273714 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll �����.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � ���� BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N O.���� Presented By l�ll� • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date • An ordinance to repeal certain obsolete chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Gode, namely: 68 - Undertakers and Mortuary Chapels; 69 - Contiguous Airport Area; Requirements; and 79 - Municipal Airport. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the following listed chapters of the St. Paul Legislative Gode be and the same hereby are repealed: 68 - Undertakers and Mortuary Chapels 69 - Contiguou� Airport Area; Requirements 79 - Municipal Airport - -- � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �K McMahon In Favor Hozza �ktrrt Levine � Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco 9 Adopted ounci : Date ��'T 4 191 Form Approved by 'ty ttorne tified Pas y C ncil Secr�tary BY By ' � ,_ App o by Mayor: at ' � OCT 1 0 19 A to e by Mayor for bm s ' n to Council By By �u�eL�sHEO 0 CT 13 1979 � . , ����, C1M O 1 s 2 1 75 : , .,_ � � / Re v. 9 / 6 EXPLANATIOI�T O�'� �MINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIO S AND �RDINANCES �� .�,�t... _ � Date : .���t.����979 ,� ,� , f i� � _ � � ��� '�=� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � - °� � ,,b MAYOR'S QFEIC� �'R: Gity Attorney RE: Ordinance to repeal ob�olete chapters of Legislative' Gode: Chapters 68, 69 and 79 _ ACTION REQUESTED: : Council action PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS AC�ION: fteview �o� Legislative Code brings �ttention to obsolete chapters of the code: - . 68 - Undertakers and Mortu�ry Chagels. Thi� chapter prohibits such businesses in re�idence distric.ts. The matter is covered by the new Zoning O�dinance, 60.502b. . 69 - Cont�guous Airpor� Area; Requirements. This ehapter requires certain warning lights within a de�ined airport area. Such matters are now regulated by �he: Metropolitan Airports Commission. : 79 - Municipal Airport. This chapter merely names the - St. Paul Airport, Holman Field (from a resolution adopted in 1g40j . Unnecessar�to be included in a legislative code. . - � . i ATTACHAIENTS: � Proposed ordinance , eopies of chapters to be repealed. -- 1���C� � _ . 6S. UNDE�tTt�SERS AI`�D i�I0R3'UARY CH�.PELS fiS.01. Prohihited in R�sidenee Districts. I�To undertakina or embulmino business shall be carried on, and no mortuary chapel, funeral home, vault ar othar house, buildinJ, structure or receptacle for the preparation of the dead for burial or for the reception, de�osit, or keeping of the dead bodies of human bein�s shall be establisned, opened, kept or maintained in any residence district in the Citp of St. PauL � � 6S.02. "Re�idence District" Defined. A residence district «ith- in th2 meanino of this chapter shall be beld to be the haLf block on � eacii side of the same street bet�veen the cross streets in �vhich the � buildinas therein or thereon have been built eYClusively�for residence purposes, or hace the general character of residences, or are occu- pied or used for residences, or if such half bloc'�s be vacant wholly ; fl' or in part, in �vhich the Iots are intended for residence purposes. ; ( "''� The fact that th� lots, if �-acant, are in a lecalitc �vhere the buildin�s in t?�.e immediate r.eiohborhood, or the nearest buildinos ha�e the general character of reside:�ces, or are intended ior or de�oted to residence purposes p�cb.zsively shall be held to establish the fact that the vacant lots are intended for residence purposes. I`'o restrictiun, clause, provision or portion of this chapter shall apply to any prop- ei-�r classifi�d as Commercial District property by the Zoninb Code. ; 6S.03. Nuisance. Any undertaking or embalming business or � - esta.blishment or mortuary chapel, or funeral home, or house, buiId- ing, or other structure or part of any thereof for the reception or preparation of the deacl for burial or for the deposit, detention, or keeping of the same temporarily, or othencise, carried on, opened, establishec�, kept or maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be abated as such. (Ordinance 5150, passed Oct. 18, 191.9; Amended: Ord. 71�17, Ja;2. 25, 1933.) . � . `� . , 69. CONTIGUOUS AIRPORT AR.E 4; REQUIREI�IENTS �'a'� 69.01. Area Defined. There is established a Contiguous Air- port Area within the City of St. Paul. Said Co�tiguous Airport Area shall be comprised of all that portion of said City Iying within and bounded by the following lines: � Commencing R%here the center line of Third street intersects the center line of Wabasha�street; thence easterly alona said center�line , of Third street to the intersection of sa.id line with the center line of nSounds Boulevard; thence southeasterly along the center line of Mounds Boulevard to the intersection of sa.id line with the center line of Hastings avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Hastings avenue to the intersection of said line with the center Iine of Mound street; thence southerly along the center line of Mound street to the intersection of said line with the center line of Burns avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Burns avenue to the intersection of said line with the center line of Point Douglas R,oad; thence southerly along the center line of Point Douglas Road to the intersection of said line with the center line of Battle Creek; thence aiong a direct line from the last named intersection to the intersection of the center lines of Annapolis street and the levee; thence westerly along • the center line of Annapolis street to the intersection of said line with the center line of Concord street; thence northwesterly along the center line of Concord street to the intersection of said Iine with the center line of Wabasha street; thence northvvesterly along the center line of �Vabasha street to the place of beginning. 69.02. Warning Liahts on Towers, etc. The owner, lessee; or ! "" gerson,� firm or corporation hati-ing the care, custody or control of any structure, obstruction, radio to��er, mast, flag pole, transmission � tower, water tower, po1e, chimney, or any other structure exceeding one hundred feet in height, located within the area as established in 69.OI, during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one- half hour before sunrise, and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any such object from a distance of five hundred (500) feet, shall clearly mark such object , with red lights of at least 50-watt lamps, wired in multiple circuits: i Suitable �,veatherproof units shall be used, and shall be mounted in . � each case above the highest point of such object, or on poles of � eorresponding height placed alongside thereof. At least t�vo sucn � lignts shall be placed directly above each such object, and one red Iight or more, as may be necessary to give visibility in all directions, shall be placed at a point t�vo-thirds the height of each such object, � and one red light shal] be placed at a point one-third of the height of e�ch such ok�ject; provided, hotivecer, that such objects may be liar,ted by adequate flood lights in lieu of such red markin� liahts. 69.03. All such objects over 35 feet in height located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the 1�Iunicipal Airport boundary lines shall, bet�veen the hou*_-s specified in G9.0� be clearly marked titi-ith at least one red light of 50 �vatts, mounted ciirectly above such object. • (Ordinance i235, pa,ssed A2cg. 28, 1930.) , . � � ' �L ���",� • � " - - - i9. �IUNICIPAL�IftPORe 1 �ted as"St.Paui �g.Ox. The Airport is hereby namecl and d bm 1�Iunicipal AirPort,Hotman Field:' � (From Cau'nciZ Fzi.e IIS61�, acivpted yla� 7, 19.�4.} � ._._..-_...-----.. _..� ._...-..- �- . __._------_ _ _; . �.... _ .___-- --•- � " . . �_..._. Y.>- . . � . , ,. . / . � �����C. F. :�o. 118612--B7. W. A. Parranto-- � . R'hereas, The idenUtp of our Tiunic_ ,c�,��:tpal 3iirport has been lost in national ���.._xdvertising because it does not carry n ��;Lhe name of Lhe Clty of Satnt Paul; �r therefore, be fL ���5;,.:'``�,- P,esotred, That the name of the Air- � i"'-��:-�port be changed from °Holroan Tlunic- k="`' "'3ipa1 Airport" to "SL Paul l�tunicipal �t-�� Airport, Holman Fie)d:' '`:;;�° Adopted by the Councit 3fa 7 19l0. ��- � Y . ~��"'�^•gDAroved Afay 7, I990. �; -. (�ay il, 1940) '�_. ______ ...__._ � . . . , - ` OM 01: 12/1975 P-----'- • -• , � Re v. = 9/�P/7 6 � � � W i� LANATION O�' MINISTR.ATIVE ORDERS, �� � ,; RESOLUTI0I�S AND ORDINANCES � � ;; _ .�;,;_^.� _ � Date : ��egt:��1979 .;::. ; _ � -.: :', . , _ ; -. � �TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER - .g�. '` r. ��. �,a •4lK.g. . : . � . y � Z,iCV'3P'�" `^k.'• � . ''��'= , . ' ... " . - . . . `� �'�.� .. . . . . . � FR: City Attorney , w� =� . : r:= , . :, - : . _ . ,. :. r� . .. �; Ordinance to repeal obsolete chapters of Legislative Code: Chapters � 68, 69 and 79 � �._ M.�� � � � ���a:�:��:�� , t st��' ��s� 5���* , ' �� � ACTIO�I REQUESTED - , �;_ � � t ���=:x`,���F �` x�� -_ ..:i�...�,...- . . ...v':{.�..� '&'� ..3 .� ._» �, w .-- �,e��.,<` ° - "Y"�-+�'�"`'�}',�,'�*i.+w:? .� r . . ��k :��.� � . 1"�k`°`�`�'' '4� .' .' ' .�e.�wy;¢�2". �h 'p�� i fi, � 3 . �t lJO�ZiC 1��sy��./�/Zf011�. 'V`$rT1YiN'C'°"�.G"SG-`74�� ,�i �� R ^ ����`i . e. ; .�A� . .:y, �.t ', .. . , � a� �'Mt� a.. • '6' 't' .gi 4�y 4:, . . .:Y. . � .F'�Y1l�� �wkri*a}�� � ��,� �� ��'�� � - .. � f,y.'�' ^� .",� 'a°'.�.:�" y �!' �" . , - . .: • • �y - . .,. " �4 . _ . . . . . . � _ . -"..!4�t�f' "..'" " , r`s x;::y.�*t v��'4. . ,..."; l�'�+°r .dw��� ' . 'PURPOSE AND `RATIONALE FOR THIS P,CTION -����.:vm . . : . . ..� r a �;� .. . � . . '^.n, . � • _ �e_:-. "��..� . � .:� :� ` � . _ - � . _ : ....: .�.r:,. .� :"`� , s : _�.: _ ..,. . .. . . � . . - ... ...F`.: _ .. :. . . . .. , , . . . . . , . . .--`� Review �of: Legislative Code brings attention to obsolete ehapters of the code• � - - • -,-- _ .� _. ..,. :, _ ,.. ..., _:'._. y: . .. ... .... ` ' ... ':.. ' ' �-: .,- � .. . . .+: �'...: . . . . � ''. - ' . _ ' . . .. �..::.. . � . .: . .. ..:: . :_ . .. . � 68 - Undertakers and Mortuary Chapels. This chapter� ` prohibits such businesses in residenee 'districts.� ' ° ` -� =' � The `matter is covered by the new Zoning Ordinance, 60.502b. _ <.; . _ _ ., _ .:��.. 69 - Contiguous Airport" Area; ftequirements. This chapter • - � - � requires certain warning lights within a defined airport area. Such matters are now regulated by the � • Metropolitan Airports Commission. 79 - Municipal Airport. ` �This chapter merely names the St. Pau1 A�.rport, Aolman Field (�rom a resolution : , adopted in 1940) . Unnecessary to be included in a legislative code. � ' ` i _ ATTr'1C'ri�:ENTS : �roposed ordinance , copies of chapters to be repealed. � _ . 1 �� � � 2nd �/ � lst c 3rd �/�� Adopted � Nays Yeas BUTI.ER HUNT LEVINE �����'`$ MADDOX SHOWALTER U � TEDESCO . pRESIDENT (HOZZA) � i