273744 M�MITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �tijt�F���(� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. ��►r r,� ( �� ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, M-M Development Corporation, 680 Kasota Avenue, P.O. Box 9402, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has made application to the City of Minneapotis to connect a proposed building at 2565 Kasota Avenue in the City of St. Paul to the City of Minneapolis storm and sanitary sewer systems; and WHEREAS, no City of St. Paul public storm or sanitary sewers are available to drain this property more specifically described as: All that part of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 64, St. Paul , Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds within and for said County which lies northerly of the north line of Kasota Avenue, as established by Final Order in 6ondemnation Proceedings recorded in Book 71 of Plans, Page 19; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Minneap�lis approved on October 19, 1978, Resolution 78R-370 herewith attached, granting permission to M-M Development Cor- poration to connect to the City of Minneapolis' sanitary and storm drain facilities with the condition that the City of St. Paul be requested to provide the necessary storm drainage facilities to provide a dtscharge of 100 cfs from the City of Minne- apolis storm drain facilities located in Kasota Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of St. Paul has approved on September 19, 1g78, Resolution Ratifying Assessments, Council File No. 271809, for constructing storm tunnels to provide the sewer facilities requested by the City of Minneapolis, with the understanding that no future assessment be levied for any storm sewer construction in this area which would intercept storm water which now is channeled into Minneapolis and that construction of these sewers will be placed on the 5 year Public Works Improvement Program; be it RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works be hereby authorized to issue a permit for the connection of said property in St. Paul to the sewer system of the City of Minneapolis, with the understanding that this approval does not waive this property from future sanitary and storm sewer assessments. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �� Yeas McMahon Nays Hozza � In Favor Public r (REB) Hunt � Levine • Maddox __ Against BY — Showal Adopte y Council: Date —�G����07� Form Approved by Cit�A rney Ce �fied Passe y Counc' Secr tery BY c � �/ Appr ve y Mavor: Date SEP 2 5 1979 Approv y r r Submission uncil c BY — — gy �� � ��.�5�� S E P 2 9 1979 . , . . . � OM 01: : 12/3975 � . Re�v. : 9J8/?6 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RE�C?LUTI4NS, AND ORDINANCES ����A a�� Date: : August 30. 1979 , . TQ: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Donald E. NY9aa�rd, Director of Pub11c Works _ : gE; Resoiution authortzing the Direetor of Publfc Works t� tssue a permtt to- the M-M . DevelopmenC Company allowing the connect�on of a sanitary and storm sewer from� theic property located at 2565 Kasofa Avenue, St. Paul � to the Minn�apoiis sewer .system. ACTiQN REQUESTED: � . Approval and adoptton of the Resolution . _. PURPOSE AND RP,TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � . . . . The City of St. Paul has no sewer. facillties to serve this developme�t. The Ct��► of ' Minneapolis has passed a Resolution, allvwing the sa�itaryc and storm s�r connac�•ioA to their sewer systev�, with tfie understanding th�t St. Paul will provide storm sswer service "in the future to provide discharge of 1�0 cfs from the Cfty of Minn�apolis' storm-drain . faciTities lotated fn Kasote Avenue. The City of St. Paul �has pessed a Resolution � ratifytng assessn�nts for constructing storm tunneTs that will provtde this capscity (C.F. 271809, adopted September 19, T978). ATTACHMENTS: � � � Resolution " . City of Minneapolis Res��ution 7$R-3?0 _ �APProved October i9, 197$�; REB/ck • . � . _ . �