273650 WHITE - C�TV CLERK �OUnCl� 2'73650 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. Co�n �l eso tion Presented By LTC�SE �I7'TEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied fcsr by the followiag persons at the addreBSes stated be and the same are hereby grarited. Mar-Wa1, Inc. 1179 E. �th St. Rest. C..2 app. 4597 12enew " " Off sale malt " " '" " Tavern " " " " Cigarette " " Bc�e«�Ebans, Inc. 460 N. I,exington Re$t. C••2 5623 " '► " Off sale malt n " " " Cigarette " " n tr Bowling Alleys�l2) n n A�tivities Hall 459 Wabasha Ave. Rest. G•1 10�08 " Concord Drug Co. 1�6 Concord St. A.fds orig. �ont. 10293 " (3eneral Tire 8� Rubber �o. 395 E• 7th St. T-.fds VM loea.tion 10296 " Harry Wat�hman 1336 Thomas Ave. A2-(iroc./frz.fds. 10297 " �r �� Off sale malt �� �' World War II Post �6845 V.F,.W. 1064 Univer�ity Ave. Rest. C�.l 10298 " Leo Agranoff 640 Selby Ave. Ldy/DC plant 10305 " Childrea's Home Bociety of MN 363 Winthrop st. Food estab.-•M 10395 �� EdwardSaunders 246'7 Cowern Plc. Veh. peddler 10579 " COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��§r McMahon � Hozza In Favor Hunt p Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��«�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date —���--�? Certified a.sed Council S eta BY By � App by Mavor: Da _�EP i 0 1919 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY �t,tSKED SEP 1� 1979