273715 WHITE - CITY CLERK COI1I1C11 ��V��,� PINK - FINANCE TT CANARV -DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PA l.l L �� � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. • / - O/ W Z/`�/LCG Ordinance N O. l�O. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Ordinance �do. 13542, approved January 31 , 1967 pertaining to No Parking Zones. +� TNE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 13542, approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by adding the following to be in effect during the Minnesota State Fair, the dates of which vary from year to year, with the Fair taking place during the latter part of August and/or the first part of September, to Section 1 . thereof: Arlington Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Hamline Avenue - North Side. Section 2. This Ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shail be incorporated therein by reference. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / H�� McMahon lO [n Favor Pu � Levine 0 Against BY � �� Donald E. Nygaard, Di e t r (TJE/� Te� d��er-g , Adopted ouncil: Date nC1 4 19�g Form Approve�by ity Atto ey � `, ` Ce ied Pas y Coun cret�ry BY a% 1�"�� ! ;'�� App by Mayor: Da �CT � O ��d� App e by Mayor for Su is �on' Council By BY pv$�.�sxEO 0 CT , vci �l: t,c�1.� �5 � Rev. : 9/8/76 � � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, L RESOLUTIJNS , AND ORDINt�vCES ���� � . . . '��� Date: August 24, 1979 � . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public�Works Office Engineer RE: Chapter 145, Legislative Code - establishing No Parking Zones � � , - . ACTION REQUESTED: Th i s Ord i nance wou 1 d proh i b i t park i ng on th.e north 5't de of Arlington Avenue from Sne�lling Avenue to Hamline Avenue during the Minnesota State Fair. This would provide more efficient trafftc fl.ow through .area during the fair when the traffic movement is. very high. � PIIRPOSE RND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Ordinance No. 15858, adopted July 17; 1975 establishes a simi1ar No Parking ban on many other streefs ne.ar the �fa`ir grounds during the Stafie Fair. - � � � ATTACHMENTS: Ordi nance. Copy Ord3nance No. t5858. � Copy Ordlnance No. 13542: , ' ���� C . �� '�'���1'.�� 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE �COUNCIL ' OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAL'I., l�a:�, dquor License appiication of Whoopee, Satnt Paul, and u on certification of �isbui'Y St. fi'om Midway Pkwy. north Council Fllc N�,. :r.�.i,, ic. for the premises at 173 South the Mayor that addt ional revenues are frontage road to Arlington Ave.— Rocdlcr— obert Street; and available in excess of the estimates of West side. Resolved, 7'I,.�t „ Whereas, The license approved con- revenue ado ted within the 1975 Bu@ Asbury St.from Nebraska Ave.to Hoyt day On �ul�• i � , ' iined an express condition as follows: et, the Council of the Cit of Saint •Ave.—West side. the followln�� �. °l.That Whoopee, Inc. operate its li- Paul does hereby revise the 1975 Budget Ar'ona St. from Wynne Ave. to Como of an On �.,i,'�i . �. censed premises in strict conformity so as to provide an additional appro- Ave.—West side. address :;hu����, �., with the Site Plan,marked as Exhibit Priation in the General Government Arona St.from Albany Ave.to 225 feet hereb,y �r:�ni�•�� :.,., . ., Al, and the Floor Plan, marked as Accounts in the amount of$53,809.41 to aouth of Nebraska Ave.—West side. C.F. Nu. �:,.�.,.;i �� Exhibit A2, both of which were re- be delineated as follows: Arona St.£rom Nebraska Ave.to Iioyt which am�•„�:. � .. ceived by the License Committee on General Government Accounts Ave.—West Side. �St. Yaul L�•�;i,i<,:�:��� � `iarch 5, 1975, and are affixed to this 09004—Unemployment Simpson St.from Midway Pkwy.north nances. Resolution. It is the intent of the Compensation ' frontage road to Hoyt Ave. — West A. Bcenn:�n, tnn.,�,..�:.� Council that seating capacity in the 432—Unemployment side. sity Avenur, premises shall not exceed 38 persons Compensation Costs $53,809.41 Pascal St. from Wynne Ave. to Como Adopted by tlu� � , •• as indicated in Exhibit A2, the Floor an d further resolved that the item in Ave.-W_est side. Approved Jutr �i , Plan• and that the number of off-I p�cal St.from Arlington Ave.to Hoyt ��u'Y �� i street parking spaces shall be 25, as the Financing Summary under Generai Ave.—West side. indicated in Exhibit Al, the Site Revenue Fund Balances-Dedicated ����ey St. from Pascal St. to Ar- Plan.;" A new item—Unemployment Com- linpton Ave.—South side. —"" a pensation in the amount of $53; McKinley St. from Ariington Ave. to Council Filc N��. . � � 809.41 be added Frankson Ave.—West side. Roedlcr— Whereas, The Housing and Redevel- ! Holton St. from Hoyt Ave. to Arling- Resolved,7't+:�� �+ ment Authority has requested cer- ��� • n changes in the site plan and floor SEG°PION 2 ton Ave.—West side. in of the licensed premises, which This ordinance shall take effect and Albert St• from Wynne Ave. to Como�the persun, n.��,.�.s , : reftected in Exhibits B-1 and B-2 be in force thirty (30) days from and Ave.—West side. to this resolutn,,: �- :ached hereto (the Site Plan and the �ter its passage approval and publica- Albert St.from Frankson Ave.to Hoyt hereby �;r:n,t�•�i. :=�,� �or Plan, respectively); and tion. Ave—Nest side. instri�cted tu i �� Sheldon St. from Frankson Ave. to the paymcnt in��• � � 1Vhereas, The License Committee has Nebraska Ave.-West side. the rcyu�r��l i�� termined, pursuant to the request of Adopted by the Council July 10, 1975. Adopted 1��' +��• ; East Snelling Serv. Dr. from Wynne zoopee, Inc. and based upon the evi- Yeas—Councilmen Christensen, Hunt, Ave. to Breda Ave.-East side. Approved Juty �i zce received at public heazing on Levine, Sylvester, Roedler, Tedesco. W u�F ��' ' ne 25, 1975, that an amendment of Mr.President (Hozza)-7. � SECTION 2 � license condition would be ap- Nays-0. T�yy� ordinance shall not be printed -- - - �priate; now, therefare, be it Approved July 11, 1975. F � part of the Saint Paul Legislative Council Fi'.�� ^!u 't � �esolved, That the condition under � Code but sha11 be incorporated therein Roedlcr— ich Whoopee, Inc. hold On-Sale LAWRENCE D. COHEN, � by reference. Aesolved.'1'h:�� ����� �uor License No. 8830, is hereby Mayor. � ended to read as follows• SECTION 3 the personx u:����� ? �� (July 19. 1975) � to this resuluii�,�� +° 1. That Whoopee, Inc. operat Thls ordinance shall take effect and hereby t:�':�������• �• � censed premises in strict confor - be in force thirty (30) days from and instructc�l tu � � y with the Site Plan, marked � 8fter its passage, approval azid publi- the paymcnt i����� � � xhibit B-1, and the Floor Pla , Council File No. 265693—Ordinance No. cation. the requirccf t�� � iarked as Exhibit B-2,both of whic 15858—By David I3. Hozza— �ere received by the License Co � Adopted by the Council July 17, 1975. Adoptcd b>' ��� � ' dttee on June 25, 1975, and are An ordinance amending Ordinance ' Yeas — Cottncilmen Iiunt, Levine, APpr°°i"� ����` �� � xed to this Resolution. It is th No. 13542, approved January 31, 1967, ` Rcedler, Tedesco, Mr. President ��'��Y �"'� ' itent of the Council that seatin Pertaining to No Parking Zones. F (Hozza)-5• —"-" � �pacity in the premises shall no Naqs—Councilman Sylvester-1. ,� ,.. �ceed 38 persons as indicated in The Council of the City of Saint Paul � C uncii Filc Nu. - xhibit B-2; and that the number of Does Ordain: Approved July 17, 1975. Roedler— 3-street parking spaces shall be not �,p�WRENCE D. COHEN, Resoived,'Ph.'� �' '° ss than 25." SECTION 1 Niayor. e person, ������� ' °' dopted by the Council July 3, 1975. That Ordinance No. 13542, a 1975) o this re::uh������� '" pProved (July 19, ereby �runl���. .. pproved July 7, 1975. Januazy 31, 1967,is hereby amended by ' structed t�� � (July 12, 1975) adding the following to be in effect e paymcni �"�" �''" during the Minnesota State Fair, the the re9uir''�I ���" dates of which vary from year to year, RESOLUTION3 with the Fair taking place during the Adopted I�v ��"' � " �JFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS latter part of August and/or the first Approved J�� >' �' part of September, to Section 1, there- ��`��Y "� OF THE COUNCIL of: `s Council File No. 265713—By Patrick J. Nebraska Ave, from Simpson Ave. to Rcedler— �-- 185 feet west of FIamline Ave.—North Resolved,That licenses applied for by Council I�'���' �"' ' " OBDINANCES side. the persons named on the list attached SYIv`yt,,`' to this resolution be and the same az'e �. ., Fair Pl. from Snelling Ave. to Arona hereby �'anted, and the City Clerk is Wh�re:r,. '1'i�� St.—South side. Saint 1'ai��'� ` " " Frankson Ave. from Asbury St. to Instructed to issue such licenses uPan Yc,�r I acil File No. 265666—Ordinance No. Hamline Ave.—North side. the payment 3nto the City treasurY of :�t�i"" ': 35?—By Robert Sylvester— gySan Ave.from 35 feet eatit of Simpson the required fees. 1975. 1975. C�u�"'� '"' i Ordinance Amending the 1975 St.to North frontage road of Midway Adopted by the Council July 8, Whcr�::�,'1�" �', � Pkwy.—North side. Approved July 11. 11975) c ntint cn�•>'���""' ' �et so as to provide for Supple- CanHeld Ave. from Snelling Ave. to � (July 19, tion o�p����',""" '' Cal Appropriations to pay for the pascal St.—North side. nd half of 1974 Unemployment Cantield Ave. from 630 feet west of pensation Benefits to the Account Wherc:u;. �'�'' ' ie City of Saint Paul. xamline Ave. to Hamline Ave.— .. Council File No. 265714—BY Patrick T, pie��� n����� ��;;. ; . � North side. r g�dier— e Council of the City of Saint Paul Almond Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Resolved, That Application P 634 for ment �� ��"" "" Ordain• Hamline Ave—North side. i Class Cl-Restaurant and Cigarette li- menl ���''+ °����,� ; ' Albany Ave. from 5nelling Ave. to censes applied for by R: Brennan, Commu�'��?' Hamline Ave.—North side. t Incor orated at 379 Universrty Avenue, tiicse P��'�O'.� SE�TION 1 P g Itesotv�'�t, �"'' ` , Breda Ave. from E. Snellin Serv. pdodtedeby the Councl July 8,�1975. are I'�jjO`''�`���,�., 1 St pursuant to and in accordance Drive to Hamline Ave.-North side. P veloPrr��'°� the procedure set forth in Section Wynne Ave. from E. Snelling Serv. ' Approved July 11, 1975. tingency f��"`�• 1 of the Charter of the City of Drive to Hamline Ave.—North side. (July 19, 1975) �•����.� . � , , . ���C��� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1987 98 gg PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CreUn,irom H1Bhland Pkwy.to Good- Flynn, from Rosen Rd. to Schroeder from Spruce to Balsam. � slch,Weat side; Rd.,Both sides; � Councff File No.231569—Ordinance No. B Wes't"'s�tle; 1964�-By Robert F.Peterson— Ctomwdl, irom Territorfal Rd. to Forest,from Third Lo Sixth,East st e;. Broadway, from So. Junction ot Flfth = Franklin,West side; Forest, trom Reaney to Sixth, West Aa Ord;nance establlshing No Park- St.to Sixth,East side: Da1e, irom Goodrich to Linwln. F.ast side; . f�Zones,pursuant to Chapter 145 0! Bu�gess, from Como to -Mackubin, t elde; Forest, from Triangle (ell 3 sidea), the Saint Paul Legislative Code. South side; Dale, from Goodrich to Grand, West North side; Bush, from Fomst to Mendota, Bottt �i�. Fourth, Srom St. Peter to Wabasha, �. The Councll of the City of Saint Pavl. yides; D��a�; Cambridge, irom Summit to Grand. DNorth pp oacheto GN.BzidgenBoth Fourteeneth St.,from Robert to Jackson: West side: SECIRON 3 � Canada, from Ninth to Fourteenth, sidea� Fred,trom Burr to Bedford,South side; AOwlntely No Parkia6• No person West aide: Dale,Goodr::h to S.W.junction of Dale Fry St.,from University to Sherburne, ahell,at anY tlme,stoP,stand or park Capitol,from University to Como,West end Crocua,West side� West side; � any vehicle excepl when necessary to side: •Dayton, from Summit W Victor�a. George,trom Smith to Manomin,North North atde; gide: avp�d rnntllct with other traffic or in Carter, from Cleveland to Chelmsford. � �urcy, trom Leuington to Jonea. Glendale, from Wabash to Northward Cpmpllsptt with We directions of a North slde: go{,h sides; 100 ft.,East side; yolitt ofRcer, or otorrinIbedlence Case,ffromDJesslesto EdgertonthSouth i y� Soto, from Colllns to ffiinnehaha, Grotto, from Holly to Ashland. East emergency authorlty, gpth sides; side; to a traffic control device, in any °f Casee�from Jessfe to ArkwriBht,Sovih � De 3oto,from Callins to North St..Weat Grotto,from Minnehaha to P[erce But- She SollowinB placea: dde: ler Rd.,East side: pldlne,irom St.Mthony Lo 250 ft.No• Caseefrom Walsh to Weide,3outh side; yeubener Pl.,from St.Clair to Benhill. Grove,from Jackson to Canada,South pL 3hlelds.East side: Cedaq from Central to Como, West � . Fast side; side; pltilne, lrom�Roblyn to St. Mthony. s1de; Dewey, from Feronia to UnSverslLy, Grove,from Canada to BroadwaY.Both Fset side; j East slde; sides; Cedar,fmm Central to Sherburne,East pmp, irom Haulwood to 7essamine, 81de, t �d Rd., from Baker to South City HaBue, Irom Dale to Victoria, North HoW sidea; i Limib,Both sidea; side: A�nes, lrom Hazelwood to E. Line of Cedar,from Eleventh to Twelfth,Both i Dpnohue, from Syndicate to Grig66, Hamline,from Alley between Randolph !'ranklin D. Roosevelt Homes Addf- sides: � South side; and Tames to Wellesley.East side: doa,South side: Cedar.from Twelfth to Columbus,West East Mnapolls, from Livingston to 150 it. side: Doawell,from Como to Grove Pl.,South xamline,from Sargent to Ltncoln, Central,from Robert to West to Drive, si�� side: East W.ot Robert.North side: Dpswell,irom Chelmsiord to Cleveland, Hamline. from Summit to Selby, Annapo11s, from Oakdale to I50 ft. E. Centrah,from Wabasha to Cedar,Both South side: side: pf Robert,North side: Lagle,lrom RR to Shepard Rd aervice Hamline, from Vniversity to St. P_n- /►nnapplis,from Chippewa to Cherokee Charles. from Plllsbury to Vandalie. lane.West sfde: thony.Both sides; Hta.Blvd..Nor[h side: Aeanor,from SnelHng to 360 ft.East, Hamiine, from Wellesley to Sargent, I►rcade, from Margaret Lo South to Cha les,from Vandalla to Minn.Trans- South side: West side; lrc y7��y,West side: fer Ry.tracks,North side: Sleventh, from Wabasha to Jackson, Hampden Ave.. from University o Arcade,irom Case to Sfms,West side; North aide: Charles,East side: .Arcade,Yrom N. City limit+ to Idaho, C Kn Pp r�gtrs de;Commonwealth to �� ttom Bem,to�urtew,Both sides; Hartford,from Missfssippi River Blvd. West side; to WesL Chelton, from Tatum to Prior, North � S,nglish,from I.arpenteur to Ar1inB�on, to Mt.Curve Blvd..North side: Arcade,lrom Wheelock Pkwy. side: We�t side; Fiazel, from Case to La Crosse. Soth ern.IIoth.vides: q;ryi Church:ll,irom Van Slyke to Lexington Etna, irom Thizd to Old Hudson Rd., sides; preade, fmm Wells to Whitall, PkN,y �yest side; Weat side; Hazelwood.trum Fellows Lan°to b4ary- eide; LM1�stls St.service drive,from Pearl to land.East side: Arch, !rom L'Orlent to Jackson,Hoth Clcrest 11West s deFcrd Pkwy. to Aill- � Robbina,Both sides; Herschel, from Seltay to:Aa3ue. Nest �d�� Srom Huron to Che7sea, Cleveland,from 7ames to Summit,East g�ystis, trom Pearl to Robbins, West side: prlington. yi�e; eide: Herschei, from Dayton to Celby, East North side: t Eustis, Lrom Pearl to Territorlal Rd., eide: prlington, from Jackson to L'Orient, Cle�rvest side from James to Randolph, �yt atde: Hewitt, from Prior to Howell. Soth Both sides; � EUatis,irom Valentine to Dosavell,West sides; Arundel, irom Minnehaha to Engle- C sity,Eastfside(ex ept fromt700 ft�No. side: fiighway 12(North Fmntage Rd.),from wood.Both sides; Eustfa,from University to Bayless Pl., Johnson Pkwy. IWest Frontage Rd.) Asbury.from Un�versity to Sherburne. Cleveland,from 8ummit to Grand,Both � yest side: to 1S0 ft.Weesterly,North side: East side: � bcchan8e,from Eagle to Forbes,Both Hill 3t., from Kellogg Blvd. to Eagle, d,shland, from Westem to Arundel, sides; � sldes; Collins, from Burr to Payne, North , Both sides; South side: � Exchange,Yrom Cedar to 300 ft.West, Holly Ave., from Dale to Victor[a, Aahland,from Dale to Victoria,South side; South side: North side; side; Commonwealth, irom Cleveland to from Arundel to Dale,North Chelmsford.South side: 4 Fa3rview, Lrom Charles to Marshall. Holly Ave., from Western to Dale, ' pshland, Commonwealth,from Keston to Como, g Wes!side; South s�de: dde: yrom Rice to Albemerle,South Center Mall; • B'airview,from Randolph to James,East Homer,from Milwaukee Rd.Tracks to ALwater. Como. from Capitol Blvd. to Park, 4 �de; Seventh.West side: �ide; Farrington, irnm Laurel to Summit, Hudson Rd., from Marfa to SuxreY. Aurora,from Rice to Cedar.North sEast C mo,fromeCedar to Capitol Hts.Blvd., East stde: North side; Avon, from Summit to Portland, North side; Barrington.irom Selby to Laurel,West Idaho, from Arcade to Weide, North dde: aide; side; Banfil,trom Western to Weat Seventh, Como Blvd CWestt�frPcm�Chat wort6, - • Fellows I.ane,irom East of Hazelwood, Jackson, from Arllngton to Wheelock South side: Both sides: Pkwy..Both sldes; Stdwell,from Fairfield to Water,West s de;h to 85S ft.North of Horton,East pellows Lane, from�Hazelwood to Su- Jackson, from Eighth to Ninth, NesL dde: pornlek Lane.South side; side; S1dwe11,irom Fairfleld to 200 tt.North, C North V itoriaStSOUth sideakeview � Aitteenth St., from Di3ssissippi St. to Jacksan,from Grove to Fifteenth,East Eest side; Congress., from Concord to Robert, Jackson,Both sides; side: $igelow.from Timberlake to Klalnert, North side: Fifth St., from Broadway to Rosabel, Jackson,from Kellogg Blvd.to Fourth; goth sides: North side: East side: Breen, from Orange to Hawthorne, C North�E�der�m SnellinB to Farrington, Fifth St.,irom John to Kittson,South Jackson, trom Twelfth to Vniversity, West side; ,, side; East side: ge�y, from Vnlverslty to Terrltorial C600 ft.�West of Le ingtton,South side; Fillmore,trom Eaton to Robert,North Jackson, from University to Valley, Rd. West slde; '� alde; Both sides; Broaaway,irom Etghth Lo Ninth,West C 3ough sidem Dale to Maywood P1•. Flnn, from Ford Pkwy. to Plnehurst, Tackson,from University to Fourteenth. slde; from Goodrich to Berkeley, j Weat s1de; West side; Broadway,from Prince to Alley No.of Cr���$ide; � p��n, from Grand to Summit, Weat Jackson, from Valley to Arch, East Eayt Fourth St..East side; � e��� side; � groadway,frum Sixth to Seventh,EasC Cr$e`ae:f�'om Goodrich to Summit,WesL dde: ( . . .. . .. .:�.. 100 PROCEEDIN(GS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL i OF TI�CITY OF SAI?�T PAUL, 1967 101 � JeRerson,from Edgcumbe Rd.to Cleve- Mlnnehaha.irom Payne to 300 ft.East, �gnQl��gt�goth sides;m Mlnnehaha to St�Clhi sldetom Cleveland to Cretln, land,North efde; Sou[h side: . pierce Sutler Rd., from Snellin6 � St. Clair, from Richmond to Seventh, ., Jenka,tmm Payne to 275 Yt.East,North M��e,Nor[hf ide;�xington to Ham- prlor,North side: Swrth side: �ide; plllsbury. Lwm Charles to Territorial St. Peter, from TtvelLth to SummSt, Jdaamine,from Lexington to Hamllne, Minnehaha, from L'Orient to Approx. Rd.,8oth aides: gp},}�sides: South side: 75o ft.West,Both sides; Pleto,from Robert to Livingston,Norih St.Peter,from 100 ft.No.of ColleBe to P. Mlnnehaha,from Date to Grotto,North side: Jeseamine,from Dale to Maywood Pl.. side; pleaaant,Sn�m RamseY to Forbea.Both 100 f0.So.of College,West side; p ayprox.250 St.West,South side: Minnesota, from Eleventh to Twel£th, - sides: St. Peter, from N1nth to 200 ft. No., Jessemine, from Hazelwood to Ames. go;h sides: . pleaeant,Lrom St.Clair to Grace.East East side; �� Both nides: MississiPPi River Pkwy., fmm Ford slde: Schrceder Rd.,fram Snelling to Jones, John St., irom Fourth to Fl1th, Weat Pkwy.to Woodlawn.Both sides . pleaaant, hum Sherman to RamseY. goth sides; side; Mfssissippi River Pkwy., from Pelham North side: Seamer, from Rnsen Rd. to Schroeder Johnson YkwY..from East Shore Drive Mt��aPtno`nRWe1s�'tP cde`eY from Marshall . p South side� Western to Arundel, Rd.,Soth sldes; � � to Maryland,West side: �o Pelham.East side: Portland,from Dale to Vletorla,9outh 8econd St.,from Wabasha to Jackson, Johnsoa Pkwy.(West service RdJ from �i�.sg�PP�River PkwY.,irom�W.Sev- aide: South side: - Audaon Rd. (North frontage Rd.) to enth to Davern,North side: portland,from Arundel to Dale,North SeBoth a des;from Montrnal to Benson, Johnson Pkwy.,Both sfAes: Mounds Bivd.,from Third to Seventh, side: Seventh, from Sibley�to Sixth, Both + Jones St., from De Courcy �� t� goth sldes; prescott, irom Harvard to Mt. HoPe, y�des (truclCS may park 6:00-11:00 Schmeder Rd..Both sides; Mounds IIlvd., from Kellogg Slvd. to South slde; k Rellogg Blvd.,from Broadway to Kel- FIudson Rd.,West side; � Prior, from Mlnnehaha to 100 it. No: A.M.1� ` �ogg Viaduct,South side; Mt. Airy, from L'Orient to Jackson, of Chelton,West side; Seventh,from Lafayette Rd,to Rosacel, ICellogg Blvd.,from College to Summit, goth sides: . Prior, from Minnehaha to Penttock, South s1de: � Z West aide• Seventh, from Lafayette Rd. to John, � &ellogg Btvd.,from Pleasant to College, MY��e� frocn Vandalia to HamDden, East side: North side; � South slde: Prior,from Taylor to Hewitt,West side: Seventh (West), from Alaska to St�. Both sldes: Myrtle, from Vandalia to Pillsbury, Prior,from Charles to Univeraity,West paul Ave..North side: Rellog8 Blvd:,from Pleasant to Fiith, goth sides: ' �de' SheparA Rd.,from Elm tu Sibley,Both � lxst side: Myrtle, from La Salle to Raymond, Prosperity, from Jessamine to Mary- sidea; �� 8ellogg Bivd.. ftom 120 ft. North oE goth sides. . land,Both sides: She ard Rd.,irom Elm to Wllktn,Sout6 � College to College,East side; Nebraska, from Sne111ng to Simpson, . Ratnsey, from Exchange to Sberman, P 5 7Cellog6 Blvd.,trom Rosabel to Broad- North side: South side: side; �_ way,North aide; Nina,.from Selby to Summit.Fast sidr. � Raymond,from Como to Dudley.Eaat S Both afdes' from Wilkin to James, z KellogH Hivd.,lrom Sibley io V7acouta Ninth, from Canada to Broadway, side: � (that part IyinB underneath Con- South Side; ' • Reaney, 1rom Walsh to Gmenbrler, SheDard Rd., from Otto to Randolph, course of St.Paul Union Depot),Both Ninth, from Smith to Summit, Both South side: Both stdes; ' � ddes: . sides: � Rice, from Carroll to College, Both Sherburne,from Rice to Cedar,Sont� KellogB Bivd., from St. Peter to Wa- Ninth,from Lafayette to IOO ft.West; , stdes; side: � Sasha,South side (trucks may park Ninth,from Jackson to Canada,North Rice, from Euller to Iglehart, Both S East aidefrom Exchange to RamseY. 7 p.M:4 P.M.): side; 61��' Sibley, from Twelfth to Tenth. East . � i Kemeth,from Hlllcrest to Ford Pkwy.. Nlnth, from Sibley to Wacoata. South - Rice, from Sherburne to Vniversity, side: � Eaqt s1de: side; West side: Kleinert,from Timberlake Rd. to Ar- Ninth. from Lafayette Rd. to John, Robert, Srom Eighth to Ninth, West S�boeSecond St.��West�sltleKellogg Blvd. lfn([ton,Both sides; South side: side: �i Knap0.fron.Cleveland to Cnclmsfcrd, North St.,Frorn Payne to De Soto,Both Robert,from Ffllmore to Fairfield,East Sima e,imm Milford to Atwater,West South side: sides: B1Ae' Sfxth, from Cedar to Wabasha, North yetayette, trom Thirteenth to 300 it. North Hudson Rd.. £rom Pt. Douglas Aohert, from Kellogg B1vd. to Eighth, g�de; � North,East slde: Rd. to l0U ft. West of Frank St., Eaet slde: I,afayette Rd.. 4rom Ninth to Grove, gouth side: Robert.lrom Concord to GeorSe.East Sir.th, 1rom Hope to Atcade, South � East eide: Oakland.from Ramsey to Westward 200 Drive, West side, Nest Drive, East side; � I,afond,from Como to Rice,North 51de: ft..South side: side: Sitth, irom blounda W Marla, IIoth Oakland.from Summit to Grand,South . Robert (SoJ (West Service Drivr.), s�d�� yangford Fark,from Knapp to Gordon, from Concord to 1{ing.Both sides; Sixth,fram Neil to 3{ittson.Both sldes: i gptp eides; Side: I Lurel,from Western to ViMOria,North p�d Hudson Rd..from White Bear Ave. ROK�it�R�o Geo get Both s dDe,srive),from S�side:from Olive to Broadway,North side: to Kennard,North side: Rosa6el, Srom Fourth to Sixth, Both Sixth,from Smith to Coilege,East aide: � I,purel, from Western to Nina, South Otto Ave., from Seventh to Shepard � sides; Sisth, from Summit to Iglehart, West � �ide; Rd.,Both sides, ._ �. I.exinB�n Pkwy.. Lrom University to Otis, from Pelham to Approx. 600 St. R�eel, from Elghth to Ninth. Wes� Sneling,£rom Englewood to Aubbard, Como West,Both sides; No.of Marsha7l.East side; . i Ltncoln, from Dale to Oxiord, North Otis, from Dayton to Msrshall, East Rcaahel.Srom Seventh to Elghth,Both Sne/i ngldfrom Marshall to Iglehart, , dde; side: . � sides: Linden,from Mt. Airy to Arch, Both Oxford, from Grand to Lincoln. West , Rosen Rd.,trom Sones to Flynn,Both Both sides: � sides: Snelling, from Midway Pkwry. to Fair ddea; side; � Ao St., from Vniverslty to Shields, PI..East side; i Lombard, from Lexington to Miiton, park, from University to Sherburne, Y�L$�d�. Snelling, from Portland to Alley be- North atde; West side: . � St. Albans, from Fairmount to Good- tween Suttmit�and Grand,Both sides; � L'Orient (West irontage Road) irom park,trom Charles to Como,East side: . rlch,East slde: Srelling. from So. end of G.N. Ry. .. AtlinBton to I.arpenteur,Both sides; park,from Aurora to University, East � St. Albana, trom Goodrich to Grand, Bridge to N.P.Ry.Tracks,lioth sides: � Mzcalester,from Sumnlft to Alley south side: �� West side: Snclling, from Shields to Univenity, . of Lincoln.East s(de: Park Place,from all four sldes to Park St.Anthony,from Hamllne to Snelllnq. East side; • 2darahall, Srom Summit W .Victoria, Place Fark.East side: . North s1de; Sr,elling,from University to Sherburne, South side: Payne,from Bush to North 200 ft.,East St. Anthony, from Lexinglon to Ap- ��'est side: Marshall, from Cleveland to Wilder, s�de: . prox.300 ft.East of Lexington,North Sr.elling, from Taylor to GN. Bridge, North side: � Pascal,from Vniversity to St.Anthony. . dde; Both sides: Marshall, from ViMoria to Mi.ssuslppl IIoth s3des(except East side from 180 . St.Anthony,from Lexington to Marfon, Spruce,from Sibley to Canada,South R;ver Blvd.,North side (except Sun- ft., 280 ft., and 430-670 Yt. South oP South side: si�3e; daya irom 6 a.m.ta 1 p.m. between Unlversity): - St.Ant�ony,from Marfon to Rice,Both S:arkey,'from Fillmore to Nater,West Oxford and Milton and between Pennsylvania, from Jackson to 600 ft. e1deS, stde: Wllder and Wheelerl: East,South side;, , St. Anlhony, from Pierce !o Aldine, Summii(So.service drice),from Cam- Marshall,irom Snelling to 250 ft.West, Pennock,from Prior to Howell,North Bpth sides; bridSe to Macalester,South side: South side; sfde: � St.Mthony,from Pierce to Fry,North Summit, from Kelogg Blvd. to Selby, Meryland, from Hazelwood to 1602 Pierce, from St. Anthony to Roblyn. . a1de. South slde: Maryland.South side: Both sldes: St.Mithony,from Snelling to Lexing- Summit,from 150 ft.West of Sixth to D6endota, lzom Bush to Reaney. Both pjofeSh elds,West alde;y t��tt.No. ��,go�81tles; Nfnth,South aide; ddet: � ., ._....... . : .. .. _ ... . . . . . . ;: . . . . . . ,�,- . - �...:�,�.,,�. _ ., ,.��;; , `'� ;�. , , ;�.4����� ��` 6. _ �` ;:� � � � � � �-��� . . : ,,, . . . .,, ... ', �"� � 1967 103 � � OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, � 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL x A��ey bounded by Pascal, Sherburne. Seventh.West,irom Tuscarora to Edg- � Bummlt, 4om Ninth to Rice, South�Warnuta, lrom Tenth to Spruce, West � g�mpson and�University,Both sides: cumbe.South side; side; � bounded. by Pinehurst, Ford Smith,from High BridBe to Annapolls, � 8ummit, irom 3t. Peter to btarshall. Wacouta, from Eighth to Tenth, East ApkwY..CreSln and Mount Curve,Both Soth sides: i Norih s1de; slde: sldea; University, from Rtce to West Ctty � bounded by Vnive.aity. Shez- Limits. Both s�des (except N. side � � 8ummit,from ltveltth to St.Peter(trl- Wales,from Mount Airy to Arch,Both � A11ey pnndel and Mackubin,Both from Asbury to Snelling, and both � an[lel,all S aldes; sides; bume, sides from Snelling to Roy and from , Superlor, fmm West Seventh to Ann. Warner Road,from Jackson to Reserve ��a�' Prior to W. Lynnhurst except from � South s1de: St.Bridge,Soth sides; e� Atley bounded by Davern, Fairview, 8upo rnick I.ane, from Mariland to �,yater,from Fillmore to Fairfield,°BOth :�. Ford Pkwy. and Plnehuist, Soth WDba�.�m Water W1C ncordeBoth � 3outhward to the traffic loop, East � �ja�' dde(also on inslde of traffic loop): sides: Alley bounded by Dale. Edgar,Simon sides. Supornick I.ane,frnm So.of Maryland, v'ay}ata,irom Albemarle to Rice,Both �'�y Alley bounded byBAvoniGrand,Grotto SECTION 3 � Hoth aides: sides: �. . Syndlcate,from Unlversity to St. An- Wellesley Ave.. from Prior to�700 ft. , and Ltncoln.Both sldes: No Parking Moadays, Wednesda9e � thony,West slde: East,North slde: € plley bounded by Crand, Hamlfne, �d Fridays. Setween the hours of : Temyerance, from Nlnth io Elghth, Weils (North Halfl,from Weide to 200 Llncoln and Syndicate,Both sides; 1:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. (or such other � Fast side; ft.West of Greenbrier.Both sides; � plley bounded by Cretin, Marshall, hours as herein tleslgnated) on Mon- 'Penth,irom Cedar to Minnesota,Both Western, from Carroll to St. Anthony. �, D�on and Exeter Pl..Both sides: : � �d�. Both sides: y1e bounded by Dale. Grand. St. he ie•�S't�allebe yleft standing�on� the ; Tenth, from College to Maln. South Western, from St. Anthony to Fuller, . � Aljei�y�unded by Engle oods1SS�in�pson, followuig streets: S ��_ East stde; TentA,irom College to Si.Peter,Both Western,Srom Summit to Laurel,Easi Mlnnehaha,Asbury,Both sides: puditorium St.,from Kellogg Blvd. o � ��y. slde: }� plley bounded by Aurora,Marion.Rice Fourth St.; . Tenth,Irom Robert to]VL'nneaota.North Wheeler, from Marshall to Iglehart, € and VNvereity,Both sldes; Auditorium St.,from Fiith St.W Ninth � side; West eide: Alley bounded by Snelltng Ave.,Schet- St.; Tenth,from Sibky to Broadway,North Wheelock Pkwy., from St. Albans to � ter Ave..Macalester St. and Bayard Broadway.from KelloBB B1vd.to Grove � d�. Como,South side: b Ave..Both sides: St.; . Terrltorlal Rd., from Hampden to 400 Wheelock Pkwy.,from Cottage to Dale, �. AlleY munded by Grand,Dale.Llncoln Canada St., from Ninth St. to Four- !t.West W Ry.tracks,North slde; South si�ie: and St.Albans,Both sides; teenth St.: Third, fxnm Arcade to Third, North Wheetock Pkwy.,from Arcade to 125 it. Cedar St.,Yrom Kellog6 Blvd.to Cen- � tlde• West thereof,South slde; gECTION 2 tral Ave.: � Tplrteenth, from East Cetttral Park Wheelock Pkwy., from Jackson to 235 No Parking Between E a.m. and 7 Como Ave.. from Rice to Dale (2:00 PLtt to Cedar,North side: � E.Wheelock Pkwy..North side: � a.m.-7:00 a.m.—South side); � a.m. Between the hours of 2:00 a.m. Como Ave.,from Hamline to West City 'P6lrteenth,from Robert to 200 ft.East Wheelock PkwY.,from Weide to 300 ft. � and?:00 a.m. (or such other hours es Limita (2:00 a•m-7:00 a.m. — South ! pt Temperance.South side; West oY Galtier,South side; i herein desiHnated),no vehicle shall be � � Tlfomas, from Hamline to Asburi, Whlte Bear Ave., frnm Margaret to :: sitle): South slde: Bridge of the St.Paul,Minneapolis& ]eft standing on the foliowing streets: Dele St.. from Grand to LarPenteur + Thomaa,irom Snelling to hldine.North Omaha RR lexcept La Crosse-Ames). i No Darking between 2 a.m. and 5 (2:00 a.m:7:00 a.m.—East side): ± dde; East side: a.m. SnetllnH Ave. from St. AnthonY Exchange St.. from Kellogg Slvd. to Thorn,from Frank to Earl,North side; White Bear Ave.,irom Montana to Lar- Ave.to Shfelds Avenue—East side. Ninth St.: � Tlmberlake Rd.,from Jackson to Jack- penteur,Soth sides: No parking between 6 B�m. and 8 Ford Pkwy.. Srom Snelling to Missis- � wn St.,Both sides: �Vilson Ave., from NIcKnight to How- a.m.on property owned or controlled slppi River Blvd. (2:00 a•m:7:0o a�m• � ToDPInE.from Como to Western,North ard,Both sides; by She Board ot Eciucation located at —South slde); � slde; � W[nston St.,from Como to Breda.West Mackubin 3tmet and S u e r b u r n e Front Ave., from Rice to Lexington � Tpreltth, from JacY.son to Broadway, side; .. Avenue adJacent to said Honrd's � (2:00 a.m-7:00 a.m.—SOUth s5de); North aide; Wood, from Robert to Parnell, North storeriouse. Grand Ave.,from Oakland Ave.to Cre- Tweltth, from John Ireland Blvd. to side: Arcade, from Jessamine to Wheelock. J ckson�Staf�n�Kell RR Bhdh<°iF1i" St.Peler.South side; Alley,Easterly Id.-S.between Payne& East side; teenth St. (1:30 a.m-5:00 a.m. be- � Twelfth, from Ro6ert to 100 ft. West, Edgerton from Maryland to Fiaw- Arcade, irom Maryland to Wlxelock, tween lOth St.�nd'-2�h CtJ; ' North side; thorne,both sitles; . WeatBide; ��, Twelfth, from Unlversity to Jackson, Alley in Block 3,Aill's Addition Biock � Arcade, from Seventh to Rox. West Kellogg B1vd. (West side),from Smith Both aidea; bounded by bfendota,Reaney,Arcade elde: Ave.to West 7th(3:30 a.m.-7:30 a.mJ; , 1yveHth, irom Jackson to Wabazha, and Minnehaha): ; Arcade, irom Seventh to lNells, East Main St.,from Seventh St.to Tenth St.: South elde: AnY side of any street w•i'hin John 1. side; Market St.,from Ke11ogB B1vd.to Sev- IIafverafty,from Pttor to Minn.Trans- IrlcDOnough Homes Addition; Areade, !1'om York to Magnolia. East enth St.; fer Bldg.,South aide; Alley.Block 38,Summit Park Additton, Bide; Minnewta St., from Kellog8 Slvd. to IIniverslty,from Jackson to Park,Both South side bounded by Grand, � Concord,trom Wabasha to LLvinBston, Thirteenth St.: sldes; Lincoln,Lexington and Oxford. � Both sides: Ninth St. (North side),from Auditori- University, from Snelling to Yascal. Alley bounded by Doswell, Raymond, Concord,2rom Ada to Livingston,Both um St.to St.Peter 3t.(3:30 a.m.7:30 South eide: Suford and Cleveland. . eides; a.m.): _ VlMoria,from Grand to Summit,East Alley bounded by Case Avenue from � Payne.from Jenks to Parkway Drive, Ninth St. (South sidel,Srom Audltori- s1de: Jenks Avenue to Arcade Street, West side: um St.to Wabasha St.(3:30 a.m:7:30 VtMorla.4om Mershall to Dayton,Both Weide,Both sides; Payne, irom Case to Parkway Drive, a.m.): sides; Alley bounded by Cleveland,Grand and p;p�6�de� Oakland Ave.,from Grand to Aamsey Vlrginis.frora Iaurel Lo Summit,East Summ�t,Both sides; payne, from 3eventh So Sims, Both (2:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m.—East side): aide: Alley bounded by Amade.Case,Jenks � eides; Raymond, £rom Blake to Como (2:00 VirQlnia, 4om Selby to Laurel, West antl Mendota,&oth sides � Robert,Srom Fillmore to Concord,Both a.m-7:00�a.m.—East slde): side; East-West portion of atley South of � s�d�. Robert St.,from Kellogg Blvd.Lo Uni- Wabash,irom Emerald to��ustis,Soth Maryland,between Duluth and Lane Rice, from VnSversity to Norih City versity Ave.; eides; PL,Both s�des � Llmits, Both sides (except W. side Robert, from 13th St, to L'niversity . .Wabas6,from Hampden to 27S ft.East, Alley bountled by Cretin,Ftnn,Grand � � from Edmund to Charles): Ape" from Kellogg Blvd. to South side; and Summit,Both sides; . Seventh,East,from Arcade to Johnson Rosabel St., Wabash, irom Glendale to Raymond, Alley bounded by Dale, Kent, Sher- _ pkwy.,Both eides: Nlnth SL.: Both stdes; burne and University.Soth siAes: . Seventh,East,from Lafayette to Mar- St. Peter St., from Exchange�St. to Wabasha St.,from Aurora to Central, Alley bounded by Dayton, Marshall. Raret,Both sldes: West 7th(3:30 a:m:7:3�a.m.): Both sides; Moore and Prior,Both sldes; . Seventh,West,irom Seven Cornets So Selby Ave., Fairview Ave. to Summit Wabasha St.,from 160 ft.So.ot College Alley bouryded by Grand, Hamline, Tuscarora,Both sides: (2:00 a.m.-?:DO a.m.—SOUth side); to College,West side; Summit and Syndicate,North side: -. Seventh,West,from Norfolk to Mlssie- Sibley St.,from Second St.to Twelfth Wabasha St., from Kellogg Blvd. to Alley bounded by Grotto,Hague.Selby aippi Rlver Blvd.,Both sides; St.: puurth.East side: and St.Albans,Soth sides; � Seventh,West,from St. Paul to Edg- Sm1th Ave.,from Ramsey St.to College Wa6asha St., from Summit to 220 ft. Alley boundetl by Idaho. Larpenteur, cumbe,North side: Ave.: ' North,West side; Hamline and Huron.Both sides: Seventh,West,from Tuscarora to Al- Snelling Ave.,from Ford Pkwy.to Aoyt Wabasba St.,from 150 ft.So.of College Alley lwunded by Roy.Shields,Snelifng blon,Norlh side; (2:00 a.m:7:00 a.m.—Esst side): tp lyvelfth,East side; and University,Bcth sldea: � - ..,,.. :�, . .....-.... .�, ' ' - ... .. . . .. - . .,.. ._.,�_.�„ . ..�e.,. , . : .... ., �,.- ,.. . .. ....-x . .. �..::: . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . �^'+Y . V�r..,... . :-'h'�.:... . . ��..:i�".�,� 104 pROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL � OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1967 305 SECTION 3 } Dale,irom Dayton W Van Burm,Eaat Kellog6,trom Wabaaha to Washington, gL. Peter SL., from Kellog6 Bivd. to No Parkin6. Rush Hours. No per- � side,�:00-6:00 p.m.; North side.4:00-8:00 p.m.; 3ummlt Ave.: Temperance St., trom Elghth St. to son shall stop, stantl or nark any ve- Dslde�00-8 00�m:to Summit, WeaL KNorth sidem 7:OOa9 OOt s.m., 4:Oa8:00 hide,except when necessary to avoid . p• Nlnth St.; con(lict with other traffc or ln com- . Earl,from Reaney to Beech,West side, P•m^ Temperance St., from Twelfth St. to 4:00-8:00 pm.; Lafayette Rd.,from Seventh to Eighth, Grove St.: pliance with the directions oP a police West side,3:00-6:00 pm.; Wabashe St., irom Kello66 Blvd. to officer or other recoBnized emergency - gerl,from Beech to Allep N.ot Minae- Unlversity; authority,or in obedience to a trafRc _ b�a,4:00-6:00 p.m.: I.exington, from Larpenteur�to Idaho - qrgbasha St. (West slde).from Sth St. control device,in any oF the followinB yr�ytV, from Universlty to 350 ft. N. West,WesL side, i:00-9:00 e.m.; to Bth St. (3:30 a.m.-7:30 a•m.): places during the time indicated: p! TenitoHal Rd., West aide, 7:00- Lexington, from Larpenteur to Idaho . Wabasha St. (West side),from 7th St• Arcade, from Sixth to Seventh, Fast 8:00 a.m.,4:00-8:00 p.m.; West,East slde,4:00-6:00 D.m.; � � to 9th St. (3:SO a.m.-7:30 a.m.): g�de,q:pp-8:00 p.m.; . > Falrview 1mm Man6all to 8outh to Lexingion, from Summi4 to Lincoln. Wabaaha St. (West sidel, from Ex- Arcade,from Case to Wheelock Pkwy.. p��ey,East aide,7:00-9:00 am.,4:00- West slde, 7:00-9:00 am., 4:OC-R:00 change St.to 10th St. (3:30 am-7:30 �gt side,4:U0-6:00 p.m.: � 6:00 p.m•: P•m�: a,m.); Arcade, from Wheelock Pkwy. to � t Fairvlew, from Marshsll to Iglehart, i,exington,from Lincoln to Juno,West Wacouta St., from Kellog6 Blvd. to Geranium, West side, 7:00-9:00 a.m.; Eaft side,7:00-S:oO a.m; side,4:00-B:00 p.m.; gpruce St.: Arcade,from Hawthorne to Rose,West , gpjrview,from Shields to 150 ft.N.of I,exington,from Summit to Grand,East � WashlnBwn 3t.,from Kellogg Blvd.to stde,4:00-6:00 P.m.; Vnivereity, East side. 7:00-9:00 a.m.: side.7:00-9:00 a.m..4:00-8:00 p.m.: Seventh St.: Broadway,from Fourth to So.Junction � F��� trom Wabasha to Cedar, South Lexington, from University to Fuller, qiestern Ave.,from 1VIarahall to Front of Fifth, East side, 7:00-9:00 a.m., � { � side,4:00-8:00 p.m.; East side, T:00-9:00 a.m.. 4:00-6:00 (E:00 am:7:00 a.m.—Eae! side). q:pp_8:00 p.m.; S plith,from Kellogg to Market, North p.m.; Broadway,from Fourth to Sixth,West ai3e,7:00-9:00 a.m.; Maryland,from Westminster to Srank, 3ECTION 4 side,7:00-9:OU a.m.,4:00-6:00 P�m.; F1fth.trom Minnesota to Hobert,South South slde,7:00-9:00 a.m.; No Parking Tnesdays,Thnrsdays and Case,from Payne to approximately 100 stde,4:00-8:00 p.m.; Maryland, from Albemarle to Park, ft.West,South side,4:00-6:oo pm.: Fyfth,=TOm Robert to Broadway,South Both sides.4:00-6:00 p.m.; gaturdsye. Between the hours of 1:30 Cedar. from Exchange to Fifth, West side,4:00-8:00 p.m.: Maryiand,from Frank to Westminster, e,m.to 7:00 a.m. (or such other hours side, 7:00-9:00 a.m.: F1ftR,Irom St. Peter to Sibley,North North side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; , � }�rein designated) on Tuesdays, Cedar, from Fourth to Kello�B. West aide,4:00-9:00 a.m.,4:00-8:00 p m.; Maryland,from 200 ft.E.of Prosperity Thursdays and Saturdays, no vehicle side, 7:00-9:00 a.m.: Forest, from Rose ta Maryland, Fast to Frank,North side,4:00-8:00 p.m; shall be left standinB on the Yollowm8 Cedar, from Fourth to Ke11ogS. E�t side.4:00-8:00 p.m.; Marytand,fron 200 ft.E.oY Prosperity �tcpets; side,7:00-9:00 a.m..4:00-6:00 p.m.: Fourth, from Broadway to Rosabel, to Frank, South side, 7:00-9:J0 a.m.; Central Ave.,4rom Wabasha to Robert: Cedar,from Exchange to Kello�g.East North side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; Me.�sota,from Reaney to Seventh,WeeL ColleBe Ave., irom KellogB Blvd. to Chestn t,��from Shepard Rd. to Ex- Fourth, from Cedar to Sibley, North side 4:00-6:00 p.m.; �at� chanqe,East side,7 00-9:00 a.m.: aide,7:00-9:00 e.m.,4:00-6:00 pm.: Minnehaha,from Jl'eide to E.7th,South Como Ave.. fsom Rice to Dale (Z�00 Clevelanci,from St.Anthony to 200 ft. Fourth,from Seventh to Sibley,South side,4:00-6:00 p.m.: Nde,T:00-9:00 a.m.,4:00-6:00 p.m.; Mlnnehaha, from Forest to Payne, a,m,-7:00 a.m—North slde): go„East s�de.7:00-8:00 a.m.: �, �Fourth, from Seventh to Wabasha. North stde,7:00-9:00 a.m.; � Como Ave..lrom tlamllne to West City Cleveland, from Pinehurst to Ford North side, 7:00-8:00 a.m.. 4:00-8:00 Mlnnehaha, from Fry tu Snelling, 7,im�ts (2:00 8 m:�;pp a,m. — North pkµ,y_� �yest side, 4:00-6:00 p.m.: South side,4:00-6.00 p.m.; s���� Cleveland,from Milwaukee R.R.Tracks � �nt,�from Dale to 300 ft. W., SouN Minnehaha, from Payne to 250 ft. E. . Daie,lrom Grand to Larpenteur (2:00 to Summit,West side,4:00-6:00 p�m.; , s(de,7:00-9:00 am.,9:00-6:00 p.m.; 04 Payne,North side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; e.m:7:00 am.—West sidel; Cleveland,£rom Roblyn to St.Anthony, g}ont, from Dale to 180 ft. E., North Minnehaha.from Dale to 2S0 ft. East, Eighth St.,from Wabasha to Lafayette �eVelande from9�Dayton�to Iglehart, � side.7:00-9:00 a.m.; North stde. 7:00-9:00 a.m.; 4:00-6:OU Road: Hamllne,from Manhall to Selby,Nest p.m.; Elaventh St.,from Cedar to Jackson; East side,7:C0-9:C0 a.+n.: alde.4:00-B:00 p.m.; Minnesota,from Tenlh to Iiellug.,East , Exchange St.,from Ninth to Cedar: Cleveland, from Dayton to Iglehart, Hamline,irom Marshall to Concordfa, slde. 7:00-9:00 a.m.: lYfth St.,irom Pleasant to Broadway: West side.��GO-G:GC p•��: South EasL side, 4:00-8:W a.m.; Minnesota,irom Tenth to Kellogg,West Fourth St., from Seven Corners to College, from Smith to Rice, ���e,irom Concordfa to Manhall, sttle,7:00-9:00 a.m.,4:00-6:00 p.m.: Bzoadway (3:30 a.m:7:30 a.m. on S. si�e.7:00-9:00 a.m.: West side,4:00-8:00 p.m.; Mlssissippi River Blvd.,from Dayton ta dde from Exchange to Auditorium?: Como, from Dale to E. Como Blvd.. �mpden,from Charles to Univenity. Marshall. East side, 7:00-9:00 a.m., Sord Pkwy.. from Snelling Lu Missis- North sitle,4:00-8:00 p.m.; Wesi side,9:00-6:00 p.m.; 4:00-6:00 p.m.; a(ppi giver Blvd. (2:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. C Southf side,n7 00-9t00 a:Como Slvd., Jackson, trom Magnolla to Maryland. Mounds Blvd.,from Kellog Blvd.to 180 —D(urth sidel: Fast side,4:00-8:00 p.m.; ft. S of Conway, East side, 7:00-9:00 Front Ave., from Rice to Lexington Como.from Front to Kent,North aide. Jackson,from Soo Line Bridge to Mag- a.m: � (2:00 a.m.T:00 a.m—NOrth side): 4:00-6:0o p.m:; nolla,West side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; Park, from Sherbume to University, Grand Ave., from Oakland to Cretin Como, from Rice to Park, South side, Jackson,from Tenth to Kellogg Blvd., West side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; (y:00 a.m:7:00 a.m:West side): 7�00-8:00 a.m.; � Weat side, 4:00-9:00 a.m., 4:00-8:00 Park,from Sherburne to Charles,East. Grove St., irom Jackson to Iafaye:te Como,from Rice to Park,North side, p m.; side,4:00-6:00 p.m; Road; 4:00-8:00 p.m.; ; Jackaon, from Tenth to Fourth, Eant Payne, from Rose to Hawthorne, East Kellogg B1vd.,from Summit to John; Como,from Front to 250 ft.West,South side. 7:00-9:00 a.m., 4:00-6:00 p.�n.; aide,4:00-6:00 p.m.; from Kellog6 B1vd. to side. 7:00-9:00 a.m.; Jeckson,from lOth to lith,Both aldes, Pleasant, from Kello�g to Sherman, • Mulberry St.. Como,from Front to 300 it.East North {;pp.6:00 p.m.; North side.4:00-6:0o p.m.; S1xth 3t.; - Jackaon,from 14th to ISO it.N.of 12th, Pleasant,from Forbes to Western,East Pifnth St.,irom Summit to Broadway: side. 4:00-6:00 p.m.; � West aide, 7:00-9:00 am., 4:00-6:00 side,7:00-9:W a.m.; pakland Ave., from Grand to 200 ft. Como, from Thomas to Rice, South m.; Prior, from University to 200 ft. S., West of RamseY(2:00 a.m.-7:00 am— side. 7:00-9:00 a.m.: . Weat side): Como, from Western to G. N. Ry. J ekaon, from Amh to Valley. West East side,3:30-8.00 p.m.: Raymond, Srom Blake to Como (Z�� Como Elvd�E. Srom7Como to Mary- side,T:00-9:00 a.m.; Priar,from University to Roblyn.West � am.-7:00 a.m.—West sitle): Johnson Pkwy.,2rom Stillwater Ave.to side.3:00-5:00 p.m; Seeond St.,from Wabasha to Sibley� land,East side.4:00-6:00 p.m.: 7th,West sic�e,7:00-9:00 a.m.: Prfor,from Waltham to Vniversity,East 3elby Ave.,irom Fairview to Summit Como Blvd., from North leg of . Kellogg,Yrom Cedar to Wabasna,North side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; �R�h 3t���from Kdl BBS�B��d. to Blvd� West s/de 7 00-9 OOf m.;°mo side,7:00-9:00 a.m.,9:00-6:00 p.m.; Prior, from Minnehaha to Unicer3ity, Cretin, from Dayton to IBlehart, East Kellogg, from 80 ft. S. of Pleasant to Both sldes, 7:00-9:00 a.m., 4:00-6:00 ve 300 ft.S.of Pleasant,West side,7:00- p.m.; Braadway: 9:Up a,rn,; Ramsey, from Douglas to PleasanS, gf�cth.Si.,from Summit to Broadway: side, ?:00-9:00 a.m.: Snelling Ave.,irom Ford Pkwy.to Xoyt Cretin,from Dayton to Iglehazt,West Kellogg, from Market to St. Peter, North side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; (2:00 a.m:7.00 a.m.—West side): side,4:00-G:00 p.m: South side, 7:00-8:00 a.m., 4:00-8:00 Ramsey,from Seventh to Leech,South pm.; side. 7:00-9:00 a.m.; . gummit Ave., from Kellog6 Blvd. to Dsldef 4:00-6:OOap�m. to OranBe, � Kellogg,trom Smith to 3eventh,South Randolph,from Seventh to 300 ft. W., Wabasha; eide,T:00-9:Q0 a.m.;4:00-G:00 p.m.; South side,7:00-9:00 a.m.: Tenth St.,from Rice to Broadway: Dale,irom Como to Burgess,East s{ e, Kellogg,from Slbley to Robert,North Randolph,from Seventh to Drake,West Thlrteenth St., from Summit Mall to Dale�fr m Como to Edgar,West side, slde. 7:00-8:00 a.m.; side, 4:00-8:00 p.m.; Robert; Kellogg, from W. Seventh to FSfth. Randolph, irom Toronto to W. 7th, Tweifth St..from Wabasha to Canada; 7:00-8:00 a.m.; North side,4:00-6:00 pm.; North side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; W(gt�00 am�7i00TamMWest�side)Front Dsidef4:00-6:00 P.m.� 150 ft. N., East .. . . . . � - 1�� � . • �'����...� � 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL � OF TFR+�CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1967 107 gandolDh,irom Osceola to 160 tt•W� Slxth, from Rosabel to Sibley, North 111 Haker, lrom Aumboldt to Gorman, Councll Flle No.231S70—Ordinance No. side.4:00-6:00 P.m.: �. North 81de: 135�—By Roberi F.Peterson— Nm'th 61de,4:00-6:00 P�m•� Sixth, from Arcade to Marla. North C]Ittpn, 4om James to Palace, &ast Raymond,irom Brewster to Coma,East side, 7:00-9:00 a.m.; �lde; An ordinaace establlshing Ltmited ���q;pp-8:00 a.m.. 7:00-9:00 a•m: Sixth,from Marla to Hope,South side. 3 Dgyton,from Fry to Appr�lmately 320 Parking Zones pursuant to Chapter 146 gaymond,fram G.N.Bridge to Xasota. 4:00-6.00 p.m.: ) � tt.E.,North s1de; . af the Salnt Paul LeglslaUve Code. East a1de,4:00-6:00 p.m.; Sixth, from Rosabel to Slbley, South � D�loe, tzom Ltvingston to Apprpxi- gice, lrom Iglehart to College, West side.7:00-9:00 a.m.: The Council of the Clty of Saint Paul side,7:00-9:00 a.m.,4:00-8:00 Pm.; gixth, from Wabasha to Sibley, South e mate�y 1S0 tt.E.,South aide; Dcee�rdak: Rice, from Lyon Pl. to G. N. Bridge, side.7:00-9:0� a.m.; � � lYont,from Western to Virgin3a,North East side,4:W-8.00 P�m•% Sixth,from Wabasha to Sibley, South F �e; 3ECITON I € �dde� ir°m Jamea to pa]aee, West S-Diiante Zones. No person ahall, Rlce, from Geranium to Larpenteur. side.4:00-6:00 p.m.: East aide,4:00-6:00 p.m.; Sm1th, from 220 ft. 5. of KellogB to Detween the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 8:00 Sice, irom Lltchfield to FIatch, �gt Smtthegfrom85Forbes7t�o�M Boal��West ! James, trom Cliftop to Fulfon, NOrLh P�m, (uNess some other hours are tide.4:00-6:00 P�m: alde; duly notetl), stop, stantl, or park any gice,trom N.P.Bridge to G.N.BHdge, side, 4:00-6:00 p.m.: ICenneth, from FIillerest to Bohland, vehlcle,except in compliance with the West aide.7:00-9:00 a.m•: Smlth, from Ke13ogB Blvd. to Stxth, West slde: directlons of the police officer or other Ritt, irom College to Iglehart, East Sm�h,�from W.7�ton150 ft.S of Me- � Margaret, Srom Hope Lo 7th, North recognized emergency authority, for side.4:00-8:00 P�M�� more than 8ve minutes at ony one g{ce,from Atwater to Lyon P1•.Weet Sm th,�from Ninth��o Si�h,West side, � sfde; tfine,1n any of the following placee: Montreal,trom Snelling to 250 tt. W., � tlde,7:00-9:00 a_m.: South slde; Robert,from State to Page,East side; g(ce, from Unlversity to Sherburne. 4:00-6:00 p.m.; Mulberry, from Kellogg W 2lq tt. E.. Tenth,from 93 ft. W.of Robert St.to West aide,4:00-8:00 p.m.: Summit, from Kent to St. Albans, � �ytp ude: .gepert,fcom 4th to Kellogg,West side. S�N�h sf om��Xih�to Kellogg.South Pnlace, irom Clifton to Fulton, South 1`�_�•W of Roberf St.,South side. 4:00-B:OU D�.: side: gpbert, from 6th io 4th, West side, Te ah,fro�m�RObert�to Jackson,South 3t. Albana, from Holly to Aahland, 5ECTION 2 �;pp�:0p p.m.: Weat eide; 15-Minate Zones. No peraon shall, Robert, irom Bth to Sth, West side, side,4:00-6:00 p.m.: Na�h �.�_6:�p.m.. Tenth,from Robert to Jackson, Thompaon, from Ramsey to Pleasant, 6etween the houn of 8:00 a.m. and Robert, from Bth to llth. East side, side,7:00-9:00 a.Tn.•4:00-6:OQ p.m.: Ea�t alde; 6:00 p.m. (unless some other hours are 9;pp-g:00 a.m.: 4:00-8:00 P�m.: Third, from Mounds Slvd. to Marla, WaLah, trom Jenks to I,apapn, Fast duly noted),stop, stand, or park any gubert, from 9th to ilth, West side. North side.7:00-9:00 a.m.: . dde. vehicle,except in complianee wlth the 7;pp-9:00 e.m,4:00-6:00 p.m.; University,from Cleveland to La Salle, directfotu of a police officer or other gpbert,So.,from Fillmore to Fairfield. South side,4:00-6:00 p.m.: � �SECTION 8 recognized emergency autrtorlty, for West nide, 7:00-9:00 a.m., 4:00-6:00 University, from Cleveland to Crom- I,�ding EzcepWon. Notwithstanding more than Rfteen minutes at any one � pm: well. North side.7:00-8:00 a.m.: the provlsions Sectiona 5 and 8, ve- tlme, in any of the following places: Rosabel,irom Kellog6 to Fourth.East University,from Marion to Rice,South htcles bearing commercial license plates Eagle,from Seventh to 90 ft.So.,West side,4:00-8:00 p.m: side.7:00-9:00 a.m.; �Vest side, maR during morning houm banned, side; from Beacun Lo Deuey, wabasha, :rom 6!h to 7!h, where signs ind5cate trucks are exempt, Fain�iem, frcm Grand to u0 ft. So.� $t• ��ODy' 4:00•8:00 4:00-6:00 P�m.: but not tluring afternoon hours banned, w`est side; North side. 7:00-9:00 a.m, Wabasha, irom Sth to Exchange, East stop in prohibited areas when neces- p�. Ftfth, from Pleasant to Smith, Sovth St. Anthony,.from Snelling to 120 ft. side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; sary!or ihe immedtate u side; -W.. Both sides, 7:00-9:00 a.m., 4:00- Wabasha, from 8th to 6th, West slde• inQ or unloading, butpoNy for�such Grand, from Victoria to 140 M. West, 8�p m, q;pp_g;pp p.m.: period ot tune as Is masonab�y neces- NoHh side; St.C1a1r,trom 300 it.E.of Lexington �Arabasha, from 7th to 9th, West side, eary for such purpox. Iiamline. from Grand to SO tt. So., plcwy, to Mllwaukee R. R. Bddge, 3:OO-6.00 P.m.,4:00-6:00 pm.; West s(de; . � North side.4:00-B:00 P•m�: tVestern from Sherburne to University, SECITON 9 Park,fmm 140 ft. N. ot Sherburne to gt, peter, from Exchange to Kellogg. West side,7:00-9:00 a.m.: p 200 ft.N.of 3herburne,West side; Wect a1de,4:00-6:00 p.m. White Bear Ave. from Margaret to piyv ded by Sec�tfon 5�shail8 ot apply Rice, from Vniversity to Sherburne, St. Peter, from 6th to 5th. East stde, Montana,East side.4:00-6:00 p.m.; East side; 4:��:�p.m,� White Bear Ave., from Reaney to on Saturdaya p.m, Sundays nor the St. Clair, from Brimhall to Saratoga�- following listed holldays: New Year's Smlth,from 7th to Ramsey,East side, Beech,West side,7:00-8:00 a.m. �y, pq e m o r i a 1 Day, 2ndependence South side; 7;00-9:00 a.m.; Day, Lebor Day, Thanksgiving and Seventh. West, Srom FIope to Sinnen, $eventh, irom Sush to Minnehaha, SECTION 6 ���� South side; North side,7:00-8:00 a.m.; No ParRing—CeTtain Houra. No per- Seveath, West, One apace at 194 W. Seventh, W.. 4rom Chestnut to Seven son shall stop, stand or park anY �e- 3ECTION!0 Tth,South side; Corners,South side,7:00-8:00 a.m.: hicle except when necessary to avoid �$ordinance shall nok be rinted ae seventh,West,from Dousman to Baa- Seventh, from Dealton to Montreal, conflict with other traffic or �n com- P fil,North side; South side.7:00-8:00 a.m.: p��ance with the directtons of a police pa rt of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Seventh, West, f r o m Western to Seventh,from Auditorium to 8th.South officer or other recognized authority, • � but sAall be lncorporated themtn by Supe:for,South side, (8:00 a.m.-9:00 ' side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; or in obedience to a traffic control � ttterence. p m�. $eventh, from Ocean to W. Johnson �evice,in any of the followusg Pla�e$ � Slbley,4om Kellogg to 2nd St., Weat g�rvice Dr.,South side,4:00-6:00 P�m.: SECTION 11 Seventh,from Sibley to Wacouta,7:00- during the time�ndicated: ( side; Cedar,from Central to 13th,East side, � 1'his ordinance shall take et7ect and Snelling, from Minnehaha to Engle- g:00 am..4:00-g��P•m•� 4:00-6:00 P•m.; be 1n force thlrty (30) daya irom and wood; Seventh,£rom 9th to 6th, South side, Grotto, from Portland to Holly. East atter its passage, ayproval and pub- Tenth, from 7ackson to 160 ft. W. of q;pp.g:00 a.m.; side. 9:00 a.m-1:00 p.m., (SUndays llcalion. Jackwn,North side; . - Sibley,from KelloBg to 4th,East side, only); Tenth, Srom Jackson to I27 ft. West, 7:00-9:00 a.m,4:00-6:00 p.m; Grotto, from Summit to Holly, Eeat Paased by the Counetl Januazy 91, South afde; $ibley,from Kellog�to 6th,West side, s�dp y:� $.m_l;pp p.m.. (SUndays 198T. Thomas,from Hamllne to 80 ft.West, . 7;pp-g:00 a.m.: only): Yeas—Councllmen Carlson, Dalglish, South eide; Slbley,from 9th to 7th,East sSde,7:00- Kellogg, from Sibley to 150 ft. W.. $olland, Meredith, Tedesco, Mr. Vice Vniversity,from Snelling West to West . g:00 a.m.: South side,7:00-9:00 a.m.; ptesident(Peterson)-8. line Lot 27,North side; Sibley, Srom 4th to 5th. Both sides, Marshall, from Dunlap to 1S0 M. E., N�� Wacouta,from 7th St. to Sth St.,East q:00-8:00 p.m; South side. 7:00-9:00 a•m. Side. � Sibley,from Sth to 7th,East side,9:00- SECTION 7 APBroved January 93, 1987. � 8.�p m. 3ECTION 3 Sixt6, Srom Jackson to .Minnesota, No Parking,School Days. No person� ROBERT F.PElERSON, 3B-Mlnate Zones. No North side.4:00-6:00 P.m: AMfng MaYOr. Peraon shall. Blxth, irom Wabasha to St. Peter, sha11 stop, stand or park any vehicle between the houra of 8:00 a.m, and North side,4�00-6:00 p.m. between the hours of 8:00 a.m and the Attest• 8.00 p.m. (unless some other hours are $txth, from Smith to Summit, East p.m. on school days on any of gpggy g, pSqgSFIALL, duly noted), stop, stand or park any side,4:00-6:00 p.m.; following streets: . Gty Cierk, vehlcle,except ln compliance with the glxth,irom Wabasha to Seventh,South Albert, from Lafond to Blair, West (Febsuaty 9, 198T) dlrecUOns of a police officer or other dde,l:00-6:00 P•m•� side; reeo8nized emergency authority for ---- —_ ---�------- - f � lst %f� 2nd `�/c�� ___.-.,.— __ 3rd����� Adopted ^ ��y Yeas Nays BUTLER I�UDTT___ LEVINE ��� ��� � MADDOX C� SHOWALTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA) � .