01-1048j �. � : � � 4�� ;t ; `,_: i\��s�1\tF" RESOLUTION Council File # �\� ��� Green Sheet �' 106280 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � 51 52 53 54 55 56 WHERF9S, the existing Sewer Maintenance 6uilding was 6uilt in 1966 and dces not meet the needs ofthe Sewer Utility, is not ADA compliany does not Lave a female ]ocker mom, it needs signi5cant repairs, ventilation is inadequate and the Utility would like to assign some ofits downtowu staff tLere, and VJHEREAS, the Sewer Maintenanee Building Modification project has spending and 5nanciug budgefs in multiple yeazs, and WHEREAS, for ease of accounfing and accountability for this lazge project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 and 2000 budgets, combine funding and brivg the budget forward to the curreut yeaz, arld WHEREAS, addii�onal Sewu Sexwce Fundi�g needs to be added to the 2001 finanring plan to awazd a contract for constructio�, and WFIEREAS, Counc�l ASle 27751Q dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policaes, and V✓fiEREP S, Additional spendmg authority is reqwred to transfer t}us amount from the Sewer operating budget to the Caprtal Projects Fund where construction payments will be pmpuly disbursed, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pwsuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does cerEity that there are available for appropriaGOn $1,56Q100 in funds in escess of those estimated iu the 2001 budget, and WfiEREAS, The Mayor reeommends that the 2001 operat�ng budget be amended as follows, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Comma7 of tLe City of Sai�t Paul, upou reammendaGOn oFthe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $ 2,837,500 is available for appropnation in the 2001 CapitalImproveme�t Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by th�s Council, be hereby furthu amended in the Improvement Budgets, m the following partiwlars: FINANCING PLAN Sewu Maintenauce Building C95-2F015 CSB S5F SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Bwlding C95-2F015 Construetion & Plan� FINANCING PLAN Sewer Mai�tenance Buildmg C00-2F020 SSF SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Building C00-2F020 Construction & Plans Current Amended Budget Cbanges Budget 75,000.00 -51,445.00 23,555.00 927,400.00 -927,400.00 0.00 1,002,400.00 -978,845.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978 545.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978,84500 23,555.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000 00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 O.UO 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 � � , tL L r:�����, s� FtxaxcuacP� ss sewer Maineenance auila;ng 59 COl-2F021 60 61 CIB 0.00 51,445.00 51,445.00 62 SSF 250,OOO.W 2,837,500.00 3,08i,500.00 63 25Q000.00 2,888,945.00 3,13$945.00 64 65 SPENDINGPLAN 66 Sewer Maintenance Building 67 COl-2F021 68 69 Construction & Plans 250,000.00 $885,945.00 3,135,945.00 70 250,000.00 2,888,945.00 3,138,945.00 71 72 73 74 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 75 76 FINANCING PLAN 77 260 Sewer UGlity Enterprise Fund 78 49 9925 Use ofRetained Earnings 1,697,361.00 1,560,100.00 3,257,461.00 SO All other F7nancing the Same 43,394,104.00 0.00 43,394,104 00 81 45,091,465.00 1,560,300.00 46,651,565.00 82 S3 SPENDINGP 84 260 Sewer Utility Enterpriee Fund 85 86 22201-05651Y-fto Cap Proj Fund 0.00 1,560,100.00 1,S6Q100.00 87 All Othu Spending the Same 45,091,465.00 0.00 45,091,465.00 88 45,091,465.00 1,560,100.00 46,651,56500 89 90 Now, therefore, be it Further Resolved, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2001 budget. �a St. PauF Leng-Aa^_-,e t'auzi�l Imp.�cvemsnt , � P:ndga; Comrn:it�3 re�:�iJed tliis �e.a�a�st on ; pytt$� �aa:�) �P 20°� .-and:ecca�aeatta �,_,___< �� � � />,sr f ., . �� $�9C�'.'7�U':0�2T AS3 ", '�(L+ �l •'v �, J ' �10� � H� �^F!t?j76S S� {= Da:�*.^o�c% o^3r{;'uS:S�;� 4o.:.�i.:*.i .' 8� �� � x �:t` �':,: , «,� .� .,,;,.°� �&�3€314ACt31zj 3a;i��:} 8u:e�"� -,5zzo7 i •"a ,a _,:.:Sict�" �d�2C a�y ou�l3 enana� a e� os rom o eman Harris Lantry ei e� Yeas Nays Absent �— ✓ ✓ ✓ � Adopted by Council : Date �� �o ,'a a o\ �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � � Cj` �� � Approved By Mayor: Date �`�/G!�'� BY: C.��i-�/L lt�ll�C� Form Approved by City Attorney: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Requested by Department of: E.IW(iab Public Works 9-5-01 works TACT PEFSON 8 PFpNE Warn - 66142, Mike Kassan - 66249 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/5/2001 �I�ACF¢�q�CTOR g� CITYCOUNCIL _ ATlORNEY ' '� CINCLEFK iETOIRECTOR �p FlNANCEACCOUNTING 7R(OR ASSIST� ,��i Mke Kessan c � -�a+r No. 106280 iNmnvoare = (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS WR SIGNANR� 3❑Ef Warn _ 2�f DFPMTMENi ACCOUM Approval of attached Councii Resolution closing out 1995 and 2000 Sewer Maintenance Building projecu and bringing budgets forwazd to the current year for construction and adding Sewer Service funding tc 2001. O a RECOMMENDATIONS:Apptwe (A) o� Rejec[ (R) PfANNINGCOMMI$SION CIVILSEqVICECOMMISSION _QBCOMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ _ _—DI5fRICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNQLOB3ECTNE? PFRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESfIONS: 7 Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contrac[ for this tleparlmeM% YES NO 2. Has ihis persoNirtn ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posse5sed by any curren[ ciry employee • YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee {NIi7AT{NG PROBLEM, f55UE.OPPORTUNITY CNHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY) The existing Sewer Maintenance building was built in 1966. Today, the facility does not meet the neP.,ds of the Sewer Utility. It is not ADA compliant, it does not have a female locker room, lit mzds significant repaixs, venrilation is inadequate and the Utility wouid like to assign some of its downtown staff there. The Sewer Maintenance Building Modification is a project with spending and financing budgets in multiple yeazs. For ease oF accounting for this large project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 & 2000 portions and combining and bringing the funding and budgets forward to the current year. Also addiuonal Sewer Service funding needs to be added to the 2001 financing plan to match the operating fund budget. ., ��,;j ����,� �a,c:�'iF i�+- ������ . ��1 ���� � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Sewer Maintenance will have a modern, code compliant and efficient facility. Accounting and accountability for this large project will be easier and all spending and financing will be in the cuzrent yeaz, allowing old capital project accounts to be closed. The spending and financing plan will reflect the amount budgeted for this project in the Sewer Service Operating budgets. DISADVAfSrAGES tF APPROVED None. Opezational efficiencies will not be realized. Spending on this project will be scattered tluough three yeazs and three activities and make it more difficult to track. The older year budgets will not be closed until the project is completed. The spending and financing plan will not reflect the amount budgeted in the Sewer Service's Operating fund. fOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ OO.00 COST/REV'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� yE5 No FUNDMG SOURCE SSF ° ACTNm' NUMBER 260-22201, C95-2FO1S. COO-2F02O & W I-2F021 FINANGIAL INFORMATION_ (EXPW N) j �. � : � � 4�� ;t ; `,_: i\��s�1\tF" RESOLUTION Council File # �\� ��� Green Sheet �' 106280 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � 51 52 53 54 55 56 WHERF9S, the existing Sewer Maintenance 6uilding was 6uilt in 1966 and dces not meet the needs ofthe Sewer Utility, is not ADA compliany does not Lave a female ]ocker mom, it needs signi5cant repairs, ventilation is inadequate and the Utility would like to assign some ofits downtowu staff tLere, and VJHEREAS, the Sewer Maintenanee Building Modification project has spending and 5nanciug budgefs in multiple yeazs, and WHEREAS, for ease of accounfing and accountability for this lazge project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 and 2000 budgets, combine funding and brivg the budget forward to the curreut yeaz, arld WHEREAS, addii�onal Sewu Sexwce Fundi�g needs to be added to the 2001 finanring plan to awazd a contract for constructio�, and WFIEREAS, Counc�l ASle 27751Q dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policaes, and V✓fiEREP S, Additional spendmg authority is reqwred to transfer t}us amount from the Sewer operating budget to the Caprtal Projects Fund where construction payments will be pmpuly disbursed, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pwsuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does cerEity that there are available for appropriaGOn $1,56Q100 in funds in escess of those estimated iu the 2001 budget, and WfiEREAS, The Mayor reeommends that the 2001 operat�ng budget be amended as follows, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Comma7 of tLe City of Sai�t Paul, upou reammendaGOn oFthe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $ 2,837,500 is available for appropnation in the 2001 CapitalImproveme�t Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by th�s Council, be hereby furthu amended in the Improvement Budgets, m the following partiwlars: FINANCING PLAN Sewu Maintenauce Building C95-2F015 CSB S5F SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Bwlding C95-2F015 Construetion & Plan� FINANCING PLAN Sewer Mai�tenance Buildmg C00-2F020 SSF SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Building C00-2F020 Construction & Plans Current Amended Budget Cbanges Budget 75,000.00 -51,445.00 23,555.00 927,400.00 -927,400.00 0.00 1,002,400.00 -978,845.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978 545.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978,84500 23,555.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000 00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 O.UO 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 � � , tL L r:�����, s� FtxaxcuacP� ss sewer Maineenance auila;ng 59 COl-2F021 60 61 CIB 0.00 51,445.00 51,445.00 62 SSF 250,OOO.W 2,837,500.00 3,08i,500.00 63 25Q000.00 2,888,945.00 3,13$945.00 64 65 SPENDINGPLAN 66 Sewer Maintenance Building 67 COl-2F021 68 69 Construction & Plans 250,000.00 $885,945.00 3,135,945.00 70 250,000.00 2,888,945.00 3,138,945.00 71 72 73 74 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 75 76 FINANCING PLAN 77 260 Sewer UGlity Enterprise Fund 78 49 9925 Use ofRetained Earnings 1,697,361.00 1,560,100.00 3,257,461.00 SO All other F7nancing the Same 43,394,104.00 0.00 43,394,104 00 81 45,091,465.00 1,560,300.00 46,651,565.00 82 S3 SPENDINGP 84 260 Sewer Utility Enterpriee Fund 85 86 22201-05651Y-fto Cap Proj Fund 0.00 1,560,100.00 1,S6Q100.00 87 All Othu Spending the Same 45,091,465.00 0.00 45,091,465.00 88 45,091,465.00 1,560,100.00 46,651,56500 89 90 Now, therefore, be it Further Resolved, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2001 budget. �a St. PauF Leng-Aa^_-,e t'auzi�l Imp.�cvemsnt , � P:ndga; Comrn:it�3 re�:�iJed tliis �e.a�a�st on ; pytt$� �aa:�) �P 20°� .-and:ecca�aeatta �,_,___< �� � � />,sr f ., . �� $�9C�'.'7�U':0�2T AS3 ", '�(L+ �l •'v �, J ' �10� � H� �^F!t?j76S S� {= Da:�*.^o�c% o^3r{;'uS:S�;� 4o.:.�i.:*.i .' 8� �� � x �:t` �':,: , «,� .� .,,;,.°� �&�3€314ACt31zj 3a;i��:} 8u:e�"� -,5zzo7 i •"a ,a _,:.:Sict�" �d�2C a�y ou�l3 enana� a e� os rom o eman Harris Lantry ei e� Yeas Nays Absent �— ✓ ✓ ✓ � Adopted by Council : Date �� �o ,'a a o\ �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � � Cj` �� � Approved By Mayor: Date �`�/G!�'� BY: C.��i-�/L lt�ll�C� Form Approved by City Attorney: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Requested by Department of: E.IW(iab Public Works 9-5-01 works TACT PEFSON 8 PFpNE Warn - 66142, Mike Kassan - 66249 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/5/2001 �I�ACF¢�q�CTOR g� CITYCOUNCIL _ ATlORNEY ' '� CINCLEFK iETOIRECTOR �p FlNANCEACCOUNTING 7R(OR ASSIST� ,��i Mke Kessan c � -�a+r No. 106280 iNmnvoare = (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS WR SIGNANR� 3❑Ef Warn _ 2�f DFPMTMENi ACCOUM Approval of attached Councii Resolution closing out 1995 and 2000 Sewer Maintenance Building projecu and bringing budgets forwazd to the current year for construction and adding Sewer Service funding tc 2001. O a RECOMMENDATIONS:Apptwe (A) o� Rejec[ (R) PfANNINGCOMMI$SION CIVILSEqVICECOMMISSION _QBCOMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ _ _—DI5fRICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNQLOB3ECTNE? PFRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESfIONS: 7 Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contrac[ for this tleparlmeM% YES NO 2. Has ihis persoNirtn ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posse5sed by any curren[ ciry employee • YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee {NIi7AT{NG PROBLEM, f55UE.OPPORTUNITY CNHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY) The existing Sewer Maintenance building was built in 1966. Today, the facility does not meet the neP.,ds of the Sewer Utility. It is not ADA compliant, it does not have a female locker room, lit mzds significant repaixs, venrilation is inadequate and the Utility wouid like to assign some of its downtown staff there. The Sewer Maintenance Building Modification is a project with spending and financing budgets in multiple yeazs. For ease oF accounting for this large project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 & 2000 portions and combining and bringing the funding and budgets forward to the current year. Also addiuonal Sewer Service funding needs to be added to the 2001 financing plan to match the operating fund budget. ., ��,;j ����,� �a,c:�'iF i�+- ������ . ��1 ���� � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Sewer Maintenance will have a modern, code compliant and efficient facility. Accounting and accountability for this large project will be easier and all spending and financing will be in the cuzrent yeaz, allowing old capital project accounts to be closed. The spending and financing plan will reflect the amount budgeted for this project in the Sewer Service Operating budgets. DISADVAfSrAGES tF APPROVED None. Opezational efficiencies will not be realized. Spending on this project will be scattered tluough three yeazs and three activities and make it more difficult to track. The older year budgets will not be closed until the project is completed. The spending and financing plan will not reflect the amount budgeted in the Sewer Service's Operating fund. fOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ OO.00 COST/REV'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� yE5 No FUNDMG SOURCE SSF ° ACTNm' NUMBER 260-22201, C95-2FO1S. COO-2F02O & W I-2F021 FINANGIAL INFORMATION_ (EXPW N) j �. � : � � 4�� ;t ; `,_: i\��s�1\tF" RESOLUTION Council File # �\� ��� Green Sheet �' 106280 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 � 51 52 53 54 55 56 WHERF9S, the existing Sewer Maintenance 6uilding was 6uilt in 1966 and dces not meet the needs ofthe Sewer Utility, is not ADA compliany does not Lave a female ]ocker mom, it needs signi5cant repairs, ventilation is inadequate and the Utility would like to assign some ofits downtowu staff tLere, and VJHEREAS, the Sewer Maintenanee Building Modification project has spending and 5nanciug budgefs in multiple yeazs, and WHEREAS, for ease of accounfing and accountability for this lazge project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 and 2000 budgets, combine funding and brivg the budget forward to the curreut yeaz, arld WHEREAS, addii�onal Sewu Sexwce Fundi�g needs to be added to the 2001 finanring plan to awazd a contract for constructio�, and WFIEREAS, Counc�l ASle 27751Q dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policaes, and V✓fiEREP S, Additional spendmg authority is reqwred to transfer t}us amount from the Sewer operating budget to the Caprtal Projects Fund where construction payments will be pmpuly disbursed, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pwsuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Samt Paul, does cerEity that there are available for appropriaGOn $1,56Q100 in funds in escess of those estimated iu the 2001 budget, and WfiEREAS, The Mayor reeommends that the 2001 operat�ng budget be amended as follows, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Comma7 of tLe City of Sai�t Paul, upou reammendaGOn oFthe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $ 2,837,500 is available for appropnation in the 2001 CapitalImproveme�t Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by th�s Council, be hereby furthu amended in the Improvement Budgets, m the following partiwlars: FINANCING PLAN Sewu Maintenauce Building C95-2F015 CSB S5F SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Bwlding C95-2F015 Construetion & Plan� FINANCING PLAN Sewer Mai�tenance Buildmg C00-2F020 SSF SPENDING PLAN Sewer Maintenance Building C00-2F020 Construction & Plans Current Amended Budget Cbanges Budget 75,000.00 -51,445.00 23,555.00 927,400.00 -927,400.00 0.00 1,002,400.00 -978,845.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978 545.00 23,555.00 1,002,400.00 -978,84500 23,555.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000 00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 -250,000.00 O.UO 250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 � � , tL L r:�����, s� FtxaxcuacP� ss sewer Maineenance auila;ng 59 COl-2F021 60 61 CIB 0.00 51,445.00 51,445.00 62 SSF 250,OOO.W 2,837,500.00 3,08i,500.00 63 25Q000.00 2,888,945.00 3,13$945.00 64 65 SPENDINGPLAN 66 Sewer Maintenance Building 67 COl-2F021 68 69 Construction & Plans 250,000.00 $885,945.00 3,135,945.00 70 250,000.00 2,888,945.00 3,138,945.00 71 72 73 74 Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund 75 76 FINANCING PLAN 77 260 Sewer UGlity Enterprise Fund 78 49 9925 Use ofRetained Earnings 1,697,361.00 1,560,100.00 3,257,461.00 SO All other F7nancing the Same 43,394,104.00 0.00 43,394,104 00 81 45,091,465.00 1,560,300.00 46,651,565.00 82 S3 SPENDINGP 84 260 Sewer Utility Enterpriee Fund 85 86 22201-05651Y-fto Cap Proj Fund 0.00 1,560,100.00 1,S6Q100.00 87 All Othu Spending the Same 45,091,465.00 0.00 45,091,465.00 88 45,091,465.00 1,560,100.00 46,651,56500 89 90 Now, therefore, be it Further Resolved, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2001 budget. �a St. PauF Leng-Aa^_-,e t'auzi�l Imp.�cvemsnt , � P:ndga; Comrn:it�3 re�:�iJed tliis �e.a�a�st on ; pytt$� �aa:�) �P 20°� .-and:ecca�aeatta �,_,___< �� � � />,sr f ., . �� $�9C�'.'7�U':0�2T AS3 ", '�(L+ �l •'v �, J ' �10� � H� �^F!t?j76S S� {= Da:�*.^o�c% o^3r{;'uS:S�;� 4o.:.�i.:*.i .' 8� �� � x �:t` �':,: , «,� .� .,,;,.°� �&�3€314ACt31zj 3a;i��:} 8u:e�"� -,5zzo7 i •"a ,a _,:.:Sict�" �d�2C a�y ou�l3 enana� a e� os rom o eman Harris Lantry ei e� Yeas Nays Absent �— ✓ ✓ ✓ � Adopted by Council : Date �� �o ,'a a o\ �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� � � Cj` �� � Approved By Mayor: Date �`�/G!�'� BY: C.��i-�/L lt�ll�C� Form Approved by City Attorney: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Requested by Department of: E.IW(iab Public Works 9-5-01 works TACT PEFSON 8 PFpNE Warn - 66142, Mike Kassan - 66249 OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/5/2001 �I�ACF¢�q�CTOR g� CITYCOUNCIL _ ATlORNEY ' '� CINCLEFK iETOIRECTOR �p FlNANCEACCOUNTING 7R(OR ASSIST� ,��i Mke Kessan c � -�a+r No. 106280 iNmnvoare = (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS WR SIGNANR� 3❑Ef Warn _ 2�f DFPMTMENi ACCOUM Approval of attached Councii Resolution closing out 1995 and 2000 Sewer Maintenance Building projecu and bringing budgets forwazd to the current year for construction and adding Sewer Service funding tc 2001. O a RECOMMENDATIONS:Apptwe (A) o� Rejec[ (R) PfANNINGCOMMI$SION CIVILSEqVICECOMMISSION _QBCOMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF __ _ _—DI5fRICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNQLOB3ECTNE? PFRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESfIONS: 7 Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a contrac[ for this tleparlmeM% YES NO 2. Has ihis persoNirtn ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posse5sed by any curren[ ciry employee • YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aitach to green shee {NIi7AT{NG PROBLEM, f55UE.OPPORTUNITY CNHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY) The existing Sewer Maintenance building was built in 1966. Today, the facility does not meet the neP.,ds of the Sewer Utility. It is not ADA compliant, it does not have a female locker room, lit mzds significant repaixs, venrilation is inadequate and the Utility wouid like to assign some of its downtown staff there. The Sewer Maintenance Building Modification is a project with spending and financing budgets in multiple yeazs. For ease oF accounting for this large project Public Works recommends closing out the 1995 & 2000 portions and combining and bringing the funding and budgets forward to the current year. Also addiuonal Sewer Service funding needs to be added to the 2001 financing plan to match the operating fund budget. ., ��,;j ����,� �a,c:�'iF i�+- ������ . ��1 ���� � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Sewer Maintenance will have a modern, code compliant and efficient facility. Accounting and accountability for this large project will be easier and all spending and financing will be in the cuzrent yeaz, allowing old capital project accounts to be closed. The spending and financing plan will reflect the amount budgeted for this project in the Sewer Service Operating budgets. DISADVAfSrAGES tF APPROVED None. Opezational efficiencies will not be realized. Spending on this project will be scattered tluough three yeazs and three activities and make it more difficult to track. The older year budgets will not be closed until the project is completed. The spending and financing plan will not reflect the amount budgeted in the Sewer Service's Operating fund. fOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ OO.00 COST/REV'ENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� yE5 No FUNDMG SOURCE SSF ° ACTNm' NUMBER 260-22201, C95-2FO1S. COO-2F02O & W I-2F021 FINANGIAL INFORMATION_ (EXPW N)