01-104�} �;�,,�r��►��n � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) prohibits the issuance of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue; and WHEREAS, the council may disregard this prohibition upon receipt of a written petition signed on behalf of the school, church or synagogue so located, by five-sevenths vote; and WHEREAS, Tycoon, Inc. of St. Paul, dJb/a Downtowner Cafe, has applied for an on-sale liquor license for the premises located at 249 7 Street, which is within 300 feet of Free at Last Church of God in Christ; and WHEREAS, Pastor Joseph D. Webb III, elder of the Free at Last Church of God in Christ, who has authority to consent on behalf of the church, has granted a waiver of the distance limitation; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby waives the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: BY� _ �. _ � . � -�9_-- Approved by Mayor: Date �G �1 �/ By: /���� l CouncIl File # a �_ b`� Green Sheet # le 3 810 RESOLUTION Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council Y� Adopted by Council: Date �, a O t7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o���c`� oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek January 16 2001 266-9108 NO. 1Q3$1Q 01'� 1 HPARTMEN'f DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNSY ITY Q.HRK e�� ust be On Council Agenda by: �ET Du�scrox IN, & MCT. SVC. DIR. �l 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution waiving the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code, for Tycoon Inc., d.b.a. owntowner Cafe located at 249 W. 7th Street. COMMENDATIONS: APPAOVE (A) OR RBJECT (R) SRS02W. SHRVICS CONTRI�ClS MfiST ANSNSIt T88 POLLO➢TING: PLANNING COIM7ISSION CIVIL SERVIC� COhA7ISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMMITTSH SUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL - YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? D2STAZCT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJSCPIVS? CuYYent City employee? YES 430 lain all YBS answera oa a separate aheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he City Council may waive the prohibition of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue if the sufficient petition is provided. In this instance, petition requirements have een met. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF I30T APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER IN�INCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��-°9 �^��°���a ��*� ��,�12 5 69a� . _ ', :.O?tiSEN'i TU G�N SAI,E LIQUC}R ESTABiISi�.E�tT o� —�oy Vde :uide>staud �hat :vlr. Moitaha Srarifx.hani, owner of I?o��:tewr,er C'afe, is requeshn� an c�n �at� Liquar License for 2�9 ;4cst Scticath Stre;ct, 5t. Paui, Dfinr:es^.ta, which is the currznT Iocation of "nver tiie Rainfiow" on sale'�qunr esta';�Iishmen:. We also understan� that undcr Sa�nt P.3a; I,e�islative Code 409.0G(n;, that any chuxcn tocate� within 300 feet ef 249 and 253 K'es: Seacttih Street �s rcquired t� co�=sent io .he issuance of an �n Sa1e Liquor Licease. `Ne un3ersiand �.hat Mr. Sharitk.hazt: is the owner of die bui!.diug at ?�', and 253 West Seve��th Street and currently operates the Da�m;vwner Caf� at 253 lA%esk 5ever,th Strcct; �nd thsz the Lease Agreement with Qver the RaiLtbew liquor estal�lishment tivili expire on September 30, 2dU0, a�id wili not i�e renewed, Mr. Shar;fl:huni in[ends tu tal:e uv�a tha 249 West Scvcnth S�.•cet portion af the bui!ding and c�ntinuc to nperaLe .n �n sale liquor �stablishuient in conjwiction with the Downt�wnar Cafe, As a churcla located within ?GCJ ;eet of tEie 244 and 253 Wes9 Sevenih S�reet pzemises, wc do hereby cor,sen! io the ap�liCatipn ol' Mr. $harifkhani, d/b/a Tycoon L*ic. of St. Yaul to ogeru:e zn Qn Sale l�quor establishment at �F�at location. The �mdersfg:ed acknasvledges tl�.^-.t he i authority tn si�� for an�3 on k�ehalf of G:hurch. Free at Lasi Chureh c;F Gor� in Christ By: .loseph Ifs: Eider . c 7n�Z[z,C',9='2�1i�=��=,':�i�u,;ci �,:.,<' Ct , '` � /✓ �— _,_.�, _.:"1....,_ �} �;�,,�r��►��n � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) prohibits the issuance of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue; and WHEREAS, the council may disregard this prohibition upon receipt of a written petition signed on behalf of the school, church or synagogue so located, by five-sevenths vote; and WHEREAS, Tycoon, Inc. of St. Paul, dJb/a Downtowner Cafe, has applied for an on-sale liquor license for the premises located at 249 7 Street, which is within 300 feet of Free at Last Church of God in Christ; and WHEREAS, Pastor Joseph D. Webb III, elder of the Free at Last Church of God in Christ, who has authority to consent on behalf of the church, has granted a waiver of the distance limitation; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby waives the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: BY� _ �. _ � . � -�9_-- Approved by Mayor: Date �G �1 �/ By: /���� l CouncIl File # a �_ b`� Green Sheet # le 3 810 RESOLUTION Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council Y� Adopted by Council: Date �, a O t7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o���c`� oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek January 16 2001 266-9108 NO. 1Q3$1Q 01'� 1 HPARTMEN'f DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNSY ITY Q.HRK e�� ust be On Council Agenda by: �ET Du�scrox IN, & MCT. SVC. DIR. �l 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution waiving the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code, for Tycoon Inc., d.b.a. owntowner Cafe located at 249 W. 7th Street. COMMENDATIONS: APPAOVE (A) OR RBJECT (R) SRS02W. SHRVICS CONTRI�ClS MfiST ANSNSIt T88 POLLO➢TING: PLANNING COIM7ISSION CIVIL SERVIC� COhA7ISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMMITTSH SUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL - YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? D2STAZCT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJSCPIVS? CuYYent City employee? YES 430 lain all YBS answera oa a separate aheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he City Council may waive the prohibition of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue if the sufficient petition is provided. In this instance, petition requirements have een met. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF I30T APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER IN�INCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��-°9 �^��°���a ��*� ��,�12 5 69a� . _ ', :.O?tiSEN'i TU G�N SAI,E LIQUC}R ESTABiISi�.E�tT o� —�oy Vde :uide>staud �hat :vlr. Moitaha Srarifx.hani, owner of I?o��:tewr,er C'afe, is requeshn� an c�n �at� Liquar License for 2�9 ;4cst Scticath Stre;ct, 5t. Paui, Dfinr:es^.ta, which is the currznT Iocation of "nver tiie Rainfiow" on sale'�qunr esta';�Iishmen:. We also understan� that undcr Sa�nt P.3a; I,e�islative Code 409.0G(n;, that any chuxcn tocate� within 300 feet ef 249 and 253 K'es: Seacttih Street �s rcquired t� co�=sent io .he issuance of an �n Sa1e Liquor Licease. `Ne un3ersiand �.hat Mr. Sharitk.hazt: is the owner of die bui!.diug at ?�', and 253 West Seve��th Street and currently operates the Da�m;vwner Caf� at 253 lA%esk 5ever,th Strcct; �nd thsz the Lease Agreement with Qver the RaiLtbew liquor estal�lishment tivili expire on September 30, 2dU0, a�id wili not i�e renewed, Mr. Shar;fl:huni in[ends tu tal:e uv�a tha 249 West Scvcnth S�.•cet portion af the bui!ding and c�ntinuc to nperaLe .n �n sale liquor �stablishuient in conjwiction with the Downt�wnar Cafe, As a churcla located within ?GCJ ;eet of tEie 244 and 253 Wes9 Sevenih S�reet pzemises, wc do hereby cor,sen! io the ap�liCatipn ol' Mr. $harifkhani, d/b/a Tycoon L*ic. of St. Yaul to ogeru:e zn Qn Sale l�quor establishment at �F�at location. The �mdersfg:ed acknasvledges tl�.^-.t he i authority tn si�� for an�3 on k�ehalf of G:hurch. Free at Lasi Chureh c;F Gor� in Christ By: .loseph Ifs: Eider . c 7n�Z[z,C',9='2�1i�=��=,':�i�u,;ci �,:.,<' Ct , '` � /✓ �— _,_.�, _.:"1....,_ �} �;�,,�r��►��n � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) prohibits the issuance of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue; and WHEREAS, the council may disregard this prohibition upon receipt of a written petition signed on behalf of the school, church or synagogue so located, by five-sevenths vote; and WHEREAS, Tycoon, Inc. of St. Paul, dJb/a Downtowner Cafe, has applied for an on-sale liquor license for the premises located at 249 7 Street, which is within 300 feet of Free at Last Church of God in Christ; and WHEREAS, Pastor Joseph D. Webb III, elder of the Free at Last Church of God in Christ, who has authority to consent on behalf of the church, has granted a waiver of the distance limitation; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby waives the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: BY� _ �. _ � . � -�9_-- Approved by Mayor: Date �G �1 �/ By: /���� l CouncIl File # a �_ b`� Green Sheet # le 3 810 RESOLUTION Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council Y� Adopted by Council: Date �, a O t7 , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary o���c`� oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Christine Rozek January 16 2001 266-9108 NO. 1Q3$1Q 01'� 1 HPARTMEN'f DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL � 2 ITY ATTORNSY ITY Q.HRK e�� ust be On Council Agenda by: �ET Du�scrox IN, & MCT. SVC. DIR. �l 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: resolution waiving the prohibition contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409.06(n) and authorizes the issuance of the on-sale liquor license, subject to any other legal requirements of the code, for Tycoon Inc., d.b.a. owntowner Cafe located at 249 W. 7th Street. COMMENDATIONS: APPAOVE (A) OR RBJECT (R) SRS02W. SHRVICS CONTRI�ClS MfiST ANSNSIt T88 POLLO➢TING: PLANNING COIM7ISSION CIVIL SERVIC� COhA7ISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? CIB COMMITTSH SUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL - YES NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? D2STAZCT COORT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJSCPIVS? CuYYent City employee? YES 430 lain all YBS answera oa a separate aheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): he City Council may waive the prohibition of an on-sale liquor license within 300 feet of any public or parochial school, church or synagogue if the sufficient petition is provided. In this instance, petition requirements have een met. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF I30T APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER IN�INCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��-°9 �^��°���a ��*� ��,�12 5 69a� . _ ', :.O?tiSEN'i TU G�N SAI,E LIQUC}R ESTABiISi�.E�tT o� —�oy Vde :uide>staud �hat :vlr. Moitaha Srarifx.hani, owner of I?o��:tewr,er C'afe, is requeshn� an c�n �at� Liquar License for 2�9 ;4cst Scticath Stre;ct, 5t. Paui, Dfinr:es^.ta, which is the currznT Iocation of "nver tiie Rainfiow" on sale'�qunr esta';�Iishmen:. We also understan� that undcr Sa�nt P.3a; I,e�islative Code 409.0G(n;, that any chuxcn tocate� within 300 feet ef 249 and 253 K'es: Seacttih Street �s rcquired t� co�=sent io .he issuance of an �n Sa1e Liquor Licease. `Ne un3ersiand �.hat Mr. Sharitk.hazt: is the owner of die bui!.diug at ?�', and 253 West Seve��th Street and currently operates the Da�m;vwner Caf� at 253 lA%esk 5ever,th Strcct; �nd thsz the Lease Agreement with Qver the RaiLtbew liquor estal�lishment tivili expire on September 30, 2dU0, a�id wili not i�e renewed, Mr. Shar;fl:huni in[ends tu tal:e uv�a tha 249 West Scvcnth S�.•cet portion af the bui!ding and c�ntinuc to nperaLe .n �n sale liquor �stablishuient in conjwiction with the Downt�wnar Cafe, As a churcla located within ?GCJ ;eet of tEie 244 and 253 Wes9 Sevenih S�reet pzemises, wc do hereby cor,sen! io the ap�liCatipn ol' Mr. $harifkhani, d/b/a Tycoon L*ic. of St. Yaul to ogeru:e zn Qn Sale l�quor establishment at �F�at location. The �mdersfg:ed acknasvledges tl�.^-.t he i authority tn si�� for an�3 on k�ehalf of G:hurch. Free at Lasi Chureh c;F Gor� in Christ By: .loseph Ifs: Eider . c 7n�Z[z,C',9='2�1i�=��=,':�i�u,;ci �,:.,<' Ct , '` � /✓ �— _,_.�, _.:"1....,_