273717 WHITE - CiTV CLERK ������
Zn e Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Com ' tee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance to repeal certain obsolete chapters
of the St. Paul Legislative Code, namely: 80 -
Divine Guidance for City Council; 82A - Bureau of
Municipal Testing Laboratories; 88- Collection of
Rent� Due Gity; g2 - Surety Bonds of City Officers
and Employees; 92B - Bureau of Public Information; and
97 - Vocational Schools.
Section 1.
That the following listed chapters of the St. Paul
Legislative Code be and the same hereby are repealed:
80 - Divine Guidance for City Council
82A - Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories
88 - Collection of Rents Due Cit�-
92 - Surety Bonds of City Officers and Employees
92B - Bureau of Public Information
97 - Vocational School�
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Bi�I�r McMahon
Hozza In Favor
Levine � Against BY
sno 1979
esco ��� 4 Form Approved by C Attorney �,
Ad ed by Counc' . Date
Certifie sed by Cou ci�Sec tary BY
App by Mayor: at 0 �9�� Ap ro by Mayor for S ouncil
By B
puBUSKED 0 CT 13 `�
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Date c �ep���3�, 1979 � ,
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_ k'R: . City Attorney
g�; Ordinance to repeal obsol�te chagters of Legislative Co�e:
Chaptere 80, $2A, 88, 92, 92B and 97
Coun.cil Action _. .
Review of: Legislative Code brings att�ntion to obsolete
chapters of the �code:
80 - Divine Guidanee for Ci,ty �ouncil. At one tim�, the
mayor selected: clergymen of various r�ligious fai�ths
to be present at o�eeting eaeh week, an.d thie
chapter authorized sueh and payment for egpenses.
Not used in many years. _
82A - Buresu of Municipa�l Testing Laboratoriee. At ane
time, the city had such a labo�atory:, but there
h�sn't been one for some time. -
88�ollection of Rents Due City. This �hapter provides ,
for a duty o� the commissioner of ' finanee to dolleet
rents due. How �nd when rents are colTected are .
covered by the lease or agreement arran.gin.g �or re�ital.
92 - Surety Bonds of City O�ficers and Employeee ��n.der
old eharter) . Such �re provided for in Chapt�r 22
of the Administrat�ive Code.
92B - Bureau of Public Information. This createe a bureau � '
. of public information, describes its duti�e a�d �
policies. We no longer have sueh a buresu, and
if one were to be created, it would be by administr8tive
97 - Voc�tional Schools. This chapter provid�d for certain
low tuition �ees �or veter�ns at certain schools.
Operation of schools no lon�ger function of the city.
; .
Propo�ed ordina�tce, copies of ordinances to be repealed.
, • t�,D Cl�.,�, i
SOAl. Clergymen at Council DlEetings. The 1�Iay or i� author-
ized to select clergymen of �arious religious faiths, one of�chom to be
present at one meeting of the City Council each zveek for the purpose
of invoking divine guidance on the cleliberations of the City Council.
50.02. Espenses. The I�IaS or is authorized to expencl from his
Continasnt Fund any necessary espenses incident to carr3 ing out
the provisions of 50.01. .
(Ordcnance 9965, passecl Sept. 10, 1952.)
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S2A.01. Bureau Operation. The Bureau of 1lunicipal Testing
Laboratories of the City of Saint Paul, established by Ordinance No. ,
3261, shall be maintained and operated under the immediate super-
vision of the Director subject to administrative direction and control
of the Commissioner of Public Utilities.
82AA2. Personnel. The personnel of said Bureau shall consist
of a Director and such other employees proyided by la�v or deemed
necessary by the Commissioner of Public Utilities.
S2A.03. Testing by Bureau. All materials used by the City of
Saint Paul or other governmental agencies in general governmental
operations and in the making of publie improvements shall, �vhen- ,
ever the determination of the quality thereof necessitates.a chemical,
physical, electric or other desired laboratory te�t, be subjected to the
requisite laboratory test recommended for such purpose and approved
as to quality by such Bureau before acceptance or use.
S2A.0�. Charges. The Commissioner of Public Utilities shall
forth�vith prepare and submit to the Council a schedule of uniform
charges to be made and collected'in accordance with the provisions
of this chapter for all such tests by said Bureau. Said schedule shall
be subject to revie�v� revision and approval by the City Council by
S2A.0�. Payment of Charges. In accordance tivith said sched-
ule, as approved by the Council, there shall be collected and paid a
charge for each such test made by said Btireau. For each such test
made by said Bureau of materials in connection with the general
op2ration of the city government and tivith any public improvement,
the charge therefor shall be paid by the proper city officers from .
the fund provided for the payment of such charges.
S2A.06. Receipts. all revenues derived from charges made for
such tests shall be considered as department receipts.
S2A.Oi. Collection of Charges. Said Bureau shall, upon proper
application therefor, make snch laboratory tests of materials used
.,,.. _ �
in6general governmental operations and in public improvements b,r- �
any governmental agency and in each instance there shall be made 4
and collected a charge in nccordance �vith said schedule of charges
as approved by the City Council.
82A.08. Other Tests. The requirements of this chapter for lab-
oratory tests by said Bureau shall not be construed as supersecling
any other provision of la�v for the inspection or testing of materials
or supplies used or purchased by the City of Saint Paul or any agency
other than said Bureau; where any other provisions now exist, such
requirements of this chapter shall have no application.
82A.09. Powers. Said Bureau shall exercise all powers and per-
form all duties germane to the purpose of its establishment, «hether
herein specified or otherwise. Nothing herein contained shall be
deemed to limit or abrogate to any extent any po�ver or duty germane �
to the purposes of said Bureau, created or provided by any pro�°ision
of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul or other law.
(O7'dinance 11307, passed A2cg. 1�J, 1958.) `
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85.01. Da#y o€ Com�nissi€�uer of Finance. Except as the City Coun- i
cil may by resolution oihertvise direct, it is made t�e duty oi thz Comrnissionec
o€ Fiaance of tbe C':ry of Saint Paul io coL�ct all rents due, accruin� or to
accrtte to said City iroru any an� evely source under thz Chartec, ordiaances,
by-1aws, contracts or leases.
(Ordinance 9440, pussed lanuary 13, 1950.)
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9Z.01. Payment by City. The City shall pay the premium on
all surety bonds of city officers or emplvyees running to tlie City of
St. Paul.
9�•�2• tiVhenever 1 surety bond is required, the head of the
department to �vhich the bonded officer or ernpioyee belona-s, shali
make requisition therefor on the Pe�rchasing A�ent, ercept as herein-
after provided, znd said Purchasing Aaent shall proceed to procure
the same as provided by Chapter 15 of the City Charter.
9�.03. `ti'henever the Coiincilmen shall �iave been as;i�ned or re-
assigned zs commissionars, as provided hy Sections �7 �nd �g of the
City Chartei-, it shall be the duty of the Purchasing Agent, �vithout
requisition or instructions therefor, to purchase and procure for said
commissioners and each of them� in the manner provided by Chapter
15 of the City Charter, the bonds required of such officers by the City
_ , ... ,_
� �
92.0-�. Premium Fund_ The premiums oii such bo�icls sh�ill be
paid out of the funds assifir.ed bS• the Ch�rter iind Ucid�;et ordi:i��i►ce�
to the department makinfi requisition for �»}• such b�nds, untes:� there
shall be included in the bud�;et an item of the General Fund f��r the � .
payment of such premiams, and in such case the cost of such surety
�����'"" bonrls shall be paid from said item.
(Ordinance 3233,possed Jut�� 8, 191.�.) -
,_.__ �
p��1ATION '�`
928.01. B
ureau. There is hereby created a lvlunicipal Bureau of
. I�o�ation,under the direction of a Director of Public Informat�on.
Pubhc the Mayor�vith
9Zg,p2. Director.
The Director shall be appointed by
nsent of the Council an�sha11 bC��e1��l�slfied servlce as the sam
the co Section 100 of the City .
is defined by
The Director shall administer �e a ubl c and to
92B•U3• Du�eS' onsibility for presentin� to the P
Bureau and shall have the r�P accurate information about the functions,
news media, in convenient fo pVe��ent.
policies, and activities of City g Ci of Saint
928.04. Policy.
It is declared to be the policy of �e ty
. 'ntetested persons and, t� �'llea�d
e ublic interest is best served when the considerations of p°b lc
Paul that th P available to
policy are freely anda nl�� of city government shall render their fn
a11 departments and g
complete cooperation to the Director of Public Information• es b any City
ublic informati ons ble coordinated �vith
9zB4O5, CoordinatQenc hall be as far as P
officer, department, or a, Y� , d � �y event, the aforesaid Director
the Director of Public Informanon an ,
shall be pro
vided with two copies of any such releases at or before the time
� � of release. ec. 2, 1966.)
(Added: Ortt. 13482, D
' �'e ��,�,�
. , , . ,
97.01. Courses. In order to furnish �eterany �vith ��deqn.�te vo- �
cational training, the Department of Education i, authorized to ofFer �
courses in vocationai training in the following schools, at the tuition �
fees hereinafter prescribed:
�1) Course� may be offered during the summer session at the
Vocational School at Fourteenth and Jackson Streets, and at the
Girls' Vocational School at l�iechanic Arts High School. The tuition
. fee for students shall be &xed by the Superintendent of Schools, but
not to exceed 32c per hour of classes, plus 53.00 per month for ex-
pendable suppIies, pIus the cost of n�cessary books and equipment
not customariIy furnished to students. �
(2) Courses may be offer.ed at the Ramsey VocationaI SchooI
during the entire year. The tuition fee for students shall be fixed by
the Superintendent of Schools, but not to exceed 3ac per hour of
classes, plus �3.00 per month for expendable supplies, plus the cost
of necessary books and equipment not customarily furnished to stu-
dents. ,
(3) Evening courses may be offered at the Vocational School�
as shall be determined by the Superintendent of Schools. The tuition
fee for students shall be fixed by the Superintendent of Schools� but
not to exceed 35c per hour of classes, plus 53.00 per month for ex- �
pendable supplies, plus the cost of necessary books and equipment not
customarily furnished to students.
97.02. Eligibility. The vocational courses prescribed herein,
aIthough primarily designated for veterans, shall be open to all resi-
dents of the City of Saint Paul, and all students shalI be charged the
tuition prescribed in Section 1 of this ordinance.
(Ordinance 8746, passed April 23, 1946.)
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� OM O1: 12/1975
/ � Rev. : 9/8/76
a,._'i� - �
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Date : Sept. :5; 1979
:;�-: _ _
- ._ _ ,
_ TO: r'tAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ; � � : -
FR: City Attorney -
gE. Ordinance to repeal obsolete chapters of Legislative Code:
' Chapters .-. 80, 82A, 88, .92', 92B and 97
p:4'.:.:. . . . .� _ � .
� ACTION REQUESTED � _,;� . � �
. .
_ ;a.�- ` .
: � �. - <�. �; -`- =F� ^� ;.�� „ .
� Council Action _ : , ; -
? _
Review of Legislative Code brings att�ntion to obsolete
chapters of the code: _ , � �
. . .� . :. :
'�'� -J' � ` 80 - Divine Guidance for City Council. ~ At one time, the
mayor selected clergymen of various religious faiths
to be present at ongemeeting each week, and this
chapter authorized such and payment for expenses.
Not.used in many years. '
82A - Bureau of �Municipal Testing Laboratories. At one
• time, the city had such a laboratory', but there
hasn' t been one for some time.
88''?=�Collection of Rents Due City. This chapter provides
. � for a duty of the commissioner of finanee to collect
rents due. How and when rents are collected are
covered by the lease or agreement arranging for rental.
92 - Surety Bonds of City Officers and Employees (under
�old charter) . Such are provided for in Chapter 22
of the Administrative Code.
92B - Bureau of Public Information. This creates a bureau
o� public information, describes its duties and •
� policies. We no longer have such a bureau, and
if one were to be created, it would be by administrative
9'7 - Vocational Schools. This chapter provided for certain
• low tuition fees for veterans at certain schools.
Operation of schools no longer function of the city.
� Proposed ordinance, copies o� ordinances to be repealed.
-- lst �/�C,_.� 2nd �J/��
` 3rd���� Adopted '��y
Yeas Nays
LEVINE �,�����