273274 M�fJiTE �CITV CLERK . �j�,�• 4�� F`IC - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council fr �t � � c7l�iARY - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � COPY TO VALUATION HITRFA i e luti n Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint P�u1, actiug through its Valua�ion Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase oF t�t certa,in pro�erty described as follcyws: A permanent easement for street purposes on, over and across the folla�wing described property: All that part of the west 3 feet of Lot 24 except the south 208 feet thereof, and all of Lot 2g except the south 208 feet thereof in Block 2, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights lying within the folldwing described lines: gegixiriing at the northw'est corner o�' said Lort 25; thence easterly a dis�ance of 10 feet to a point; thence sauthwesterly on a curve concave to the southeast, ha.ving a radius of 10 feet - -� a distance af 15.71 feet more or less; to a point on the wes� line of said Lat 25 a distance of l0 feet south of the narthwest corner of said I',ort 25; thence northerly 10 feet to the point of begi.nriing. WI�REAS, the praperty herein described is neces�se.ry for the �ose of a right-lane turn radius and was approved for acquia��.tion on August 15, 1978 by Fina.l Order, Couneil File No. 271635; and - � WHEREAS, the amer of the prope�ty, Matthew A. Morelli h�as agr�ed to �ant the easement to the City for �he sum of $1,250.00; and WHEREAS, the V�luation Engineer has recaaomended the purchase of said property at tl� �r�ce stated above; �i�r, thereFore be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: D,•� ��� F ce a ent Services Hozza In Favor. Hunt irector Levine _ � � __ Against B Maddox ��L Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � �'�' � J`r 7� By 6lpproved by Mavor: Date _ Appr v d by Mayor for Su ibn to Council BY - – — BY ' C� ��� ( � WHITE - CITV CLERfC J /� C�� NK - FINANCE � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council r a NARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION &JREA�Jouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVID, tl�t the Council of the City of St. Paul dces hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land; and be it � FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the praper City officials are hereby authori.zed atxl directed to pay Matthew A. Morelli, record owner, the sum of $1,250.00; said amaunt to be charged to PIR 6(�00-711-000 (L-8167), to be reimbursed frosn Public Works Contirigency Fund. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -�£ � Finance arxl. I�e.nagement Services Hozza In Favor ��,�-- Hunt Levine _ � __ Against By _ Direetor Maddox Showalter Tedes JUL 3 ��«�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date �y�`� Cer ied Yasse y Cou . Secretary B` - �'�5-� 'f� � �1pp v y Mavor: D t . 9 Appr y Mayor for Sub ' si ta Council By — BY �„r5»�o JUL 1 � 1979 - ; O[rtt tfl: 12/�37� < Rev.: �9�'��� , , ,� , , � � � �!�`,�"�� EXPLANA;IO�E 0� ADMI�ISTRATIVE INtOERS, : � ES f � �t� C � i �E�� ,;�: � � ��� a �i�.� Date: ` a� �, �.�9 �,�:.� - �. ,, 7U: MAYQR GEbRGE �LATI�IER . . : . , , , „ ' . . , fR: J: Wit. �t�a, i►sltw�ticm a�rci Aaae�a�saat �ie��+� . �t 53�7�..:.��� . .: _ of Fiar�sce �. i1�6e�rda� Servic�a ; . . , :.-,, RE: Er►� f�z is'�t�eet pnrpc�te�. � �: ; �aart.ut I� �5, '5��� 2, 8ot�ert L. Ware�s 3�stern�$e#,S�ts - AGTT,�QUES7fD: _ • � � . , �` A�thcrri�e p�n,re�s� cf �id praperty as per !'i.aa1 0rder �:F� �''11�35. : . , . .. _ „ ,�. ,�, PtiRPOSt AND RATIt)NALE FQR�7NIS ACTIOM: Ii�ranre txatPi�c flt�► at tbie ii�e�eectioa� ot' �Gi�e�bM► �v�aa smd iil�i�e �e►r : ? - . �tvraaue. Acqntaitid� cost t0 be cbarged t�Fr�nd P�R 64t�0-��-«x� EL-�a.b�r1 ' to be rei�r�t3raed frc�t,Pablic i�crrka Cc�rtingency i�nd. , • � . , ATfAGHMENTS: �1. Heao��tics� for approval 2. l�p , . ; , :: i: . _ �� �� -, . : ,�,��.��,� . � � � �� a i - .u� e; f. '�r ♦.., R,� .. � >�� "°��e s'�?' w �:�t`.aPa .- �'. . . ' � i . � y . , Z''�' W � �' '- , ��h� �� x� � Y�� {���F���� � . � � � � 2 � � t ;, V W � aV � � '� �� a � � � 3 � _ ,� . � £ � o a m o � � ��r . � � � � - i ��:.�� � . � ' � ' . ��c O � a , � °�; '�t' ,, ' v � � � � _ � tl � . � � o ; ',. •r- � , .�. ` _ .. .y � Cp Q_� . a ..� W �- . O � „� � � � � - � ..�� m � .t�� � cdi "' -+c � � L ' . G � ;: � }"'� • �. � � C y� � '�r `R . ' � � �. O ,�� . � � , y v � v V � d .Q � � ; [ m .-,,• ,• � -- - d � � t!i � ��x�'�%z'�,":.; • - • . . . . � .1J -. 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