273713 WHI7E - CITV CLERK A`u���� CANARV -DEPARTMENT COUIICII � BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PA.UL File NO. �r Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. t ��(�.� Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An or�inance repealing certain obsolete chapters and sections of the Saint Paul Legislative r Code pertaining to health and sanitation: Chapters 213, Lunch Wagon� upon Streets; 269, Infected Rooms; 271, New Borns with Sore Eyes; 274, Venereal Diseases; 275, Tenement House Storage; and 277, Public Address System in Hospitals; and Section� 273.04-273.06, certain tuberculosis regulations. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: Section 1. That the following listed chapters and sections of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby are repealed: 213 - Lunch Wagon� Upon Streets, etc. 26g - Infected Rooms . . 271, - New Borns With Sore Eye� , �y r. � 274 - Venereal Diseases a � - .. , , - - 27� - Tenement House Storage ` . ..�_ .: 27'7 - Publie Address System in Hospita�.s _ 273.,04, 2?3,05 ar�a 273.06, tu`berculo�is regulations Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � '�McMahon Hozza [n Favor �Ie:rrt Levine � Against BY Maddox Showal.-t—er�---� T���� > >g�g Form Approved by City torney Ado��e�by Council.�� Date �CT 4 � Certified P d^by C ncil ecret'�iry BY . Y . Appr by Mayor: Da e Appr ve y Mayor for Submis n t oun�` � By BY Pt�81.1SHED 0 CT 13 �g7� _ t r . . . . . _ � �..�t'1 SJ�1: � - . \ „ , : /1975 � Rev. : 8f'76 . �:. , � EXPLANATION O�'" MTNISTRATIVE ORDERS, . � RESOLUTIO 5 AND ORDINANCES � ���� Date: Sept. 5, 1979 �'C � �,. � w �:s f� � - :,�.. ;� ��?.�� " TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ���.yE�s� � FR: City Attorney _ � p�; Propos�d ordinance to repeal obsolete chapters of Legislative Gode pertaining to health and sanitation ACTI�N REQUESTED: _ : � Council aetion . PURPOSE AND R.ATIONALE FOR THIS ;ACTION: Review of Legislative Code brings attention to obsoletG and redundant provisions: • 213 - Lu�th Wagons Upon Stre��s - Obsolete, cover�d by food ardinance;� 269 - Infected Rooms - Ubsolete, per Division of Publi� Health. 271 - New Borns with Sor� Eyes - Obaolete, per DivisiQa of Publie Heal�h:. 274 - Venereal Diseas�s� - -0bsolete, unconstitution�l. - 275 - Tenement House Sto�age, ete. - Obsolete, per Div. o� Publi� Health, 27'7 - Publie Address System in Hospita,ls - Neither H�alth Officer nar Buildin.g Of�ici�l indicates a necessity for sueh an -� , ordinance. _ , 273.04, 273.05 and 273.06, having to do with disinfeetio� o� . - premises and placarding o� premises in cases of tuberculosis - obsole�te. ,: , � � , ATT�CH�IENT5: : Proposed ordinance, copies oY ordinanees to be repealed: . - ` j���� _ _ �����.:� ' 1 213. LUNCH WAGONS UPON STREETS, ETC. 213.01. Restriction. It shall be un]awful for any person to pre- pare or serve meals or lunches in or from any wagon, stand or inclo- sure in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public grounds of the City of St. Paul. _ � • (Ordincr„nce Q601, a,pproved July 9, 1906.) 269. INFECTED ROOMS 269.01. Duty of Commissioner. It shall be�the duty of the Com- missioner of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, when in his opinion the caicimine, wall paper or other wall or ceiling covered in any room has becom�infected with a communicable disease, to order the owner or occupant of, or the person, persons, firm or corporation in charge of such room, to remove said calcimine, wall paper or other wall or ceiling covering, and every such owner or occupant or such person, firm or corporation in charge of such room, when so notified, shall immediately remove said calcimine, wall paper or other wall or � ceiling covering. � (Ordinance 298.�, passed May 16, 1911..) 271. NEPI BORNS WITH SORE EYES ' 271.01. Reports. Every physician, midwife; nurse, or other person attending any child at birth, or within seven days thereafter, shall report to the Commissioner of Public Safety, or to one of his assistants, every case of sore eyes developed by said child within said time, while so attending the same, and said report shall be made within twenty-four hours after the first appearance of_ said case of sore eyes. . (Ordina.nce.`G97.�, passed Aprr,l 6, 1911.) . �l r`����� 274. VENEREAL DISEASES 274.01. Quarantine. Upon the recommendation of the Com- missioner of Public Safety, syphilis; gonorrhoea and chancroid are hereby declared to be contagious and infectious diseases and any person suffering from any thereof or reasonably suspected of suffer- ing from any of said diseases shall be subjeet to quarantine and detention until cured. 274.02. Venereal Hospital. For the purpose of quarantining, de- ta.ining, treating and curing persons suffering from, or reasonably suspected of suffering from, any of said diseases, there is hereby established a venereal hospital in the Workhouse of the City of St. Paul, to be under the direction, management and control of the Bureau of Hea,lth of said City. 274.03. Detention of Diseased Persons. Any person known ta be suffering, or rea.sonably suspected of suffering, from any of said diseases may be taken up by any health officer or police officer of said City and taken to and placed in said hospital for examination, and if found to be infected with any of said diseases, shall be retained therein for trea.tment until discharged as cured by the health officer of said City. (Ordinunce 5068, passed March 13, 1919.) . 275. TENEMENT HOUSE STORAGE, ETC. 275.01. Prohibitions, Sec. I. No tenement or lodging house, nor any portion thereof, shall be used as a place of storage for any 'w' combustible article or rags, or any article dangerous or detrimental to health, nor shall any horse, cow, calf, swine, pig, sheep or goat be kept in such house. (Ordi�x�nce 1681, approved Ma,y 11, 1893.) , � 277. PUBLIC ADDftESS SYSTEMS IN HOSPITALS 2i7.01. Public Address System Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, association or corporation to maintain or operate in the City of St. Paul any hospital, sanatorium, rest home, nursing home, or boarding home, or other related institution containing twenty=five or more beds unless such institution shall the.rein provide, operate, and maintain a public address system for the safety of the patients cared for. 2 i r.02. Definition. A hospital, sanatorium, rest home, nursing home, boarding home, or other related institution shall mean any in- stitution, place, building, or agency in which any accommodation is maintained, furnished, or offered for the hospitalization of tY�e sick or injured or the care of any aged or infirm persons receiving chronic or convalescent care. Nothing herein shall apply to hotels, rooming houses, or other similar places that furnish onlp board and room or either to their guests: (Ordinance 10756, possed March 28, 1956.) . t � . ' ` ��:.�si0�,q�r� . � �� r�. � 273.04 LEGISLATIVE CODE 273.04. Disinfection of Premises, In case of the vacation of any apartments or premises, by death .from tuberculosis, or by the removal therefrom of a person or persons infected with tuberculosis, it shall be the duty of the person in charge, or the physician in charge, to notify the Commissioner of Health aforesaid of such removaI, �vithin twenty-four hours thereafter, and such apartments or prem- ises so vacated shall not again be occupied until duly renovated and disinfected as hereinafter provided. 273.05. Duties of Commissioner. In case of the vaca.tion of any premises or apartments, as set out in 273.04 the Commissioner of Public Safety, or one of his health officers, shall immediately visit - � . said premises and shall order and direct that such premises or apart- ments, and aIl infected articles therein, be properly and suitably disinfected. In case there shall be no remaining occupants in such or apartments, and the same shall be vacant, then the Commiss oner of Public Safety shall cause a notice in writing to be served upon the osvner, or the agent of the owner of such premises or apartments, ordering the renovation and disinfection of such premises or apar� ments, under the direction of and in conformity with the regulations .�. �- of the local Department of Health. 273.06. Placarding of Premises. In case any orders or direc- tions of the Commissioner of Public Safety requiring the disinfection of any articles, premises. or apartments, as hereinbefore provided, shall not be complied with within thirty-six (36) hours after such orders or.directions shali be given, then it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Safety to cause a placa,rd, in words and form as follows, to be placed upon the door of the infected premises or • apartments, to-wit: NOTICE! Tuberculosis is a communicahle disease. These apartments have been occupied by a consumptive, and may have become infected. They must not be occupied until the order of the Commissioner directin$ their renovation and disinfection has been complied with. This notice must not be removed under penalty of law, except by the Commissioner of Public Safety, or an authorized officer. And such placard shall not be removed until such a time as_the order or directions of the Commissioner of Public Safety shall have been complied with, and the removal of such placard authorized by the Commissioner of Public Safety. , (Ordinance 2127, ccpproved Febrrc¢ry .�, 1904.) °"�— OM O 1 c 12/19 75 , I -� Rev. : 9/8/76 I - � EXPLANATION O�'� / MINISTR.ATIVE ORDERS, f `�'J U �J RESOLUTIO S AND ORDINANCES . �����,� Date : 5ept. 5, 1979 � . TO: NIAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . . _.:.� . ._ ,,, ., .. .,, x_ ..-... ,.. .. ... ,�.: FR: City Attorney , ,.- �, �: Proposed ordinance to.=repeal obsolete chapters of Legislative Code pertaining to health and sanitation - - ACTIO�T REQUESTED: � ��"� �� � � - . �,��,� �� .� k ���: �. .: -� � . • ��� _ _ , , - n��,� �- _ . � , _ ,. � _ _: _ - . ... -�._ - - . • Council action _ _ : ... _ , :�_ - - : , , , . - . PURPOSE AND R.ATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION. � � � * - " Review o� Legislative Code brings attention to obsolete and redundant provisions: - - - _ 213 - Luni�h Wagons Upon S�treets - Obsolete, covered by food ordinance; � . . . 269 - Infected Rooms - Obsolete, per �Division of Public Health. . _ ,. _ _ ::.,. 2'71 - New Borns with Sore Eyes - Obsolete, per Division of Public Health. 274 - Venereal Diseases• - Obsoletea uneonstitutional. 2'75 - Tenement House Storage, ete. - Obsolete, per Div. of Public Health. 27'7 - Public Address System in Hospi ta.ls - Neither Health OfSicer nor Building :0��icial indicates a necessity for such an � ordina.nce. - , 273.04, 273.05 and 273.06, having� to do with disinfection of premises and placarding of premises in cases of - tuberculosis - obsolete. � ` �1TTACHAIENTS : Proposed ordinance, copies of ordinances to be repealed. ' - - - - --- --- . . . --- -- - � . �_ 1 s t �/ �g 2nd �j/c�� � 3rd —{��� Adopted Yeas Nays BUTLER HUNT LEVINE � MADDOX '�+����� 6 SHOWALTER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)