D00380White -City Clerk Pink - Fnance Dept CITY OF SA1N7 PAUL � OFFiCE OF TNE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �UV C� Date: �- 2 '� ADMlN1STftATIY�pF�DE�, � Lhe macter of the requiremenz of the Cicy of �ainL raiu na a 1 travel of all non-City Personnei must receive �yorai or coimcil approvai; and tv'hTsTtEAS, The St. Faui Pubiic iiealtn's Iimmuiization Action Plan Program is requesting tnat Program Manager Theresa Anderson, staff inembers Kalease Smith and I'iavid Iiipp atLend the State Immunization Information Systems wnference in Washington, D.C. on Aprii 8- 14, 1996, and WI�r��S, They are requesting to aitend this meeting 'vecause of iheir invoivement with the State Grant; and ivT�" ihe cost of L'nis trip nas oeen approved in Lhe state grant; tnerefore be it • uRDEiZED, that zhe CiLy pf St. Paul tnrougn its Mayor approve payment not ta exceed $�,OOG for che travel of Theresa Anderson, Kalease Smich and David_ �Pp • - F'�ds 33256 3S�a� \J APPROVED AS TO FORM C � � c V� Assis� t Cify ttorney Date i. r Departnent Head '���� �; , � Administrative Assistant to tvSayor '�Y11Q�t� � DEP b Health 5� QfLS�. 3/14196 �G REEN SHEE N°_ 32481 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE INITIAUDATE INRIAL/DATE Q OEPARTMEDR DIRECfOR O Cf(Y COUNCIL Kdth MOhPldlid 292-7702 "�'�" CITVATfORNEY �CIIYCLERK NUIIBER i0R BE ON COUHCIL A ENDA BY (DATE) pp�n� BUDGE7 DIflE(TOR � FlN. & MGL SERVICES Dlfl. OHOER MpVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � -� (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfIpN REQUESTED: Authorization to pay costs associated with Theresa Anderson, Kalease Smith and Dav Kipp to travel"to Washington D.C. on Aprfl 8- 14, 1996. RECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) m Heject (H} pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWI S: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis pe�son/firm ever worked under a conhact for this department? - _ c18 cOn�MrtTEE YES No MAR 19 �996 _�� - 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a city employee? YES NO . _ DISTRIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a Skill not normally possessetl Nmy�pp�pQt C�ee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNGL OBJECfIVE7 YES NO �m� � vr� p Explain all yes anawers on separete sheet and attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Theresa Anderson, Program Manager and staff inembers Kalease Smith and DAvid Kipp of the Immunization Action Paln are being requested by the State of MN. Dept of Health to attend the 5tate Immunization and National Information Systems Conference in Washington, D.0 on Apr 8 - 14, 1996. ADVAMAGES �FAPPROVE�: ersonnel will be reimbursed for their trip. R�l���V�� �}�F� 15 1�96 C��� �T EY OISADVANTAGES IF pPPROVED: None RECEIVED MNR 2 0 1996 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Personnel will not be reimbursed. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 5.00O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE State Grants ACTIVI7YNUMBER 33256 & 33259 FINANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) _ µ _ , �`] iJ W