uncil Resolution
Presented By :
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Council Resolution No. 271401 appointed
Rochelle Wright to the position of Administrative Aide;
WHEREAS, funding for this position after July 1, 1979, is
conditioned on the results of a joint evaluation
by the Mayor and the City Council Legislation
Committee; and
WHEREAS, such a joint evaluation has been conducted which has
determined that the cost benefits justify continuance
of the position; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the continuance of the position of
Administrative Aide is hereby approved by the City
Council of the City of Saint Paul.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Br�E}e�. �
Hozza � �n Favor
Levine __ Against BY --.
sco Form A pr ved ity At or y
Ado by Counc� . Date
. , ���s
ertified V• • ed by Council Secretary
, 0 i979 A o e by Mayor for S is ' Council
/�ppr e y :Navor: Dat ,
gy — BY
l�tUslt�D JU�. 1 4 1979
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Councilman Legislative Aide
July 2, �.979
To: City Council
From: Ron Maddox �
Re: Legislative Staff
Attached please find copy of resolution relative to ro�.es,
responsibilities and evaluation of Shelly Wright. The resolution
was reviewed by the Legislative Committee and passed by same.
The evaluations were required and submitted by my office
and Mayor Latimer for your consideration and background.
If you have any questions please see me.
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Councilman Legislative Aide
June 19, 1979
T0: Councilman David Hozza
Councilwoman Joanne Sho ter
FROM: Councilman Ron Maddox
RE: Position Evaluation of Sh. ley Wright
Attached is a position evaluation prepared under my direction in Cooperation
with the Mayor's Office. Council resolution 271.401. (also attachec�) adopted
� last July by the City Council required the evaluation of the position of
Administrative Aide in the Mayor's Office. This was the position filled by
Shelley �dright.
I have discussed Shelley's perforntance both with the Mayor and with Shelley..
� I feel she did a very e�fective job at the legislature this session. I have
also become more aware of her responsibilitiies in the federal area, which
are also important to the City. In addition, her activities on the .regional
level have been beneficial to our needs. I sit on a metropolitan committee
with Shelley.
We will be meeting on this appointment. on Thursday, June 21. Before that
. meeting I would like to have your reactions to the draft evaluation (as
enclosed) . If you have any additions or comments please let me know b�fore
the meeting, since we will need to forward this evaluation to the full. City
Council for review.
You will also be receiving a letter from the Mayor with an evaluation of
Shelley`s performance. Together with the attached evaluation, his letter
will provide the basis for the required "joint evaluation" specified zn the
original resolution.
cc: Mayor Latimer
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Council resolution ��271401 requires the City Council Legislation Committee to
conduct a joint evaluation of the position of Administrative Aide in the Mayor's
Office, to which Shelley Wright was appointed last July. The .Counci� resolution
specified five areas of responsibility in which her performance would be judged.
This evaluation will discuss Ms. Wright's performance in these five areas and
will conclude with a general discussion of her other areas of responsibility.
l. Work on the municipal aid and shade tree legislation.
Shelley`s assignments at the state legislature this session did include
representing the city in .the shade tree program area. . 5he was not, however,
directly involved in the municipal aid area, an issue coverecl by Mr. Wellington.
She did have responsibili�y for a number of additional issues before the
legislature this session. She was responsibile for all the local bills
sub�aitted by the Legislation Co�ramittee. Shey also covered the Parks Bonding
bill (Corso Zoo and Como Park funding) , energy issues, �mendments �o the state
building code, the Omnibus Health, Welfare and Corrections bil�. (Community
Health Services funding) , as we11 as assisting Councilman Hozza with the DPM
Her success in the level of funding for the state shade tree program as well
as her ability to get legislative approval for all of the city's local bills
indicate a very positive record in her work at the legislature this session.
2. Work with the Metro Council on Housing, Parks & Open Space Matters.
Shelley has served on the Metro Council's Chairman's Advisory Committee as
the city's representative. She worked closely with Metro Council staff on
the parks and open. space legislation referred to in the previous section.
She has been closely involved with a committee set up �ointly by the Metro
Council and Senator Durenburger to work on the housing revenue bond issue
at the federal level. her contact with the Metro Council over the past year
� � appear to have strengthened the city's relationship iaith the Metro Council
and other metropolitan agencies.
3. Work with Federal Agencies.
Shelley has devoted considerable time to relationships with federal agencies.
Her involvement has included work with the Community Services Administration
on the problem with funding for low income persons utility bi11s'. She has
also worked on the housing revenue bond program and on the supp�.emen�ary
fiscal assistance issues, both now before Congress. Her responsibilities
have also included monitoring and seeking several federal grants, i:ncluding
the HUD grant for renovations at McDonough Homes and the Urban Development
Action Grant Program.
Her performance in. the federal area also appears to be effective.
_ � , � 2"����1
4. Representing the City with the Assn. of Counties and the Assn. of Metro—
politan Municipalities.
Shelley worked closely with representatives of the Association of Counties
and the AN�ii throughout the legislative session. Relationships with Chese
organizations appear strong.
. 5. Represent the Mayor and Council at the State Legislature.
Discussed under ��l above.
Shelley has provided effective staff services to the Legi�l.�tion Committee and
appears to have successfully represented the City at the 1.egis�ature c�uring
this session. Her work with fwderal agencies also appears to have strengthened
the city's relationships in this area. Continuance of the position seems �
justifiable and in the city's interest.
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�LSOLV�'�, PL1^SUa?1L t0 Sec�ion 1. 02 (f) oi the St. Paul
F�w-_nis�ra�?ve Code , tne appoi�t�:znt o= �oche?le S�Tr?ght to tne
po�_�.ion o� Admir_is�rative Aide is hereby co�se�,L2d to ar.d
a:��-ove� by the City Caunc?I oi zhe City of Szi.n� Pau�. �
su��ect to �ne fol�owinJ co-�c?�io,s:
Taat tnis iadividual work i.r. the Aia;or's o�fice on ger.eral staff wor�:
a:�d i:t adcitior, to tnat ir five speciiic areas of r.es�onsibiZity in
;:��icn zer �erforuance would be judged.
I. To work or. tne ru�zcipal aid and shade tree Iegislation.
2. inat sze WorL with t'.^.e N�tro�olitan Council on housing,
' par'rs an� opeL spaca r.?.tters. ,
3, 1?iat she wori: •.rith �ede=al a�encies such as housing, eco�o^ic
dQve�o�^ea� e�c.
4. T'na_� sne represer.t the city and work with the associatioa of
cou��ies �*�� ��tro?o.litan municipalities.
5.� inat s�e repres�r.t t�e 2•.<yor, beino directl} responsible to
the `_�yor a:�d �����ir.� wite the Council President and Ci:air�an
of t:�e L�gislation Co:�itte? as a staff bacnup, �:ork ai. the
Iegislatu�� in a lo�byino capacf�y and witn oth�r governm?ntal
�gencies SLCi1 2S tC12 :fetropoli�an Council,
2I1.ai :.8 lt :L'L"i.I72r P?SOiZ'2�� t.(:2� ].I tR15 POS�tIOIl SLiViVZS `LRZ budo2t Cll�S�
- t�at it be fu��ed until .fu1y lst, 1979 and at the end of that ti�e a joint
evaluation b= ra3e by t`:e ?.ayor ar_d Counc�l Legisl�tioa Co�ittee to Ce�er*�ine
�:��t�-�e= t�e cost D2II2i1tS ]L':7�1i� its cont?nuar.ce.
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?IAYOP. (Ul°i =£�8--1:3�3
June 19 , 1979
Councilman Ronald Maddox, and
Members of Council Legislation Committee
7th Floor, City Hall .
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55IO2
Dear Council Members :
In a resolution adopted last .July', th� City Council confirmed the
� ap�ointment of SYielley _�dright to the position of Administrative Aide_ .
in my office. The approval of the position, however, was condition�d
on a joint evaluation of her performance in five specific areas . This
-� letter represents my personal evaluat.ion of her per�ormance.
I have been extremely pleased with Shelley' s performance .during th�
past year. She is a diligent, thorough, conscientious staff person
- who has beer able to accomplish a great deal in the short period of
time she has peen with the City.
Shelley has �he nl�jor responsibility for intergov,�rninental relations
in r�y office. This involves communication with the f�deral Conc�res� ,
fed�ral ac��ir.istrative and regulatory bodies, the Metro Councilr the
R�r�.sey Count,r B�ard and other gov.ernmental entities on alI nolicy .issues .
. Additionally, she is responsible for the staff work for my involvement
with th� U.S. .Conference of Mayors, and with aur congressional delegation
. on legislation pending before CongreSs.
She is perhaps best known by Council members in her work at the State
Legislature this session. She and Steve Wellington in my office .
represented the City during tnis session. Her specific areas of
responsibility included the Shacie Tree program, the Parks and Op�n
Space legislation (funding for Como Zoa and Park) , the Omnibus Health,
tVelfare and Corrections bill (funding for Comrlunity Health Servic�s) ,
as well as all of the City' s local bills . As you are aware, we re-
quested action on four separate local bills: l) the �illette Hospital
transfer, 2} the Assessments for our downto�an plazas and for the
Seventh Place Building, 3) Port Authority investments in commercial
paper, and 4.) Denial af Deductability for Substandard Buildings .
In additiori to these basic responsibilities, Shelley .also worked
closely ��zith Council President David Hozza on the Downtown Feople
Tlover issue. •
City Counczl P•Zembers Page 2 Jun� l9, 1979
Shelley carried out all of her assignments successfully. D�spite
considerable initia� pessimism, the i�egislature approved fu�ding
for the state Shade Tree program. This will amount to $2.4-$2. 8
m.illion in state assistance to St. Paul over the next two years. �
In addition, we received approval for funding of ii:lpraveiaents both
at Como Zoo and for Como Park. Other legislation such as tY�e funding
for Corc�-�unity Health Services Act, attempts to amend the State
B�ailding Code, proposed changes which �aould have affected the City' s
ability to self-insure for ��7orkers Compensation, proposed Cable TV
regulatory changes and other issues which were not nart of ou� formal
legislative program, were monitored as to their effect on existing
and po-tential city programs.
Of equal importance, I feel , was Shelley ' s ability to gain Iegislative
approval of all of our local bills. These bills may seem ta� be non-
controi%ersial , but, in fact, all four of these issues provo',�ed intense
leyislative debate. A number of outstate legisla-�ors opposed the
Gillette ��ospital transfer initially. The bill even failed on the
House floor the first time it caas presented. Shelley set ug a series
. of rieetings where. �ae were able to convince legislators of 't�e merits
• of the proposal. Our House delegation initially. questioned the
Pori Authority investment issue, and the Senate Tax Committee vote�
only on a 7-5 margin to accept our reques�t to e�tend the eagiratian
d�te for the Denial of D�ductability legisla-tion. I believe her
ability to gain approval for all of these local bills is as great
: an indicator of her effec-tiveriess as some of her other acco�.plishments.
Both during the Legislative session and since its conclusio� I have
• talked w.zth our S-t. Paul legislators and others taho Fvorked at the
Capitol this session. All of the Senators and .Representatives I �
spoke �aith �a�re unanimous in their praise for the auality of the staff
work c�;e provided them this session. They all felt that both Shelley
' and Steve were effective and p-rofessional in .their �contacts at the
Capitol . Others who worked at the Capitol this session, including
Dave Hozza, Diane Ahrens, Don Slater from the League o£ Cities,
Vern Peterson, from the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities�
have all agreed with tnis assessment:
The only issue that I am a�eare of �vhere any negative reaction was
expressed regarding Shelley' s performance at the Legislature was in
regard to the Munici�al Elections legislation. As you are a�aare,
this u�as not an issue formally includ.ed as a part of �he City' s
legislative program, A number of St. Paul legislators telt strongly
that a change in the election day shoulc� be made, After discussiarr,
t�e Council indicated that such legislation should include a Zocal
coiisent clause , an amendment opposed by our local legislators. . Shelley
did communicate th� City' s position to our deleqation. The bill
passed the Senate but failed to gain approval in the House.
' . . .. 2 r���1
City Council 22embers Page 3 June 19 , 1979
I am hopeful that thraugh the work of the Legislation Committee we
can have a full discussion of this issue in preparation for next
session, including a presentation to the delegation. I feel we are
most effective on such issues when there is an open dialogue betw.e�n
ourselves and our entire legislative delegation.
�.hile Shelley' s primary assignment has been �-� the State Legislature,
her responsibilities in my office are quite a bit broader. She works
closely with other City staff on federal grants received by th°
City and on testimony for congressional committees. Examples of this
ef�ort during the past year inclucle the $7 . 0 million f�UD Public Housing
Urban Initiatives Program grant to the Public Housing Agency for
hicDonough fiomes, the Supplemental Fiscal Assistance grogram, various
other HUD proqrams which are essent�al to the continuance of local
. projects in St. Paul such as the UDAG program, Neighborhood Strategy
Areas progra�-n, re-authorization of the Economic Development Adminis�ration
� progran, the SBA proaram, Urban Parks legislation and appropriations,
CS?1 regulations to fund low-income persons unable to pay utility bills,.
the recent Ullman bill to eliminate the federal tax exemption on
: housing revenue bonds, and other federal issues as they surface.
Despite t��e crunch of the legislative session, her work in the. federal
ar.ea has been outstanding. She maintains close contac-t with Conqressman
- Vento ' s office and w�th Bob Hess in the district office on a r�umber
� of significant pieces of HUD legislation. She has also demonstrated
co�siderable skill in tracking the variety of issues that are beinq
dealt �vi�n by the federal government at any one time. I believe tve
must continu� to look toward the federal and state governmental
levels for tne type of financial assistance necessary to address our
urban probleTs. ��e simply do not have enough resources� loca3ly to be
- able to adec�:.a�ely meet our needs.
. . Shelley has also worked with the P•Zetro Council and serves on the
: _ Chairman' s Advisory Committee as tne City' s rePresentative. She
has also been involved in contacts �,�ith state agencies, most par-
t�.cularly in her work with �the Pollution Control Agency in our efforts
to gain app-oval of a variance on ���IPC-34 , whicn negated the intent of
the Clean T,vater Act for set asid° funding for renovation of urban
In summary, I feel that Shelley has been able to accept a very broad
range ai assignments and that she Yias consistently demonstrated a
strong professionaY background and sound administrative and . analyt�.c
skil.ls. I recommend without reservatior� continuance of her appaintment.
n,Sincerel.,y,, ,� •
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�ff �` D a t e : June 21, 1979
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C O [�l i�i l`�T E E R � �' O R i
TO : Saint Paui City C�uncit
F R 0 M � C a m tn i t t e� o n LEGISLATION
Ron Ma.ddox , chairman, makes the foliov�ing
reporf on C.F'. �] Ordinance
❑ Resotufiion
� � � Other
T I't'LE : Councilman Maddox made a motion that the City Attorney's
Office and the administration prepare a resolution regarding
the duties set forth in the original resolution hiring
Shelley Wright and that the resol.ution be presented to the
City Council at the appropriate meeting. _
. The motion carried unanimously. Please note that th3.s is
no longer an item to 'be discussed by the Legislation
,..a��.Lj � . .