01-1046�4i�V��l�� Presented By Referred To council File # Ol� �DySe RESOLUTION Green Sheet # t�.� ��.} CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Mayor recommended, and the Saint Paul City Council approved Councif Resolution 00-193, which approved the Residential Street Paving projects to be constructed in 2000 and tentatively approved projects for the years 2001 through 2004; and WHEREAS, The tentatively approved projects for subsequent years must be reviewed by the CIB Committee and the Mayor, and be approved by the City Council and the Mayor prior to each construction year; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has been directed, on a yearly basis, to bring forward a revised list of Residential Street Paving projects, moving up another year of projects for final approval and adding another year of tentative projects; and WHEREAS, The adopted 2001 Capital Improvement Budget funds the Residential Street Vitality Program at $6.993 million of CIB Funds in 2001 and proposes 7.935 million of GIB Funds in 2002; and tentatively recommends, $7.557 million of CIB Funds in 2003, $9.493 million of CIB Funds in 2004, $9.730 million of CIB Funds in 2005, and $9.973 million of CIB Funds in 2006; and WHEREAS, The estimated costs of Residential Street Vitality Program projects have been revised to reflect the increased cost of construction; and WHEREAS, Public Works recommends that several projects listed in Resolution 00-193 be delayed one to two years in order to keep the Residential Street Vitality Program within the adopted and proposed Capital Improvement Budgets; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, The City Council accepts the following list of projects, giv�ng final approval for those listed for 2001 and 2002 and tentative approval for the projects listed for years 2003 through 2006; YEAR 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME 5 FIFTH/KENNARD 15 PAGE/MANOMIN 66 KNAPP/HILLSIDE 63 CHARLES/GRIGGS 7 CASE/HAZELWOOD 23 COTTAGE/GREENBRIAR 53 HOYTIMERRILL �R��4��AL 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 a e� os ro� ei e� Harris Benanav Lantry o eman Yeas �— � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 69 22 2 ot-ie4�o WHEELER/IGLEHART MARGARET/ATLANTIC EDGEBR004VMOFtN INGSI D E 82 DAVERN/BAYARD 48 SEVENTH/DALY 44 MARSHALL/DAYTON 87 CHATSWORTH/GOODRICH 8 CASE/RUTH 16 BAKER/BELLOW S 42 EDMUND/GALTIER 61 HUBBARD/GRIGGS 49 SEVENTH/DALY 80 34 4 10 20 Absent Adopted by Council : Date � �- ��� � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary GRIGGSIJEFFERSON ORANGE/PARK WHITE BEAR/BURNS IVY/KENNARD EARUMCLEAN Requested by Departments of: � , i _ � /_ _.��. � � � ��� By: Fox'm AppYOVed by City Attorney By: By � —��-- \`____- �. �}'-�� - ^'�� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to sl/�fL CounciC Approved By Mayor: Date (y��f By: By: �./ „ � �DEPARTMEttUOFFICFICAUNCIL ,,, i Public Works � � GONTACT PERSON & PHONE , I Dan Haak ,,._� � 266-6084 i MUST BE ON CAUNQLAGENDA BY (DA'!� ' IASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� No. 110462 mmwoaea � 1 ASSIGN � CITY ATlORNEV cm c�rix NUMBERFOR - ROUfiNG � FlNANCIALSERNCESDIR FlNANCIALSFAV/ACGTG � ORDER A (� 1 t ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn EDWARN / ❑ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'URE) ACiION REOUESTED Approve Councii Resolution giving fund approvai of the 2001 and 2002 Residential Street Vitality Project Areas and tentative approval of 2003-2006 project azeas. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIBCOMMITTEE _ CNILSERVICECOMMISSION A STAFF INITIAT7NG PROBl.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, Has tnis peSONhrtn ever woBed untler a contract for ihis tlepartment7 VES NO Has this persoNhrtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO Does t�is persoNfirm possess a sitill not nortnalry possessetl by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is ihis perSONfirtn e targetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all yes ansvrers on s¢parate sheet and attach to green sheet This Resolution is a follow-up on Resolution 00-193, which approved the 2000-2004 RSVP Projects. Y �� n �p{` ('��� � . ��°� '� 2 �� A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Public Works, other City Depaztments, Utility Companies and ou[side agencies can start [he planning and coordinaqon for the 2002-2006 projects. � DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Difficult to plan for fuwre projects. Expectations of residents will not be met. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PW N) g N/A COST/REVEhUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVfTY NUMBER �4i�V��l�� Presented By Referred To council File # Ol� �DySe RESOLUTION Green Sheet # t�.� ��.} CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Mayor recommended, and the Saint Paul City Council approved Councif Resolution 00-193, which approved the Residential Street Paving projects to be constructed in 2000 and tentatively approved projects for the years 2001 through 2004; and WHEREAS, The tentatively approved projects for subsequent years must be reviewed by the CIB Committee and the Mayor, and be approved by the City Council and the Mayor prior to each construction year; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has been directed, on a yearly basis, to bring forward a revised list of Residential Street Paving projects, moving up another year of projects for final approval and adding another year of tentative projects; and WHEREAS, The adopted 2001 Capital Improvement Budget funds the Residential Street Vitality Program at $6.993 million of CIB Funds in 2001 and proposes 7.935 million of GIB Funds in 2002; and tentatively recommends, $7.557 million of CIB Funds in 2003, $9.493 million of CIB Funds in 2004, $9.730 million of CIB Funds in 2005, and $9.973 million of CIB Funds in 2006; and WHEREAS, The estimated costs of Residential Street Vitality Program projects have been revised to reflect the increased cost of construction; and WHEREAS, Public Works recommends that several projects listed in Resolution 00-193 be delayed one to two years in order to keep the Residential Street Vitality Program within the adopted and proposed Capital Improvement Budgets; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, The City Council accepts the following list of projects, giv�ng final approval for those listed for 2001 and 2002 and tentative approval for the projects listed for years 2003 through 2006; YEAR 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME 5 FIFTH/KENNARD 15 PAGE/MANOMIN 66 KNAPP/HILLSIDE 63 CHARLES/GRIGGS 7 CASE/HAZELWOOD 23 COTTAGE/GREENBRIAR 53 HOYTIMERRILL �R��4��AL 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 a e� os ro� ei e� Harris Benanav Lantry o eman Yeas �— � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 69 22 2 ot-ie4�o WHEELER/IGLEHART MARGARET/ATLANTIC EDGEBR004VMOFtN INGSI D E 82 DAVERN/BAYARD 48 SEVENTH/DALY 44 MARSHALL/DAYTON 87 CHATSWORTH/GOODRICH 8 CASE/RUTH 16 BAKER/BELLOW S 42 EDMUND/GALTIER 61 HUBBARD/GRIGGS 49 SEVENTH/DALY 80 34 4 10 20 Absent Adopted by Council : Date � �- ��� � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary GRIGGSIJEFFERSON ORANGE/PARK WHITE BEAR/BURNS IVY/KENNARD EARUMCLEAN Requested by Departments of: � , i _ � /_ _.��. � � � ��� By: Fox'm AppYOVed by City Attorney By: By � —��-- \`____- �. �}'-�� - ^'�� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to sl/�fL CounciC Approved By Mayor: Date (y��f By: By: �./ „ � �DEPARTMEttUOFFICFICAUNCIL ,,, i Public Works � � GONTACT PERSON & PHONE , I Dan Haak ,,._� � 266-6084 i MUST BE ON CAUNQLAGENDA BY (DA'!� ' IASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� No. 110462 mmwoaea � 1 ASSIGN � CITY ATlORNEV cm c�rix NUMBERFOR - ROUfiNG � FlNANCIALSERNCESDIR FlNANCIALSFAV/ACGTG � ORDER A (� 1 t ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn EDWARN / ❑ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'URE) ACiION REOUESTED Approve Councii Resolution giving fund approvai of the 2001 and 2002 Residential Street Vitality Project Areas and tentative approval of 2003-2006 project azeas. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIBCOMMITTEE _ CNILSERVICECOMMISSION A STAFF INITIAT7NG PROBl.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, Has tnis peSONhrtn ever woBed untler a contract for ihis tlepartment7 VES NO Has this persoNhrtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO Does t�is persoNfirm possess a sitill not nortnalry possessetl by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is ihis perSONfirtn e targetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all yes ansvrers on s¢parate sheet and attach to green sheet This Resolution is a follow-up on Resolution 00-193, which approved the 2000-2004 RSVP Projects. Y �� n �p{` ('��� � . ��°� '� 2 �� A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Public Works, other City Depaztments, Utility Companies and ou[side agencies can start [he planning and coordinaqon for the 2002-2006 projects. � DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Difficult to plan for fuwre projects. Expectations of residents will not be met. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PW N) g N/A COST/REVEhUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVfTY NUMBER �4i�V��l�� Presented By Referred To council File # Ol� �DySe RESOLUTION Green Sheet # t�.� ��.} CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �4 Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Mayor recommended, and the Saint Paul City Council approved Councif Resolution 00-193, which approved the Residential Street Paving projects to be constructed in 2000 and tentatively approved projects for the years 2001 through 2004; and WHEREAS, The tentatively approved projects for subsequent years must be reviewed by the CIB Committee and the Mayor, and be approved by the City Council and the Mayor prior to each construction year; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has been directed, on a yearly basis, to bring forward a revised list of Residential Street Paving projects, moving up another year of projects for final approval and adding another year of tentative projects; and WHEREAS, The adopted 2001 Capital Improvement Budget funds the Residential Street Vitality Program at $6.993 million of CIB Funds in 2001 and proposes 7.935 million of GIB Funds in 2002; and tentatively recommends, $7.557 million of CIB Funds in 2003, $9.493 million of CIB Funds in 2004, $9.730 million of CIB Funds in 2005, and $9.973 million of CIB Funds in 2006; and WHEREAS, The estimated costs of Residential Street Vitality Program projects have been revised to reflect the increased cost of construction; and WHEREAS, Public Works recommends that several projects listed in Resolution 00-193 be delayed one to two years in order to keep the Residential Street Vitality Program within the adopted and proposed Capital Improvement Budgets; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, The City Council accepts the following list of projects, giv�ng final approval for those listed for 2001 and 2002 and tentative approval for the projects listed for years 2003 through 2006; YEAR 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME 5 FIFTH/KENNARD 15 PAGE/MANOMIN 66 KNAPP/HILLSIDE 63 CHARLES/GRIGGS 7 CASE/HAZELWOOD 23 COTTAGE/GREENBRIAR 53 HOYTIMERRILL �R��4��AL 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 a e� os ro� ei e� Harris Benanav Lantry o eman Yeas �— � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 69 22 2 ot-ie4�o WHEELER/IGLEHART MARGARET/ATLANTIC EDGEBR004VMOFtN INGSI D E 82 DAVERN/BAYARD 48 SEVENTH/DALY 44 MARSHALL/DAYTON 87 CHATSWORTH/GOODRICH 8 CASE/RUTH 16 BAKER/BELLOW S 42 EDMUND/GALTIER 61 HUBBARD/GRIGGS 49 SEVENTH/DALY 80 34 4 10 20 Absent Adopted by Council : Date � �- ��� � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary GRIGGSIJEFFERSON ORANGE/PARK WHITE BEAR/BURNS IVY/KENNARD EARUMCLEAN Requested by Departments of: � , i _ � /_ _.��. � � � ��� By: Fox'm AppYOVed by City Attorney By: By � —��-- \`____- �. �}'-�� - ^'�� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to sl/�fL CounciC Approved By Mayor: Date (y��f By: By: �./ „ � �DEPARTMEttUOFFICFICAUNCIL ,,, i Public Works � � GONTACT PERSON & PHONE , I Dan Haak ,,._� � 266-6084 i MUST BE ON CAUNQLAGENDA BY (DA'!� ' IASAP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� No. 110462 mmwoaea � 1 ASSIGN � CITY ATlORNEV cm c�rix NUMBERFOR - ROUfiNG � FlNANCIALSERNCESDIR FlNANCIALSFAV/ACGTG � ORDER A (� 1 t ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISTANn EDWARN / ❑ ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'URE) ACiION REOUESTED Approve Councii Resolution giving fund approvai of the 2001 and 2002 Residential Street Vitality Project Areas and tentative approval of 2003-2006 project azeas. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIBCOMMITTEE _ CNILSERVICECOMMISSION A STAFF INITIAT7NG PROBl.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, Has tnis peSONhrtn ever woBed untler a contract for ihis tlepartment7 VES NO Has this persoNhrtn ever been a ciry employee? VES NO Does t�is persoNfirm possess a sitill not nortnalry possessetl by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is ihis perSONfirtn e targetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all yes ansvrers on s¢parate sheet and attach to green sheet This Resolution is a follow-up on Resolution 00-193, which approved the 2000-2004 RSVP Projects. Y �� n �p{` ('��� � . ��°� '� 2 �� A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Public Works, other City Depaztments, Utility Companies and ou[side agencies can start [he planning and coordinaqon for the 2002-2006 projects. � DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: �ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: Difficult to plan for fuwre projects. Expectations of residents will not be met. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PW N) g N/A COST/REVEhUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVfTY NUMBER