273333 .i1TE - GTY CLERK � �INK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � ����� . CANARV -DEPARTMENT L � Bt�.J� -MAVOR File NO. � ��- Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. ` �l��l J Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to $aplications and examinations for civil service employment; prohibiting certain acts and providing penalties therefor; amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by adding a chapter. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Ghapter 424, to read as follows: CHAPTER 424. GIVIL SERVICE APPLIGATIONS, EXAMINATIONS, ETC. - UNLAWFUL ACTS 424.01. Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the gurposes of this chapter, hav� the meaning indicated in this section. �1) "Applicant" means any person making application for employment through the agency of the personnel office of the city of Saint Paul, whether the employment sought is with the �classified or civil service of said city, the board of water commissioners of the city of Saint Paul , the civic center authority, Independent S� ool District No. 625, or any other governmental board, agency, commission or body politic for which said personnel office may process applica- tions for employment under the duly adopted Civil Service Rules of the city of Saint.� Paul. " . � - � s � � �; _- (2) "Application" means a written application for employment, as described in (1) above, on �orms provided for that purpose by the personnel office of the eity of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN �. Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: , Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A rov by C t A t rney Adopted by Council: Date ' � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By - .. . , ���d � �::�'�°��� Page 2. (3) "Examination" means the written, oral, or other examination administered by the personnel office of the city of Saint Paul to applicants for employment as described in sub-paragraph (1) above. 424.02. Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, alone or in coopera ion with others, to do any of the following: (1) To willfully defeat, deceive, or obstruct another person' s right of examination or application; or (2) To willfully and falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered, or certified under the civil service rules of the city of Saint Paul, or aid in so doing; or (3) To willfully make any false representation concerning the mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified under the civil service rules or concerning the person examined. (4) To willfully furnish to any person any secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the chances of the person so examined, registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certified; or (5) To impersonate or to permit or aid another to impersonate an applicant, in registration. WHITE - CITV CLERK ��%��-1-j PINK - FINANCE COUIICll � $ •�'V CANARV -DEPARTMENT - CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. B=UE - MAVOR i, '� ` � • Ordin�znce Ordinance N�. �`��`-� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. 424.03. Violation; penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative �ode and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Gode. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, appr�val and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ,$� PERSON EL OFFICE �� In Favor -F�ktnt- L.evine � Against BY Maddox Show r T sco AUG � 1979 Form Ap r ve by C ty rney Adopte y CounciL• Date � Ce fied Pass y un ' e f y BY � B . t�- Appr by Mayor: D e AUG 3 A r ved by Mayor f S is ion to Council By By� pt�¢�.tst►� AU G 1 1 1979 , Do no# detacb thls meinarandum �tt�n�� eu�a�tv�a�tc� ' �'� " this in�orcna�ion v��� be ���`� �►so that . . evalM�b1� to the Ci#y Cour�cil. Y ��� E�1,'LAt�xION 0� A�i��S'I;�AT�,.��� " ; �� 3L�OL�UT��§ A,'i�3 ORD � �..,.�...,. . t �, . _.._.._�..� ,, Date: Juae 8, 19T9 _ � EC��� � � � TO: MAYt?$ GEORGE LATIMF.�t ' � , � JUN 2 8 ��� 1�R: Pesso�l Offic.e �Y�'S � �� a Uardu��ce , RL: ��1t fcr sub�iesic�n to City Council � : . i?; , f ACTTq�?.� �$STED' � ,.� .., ^ .r , ,: , Oxdiaance .' a We rece�eud ypur appxoysl.arxd 'eubmission af this �� �o tt� C��t Go�tctl.� - ,�: � � � � � �, . ��;� ��`'� PtI�FQ�: A�iD R;�I0�1A�.E FOR THIS diCTlt?Bi: , : �. M.,�..��. ��r.� '� « � , .; . Th�.gurgose of thi� Q1�INANCE is to re�a.is��Se��i.or� 1? of���mld - r� Ciwi�.�S,�rvice �u1e� (C+�;�, +��di�nce No. 32�0) p�e�is=i�g;�s � � � peaa�iee 'for fraud in �avil Ser�rice examivations. ; �This Sec#an, cou�.d aot be included ia the revieed eivil 3er�ice Ru1ea si�ce the revi�eed Rule�s are ia t1�e fQrim of a Re�+a�u#oa,' aac�. �y ` , ,' regu��it�n r�akiag certai:n coaduct a mh.sdemeanor mast be paGs�c� b� � the ,C�ty Cot�un►cil as an Ordarnaace. _ , , ,�'' . . r . .:� : � ,, f.. .� . �� -�A _ :.G _ , ATTA�,�1 +� � , Qrdiari�e au+d ct�Y f�ar the City Clerlc, : � ; ,, _ , i . _ � ;. ' ;' . , : � - � _. � \ � ` .� _ � � lst T�/ �� 2nd ~� � 3rd /��� Adopted � • Yeas Nays BUTLER < HUNT r�vixE �l�`��`��� MADDOX , , SHOWALTER TEDESCO _ PRESIDENT (HOZZA) �