01-1050(�, s Retum Copy To: s,� � i v��� �'a Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA Council File # p �, � (psp Green Sheet # 113559 �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 BE TT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Panl is authorized to enter into a collaborafion with Ramsey County 3 and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reentry. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � v�s Hayg an5em Requested b Department of: Benanav elakey � POlicO� - . - � Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: a Approved by Mayor:Date; B Collabomtiontoappryforyouthoffenderreentrygrant.cr.01 B3': Ap� By: �oF iF By: Ap� sy: by FSnancial Services Director: by City Attorney: for Submi�sion to Council: DEPAR7MECii/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATE� ' eo�,�e'� 9/6/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 1135_59 �_ "`�' C N A PERS PH NE INtTIAUDpTE INfiIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 nmxaromecron_ 6 couo+a� MUSTBEONCOUNCILA ENDABY(DA ) /� O'�IOQa � ASAP ❑3 arcnnonxer__��� 1 �/ ❑cmc�wc ������� � ��� �� �w�wC1AL5EfMCESqR�R � G IFltW1Lyy5HtVlACCiG �/�� � I.�J �YATOR(ORASSIS�RNi)/ / I I!/ �uvw.PoGHTS �'_ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approval of the attached Council Resolution auffiorizmg the City of Saint Paul to enter into a collaboration with Rawsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reenhy. RECOMMENDATION App�oVe (A) O� Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conhact For thls depariment? � PLANNING COMMISSION � YES NO " CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cityemployee? CIWIL SERVICE COMMISSION VES NO � 3. Does this pereoNfirtn possess a skill �wt nortnally possessed by arry curreirt city employee? YES NO " 4. Is this person/firm a targeted ventloR YES NO . Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VYHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Authorization is needed to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal ��t, �:�q� for youth offender reentry. ��g�?� ����`�° +°�� � �� � ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � " � , ` i — - _ ' � � .,... '_. _ - - , Ability to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a grant: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � D15ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED Lost oppor[unity to apply for a Federal grant for youffi offender reeniry. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant AC71VI7Y NUMBER " FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) , Young Off�ndes Initiarive: Reentry Grant Progcam http:Uwdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sgaf0l-109sga.htm Billing Code: 4510-30 0 �-�OSO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program Agency: Employment and Training Administrarion (BTA), Labor. Action: Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation far Grant Applications (SGA). Summary: This notice contains all of the necessary information and forms needed to apply far grant fnnding. The Departments of Labor, Justice, and Health and Human Services are requesring applications for the Fiscal Year 2001 Young Offender Initiative: Demonstrarion Grant Program projects. Approximately $11.5 million is available to fund demonstration grants to provide services aimed at youth who aze ar have been under criminal justice supervision or involved in gangs. The Deparhnent of Labor (DOL) has warked with the Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention in the U.S. Department of Justice (DO7) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SANIHSA) in the U.S. Departinent of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in deciding to use these funds for an innovative model to serve young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth. This model is called the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model. Grants will be given in two categories: Category A: Large Areas and Category B: Small to Medium-Sized Areas. The model is based upon new research. Applicants can only apply under one of the two categories which must be clearly identified on the face sheet of the appiication. Local Workforce Inveshnent Boards (Local Boards), other polirical subdivisions of the State, and private entities are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. Local warkforce investment areas who were awarded grants to administer Youth Offender Demonstration Projects in 1999 (SGA/DAA 98-015, dated September 2, 1998) and 2001 (SGA/DFA 01-101, dated December 11, 2000) are ineligible to apply undex t11is Solicitation. However, first round (1999) grantees who were not awarded additional funds to continue their current programs through DOL's Letter of Competition, dated December 7, 2000, are eligible to apply. DATES: The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, October, 1, 2001. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) at the address below. No exceptions to the mailing and hand-delivery conditions set forth in this notice will be granted. Appiications that do not meet the conditions set fozth in this notice will not be honared. Telefacsimile (FAX) applications will not be honored. ADDRESSES: Applications must be mailed to: U.S. Department of Labox, Employment and Tranung Administration, Davision of Federal Assistance, Attention: B. Jai Johnson, Reference: SGA/DFA 01-109, 200 Constitution Avenue, N. W., Room 5-4203, Washington, D.C. 20210. FOR FURTHER INRORMATION CONTACT: Questions should be f�ed to B. Jai Johnson at (202) 693-2879, (this is a not a toll-free number). All inquiries should include the SGA/DFA number DI-I09, and a contact name, fax and phone numbers. This announcement will also be published on the Internet on the Employment and Training Administration's Home Page at http:/Jwww.doleta.gov. Award notifications will also be published on the Home Fage. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1 of 18 917I2001 8:15 AM Young Off,ender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program 0 \+lOSO Tlus solicitation is jointly issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Trauung Administration (ETA); the U.S. Depariment of Justice (DO�, Conections Program Office (CPO), Office of 7ustice Programs (O7P); and U.S. Department of Aealth and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Heaith Services Aduiinistration's (SAiV1IiSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatrnent (CSAT) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). Additional offices within DO7's Office of 7ustice Programs helping to guide this effort include the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice, and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. These grants make use of funds appropriated in the Fiscal Year (FI� 2001 Federal budget, and aze the third round of Young Offender Initiative: Demonstxation Grant Program projects. Two prior rounds of such grants haue been awarded based on appropriations in the FIJ 1998 and FY 2000 budgets. This solicitation is one of two dealing with the overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program (Initiative). It is for a smaller number of experimentai Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Progam projects and published coincident with the larger Young Offender Initiative: ReenYry Grant Pmgram solicitation. Since 1998, at Congressional direction, DOL and DOJ have funded grants under the Youth Offender Demonstration Project to provide services focused on youth who are or have been under criminal justice supervision ar involved in gangs or are at risk of this involvement. Based upon a recent interim report, Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation (Research and Evaluation Associates, Inc., March 2001), that assessed the Youth Offender demonstrations, there is solid evidence of a need to fiirther test methods of effective delivery of services to the 14-24 year old target group in additional sites. Therefore, DOL is proposing to fund additional Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program projects (using funds separate from those dedicated to the 25 grants proposed in the Initiative, O7P-1320) in a small number of sites. Services will include youth development services and they will focus primarily on preparing young offenders, gang members, astd at-risk youth ages 74 to 24 for positive engagement in pro-social activity and long-term employability and employment. The purpose of these addifional DOL funds will be to further test a structured set of activities for subject tazget group, using a decisive organizational design grounded on research and PEPNet (Effective Practices) criteria. This demonstration provides a unique opportunity for local areas to address the needs of the young offenders and at-risk youth through an array of services offered at One-Stop centers. Models developed under this latest effort will enhance public safety by assisting communities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders. In addition, DOL, DOJ and DHHS will be able to evaluate the projects, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. This Notice describes the application submission requirements, the process that eligible entities must use to apply for funds covered by this solicitation, and how grantees will be selected. This announcement consists of four parts: . Part I provides background, purpose, and goals of the Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program. . Part II describes specific program, administrative and reporting requirements that will apply to all grant awards. . Part III describes the application process. . Part N describes the review process and rating criteria that will be used to evaluate applications for funding. http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm 2 of 18 9f7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm PART I- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE REENTRY PROGRAM. ��- p5 a A. Background The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 establishes comprehensive reform of existing Federal job training programs with amendments iznpacting service delivery under the Wagner Peyser Act, Adult Education and Literacy Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. WIA provides a framework for a national one-stop delivery system designed to meet both the needs of the nation's businesses and the needs of job seekers who want to further their careers. A number of other Federal programs are also identified as required pariuers under the One-Stop delivery system with the intention of providing comprehensive services for all Americans to access the information and resources available to them in the development and unplementation of their cazeer goals. The intent of the One-Stop delivery system is to establish programs and providers in co-located, coordinated and integrated settings that are coherent and accessible for individuals and businesses alike in over 600 workforce inveshnent azeas which have been established throughout the nation. WIA establishes State and Local Boazds focused on strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of the workforce system with significant authority for the Czovernor and chief elected officials to build on existing reforms in order to implement innovative and comprehensive One-Stop delivery systems. In addition, Youth Councils, subgroups of the Local Boards, assist in developing parts of the local plan relating to youth, recommending providers of youth services, and coordinating local youth programs and initiatives. With its requirements to form these interdisciplinary Youth Councils and to develop one comprehensive plan for youth services, WIA presents a unique opportunity to change the way warkforce development programs (and other youth development programs as well) are organized and operated to serve youth. WIA and the Youth Councils offer local areas the chance to look at how both in-school and out-of-school youth services aze blended and deployed. They provide the framewark that local areas can build on in order to reali�, enhance, and improve youth services so that they are more closely coordinated, better urilized, and more effective. In setting aside funds for this Solicitation, Congress noted °the severe problems facing out-of-school youth in communities with high poveriy and unemployment and the inter-relatedness of poverty, juvenile crnne, child abuse and neglect, school failure, and teen pregnancy." This Notice provides a unique opportunity for selected workforce inveshnent areas to address the needs of a special youth populafion - young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth ages 14 to 24 - through a comprehensive WIA effort. In addition, the models developed under this solicitation will enhance public safety by assisting commwiities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders, and will allow DOL, DO7 and DHHS to evaluate the program, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. For this target population, unaddressed and untreated mental health problems often contribute to involvement in the juvenile justice system. Research indicates that beriveen 50°lo to 80% of youth detained in juvenile facilities haue mental health problems and that more than half of those with a psychological disorder also have a co-occurring substance abuse problem. Because untreated behaviaral health problems can be severely debilitating, and because the prevalence of such disorders is significantly elevated for delinquent youth, it is critical that mental health and substance abuse services be incorporated into any comprehensive sirategy that is designed to enhance youth functioning, decrease recidivism, and promote enduring workforce participation for this population. In the previous two rounds of the youth offender grants (FYs 1998 and 2000), DOL in partnership with DOJ, had funded four demonstration projects under a separate model, the Education and Training for Youth Offenders Initiative. The grants under this model include projects in Columbus, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Tallahassee, FL; and a fourth site 3 of 18 9/7(2001 8:16 AM Young Of�'ender Initiarive: Reenhy Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.htm funded under SGA/DFA O1-101 to be announced by June 30, 2001. The first ofthese ��' ��� projects are in operation and provide comprehensive school-to-work education and training curricula for young offenders in juvenile correcrions facilities and aftercazefreentry services upon the youths' return to their conununities, with an emphasis on job placement and retention. Both DOL and DOJ are extremely interested in lessons leamed from these sites, and will continue to evaluate the programs and services offered under this model. B. Purpose and Goals of the Overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program The Demonstration Grant Program is part of the larger Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program (Initiative) developed collaboratively by DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The focus of the Initiative is to assist communities in planning and implementing comprehensive "reentry" programs to address the full range of challenges involved in helping young offenders released from incazceration make a successful transition back to the community. The goai of the Initiative is to protect community safety through the successful reintegration of offenders returning to the community, by ensuring that offenders: . become productive, responsible, and law-abiding citizens; . are provided with positive opportunities to engage in pro-social activities; . maintain long-term employment; . sustain a stable residence; and . successfully address their substance abuse issues and mental health needs. There aze challenges in achieving this goal. These challenges involve assessing not only the needs of released offenders, but also the needs of the communities to which they rehun. Central to this effort is helping comtnunities prepare for returiiing offenders by developing the infrastructure to more effectively integrate them - to ensure that communities have the resources to address offender accountability, supervision, and other public safety concerns, as well as offender long-term employment, health, mental health, substance abuse, and other critical needs. Addressing offender supervision, self-su£ficiency, public health and related issues promotes public safety. Addressing the community's wide-ranging needs requires creating broad public/private parinerships to tap the expertise and resources of key stakeholders to contribute to the effort. With this broad support, it is expected that highly collaborarive reeniry programs will be successful in meeting the goals of this Initiative by providing communiries with the reentry assessment and support systems that both offenders and communities need to protect public safety and the health and overall weli-being of its citizens. This Initiative seeks to promote innovative programs by providing applicants latitude in structuring their programinatic efforts. Both the larger Reentry Grant Program Initiative and the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program share several other goals as well, which are to: . Create innovative models of collaboration among Govemors' designated representatives; Federal, State, and local government agencies responsible for criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse; CBOs, faith-based organizations, employers, offenders and their fami&es; . Support localities in their efforts to promote healthy youth development activities that will assist at-risk youth and young offenders to positively contribute to the life of their communities; . Leam as much as possible about what works in offender reentry and programs tlu�ough testing and evaluating promising approaches; and . Develop information on best practices on young offender reenhy and to share this information with the criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse delivery systems. 4 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Of£ender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program a�-�oso These goals, when realized, will provide beneficial results to DOL, DO7, and DHHS in their effort to refine and leam from program experience with offenders. These will be in addition to the body of knowledge we already have on this younger population. Like the grants under the lazger prograzn, the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program is a demonstration effort, however, the target group is 14-24 years old. DOL has already received interim resuits of its first evaluation of the program and they are reflected and incorporated into the new solicitation that is part of the larger collaborative effort. As these reenriy progams aze implemented, it will also be critical to document what works, by evaluating these efforts, identifying effective practices, and disseminating them to other communities. This Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program`s overarching goal is to protect community safety through the successfui reintegration of offenders retuming to the community by ensuring that these individuals are given the supports that will better enable them to be productive, responsible citizens who are crime-free, maintain long-term employment and a stable residence, and are engaged in substance abuse and mental health treahnent as needed. The Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program targets an age-related subset of the larger initiative's target population and expands the focus to include other at-risk or gang-involved youth but retains the same goal of providing job training and employment opportunities, education, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation, mental health, aftercare, housing and family support services, and juvenile/criminal jusrice supervision. C. Authority Sections 1�1 and 172 ofthe Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 2801, et se�c ., authorizes use of funds for demonsiration projects. DOL is authorized to award and administer this program by the Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. No. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763A-3 (2000). D. Funding Availability The Department expects to award 6 grants approximately $1.5 million each under category A(Large Areas) and 5 grants approximately $600,000 each under category B(Small to Medium-Sized Areas) for a total of appxoximately $11.5 million. PART II - REQUIREMENTS. A. Eligible Participants Applicants are to target the youth populafion ages 14-24 focusing primarily on placing youth offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth into long term employment (part-time for ages 14-15). B. Administrative Requirements 1. General Grantee organizations will be subject to: these guidelines; the terms and conditions of the grant and any subsequent modifications; applicable Federal laws (including provisions in appropriations law); and any applicable requirements listed below- a. Workforce Investment Boards - 20 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 667.220, published in the Federal Register, August 11, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 49294) (Administrative Costs). http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -1095ga.htm 5 of 18 4/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Crrant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm O ���OSO b. Non-Profit Organizations - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-122 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduziuistrative Requirements). c. Educational Institutions - OMB Circulazs A-21 (Cost Principies) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduiinisttative Requirements). d. State and L,ocal Governments - OMB Circulazs A-87 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 97 (Administrative Requirements). e. All entities must comply with 29 CFR Parts 93 and 98, and, where applicable, 29 CFR Parts 96 and 99. NOTE: Except as specifically provided, DOLBTA acceptance of a proposal and an award of federal funds to sponsor any program(s) does not provide a waiver of any grant requirement and/or procedures. For example, the OMB circulars require an entity's procurement procedures must require that all procurement transactions must be conducted, as practical, to provide open and free competition. If a proposal identifies a specific entity to provide the services, the DOLBTA's award does not provide the justification or basis to sole-source the procurement, i.e., avoid competition. 2. Subgrants/Contracts Subgrants and contracts must be awarded in accardance with 29 CFR 95.40. In compliance with Executive Orders 12876, 12900, 12928 and 13021, the grantee(s) are strongly encouraged to provide subgranting opportunities to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Insritutions and Tribal Colleges and Universities. 3. Incorporation of New Information Grantees must utilize any newly developed DOL/DOJ/SAMHSA reseazch findings (which may become available a$er the grant awards) on how to run effective programs. Applicants therefare will be required to modify their demonstrarion program during the post-award planning process based upon any new information, as specified in the terms and condirions of the grant award. In order to assist with this effort, DOL, DO7, and DHHS wiil design early technical assistance in the planning process to aid the grantees with the incorporation of program changes predicated on the new information. 4. Evaluation As a condition for award, all applicants must agree to participate in a separately-funded evaluation. Applicants will not set aside funds for evaluation acfivities. All applicants must provide assurances in their proposals that they will cooperate with the evaluators and provide access to the data necessary to the evaluations. Awardees of the grants fiirther agree to make available upon request to DOL-authorized evaluation contractor(s) data for a period not to exceed 24 months beyond the demonstration period (which should not exceed 24 months) through a no-cost extension of the grants. The availability of this data beyond the demonstration period will enable the contractor to perform follow-up analysis. C. Reporting Requirements Applicants must clearly define their procedures for reporting progress on a quarterly basis (including data elements listed in Part II C.2 ) and for identifying and preseniing the results of project interventions. Proposals should also describe in detail the specific reports and other deliverables to be provided to ETA as documentation of progress and results in terxns 6 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y9ung OfEender Iniriarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm of nnproved outcomes far the target population. An nnplementation plan to be submitted ��'�OS O within 60 days of the grant execution and approved by DOL, DOJ, and DHHS quarterly reports, an annual report, and a final report summarizing progress are required for projects under this SGA. For financial reports, the grantee must consult its appropriate adininistrative regularions, 29 CFR Part 95 and 29 CFR 97. 1. Data Collecrion All demonstration sites must coliect and maintain participant records and compile adininistrative data from these projects to document results and accomplishxnents, and provide a leaniing experience for the workforce development system, DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The data requirements must include the following information in rivo age ranges (14-17 and 18-24): . Number recruited; . Number enrolled; . Number who entered training; . Number who entered or reentered secondary school; . Number who entered or reentered post-secondary school; . Number who entered employment (total): . Subsidized and . Unsubsidized; . Number "served by aftercare" programs; . Number who entered the military; . Number who entered national and community service; . Number referred to other services such as dropout prevention, drug rehabilitation, mental health and substance abuse treatment services; . Number who entered other job training programs; . Number referred to apprenticeship programs; . Number of in-school youth served; and . Number of out-of-school youth served. As a measure of progress, grantees also must collect data on factors which predict future employment of youth prior to youth's employment full-time, full-year. Therefore, applicants must identify what factors consider to be youth development indicators, e.g., dependability in participating in project activities; remaining free of further convictions; passing part or all of the GED examinations; being able to keep a part-time job; or making acceptable progress (credits earned) toward a diploma, etc. In addition, if applicable, data elements associated with WIA may be required (to be specified in the grantee's statement of work). D. Acknowledgment of Federal Funding In all circumstances, the following must be displayed on pzinted materials: "Preparation of this materiaUitem was funded by the United States Department of Labor under Grant Agreement No. [insert the appropriate grant agreement number]. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other docuxnents describing projects or programs funded in whole ox in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds must cleazly state: a. The percentage of the total costs of the program or project wtuch wili be fmanced with Federal money; b. The dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program; and c. The percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the proj ect or program that will be 7 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Yovng OfYender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program financed by non-goveimnental sources. PART III - APPLICATION PROCESS. A, Eligible Applicants Under this Initiative, Youth Offender: Aemonstration Grant Program, there will be two (2) categories of eligible applicants; APPLICANTS MAY ONLY APPLY UNDER ONE CATEGORY. They are: 1. Category A- Lar�e Areas 'O�-105'� Local Boazds other political subdivisions of the State, and eligible private entities which provided services located in high-crime communities with a population greater than 400,000 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement; or 2. Category B- Small to Medium-Sized Areas Local Boards, other political subdivisions of the State, and private entities which are all situated within high-crime communities with a population of at least 100,000 and not greater than 4QO,Q00 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. All applicants in both categories aze required to designate a specific area or neighborhood (i.e., Empowerment Zones [EZs] and/or Economic Communities [ECs], etc.) to receive services under this demonstration. Private entities not eligible for funds under this Notice are for-profit organizations, 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations, and individuals. According to Section 18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, an organization described in Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engages in lobbying activities will not be eligible for the receipt of federal funds constituting an award, grant, or loan. Eligible entities may include community development corporations, community action agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations, disability community organizations, health care organizafions, children and family service agencies, public and private colieges and universities, and other qualified private organizations. Organizations or areas that operate the Department of Justice's Safe Futures or Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression demonstrations can also apply through their Local Boards. Applicants should provide documentation from their local law enforcement agency showing support far the existence or emerging gang problem and other serious youth crime problems. Entities other than a Locai Board must submit an application for competirive grant funds in conjunction with the Local Board(s) the area in which the project is to operate. The term "in conjunction with" must mean that the application must include a signed certification by both the applicant and the appropriate Local Board (s) indicating that: 1. The applicant has consulted with the appropriate Local Board (and its Youth Council) during the development of the application; and 2. The acrivities proposed in the application are consistent with, and will be coordinated with, the One-Stop delivery system efforts of the Locai Board(s). If the applicant is unable to obtain the certification, it will be required to include information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consuit with the Local Board and its Youth http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.hhn 8 of 18 9/�/2001 8:16 AM Yeung OfPenderInitiafive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm Council and indicating that the Local Board was provided, during the proposal solicitation '0 �' ��� period, a sufficient opportunity to cooperate in the development of the project plan and to review and comment on the application before its submission to the Department of Labor. "Sufficient opportunity for Local Boazd review and commenY' must mean at least 3Q calendar days. Failure to provide information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consult with L,ocal Board(s) will disqualify applicants. The certification, or evidence of efforts to consult, must be with each Local Board in the service area in which the proposed project is to operate. These certifications must be included in the grant applicafion, and will not count against the established page limitations. For the purposes of this portion of the application, evidence of efforts to consult with the Local Board must be demonstrated by written documentarion, such as registered mail receipt, that attempts were made to share project applications with the Locai Board in a timely manner. Local Board applicants and applicants that provide a signed certification by the applicant and the appropriate Local Board(s) will be given preference for award. B. Submission of Applications Each application clearly must identify the category under the Youth Offender: Demonstration Grant Program, the applicant is applying for funds.. This information must appear on the face sheet of the applicarion. 1. The Application Applicants must submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of their proposal, with original signatures. There aze three required sections of the applicarion: Section I- Project Financial Plan; Section II- Execurive Suirunary; and Section III- Project Narrative (inciuding Appendices, NOT TO EXCEED thirty pages). Applications that faii to meet these requirements will not be considered. Section I- Project Financial Plan Section I of the application must include Yhe following two required elements: (1) Standard Form (SF) 424, "Application for Federal Assistance,"(Appendix A) and (2) "Budget Inforxnation Form," (Appendix B). All copies of the SF 424 MTJST haue original signatures of the legal entity applying for grant funds. Applicants must indicate on the SF 424 the organization's IRS Status, if appiicable. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) nuxnber is 17-261. Section T will not count against the application page limits. In preparing the Budget Information form, the Financial Plan must describe all costs associated with nnplementing the project that are to be covered with grant funds. In addition, Secrion I must include a budget narrative/justification which will detail the cost breakout of each line item on the Budget Information Form. This must provide sufficient information to support the reasonableness of the costs included in the budget in relation to the service strategy and planned outcomes. The budget must be for the full duration of the project but may not exceed 30 months. All costs must be necessary and reasonable according to the Federal guidelines set forth in the "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments" (also irnown as the "Common Rule"), codified at 29 CFR Part 97 (97.22) and "Grants and Agreements with Insritutes of Higl�er Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations" (also laiown as OMB Circular A-110), codified at 29 CFR Part 95, (95.27). Section II - Executive Summary (format requirements limited to no more than two single-spaced, single-sided pages). Each application must provide a project synopsis which identifies the following: 9 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reenlry Grant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm . •The applicant; �I- tb$'� .•The consortium pariners and the type of organizations they represent; . •The project service azea; .•Whether the service area is an entire local workforce inveshnent azea, more than one local area, andJor ail local areas in a State; .•The specific azeas of focus in the announcement which are addressed by the project; . •The pianned period of performance; .•A sunmiary of the comprehensive strategy (e.g., who will provide services, who will be accountable far the project, etc.) for providing seamless service delivery and for addressing the multi-faceted barriers to traiuing and employment which affect youth who are or who have been under crnninal justice supervision or involved in gangs or who are at-risk of involvement; .•How counseling and other support needs will be addressed in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The actions already taken by the State or Local Workforce Investment Board to address the needs of at-risk youth in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The levei of commitment the applicant (including all consortium members, if any) and other partners have to serving at-risk youth; .•The linkages between the project and the local WIA Youth Council through the One-Stop delivery system, as well as linkages with the business and education communities, mental health and substance abuse systems, and juvenile justice agencies; and .•A written confirmation that the applicant will cooperate with the evaluators. Section III - Project Narrative (format requirements limited to no more than thirty (3Q) double-spaced, single-sided, numbered pages). Section III of the application, the project narrative, must contain the technical proposal that demonstrates the applicant's plan and capabilities in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained in this notice. Applicants MLTST limit the project narrative section to no more than thirty (30) double-spaced and single-sided pages, which include any attachments provided by the applicants. Letters of general support or recommendation for a proposal must NOT be submitted and will count against the page limit. However, letters of commitment aze required from parhier/consortia organizations and will not count against the page innit. The Project Narrative must be double-spaced, and on single-sided, numbered pages with the exception of format requirements for the Executive Summary. The Executive Summary must be limited to no more than two (2) single-spaced, single-sided pages. A font size of at least twelve (12) pitch is required throughout the application. 2. Youth Development Principles Strength-based programining that is designed to build upon a youth's assets and enhance functioning at the individual, family, and community levels will foster healthy development and fiirther advance the goals of youth involvement in pro-social activity. DOL, DOJ and DHHS expect models developed under this solicitation to be consistent with the youth development principles that Gary Walker described in the Sar Levitan Insritute's A Generation of Challenge.• Pathways to Success for Urban Youth (1997): . Each young person needs to feel that at least one adult has a strong stake in his labar market success. . Programs must be connected to employers; piacement with one of these employers is possible and initial placement is one step in a continuing long-term relationship with a program that will advance the young person's employment and earnings. . Each young person must feei at each step the need to improve education and credentials. . Program support will be there for a long time. 10 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.hhn �p�_�bSD . Effective connections are maintained between the programs and providers of support services. . The program emphasizes civic involvement and service. Age Issues: Also, critical to the new model is the distinction between two subpopulations within the solicitation target group: younger youth (ages 14 to 17) and older youth (ages 18 to 24). Younger youth require different sets of trearinent and skills prograuuning than those between the ages of 18 and 24, as they may have less exposure to the world of work and fewer of the necessary work-related sldlls or may not be able to enter into long-term, full-time work until they are older. Services intended for younger youth should, therefore, focus on pre-employment trauring, education, treahnent and appropriate employment in preparation for long-term employxnent when they reach an appropriate age. Interventions for these youth that aze the most effective are those that can make a positive impact upon both the youth and his or her family. The provision of strength-based family-centered therapy and supports designed to enhance family functioning and communication will thus facilitate the broader process of skill and competency development for the youth. For youth re-entering the community following institutional placement, it is particulazly vital to offer therapeutic supports to aid the re-unification process. Older youth (18 to 24 year-olds) should focus on attaining their GEDs ar diplomas, possibly pursuing higher education ar additional vocational training, and obtaining unsubsidized fuil-time employment. The applicants must use the following structure: One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model Demonstration projects under this model will operate in hea�ily impoverished communities in need of implementing comprehensive conununity-wide approaches to assist young offenders, gang members, and those at risk of becoming involved in gangs, all of whom may either be currentiy in school or out-of-school. These communities will have already built service capacity into their One-Stop delivery systems to expand the range and quality of services designed to prepare high-risk youth for high-quality employment with career development ladders and livable wages, but may not have fully implemented these activities. Grantees will be required to expand services in each of 3 areas: 1) gang prevention and suppression activities; 2) alternative sentencing for offenders; and 3) after-care and case management for incazcerated youth. In additaon, grantees must provide educafion and mental health services, employment training, sports and recreation, youth development services, and community services projects in order to reduce recidivism and procure for the target population long-term employment at livable wage levels. The grantees must piace particular emphasis on enhancing existing case management, treahnent, youth development, family involvement and support, and job placement services far youth on probation or for those who are reentering the community from corrections facilities. These support services should be provided tt�roughout the entire employment search continuum, i.e., from the beginning of the employment search until well after the procurement of employment. Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and acrivities. The projects also will maintaan records of the number of contacts made after placement and the type of support services provided. The projects also will implement an intensive and comprehensive aftercare system to reduce juvenile recidivism. Aftercare systems should be implemented while youth aze still incarcerated to establish community links with faith-based organizations, parents or guardians, mental health and substance abuse treatment systems, schools, training and educationai opportunities, parole systems, social contacts and activities, and mentors. The aftercare services pianned for those individuals incarcerated must involve the staff and administrators of the juvenile corrections facilities where the youth are insritutionalized. Structured Model Requirements: 11 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffznderIniriative:Reenhy GrantProgram New shuctured requirements for the model which all applicants must use are based, in part, on PEPNet effective practices criteria and the Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonsh Project, Process Evaluation (Mazch 2001) for the first round of Young Offender Grants, which may be found at the Employment and Training Admiiush website, http:1/www.doleta.gov. Applicants' proposals aze required to demonstrate the following, wYuch will be rated in the rating criteria: 0�-\Ot'o (1) Well Conceived Plan: . Program has a cleaz and focused vision and mission. . Program goais and objectives are realistic and measurable. . Stakeholders, including community partners, family member representatives, and front-line staff, aze involved during program development and implementation. (2) Established Partnership with the Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: .•Grantee is experienced in working with the Juvenile Justice and Health Caze Systems. (3) Collecting and Maintaining Data: . A system for collecting and reporting program information is available and urilized. (4) Community Support/Network: . Program is supported by youth and fanuly serving agencies including CBOs, faith-based organizations, and public service agencies. .•Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and activities. (5) Grantee Involvement: . Grantee is the lead agency, actively providing direction and coordination for the project. . C�rantee involvement and support is continuous. (� Connections with Workforce Development, Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: . Grantee coordinates with and utilizes resources available through the Workforce Development, Juvenile Jusrice, and Health Care Systems. ('n Leveraging Resources through Collaboration and Partnerships: . Project effectively idenrifies and utilizes other resources and funding streams to support project goals. (8) Continuous Improvement: . Project conducts sel£ assessment and actively seeks and accepts available technical assistance. (9) Shared Leadership and Information Sharing: . Decision making and information is shared with stakeholders. http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm 12 of 18 4/7(2001 8:1fi AM Young Off�nder Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm 'Q�- tOSo 3. Program Components The grant awazds must be used to enhance and augment presently existing slrategies which serve young offenders, out-of-school youth, and gang members or those at-risk of becoming gang-involved. Efforts shouid be made to integrate youth into a full range of educational, treatment, and alternarive programs when appropriate. In addirion to intensifying current systems, the projects also will link with and build upon available community resources such as educationai (including special education), support, workforce development (engaging Local Boards/Youth Councils), health care, child caze, and transportation services. The projects will use these community resources to accomplish the successful transirion of youth to independent living within the community, a reduction in recidivism, and the accomplishment of employment, training, and education goals. In arder to address specifically the distinct needs and problems of young offenders, gang members, and those at-risk of becoming gang-involved who are living in high-poverty localities, the overarching strategy for the model community projects should encompass the following: Purpose/Need: Applicants must describe the need in the tazget neighbarhood as demonstrated by issues such as severity of gang problems, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, gaps in availabilaty of adolescent mental health and substance abuse treatment for at-risk youth, and the inability for existing services to address the needs of young offenders and gang members. Applicants should also relate the need to the overall purpose of the planned program components. Alternative sentencing/education: Grantees must describe their plans for expanding altemative sentencing, including enhanced education services for young offenders. Project case managers and other staff must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by providing assistance to remain in school, return to school, enroll in GED and high school equivalency classes, or participate in additional alternative education such as long-distance learning programs or on-line courses. Applicants must describe the educational services that will be offered by the project, with particular attention given to the utilization of existing educational system services and the involvement of the schoois in the area. Youth with emotional and behavioral disorders will benefit from evidence-based, culturally competent treahnent interventions. Applicants must describe the process for providing assessment and treatnnent planning, as well as the options far individual and family therapy that will be made auailable. In addition, applicants must describe the overall use of project case managers and other staff in the planned program components that will provide educational services. Career preparation services: The One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model must provide for employment prepasation, youth development services, job placement, and linkages with the woxkforce development system. The model must focus on programs that train individuals far employment in fields in which technology skills are critical aspects of the jobs emerging in the regional labor market. The training model may also include basic skills and pre-apprenticeship training as appropriate, particularly for younger youth, e.g. ages 1417. Applicants must address the various strategies that their models will employ to actively recruit the target population, and must discuss the projected length of time necessary to determine the efficacy of their models' technical assistance. Case managemeredsupport services: Project case managers must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by utilizing intensive training and support services, including drug and alcohol treatment, mentoring and tutoring, child caze, counseling and other case management services. The framework for the model must provide for (as applicable): individual needs assessment; individual service strategies; long-term follow-up services; and linkages with human services, housing health care, education, and transportation services; and gender-specific services (e.g., treahnent for trauma associated with sexual abuse, and domestic violence prevention initiatives). Other strategies may 13 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young O�'fenderIniriative: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.hhn include "soft skills" trainin e. individual com etenc develo ment efforts like ob �t —\O$O S� S•> P Y P )> J behavior and life skills tra.iiring, social skills and self-deternunation, conflict resolution, parenting classes, exposure to post-secondary education opportunities, and military service/national and community service projects. Service strategies must also focus on providing assistance to engage in job trainiiig, secure employxnent, fulfill legai restiturion obligations, or establish successful independent living. Special-needs youth, including those with physical, psychiatric, and/or developmental disabilities must be provided with enhanced case management that will allow them to access a comprehensive system of caze, including treatment, education, and individual and family support services. Because this wide range of services should be provided by the proposed or existing partnerships of community organizations, applicants must submit memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with the local WIA partners and other critical agencies specifying the role of each party in the project. Applicants must describe the intensive trauung and support services identified above that will be offered as part of the planned program components, and must detail the mle of project case managers in the provision of these training and support services. In addition, applicants must detail their capacity to sustain these activities for 2 yeazs after funding under this solicitation is no longer available. Young Offender and Gang Prevention Advisory Board: In order to institute a holistic approach to assisting the target population, family member representatives, employment, education, mental health, child welfaze, substance abuse, criminal justice, and community-based youth programs must be incorporated into the projects. In developing this interrelated system, grant funds must be used to create a young offender and gang prevention advisory board that participates in the coordination of all activiries and provides input and community support to the projecYs leadership. The advisory board shouid be comprised of public and private sector representation, parents, youth members, and graduates of other young offender programs and will link with the local Youth Council to provide seamless delivery of services and masimize use of auailable resources. Applicants must describe the planned composition of the advisory board, with particulaz emphasis upon the process for selecting and seating the representation of the boazd. The applicant must describe the functions of the board and the process planned to utilize the board in designing the holistic delivery expected under the project. Grantees must also describe their plans for expanding gang prevention and suppression efforts in the target community, including e�anded efforts by local law enforcement agencies. Aftercare: Grant funds must link with existing resources to provide intensive aftercare services for young offenders transitioning from secure confinement in a juvenile corrections facility to the community. Projects must strategically coordinate community-wide efforts and resources to address reenhy issues such as surveillance, supervision, graduated sanctions and incentives, linkages to community support systems (families, peers, schools, employers), transitional housing, and job training and placement activities. Applicants must describe clearly, detailed reentry plans for young offenders scheduled for release to their communities and their capacity to sustain their activities for 2 years after funding is no longer available. Strategies for effective case management services in aftercare prograimning include: . Use of a reliable and validated risk assessment and classification instrument for establishing eligibility of the tazgeted population; . Individual case planning that incorporates a family and community perspective; . Provision of inental health and substance abuse assessment and referral to appropriate treahnent services . A mix of intensive surveillance and enhanced service delivery; . Comprehensive, interagency transition plauning that invoives all critical stakeholders; . A balance of incentives and graduated consequences coupled with the imposirion of realistic, enforceable conditions; . Work-related or work-oriented activifies such as eaposure to the workplace, on-the job training, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; 14 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reenhy Crrant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm O��lOSo Coordination o£resources of juvenile conectional agencies, juvenile courts, juvenile parole agencies, law enforcement agencies, social service providers, and local Workfarce Investment Boazds; and "Soft sldlls" traiuing, e.g., individual competency development efforts, job behavior and life skilis training; self deternunation and social skills training; conflict resolution and anger management; pazenting classes; exposure to post-secondary educarion opporhwities; and community service learning projects. Partnerships/Linkages: In addition to enhancing akeady existing services and programs, projects must center any newly developed and implemented activities upon the needs of youffi involved, or at risk of becoming involved, with the juvenile justice system and gangs. In order to accomplish this, applicants should use partnerships both (1) to enhance the young offender programs funded under this grant and (2) to provide complementary programs so as to link services within the target community and provide a diversity of options for all young offenders within the target area. These parinerships must agree to: . Implement an education and employment program for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area, including coordination with the private sector to develop a specified number of career-track jobs for tazget area young offenders; . Establish alternative sentencing and community service options for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area; . Connect youth and their families to appropriate therapeutic and supportive services designed to enhance individual and family functioning; . Expand gang suppression activities in the tazget uea; . Provide work-related or work-oriented activities such as exposure to the workplace, on-the job training, youth development services, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; and . Build connections to local workforce investment systems such as linkages with Local Boards while demonstrating approaches that ensure that high-risk youth are provided with quality workforce development services. Applicants must outline how they will involve residents, youth, and others of the community in planning and involvement in the effort. Proposals must describe the efforts within the project to utilize existing services and programs, particularly those offered through the WIA One-Stop delivery system, the juvenile justice system, and health care system. Applicants must describe the efforts to be undertaken to coordinate services with private sector entities, including commitments for private sector jobs. Proposals must describe newly developed and implemented services and how these will enhance and augment presently existing strategies in the community. In addition, proposals must specify the linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Model, local One-Stop delivery systems and the Youth Council (which is part of the Workforce Invesiment Board) to ensure coordination of workforce development services. These linkages must include both existing and proposed strategies. 4. Cost Sharing/Leveraging Funds Applicants also should discuss their plans to leverage and align with other funds or resources in order to buiid permanent partnersbips for the continuation of services, and should provide some discussion of the nature of these leveraged resources, i.e., Federal, non-Federal, cash or in-kind, State and county, foundation, capital equipment, and other funds. Also, the Federal Bonding Program and the Wark Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) should be considered as potential tools to assist with young offender employment placements. Information about these programs may be found on ETA's website at hrip://www.doleta.gov. C. Delivery of Applications 15 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y�ung O£�fender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program 1. Hand Delivered Proposals Mailed applications must be mailed in time to ve received at the address identified above by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001. We prefer that appiications be mailed at least five days priar to the closing date. To be considered for funding, hand-delivered applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001 at the address identified above. All ovemight mail will be considered to be hand delivered and must be received at the designated place by the specified closing date and tune. 2. Telegraphed and/or Faged Applications Will Not Be Honored Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be a basis for a deternrination of nonresponsiveness. Overnight express mail from carriers other than the U.S. Postal Service will be considered hand-delivered applications and must be received by the above specified date and time. 3. Late Applications Any application received after the exact date and time specified for receipt at the office designated in this notice will not be considered, unless it is received before awards are made and it: . was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth calendar day before the date specified for receipt of applications (e.g., an application submitted in response to a solicitation requiring receipt of applications by the 20�' of the month must have been mailed/post-marked by the 15� of the month); or . was sent by the U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day Service, Post Office to Addressee, not later than 4:00 P.M. at the place of mailing two working days prior to the dateline date specified for receipt of proposals in this SGA. The term "working days" excludes weekends and federal holidays. 41-�oS� The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of an application received after the deadline date for the receipt of proposals sent by the U.S. Postal Service and on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. The term "post-marked" means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impression (exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that is readily identifiable, without further action, as having been supplied or affixed on the date of mailing by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service. D. Performance Period The period of performance for all grants awarded under this competition, will be for 30 months from the date the grant is awarded. The first 24 months must be devoted to providing program services to eligible youth as defined in this norice. The final six months will be solely for organizing participant case files, providing the files to tl�e demonstration's evaluator within two months after grant-funded services terminate, and participating in a final site visit interview with the evaluators. The budget submitted for the period of performance must cover the fu1130 months. PART IV - REVIEW PROCESS & RATING CRITERIA. The technical panel which will be composed ofpeer reviewers and the three agencies personnel, will make a careful evaluation of applicarions against the criteria established in this Notice. The panel will review grant applicants against the criteria listed below on the basis of 100 points with an additional5 points available for non-federal or leveraged resources. Final funding decisions will be based on the rating of applications as a result of http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm 16 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffenderIniriarive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm the review process, and other factozs such as geographic balance, availability of funds, and ��—'�So what is most advantageous to the Government. The panel results aze advisory in nature and not binding on the Grant Officer. The Govemment may elect to award the grant(s) with or without the discussions with the offeror(s). In situations without discussions, an award will be based on the offeror's signature on the SF 424, which constitutes a binding offer. MODEL RATING CRITERIA: Each appiication under this category will be evaluated against the following rating criteria: . Establishment of and adherence to model structure requirements (15 points), see Part III.B.2; planned or committed linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model, the One-Stop delivery system (WIA local board and youth council) and the juvenile justice and health care systems (20 points) _(35 total points): . Plan to enhance and augment alternative sentencing, including educational, youth development, mental health, substance abuse, and supportive services and case management (7 points); role of project case managers in these delivery strategies (4 points); plan for linking with schools for co-enrollment, etc. (4 points) _(15 total points); . Plan and capacity for conducting intensive comprehensive aftercare for enhancing positive youth development and preventing recidivism (15 points); . Level of planned or committed participation of educationai agencies/schools, health caze agencies (5 points); and other public sectar, WIA, and private sector partners (5 points); employxnent-related connections with the business community (5 points) _(15 total points); . Plan for enhancing gang prevention and suppression efforts, and use of a young offender and gang prevenrion advisory board to achieve coordination (6 points); establishment of creative partnerships with local community grassroots organizations which provide services to the target population (4 points) _(10 total points); Need in target neighborhood, as demonstrated by severity of gang problem, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, and the barriers facing existing services to reach young offenders and gang members, such as gaps in availability of mentai health and substance abuse treatment (5 points); and Plan to fulfill reporting requirements; and confirmation of cooperation with DOL evaluators (5 points). . Leveraging of Funding (5 additional points). We will give up to five (5) additional rating points to proposals which include non-Federal resources that expand the dollar amount, size and scope of the proposal. The applicant may include any leveraging or co-funding anticipated. To be eligible for the additional points in the criterion, the applicant must list the source(s) of funds, the nature, and activities anticipated with these funds under this cooperative agreement and any partnerships, linkages or coordination of activities, cooperative funding. Signed at Washington, D.C., this lst day of June, 2001. Laura A. Cesario Grants Officer Appendix A: Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) Appendix B: Budget Information Form 17 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM (�, s Retum Copy To: s,� � i v��� �'a Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA Council File # p �, � (psp Green Sheet # 113559 �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 BE TT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Panl is authorized to enter into a collaborafion with Ramsey County 3 and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reentry. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � v�s Hayg an5em Requested b Department of: Benanav elakey � POlicO� - . - � Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: a Approved by Mayor:Date; B Collabomtiontoappryforyouthoffenderreentrygrant.cr.01 B3': Ap� By: �oF iF By: Ap� sy: by FSnancial Services Director: by City Attorney: for Submi�sion to Council: DEPAR7MECii/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATE� ' eo�,�e'� 9/6/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 1135_59 �_ "`�' C N A PERS PH NE INtTIAUDpTE INfiIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 nmxaromecron_ 6 couo+a� MUSTBEONCOUNCILA ENDABY(DA ) /� O'�IOQa � ASAP ❑3 arcnnonxer__��� 1 �/ ❑cmc�wc ������� � ��� �� �w�wC1AL5EfMCESqR�R � G IFltW1Lyy5HtVlACCiG �/�� � I.�J �YATOR(ORASSIS�RNi)/ / I I!/ �uvw.PoGHTS �'_ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approval of the attached Council Resolution auffiorizmg the City of Saint Paul to enter into a collaboration with Rawsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reenhy. RECOMMENDATION App�oVe (A) O� Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conhact For thls depariment? � PLANNING COMMISSION � YES NO " CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cityemployee? CIWIL SERVICE COMMISSION VES NO � 3. Does this pereoNfirtn possess a skill �wt nortnally possessed by arry curreirt city employee? YES NO " 4. Is this person/firm a targeted ventloR YES NO . Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VYHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Authorization is needed to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal ��t, �:�q� for youth offender reentry. ��g�?� ����`�° +°�� � �� � ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � " � , ` i — - _ ' � � .,... '_. _ - - , Ability to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a grant: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � D15ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED Lost oppor[unity to apply for a Federal grant for youffi offender reeniry. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant AC71VI7Y NUMBER " FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) , Young Off�ndes Initiarive: Reentry Grant Progcam http:Uwdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sgaf0l-109sga.htm Billing Code: 4510-30 0 �-�OSO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program Agency: Employment and Training Administrarion (BTA), Labor. Action: Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation far Grant Applications (SGA). Summary: This notice contains all of the necessary information and forms needed to apply far grant fnnding. The Departments of Labor, Justice, and Health and Human Services are requesring applications for the Fiscal Year 2001 Young Offender Initiative: Demonstrarion Grant Program projects. Approximately $11.5 million is available to fund demonstration grants to provide services aimed at youth who aze ar have been under criminal justice supervision or involved in gangs. The Deparhnent of Labor (DOL) has warked with the Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention in the U.S. Department of Justice (DO7) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SANIHSA) in the U.S. Departinent of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in deciding to use these funds for an innovative model to serve young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth. This model is called the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model. Grants will be given in two categories: Category A: Large Areas and Category B: Small to Medium-Sized Areas. The model is based upon new research. Applicants can only apply under one of the two categories which must be clearly identified on the face sheet of the appiication. Local Workforce Inveshnent Boards (Local Boards), other polirical subdivisions of the State, and private entities are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. Local warkforce investment areas who were awarded grants to administer Youth Offender Demonstration Projects in 1999 (SGA/DAA 98-015, dated September 2, 1998) and 2001 (SGA/DFA 01-101, dated December 11, 2000) are ineligible to apply undex t11is Solicitation. However, first round (1999) grantees who were not awarded additional funds to continue their current programs through DOL's Letter of Competition, dated December 7, 2000, are eligible to apply. DATES: The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, October, 1, 2001. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) at the address below. No exceptions to the mailing and hand-delivery conditions set forth in this notice will be granted. Appiications that do not meet the conditions set fozth in this notice will not be honared. Telefacsimile (FAX) applications will not be honored. ADDRESSES: Applications must be mailed to: U.S. Department of Labox, Employment and Tranung Administration, Davision of Federal Assistance, Attention: B. Jai Johnson, Reference: SGA/DFA 01-109, 200 Constitution Avenue, N. W., Room 5-4203, Washington, D.C. 20210. FOR FURTHER INRORMATION CONTACT: Questions should be f�ed to B. Jai Johnson at (202) 693-2879, (this is a not a toll-free number). All inquiries should include the SGA/DFA number DI-I09, and a contact name, fax and phone numbers. This announcement will also be published on the Internet on the Employment and Training Administration's Home Page at http:/Jwww.doleta.gov. Award notifications will also be published on the Home Fage. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1 of 18 917I2001 8:15 AM Young Off,ender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program 0 \+lOSO Tlus solicitation is jointly issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Trauung Administration (ETA); the U.S. Depariment of Justice (DO�, Conections Program Office (CPO), Office of 7ustice Programs (O7P); and U.S. Department of Aealth and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Heaith Services Aduiinistration's (SAiV1IiSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatrnent (CSAT) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). Additional offices within DO7's Office of 7ustice Programs helping to guide this effort include the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice, and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. These grants make use of funds appropriated in the Fiscal Year (FI� 2001 Federal budget, and aze the third round of Young Offender Initiative: Demonstxation Grant Program projects. Two prior rounds of such grants haue been awarded based on appropriations in the FIJ 1998 and FY 2000 budgets. This solicitation is one of two dealing with the overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program (Initiative). It is for a smaller number of experimentai Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Progam projects and published coincident with the larger Young Offender Initiative: ReenYry Grant Pmgram solicitation. Since 1998, at Congressional direction, DOL and DOJ have funded grants under the Youth Offender Demonstration Project to provide services focused on youth who are or have been under criminal justice supervision ar involved in gangs or are at risk of this involvement. Based upon a recent interim report, Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation (Research and Evaluation Associates, Inc., March 2001), that assessed the Youth Offender demonstrations, there is solid evidence of a need to fiirther test methods of effective delivery of services to the 14-24 year old target group in additional sites. Therefore, DOL is proposing to fund additional Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program projects (using funds separate from those dedicated to the 25 grants proposed in the Initiative, O7P-1320) in a small number of sites. Services will include youth development services and they will focus primarily on preparing young offenders, gang members, astd at-risk youth ages 74 to 24 for positive engagement in pro-social activity and long-term employability and employment. The purpose of these addifional DOL funds will be to further test a structured set of activities for subject tazget group, using a decisive organizational design grounded on research and PEPNet (Effective Practices) criteria. This demonstration provides a unique opportunity for local areas to address the needs of the young offenders and at-risk youth through an array of services offered at One-Stop centers. Models developed under this latest effort will enhance public safety by assisting communities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders. In addition, DOL, DOJ and DHHS will be able to evaluate the projects, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. This Notice describes the application submission requirements, the process that eligible entities must use to apply for funds covered by this solicitation, and how grantees will be selected. This announcement consists of four parts: . Part I provides background, purpose, and goals of the Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program. . Part II describes specific program, administrative and reporting requirements that will apply to all grant awards. . Part III describes the application process. . Part N describes the review process and rating criteria that will be used to evaluate applications for funding. http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm 2 of 18 9f7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm PART I- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE REENTRY PROGRAM. ��- p5 a A. Background The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 establishes comprehensive reform of existing Federal job training programs with amendments iznpacting service delivery under the Wagner Peyser Act, Adult Education and Literacy Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. WIA provides a framework for a national one-stop delivery system designed to meet both the needs of the nation's businesses and the needs of job seekers who want to further their careers. A number of other Federal programs are also identified as required pariuers under the One-Stop delivery system with the intention of providing comprehensive services for all Americans to access the information and resources available to them in the development and unplementation of their cazeer goals. The intent of the One-Stop delivery system is to establish programs and providers in co-located, coordinated and integrated settings that are coherent and accessible for individuals and businesses alike in over 600 workforce inveshnent azeas which have been established throughout the nation. WIA establishes State and Local Boazds focused on strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of the workforce system with significant authority for the Czovernor and chief elected officials to build on existing reforms in order to implement innovative and comprehensive One-Stop delivery systems. In addition, Youth Councils, subgroups of the Local Boards, assist in developing parts of the local plan relating to youth, recommending providers of youth services, and coordinating local youth programs and initiatives. With its requirements to form these interdisciplinary Youth Councils and to develop one comprehensive plan for youth services, WIA presents a unique opportunity to change the way warkforce development programs (and other youth development programs as well) are organized and operated to serve youth. WIA and the Youth Councils offer local areas the chance to look at how both in-school and out-of-school youth services aze blended and deployed. They provide the framewark that local areas can build on in order to reali�, enhance, and improve youth services so that they are more closely coordinated, better urilized, and more effective. In setting aside funds for this Solicitation, Congress noted °the severe problems facing out-of-school youth in communities with high poveriy and unemployment and the inter-relatedness of poverty, juvenile crnne, child abuse and neglect, school failure, and teen pregnancy." This Notice provides a unique opportunity for selected workforce inveshnent areas to address the needs of a special youth populafion - young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth ages 14 to 24 - through a comprehensive WIA effort. In addition, the models developed under this solicitation will enhance public safety by assisting commwiities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders, and will allow DOL, DO7 and DHHS to evaluate the program, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. For this target population, unaddressed and untreated mental health problems often contribute to involvement in the juvenile justice system. Research indicates that beriveen 50°lo to 80% of youth detained in juvenile facilities haue mental health problems and that more than half of those with a psychological disorder also have a co-occurring substance abuse problem. Because untreated behaviaral health problems can be severely debilitating, and because the prevalence of such disorders is significantly elevated for delinquent youth, it is critical that mental health and substance abuse services be incorporated into any comprehensive sirategy that is designed to enhance youth functioning, decrease recidivism, and promote enduring workforce participation for this population. In the previous two rounds of the youth offender grants (FYs 1998 and 2000), DOL in partnership with DOJ, had funded four demonstration projects under a separate model, the Education and Training for Youth Offenders Initiative. The grants under this model include projects in Columbus, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Tallahassee, FL; and a fourth site 3 of 18 9/7(2001 8:16 AM Young Of�'ender Initiarive: Reenhy Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.htm funded under SGA/DFA O1-101 to be announced by June 30, 2001. The first ofthese ��' ��� projects are in operation and provide comprehensive school-to-work education and training curricula for young offenders in juvenile correcrions facilities and aftercazefreentry services upon the youths' return to their conununities, with an emphasis on job placement and retention. Both DOL and DOJ are extremely interested in lessons leamed from these sites, and will continue to evaluate the programs and services offered under this model. B. Purpose and Goals of the Overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program The Demonstration Grant Program is part of the larger Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program (Initiative) developed collaboratively by DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The focus of the Initiative is to assist communities in planning and implementing comprehensive "reentry" programs to address the full range of challenges involved in helping young offenders released from incazceration make a successful transition back to the community. The goai of the Initiative is to protect community safety through the successful reintegration of offenders returning to the community, by ensuring that offenders: . become productive, responsible, and law-abiding citizens; . are provided with positive opportunities to engage in pro-social activities; . maintain long-term employment; . sustain a stable residence; and . successfully address their substance abuse issues and mental health needs. There aze challenges in achieving this goal. These challenges involve assessing not only the needs of released offenders, but also the needs of the communities to which they rehun. Central to this effort is helping comtnunities prepare for returiiing offenders by developing the infrastructure to more effectively integrate them - to ensure that communities have the resources to address offender accountability, supervision, and other public safety concerns, as well as offender long-term employment, health, mental health, substance abuse, and other critical needs. Addressing offender supervision, self-su£ficiency, public health and related issues promotes public safety. Addressing the community's wide-ranging needs requires creating broad public/private parinerships to tap the expertise and resources of key stakeholders to contribute to the effort. With this broad support, it is expected that highly collaborarive reeniry programs will be successful in meeting the goals of this Initiative by providing communiries with the reentry assessment and support systems that both offenders and communities need to protect public safety and the health and overall weli-being of its citizens. This Initiative seeks to promote innovative programs by providing applicants latitude in structuring their programinatic efforts. Both the larger Reentry Grant Program Initiative and the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program share several other goals as well, which are to: . Create innovative models of collaboration among Govemors' designated representatives; Federal, State, and local government agencies responsible for criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse; CBOs, faith-based organizations, employers, offenders and their fami&es; . Support localities in their efforts to promote healthy youth development activities that will assist at-risk youth and young offenders to positively contribute to the life of their communities; . Leam as much as possible about what works in offender reentry and programs tlu�ough testing and evaluating promising approaches; and . Develop information on best practices on young offender reenhy and to share this information with the criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse delivery systems. 4 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Of£ender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program a�-�oso These goals, when realized, will provide beneficial results to DOL, DO7, and DHHS in their effort to refine and leam from program experience with offenders. These will be in addition to the body of knowledge we already have on this younger population. Like the grants under the lazger prograzn, the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program is a demonstration effort, however, the target group is 14-24 years old. DOL has already received interim resuits of its first evaluation of the program and they are reflected and incorporated into the new solicitation that is part of the larger collaborative effort. As these reenriy progams aze implemented, it will also be critical to document what works, by evaluating these efforts, identifying effective practices, and disseminating them to other communities. This Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program`s overarching goal is to protect community safety through the successfui reintegration of offenders retuming to the community by ensuring that these individuals are given the supports that will better enable them to be productive, responsible citizens who are crime-free, maintain long-term employment and a stable residence, and are engaged in substance abuse and mental health treahnent as needed. The Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program targets an age-related subset of the larger initiative's target population and expands the focus to include other at-risk or gang-involved youth but retains the same goal of providing job training and employment opportunities, education, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation, mental health, aftercare, housing and family support services, and juvenile/criminal jusrice supervision. C. Authority Sections 1�1 and 172 ofthe Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 2801, et se�c ., authorizes use of funds for demonsiration projects. DOL is authorized to award and administer this program by the Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. No. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763A-3 (2000). D. Funding Availability The Department expects to award 6 grants approximately $1.5 million each under category A(Large Areas) and 5 grants approximately $600,000 each under category B(Small to Medium-Sized Areas) for a total of appxoximately $11.5 million. PART II - REQUIREMENTS. A. Eligible Participants Applicants are to target the youth populafion ages 14-24 focusing primarily on placing youth offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth into long term employment (part-time for ages 14-15). B. Administrative Requirements 1. General Grantee organizations will be subject to: these guidelines; the terms and conditions of the grant and any subsequent modifications; applicable Federal laws (including provisions in appropriations law); and any applicable requirements listed below- a. Workforce Investment Boards - 20 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 667.220, published in the Federal Register, August 11, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 49294) (Administrative Costs). http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -1095ga.htm 5 of 18 4/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Crrant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm O ���OSO b. Non-Profit Organizations - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-122 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduziuistrative Requirements). c. Educational Institutions - OMB Circulazs A-21 (Cost Principies) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduiinisttative Requirements). d. State and L,ocal Governments - OMB Circulazs A-87 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 97 (Administrative Requirements). e. All entities must comply with 29 CFR Parts 93 and 98, and, where applicable, 29 CFR Parts 96 and 99. NOTE: Except as specifically provided, DOLBTA acceptance of a proposal and an award of federal funds to sponsor any program(s) does not provide a waiver of any grant requirement and/or procedures. For example, the OMB circulars require an entity's procurement procedures must require that all procurement transactions must be conducted, as practical, to provide open and free competition. If a proposal identifies a specific entity to provide the services, the DOLBTA's award does not provide the justification or basis to sole-source the procurement, i.e., avoid competition. 2. Subgrants/Contracts Subgrants and contracts must be awarded in accardance with 29 CFR 95.40. In compliance with Executive Orders 12876, 12900, 12928 and 13021, the grantee(s) are strongly encouraged to provide subgranting opportunities to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Insritutions and Tribal Colleges and Universities. 3. Incorporation of New Information Grantees must utilize any newly developed DOL/DOJ/SAMHSA reseazch findings (which may become available a$er the grant awards) on how to run effective programs. Applicants therefare will be required to modify their demonstrarion program during the post-award planning process based upon any new information, as specified in the terms and condirions of the grant award. In order to assist with this effort, DOL, DO7, and DHHS wiil design early technical assistance in the planning process to aid the grantees with the incorporation of program changes predicated on the new information. 4. Evaluation As a condition for award, all applicants must agree to participate in a separately-funded evaluation. Applicants will not set aside funds for evaluation acfivities. All applicants must provide assurances in their proposals that they will cooperate with the evaluators and provide access to the data necessary to the evaluations. Awardees of the grants fiirther agree to make available upon request to DOL-authorized evaluation contractor(s) data for a period not to exceed 24 months beyond the demonstration period (which should not exceed 24 months) through a no-cost extension of the grants. The availability of this data beyond the demonstration period will enable the contractor to perform follow-up analysis. C. Reporting Requirements Applicants must clearly define their procedures for reporting progress on a quarterly basis (including data elements listed in Part II C.2 ) and for identifying and preseniing the results of project interventions. Proposals should also describe in detail the specific reports and other deliverables to be provided to ETA as documentation of progress and results in terxns 6 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y9ung OfEender Iniriarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm of nnproved outcomes far the target population. An nnplementation plan to be submitted ��'�OS O within 60 days of the grant execution and approved by DOL, DOJ, and DHHS quarterly reports, an annual report, and a final report summarizing progress are required for projects under this SGA. For financial reports, the grantee must consult its appropriate adininistrative regularions, 29 CFR Part 95 and 29 CFR 97. 1. Data Collecrion All demonstration sites must coliect and maintain participant records and compile adininistrative data from these projects to document results and accomplishxnents, and provide a leaniing experience for the workforce development system, DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The data requirements must include the following information in rivo age ranges (14-17 and 18-24): . Number recruited; . Number enrolled; . Number who entered training; . Number who entered or reentered secondary school; . Number who entered or reentered post-secondary school; . Number who entered employment (total): . Subsidized and . Unsubsidized; . Number "served by aftercare" programs; . Number who entered the military; . Number who entered national and community service; . Number referred to other services such as dropout prevention, drug rehabilitation, mental health and substance abuse treatment services; . Number who entered other job training programs; . Number referred to apprenticeship programs; . Number of in-school youth served; and . Number of out-of-school youth served. As a measure of progress, grantees also must collect data on factors which predict future employment of youth prior to youth's employment full-time, full-year. Therefore, applicants must identify what factors consider to be youth development indicators, e.g., dependability in participating in project activities; remaining free of further convictions; passing part or all of the GED examinations; being able to keep a part-time job; or making acceptable progress (credits earned) toward a diploma, etc. In addition, if applicable, data elements associated with WIA may be required (to be specified in the grantee's statement of work). D. Acknowledgment of Federal Funding In all circumstances, the following must be displayed on pzinted materials: "Preparation of this materiaUitem was funded by the United States Department of Labor under Grant Agreement No. [insert the appropriate grant agreement number]. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other docuxnents describing projects or programs funded in whole ox in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds must cleazly state: a. The percentage of the total costs of the program or project wtuch wili be fmanced with Federal money; b. The dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program; and c. The percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the proj ect or program that will be 7 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Yovng OfYender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program financed by non-goveimnental sources. PART III - APPLICATION PROCESS. A, Eligible Applicants Under this Initiative, Youth Offender: Aemonstration Grant Program, there will be two (2) categories of eligible applicants; APPLICANTS MAY ONLY APPLY UNDER ONE CATEGORY. They are: 1. Category A- Lar�e Areas 'O�-105'� Local Boazds other political subdivisions of the State, and eligible private entities which provided services located in high-crime communities with a population greater than 400,000 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement; or 2. Category B- Small to Medium-Sized Areas Local Boards, other political subdivisions of the State, and private entities which are all situated within high-crime communities with a population of at least 100,000 and not greater than 4QO,Q00 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. All applicants in both categories aze required to designate a specific area or neighborhood (i.e., Empowerment Zones [EZs] and/or Economic Communities [ECs], etc.) to receive services under this demonstration. Private entities not eligible for funds under this Notice are for-profit organizations, 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations, and individuals. According to Section 18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, an organization described in Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engages in lobbying activities will not be eligible for the receipt of federal funds constituting an award, grant, or loan. Eligible entities may include community development corporations, community action agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations, disability community organizations, health care organizafions, children and family service agencies, public and private colieges and universities, and other qualified private organizations. Organizations or areas that operate the Department of Justice's Safe Futures or Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression demonstrations can also apply through their Local Boards. Applicants should provide documentation from their local law enforcement agency showing support far the existence or emerging gang problem and other serious youth crime problems. Entities other than a Locai Board must submit an application for competirive grant funds in conjunction with the Local Board(s) the area in which the project is to operate. The term "in conjunction with" must mean that the application must include a signed certification by both the applicant and the appropriate Local Board (s) indicating that: 1. The applicant has consulted with the appropriate Local Board (and its Youth Council) during the development of the application; and 2. The acrivities proposed in the application are consistent with, and will be coordinated with, the One-Stop delivery system efforts of the Locai Board(s). If the applicant is unable to obtain the certification, it will be required to include information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consuit with the Local Board and its Youth http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.hhn 8 of 18 9/�/2001 8:16 AM Yeung OfPenderInitiafive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm Council and indicating that the Local Board was provided, during the proposal solicitation '0 �' ��� period, a sufficient opportunity to cooperate in the development of the project plan and to review and comment on the application before its submission to the Department of Labor. "Sufficient opportunity for Local Boazd review and commenY' must mean at least 3Q calendar days. Failure to provide information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consult with L,ocal Board(s) will disqualify applicants. The certification, or evidence of efforts to consult, must be with each Local Board in the service area in which the proposed project is to operate. These certifications must be included in the grant applicafion, and will not count against the established page limitations. For the purposes of this portion of the application, evidence of efforts to consult with the Local Board must be demonstrated by written documentarion, such as registered mail receipt, that attempts were made to share project applications with the Locai Board in a timely manner. Local Board applicants and applicants that provide a signed certification by the applicant and the appropriate Local Board(s) will be given preference for award. B. Submission of Applications Each application clearly must identify the category under the Youth Offender: Demonstration Grant Program, the applicant is applying for funds.. This information must appear on the face sheet of the applicarion. 1. The Application Applicants must submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of their proposal, with original signatures. There aze three required sections of the applicarion: Section I- Project Financial Plan; Section II- Execurive Suirunary; and Section III- Project Narrative (inciuding Appendices, NOT TO EXCEED thirty pages). Applications that faii to meet these requirements will not be considered. Section I- Project Financial Plan Section I of the application must include Yhe following two required elements: (1) Standard Form (SF) 424, "Application for Federal Assistance,"(Appendix A) and (2) "Budget Inforxnation Form," (Appendix B). All copies of the SF 424 MTJST haue original signatures of the legal entity applying for grant funds. Applicants must indicate on the SF 424 the organization's IRS Status, if appiicable. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) nuxnber is 17-261. Section T will not count against the application page limits. In preparing the Budget Information form, the Financial Plan must describe all costs associated with nnplementing the project that are to be covered with grant funds. In addition, Secrion I must include a budget narrative/justification which will detail the cost breakout of each line item on the Budget Information Form. This must provide sufficient information to support the reasonableness of the costs included in the budget in relation to the service strategy and planned outcomes. The budget must be for the full duration of the project but may not exceed 30 months. All costs must be necessary and reasonable according to the Federal guidelines set forth in the "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments" (also irnown as the "Common Rule"), codified at 29 CFR Part 97 (97.22) and "Grants and Agreements with Insritutes of Higl�er Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations" (also laiown as OMB Circular A-110), codified at 29 CFR Part 95, (95.27). Section II - Executive Summary (format requirements limited to no more than two single-spaced, single-sided pages). Each application must provide a project synopsis which identifies the following: 9 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reenlry Grant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm . •The applicant; �I- tb$'� .•The consortium pariners and the type of organizations they represent; . •The project service azea; .•Whether the service area is an entire local workforce inveshnent azea, more than one local area, andJor ail local areas in a State; .•The specific azeas of focus in the announcement which are addressed by the project; . •The pianned period of performance; .•A sunmiary of the comprehensive strategy (e.g., who will provide services, who will be accountable far the project, etc.) for providing seamless service delivery and for addressing the multi-faceted barriers to traiuing and employment which affect youth who are or who have been under crnninal justice supervision or involved in gangs or who are at-risk of involvement; .•How counseling and other support needs will be addressed in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The actions already taken by the State or Local Workforce Investment Board to address the needs of at-risk youth in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The levei of commitment the applicant (including all consortium members, if any) and other partners have to serving at-risk youth; .•The linkages between the project and the local WIA Youth Council through the One-Stop delivery system, as well as linkages with the business and education communities, mental health and substance abuse systems, and juvenile justice agencies; and .•A written confirmation that the applicant will cooperate with the evaluators. Section III - Project Narrative (format requirements limited to no more than thirty (3Q) double-spaced, single-sided, numbered pages). Section III of the application, the project narrative, must contain the technical proposal that demonstrates the applicant's plan and capabilities in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained in this notice. Applicants MLTST limit the project narrative section to no more than thirty (30) double-spaced and single-sided pages, which include any attachments provided by the applicants. Letters of general support or recommendation for a proposal must NOT be submitted and will count against the page limit. However, letters of commitment aze required from parhier/consortia organizations and will not count against the page innit. The Project Narrative must be double-spaced, and on single-sided, numbered pages with the exception of format requirements for the Executive Summary. The Executive Summary must be limited to no more than two (2) single-spaced, single-sided pages. A font size of at least twelve (12) pitch is required throughout the application. 2. Youth Development Principles Strength-based programining that is designed to build upon a youth's assets and enhance functioning at the individual, family, and community levels will foster healthy development and fiirther advance the goals of youth involvement in pro-social activity. DOL, DOJ and DHHS expect models developed under this solicitation to be consistent with the youth development principles that Gary Walker described in the Sar Levitan Insritute's A Generation of Challenge.• Pathways to Success for Urban Youth (1997): . Each young person needs to feel that at least one adult has a strong stake in his labar market success. . Programs must be connected to employers; piacement with one of these employers is possible and initial placement is one step in a continuing long-term relationship with a program that will advance the young person's employment and earnings. . Each young person must feei at each step the need to improve education and credentials. . Program support will be there for a long time. 10 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.hhn �p�_�bSD . Effective connections are maintained between the programs and providers of support services. . The program emphasizes civic involvement and service. Age Issues: Also, critical to the new model is the distinction between two subpopulations within the solicitation target group: younger youth (ages 14 to 17) and older youth (ages 18 to 24). Younger youth require different sets of trearinent and skills prograuuning than those between the ages of 18 and 24, as they may have less exposure to the world of work and fewer of the necessary work-related sldlls or may not be able to enter into long-term, full-time work until they are older. Services intended for younger youth should, therefore, focus on pre-employment trauring, education, treahnent and appropriate employment in preparation for long-term employxnent when they reach an appropriate age. Interventions for these youth that aze the most effective are those that can make a positive impact upon both the youth and his or her family. The provision of strength-based family-centered therapy and supports designed to enhance family functioning and communication will thus facilitate the broader process of skill and competency development for the youth. For youth re-entering the community following institutional placement, it is particulazly vital to offer therapeutic supports to aid the re-unification process. Older youth (18 to 24 year-olds) should focus on attaining their GEDs ar diplomas, possibly pursuing higher education ar additional vocational training, and obtaining unsubsidized fuil-time employment. The applicants must use the following structure: One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model Demonstration projects under this model will operate in hea�ily impoverished communities in need of implementing comprehensive conununity-wide approaches to assist young offenders, gang members, and those at risk of becoming involved in gangs, all of whom may either be currentiy in school or out-of-school. These communities will have already built service capacity into their One-Stop delivery systems to expand the range and quality of services designed to prepare high-risk youth for high-quality employment with career development ladders and livable wages, but may not have fully implemented these activities. Grantees will be required to expand services in each of 3 areas: 1) gang prevention and suppression activities; 2) alternative sentencing for offenders; and 3) after-care and case management for incazcerated youth. In additaon, grantees must provide educafion and mental health services, employment training, sports and recreation, youth development services, and community services projects in order to reduce recidivism and procure for the target population long-term employment at livable wage levels. The grantees must piace particular emphasis on enhancing existing case management, treahnent, youth development, family involvement and support, and job placement services far youth on probation or for those who are reentering the community from corrections facilities. These support services should be provided tt�roughout the entire employment search continuum, i.e., from the beginning of the employment search until well after the procurement of employment. Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and acrivities. The projects also will maintaan records of the number of contacts made after placement and the type of support services provided. The projects also will implement an intensive and comprehensive aftercare system to reduce juvenile recidivism. Aftercare systems should be implemented while youth aze still incarcerated to establish community links with faith-based organizations, parents or guardians, mental health and substance abuse treatment systems, schools, training and educationai opportunities, parole systems, social contacts and activities, and mentors. The aftercare services pianned for those individuals incarcerated must involve the staff and administrators of the juvenile corrections facilities where the youth are insritutionalized. Structured Model Requirements: 11 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffznderIniriative:Reenhy GrantProgram New shuctured requirements for the model which all applicants must use are based, in part, on PEPNet effective practices criteria and the Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonsh Project, Process Evaluation (Mazch 2001) for the first round of Young Offender Grants, which may be found at the Employment and Training Admiiush website, http:1/www.doleta.gov. Applicants' proposals aze required to demonstrate the following, wYuch will be rated in the rating criteria: 0�-\Ot'o (1) Well Conceived Plan: . Program has a cleaz and focused vision and mission. . Program goais and objectives are realistic and measurable. . Stakeholders, including community partners, family member representatives, and front-line staff, aze involved during program development and implementation. (2) Established Partnership with the Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: .•Grantee is experienced in working with the Juvenile Justice and Health Caze Systems. (3) Collecting and Maintaining Data: . A system for collecting and reporting program information is available and urilized. (4) Community Support/Network: . Program is supported by youth and fanuly serving agencies including CBOs, faith-based organizations, and public service agencies. .•Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and activities. (5) Grantee Involvement: . Grantee is the lead agency, actively providing direction and coordination for the project. . C�rantee involvement and support is continuous. (� Connections with Workforce Development, Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: . Grantee coordinates with and utilizes resources available through the Workforce Development, Juvenile Jusrice, and Health Care Systems. ('n Leveraging Resources through Collaboration and Partnerships: . Project effectively idenrifies and utilizes other resources and funding streams to support project goals. (8) Continuous Improvement: . Project conducts sel£ assessment and actively seeks and accepts available technical assistance. (9) Shared Leadership and Information Sharing: . Decision making and information is shared with stakeholders. http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm 12 of 18 4/7(2001 8:1fi AM Young Off�nder Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm 'Q�- tOSo 3. Program Components The grant awazds must be used to enhance and augment presently existing slrategies which serve young offenders, out-of-school youth, and gang members or those at-risk of becoming gang-involved. Efforts shouid be made to integrate youth into a full range of educational, treatment, and alternarive programs when appropriate. In addirion to intensifying current systems, the projects also will link with and build upon available community resources such as educationai (including special education), support, workforce development (engaging Local Boards/Youth Councils), health care, child caze, and transportation services. The projects will use these community resources to accomplish the successful transirion of youth to independent living within the community, a reduction in recidivism, and the accomplishment of employment, training, and education goals. In arder to address specifically the distinct needs and problems of young offenders, gang members, and those at-risk of becoming gang-involved who are living in high-poverty localities, the overarching strategy for the model community projects should encompass the following: Purpose/Need: Applicants must describe the need in the tazget neighbarhood as demonstrated by issues such as severity of gang problems, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, gaps in availabilaty of adolescent mental health and substance abuse treatment for at-risk youth, and the inability for existing services to address the needs of young offenders and gang members. Applicants should also relate the need to the overall purpose of the planned program components. Alternative sentencing/education: Grantees must describe their plans for expanding altemative sentencing, including enhanced education services for young offenders. Project case managers and other staff must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by providing assistance to remain in school, return to school, enroll in GED and high school equivalency classes, or participate in additional alternative education such as long-distance learning programs or on-line courses. Applicants must describe the educational services that will be offered by the project, with particular attention given to the utilization of existing educational system services and the involvement of the schoois in the area. Youth with emotional and behavioral disorders will benefit from evidence-based, culturally competent treahnent interventions. Applicants must describe the process for providing assessment and treatnnent planning, as well as the options far individual and family therapy that will be made auailable. In addition, applicants must describe the overall use of project case managers and other staff in the planned program components that will provide educational services. Career preparation services: The One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model must provide for employment prepasation, youth development services, job placement, and linkages with the woxkforce development system. The model must focus on programs that train individuals far employment in fields in which technology skills are critical aspects of the jobs emerging in the regional labor market. The training model may also include basic skills and pre-apprenticeship training as appropriate, particularly for younger youth, e.g. ages 1417. Applicants must address the various strategies that their models will employ to actively recruit the target population, and must discuss the projected length of time necessary to determine the efficacy of their models' technical assistance. Case managemeredsupport services: Project case managers must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by utilizing intensive training and support services, including drug and alcohol treatment, mentoring and tutoring, child caze, counseling and other case management services. The framework for the model must provide for (as applicable): individual needs assessment; individual service strategies; long-term follow-up services; and linkages with human services, housing health care, education, and transportation services; and gender-specific services (e.g., treahnent for trauma associated with sexual abuse, and domestic violence prevention initiatives). Other strategies may 13 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young O�'fenderIniriative: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.hhn include "soft skills" trainin e. individual com etenc develo ment efforts like ob �t —\O$O S� S•> P Y P )> J behavior and life skills tra.iiring, social skills and self-deternunation, conflict resolution, parenting classes, exposure to post-secondary education opportunities, and military service/national and community service projects. Service strategies must also focus on providing assistance to engage in job trainiiig, secure employxnent, fulfill legai restiturion obligations, or establish successful independent living. Special-needs youth, including those with physical, psychiatric, and/or developmental disabilities must be provided with enhanced case management that will allow them to access a comprehensive system of caze, including treatment, education, and individual and family support services. Because this wide range of services should be provided by the proposed or existing partnerships of community organizations, applicants must submit memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with the local WIA partners and other critical agencies specifying the role of each party in the project. Applicants must describe the intensive trauung and support services identified above that will be offered as part of the planned program components, and must detail the mle of project case managers in the provision of these training and support services. In addition, applicants must detail their capacity to sustain these activities for 2 yeazs after funding under this solicitation is no longer available. Young Offender and Gang Prevention Advisory Board: In order to institute a holistic approach to assisting the target population, family member representatives, employment, education, mental health, child welfaze, substance abuse, criminal justice, and community-based youth programs must be incorporated into the projects. In developing this interrelated system, grant funds must be used to create a young offender and gang prevention advisory board that participates in the coordination of all activiries and provides input and community support to the projecYs leadership. The advisory board shouid be comprised of public and private sector representation, parents, youth members, and graduates of other young offender programs and will link with the local Youth Council to provide seamless delivery of services and masimize use of auailable resources. Applicants must describe the planned composition of the advisory board, with particulaz emphasis upon the process for selecting and seating the representation of the boazd. The applicant must describe the functions of the board and the process planned to utilize the board in designing the holistic delivery expected under the project. Grantees must also describe their plans for expanding gang prevention and suppression efforts in the target community, including e�anded efforts by local law enforcement agencies. Aftercare: Grant funds must link with existing resources to provide intensive aftercare services for young offenders transitioning from secure confinement in a juvenile corrections facility to the community. Projects must strategically coordinate community-wide efforts and resources to address reenhy issues such as surveillance, supervision, graduated sanctions and incentives, linkages to community support systems (families, peers, schools, employers), transitional housing, and job training and placement activities. Applicants must describe clearly, detailed reentry plans for young offenders scheduled for release to their communities and their capacity to sustain their activities for 2 years after funding is no longer available. Strategies for effective case management services in aftercare prograimning include: . Use of a reliable and validated risk assessment and classification instrument for establishing eligibility of the tazgeted population; . Individual case planning that incorporates a family and community perspective; . Provision of inental health and substance abuse assessment and referral to appropriate treahnent services . A mix of intensive surveillance and enhanced service delivery; . Comprehensive, interagency transition plauning that invoives all critical stakeholders; . A balance of incentives and graduated consequences coupled with the imposirion of realistic, enforceable conditions; . Work-related or work-oriented activifies such as eaposure to the workplace, on-the job training, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; 14 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reenhy Crrant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm O��lOSo Coordination o£resources of juvenile conectional agencies, juvenile courts, juvenile parole agencies, law enforcement agencies, social service providers, and local Workfarce Investment Boazds; and "Soft sldlls" traiuing, e.g., individual competency development efforts, job behavior and life skilis training; self deternunation and social skills training; conflict resolution and anger management; pazenting classes; exposure to post-secondary educarion opporhwities; and community service learning projects. Partnerships/Linkages: In addition to enhancing akeady existing services and programs, projects must center any newly developed and implemented activities upon the needs of youffi involved, or at risk of becoming involved, with the juvenile justice system and gangs. In order to accomplish this, applicants should use partnerships both (1) to enhance the young offender programs funded under this grant and (2) to provide complementary programs so as to link services within the target community and provide a diversity of options for all young offenders within the target area. These parinerships must agree to: . Implement an education and employment program for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area, including coordination with the private sector to develop a specified number of career-track jobs for tazget area young offenders; . Establish alternative sentencing and community service options for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area; . Connect youth and their families to appropriate therapeutic and supportive services designed to enhance individual and family functioning; . Expand gang suppression activities in the tazget uea; . Provide work-related or work-oriented activities such as exposure to the workplace, on-the job training, youth development services, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; and . Build connections to local workforce investment systems such as linkages with Local Boards while demonstrating approaches that ensure that high-risk youth are provided with quality workforce development services. Applicants must outline how they will involve residents, youth, and others of the community in planning and involvement in the effort. Proposals must describe the efforts within the project to utilize existing services and programs, particularly those offered through the WIA One-Stop delivery system, the juvenile justice system, and health care system. Applicants must describe the efforts to be undertaken to coordinate services with private sector entities, including commitments for private sector jobs. Proposals must describe newly developed and implemented services and how these will enhance and augment presently existing strategies in the community. In addition, proposals must specify the linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Model, local One-Stop delivery systems and the Youth Council (which is part of the Workforce Invesiment Board) to ensure coordination of workforce development services. These linkages must include both existing and proposed strategies. 4. Cost Sharing/Leveraging Funds Applicants also should discuss their plans to leverage and align with other funds or resources in order to buiid permanent partnersbips for the continuation of services, and should provide some discussion of the nature of these leveraged resources, i.e., Federal, non-Federal, cash or in-kind, State and county, foundation, capital equipment, and other funds. Also, the Federal Bonding Program and the Wark Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) should be considered as potential tools to assist with young offender employment placements. Information about these programs may be found on ETA's website at hrip://www.doleta.gov. C. Delivery of Applications 15 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y�ung O£�fender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program 1. Hand Delivered Proposals Mailed applications must be mailed in time to ve received at the address identified above by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001. We prefer that appiications be mailed at least five days priar to the closing date. To be considered for funding, hand-delivered applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001 at the address identified above. All ovemight mail will be considered to be hand delivered and must be received at the designated place by the specified closing date and tune. 2. Telegraphed and/or Faged Applications Will Not Be Honored Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be a basis for a deternrination of nonresponsiveness. Overnight express mail from carriers other than the U.S. Postal Service will be considered hand-delivered applications and must be received by the above specified date and time. 3. Late Applications Any application received after the exact date and time specified for receipt at the office designated in this notice will not be considered, unless it is received before awards are made and it: . was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth calendar day before the date specified for receipt of applications (e.g., an application submitted in response to a solicitation requiring receipt of applications by the 20�' of the month must have been mailed/post-marked by the 15� of the month); or . was sent by the U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day Service, Post Office to Addressee, not later than 4:00 P.M. at the place of mailing two working days prior to the dateline date specified for receipt of proposals in this SGA. The term "working days" excludes weekends and federal holidays. 41-�oS� The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of an application received after the deadline date for the receipt of proposals sent by the U.S. Postal Service and on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. The term "post-marked" means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impression (exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that is readily identifiable, without further action, as having been supplied or affixed on the date of mailing by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service. D. Performance Period The period of performance for all grants awarded under this competition, will be for 30 months from the date the grant is awarded. The first 24 months must be devoted to providing program services to eligible youth as defined in this norice. The final six months will be solely for organizing participant case files, providing the files to tl�e demonstration's evaluator within two months after grant-funded services terminate, and participating in a final site visit interview with the evaluators. The budget submitted for the period of performance must cover the fu1130 months. PART IV - REVIEW PROCESS & RATING CRITERIA. The technical panel which will be composed ofpeer reviewers and the three agencies personnel, will make a careful evaluation of applicarions against the criteria established in this Notice. The panel will review grant applicants against the criteria listed below on the basis of 100 points with an additional5 points available for non-federal or leveraged resources. Final funding decisions will be based on the rating of applications as a result of http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm 16 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffenderIniriarive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm the review process, and other factozs such as geographic balance, availability of funds, and ��—'�So what is most advantageous to the Government. The panel results aze advisory in nature and not binding on the Grant Officer. The Govemment may elect to award the grant(s) with or without the discussions with the offeror(s). In situations without discussions, an award will be based on the offeror's signature on the SF 424, which constitutes a binding offer. MODEL RATING CRITERIA: Each appiication under this category will be evaluated against the following rating criteria: . Establishment of and adherence to model structure requirements (15 points), see Part III.B.2; planned or committed linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model, the One-Stop delivery system (WIA local board and youth council) and the juvenile justice and health care systems (20 points) _(35 total points): . Plan to enhance and augment alternative sentencing, including educational, youth development, mental health, substance abuse, and supportive services and case management (7 points); role of project case managers in these delivery strategies (4 points); plan for linking with schools for co-enrollment, etc. (4 points) _(15 total points); . Plan and capacity for conducting intensive comprehensive aftercare for enhancing positive youth development and preventing recidivism (15 points); . Level of planned or committed participation of educationai agencies/schools, health caze agencies (5 points); and other public sectar, WIA, and private sector partners (5 points); employxnent-related connections with the business community (5 points) _(15 total points); . Plan for enhancing gang prevention and suppression efforts, and use of a young offender and gang prevenrion advisory board to achieve coordination (6 points); establishment of creative partnerships with local community grassroots organizations which provide services to the target population (4 points) _(10 total points); Need in target neighborhood, as demonstrated by severity of gang problem, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, and the barriers facing existing services to reach young offenders and gang members, such as gaps in availability of mentai health and substance abuse treatment (5 points); and Plan to fulfill reporting requirements; and confirmation of cooperation with DOL evaluators (5 points). . Leveraging of Funding (5 additional points). We will give up to five (5) additional rating points to proposals which include non-Federal resources that expand the dollar amount, size and scope of the proposal. The applicant may include any leveraging or co-funding anticipated. To be eligible for the additional points in the criterion, the applicant must list the source(s) of funds, the nature, and activities anticipated with these funds under this cooperative agreement and any partnerships, linkages or coordination of activities, cooperative funding. Signed at Washington, D.C., this lst day of June, 2001. Laura A. Cesario Grants Officer Appendix A: Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) Appendix B: Budget Information Form 17 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM (�, s Retum Copy To: s,� � i v��� �'a Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA Council File # p �, � (psp Green Sheet # 113559 �S Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 2 BE TT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Panl is authorized to enter into a collaborafion with Ramsey County 3 and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reentry. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 � v�s Hayg an5em Requested b Department of: Benanav elakey � POlicO� - . - � Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Cot By: a Approved by Mayor:Date; B Collabomtiontoappryforyouthoffenderreentrygrant.cr.01 B3': Ap� By: �oF iF By: Ap� sy: by FSnancial Services Director: by City Attorney: for Submi�sion to Council: DEPAR7MECii/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATE� ' eo�,�e'� 9/6/Ol GREEN SHEET No. 1135_59 �_ "`�' C N A PERS PH NE INtTIAUDpTE INfiIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 nmxaromecron_ 6 couo+a� MUSTBEONCOUNCILA ENDABY(DA ) /� O'�IOQa � ASAP ❑3 arcnnonxer__��� 1 �/ ❑cmc�wc ������� � ��� �� �w�wC1AL5EfMCESqR�R � G IFltW1Lyy5HtVlACCiG �/�� � I.�J �YATOR(ORASSIS�RNi)/ / I I!/ �uvw.PoGHTS �'_ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approval of the attached Council Resolution auffiorizmg the City of Saint Paul to enter into a collaboration with Rawsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal grant for youth offender reenhy. RECOMMENDATION App�oVe (A) O� Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a conhact For thls depariment? � PLANNING COMMISSION � YES NO " CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cityemployee? CIWIL SERVICE COMMISSION VES NO � 3. Does this pereoNfirtn possess a skill �wt nortnally possessed by arry curreirt city employee? YES NO " 4. Is this person/firm a targeted ventloR YES NO . Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VYHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Authorization is needed to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a Federal ��t, �:�q� for youth offender reentry. ��g�?� ����`�° +°�� � �� � ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � " � , ` i — - _ ' � � .,... '_. _ - - , Ability to collaborate with Ramsey County and other partners to apply for a grant: ' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � D15ADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED Lost oppor[unity to apply for a Federal grant for youffi offender reeniry. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE Federal grant AC71VI7Y NUMBER " FINANCIAI INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) , Young Off�ndes Initiarive: Reentry Grant Progcam http:Uwdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sgaf0l-109sga.htm Billing Code: 4510-30 0 �-�OSO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program Agency: Employment and Training Administrarion (BTA), Labor. Action: Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation far Grant Applications (SGA). Summary: This notice contains all of the necessary information and forms needed to apply far grant fnnding. The Departments of Labor, Justice, and Health and Human Services are requesring applications for the Fiscal Year 2001 Young Offender Initiative: Demonstrarion Grant Program projects. Approximately $11.5 million is available to fund demonstration grants to provide services aimed at youth who aze ar have been under criminal justice supervision or involved in gangs. The Deparhnent of Labor (DOL) has warked with the Office of 7uvenile 7ustice and Delinquency Prevention in the U.S. Department of Justice (DO7) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SANIHSA) in the U.S. Departinent of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in deciding to use these funds for an innovative model to serve young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth. This model is called the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model. Grants will be given in two categories: Category A: Large Areas and Category B: Small to Medium-Sized Areas. The model is based upon new research. Applicants can only apply under one of the two categories which must be clearly identified on the face sheet of the appiication. Local Workforce Inveshnent Boards (Local Boards), other polirical subdivisions of the State, and private entities are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. Local warkforce investment areas who were awarded grants to administer Youth Offender Demonstration Projects in 1999 (SGA/DAA 98-015, dated September 2, 1998) and 2001 (SGA/DFA 01-101, dated December 11, 2000) are ineligible to apply undex t11is Solicitation. However, first round (1999) grantees who were not awarded additional funds to continue their current programs through DOL's Letter of Competition, dated December 7, 2000, are eligible to apply. DATES: The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, October, 1, 2001. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) at the address below. No exceptions to the mailing and hand-delivery conditions set forth in this notice will be granted. Appiications that do not meet the conditions set fozth in this notice will not be honared. Telefacsimile (FAX) applications will not be honored. ADDRESSES: Applications must be mailed to: U.S. Department of Labox, Employment and Tranung Administration, Davision of Federal Assistance, Attention: B. Jai Johnson, Reference: SGA/DFA 01-109, 200 Constitution Avenue, N. W., Room 5-4203, Washington, D.C. 20210. FOR FURTHER INRORMATION CONTACT: Questions should be f�ed to B. Jai Johnson at (202) 693-2879, (this is a not a toll-free number). All inquiries should include the SGA/DFA number DI-I09, and a contact name, fax and phone numbers. This announcement will also be published on the Internet on the Employment and Training Administration's Home Page at http:/Jwww.doleta.gov. Award notifications will also be published on the Home Fage. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1 of 18 917I2001 8:15 AM Young Off,ender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program 0 \+lOSO Tlus solicitation is jointly issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Trauung Administration (ETA); the U.S. Depariment of Justice (DO�, Conections Program Office (CPO), Office of 7ustice Programs (O7P); and U.S. Department of Aealth and Human Services (DHHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Heaith Services Aduiinistration's (SAiV1IiSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatrnent (CSAT) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). Additional offices within DO7's Office of 7ustice Programs helping to guide this effort include the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice, and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. These grants make use of funds appropriated in the Fiscal Year (FI� 2001 Federal budget, and aze the third round of Young Offender Initiative: Demonstxation Grant Program projects. Two prior rounds of such grants haue been awarded based on appropriations in the FIJ 1998 and FY 2000 budgets. This solicitation is one of two dealing with the overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program (Initiative). It is for a smaller number of experimentai Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Progam projects and published coincident with the larger Young Offender Initiative: ReenYry Grant Pmgram solicitation. Since 1998, at Congressional direction, DOL and DOJ have funded grants under the Youth Offender Demonstration Project to provide services focused on youth who are or have been under criminal justice supervision ar involved in gangs or are at risk of this involvement. Based upon a recent interim report, Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation (Research and Evaluation Associates, Inc., March 2001), that assessed the Youth Offender demonstrations, there is solid evidence of a need to fiirther test methods of effective delivery of services to the 14-24 year old target group in additional sites. Therefore, DOL is proposing to fund additional Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program projects (using funds separate from those dedicated to the 25 grants proposed in the Initiative, O7P-1320) in a small number of sites. Services will include youth development services and they will focus primarily on preparing young offenders, gang members, astd at-risk youth ages 74 to 24 for positive engagement in pro-social activity and long-term employability and employment. The purpose of these addifional DOL funds will be to further test a structured set of activities for subject tazget group, using a decisive organizational design grounded on research and PEPNet (Effective Practices) criteria. This demonstration provides a unique opportunity for local areas to address the needs of the young offenders and at-risk youth through an array of services offered at One-Stop centers. Models developed under this latest effort will enhance public safety by assisting communities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders. In addition, DOL, DOJ and DHHS will be able to evaluate the projects, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. This Notice describes the application submission requirements, the process that eligible entities must use to apply for funds covered by this solicitation, and how grantees will be selected. This announcement consists of four parts: . Part I provides background, purpose, and goals of the Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program. . Part II describes specific program, administrative and reporting requirements that will apply to all grant awards. . Part III describes the application process. . Part N describes the review process and rating criteria that will be used to evaluate applications for funding. http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm 2 of 18 9f7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm PART I- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE REENTRY PROGRAM. ��- p5 a A. Background The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 establishes comprehensive reform of existing Federal job training programs with amendments iznpacting service delivery under the Wagner Peyser Act, Adult Education and Literacy Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. WIA provides a framework for a national one-stop delivery system designed to meet both the needs of the nation's businesses and the needs of job seekers who want to further their careers. A number of other Federal programs are also identified as required pariuers under the One-Stop delivery system with the intention of providing comprehensive services for all Americans to access the information and resources available to them in the development and unplementation of their cazeer goals. The intent of the One-Stop delivery system is to establish programs and providers in co-located, coordinated and integrated settings that are coherent and accessible for individuals and businesses alike in over 600 workforce inveshnent azeas which have been established throughout the nation. WIA establishes State and Local Boazds focused on strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of the workforce system with significant authority for the Czovernor and chief elected officials to build on existing reforms in order to implement innovative and comprehensive One-Stop delivery systems. In addition, Youth Councils, subgroups of the Local Boards, assist in developing parts of the local plan relating to youth, recommending providers of youth services, and coordinating local youth programs and initiatives. With its requirements to form these interdisciplinary Youth Councils and to develop one comprehensive plan for youth services, WIA presents a unique opportunity to change the way warkforce development programs (and other youth development programs as well) are organized and operated to serve youth. WIA and the Youth Councils offer local areas the chance to look at how both in-school and out-of-school youth services aze blended and deployed. They provide the framewark that local areas can build on in order to reali�, enhance, and improve youth services so that they are more closely coordinated, better urilized, and more effective. In setting aside funds for this Solicitation, Congress noted °the severe problems facing out-of-school youth in communities with high poveriy and unemployment and the inter-relatedness of poverty, juvenile crnne, child abuse and neglect, school failure, and teen pregnancy." This Notice provides a unique opportunity for selected workforce inveshnent areas to address the needs of a special youth populafion - young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth ages 14 to 24 - through a comprehensive WIA effort. In addition, the models developed under this solicitation will enhance public safety by assisting commwiities to develop and sustain an infrastructure to reintegrate offenders, and will allow DOL, DO7 and DHHS to evaluate the program, identify effective practices, and disseminate these practices to other communities. For this target population, unaddressed and untreated mental health problems often contribute to involvement in the juvenile justice system. Research indicates that beriveen 50°lo to 80% of youth detained in juvenile facilities haue mental health problems and that more than half of those with a psychological disorder also have a co-occurring substance abuse problem. Because untreated behaviaral health problems can be severely debilitating, and because the prevalence of such disorders is significantly elevated for delinquent youth, it is critical that mental health and substance abuse services be incorporated into any comprehensive sirategy that is designed to enhance youth functioning, decrease recidivism, and promote enduring workforce participation for this population. In the previous two rounds of the youth offender grants (FYs 1998 and 2000), DOL in partnership with DOJ, had funded four demonstration projects under a separate model, the Education and Training for Youth Offenders Initiative. The grants under this model include projects in Columbus, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Tallahassee, FL; and a fourth site 3 of 18 9/7(2001 8:16 AM Young Of�'ender Initiarive: Reenhy Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.htm funded under SGA/DFA O1-101 to be announced by June 30, 2001. The first ofthese ��' ��� projects are in operation and provide comprehensive school-to-work education and training curricula for young offenders in juvenile correcrions facilities and aftercazefreentry services upon the youths' return to their conununities, with an emphasis on job placement and retention. Both DOL and DOJ are extremely interested in lessons leamed from these sites, and will continue to evaluate the programs and services offered under this model. B. Purpose and Goals of the Overall Young Offender Initiative: Reentry Grant Program The Demonstration Grant Program is part of the larger Young Offender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program (Initiative) developed collaboratively by DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The focus of the Initiative is to assist communities in planning and implementing comprehensive "reentry" programs to address the full range of challenges involved in helping young offenders released from incazceration make a successful transition back to the community. The goai of the Initiative is to protect community safety through the successful reintegration of offenders returning to the community, by ensuring that offenders: . become productive, responsible, and law-abiding citizens; . are provided with positive opportunities to engage in pro-social activities; . maintain long-term employment; . sustain a stable residence; and . successfully address their substance abuse issues and mental health needs. There aze challenges in achieving this goal. These challenges involve assessing not only the needs of released offenders, but also the needs of the communities to which they rehun. Central to this effort is helping comtnunities prepare for returiiing offenders by developing the infrastructure to more effectively integrate them - to ensure that communities have the resources to address offender accountability, supervision, and other public safety concerns, as well as offender long-term employment, health, mental health, substance abuse, and other critical needs. Addressing offender supervision, self-su£ficiency, public health and related issues promotes public safety. Addressing the community's wide-ranging needs requires creating broad public/private parinerships to tap the expertise and resources of key stakeholders to contribute to the effort. With this broad support, it is expected that highly collaborarive reeniry programs will be successful in meeting the goals of this Initiative by providing communiries with the reentry assessment and support systems that both offenders and communities need to protect public safety and the health and overall weli-being of its citizens. This Initiative seeks to promote innovative programs by providing applicants latitude in structuring their programinatic efforts. Both the larger Reentry Grant Program Initiative and the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program share several other goals as well, which are to: . Create innovative models of collaboration among Govemors' designated representatives; Federal, State, and local government agencies responsible for criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse; CBOs, faith-based organizations, employers, offenders and their fami&es; . Support localities in their efforts to promote healthy youth development activities that will assist at-risk youth and young offenders to positively contribute to the life of their communities; . Leam as much as possible about what works in offender reentry and programs tlu�ough testing and evaluating promising approaches; and . Develop information on best practices on young offender reenhy and to share this information with the criminal justice, workforce development, mental health and substance abuse delivery systems. 4 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Of£ender Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program a�-�oso These goals, when realized, will provide beneficial results to DOL, DO7, and DHHS in their effort to refine and leam from program experience with offenders. These will be in addition to the body of knowledge we already have on this younger population. Like the grants under the lazger prograzn, the Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program is a demonstration effort, however, the target group is 14-24 years old. DOL has already received interim resuits of its first evaluation of the program and they are reflected and incorporated into the new solicitation that is part of the larger collaborative effort. As these reenriy progams aze implemented, it will also be critical to document what works, by evaluating these efforts, identifying effective practices, and disseminating them to other communities. This Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program`s overarching goal is to protect community safety through the successfui reintegration of offenders retuming to the community by ensuring that these individuals are given the supports that will better enable them to be productive, responsible citizens who are crime-free, maintain long-term employment and a stable residence, and are engaged in substance abuse and mental health treahnent as needed. The Young Offender Initiative: Demonstration Grant Program targets an age-related subset of the larger initiative's target population and expands the focus to include other at-risk or gang-involved youth but retains the same goal of providing job training and employment opportunities, education, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation, mental health, aftercare, housing and family support services, and juvenile/criminal jusrice supervision. C. Authority Sections 1�1 and 172 ofthe Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 2801, et se�c ., authorizes use of funds for demonsiration projects. DOL is authorized to award and administer this program by the Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. No. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763A-3 (2000). D. Funding Availability The Department expects to award 6 grants approximately $1.5 million each under category A(Large Areas) and 5 grants approximately $600,000 each under category B(Small to Medium-Sized Areas) for a total of appxoximately $11.5 million. PART II - REQUIREMENTS. A. Eligible Participants Applicants are to target the youth populafion ages 14-24 focusing primarily on placing youth offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth into long term employment (part-time for ages 14-15). B. Administrative Requirements 1. General Grantee organizations will be subject to: these guidelines; the terms and conditions of the grant and any subsequent modifications; applicable Federal laws (including provisions in appropriations law); and any applicable requirements listed below- a. Workforce Investment Boards - 20 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 667.220, published in the Federal Register, August 11, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 49294) (Administrative Costs). http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -1095ga.htm 5 of 18 4/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiarive: Reentry Crrant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm O ���OSO b. Non-Profit Organizations - Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars A-122 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduziuistrative Requirements). c. Educational Institutions - OMB Circulazs A-21 (Cost Principies) and 29 CFR Part 95 (Aduiinisttative Requirements). d. State and L,ocal Governments - OMB Circulazs A-87 (Cost Principles) and 29 CFR Part 97 (Administrative Requirements). e. All entities must comply with 29 CFR Parts 93 and 98, and, where applicable, 29 CFR Parts 96 and 99. NOTE: Except as specifically provided, DOLBTA acceptance of a proposal and an award of federal funds to sponsor any program(s) does not provide a waiver of any grant requirement and/or procedures. For example, the OMB circulars require an entity's procurement procedures must require that all procurement transactions must be conducted, as practical, to provide open and free competition. If a proposal identifies a specific entity to provide the services, the DOLBTA's award does not provide the justification or basis to sole-source the procurement, i.e., avoid competition. 2. Subgrants/Contracts Subgrants and contracts must be awarded in accardance with 29 CFR 95.40. In compliance with Executive Orders 12876, 12900, 12928 and 13021, the grantee(s) are strongly encouraged to provide subgranting opportunities to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Insritutions and Tribal Colleges and Universities. 3. Incorporation of New Information Grantees must utilize any newly developed DOL/DOJ/SAMHSA reseazch findings (which may become available a$er the grant awards) on how to run effective programs. Applicants therefare will be required to modify their demonstrarion program during the post-award planning process based upon any new information, as specified in the terms and condirions of the grant award. In order to assist with this effort, DOL, DO7, and DHHS wiil design early technical assistance in the planning process to aid the grantees with the incorporation of program changes predicated on the new information. 4. Evaluation As a condition for award, all applicants must agree to participate in a separately-funded evaluation. Applicants will not set aside funds for evaluation acfivities. All applicants must provide assurances in their proposals that they will cooperate with the evaluators and provide access to the data necessary to the evaluations. Awardees of the grants fiirther agree to make available upon request to DOL-authorized evaluation contractor(s) data for a period not to exceed 24 months beyond the demonstration period (which should not exceed 24 months) through a no-cost extension of the grants. The availability of this data beyond the demonstration period will enable the contractor to perform follow-up analysis. C. Reporting Requirements Applicants must clearly define their procedures for reporting progress on a quarterly basis (including data elements listed in Part II C.2 ) and for identifying and preseniing the results of project interventions. Proposals should also describe in detail the specific reports and other deliverables to be provided to ETA as documentation of progress and results in terxns 6 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y9ung OfEender Iniriarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O1-109sga.htm of nnproved outcomes far the target population. An nnplementation plan to be submitted ��'�OS O within 60 days of the grant execution and approved by DOL, DOJ, and DHHS quarterly reports, an annual report, and a final report summarizing progress are required for projects under this SGA. For financial reports, the grantee must consult its appropriate adininistrative regularions, 29 CFR Part 95 and 29 CFR 97. 1. Data Collecrion All demonstration sites must coliect and maintain participant records and compile adininistrative data from these projects to document results and accomplishxnents, and provide a leaniing experience for the workforce development system, DOL, DOJ and DHHS. The data requirements must include the following information in rivo age ranges (14-17 and 18-24): . Number recruited; . Number enrolled; . Number who entered training; . Number who entered or reentered secondary school; . Number who entered or reentered post-secondary school; . Number who entered employment (total): . Subsidized and . Unsubsidized; . Number "served by aftercare" programs; . Number who entered the military; . Number who entered national and community service; . Number referred to other services such as dropout prevention, drug rehabilitation, mental health and substance abuse treatment services; . Number who entered other job training programs; . Number referred to apprenticeship programs; . Number of in-school youth served; and . Number of out-of-school youth served. As a measure of progress, grantees also must collect data on factors which predict future employment of youth prior to youth's employment full-time, full-year. Therefore, applicants must identify what factors consider to be youth development indicators, e.g., dependability in participating in project activities; remaining free of further convictions; passing part or all of the GED examinations; being able to keep a part-time job; or making acceptable progress (credits earned) toward a diploma, etc. In addition, if applicable, data elements associated with WIA may be required (to be specified in the grantee's statement of work). D. Acknowledgment of Federal Funding In all circumstances, the following must be displayed on pzinted materials: "Preparation of this materiaUitem was funded by the United States Department of Labor under Grant Agreement No. [insert the appropriate grant agreement number]. When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other docuxnents describing projects or programs funded in whole ox in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds must cleazly state: a. The percentage of the total costs of the program or project wtuch wili be fmanced with Federal money; b. The dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program; and c. The percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the proj ect or program that will be 7 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Yovng OfYender Initiative: Reenhy Grant Program financed by non-goveimnental sources. PART III - APPLICATION PROCESS. A, Eligible Applicants Under this Initiative, Youth Offender: Aemonstration Grant Program, there will be two (2) categories of eligible applicants; APPLICANTS MAY ONLY APPLY UNDER ONE CATEGORY. They are: 1. Category A- Lar�e Areas 'O�-105'� Local Boazds other political subdivisions of the State, and eligible private entities which provided services located in high-crime communities with a population greater than 400,000 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement; or 2. Category B- Small to Medium-Sized Areas Local Boards, other political subdivisions of the State, and private entities which are all situated within high-crime communities with a population of at least 100,000 and not greater than 4QO,Q00 and a high youth crime rate and a significant youth gang problem are eligible to receive grant funds under this announcement. All applicants in both categories aze required to designate a specific area or neighborhood (i.e., Empowerment Zones [EZs] and/or Economic Communities [ECs], etc.) to receive services under this demonstration. Private entities not eligible for funds under this Notice are for-profit organizations, 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations, and individuals. According to Section 18 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, an organization described in Section 501 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engages in lobbying activities will not be eligible for the receipt of federal funds constituting an award, grant, or loan. Eligible entities may include community development corporations, community action agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations, disability community organizations, health care organizafions, children and family service agencies, public and private colieges and universities, and other qualified private organizations. Organizations or areas that operate the Department of Justice's Safe Futures or Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression demonstrations can also apply through their Local Boards. Applicants should provide documentation from their local law enforcement agency showing support far the existence or emerging gang problem and other serious youth crime problems. Entities other than a Locai Board must submit an application for competirive grant funds in conjunction with the Local Board(s) the area in which the project is to operate. The term "in conjunction with" must mean that the application must include a signed certification by both the applicant and the appropriate Local Board (s) indicating that: 1. The applicant has consulted with the appropriate Local Board (and its Youth Council) during the development of the application; and 2. The acrivities proposed in the application are consistent with, and will be coordinated with, the One-Stop delivery system efforts of the Locai Board(s). If the applicant is unable to obtain the certification, it will be required to include information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consuit with the Local Board and its Youth http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.hhn 8 of 18 9/�/2001 8:16 AM Yeung OfPenderInitiafive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc. doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm Council and indicating that the Local Board was provided, during the proposal solicitation '0 �' ��� period, a sufficient opportunity to cooperate in the development of the project plan and to review and comment on the application before its submission to the Department of Labor. "Sufficient opportunity for Local Boazd review and commenY' must mean at least 3Q calendar days. Failure to provide information describing the efforts which were undertaken to consult with L,ocal Board(s) will disqualify applicants. The certification, or evidence of efforts to consult, must be with each Local Board in the service area in which the proposed project is to operate. These certifications must be included in the grant applicafion, and will not count against the established page limitations. For the purposes of this portion of the application, evidence of efforts to consult with the Local Board must be demonstrated by written documentarion, such as registered mail receipt, that attempts were made to share project applications with the Locai Board in a timely manner. Local Board applicants and applicants that provide a signed certification by the applicant and the appropriate Local Board(s) will be given preference for award. B. Submission of Applications Each application clearly must identify the category under the Youth Offender: Demonstration Grant Program, the applicant is applying for funds.. This information must appear on the face sheet of the applicarion. 1. The Application Applicants must submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of their proposal, with original signatures. There aze three required sections of the applicarion: Section I- Project Financial Plan; Section II- Execurive Suirunary; and Section III- Project Narrative (inciuding Appendices, NOT TO EXCEED thirty pages). Applications that faii to meet these requirements will not be considered. Section I- Project Financial Plan Section I of the application must include Yhe following two required elements: (1) Standard Form (SF) 424, "Application for Federal Assistance,"(Appendix A) and (2) "Budget Inforxnation Form," (Appendix B). All copies of the SF 424 MTJST haue original signatures of the legal entity applying for grant funds. Applicants must indicate on the SF 424 the organization's IRS Status, if appiicable. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) nuxnber is 17-261. Section T will not count against the application page limits. In preparing the Budget Information form, the Financial Plan must describe all costs associated with nnplementing the project that are to be covered with grant funds. In addition, Secrion I must include a budget narrative/justification which will detail the cost breakout of each line item on the Budget Information Form. This must provide sufficient information to support the reasonableness of the costs included in the budget in relation to the service strategy and planned outcomes. The budget must be for the full duration of the project but may not exceed 30 months. All costs must be necessary and reasonable according to the Federal guidelines set forth in the "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments" (also irnown as the "Common Rule"), codified at 29 CFR Part 97 (97.22) and "Grants and Agreements with Insritutes of Higl�er Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations" (also laiown as OMB Circular A-110), codified at 29 CFR Part 95, (95.27). Section II - Executive Summary (format requirements limited to no more than two single-spaced, single-sided pages). Each application must provide a project synopsis which identifies the following: 9 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Initiative: Reenlry Grant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm . •The applicant; �I- tb$'� .•The consortium pariners and the type of organizations they represent; . •The project service azea; .•Whether the service area is an entire local workforce inveshnent azea, more than one local area, andJor ail local areas in a State; .•The specific azeas of focus in the announcement which are addressed by the project; . •The pianned period of performance; .•A sunmiary of the comprehensive strategy (e.g., who will provide services, who will be accountable far the project, etc.) for providing seamless service delivery and for addressing the multi-faceted barriers to traiuing and employment which affect youth who are or who have been under crnninal justice supervision or involved in gangs or who are at-risk of involvement; .•How counseling and other support needs will be addressed in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The actions already taken by the State or Local Workforce Investment Board to address the needs of at-risk youth in the One-Stop delivery system; .•The levei of commitment the applicant (including all consortium members, if any) and other partners have to serving at-risk youth; .•The linkages between the project and the local WIA Youth Council through the One-Stop delivery system, as well as linkages with the business and education communities, mental health and substance abuse systems, and juvenile justice agencies; and .•A written confirmation that the applicant will cooperate with the evaluators. Section III - Project Narrative (format requirements limited to no more than thirty (3Q) double-spaced, single-sided, numbered pages). Section III of the application, the project narrative, must contain the technical proposal that demonstrates the applicant's plan and capabilities in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained in this notice. Applicants MLTST limit the project narrative section to no more than thirty (30) double-spaced and single-sided pages, which include any attachments provided by the applicants. Letters of general support or recommendation for a proposal must NOT be submitted and will count against the page limit. However, letters of commitment aze required from parhier/consortia organizations and will not count against the page innit. The Project Narrative must be double-spaced, and on single-sided, numbered pages with the exception of format requirements for the Executive Summary. The Executive Summary must be limited to no more than two (2) single-spaced, single-sided pages. A font size of at least twelve (12) pitch is required throughout the application. 2. Youth Development Principles Strength-based programining that is designed to build upon a youth's assets and enhance functioning at the individual, family, and community levels will foster healthy development and fiirther advance the goals of youth involvement in pro-social activity. DOL, DOJ and DHHS expect models developed under this solicitation to be consistent with the youth development principles that Gary Walker described in the Sar Levitan Insritute's A Generation of Challenge.• Pathways to Success for Urban Youth (1997): . Each young person needs to feel that at least one adult has a strong stake in his labar market success. . Programs must be connected to employers; piacement with one of these employers is possible and initial placement is one step in a continuing long-term relationship with a program that will advance the young person's employment and earnings. . Each young person must feei at each step the need to improve education and credentials. . Program support will be there for a long time. 10 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/01-109sga.hhn �p�_�bSD . Effective connections are maintained between the programs and providers of support services. . The program emphasizes civic involvement and service. Age Issues: Also, critical to the new model is the distinction between two subpopulations within the solicitation target group: younger youth (ages 14 to 17) and older youth (ages 18 to 24). Younger youth require different sets of trearinent and skills prograuuning than those between the ages of 18 and 24, as they may have less exposure to the world of work and fewer of the necessary work-related sldlls or may not be able to enter into long-term, full-time work until they are older. Services intended for younger youth should, therefore, focus on pre-employment trauring, education, treahnent and appropriate employment in preparation for long-term employxnent when they reach an appropriate age. Interventions for these youth that aze the most effective are those that can make a positive impact upon both the youth and his or her family. The provision of strength-based family-centered therapy and supports designed to enhance family functioning and communication will thus facilitate the broader process of skill and competency development for the youth. For youth re-entering the community following institutional placement, it is particulazly vital to offer therapeutic supports to aid the re-unification process. Older youth (18 to 24 year-olds) should focus on attaining their GEDs ar diplomas, possibly pursuing higher education ar additional vocational training, and obtaining unsubsidized fuil-time employment. The applicants must use the following structure: One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model Demonstration projects under this model will operate in hea�ily impoverished communities in need of implementing comprehensive conununity-wide approaches to assist young offenders, gang members, and those at risk of becoming involved in gangs, all of whom may either be currentiy in school or out-of-school. These communities will have already built service capacity into their One-Stop delivery systems to expand the range and quality of services designed to prepare high-risk youth for high-quality employment with career development ladders and livable wages, but may not have fully implemented these activities. Grantees will be required to expand services in each of 3 areas: 1) gang prevention and suppression activities; 2) alternative sentencing for offenders; and 3) after-care and case management for incazcerated youth. In additaon, grantees must provide educafion and mental health services, employment training, sports and recreation, youth development services, and community services projects in order to reduce recidivism and procure for the target population long-term employment at livable wage levels. The grantees must piace particular emphasis on enhancing existing case management, treahnent, youth development, family involvement and support, and job placement services far youth on probation or for those who are reentering the community from corrections facilities. These support services should be provided tt�roughout the entire employment search continuum, i.e., from the beginning of the employment search until well after the procurement of employment. Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and acrivities. The projects also will maintaan records of the number of contacts made after placement and the type of support services provided. The projects also will implement an intensive and comprehensive aftercare system to reduce juvenile recidivism. Aftercare systems should be implemented while youth aze still incarcerated to establish community links with faith-based organizations, parents or guardians, mental health and substance abuse treatment systems, schools, training and educationai opportunities, parole systems, social contacts and activities, and mentors. The aftercare services pianned for those individuals incarcerated must involve the staff and administrators of the juvenile corrections facilities where the youth are insritutionalized. Structured Model Requirements: 11 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffznderIniriative:Reenhy GrantProgram New shuctured requirements for the model which all applicants must use are based, in part, on PEPNet effective practices criteria and the Interim Report for Youth Offender Demonsh Project, Process Evaluation (Mazch 2001) for the first round of Young Offender Grants, which may be found at the Employment and Training Admiiush website, http:1/www.doleta.gov. Applicants' proposals aze required to demonstrate the following, wYuch will be rated in the rating criteria: 0�-\Ot'o (1) Well Conceived Plan: . Program has a cleaz and focused vision and mission. . Program goais and objectives are realistic and measurable. . Stakeholders, including community partners, family member representatives, and front-line staff, aze involved during program development and implementation. (2) Established Partnership with the Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: .•Grantee is experienced in working with the Juvenile Justice and Health Caze Systems. (3) Collecting and Maintaining Data: . A system for collecting and reporting program information is available and urilized. (4) Community Support/Network: . Program is supported by youth and fanuly serving agencies including CBOs, faith-based organizations, and public service agencies. .•Projects need to include youth and families in project planning and activities. (5) Grantee Involvement: . Grantee is the lead agency, actively providing direction and coordination for the project. . C�rantee involvement and support is continuous. (� Connections with Workforce Development, Juvenile Justice and Health Care Systems: . Grantee coordinates with and utilizes resources available through the Workforce Development, Juvenile Jusrice, and Health Care Systems. ('n Leveraging Resources through Collaboration and Partnerships: . Project effectively idenrifies and utilizes other resources and funding streams to support project goals. (8) Continuous Improvement: . Project conducts sel£ assessment and actively seeks and accepts available technical assistance. (9) Shared Leadership and Information Sharing: . Decision making and information is shared with stakeholders. http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.htm 12 of 18 4/7(2001 8:1fi AM Young Off�nder Initiarive: Reentry Grant Program http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm 'Q�- tOSo 3. Program Components The grant awazds must be used to enhance and augment presently existing slrategies which serve young offenders, out-of-school youth, and gang members or those at-risk of becoming gang-involved. Efforts shouid be made to integrate youth into a full range of educational, treatment, and alternarive programs when appropriate. In addirion to intensifying current systems, the projects also will link with and build upon available community resources such as educationai (including special education), support, workforce development (engaging Local Boards/Youth Councils), health care, child caze, and transportation services. The projects will use these community resources to accomplish the successful transirion of youth to independent living within the community, a reduction in recidivism, and the accomplishment of employment, training, and education goals. In arder to address specifically the distinct needs and problems of young offenders, gang members, and those at-risk of becoming gang-involved who are living in high-poverty localities, the overarching strategy for the model community projects should encompass the following: Purpose/Need: Applicants must describe the need in the tazget neighbarhood as demonstrated by issues such as severity of gang problems, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, gaps in availabilaty of adolescent mental health and substance abuse treatment for at-risk youth, and the inability for existing services to address the needs of young offenders and gang members. Applicants should also relate the need to the overall purpose of the planned program components. Alternative sentencing/education: Grantees must describe their plans for expanding altemative sentencing, including enhanced education services for young offenders. Project case managers and other staff must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by providing assistance to remain in school, return to school, enroll in GED and high school equivalency classes, or participate in additional alternative education such as long-distance learning programs or on-line courses. Applicants must describe the educational services that will be offered by the project, with particular attention given to the utilization of existing educational system services and the involvement of the schoois in the area. Youth with emotional and behavioral disorders will benefit from evidence-based, culturally competent treahnent interventions. Applicants must describe the process for providing assessment and treatnnent planning, as well as the options far individual and family therapy that will be made auailable. In addition, applicants must describe the overall use of project case managers and other staff in the planned program components that will provide educational services. Career preparation services: The One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model must provide for employment prepasation, youth development services, job placement, and linkages with the woxkforce development system. The model must focus on programs that train individuals far employment in fields in which technology skills are critical aspects of the jobs emerging in the regional labor market. The training model may also include basic skills and pre-apprenticeship training as appropriate, particularly for younger youth, e.g. ages 1417. Applicants must address the various strategies that their models will employ to actively recruit the target population, and must discuss the projected length of time necessary to determine the efficacy of their models' technical assistance. Case managemeredsupport services: Project case managers must prepare the target population for sustainable high-quality employment by utilizing intensive training and support services, including drug and alcohol treatment, mentoring and tutoring, child caze, counseling and other case management services. The framework for the model must provide for (as applicable): individual needs assessment; individual service strategies; long-term follow-up services; and linkages with human services, housing health care, education, and transportation services; and gender-specific services (e.g., treahnent for trauma associated with sexual abuse, and domestic violence prevention initiatives). Other strategies may 13 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young O�'fenderIniriative: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/Ol -109sga.hhn include "soft skills" trainin e. individual com etenc develo ment efforts like ob �t —\O$O S� S•> P Y P )> J behavior and life skills tra.iiring, social skills and self-deternunation, conflict resolution, parenting classes, exposure to post-secondary education opportunities, and military service/national and community service projects. Service strategies must also focus on providing assistance to engage in job trainiiig, secure employxnent, fulfill legai restiturion obligations, or establish successful independent living. Special-needs youth, including those with physical, psychiatric, and/or developmental disabilities must be provided with enhanced case management that will allow them to access a comprehensive system of caze, including treatment, education, and individual and family support services. Because this wide range of services should be provided by the proposed or existing partnerships of community organizations, applicants must submit memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with the local WIA partners and other critical agencies specifying the role of each party in the project. Applicants must describe the intensive trauung and support services identified above that will be offered as part of the planned program components, and must detail the mle of project case managers in the provision of these training and support services. In addition, applicants must detail their capacity to sustain these activities for 2 yeazs after funding under this solicitation is no longer available. Young Offender and Gang Prevention Advisory Board: In order to institute a holistic approach to assisting the target population, family member representatives, employment, education, mental health, child welfaze, substance abuse, criminal justice, and community-based youth programs must be incorporated into the projects. In developing this interrelated system, grant funds must be used to create a young offender and gang prevention advisory board that participates in the coordination of all activiries and provides input and community support to the projecYs leadership. The advisory board shouid be comprised of public and private sector representation, parents, youth members, and graduates of other young offender programs and will link with the local Youth Council to provide seamless delivery of services and masimize use of auailable resources. Applicants must describe the planned composition of the advisory board, with particulaz emphasis upon the process for selecting and seating the representation of the boazd. The applicant must describe the functions of the board and the process planned to utilize the board in designing the holistic delivery expected under the project. Grantees must also describe their plans for expanding gang prevention and suppression efforts in the target community, including e�anded efforts by local law enforcement agencies. Aftercare: Grant funds must link with existing resources to provide intensive aftercare services for young offenders transitioning from secure confinement in a juvenile corrections facility to the community. Projects must strategically coordinate community-wide efforts and resources to address reenhy issues such as surveillance, supervision, graduated sanctions and incentives, linkages to community support systems (families, peers, schools, employers), transitional housing, and job training and placement activities. Applicants must describe clearly, detailed reentry plans for young offenders scheduled for release to their communities and their capacity to sustain their activities for 2 years after funding is no longer available. Strategies for effective case management services in aftercare prograimning include: . Use of a reliable and validated risk assessment and classification instrument for establishing eligibility of the tazgeted population; . Individual case planning that incorporates a family and community perspective; . Provision of inental health and substance abuse assessment and referral to appropriate treahnent services . A mix of intensive surveillance and enhanced service delivery; . Comprehensive, interagency transition plauning that invoives all critical stakeholders; . A balance of incentives and graduated consequences coupled with the imposirion of realistic, enforceable conditions; . Work-related or work-oriented activifies such as eaposure to the workplace, on-the job training, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; 14 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young Offender Iniriative: Reenhy Crrant Program hrip://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O 1-109sga.htm O��lOSo Coordination o£resources of juvenile conectional agencies, juvenile courts, juvenile parole agencies, law enforcement agencies, social service providers, and local Workfarce Investment Boazds; and "Soft sldlls" traiuing, e.g., individual competency development efforts, job behavior and life skilis training; self deternunation and social skills training; conflict resolution and anger management; pazenting classes; exposure to post-secondary educarion opporhwities; and community service learning projects. Partnerships/Linkages: In addition to enhancing akeady existing services and programs, projects must center any newly developed and implemented activities upon the needs of youffi involved, or at risk of becoming involved, with the juvenile justice system and gangs. In order to accomplish this, applicants should use partnerships both (1) to enhance the young offender programs funded under this grant and (2) to provide complementary programs so as to link services within the target community and provide a diversity of options for all young offenders within the target area. These parinerships must agree to: . Implement an education and employment program for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area, including coordination with the private sector to develop a specified number of career-track jobs for tazget area young offenders; . Establish alternative sentencing and community service options for young offenders, gang members, and at-risk youth in the target area; . Connect youth and their families to appropriate therapeutic and supportive services designed to enhance individual and family functioning; . Expand gang suppression activities in the tazget uea; . Provide work-related or work-oriented activities such as exposure to the workplace, on-the job training, youth development services, work experience, job shadowing, etc.; and . Build connections to local workforce investment systems such as linkages with Local Boards while demonstrating approaches that ensure that high-risk youth are provided with quality workforce development services. Applicants must outline how they will involve residents, youth, and others of the community in planning and involvement in the effort. Proposals must describe the efforts within the project to utilize existing services and programs, particularly those offered through the WIA One-Stop delivery system, the juvenile justice system, and health care system. Applicants must describe the efforts to be undertaken to coordinate services with private sector entities, including commitments for private sector jobs. Proposals must describe newly developed and implemented services and how these will enhance and augment presently existing strategies in the community. In addition, proposals must specify the linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Model, local One-Stop delivery systems and the Youth Council (which is part of the Workforce Invesiment Board) to ensure coordination of workforce development services. These linkages must include both existing and proposed strategies. 4. Cost Sharing/Leveraging Funds Applicants also should discuss their plans to leverage and align with other funds or resources in order to buiid permanent partnersbips for the continuation of services, and should provide some discussion of the nature of these leveraged resources, i.e., Federal, non-Federal, cash or in-kind, State and county, foundation, capital equipment, and other funds. Also, the Federal Bonding Program and the Wark Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) should be considered as potential tools to assist with young offender employment placements. Information about these programs may be found on ETA's website at hrip://www.doleta.gov. C. Delivery of Applications 15 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Y�ung O£�fender Iniriative: Reentry Grant Program 1. Hand Delivered Proposals Mailed applications must be mailed in time to ve received at the address identified above by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001. We prefer that appiications be mailed at least five days priar to the closing date. To be considered for funding, hand-delivered applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. (Eastem Daylight Savings Time), on Monday October 1, 2001 at the address identified above. All ovemight mail will be considered to be hand delivered and must be received at the designated place by the specified closing date and tune. 2. Telegraphed and/or Faged Applications Will Not Be Honored Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be a basis for a deternrination of nonresponsiveness. Overnight express mail from carriers other than the U.S. Postal Service will be considered hand-delivered applications and must be received by the above specified date and time. 3. Late Applications Any application received after the exact date and time specified for receipt at the office designated in this notice will not be considered, unless it is received before awards are made and it: . was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth calendar day before the date specified for receipt of applications (e.g., an application submitted in response to a solicitation requiring receipt of applications by the 20�' of the month must have been mailed/post-marked by the 15� of the month); or . was sent by the U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day Service, Post Office to Addressee, not later than 4:00 P.M. at the place of mailing two working days prior to the dateline date specified for receipt of proposals in this SGA. The term "working days" excludes weekends and federal holidays. 41-�oS� The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of an application received after the deadline date for the receipt of proposals sent by the U.S. Postal Service and on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. The term "post-marked" means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impression (exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that is readily identifiable, without further action, as having been supplied or affixed on the date of mailing by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service. D. Performance Period The period of performance for all grants awarded under this competition, will be for 30 months from the date the grant is awarded. The first 24 months must be devoted to providing program services to eligible youth as defined in this norice. The final six months will be solely for organizing participant case files, providing the files to tl�e demonstration's evaluator within two months after grant-funded services terminate, and participating in a final site visit interview with the evaluators. The budget submitted for the period of performance must cover the fu1130 months. PART IV - REVIEW PROCESS & RATING CRITERIA. The technical panel which will be composed ofpeer reviewers and the three agencies personnel, will make a careful evaluation of applicarions against the criteria established in this Notice. The panel will review grant applicants against the criteria listed below on the basis of 100 points with an additional5 points available for non-federal or leveraged resources. Final funding decisions will be based on the rating of applications as a result of http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm 16 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM Young OffenderIniriarive: Reenhy GrantProgram http://wdsc.doleta.gov/sga/sga/O l -109sga.htm the review process, and other factozs such as geographic balance, availability of funds, and ��—'�So what is most advantageous to the Government. The panel results aze advisory in nature and not binding on the Grant Officer. The Govemment may elect to award the grant(s) with or without the discussions with the offeror(s). In situations without discussions, an award will be based on the offeror's signature on the SF 424, which constitutes a binding offer. MODEL RATING CRITERIA: Each appiication under this category will be evaluated against the following rating criteria: . Establishment of and adherence to model structure requirements (15 points), see Part III.B.2; planned or committed linkages between the One-Stop Youth Services Demonstration Model, the One-Stop delivery system (WIA local board and youth council) and the juvenile justice and health care systems (20 points) _(35 total points): . Plan to enhance and augment alternative sentencing, including educational, youth development, mental health, substance abuse, and supportive services and case management (7 points); role of project case managers in these delivery strategies (4 points); plan for linking with schools for co-enrollment, etc. (4 points) _(15 total points); . Plan and capacity for conducting intensive comprehensive aftercare for enhancing positive youth development and preventing recidivism (15 points); . Level of planned or committed participation of educationai agencies/schools, health caze agencies (5 points); and other public sectar, WIA, and private sector partners (5 points); employxnent-related connections with the business community (5 points) _(15 total points); . Plan for enhancing gang prevention and suppression efforts, and use of a young offender and gang prevenrion advisory board to achieve coordination (6 points); establishment of creative partnerships with local community grassroots organizations which provide services to the target population (4 points) _(10 total points); Need in target neighborhood, as demonstrated by severity of gang problem, the number of young offenders residing in the target community, and the barriers facing existing services to reach young offenders and gang members, such as gaps in availability of mentai health and substance abuse treatment (5 points); and Plan to fulfill reporting requirements; and confirmation of cooperation with DOL evaluators (5 points). . Leveraging of Funding (5 additional points). We will give up to five (5) additional rating points to proposals which include non-Federal resources that expand the dollar amount, size and scope of the proposal. The applicant may include any leveraging or co-funding anticipated. To be eligible for the additional points in the criterion, the applicant must list the source(s) of funds, the nature, and activities anticipated with these funds under this cooperative agreement and any partnerships, linkages or coordination of activities, cooperative funding. Signed at Washington, D.C., this lst day of June, 2001. Laura A. Cesario Grants Officer Appendix A: Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) Appendix B: Budget Information Form 17 of 18 9/7/2001 8:16 AM