273710 WMITE — CITV ERK p �a
PINK � FINANC G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council 7,■ l�
CrANARV - DEPART T ' �^^���■■
BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO• �� �
� " Council Resolution
Pre,sented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, effective December 31, 1979, there will be a need to select a new Police
Chief, and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Civ3.1 Service Comm�.ission act as
the Special Police Chief Examining Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Mayor shall choose one of the three persons recommended by the Po].ice
Chief Examining Committee, and
WHEREAS, the City Council will approve a choice of the Mayor for Police Chief, and
WHEREAS, the Council has the right and opportunity for input to the Police Chief
Examining Committee and the Mayor, and
WE�REAS, the Police Chief selection internally from the members of the St. Paul
Police Department would lead to greater efficiency and smooth transition, and
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would select a person familiar with
the present employees, divisions, practices and operating procedures of the
St. Paul Police Department, and
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would select a person cognizant and
sensitive to the issues of all neighborhoods, civic and labor organizations, and
the different team police areas, and
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would select a person who understands
the variable of matters before the City Council, the Ma.yor, the c3ty departments,
the County Commission, the �udicial system, and the Minnesota State Legialature, and
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would select a person who has dealt
with the St. Paul City Charter Administrative Code and the city's financing and
budgets, and
COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY —
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY
�lpproved by ;blavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY — — BY
MHITE - CITY CLERK •'�7.)��■�
' �� ' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Gommittee By Date
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would necessitate minimum amounts
of orientation, structural ad�ustments, and physical relocation, and
WHEREAS, the Police Chief selection internally would alleviate a lengthy process,
appointments, interviews and cost savings o£ travel for prospective cand3dates, and
WHEREAS, the present St. Paul Po13.ce Department is high].y acclaimed for its
professiona.l services and its reputation as an outstanding 1.aw enforcement and
public safety agency in Minnesota, and
WHER�AS, all Police Chief appointments in St. Paul have been accomplished through
an internal selection since tenure was established for the Chief in 1936, and
WHEREAS, the overall cri.me rate in St. Paul has declined 16.9% from 1976-1978,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, tha.t the City Council recommends that the Police Chief Examining Committee
reco�nend candidates for selection that are present employees and members of the
St. Paul Police Department, and that said criteria for selection be a necessary and
proper qualification for the position of Police Chief, and be it finally
RESOLVED, that the City Council recommend that the selection by the Mayor be of a �
present member and employee of the St. Paul Police Department.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
��K McMahon
Hozza In Favor
L.evine _ __ Against BY —
Tedesce�'� p ���� Form roved City
Adopted by Council: Date —����4���?
Certifie �s�ed by Coun � Sec BY
!# d by Mavor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
pt�siisff�.o SEP 2 g 1979