01-1052, .;� 4 ' ^' � ;V E �j �" i... ;.� ��'e . _ Presented by Referred To Council File # C !• 10�. Green Sheet # 62915 Committee Date � 2 3 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An Administrarive Resolurion establishing the rates of pay for the class series ritled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant I be that as set forth 5 in Grade 12T, of Bazgaining Unit 06, Professional Sa1ary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of 6 Compensation and be it, F[JRTF�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay For the classification of IS Systems Consultant II be that as set forth in Grade 20T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 10 11 12 13 14 15 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant III be that as set forth in Grade 22T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant IV be that as set forth in Grade 24T ofBargaining Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on October 28, 2001, 17 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departinent af: Human Resources Office g�_� y���� �' U�''�� � . `�"` " '�' r �L" p TCf{ Form Appr -��d by Citi; Atto ey By: �,/'�� n� i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �—� � �� ��� � ��� . � r.- �/��- i� � �y i�� �� vvi�i/ � sy� co��c�u waa �� Adopted by Council: Date ��_� .� r, �� DEPARTMEhT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE WITIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62915 �, `,OS }• Office ofHuman Resources 10/Ol/Oi ' CONTACf PERSOl� & PfiO.WE: IIVITNLDA7E WiTfAi/DAlE John Shockley, 266-6482 i nernxm�r aA�� e��'��, < cm c�uNCa asscc�o �i"� R NOA7BERFOH 2CRYwTNRNEV a lr = ( ' _ CII'YCLERK � O �� flNANCW.SERVDIR FIIJANCW,SERV/ACCfG MU5t BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible. '"'"Y°R`°R"�" TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7LE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QUesrEU: Approval of the attached Administrative Resolution establishing the rates of pay for the class series titled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. RECOMIdENDATfONS: Appmve (A) orReject (A) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACiSMUSf ANSWElc 7HE FOLiAWING QUESITONS: 1. klas tlus persorvYvm everuvrked wdtt a contraa fm 4us depaNnrnt? PLAI3PSINGCOivID�IISSSON Yn No CIDCOMIvIIITEE 2 HaSthispersa✓fumevabemariryunployce? CIVII,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Doet�tispvso�Jfumpoasa�askill�cnormallyposusudbyvryourrmtciry�ployce? Yea No 4. Isihis pasoNfum a targecedvmdor? Yes No Esplain all yes �nswers on sepante aheet and attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNI1'Y (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): This is a"housekeeping" resoluuon formally establishing the rates of pay for the job classifications that were created�a a result of the "Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project" T}us tLree year pilot p Jg� ��`i��iin�er Civil Secvice Rule 8.A.6, will e�pire on October 28, 2001. Consequently, the rates of pay for the affect sS'�s�need to be formally established by resolution of the City Council. ��r� e�• ���� ADVANTACES IF APPRO�"ED: This resolulion allows for the conUnued compensation of employees in positions allocated to the IS Systems Consultant class series at the levels established by the pilot project. DISADVAN'['AGES IF APPROVED�. None. D7SADVANTAGES IF T`OT APPROVED: Employees would have to be compensated at the level of their old job classifications held prior to the piloY project. In some cases this would result in a pay reduction. Also, the old job classifications are not retlective of the employees' current job responsibilities. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEIVUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �:vsna.wvmco�oi.nsxocca,eYUS syn�co�wwm.g�a City of Saint Paul � .J-� � �" . . . BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 ��_ / //�%�iGeo:.�� G'� { - C�,R6DE'F.I2f . �-- _- -. : � 7i0A _iS"_S3�STEMS".CONSUI:TEINT- Z � O 1- IOSi- Start 6 mo. 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr C1) C2) <3) (4) CS) C6) (7) (8) C9) 12/30/00 1508.32 1567.94 1631.11 1671.23 1711.36 1754.50 1797.66 1862.68 1927.71 4.5-yr 5-yr 5.5-yr 6-yr 6.5-yr 7-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12), (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1975.72 2023.75 2074.15 2124.59 2178.08 2231.55 2297.22 2364.05 GRADE 013 648A DESIGN ASSOCIATE II 888 ECONOMIC DEVIMT SPECIALIST ZII 256A ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC II 829 GRANTS SPECIALIST 576 HEALTH EDUCATOR II 167A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT IIZ 296A MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST 821 NUTRITIONIST II 974 OCCUP SAFETY & HEALTA A13ALYST 039A PUBLIC INFO SPECIALIST II 288A SAFETY OFFICER 909 SENIOR EMPLOYMENT & TRNG PLNNR 330A VIDEO PRODUCTION COORDZNATOR 521 WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST IZ 695A LEGAL ASSISTANT III (1/27/O1) A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) �2) (3) C4) �5) �6) (7) C8) C9) 12/30/00 1553.32 1614.09 1679.74 1764.81 1844.90 1943.52 2043.15 2102.73 2162.22 GRADE 014 121B ADMZN/LSGISLTV ASST-PED 598 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION COORD 935 CITY PIANNER IZI 544A HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST III 250 LIBRARIAN II 139A NURSE PRACTITIONER-OB GI'N 565 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 394 RESEARCH ANALYST III 658 SOCIAL WORKER 12/3Q/00 1599.52 1662.69 1729.54 1815.91 1908.27 2001.85 2102.73 2164.70 2229.14 Issued 4/16/O1 � 06-04 City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 Issued 4f16f01 PROFESSIONAL } Effective 2001 '��'�� GRADE 019 280A HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM ANALYST 803A LIBRARY INFORMATION RES. COOR A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (�) C8) (9) 12/30/00 1855.97 1928.88 2004.23 2105.15 2210.87 2321.49 2439.39 2508.65 2584.00 GRAAE 020 013 ARCHITECT III 591 CITY PLANNER IV 107 CIVIL ENGINEER IZI 109 CIVIL ENGINEER III--WATER UTIL 889 ECONOMIC DEVLMT SPECIALIST IV 117A ECONOMIC PLANNER 454A EDP DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 186A EDP SYSTEMS ANALYST III 160 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER III 533A FZRE PROTECTION ENGINEER 830 GRANTS MANAGER 898 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III 251 LIBR9RIAN III 395 RESEARCH ANALYST IV 444 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2169.58 2277.74 2391.96 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 �;GRl�E;" 201':� �?749A'=3S :INFO%TEGH,ANALYST,V 7:11A>_1S;SYSTEMS: C6NSULT6NT II ; Staxt 6 mo 1-yx 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (�) (8) (9) 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2117.93 2169.58 2223.65 2277.74 2334.55 2391.96 4.5-yr S-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10)_ (11) (12) (13) 2451.55 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 GRADE 021 12/30/00 1966.58 2046.80 2127.05 2234.00 2345.83 2464.90 2585.26 2663.01 2742.03 �. �. City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 GRADE 022 Zssued 4/16/O1 oi_iosa' 560A GIS SYSTEMS DEVELOPER 879 PROJECT MANAGER IV 294A PROJECT MANAGER IV--PUBLIC WKS A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) C2) (3) C CS) (6) C7) C$) ( 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2300.82 2416.31 2536.61 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 Start 6 mo 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr - - {1} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2267.88 2300.82 2358.57 2416.31 2476.46 2536.61 4.5-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 2599.81 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 GRADE 023 12/30/00 2088.17 2170.79 2258.62 2370.11 2487.20 2614.44 2743.26 2827.12 2909.77 4GI�.fi..,225T�e,- >7�2'fkrl.S;�S,YS�EMS....GQ,PtSt3LTANT ,Z.II y � GRADE 024 12/30/00 2148,92 2235.18 2323.93 2441.80 2563.36 2690.99 2827.12 2909.77 2993.63 GRADE 025 12/30/00 2213.29 2304.47 2395.63 2514.76 2638.69 2771.22 2909.77 2998.47 3084.79 GRADE 026 12/30/00 2281.40 2371.31 2468.55 2587.67 2720.19 2856.28 2998.47 3088.46 3177.17 06 - 07 .� .,k o �-�.a F City of Saint Paul 1/1/00 7/1/00 BARGAINING tTNIT 09 ST. _ PAVL SUPIItVZS0R5 ORG. Effective 2000 Issued 12/27/99 ` ^ � , � GRADE 023 446 9CCOUNTANT �� / � evr �% 881 , SUPV -OF REHI�BILITATION 222A.Z00'DIRECTOR A� B C_ �-_D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.. (1). ( (3)' "�:�_(4) ( i6) ( ($) (9) 2112.00 2190.00 2272.55 2377.98 2489.21 2608.51 2730.13 2816.31 2844.41 2122.56 2200.95 2283..9�38_ 9.87 2501.66 2621.55 2743.78 2830.39 2908.88 � /_ \y �\ GRADE 02j� \ ------- 219A *LIBRARIAN IV 460A EDP TECHNICAI. SERVICES SUPERVISOR '228A EMPIAYMENT PROGRAMS MANAGER 217A EN�IIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR 954 IiEALTfi ADMINISTRATION MANAGER. 980 INFORMATION SERVICE MANAGER-WU 180A NUTRITIONIST ZV -, 41a6 PUBLIC AEALTIi NURSING SUPR 433A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2445.67 2560.30 2680.92 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2457.90 2573.10 2694.32 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 �E'.34T ,�a.;: �� 13A 'SYS.TEMS rGONSUI.TAN�:: �i = . - . Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yY. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yi. 4-yr. (1) CZ) C3) C4) CS) (6) (7) f$) C9) 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2390.05 2445.67 2502.99 2560.30 2620.61 2680.92 4.5-ys. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15-yr. (10) (11) (12) (13) = 2745.10 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yr. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yr. 4-yr. C1) CZ) (3) (4) CS) (6) C7) C$) (9) 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2402.00 2457.90 2515.50 2573.10 2633.71 2694.32 4.5-yr. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15yr (lo) (11) (127 (13) 2758.83 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 "_ _ �• �. , .;� 4 ' ^' � ;V E �j �" i... ;.� ��'e . _ Presented by Referred To Council File # C !• 10�. Green Sheet # 62915 Committee Date � 2 3 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An Administrarive Resolurion establishing the rates of pay for the class series ritled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant I be that as set forth 5 in Grade 12T, of Bazgaining Unit 06, Professional Sa1ary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of 6 Compensation and be it, F[JRTF�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay For the classification of IS Systems Consultant II be that as set forth in Grade 20T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 10 11 12 13 14 15 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant III be that as set forth in Grade 22T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant IV be that as set forth in Grade 24T ofBargaining Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on October 28, 2001, 17 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departinent af: Human Resources Office g�_� y���� �' U�''�� � . `�"` " '�' r �L" p TCf{ Form Appr -��d by Citi; Atto ey By: �,/'�� n� i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �—� � �� ��� � ��� . � r.- �/��- i� � �y i�� �� vvi�i/ � sy� co��c�u waa �� Adopted by Council: Date ��_� .� r, �� DEPARTMEhT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE WITIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62915 �, `,OS }• Office ofHuman Resources 10/Ol/Oi ' CONTACf PERSOl� & PfiO.WE: IIVITNLDA7E WiTfAi/DAlE John Shockley, 266-6482 i nernxm�r aA�� e��'��, < cm c�uNCa asscc�o �i"� R NOA7BERFOH 2CRYwTNRNEV a lr = ( ' _ CII'YCLERK � O �� flNANCW.SERVDIR FIIJANCW,SERV/ACCfG MU5t BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible. '"'"Y°R`°R"�" TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7LE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QUesrEU: Approval of the attached Administrative Resolution establishing the rates of pay for the class series titled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. RECOMIdENDATfONS: Appmve (A) orReject (A) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACiSMUSf ANSWElc 7HE FOLiAWING QUESITONS: 1. klas tlus persorvYvm everuvrked wdtt a contraa fm 4us depaNnrnt? PLAI3PSINGCOivID�IISSSON Yn No CIDCOMIvIIITEE 2 HaSthispersa✓fumevabemariryunployce? CIVII,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Doet�tispvso�Jfumpoasa�askill�cnormallyposusudbyvryourrmtciry�ployce? Yea No 4. Isihis pasoNfum a targecedvmdor? Yes No Esplain all yes �nswers on sepante aheet and attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNI1'Y (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): This is a"housekeeping" resoluuon formally establishing the rates of pay for the job classifications that were created�a a result of the "Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project" T}us tLree year pilot p Jg� ��`i��iin�er Civil Secvice Rule 8.A.6, will e�pire on October 28, 2001. Consequently, the rates of pay for the affect sS'�s�need to be formally established by resolution of the City Council. ��r� e�• ���� ADVANTACES IF APPRO�"ED: This resolulion allows for the conUnued compensation of employees in positions allocated to the IS Systems Consultant class series at the levels established by the pilot project. DISADVAN'['AGES IF APPROVED�. None. D7SADVANTAGES IF T`OT APPROVED: Employees would have to be compensated at the level of their old job classifications held prior to the piloY project. In some cases this would result in a pay reduction. Also, the old job classifications are not retlective of the employees' current job responsibilities. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEIVUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �:vsna.wvmco�oi.nsxocca,eYUS syn�co�wwm.g�a City of Saint Paul � .J-� � �" . . . BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 ��_ / //�%�iGeo:.�� G'� { - C�,R6DE'F.I2f . �-- _- -. : � 7i0A _iS"_S3�STEMS".CONSUI:TEINT- Z � O 1- IOSi- Start 6 mo. 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr C1) C2) <3) (4) CS) C6) (7) (8) C9) 12/30/00 1508.32 1567.94 1631.11 1671.23 1711.36 1754.50 1797.66 1862.68 1927.71 4.5-yr 5-yr 5.5-yr 6-yr 6.5-yr 7-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12), (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1975.72 2023.75 2074.15 2124.59 2178.08 2231.55 2297.22 2364.05 GRADE 013 648A DESIGN ASSOCIATE II 888 ECONOMIC DEVIMT SPECIALIST ZII 256A ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC II 829 GRANTS SPECIALIST 576 HEALTH EDUCATOR II 167A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT IIZ 296A MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST 821 NUTRITIONIST II 974 OCCUP SAFETY & HEALTA A13ALYST 039A PUBLIC INFO SPECIALIST II 288A SAFETY OFFICER 909 SENIOR EMPLOYMENT & TRNG PLNNR 330A VIDEO PRODUCTION COORDZNATOR 521 WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST IZ 695A LEGAL ASSISTANT III (1/27/O1) A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) �2) (3) C4) �5) �6) (7) C8) C9) 12/30/00 1553.32 1614.09 1679.74 1764.81 1844.90 1943.52 2043.15 2102.73 2162.22 GRADE 014 121B ADMZN/LSGISLTV ASST-PED 598 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION COORD 935 CITY PIANNER IZI 544A HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST III 250 LIBRARIAN II 139A NURSE PRACTITIONER-OB GI'N 565 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 394 RESEARCH ANALYST III 658 SOCIAL WORKER 12/3Q/00 1599.52 1662.69 1729.54 1815.91 1908.27 2001.85 2102.73 2164.70 2229.14 Issued 4/16/O1 � 06-04 City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 Issued 4f16f01 PROFESSIONAL } Effective 2001 '��'�� GRADE 019 280A HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM ANALYST 803A LIBRARY INFORMATION RES. COOR A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (�) C8) (9) 12/30/00 1855.97 1928.88 2004.23 2105.15 2210.87 2321.49 2439.39 2508.65 2584.00 GRAAE 020 013 ARCHITECT III 591 CITY PLANNER IV 107 CIVIL ENGINEER IZI 109 CIVIL ENGINEER III--WATER UTIL 889 ECONOMIC DEVLMT SPECIALIST IV 117A ECONOMIC PLANNER 454A EDP DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 186A EDP SYSTEMS ANALYST III 160 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER III 533A FZRE PROTECTION ENGINEER 830 GRANTS MANAGER 898 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III 251 LIBR9RIAN III 395 RESEARCH ANALYST IV 444 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2169.58 2277.74 2391.96 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 �;GRl�E;" 201':� �?749A'=3S :INFO%TEGH,ANALYST,V 7:11A>_1S;SYSTEMS: C6NSULT6NT II ; Staxt 6 mo 1-yx 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (�) (8) (9) 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2117.93 2169.58 2223.65 2277.74 2334.55 2391.96 4.5-yr S-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10)_ (11) (12) (13) 2451.55 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 GRADE 021 12/30/00 1966.58 2046.80 2127.05 2234.00 2345.83 2464.90 2585.26 2663.01 2742.03 �. �. City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 GRADE 022 Zssued 4/16/O1 oi_iosa' 560A GIS SYSTEMS DEVELOPER 879 PROJECT MANAGER IV 294A PROJECT MANAGER IV--PUBLIC WKS A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) C2) (3) C CS) (6) C7) C$) ( 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2300.82 2416.31 2536.61 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 Start 6 mo 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr - - {1} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2267.88 2300.82 2358.57 2416.31 2476.46 2536.61 4.5-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 2599.81 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 GRADE 023 12/30/00 2088.17 2170.79 2258.62 2370.11 2487.20 2614.44 2743.26 2827.12 2909.77 4GI�.fi..,225T�e,- >7�2'fkrl.S;�S,YS�EMS....GQ,PtSt3LTANT ,Z.II y � GRADE 024 12/30/00 2148,92 2235.18 2323.93 2441.80 2563.36 2690.99 2827.12 2909.77 2993.63 GRADE 025 12/30/00 2213.29 2304.47 2395.63 2514.76 2638.69 2771.22 2909.77 2998.47 3084.79 GRADE 026 12/30/00 2281.40 2371.31 2468.55 2587.67 2720.19 2856.28 2998.47 3088.46 3177.17 06 - 07 .� .,k o �-�.a F City of Saint Paul 1/1/00 7/1/00 BARGAINING tTNIT 09 ST. _ PAVL SUPIItVZS0R5 ORG. Effective 2000 Issued 12/27/99 ` ^ � , � GRADE 023 446 9CCOUNTANT �� / � evr �% 881 , SUPV -OF REHI�BILITATION 222A.Z00'DIRECTOR A� B C_ �-_D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.. (1). ( (3)' "�:�_(4) ( i6) ( ($) (9) 2112.00 2190.00 2272.55 2377.98 2489.21 2608.51 2730.13 2816.31 2844.41 2122.56 2200.95 2283..9�38_ 9.87 2501.66 2621.55 2743.78 2830.39 2908.88 � /_ \y �\ GRADE 02j� \ ------- 219A *LIBRARIAN IV 460A EDP TECHNICAI. SERVICES SUPERVISOR '228A EMPIAYMENT PROGRAMS MANAGER 217A EN�IIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR 954 IiEALTfi ADMINISTRATION MANAGER. 980 INFORMATION SERVICE MANAGER-WU 180A NUTRITIONIST ZV -, 41a6 PUBLIC AEALTIi NURSING SUPR 433A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2445.67 2560.30 2680.92 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2457.90 2573.10 2694.32 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 �E'.34T ,�a.;: �� 13A 'SYS.TEMS rGONSUI.TAN�:: �i = . - . Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yY. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yi. 4-yr. (1) CZ) C3) C4) CS) (6) (7) f$) C9) 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2390.05 2445.67 2502.99 2560.30 2620.61 2680.92 4.5-ys. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15-yr. (10) (11) (12) (13) = 2745.10 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yr. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yr. 4-yr. C1) CZ) (3) (4) CS) (6) C7) C$) (9) 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2402.00 2457.90 2515.50 2573.10 2633.71 2694.32 4.5-yr. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15yr (lo) (11) (127 (13) 2758.83 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 "_ _ �• �. , .;� 4 ' ^' � ;V E �j �" i... ;.� ��'e . _ Presented by Referred To Council File # C !• 10�. Green Sheet # 62915 Committee Date � 2 3 RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA An Administrarive Resolurion establishing the rates of pay for the class series ritled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant I be that as set forth 5 in Grade 12T, of Bazgaining Unit 06, Professional Sa1ary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of 6 Compensation and be it, F[JRTF�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay For the classification of IS Systems Consultant II be that as set forth in Grade 20T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 10 11 12 13 14 15 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant III be that as set forth in Grade 22T of Bargaining Unit 06, Professional Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of IS Systems Consultant IV be that as set forth in Grade 24T ofBargaining Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it, 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on October 28, 2001, 17 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departinent af: Human Resources Office g�_� y���� �' U�''�� � . `�"` " '�' r �L" p TCf{ Form Appr -��d by Citi; Atto ey By: �,/'�� n� i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �—� � �� ��� � ��� . � r.- �/��- i� � �y i�� �� vvi�i/ � sy� co��c�u waa �� Adopted by Council: Date ��_� .� r, �� DEPARTMEhT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE WITIATED GREEN SHEET NO 62915 �, `,OS }• Office ofHuman Resources 10/Ol/Oi ' CONTACf PERSOl� & PfiO.WE: IIVITNLDA7E WiTfAi/DAlE John Shockley, 266-6482 i nernxm�r aA�� e��'��, < cm c�uNCa asscc�o �i"� R NOA7BERFOH 2CRYwTNRNEV a lr = ( ' _ CII'YCLERK � O �� flNANCW.SERVDIR FIIJANCW,SERV/ACCfG MU5t BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible. '"'"Y°R`°R"�" TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7LE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QUesrEU: Approval of the attached Administrative Resolution establishing the rates of pay for the class series titled IS Systems Consultant I through IV in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. RECOMIdENDATfONS: Appmve (A) orReject (A) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACiSMUSf ANSWElc 7HE FOLiAWING QUESITONS: 1. klas tlus persorvYvm everuvrked wdtt a contraa fm 4us depaNnrnt? PLAI3PSINGCOivID�IISSSON Yn No CIDCOMIvIIITEE 2 HaSthispersa✓fumevabemariryunployce? CIVII,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Doet�tispvso�Jfumpoasa�askill�cnormallyposusudbyvryourrmtciry�ployce? Yea No 4. Isihis pasoNfum a targecedvmdor? Yes No Esplain all yes �nswers on sepante aheet and attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNI1'Y (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): This is a"housekeeping" resoluuon formally establishing the rates of pay for the job classifications that were created�a a result of the "Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project" T}us tLree year pilot p Jg� ��`i��iin�er Civil Secvice Rule 8.A.6, will e�pire on October 28, 2001. Consequently, the rates of pay for the affect sS'�s�need to be formally established by resolution of the City Council. ��r� e�• ���� ADVANTACES IF APPRO�"ED: This resolulion allows for the conUnued compensation of employees in positions allocated to the IS Systems Consultant class series at the levels established by the pilot project. DISADVAN'['AGES IF APPROVED�. None. D7SADVANTAGES IF T`OT APPROVED: Employees would have to be compensated at the level of their old job classifications held prior to the piloY project. In some cases this would result in a pay reduction. Also, the old job classifications are not retlective of the employees' current job responsibilities. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVEIVUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �:vsna.wvmco�oi.nsxocca,eYUS syn�co�wwm.g�a City of Saint Paul � .J-� � �" . . . BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 ��_ / //�%�iGeo:.�� G'� { - C�,R6DE'F.I2f . �-- _- -. : � 7i0A _iS"_S3�STEMS".CONSUI:TEINT- Z � O 1- IOSi- Start 6 mo. 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr C1) C2) <3) (4) CS) C6) (7) (8) C9) 12/30/00 1508.32 1567.94 1631.11 1671.23 1711.36 1754.50 1797.66 1862.68 1927.71 4.5-yr 5-yr 5.5-yr 6-yr 6.5-yr 7-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12), (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1975.72 2023.75 2074.15 2124.59 2178.08 2231.55 2297.22 2364.05 GRADE 013 648A DESIGN ASSOCIATE II 888 ECONOMIC DEVIMT SPECIALIST ZII 256A ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC II 829 GRANTS SPECIALIST 576 HEALTH EDUCATOR II 167A MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT IIZ 296A MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST 821 NUTRITIONIST II 974 OCCUP SAFETY & HEALTA A13ALYST 039A PUBLIC INFO SPECIALIST II 288A SAFETY OFFICER 909 SENIOR EMPLOYMENT & TRNG PLNNR 330A VIDEO PRODUCTION COORDZNATOR 521 WATER QUALITY SPECIALIST IZ 695A LEGAL ASSISTANT III (1/27/O1) A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) �2) (3) C4) �5) �6) (7) C8) C9) 12/30/00 1553.32 1614.09 1679.74 1764.81 1844.90 1943.52 2043.15 2102.73 2162.22 GRADE 014 121B ADMZN/LSGISLTV ASST-PED 598 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION COORD 935 CITY PIANNER IZI 544A HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST III 250 LIBRARIAN II 139A NURSE PRACTITIONER-OB GI'N 565 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 394 RESEARCH ANALYST III 658 SOCIAL WORKER 12/3Q/00 1599.52 1662.69 1729.54 1815.91 1908.27 2001.85 2102.73 2164.70 2229.14 Issued 4/16/O1 � 06-04 City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 Issued 4f16f01 PROFESSIONAL } Effective 2001 '��'�� GRADE 019 280A HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM ANALYST 803A LIBRARY INFORMATION RES. COOR A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. (1) C2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (�) C8) (9) 12/30/00 1855.97 1928.88 2004.23 2105.15 2210.87 2321.49 2439.39 2508.65 2584.00 GRAAE 020 013 ARCHITECT III 591 CITY PLANNER IV 107 CIVIL ENGINEER IZI 109 CIVIL ENGINEER III--WATER UTIL 889 ECONOMIC DEVLMT SPECIALIST IV 117A ECONOMIC PLANNER 454A EDP DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 186A EDP SYSTEMS ANALYST III 160 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER III 533A FZRE PROTECTION ENGINEER 830 GRANTS MANAGER 898 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III 251 LIBR9RIAN III 395 RESEARCH ANALYST IV 444 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2169.58 2277.74 2391.96 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 �;GRl�E;" 201':� �?749A'=3S :INFO%TEGH,ANALYST,V 7:11A>_1S;SYSTEMS: C6NSULT6NT II ; Staxt 6 mo 1-yx 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (�) (8) (9) 12/30/00 1910.72 1987.23 2066.26 2117.93 2169.58 2223.65 2277.74 2334.55 2391.96 4.5-yr S-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10)_ (11) (12) (13) 2451.55 2511.12 2585.26 2661.82 GRADE 021 12/30/00 1966.58 2046.80 2127.05 2234.00 2345.83 2464.90 2585.26 2663.01 2742.03 �. �. City of Saint Paul BARGAINING UNIT 06 PROFESSIONAL Effective 2001 GRADE 022 Zssued 4/16/O1 oi_iosa' 560A GIS SYSTEMS DEVELOPER 879 PROJECT MANAGER IV 294A PROJECT MANAGER IV--PUBLIC WKS A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. C1) C2) (3) C CS) (6) C7) C$) ( 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2300.82 2416.31 2536.61 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 Start 6 mo 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr - - {1} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 12/30/00 2026.15 2106.36 2191.45 2267.88 2300.82 2358.57 2416.31 2476.46 2536.61 4.5-yr 5-yr 10-yr 15-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 2599.81 2663.01 2743.26 2823.47 GRADE 023 12/30/00 2088.17 2170.79 2258.62 2370.11 2487.20 2614.44 2743.26 2827.12 2909.77 4GI�.fi..,225T�e,- >7�2'fkrl.S;�S,YS�EMS....GQ,PtSt3LTANT ,Z.II y � GRADE 024 12/30/00 2148,92 2235.18 2323.93 2441.80 2563.36 2690.99 2827.12 2909.77 2993.63 GRADE 025 12/30/00 2213.29 2304.47 2395.63 2514.76 2638.69 2771.22 2909.77 2998.47 3084.79 GRADE 026 12/30/00 2281.40 2371.31 2468.55 2587.67 2720.19 2856.28 2998.47 3088.46 3177.17 06 - 07 .� .,k o �-�.a F City of Saint Paul 1/1/00 7/1/00 BARGAINING tTNIT 09 ST. _ PAVL SUPIItVZS0R5 ORG. Effective 2000 Issued 12/27/99 ` ^ � , � GRADE 023 446 9CCOUNTANT �� / � evr �% 881 , SUPV -OF REHI�BILITATION 222A.Z00'DIRECTOR A� B C_ �-_D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.. (1). ( (3)' "�:�_(4) ( i6) ( ($) (9) 2112.00 2190.00 2272.55 2377.98 2489.21 2608.51 2730.13 2816.31 2844.41 2122.56 2200.95 2283..9�38_ 9.87 2501.66 2621.55 2743.78 2830.39 2908.88 � /_ \y �\ GRADE 02j� \ ------- 219A *LIBRARIAN IV 460A EDP TECHNICAI. SERVICES SUPERVISOR '228A EMPIAYMENT PROGRAMS MANAGER 217A EN�IIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR 954 IiEALTfi ADMINISTRATION MANAGER. 980 INFORMATION SERVICE MANAGER-WU 180A NUTRITIONIST ZV -, 41a6 PUBLIC AEALTIi NURSING SUPR 433A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2445.67 2560.30 2680.92 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2457.90 2573.10 2694.32 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 �E'.34T ,�a.;: �� 13A 'SYS.TEMS rGONSUI.TAN�:: �i = . - . Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yY. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yi. 4-yr. (1) CZ) C3) C4) CS) (6) (7) f$) C9) 1/1/00 2169.33 2250.76 2334.44 2390.05 2445.67 2502.99 2560.30 2620.61 2680.92 4.5-ys. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15-yr. (10) (11) (12) (13) = 2745.10 2809.29 2894.41 2973.63 Start 6 mo. 1-yr. 1.5-yr. 2-yr. 2.5-yr. 3-yr. 3.5-yr. 4-yr. C1) CZ) (3) (4) CS) (6) C7) C$) (9) 7/1/00 2180.18 2262.01 2346.11 2402.00 2457.90 2515.50 2573.10 2633.71 2694.32 4.5-yr. 5-yr. 10-yr. 15yr (lo) (11) (127 (13) 2758.83 2823.34 2908.88 2988.50 "_ _ �• �.