01-1060�RIGI�IAL Presented By Referred to Committee: Date �8' 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Deparlment of 2 Natural Resources (DNR) Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist with site acquisition for the 3 Downtown Children's Play Area, and 4 WHEREAS, the DNR has notified the City that it will receive a matching grant for said 5 acquisition project in the amount of $150,000.00 6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council o£the City of Saint Paul, upon 7 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the I,ong Range Capital Improvement 8 Budget Committee, that $150,000.00 is auailable for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 9 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 10 is hereby further amended as follows: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Financin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition COl-3R036 State ofMinnesota SUendin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition CO1-3R036 Acquisition Council File # �� Green Sheet # 113249 RE LUTION CITY OF PAUL, N SOTA Current Budeet -0- -0- -0- -0- ChanQe + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 Amended Bud¢et $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 Page 1 of Z �������H� Presented By Referred to Council File # ��� �OG Green Sheet # 113249 Committee: Date n <}�llr.:paovem �s� 8:. Paul Lo^.g - F^an9a " Tuq uest on 6uicc��t Cumrnitiee c� �� _ a nd recosmEnr� �da4e1 � �__�._---- --�, Se�� S�sn�� �"'— - � Yeas Nays Absent �� Benanav �� � �� �� �� �� Blakey _�� ✓ (� �� �� �� Bostrom_I� ,i �� �� I� �� Colemdn_�� J �� �� �� I� Harris II ✓ II �I I� �� Lantry _�� � �� (� �� Reiter � �� Adopted by Council: Date �'O �a� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��- � � Approved by Mayor: Date: �� !�� �' � .,., i iii ; �./ � ,�i . � . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Reques d by: Divi 'i n of E By: � � Approval Recc ion Financial BY� lGfAiGf /v/�/t� Form Approve by City or ey By: c.LPR. / Approved by ayor for Submission to Counci By: Page 2 of 2 4\— IoGO DEPARTMENLOFFICFICOUNCLL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 113249 Parks and Recreation �p 5, 2001 � CAMACTPERSONANDPHONE I • fM � ` UD f TE 6 I. INRIAVOATE John Wirka 266-6411 � � DEPARTA7ENTDIRECTOR �" �1 5 cmcouNa� ux�e�zFO 2 crrvnrroariEV 6 cmaewc MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAiE) ��� 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES �IR 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Sepiember26, 2001 4 MAYOR(ORASSI5TATfT) H PAR7(SNJDRECF2EATION TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNANR� ACTION REQUESiED: Approvat of Council Resolution to estabtish a �ew project in the 2001 Gapital lmprovement Budget entiUed Downtown D Children's Play Area Site Acquisition. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprave(A)orReject(R) � PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWFRTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PIANNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION �. �WSihisperson/firmeverworketluntlereconVactfortFiisOepartmenl? A CIBCOMMITfEE A CF-Ot-259 VES NO {� STAFF 2. HasNispersoMrmeverbeena6ry¢mployee? DISTRICTCOUNGL 1'ES NO — — 3. Ooes th�s person/frm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent uty employee'+ SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? yES NO Explain all yes armwers an s¢parate sheet aM affich to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIN (Who, `/✓hat, When. Where, Why). The City will receive a grant from the MN DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Program, which will assist in the acquisition of a permanent site for the Downtown Children's Play Area. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVEO . ������ �' �� 1 City will be reimbursed for $150,000.00 in acquisition costs. �. �,A� �. , 2001 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVEO. City cannot receive grant funds. � TOTAIAM�UNTOFTRAN5ACT10N 15�.0OO.OQ COSTlREVENUEeU0GE7ED(CIRCLEQN� YES /rvu/ L/ FUNOINGSOURCE DNR ACTIVRYNUMBER C01-3R036 PINANCIALINFORMP,TION: (EXPLAIN) �RIGI�IAL Presented By Referred to Committee: Date �8' 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Deparlment of 2 Natural Resources (DNR) Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist with site acquisition for the 3 Downtown Children's Play Area, and 4 WHEREAS, the DNR has notified the City that it will receive a matching grant for said 5 acquisition project in the amount of $150,000.00 6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council o£the City of Saint Paul, upon 7 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the I,ong Range Capital Improvement 8 Budget Committee, that $150,000.00 is auailable for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 9 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 10 is hereby further amended as follows: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Financin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition COl-3R036 State ofMinnesota SUendin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition CO1-3R036 Acquisition Council File # �� Green Sheet # 113249 RE LUTION CITY OF PAUL, N SOTA Current Budeet -0- -0- -0- -0- ChanQe + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 Amended Bud¢et $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 Page 1 of Z �������H� Presented By Referred to Council File # ��� �OG Green Sheet # 113249 Committee: Date n <}�llr.:paovem �s� 8:. Paul Lo^.g - F^an9a " Tuq uest on 6uicc��t Cumrnitiee c� �� _ a nd recosmEnr� �da4e1 � �__�._---- --�, Se�� S�sn�� �"'— - � Yeas Nays Absent �� Benanav �� � �� �� �� �� Blakey _�� ✓ (� �� �� �� Bostrom_I� ,i �� �� I� �� Colemdn_�� J �� �� �� I� Harris II ✓ II �I I� �� Lantry _�� � �� (� �� Reiter � �� Adopted by Council: Date �'O �a� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��- � � Approved by Mayor: Date: �� !�� �' � .,., i iii ; �./ � ,�i . � . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Reques d by: Divi 'i n of E By: � � Approval Recc ion Financial BY� lGfAiGf /v/�/t� Form Approve by City or ey By: c.LPR. / Approved by ayor for Submission to Counci By: Page 2 of 2 4\— IoGO DEPARTMENLOFFICFICOUNCLL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 113249 Parks and Recreation �p 5, 2001 � CAMACTPERSONANDPHONE I • fM � ` UD f TE 6 I. INRIAVOATE John Wirka 266-6411 � � DEPARTA7ENTDIRECTOR �" �1 5 cmcouNa� ux�e�zFO 2 crrvnrroariEV 6 cmaewc MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAiE) ��� 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES �IR 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Sepiember26, 2001 4 MAYOR(ORASSI5TATfT) H PAR7(SNJDRECF2EATION TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNANR� ACTION REQUESiED: Approvat of Council Resolution to estabtish a �ew project in the 2001 Gapital lmprovement Budget entiUed Downtown D Children's Play Area Site Acquisition. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprave(A)orReject(R) � PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWFRTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PIANNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION �. �WSihisperson/firmeverworketluntlereconVactfortFiisOepartmenl? A CIBCOMMITfEE A CF-Ot-259 VES NO {� STAFF 2. HasNispersoMrmeverbeena6ry¢mployee? DISTRICTCOUNGL 1'ES NO — — 3. Ooes th�s person/frm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent uty employee'+ SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? yES NO Explain all yes armwers an s¢parate sheet aM affich to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIN (Who, `/✓hat, When. Where, Why). The City will receive a grant from the MN DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Program, which will assist in the acquisition of a permanent site for the Downtown Children's Play Area. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVEO . ������ �' �� 1 City will be reimbursed for $150,000.00 in acquisition costs. �. �,A� �. , 2001 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVEO. City cannot receive grant funds. � TOTAIAM�UNTOFTRAN5ACT10N 15�.0OO.OQ COSTlREVENUEeU0GE7ED(CIRCLEQN� YES /rvu/ L/ FUNOINGSOURCE DNR ACTIVRYNUMBER C01-3R036 PINANCIALINFORMP,TION: (EXPLAIN) �RIGI�IAL Presented By Referred to Committee: Date �8' 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Deparlment of 2 Natural Resources (DNR) Outdoor Recreation Grant to assist with site acquisition for the 3 Downtown Children's Play Area, and 4 WHEREAS, the DNR has notified the City that it will receive a matching grant for said 5 acquisition project in the amount of $150,000.00 6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council o£the City of Saint Paul, upon 7 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the I,ong Range Capital Improvement 8 Budget Committee, that $150,000.00 is auailable for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 9 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 10 is hereby further amended as follows: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Financin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition COl-3R036 State ofMinnesota SUendin¢ Plan Downtown Children's Play Area Site Acquisition CO1-3R036 Acquisition Council File # �� Green Sheet # 113249 RE LUTION CITY OF PAUL, N SOTA Current Budeet -0- -0- -0- -0- ChanQe + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 + $ 150,000.00 Amended Bud¢et $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150.000.00 $ 150,000.00 Page 1 of Z �������H� Presented By Referred to Council File # ��� �OG Green Sheet # 113249 Committee: Date n <}�llr.:paovem �s� 8:. Paul Lo^.g - F^an9a " Tuq uest on 6uicc��t Cumrnitiee c� �� _ a nd recosmEnr� �da4e1 � �__�._---- --�, Se�� S�sn�� �"'— - � Yeas Nays Absent �� Benanav �� � �� �� �� �� Blakey _�� ✓ (� �� �� �� Bostrom_I� ,i �� �� I� �� Colemdn_�� J �� �� �� I� Harris II ✓ II �I I� �� Lantry _�� � �� (� �� Reiter � �� Adopted by Council: Date �'O �a� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��- � � Approved by Mayor: Date: �� !�� �' � .,., i iii ; �./ � ,�i . � . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Reques d by: Divi 'i n of E By: � � Approval Recc ion Financial BY� lGfAiGf /v/�/t� Form Approve by City or ey By: c.LPR. / Approved by ayor for Submission to Counci By: Page 2 of 2 4\— IoGO DEPARTMENLOFFICFICOUNCLL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 113249 Parks and Recreation �p 5, 2001 � CAMACTPERSONANDPHONE I • fM � ` UD f TE 6 I. INRIAVOATE John Wirka 266-6411 � � DEPARTA7ENTDIRECTOR �" �1 5 cmcouNa� ux�e�zFO 2 crrvnrroariEV 6 cmaewc MUST BE ON CAUNGLAGENDA BY (DAiE) ��� 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES �IR 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Sepiember26, 2001 4 MAYOR(ORASSI5TATfT) H PAR7(SNJDRECF2EATION TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNANR� ACTION REQUESiED: Approvat of Council Resolution to estabtish a �ew project in the 2001 Gapital lmprovement Budget entiUed Downtown D Children's Play Area Site Acquisition. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprave(A)orReject(R) � PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWFRTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PIANNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION �. �WSihisperson/firmeverworketluntlereconVactfortFiisOepartmenl? A CIBCOMMITfEE A CF-Ot-259 VES NO {� STAFF 2. HasNispersoMrmeverbeena6ry¢mployee? DISTRICTCOUNGL 1'ES NO — — 3. Ooes th�s person/frm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent uty employee'+ SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTNE? yES NO Explain all yes armwers an s¢parate sheet aM affich to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNIN (Who, `/✓hat, When. Where, Why). The City will receive a grant from the MN DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Program, which will assist in the acquisition of a permanent site for the Downtown Children's Play Area. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVEO . ������ �' �� 1 City will be reimbursed for $150,000.00 in acquisition costs. �. �,A� �. , 2001 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVEO. City cannot receive grant funds. � TOTAIAM�UNTOFTRAN5ACT10N 15�.0OO.OQ COSTlREVENUEeU0GE7ED(CIRCLEQN� YES /rvu/ L/ FUNOINGSOURCE DNR ACTIVRYNUMBER C01-3R036 PINANCIALINFORMP,TION: (EXPLAIN)