273747 M�HITE - CITY CLERK Ayi� ►�Ji.�� ww PINK - FINANCE COURCIl. •D� /�� /A� 'ANARY - DEPARTMENT I TY OF SA I NT PAUL � �� f �� �LUE I't- MAVOR {�{9� 0 0 j � File N 0. - C ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul at a public hearing held on August 22, 1979, and continued to September 12, 1979, considered testimony relevant to the renewal of the Secondhand Dealer' s License issued to David Doepner, d/b/a East Side Appliances, 1080 Earl Street; and WHEREAS, The licensee appeared together with his attorney, A. Keith Hanzel; and WHEREAS, Testimony was presented by concerned neighbors, the Police Department, and the applicant; and WHEREAS, The attorney for the applicant was afforded an opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses; and WHEREAS, Evidence was presented that the licensee was storing refrigerators and washing ma.chines outside of the enclosed limits of the appliance store; and WHEREAS, Evidence was presented that the licensed establish- ment was a gathering place for young adults; and WHEREAS, Evidence was presented concerning confrontations between the young adults who gather at the licensed premises and neighborhood residents; and WHEREAS, The members of the Council agreed that evidence justified a renewal of the license with conditions; now, therefore, be it COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY Form A d y City tt Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by 1Qavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE 1 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 ,� � • � � j3LUE��- MAVOR � �� File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, That the Secondhand Dealer' s License issued to David Doepner, d/b/a East Side Appliances at 1080 Earl Street, is hereby renewed, subject to the following conditions: 1, That the licensee shall not store appliances outside of the enclosed limits of the building located at 1080 Earl Street or the detached storage shed; and 2. That the licensee shall conduct the licensed business in the manner for which it is intended, to-wit: The repair, display and offering for sale of used appliances, and for no other purpose and the licensee shall, in conducting said business, do so in a lawful and peaceful manner; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the License Inspector is instructed to report back to the Council in 90 days, whether the licensee has complied with the conditions set forth above or the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That upon the report of the License Inspector the Council shall determine whether a hearing should be scheduled to consider renewal or revocation of the license. Yeas �MC ahon E Na s Requested by Department of: Y Hozza � In Favor Levine � Maddox _ __ Against BY — -- Showa T esco Ado ed by Counc : Date $�p � 5 1979 Form Appr b City A or ertified sed by Co cil Secretary BY /A v d by Ylavor: D e ���6 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Pust,��KE� 0 CT 6 1979 �� � �7� 7 �7 ..a.o�.�wi.,��� _��'��?• �.°� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�•` :;'��_,, �• •= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :� �: ;,+ iiii'iii'n �� <:• - BUREAU OF RECORDS `���, �... ''�+n.�n,,,,.��'��� 386 Cily Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR September 13, 1979 Mr. Ed Starr City Attorney Room 647, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you confer with the License Inspector and the attorney for Mr. Doepner and prepare a resolution granting the Second Hand Dealer General License application at 1080 Earl Street, sub�ect to conditions on: 1 - Behavior of persons in and around location. 2 - Storage 3 - A condition pertaining to the son of the applicant living in the upstairs apartment. 4 - A 90-day license provision. Very truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk ABO:la cc: Mr. Carchedi, License Inspector �O . � . t � , , ; :�. ' O .• _.`.. .. �. � 1075 Arcade . � Saint Paul, Minneaota 55106 ' July 30, 1979 �- - � Councilman David Hozza - :z;T. �* Preaident Saint Paul City Council �= ,:'. � 7th Floor - City Hall . � � 8aiat Ps�ul; Minneeote 55102 `�;��a:�;` �° � . �. . - �ear Counailaian Hozza: �, , .� � - In s letter deted June 15 directed to you the Dietrict 5 Planning - �� G,onncil addr�ased their eoac�rne regarding a busiaess located at � , 1Q80 Earl Street. Some of the concerna that were �oiced to the - �ouacil by reaidente residing near the busineas were: 1)The problem - _ `* ��` oi aethetica witb aa applis�aoe store, etc., when the majority of x:°. , - the area is reaidential; 2) Appliances stored outside. This is in direot violation oi their aecondhand dealer'e license; 3) The a�•thod oY loe�diag e�nd unloading equipment - obstructs traffic flow aad the aidewalke for pedeatrians. �In fai�neae to the ownere ot the appliance Etore, a meeting wae (� . calltd by the District 5 pl.anaia8 Council in late June to provide .:�,� 1 , ,�2#,em tlie epportuaity to reepoad to these concerne. A follow-up ���-�� feetiag was held on July 17 and from commente ms�de by, residents �und Council members who_had over the paat month visited the site ;��: � on mors�than one occasion fe3t that an efiort ha.d been mad �:�=:�: � aompa.y rrith aome of the concerns expressed. Ve seriously. wever, ` '� if this elea►a-up wae c�one in good faith or merely in eu�t���:ipation '..'L^'t.. - .� . . �'�'� oY the Auguet 1 renewal af their license. . :,:s, - ; We would, therefore� at thia time� wish to reaffirm our aupport of r�'� � � thia aeigbborhood by again aaking that the City rs-zone thia ��L�,�t ' property to residential. � Sincerel . Y• � � / �..��`./—J_��/ ,/�.n '��f'`'� lv- Doug For�rg %•�l'! ,� � President � DF/8v cc: City Council Repreeentativea �Q Joe Carchedi :�' . � - TYPE OF CALL DATE Thefts : 1060 Earl Street 3-g-�g 1063 Earl Street 5-24-79 1028 Magnolia Street 6-g-�g 1076 Magnolia Street 8-16-79 Accidents : 1063 Earl Street 6-22-79 Landlord-Neighbor Trouble : 1095 Magnolia Street g-1g-79 Domestic : 1073 Earl Street 1-28-79 Burglary: 1080 Earl Street 8-31-79 1090 Earl Street 6-22-�g 1075 Magnolia Street 12-22-��' Disorderly Boys : 1080 Earl Street 6-15-79 1013 Magnolia Street 7-17-79 1045 Magnolia Street 7-18-79 1083 Magnolia Street 8-18-79 1083 Magnolia Street 8-22-7g 1095 Magnolia Street 6-25-79 Investigate: 1080 Earl Street 6-15-79 1084 Earl Street 6-16-79 1033 Magnolia Street 4-18-79 1083 Magnolia Street 8-18-79 1083 Magnolia Street 1-10-79 1113 Magnolia Street 12-13-78 . , , . • ' • TYPE OF CALL DATE Traffic Violation: 1084 Earl Street 5-5-79 1076 Magnolia Street 2-8-79 Forgery: 1090 Earl Street 8-21-79 1090 Earl Street 6-10-79 Malicious Destruction of Property: 1090 Earl Street 6-20-79 1090 Earl Street 1-30-79 1091 Magnolia Street 8-3-79 Alarms : 1090 Earl Street 3-5-79 Animal Bites : 1017 Magnolia Street 7-22-79 Deaths: 1076 Magnolia Street 4-1-79 Assaults : 1083 Magnolia Street 8-21-79 1084 Magnolia Street 8-22-79 1092 Magnolia Street 5-5-79 Peeper-Prowler: 1092 Magnolia Street 4-28-79 CALLS - MONTH OF YEAR: 1979 - January 3 1979 - July 3 " February 1 " August 10 " March 2 " April 3 1978 - December 2 " May 3 " June 9 . ' ' ' LOCATION NO. OF CALLS DISPOSITION Earl Street 1060 1 Report 1063 2 G.O.A. - Report 1073 1 Advised 1080 3 Assisted-Advised-Service not Rea. 1084 2 Assisted - Advised 1090 6 Assisted - P.dvised - (4) Reports Magnolia Street 1013 1 G.O.A. 1017 1 Report 1028 1 Report 1033 1 Advised 1045 1 Advised 1075 1 Advised 1076 3 (3) Reports 1083 5 Advised-G.O.A.-Unfounded- (2) �?F� 1084 1 Report 1091 1 Report 1092 2 Advised - G.O.A. 1095 2 Advised - G.O.A. 1113 1 Assisted TOTAL - 36 Dispositions : Reports - 15 Advised - 10 Assisted - 4 Gone on Arrival - 5 Services not Required - 1 Unfounded - 1 , , :: T — . . . r _ � . : , , � � r'-,._, .r��� ,.� L f.1 � '. , i , T � ;� , s: . _ , _ _ � _ _ � . � ; - , . � . , f . , '' , j � � . � , , i ' `, , � - , ,. , , - � ,. , , . � � ; , � • _ ,� , i , ' /. , � - � , � : . , ' �� . . � �� , ,` ' , : i �ti� � . t �'fi � v� . - s��� as, �srs, �,,� � , � � + -� ,- ; _ . . � , , ,. _ . , _ , - . ; , , � � . ; rYr. 3�ph r�rer�sas - , . ;� L�t+a�nee It»ip��r : . : , � � .2�?9, Ci�}i 8e�1 � � f�, , ., " St. IRa�a�l.. Mit�sc►�a ` - ; , . _ r DQ's� Sfr s � � � � _ � � ; �: , . ; r '4RttSt!#�d i3 �t 1�O�g Of A t'BBOIt3!#t�t &dcs'ptEUd,'�ay th�e C1�y �im�31 �OdBy, .C,F. Nd. ' 2737+��, .r�inggChe Se��� �iani�t U�alers La.c�ee 2�auect r� b�d �Dosprier at 1Q6Q �r�: Str� st���t -to a�rtaiu co!�di�i��i.. .��a C�C� C,�+ail r�q�uests ti�t' ' \ yo�er �ap�c� b� pl,acra oA a Wad�da� ,�gascta faa 94 dsys `rith th� prog�r b�igh- ' , � bo�rhood �oata�ta to bo �tifl...i. � _ . : � " _� ,, , Ve:9 tretil,Y Y��. � � � . % r R,oee M'�.at . - . ; , Gity Clark , ' _ , a�ta�h�st . . , _ . ,r . � ABOls�� : , � � - . . . . . . _ . . � .. �. � . . . , . . . , . . . i. . . � , � � . . . . . . . . . .. � - . . . _, . . . . . .�. . . • . . , . . .. �- . ' i � � � .. ' . . � . ' �. . . f� �. i ,. ' ' , . t . .. . . . . . . ' . . . . , . . . . . . � . �i . . , . ,, . � � . ,. , � � .. . , ' . . . . . . . . : .. • . � �.(. . � � . � .. . ' . . . - � ; . � � i . . � . . . ' � .. .� .. � .. . � . .. . . � . - I � . � . .. � . ' . . � ' . . . �� � � � � � " ' . . . , ' ' � . . . ' . � . � � . ' � .� . � , ' � . � . ' . ' ' . � . ' ., , 1 , . � � , i . . ' ,, . ' . . , . . " . . � , . .. . . . � . ... ... .. . � � � ������ � ,� �.i �? ri � � ALTERNATIVE COUNCSL RESOLUTION RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, That the Secondhand Dealer's License issued to David Doepner, d/b/a/ East Side Appliances at 1080 Earl Street, is hereby renewed, subject to the following conditions: I. That the licensee shall not store appliances outside the building located at 10&0 Ear1 Street or a detached covera�e�storage shed; and 2. That the licensee shall conduct the licensed business in the manner for which it is intended, to-wit: The repair, display and offering for sale of used appliances , and for no other purpose and the licensee, employees, and others, shall, during all hours, conduct themselves in a lawful and peaceful manner; and 3. That the licensee shall maintain the building including the upstairs rental unit in conformance with all applicable code standards . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the License Inspector, is instructed to report back to the Gouncil every 90 days, whether the licensee ,has complied with the conditions set forth above or the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and specifically to determine if conditions have existed which constitute a public nuisance or permitting publ�c nuisance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 609. 74 to 609.745; and, be it � FINALLY RESQLVED, That upon the report of the License Inspector the Council shall determine whether a hearing should be scheduled to consider renewal or xevocation of the license.