273318 wMiTe — cirv CLERK COl1tIC11 � I 4.I�� � PINK — FINANCE G I TY. OF SA I NT PAUL CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File NO• Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: l . On June 26, 1979, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution No. 1513, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amount of approximately $1 ,���,000 to finance the construction of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be located at Arlington and Jackson Streets. The facility will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guaranteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. 2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , sub�ect to final approval of the details of $aid jssue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue honds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 1513, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of addltional bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carry9ng out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ` �er ��, Hozza �� In Favor .-, Hunt L,evine _ � __ Against BY Maddox shoW JUL 12 1979 esco Form Approved b City Attorney Ado ed by Council� Date — � i ertified Pa_ d by Coun � S�retar By � � _�� � 6 �9�7 - Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council App by 1�lavor. Da e B _ By , �� �U�, 21 1979 POitT � t� THORITY �'���-�� OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: June 15, 1979 (June 26, 1979 Special Meeting) , / FROM: J.F. Faue SU&!EG'T: TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC.� PUBLIC SALE HEARING - RESOLUTION N0. 1514 PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT - $1 ,440,000 REVENiIE BOND ISSUE RESOLUTION N0. 1513 l . THE COMPANY Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. , located at 1520 Minnehaha Avenue, St. Paul , Minnesota, is also the headquarters for Cemstone Products Company, �nc. The.company is engaged in the production of concrete products, sand, and gravel operations with its principal product being bagged ready mix known as Sakrete. The combined opera- tion of the two companies would employ in excess of 50 people. 2. THE PROJECT�. Twin City Concrete Products Company has two similar facilities,one in Minneapolis and one in Lakeland which will be incorporated into the new plant. An industrial site at Arlington and Jackson is their selected location. Production enta1ls delivery of aggregate and cement by truck and rail , inside storage, drying and bagging, and finally shipment, primarily by truck. fihe building will be approximately 30,OOQ square feet in size located on a 4.69 acre site. 3. FINANCING Financing is proposed through the issuance of Port Authority industrial revenue bonds to acquire the site and construct the building. The project will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guar.anteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. Financial statements are:attached. . ' � BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -2- Bond proceeds will be allocated as follows: Land Acquisition and Construction $1 ,190,000 Legal , Printing & Misc. Expenses 25,000 Capltalized Interest - 6 Months 55,000 Debt Service Reserve 125,000 Underwriting 45,000 ,440,0� The Port Authority will also receive a fiscal and administrative fee based on the estimated bond issue outlined above as follows: First 10 Years - $432/month (or) $5,184/year Second 10 Years - $576/month (or) $6,912/year Last 10 Years - $720/month (or) $8,640/year The lease term will be for 30 years. There is also a purchase option of $144,000. The land was appraised for the owner by William Muske. The land acquisi- tion is at a value of $1 .30 per square foot, which is commensurate with the appraised value of $1.30 per square foot. 4. UNDERWRITING Miller & Schroeder Municipals will underwrite the proposed issue. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS District 6 was nQt�fied through the early notice process Apri1 13, 1979. Port Authority staff and company representatives met with the District on May 10, 1979, . District 6 has raised some questions regarding the leYel af truck traffic to be generated on Jackson as a result of this project and also any pollution that might be generated as a result of operatjons. Regarding truck traffic, this project will generate approx- imately 20-30 truck trips per day. Traffic counts taken by the Dept. of Pu�lic �(orks s.how that Jackson between Maryland and Arlington presently has 4,975 average daily trlps. Ingress and egress for the site will be on Arlington. The company has stated that they would direct their trucks to use the southerly route from Jackson to Maryland, which is the closest deslgnated truck route. St, Paul City ordinances provide that trucks may use the shortest possible route to get to designated truck routes. Members of Distrlct 6 have t�et with Public Works regarding their concerns. Regarding the matter of pollution control , the company is required to submit plan$ for its.equipment to be used in production, dust collection, etc. , to the Minn�sota Pollutlon Control Agency, who must review and issue a permit regdrding the faGt that sald equipment 1� ln compliance. The company has submltted their speclflcatlons to the Pollution Control Agency and is awalting their reaction to the permit application. It should be noted that there is nq outs.lde storage of materials. � .` .� � . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -3- . The Port Authority published notice in the Legal Ledger and St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press on June 9 and 11 respectively as required under the amendment of Chapter 474 stating that the project would be considered by the Port Authority Commission on Tuesday, June 26. If the project is approved by the Commission, formal application will be submitted to the Commissioner of Securities. Staff has met with representatives of the company and reviewed their financial statements. The development of this site will create new employment oppartunities and tax base for the City of St. Paul . Estimated real estate taxes will be in excess of $20,000 per year. Existing land use in the area other than residential leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetic qualities and development that is acceptable in the neighborhood. The development as proposed at this locatton should prove to be an incentive to attract higher value developments in the future. Staff recommends approval . JFF:ca Attach. � � � . . .� � , �rl!3��� Resolution No. 1513 �. RESOLUTION OF • THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � WHEREAS, the purpose of Chapte r 474, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Develop- ment Act (hereinafter called "Ac t") as found and determined by � the legisl ature is to promote the welfare of the state by the active attraction and encouragement and development of economi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as possible the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chr,onic unemployment and to aid in the development of existing areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemployment; and WHEREAS, factors necessitating the active promotion and developanent of economically sound industry and commerce are the increasing concentration of population in the metropolitan areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of governmental services required to meet the needs of the increased population and the need for develognent of land use which will provid e an adequate tax base to finance these increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such pop�tl.ation; and WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has received from �ain City Concrete Products Company, a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company") a request that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition, installation and construc tion of facilities located at Arlington and Jackson Streets in the City of St. Paul for use as a manufacturing and distribution facility for concrete and related products (hereinafter collectively called the "Project" ) , all as is more fully described in the staff report on file ; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to facilitate the selective develo�anent of the community , to retain and improve its tax base, and to help it provide the range of ser.vices and employr,tent opportunities required by its population, and said Projec t will assist the City in achieving that objective. Said Project will help to increase the assessed valuation of the City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and debt and enhance the image and reputation of the Ci ty; and WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds will result in substantial employment opportunities in the Proj ec t; WHEREAS, the Authority has been advised by repre- sentatives of the Company that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing , that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but the Company has also advised this Authority that with the aid of revenue bond financing , and its resulting low borrowing cost, the Project is economically more feasible; WHEREAS, Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. ( the "Underwriter") has made a proposal in an agreement (the ''Underwriting Agreement" ) relating to the purchase of the revenue bonds to be issued to finance the Project; WHEREAS, the Au thority, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 474. 01, Subdivision 7b did place a notice, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file in the office of the Authority, of a public hearing on the proposal of the Company that the Authority finance the Project hereinbefore described by the issuance of its industrial revenue bonds ; and WHEREAS, the Authority did conduct a public hearing pursuant to said notice at which hearing all persons who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express . their views with respect to the proposal . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE D by the Commissioners of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mi:�r.e�ota as follows : � � 1 . On the basis of information available to the Authority it appears, and the Authority hereby finds, that said Projec t constitutes properties, used or useful in connection with �one or more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdivision 1 of Section 474.02 of the Act ; that the Project furthers the purposes stated in Section 474. 01 of the Act; that the availability of the financing under the Act and willingness of the Authority to furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Company to undertake the Project; that the effec t of the Project, if undertaken, will be to encourage the development of econonically sound industry and commerce and assist in the prevention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land, and will help to prevent chronic unemployment, and will help the City to retain and improve its tax base and provide the range . of services and employment opportunities required by its population, and will help to prevent the movement of talented and educated persons out of the state and to areas within the state where their services may no t be as effectively used and will result in more intensive development and use of land within the City and will eventually res ul t in an increase in � the City' s tax base; and that it is in the best interests of the port district and the people of the City of Saint Paul and in furtherance of the general plan of development to assist the Company in financing the Project. 2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the Authority, the Company and the purchaser of the revenue bonds as to the details of the lease and other d ocuments necessary to evidence and effect the financing of the Project and the issuance of the revenue bonds, the Project is hereby approved and authorized and the issuance of revenue bonds of the Authority, which may be in the form of a single note, in an amount not to exceed approx imately $1,440,000 (other than such additional revenue bonds as are needed to complete the Project) is authorized to finance the costs of the Project. � 3. In accordance with Subdivision 7a of Section 474.01, Minnesota Statutes, the Executive Vice-President of the � AUTHORITY is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the above described Project to the Commissioner of Securities, requesting her approval , and other officers, � employees and agents of the AUTHORITY are hereby authorized to provide the Commissioner with such preliminary information as she may require. 4. There has heretofore been filed with the Authority a form of Prel iminary Agreement between the Authority and Company, relating to the proposed construction and ' financing of the Project and a form of the Underwriting Agreenent. The form of said Agreements have been examined by the Commissioners. It is the purpose of said Agreements to evidence the cammit�nent of the parties and their intentions with respect to the proposed Projec t in order that the Company , may proceed without delay with the commencement of the acquisition, installation and constructio n of the Project with the assurance that there has been sufficient "official action" under Section 103 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 , as amended, to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds . to finance the entire cost of the Project upon agreement being reached as to the ultimate details of the Pro�ect and� its financing . Said Agreements are hereby approved, and the President and Secretary of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Ag reements. • 5. Upon execution of the Preliminary Agreement by the Company, the staff of the Authority are authorized and . directed to continue negotiations with the Company so as to resolve the remaining issues necessary to the preparation of the lease and other doc�unents necessary to the adoption by the Authority of its final bond resolution and the issuance and delivery of the revenue bonds; provided that the President (or . Vice-President if the President is absent) and the Secretary (or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the Authority, or �if either of such officers (and his alternative) are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such absent officers, are hereby authorized in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sectio n 475. 60, Subdivision l , to accept a final offer of the Underwriters made by the Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to execute an underwriting agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of the Authority. Such acceptance shall bind the Underwriters to said offer but shall be subject to approval and ratification by � the Port Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolution to be adopted prior to the delivery of said revenue bonds. 6. The revenue bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the Au thority or the City of . Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Authority or the City or a charge against their general credit or �axing powers and neither thz f ull faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the City is pledged for the payment of the bonds or interest thereon. 7 . In order to facilitate completion of the revenue bond. financing herein contemplated, the City Council is hereby requested to consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976, � Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds herein contemplated and any additional bonds which the Authority may prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem necessary to camplete the Project or to refund such revenue bonds ; and for such purpose the Executive Vice President of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to forward to � � the City Council copies of this resolution and said Preliminary Agreement and any additional available information the City � Council may request. 8 . The actions of the Executive Vice-President of the Authority in causing public notice of the public hearing and in describing the general nature of the Project and estimating the principal amount of bonds to be issued to finance the Project and in preparing a draft of the proposed application to the Commissioner of Securities, State of Minnesota, for approval of .the Project, which has been available for inspection by the public at the office of the Authority from and after the publication of notice of the . hearing, are in all respects ratified and confirmed . Adopted June 26, 1979 � / C/� / , � At te st � ����� , [( -����� n . � The ;�or Authority of the City ���/ of Saint Paul . 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On June 26, 1979, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution No. 1513, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amount of approximately $1 ,4�0,000 to finance the construction of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be located at Arlington and Jackson Streets. The facility will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guaranteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. 2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , sha11 be issued only with the consent of the City Councjl of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , sub�ect to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . . - RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 1513, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturitjes, interest rates, discount,� redemption, and for the issuance of add�itional bonds are to be determined by the Port. Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds} by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNC[LMEN Yeas� Nays Requested by Department of: Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY a5� Approved by Vlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Rv _ BY ( PORT � f~ AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Mernorandum � TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: June 15, 1979 (June 26, 1979 Special Meeting) .� � FROM: J.F. Faue SUBJECT: TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. ) PUBLIC SALE HEARING - RESOLUTION N0. 1514 PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT - $1 ,440,000 REVENUE BOND ISSUE RESOLUTION N0. 1513 l . THE CQMPANY Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. , located at 1520 Minnehaha Avenue, St. Paul , Minnesota, is also the headquarters for Cemstone Products Company, Inc. The.company is engaged in the production of � concrete products, sand, _and, gravel operations with its principal product 6eing bagged ready mix known as Sakrete. The combined opera- t�on of the two companies would employ in excess of 50 people. 2. THE PROJECT�. Twin City Concrete Products Compar�y has two similar facilities,one in Mlnneapolis and one in Lakeland which will be incorporated into the new plant. An industri.al site at Arlington and Jackson is their selected location. Production entails delivery of aggregate and cement by truck and rail , inside storage, drying and bagging, and finally shipment, primarily by truck. fi he building will be approximately 30,OOQ square feet in size located on a 4.69 acre site. 3. FINANCING Financing is proposed through the issuance of Fort Authority industrial revenue bonds to acquire the site and construct the building. The project will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guar.anteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. Financial statements are attached. r - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -2- Bond proceeds will be allocated as follows: Land Acquisition and Construction $1 ,190,000 Lega1 , Printing & Misc. Expenses 25,000 Capitalized Znterest - 6 Months 55,000 Debt Service Reserve 125,000 Underwriting �45,000 , 40, The Port Authority wi11 also receive a fiscal and administrative fee based on the estimated bond issue outlined above as follows: First 10 Years - $432/month (or) $5,184/year Second 10 Years - $576/month (or) $6,912/year Last 10 Years - $720/month (or) $8,640/year The lease term will be for 30 years. There is also a purchase option of $144,000. The land was appraised for the owner by William Muske. The land acquisi- tlon is at a vdlue of $1.30 per square foot, which is commensurate with the appraised value of $1.30 per square foot. 4. UNDERWRITING Miller & Schroeder Municipals will underwrite the proposed issue. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS Qistrict 6 was notified through the early notice process Apri1 13, 1979. Port Authorlty staff and company representatives met with the pistrict on May 10, 1979. . District 6 has raised some questions regarding the leYel Qf truck traffic to be generated on Jackson as a result of this project and also any pollution that might be generated as a result of operations. Regarding truck traffic, this project will generate approx- imately 20-30 truck trips per day. Traffic counts taken by the Dept. of Public Works show that Jackson between Maryland and Arlington presently has 4,975 average daily trlps. �ngress and egress for the site will be on Arlington. The company has stated that they would direct their trucks to use the southerly route from Jackson to Maryland, which is the closest des.lgnated truck route. St. Paul City ordinances provide that trucks may use the shortest pos�ible route to get to designated truck routes. Members of District 6 have met with Public Works regarding their concerns. Regarding the matter of pollution control , the company is required to submit plan$ for its equipment to be used in production, dust collection, etc. , to the Minn�sota Pollution Control Agency, who must review and issue a permit regarding the fact that sald equipment i� in compliance, The company has submltted thelr specificat1ons to the Pollution Control Agency and is awatting thelr reactton to the permit application. It should be noted that there 1s no outs.ide storage of materials. � s , '. , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -3- The Port Authority published notice in the Legal Ledger and St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press on June 9 and ll respectively as required under the amendment of Chapter 474 stating that the project would be considered by the Port Authority Commission on Tuesday, June 26. If the project is approved by the Commission, formal application will be submitted to the Commissioner of Securities. Staff has met with representatives of the company and reviewed their financial statements. The development of this site will create new employment opportunities and tax base for the City of St. Paul . Estimated real estate taxes will be in excess of $20,000 per year. Existing land use in the area other than residential leaves much to be desired �n terms of aesthetic qualities and development that is acceptable in the neighborhood. The development as proposed at this locatlon should prove to be an incentive to attract higher value develQpments in the future. Staff recommends approval . JFF:ca . Attach. , .' � ' Resolution No. 1513 �. RESOLUTION OF • _ THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Develop- ment Act (hereinafter called "Ac t") as found and determined by � the legislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the active attraction and encouragement and develognent of economi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as possible the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chr,onic unemployrnent and to aid in the development of existing areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemployment; and WHEREAS, f actors necessitating the active promotion and d evelo�nent of economically sound industry and commerce are the increasing concentration of population in the metropolitan areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of � goverr�nen�tal services required to meet the needs of the increased population and the need for development of land use which will provide an adequate tax base to finance these increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such population; and WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has received from Ztain City Concrete Products Companys a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company") a request that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition, installation and construc tion of facilities located at Arlington and Jackson Streets in the City of St. Paul for use as a manufacturing and distribution facility for concrete and related products (hereinafter collectively called the "Project" ) , all as is more fully described in the staff repor t on file ; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to facilitate the selective developnent of the community, to retain and improve its tax base. and to help it provide the range of ser.vices and employr,ient opportunities required by its population, and said Project will assist the City in achieving that objective. Said Project will help to increase the assessed valuation of the City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and debt and enhance the image and reputation of the City; and WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds will res ult in substantial employment opportunities in the Proj ec t; WHEREAS, the Authority has been advised by repre- sentatives of the Company that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing _ that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be - significantly reduced, but the Company has also advised this Authority that with the aid of revenue bond financing, and its resulting low borrowing cost, the Project is economically more feasible; WHEREAS, Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. ( the "Underwriter") has made a proposal in an agreement (the "Underwriting Agreement" ) relating to the purchase of the revenue bonds to be issued to finance the Project; WFiEREAS, the Authority, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 474. 01, Subdivision 7b did place a notice, a copy of which wi th proof of publication is on f ile in the office of the Authority, of a public hearing on the proposal of the Company that the Authority finance the Project hereinbefore � described by the issuance of its industrial revenue bonds ; and WHEREAS, the Authority did conduct a public hearing p ursuant to said notice at which hearing all persons who appeared at the hearing were giv en an opportunity to express the ir views with respec t to the proposal . NCJW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the A�rt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minr.e�ota as follows : � - 1 . On the basis of information available to the Authority it appears, and the Authority hereby finds, that said Project constitutes properties, used or useful in connection with .one or more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdivision 1 of Section 474 . 02 of the Act ; that the Project furthers the purposes stated in Section 474. 01 of the Act; that the availability of the financing under the Act and willingness of the Authority to � furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Company to undertake the Project; that the effec t of the Project, if undertaken, will be to encourage the development of economically sound industry and commerce and assist in the prevention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land, and will help to prevent chronic unemployment, and will help the City to retain and improve its tax base and provide the range . of services and employment opportunities required by its population, and will help to prevent the movement of talented and educated persons out of the state and to areas within the state where their services may no t be as effectively used and will result in more intensive development and use of land within the City and will eventually res ult in an increase in � the City' s tax base ; and that it is in the best interests of the port district and the people of the City of Saint Paul and in furtherance of the general plan of development to assist the Company in financing the Project. 2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the Authority, the Company and the purchaser of the revenue bonds as to the details of the lease and other d ocuments necessary to evidence and effect the financing of the Project and the issuance of the revenue bonds, the Project is hereby approved and authorized and the issuance of revenue bonds of the Authority, which may be in the form of a single note, in an amount nct to exceed approximately $1,440,000 (other than such additional revenue bonds as are needed to complete the Project) is authorized to finance the costs of the Project. . � 3. In accordance with Subdivision 7a of Section 474. 01, Minnesota Statutes, the Executive Vice-President of the � AUTHORITY is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the above described Project to the Commissioner of Securities, requesting her approval, and other officers, employees and agents of the AUTHORITY are hereby authorized to provide the Commissioner with such preliminary information as she may require. 4. There has heretofore been filed with the Authority a form of Preliminary Agreement between the Authority and Company, relating to the proposed construction and � financing of the Project and a form of the Underwriting Agreement. The fonn of said Agreements have been examined by the �ommissioners. It is the purpose of said Agreements to evidence the co�nmitment of the parties and their intentions with respect to the proposed Projec t in order that the Company , may proceed without delay with the commencement of the acquisition, installation and construction of the Project with the assurance that there has been sufficient "official action" under Section 103 ( b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 , as amended, to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds . to finance the entire cost of the Project upon agreement being reached as to the ultimate details of the Pro�ect and � its financing . Said Agreements are hereby approved , and the President and Secretary of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Ag reements. 5. Upon execution of the Preliminary Agreement by the Company, the staff of the Authority are authorized and _ directed to continue negotiations with the Company so as to - resolve the remaining issues necessary to the preparation of the lease and other doc�unents necessary to the adoption by the Authority of its final bond resolution and the issuance and delivery of the revenue bonds; provided that the President (or . Vice-President if the President is absent) and the Secretary (or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the Authority, or �if either of such officers (and his alternative) are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such absent officers, are hereby authorized in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 60, Subdivision 1 , to accept a final offer of the Underwriters made by the Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to execute an underwriting agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of the Authority. Such acceptance shall bind the Underwriters to said offer but shall be subject to approval and ratification by � the Port Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolution to be adopted prior to the delivery of said revenue bonds. 6. The revenue bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute an indeb tedness of the Au thority or the City of Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Authority or the City or a charge against treir general credit or �a�ing powers and nei�her �r�2 full faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the City is pledged for the payment of the bonds or interest thereon. 7 . In order to facilitate completion of the revenue bond.. financing herein contemplated, the City Council is hereby requested to consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976, Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds herein contemplated and any additional bonds which the Authority may prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem necessary to camplete the Project or to refund such revenue bonds ; and for such purpose the Executi.ve Vice President of the Authority is hereby authorized and direc ted to forward to • � � the City Council copies of this resolution and said Preliminary Agreement and any additional available information the City � Council may request. 8. The actions of the Executive Vice-President of the Authority in causing p ublic no tice of the p ublic hearing and in describing the general nature of the Project and estimating the principal amount of bonds to be issued to finance the Project and in preparing a draft of the proposed application to the Commissioner of Securities, State of Minnesota, for approval of .the Project, which has been available for inspection by the public at the office of the Authority from and after the publication of notice of the . hearing, are in all respects ratified and confirmed . Adopted June 26, 1979 � /, j j c' , , Attest ��' �'�^- �- n . � The ;�or Authority of the City ,�" of Saint Paul � � �'��/� S � e tary "� ► PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ` � i 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SUITE 13C5 � (r !�� ( �� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 (612) 224-568b � �� �'����� � _,,���� _r7 � �UN 2 91979 CI I r N� i urc���Y June 26, 1979 Mr. Gary Stout D9rector Department of Planning & Economic Development Lowry Annex St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC.) $1 ,440,000 REVENUE BOND FINANCING Dear Gary: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the construc- tion of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be located at Arlington and Jackson Streets. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1513 which authorized the sale of bonds in the amount of $1 ,440,OQ0. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciated. Y�urs truly, � .���- � �� � E gene A. Kraut �;N �ssistant Executive Vice President EAK:ca cc. R. Broeker cs�RT F.SPRAFKA EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CLIFFORD E.RAM�TED RONALD C SC .,;�NFVICEPRESIDEM A;SiSiANTEXECUTNEVICEPRESIDENT DiRECiOfi:�:DUSTR1AlDFVELOPMENI C�+.iEFcfvGWEcR ChICFACCCn:7+i..��. :'.�1MISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER ROSAUF L.BUTLER ARTHUR N,GOODMAN G RICHARD SLADE RUBY HUNT LOUIS H. MEYERS WILLIAM��, PRESIDFNi NCEPRESiDEfvf ::ECNk1.1fdV ':�A'�l,'�r": � ._ . OM Ol : 12/1975 � � :;: Rev.: .. 9/8/75 .: , ., �_. �. s.-- . . -; . a r-!"'�`l�kJ EXPLANATION OF: ADMINISTRATIVE ORD��,R� :�.�-. . _ ' �..:. . , _ RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � �- - . . . _ . .. , . .:: . _ , ,. . .� , <;.. , . -�_ . .,�s; .=� , � ..,� ;.. - ... .: :, ' ,_. ;.. . . . .: . ,. _ �_ . . �.. _�. _ . ,. � �- t� � : _ - .�.� �.�:�:._ , Date: June� 26, 1979 - _ . _ _. .,. %.,�,. . .;,.� . .` . _ -- ._ . - - _ . __ � . _ . - ,. � �-, t : -�� �,„.} . . - - ,. . .. � TO:� .:- MAYO G ORGE LATIMER._: =�� _ . _ :� _�. .�� - .;_ _ _ - , � ... . .... . . x.�+'n W .. - � .. . . .. .. . .. . . . _. - ..*:?W-J.• . .:. . • � . . ' . -._. FR: E.A .K ty.flau] Port :Authority ��.f �< � - -- - _.___. -- - . . . . - . _ . _ _ . _ � _ __ _ - - . _ . ---. _ _ ..- _: . ,; .� . - - - _ - - - - - . _ _ : _. , - _ .. - _ _ -_ _, ,... . . = _::;:� _ _ �_ ,.� _ _ _ ... _ �. .: _ : _ - - _ __�. : .. . ;- . --. -_ . . . _ _ RE: TWIN C TY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC .� - - .:`. - (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMRANY,; TNC.) �':� �` PRELIMTNARY AGREEMENT�- $1,440-,000 REVENUE �BOND ISSUE � . RESOLUTION N0. 1513 = . ACTION REQUESTED: . . In accordance with the Laws of Mlnnesota, Chapter Z34`, it is requested that the City Council , by Reso1ut1on, a draft copy of wfitch is attached hereto, approve the issuance � of approx�tmately $1 ,440,OOD' in revenue.bonds for tf�e purpose of financtng the construction of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distri6ution faci1ity for.Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be locdted at Ar1i.ngton and Jackson Streets. The facility would be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guaranteed by Cemstone Products Company, Tnc. : . . .:;; - -��.., _ � ' PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: . -� �_ ` ' ` The purpose of the bond �Issue is to finance:the construction of a 30,000 square foot � manufactur'i.ng and distri6utjon fac�I1lty for a term of 30 years for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Tnc. on a site to 6e acquired by the company at Arlington and Jackson Streets. The combined operations of Twin City Concrete and Cemstone would employ in excess of 50. people. ATTACHMENTS: _ - � � Staff Memorandum Draft City Council Resolution . � Port Authority Resolution No. .1513 _ - - . . _ . _ _ �__ , � . ... ...._._ �.�u, W.�� , .�_. WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY. OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: � 1 . On June 26, 1919, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution No. 1513, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amount of approximately $1 ,440,000 to finance the construction of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be located at Arlington and Jackson Streets. The facility will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guaranteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. 2. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the C9ty Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , sub�ect to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . . RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 1513, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of addjtional bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary - BY B� Approved by ;Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Rv BY P � itT � AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorondum TO: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DAT� June 15, 1979 (June 26, 1979 Special Meeting) ��� FROM: J.F. Faue SUe.lECT: TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. ) PUBLIC SALE HEARING - RESOLUTION N0. 1514 PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT - $1 ,440,000 REVENUE BOND ISSUE RESOLUTION N0. 1513 1 . THE COMPANY Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. , located at 1520 Minnehaha Avenue, St. Paul , Minnesota, is also the headquarters for Cemstone Products Company, Inc. The.company is engaged in the production of concrete products, sand, _and, gravel operations with its principal product being bagged ready mix known as Sakrete. The combined opera- tion of the two companies would employ in excess of 50 people. 2. THE PROJECT-. Twin City Concrete Products Company has two similar facilities,one in Minneapolis and one in Lakeland which will be incorporated into the.new plant. An industrial site at Arlington and Jackson is their sele�cted location. Production entails delivery of aggregate and cement by truck and rail , inside storage, drying and bagging, and finally shipment, primarily by truck. The building will be approximately 30,OOQ square feet in size located on a 4.69 acre site. 3. FINAIVCING Financing is proposed through the issuance of Part Authority industrial revenue bonds to acquire the site and construct the building. The project will be leased to Twin City Concrete Products Company and guar.anteed by Cemstone Products Company, Inc. Financial statements are attached. � BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -2- Bond proceeds will be allocated as follows: Land Acquisition and Construction $1 ,190,000 Legal , Printfng & Misc. Expenses 25,000 Capitalized Interest - 6 Months 55,000 Debt Service Reserve 125,000 Underwriting 45,000 ,440,0 0 The Port Authority will also receive a fiscal and administrative fee based on the estimated bond issue outlined above as follows: First 10 Years - $432/month (or) $5,184/year Second 10 Years - $576/month (or) $6,912/year Last 10 Years - $720/month (or) $8,640/year The lease term will be for 30 years. There is also a purchase option of $144,000. The land was appraised for the owner by William Muske. The land acquisi- tian ls at a value of $1.30 per square foot, which is commensurate with the appraised value of $1.30 per square foot. 4. UNDERWRITING Miller & Schroeder Municipals will underwrite the proposed issue. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS Qistrict 6 was notified through the early notice process April 13, 1919. Port Autharlty staff and company representatives met with the District on May 10, 1979. . District 6 has raised some questions regarding the level of truck traffic to be generated on Jack�on as a result of this project and also any pollution that might be generated as a result of aperations. Regarding truck traffic, this project will generate approx- imately 20-30 truck trips per day. Traffic counts taken by the Dept. of Public Works show that Jackson between Maryland and Arlington presently has 4,975 average daily trips. Zngress and egress for the site will be on Arlington. The company has stated that they would direct their trucks t� use the southerly route from Jackson to Maryland, which is the closest des.ignated truck route. St. Paul City ordinances provide that trucks may use the shortest pos�ible route to get to designated truck routes. Members of pistrict 6 have met with Public Works regarding their concerns. Regarding the matter of pollution control , the company is required to submit plans for its equipment to be used in production, dust collection, etc. , to the Minn�sota Pollution Control Agency, who must review and issue a permit regarding th.e fact that said equipment i� 1n compliance. The company has submltted thelr specifications to the Pollution Control Agency and is awalting their reaction to the permit application. It should be noted thdt there 1s no outside storage of materials. � , . � BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 15, 1979 Page -3- The Port Authority published notice in the Legal Ledger and St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press on June 9 and 11 respectively as required under . the amendment of Chapter 474 stating that the project would be considered by the Port Authority Commission on Tuesday, June 26. If the project is approved by the Commission, formal application will be submitted to the Corrnnissioner of Securities. Staff has met with representatives of the company and reviewed their financial statements. The development of this site will create new employment opportunities and tax base for the City of St. Paul . Estimated real estate taxes will be in excess of $20,000 per year. Existing land use in the area other than residential leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetic qualities and development that is acceptable in the neighborhood. The development as proposed at this locat1on should prove to be an incentive to attract higner value developments in the future. Staff recommends approval . JFF:ca Attach. �• . r Resolution No. 1513 '. RESOLUTZON OF • THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � WHEREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Develop- ment Ac t (hereinafter called "Ac t") as found and determined by � the legislature is to promote the welfare of the state by the active attraction and encouragement and development of economi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as possible the emergence of blighted and marginal lands and areas of chr,�nic unemployment and to aid in the development of existing areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemployment; and WHEREAS, factors necessitating the active promotion and develoFenent of economically sound industry and commerce are the increasing concentration of population in the metropolitan areas and the rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of goverranental services required to meet the needs of the increased population and the need for develognent of land use which will provid e an adequate tax base to finance these increased costs and access to employment opportunities for such population; and WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has received from Twin City Concrete Products Company, a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company") a request that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition, installation and construc tion of facilities located at Arlington and Jackson Streets in the City of St. Paul for use as a manufacturing and distribution facility for concrete and related products (hereinafter collectively called the "Project" ) , all as is more fully described in the staff report on file ; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to facilitate the selective development of the community , to retain and improve its tax base. and to help it provide the range of ser.vices and employr,ient opportunities required by its population, and said Projec t will assist the City in achieving that objective. Said Project will help to increase the assessed valuation of the City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and debt and enhance the image and reputation of the City; and WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds will result in substantial employment opportunities in the Project; WHEREAS, the Authority has been advised by repre- sentatives of the Company that conventional , commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing . that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but the Company has also advised this Authority that with the aid of revenue bond financing, and its resulting low borrowing cost, the Project is economically more feasible; WHEREAS, Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. ( the "Underwriter") has made a proposal in an agreement (the ''Underwriting Agreement" ) relating to the purchase of the revenue bonds to be issued to finance the Project; WHEREAS, the Authority, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 474. 01, Subdivision 7b did place a notice, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file in the office of the Authority, of a public hearing on the proposal of the Company that the Authority finance the Project hereinbefore described by the issuance of its industrial revenue bonds ; and WHEREAS, the Anthority did conduct a public hearing pursuant to said notice at which hearing all persons who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express . their views with respect to the proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE D by the Commissioners of the Port Auth�rity of the City of Saint Paul, Minr.esota as follows : � � 1 . On the basis of information available to the Authority it appears, and the Authority hereby finds, that said Projec t constitutes properties, used or useful in connection with �one or more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdivision 1 of Section 474. 02 of the Act ; that the Project furthers the purposes stated in Section 474. 01 of the Act; that the availability of the financing under the Act and willingness of the Authority to furnish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Company to undertake the Project; that the effect of the Project, if undertaken, will be to encourage the development of economically sound industry and commerce and assist in the prevention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land , and will help to prevent chronic unemployment, and will help the City to retain and improve its tax base and provide the range . of services and employment opportunities required by its population, and will help to prevent the movement of talented and educated persons out of the state and to areas within the state where their services may no t be as effectively used and will result in more intensive development and use of land within the City and will eventually res ul t in an increase in � the City' s tax base ; and that it is in the best interests of the port district and the people of the City of Saint Paul and in furtherance of the general plan of development to assist the Company in financing the Project. 2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the Authority, the Company and the purchaser of the revenue bonds as to the details of the lease and other d ocuments necessary to evidence and effect the financing of the Project and the issuance of the revenue bonds, the Project is hereby approved and authorized and the issuance of revenue bonds of the Authority, which may be in the form of a single note, in an amount not to exceed approximately $1,440,000 (other than such additional revenue bonds as are needed to complete the Project) is authorized to finance the costs of the Project. � 3. In accordance with Subdivision 7a of Section 474. 01, Minnesota Statutes, the Executive Vice-President of the � AUTHORITY is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the above described Projec t to the Commissioner of Securities, requesting her approval, and other officers, � employees and agents of the AUTHORITY are hereby authorized to provide the Commissioner with such preliminary information as she may require. 4. There has heretofore been filed with the Authority a form of Preliminary Agreemen t between the Authority and Company, relating to the proposed construction and ' financing of the Project and a form of the Underwriting Agreement. The form of said Agreements have been examined by the Commissioners. It is the purpose of said Agreements to evidence the co�►mitment of the parties and their intentions with respect to the proposed Projec t in order that the Company , may proceed without delay with the commencement of the acquisition, installation and construction of the Project with the assurance that there has been sufficient "official action" under Section 103 ( b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 , as zsnended , to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds . to finance the entire cost of the Project upon agreement being reached as to the ultimate details of the Pro�ect and� its financing . Said Agreements are hereby approved, and the President and Secretary of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreements. • 5. Upon execution of the Prel iminary Agreement by the Company, the staff of the Authority are authorized and . directed to continue negotiations with the Company so as to resolve the remaining issues necessary to the preparation of the lease and other doc�unents necessary to the adoption by the Authority of its final bond resolution and the issuance and delivery of the revenue bonds; provided that the President (or . Vice-President if the President is absent) and the Secretary (or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the Authority, or �if either of such officers (anct his alternative) are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such absent officers, are hereby authorized in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 60, Subdivision 1 , to accept a final offer of the Underwriters made by the Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to execute an underwriting agreement setting forth such offer on behalf of the Authority. Such acceptance shall bind the Underwriters to said offer but shall be subject to approval and ratification by � the Fort Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolution to be adopted prior to the delivery of said revenue bonds. 6. The revenue bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute an indeb tedness of the Au thority or the City of . Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Authority or the City or a charge agains� their general credit or �axing powers and nei�her �h2 full faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the City is pledged for the payment of the bonds or interest thereon. 7 . In order to facilitate completion of the revenue bond� f inanc ing here in contemplated , the City Counc il is hereby reguested to consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976, Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds herein contemplated and any additional bonds which the Authority may prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem necessary to complete the Project or to refund such revenue bonds ; and for such purpose the Executive Vice President of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to forward to : ' i . . � � the City Council copies of this resolution and said Preliminary Agreement and any additional available information the City Council may request. 8 . The actions of the Executive Vice-President of the Authority in causing public notice of the public hearing and in desc ribing the general nature of the Project and estimating the principal amount of bonds to be issued to . finance the Project and in preparing a draft of the proposed application to the Commissioner of Securities, State of Minnesota, for approval of .the Project, which has been available for inspection by the public at the office of the Authority from and after the publication of notice of the . hearing, are in all respects ratified and confirmed . Adopted June 26, 1979 � /; J� / � � At te st ,� � , /�.���G�ti n . � The ;Por Authority of the City , ���/ of Saint Paul � S e tary PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �= 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SUITE 1305 ' � ; ,�� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 (612) 224-5686 � '��►��� C� June 26, 1919 Mr. Gary Stout Director Department .of Planning & Economic Development Lowry Annex St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: TWIN CITY CONCRETE PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. � (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY, TNC.) $1 ,440,000 REVENUE BOND FTNANCING Dear Gary: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the construc- tion of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Inc. to be located at Arlington and Jackson Streets. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1513 which authorized the sale of bonds in the amount Of $1;440,000. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciated. Y rs truly, E gene A. Kraut ssistant Executive Vice President EAK:ca cc. R. Broeker ROBERT F.SPRAFKA EUGENE fa KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CUFFORD E.RAMS7ED RONALD O.SCHE?TLE EXECUfNE VICE PRESIDEM ASS�5IAM EXECUIIVE VICE P(iESIDEM qRECTOR.INpUSiRIqL pEVEIOPMEM, qiiEF ENG�NEH7 CHIEF ACCOUMANT COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER ROSALIE L BUTLER ARTHUR N.C�OODMAN G.RICHARD SLADE RUBY HUM LOUIS H. MEYERS WILUAM J.SEIFERI PRE5IDENT VICE PRESIDEM $ECRETMV TREASURER � C.I.D. Certified industrial Developer �,_ : _, , . ; : ° ����/8/765 : . .x � �- ; �e � . .� . - . . . . . �tr�. e��`::'. .,,# . :�.t.�� . . ... .- � . . . - �.. ..,.a . . - .. .. � .. ..,. _ , , _:_ . wae- . .. _,._. ,.�. _ �`.���3�se __.:>.' _: . +�- . . ,. . - _:_ - �. ', .e,.i.,� ..� . �. . .. -, . . ���,.:. K� �.� �� -• :��.�, .,�: EXPLANATION OF..ADMiNISTRATIVE ORDERS, r:=� .. .�� ; . .: ;" . �r; .,; „ ,, . ... �. .- �,,�_ - �. : . ��; . _ ,..�;:,� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES-� - ' ,z - ,a „-.:. � �., ��.:. ,i:. '� r =.6.. . � . . . � ^ � �.��i' R i��MN�M9 X++.�o. �. . . . ... � ._ w �Fw�.�.S ; . a ' � � � n ,c 1h �. . . . : _ ..�n. . ....� ' ��.. .. ..�.. '��x:�1 '_�. �� W-�N�i+��'�}i''{�e#U '�.v.-2,p��y��� . , .. � . ' . ,i. . . k�. ,}�r:q��'k ya-._.�k..� � . . .. . :�,� _ �C.:x '.,;T "�-i� f ��'F � iae� . . , ,.,� -,,. ... .- :-. .; :.:,..,.:^ a�r'c . *- .�:�`k sr:i�" ",'x„ " hR"r; p�ys# �`�r; Y� .S..��_. .s r: ". . .. „ _ , . . . .,+�� � - ` . . .� r � ., . . . _ r i �, � Date: June' 26, 1979 ,:: , ,; .,. .: ",,� �. .�-; ., `` � . .. y . ��. .. ��.. _ . ,: . . -� ���k�`,n�r'� �:���� � � � �' .. . • 'i�: � ) '� �'M1�t'��Mt ++f� t� L : " TO:� � MAYO �G ORGE LATIMER ��g�'�`� �°���� .� � . .. - � � � �, y'� � ,.. __ � ,,.�*� �.'� � ...�.�;.� ;,� °�.� _ . `� H� _.�..�� .. ,- . ,. _ � . ,. _ ._, _.. ,� ,n� .,�*r.s�+ :.. = =,�_ �. - *- _ � y:_ _,�:.�_ .ER:, E.A -,K t,�-Paul Port�Aatt�Q��ty ���. =�- - -- - - - . '�.3 � . ._._ _.. ._. _ � . _ . .,��_. �„. . ._._ .. � - � " . .. . ,. -.-.- . . ....__: .x-.. _,. � ' ' ' . .... _.�._:_ .._. .. .. .-. . ...' ' �-^C .r-Ci- _ - � ._ ,•:. � e'sj'iwa Tr _ _ ...: �..�.�._ . . . ..-. "'_'= .. __:.':'.: .�_.« ,� _ .._ v, ' _ _ ' _ ' '.. _ ��' � �". � RE: TWIN C TY CONCRETE PRODUCTS CQMRANY, INC. <., � � (CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMRANY,';-TNC.) . _ � �`�. � . �- PRELIMTNARY AGREEMENT�- $1",�440;,D00 REVENUE' BQND ISSUE � �` � � . RESOLUTTON N0. 1513 = - - _ _ . . . ACTION REQUESTED: - -- � , . -. . In accordance with the Laws of Minnesota, Chapter:�234', it �is requested that-the City Council , by Reso1ution, a draft copy o� wfitch is �attached hereto, approve the issuance ` of approximately $1 ,440,000 in revenue:bonds for the' purpose of financtng the construction • of a 30,000 square foot manufacturing' and distri6uti'on facfility for.Twin City� Concrete Products Company, Tnc. 'to 6e� l�cated at Ar1l.ngton and Jackson Streets. The facility would be leased to Twin City Concrete Products: Company and guaranteed by Cemstone Products _. Company, Tnc. , - . - . . .:: .. _ .� _ _ . s '��, _ . , - _ _�� ; . . . . .. �.�. .:.. �... . -�..: .. ,,.,�., . ..: , . ; . :�.j. " . . _� _�.:.�' . . . . . � . � .:�� ..' .�... . : .�� . --. ! : '. � � - ...'... .. - .� �• . . ( PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � ' ' - , � . . _ . , � : _ The purpose of the bond lssue is to finance the construction of a 30,000 square foot manufactur�ng and distrfi6ution fac�1tty for a term of 30 years for Twin City Concrete Products Company, Tnc. on a site to 6e��acquired by the company at Ar�ington and Jackson Streets. -The combined operatlbns of Twin City Concrete and Cemstone would employ in excess of 50. people. � ATTACHMENTS: _ � . Staff Memarandum - - Draft City Counci1 Resolutlon . � Port Authority Resolut�on No. .1513 � -� - : ` � � .. k ,.. ..Y.�_.:_ .:�. �,k.: ,.: z�.. _.. . .. . _ ___ _