273335 WH17E - CITV CIERK . � � � � - ������ PINK -�FINANCF,. GITY� OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV -"DEP�A'RTMENT 1 � n � . BLUE - MAV�R Flle NO. � • . O/ WZ/LVL/`CG Ordinance NO. � ����OC Presented B � �'! Y Referred To Committee: Date Out Qf Committee By Date An Ordinance �mending Chapter 6 of the Satnt Paul Admintstr�t(ye Codet entitled, "Department of Publtc Works" for the purpose of ('eQl'�a��zdt�Ort� b�l establishing the divisions of: Streets and Bridges, Trafft.c and Lighti�g, Sewers and Utilities, Solid Waste and Energy, Equipment Services, Municipal Engineering, and Administration. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Doe� Ordains SECTION i That Section 6.01 of the Saint Paul Admfnistrative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: . "6.01. Department ge�erally. Subdivision 1 . Department established. There is hereby estab- lished, an executive depart�nt of the city of 'Sai�t Paul to be known.as the departme�t of public works. The head of. such dep�art- � ment shall be the director, who, prior to such appointment, sha11 possess such qualifications as the council may by ordtnance provide. The department of public works shall be organized into the divisions of: it#E�X�i(X�(ifi1X�E1f�X1(�iElt��f�xX�Ii(ilXi��iElt��1�N�f streets and b�id es tra�fic and li htin sewe�s and utilities so—�ic�- waste and energy, equipment services, mun c pa eng neer ng, and administration. Subd. 2. Departmental functions. The department of public works shall be responsible for the design, engineering, construction, '' operation and mai�tenance of the city's public works projects involving and including all streets, sidewaiks, alleys, bridges, sewers, lighting systems, flood control devices, solid waste COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by Ci Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date ��i i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �' y BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . �r��--�-�� `E' � �.� - ' • Page 2 � �Q'���� collection ifl(a, disposal and reclamation systems, traffic control devices, and the coordination o placement of other facilities #� in the public ways, including gas, electric, steam and water. Subd. 3. Director, powers and duties. The director of the de- partment of public works shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council , and shall be in the unciassified service of the city. The director shall be accountable to the mayor and sub- ject to his/her supervision and control , shall administer the affairs of the department. He/she shall have general authority and control over all departmental staff and shail oversee the proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the depart- ment. Ne/she shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as he/she deems necessary or expedient for the proper operation of the department and to that end shall keep himself/herself informed of the latest administrative practices. The director shall have the power and the duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel , within his/her department and shall super- vise their performance." SECTION 2 That Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and are hereby amended by striking and deleting the same in their entirety, and in- serting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 6.02. Division of Streets and Bridges. Within the department of public works, there shall be a division of streets and bridges. Under the super- vision of the director, the division shall : (1) Have charge of all matters relating to the design and engineering functions to be performed by the department of public works, involving streets, alleys, sidewalks and bridges. (2) Have charge of all matters relating to the construction of public works' street and bridge projects including inspecting, advising and approving the construction of all such works. �3) Have charge of the preparation and maintenance of the city's records dealing with streets, bridges and other public ways located withtn the city limits. (4) Be responsible for the maintenance of all public streets, side- walks, alleys and bridges. �5) Be responsible for the control and usage of all public streets, sidewalks, alleys and bridges. . � � ������ , � . Page 3 �`����� ,� 6.03. Division of Traffic and Lighting. Within the department of public works, there shall be a division of traffic and ligfiting. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : ('1) Have charge of all matters relating to the design and engineering functions to be performed by the department of public works involving trafflc control and lighting. (2) Have charge of all matters relating to the construction of pubtic works' traffPc control devices and lighting proJects, including inspecting, advising and approving the construction of all such works. �3) Be responsible for the design of all necessary traffic regu- latory devices and signals. (4) Be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all necessary traffic regulatory devices and signals. �5) Be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the city's street and alley lighting systems. (6) Be responsible for the control and usage of all parts of the traffic control system. SECTION 3 / That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same is hereby amended � / so as to add the following to Chapter 6 thereof: 6.04. Division of Sewers and Utilities. Within the department of public works, there shall be a division of sewers and utilities. Under the supervision of the director, the divPsion shall : (1) Have charge of all matters relating to the design and engineer- ing functions to be performed by the department of public works, involving sewers, flood control and drainage. (2) Have charge of all matters relating to the construction of public works' sewers and related structural proJects, in- cluding inspecting, advising and approving the construction of all such works, except water works. �3) Supervise the placement of all utilities in the public streets or other public property, including water, gas, steam, electric, telephone and cable television. (4) Be responsible for the maintenance of all public sewers and otl�er drainage facilities. . . )(���5� . , . . Page 4 ��'�"A�,`�,.�� (5) Be responsible for the control and usage of all public sewers and other drainage facilities. (6) Be responsible for the physical inspection and maintenance of flood control devices. (7) Implement flood control measures in cooperation with the emergency preparedness functions of the city and of other governmental agencies. 6.05. Division of Solid Waste and Energy. Within the department of public works there shall be a division of solid waste and energy. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : (1� Provide for a municipal solid waste coltection and disposal system and establish billing procedures therefore. (2) Regulate the private collection and removal of solid waste and assist in the enforcement of all laws governing the storage, removal and handling of such solid waste within the city. �3) Coordinate and administer any assigned duties involved in the planning, construction and maintenance of solid waste disposal or resource reclamation facilities including co- generation facilities or other energy producing facilities. 6.06. Equipment Services Division. Within the department of public works there shall be an equipment services division. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : (1) Have charge of the purchasing, rental and repair of all equip- ment and vehicles belonging to the department of public works. (2) Have charge of the purchasing, rental and repair of all other assigned city equipment. 6.07. Municipal Engineering Division. Within the department of public works there shall be a municipal engineering division. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : (t) Be responsible for the planning, design and construction of all assigned public works improvement projects. (2) Be responsibie for the planning, design and construction of other assigned city improvement projects. � WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 �J����� PINK �-�FIN�AP7CE � � COI111C11 r ° •�` CANARY - D€PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT� PALTL � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. • • ' ' � Ordin�nce ordinance N�. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) Be �esponsible for land surveying. (�) Be responsible for proJect management of all proJects gener- ated externatly from public v�orks, but involving more than one line division of the department of public works. 6.08. Administration Division. Within the department of public works there shall be an admtnistration division. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall : (1) Be responsible for assisting line division managers in the preparation of their annual budgets. (2) Proxide financiai management information services to line division managers. (3) Provide personnel and general administrative services to line division managers. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Public Works za �'�"" � In Favor nt Noua • Wunt , Against edler Ys nald E. ga , Director TJE/RAH ed s�o AUG 14 1979 rm Approved by City ttorne pted y Counc' . Date � Certified Pa sed by Counc' BY Y ' Approv d by ay r: Da QuG � Approve by M o for Su ssi n o Council By BY P�i+s�fa AUG 2 51979 :. __�: i�:L'_?��'Y �.;_` ;�i��.-�;�.�' ���'�zT��_. 1( `�Cj� .: . �- �::�� � :: :.,:_ ;:. - � ':;� (:i� � O!��7:�':['.^.T�; O�' 'i:•i t.1�: C:�C'iC �;C3 J�C;��_= 'I 1�4t.� '. .� �• i i. .•.i`' ::_ =.l 1:..� - �,... - -- Da� July 23, 1979 , �� �,,: � \` �./� . p . �, � ��rl i'�, {�iy � i— % �? L. � � �,' i �.. i � � � � O : �t�in� °c�u � Ci�� Co�r� eiI � . �i: �} �+iJ � C t�;i i i3'3!�f�� O i l FTNANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT �;`chai�r�Cn, mckes fihe fot tc:•�iEZg repor� on C. F. C1� � Or-ciinance (4� (� Resotv'rion - '� � - � O;her - � � ��L� : _ � _ . The Finance Committee, at its meeting o�' July 23; 1979, recommended approval of �the following: � 1 . Resolut.ion transferring $56,000 from Contingent Reserve to Worker's - - , Compensation appropriation in tF�e 1979 general revenue fund budget. . 2. Reso�ution providing an additional appropriation of $400,000 for Worker's _ . Compensation. . � � • 3. Resolution �ransferring $5,502 from Contingent Reserve-Genera7 to pay salary - _ of an additional investigator in Human Rights Departments to handle increased �, cases referred from the �State Agency. � 4. Resolution transferring from Contingent Reserve $131 ,000 for Data Processing � Services. _ 5. Ordinance providing for tF�e reorganization of the Pu61ic Works Department - Corrmi.ittee recommended approval witfi understanding full Council to be briefed on ordinance at third reading. . � C� il.Il�..Y, S����i�I�' ��I..CO:: S>11\I� I'r1:;.L., ZI�\t�;SO�F'.� S�?0? r : � � � � � �, 1���. _ , , , ; - ._:i _ , � .r � • , - + , . � . . � ' Jnly 1�, 19?9 , . � , . . , `, . , • � , ' , _- ; . _ Cam�il�omiu� 8ub�►,�nt ' ' - . . . �!!�xlinaa��, M�� and P�rscn�7. Co�1Etw . , , 7t� F�o�o�r, cstp��sii - , , �e t�aili�a�n &mt: ;, , : ���it�y 'Oo�Yiei1 t�oda�i s�f�=r�d t;o �w Fl�1ti,'lyana8�� i�et,���s�� - • Oaii�i i°or avsaid�ratiaa �nd r�c,oim�datioa ae vrdlnanae�.C.P. 293335, � a�Wl�og C6apt�r 6 0! ths Adataistrativs Cod� and ps�ridiag foz tt� r�- ' . � : o�rsanisa�$on of'tbM D�pt. vf Publ�.e Worl�r. . , � _ > ' ' , , ��� ��j ��� 1 .. ' : . . ' � � \ , _ . . _ ,, �o�se �tts � _. . � ;-_ Citg+ Cl+uck , : , � fi�E�i� �� _ , , , .c � � � � . , , Qc3-l'�ayOr Lttl�s : : ��D�pt. .ot Fublia W�rl� . - ��b` • I`. _ . , , . � � � , ��, � , ,.� . ; , , . � , . . , , , : � . ,• , � � ' �!�, , _ � � . '. / � , , . • . ; ���� °��� ���� � ��, CITY OF S�INT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE M�YOR iiii�i i�ii �� �A� �T, 347 CITY I3:�LL � ,+�, :: UF.ORGE I.ATIMER SAINT PALZ,MINNESOTA 55102 ' '' " C,:•l MAYOB (g12) 298-�323 ('� r( r� j'� '' `` L. �U�i L.�..�� � �,JFI-IVL tlI l���J�1L:L,. , t July 9, 1979 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: I am pleased to transmit for your consideration an ordinance which will reorganize the Department of Public Works. I am pleased with this ordinance for a number of reasons. First, it represents the accomplishment of one of Don Nygaard' s highest priorities. Second, I believe it creates an organization which will be easier to manage because it clarifies accountabilities. Third, Don and the Public Works management staff have used a model process in order to prepare this ordinance. I think they can justifiably be proud of their product. I support the reorganization as contained in this ordinance and respectfully request your approval. Sincerely, E E LATIMER May GL/Im cc: Peter Hames Don Nygaard Dick Schroeder . ' �� ist � � 2nd � � ( � j ! 3 Adopted `�� � �`y � 3rd Nays Yeas BUTLER � HUNT W . �vzxE � 6���� t�wnox � o �f=ir�c�.r�cQ, Co►Y,��. � I � SHOWALTER ' � . v TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA) j