273627 `�HITE - C1TV CLERK ����� FIN AN C E Council � -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� �91.UE -MAVOR / W Z/!��/LCG Ordinance N O._!�VJ�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinanve amending Ordinanoe No. 13539, approved January 31, 1967, pertaining to Parking Meter Zones. TfiE COL]iVQL OF Tf� QTY QF SAIl�T PAL�, DC�.S ORDAIl�T: Secti� l. That Ordinanoe No. 13539, approved Januaiy 31, 1967, is hereby , airencled by deleting the following from Secti� 5, fifteen-�ninute - �e nidsel area, thereof: �I� SIDE �' ST�T Wabasha Street approx. 72 feet north of Sixth Street T�Test Wabasha Street approx. 94 feet north of Sixth Street Tn�est taabasha Street approx. 116 feet north of Sixth Street V+�est Section 2. �at OrcU.nanoe No. 13539, approved January 31, 1967, is hereby atrn.nded by adding the follawing to Secti� 5, fifteen minute - one nickel area, thereof: ��� SIDE QF' STI�'E.ET Wabasha Street approx. 62 feet south of Seventh Plaoe �;A7est . ��'abasha Street approx. 28 feet north of Sixth Street L�teest Wabasha Street approx. 50 feet north of Sixth Street t^Iest Fourth Street approx. 35 feet ��st of St. Petsr Street North COUIVCILMF,IV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor — Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - GTV CLERK �WIy y � Cn ,����- DEPAR MENT COUIIClI �' l3Li.�)� GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ' �1Q�� �4VE -MAVOR � •L�t��y • O� indnce Ordinance N 0.� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Sectian 3. �at Ordinanoe No. 13539, approved JanuaYy 31, 1967, is hereby amended by adding the follcywing to Secti� 2, oaze-hour - four nickel area, thereof: �T � � BII� �' STFtEE'r Secca�d Street Sibley St,reet Approx. 60 feet W�est of Jacksrn South Sectic� 4. 'I7iis ordinanve shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Iegislative Coc7� but shall be inoo�orat�ed therein by referenoe. Sectioa� 5. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe thi.rty (30) days frcen ana aft�r its passa�, approval, and publication. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: iK`"�', Yeas Nays �� M��Q� � In Favor ��'C ���O�s �'I'raffic — F�iR) Hozza Hunt � � Levine D Against BY �14a�e�- Showalter Tedesco SEP 18 1979 Form Approved b Cit Attorn Adopted by Council: Date ; Certifie s d by Coun '1 Secr�y BY B `�- � Y Ap r v d by Mayor. ate �� S�P 21 197 Appr ed by yo for Submiss' n to Council B By � � Pt�e��sHEO SEP 2 9 1979 �' . OM O1: i2f 1975 �. -- - . R�v,�r;,a����6 � • " � EXPLANATION OF ADMIN�STRr�TIVE ORCERS, � � lCC�JW RESOLUTIONS, A�Tn ORDINANCES Date: A�t 3, 1979 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Robert H. Roettg�er, City Traffic IIzgineer Department of Public Works, Traffic Engineering RE: Several parking meter changes in ttbe Doamtawn Area: 1. Deletie the �ollaaing from the 15�ti,nute Parking Nieter Zaie: Zlzree meters ari the west side of Wabasha Stree�t approx. 72, 94, and 116 feet respectiv�ly north of Sixth Street. - 2. Add the follaaing to the 15-Minute Parking Nleter Zonei One neter rn the w�est side of Wabasha St. �prox. 62 feet south of Seventh Plaoe -- '!t�uo me�rs c�n the west side of Wabasha St. ap�rox. 28 and 50 feet north of Sixth. �e�meter on the north side of Fourth St. approx. 35 feet west of St. Peter. 3. Add the follvwing to� the C�rie-Hour Parking Meber Zorie: The s�auth sic3e of Sec�ond Street fran Sibley Straet to approx. 60 feet west of Jac�cson Street. . 1�.'t'ICN R�Qt�'.S'�D: � . ` Sulxnit attached Ord�nanoe to City Ccnaicil for approval. ` P[J�tP06E AND RATIQIAIE FOR R�IIS 21C1'ICN: . ,� - 1. The deletions of°i5-mi�ute m�ters on th�e west sic�e of Wabasha Street 72, 94, .� , , _ ___,��115 feet north Q�,,,.�a.xth 5treet. as well as tt�e additions of one meter an � - � ` the w�est.sic�e of Wabasha St. apjarox. 62 feet south of Seventh Street a�►d two meters on the w�est side of Wabasha Street approx. 28 and 50 feet north of Sixth Street were due to the redistributirn of ineter locations to provide bett�r a�oess to parking spaoes. . 2. �e addition of one 15-mi.nut�e meter on the north side of Fourth Street approx. . 35 feet west of St. Peter Street was because meter locatio�is were malified after a tenQorazy bus stop was rem4vecl. 3. Ztie additi� of a�-haur parking meters on the south side of Secrnd Street frcm � Si.bley Street to approx. 60 feet west of Jackson Street was reqt�sted by tt�e Parking Ca►mission ar�d the Mayor's Offioe. ATPA��TtS: Ordinarioe RHR:ved t lst C����� 2nd �/�i� e s �.�... � — -- _ 3rd �� / ) Adop ted ��._X . - , . Yeas Nays BUTLER HUNT � �+/ t����j Fd d � �vlrr� ��� � SHOWALTER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)