnesota for 1975 (the "Act") , Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462A ( "Chapter 462A") , City of Saint Paul Ordinances Nos. 15975 and 16504 (collectively, the "Ordinances") - and Council Resolution (Council File) No. 272352 (the "Community Development Resolution") to firiance the Reha.�ili�ation Loan Program; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, as follows : a. The Department of Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the City's fiscal consultant Springsted Incorporated, and in consultation with underwriters and bond counsel, is authorized to formulate ,a specific program to pro- vide rehabilitation loans to persons of low and moderate income as part of the housing program authorized by the Act. �', � — COUNCILMEN ' �"' Yeas Nays Requested Depart�t o • Butler Hozza [n F avor Hunt Levine __ Against BY -- Maddox r�; ` Showalter `"i- Tedesco For pprov d by Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � • Certified Passed by Council Secretary �� gy, /#p by Mavor: Dat App oved by Ma r for Sub ssion to Council BY - BY � s b. The Departme�t of Planning and Economic Development is directed i to forcnuiate r�gu.ations f�r the Rehabilitation Loan Program, which regulations or criteria shall be s�.�bmitted to the City Council and approved by it. Such ,eguta�i..:�s or criteria shall provide that: l. �erms and conditions for �Ae"Re.i�b��.�.tation Loan Program may be contained in any indenture or other ' agreement entered into by the City, and approved by the Council, in connection with the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Rehabilitation Loan Program. 2. Loans made pursuant to the Rehabilitation Loan Program shall be made only if a determinatian is made by the City, or on the City's behalf, that financi.ng •is no-� • otherwise available from private lenders upQn terms and conditions which are affordable to the rehabilitation loan ap�licant. 3 . The Rehabilitation Loan Pro�ram shall comply in a.11 respects with. the aforesaid Act, Chapter 462A, �i33.i1cii1�E3� �`IC� COrilIiti3ri"�'g% D�vBi�YItt�I1i: R@SO�.l"tf:1Ct1Z� 3S i:fl�y may from time to time exist, and with the regulations promulqated ther.eunder. � 4 , The Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment may contract with such privat� parties as may be necessary to effectuate the Rehabilitation Loan Pro�ram, ar.d t� maK� ixs� o.f P�ist�inc� �.end?_ns irstitutions and staff. c. Tne Rehabilitation Loan Program may k�e financed by the issuance c�� r�ve��ue bonds as authcrized �y th� A^t, Cr�apter 462A, Ordinances and the Community Development Resalution. The R�haLilitation Loan Program, and all documents in conn�ction therewith, shall provide that such revenue bonds shall be payable solely from the re�enues of the Rehabilitation Laan Program, or any def�uli. rEServe createc� in cvnnection therewith, and shall not be a charge against the credit or taxing power of the City, within the meaning of any constitutional or statury provision. u. �i°ne vepartment of Planrzing and Economic �evelopmer�t is authorized to retain the services of Piper, Jaffray & Hop-- ::�od, In:;�rparateu, and Lain, Kalman & Quaii, Incorporated, as uriderwriters in connection with such revenue bonds. Said services may include market analysis. The Department of �Zarining and Econ�mi� Deve3.o�mer.t iti, furthzr authorized to negotiate for the retention of the services of bond cour,sel WHITE - CITV CLERK t B U€ - MAVORE GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. ��'-'" "�' '_' CAN.qRY - DEPARTMENT ' Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date in connection with said revenue bonds, and the retention of bond counsel in connection with such revenue bonds shall be submitted to the City Council for approval. e. All indentures , agreements, bond purchase agreements or contracts of purchase, and other documents in connection with the Rehabilitation Loan Program and such revenue bonds shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior to the issuance of such revenue bonds . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays �� � [n Favor ---��eaaa � Hunt Ixvine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter ,1UL 17 1979 Te Form rove by City Attorney Adopte Counci . Date _ � , J . B ff C �fied Yas� by un ' Secretary v Ap v d by INavor: Date �'��- 2' O ,� Ap oved by May r for Submi ion to Council BY — BY .�.;�� J U L 2 8 t979