273615 '. ,�� � WHITE - CITV CLERK � COUtICIl 2���5 � PINK ' - FINANCE G I TY OF� SA I NT PAiT L CANARY - DEPAi7TMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• , , Council Resolution ,�� , Presented By �% Referred To " Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to 5ection 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the �ollowing in the 1979 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $6 ,648 To: General Government Aecounts City Hall and Court House Maintenance 09170-537-000 Transfer or Contribution to Special Fund $6 ,648 To provide funds for remodeling the jury assignment room on the eighth floor. Approved as to funding: Approved: � . � i��Dep� � Finance & Mgmt Serv,�.ge� udget Dir ctor ��s�y� �G'� COUNt'[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �1 H� �[n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco AU� r� g 19'�g Form Approved Ci Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By Ap ov by lNavor: Dat _� 1.���.� �g�g Appro d by ay r for S ission to Council By _ By t�usHEO SEP 8 1979 � R e s o 1 ut i o n ,�'�-�-�-�=� •, ,, Board of . , ��dmse �or�nf �olnml'sslon�.�' ����1� � � nMr1�OR � �r r«�E Preaented By Commissioner Finley DBte August 14, 1979- Attention� Budgeting & Accounting; G. Griller, Judicial Administrator; Cour.t House & City HaZI. Fi1e; . roeder, St. Paul Budget Director; R. Olson, Assistant Building Superintendent; Larry Brown, Executive Director; No. 79-906 RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby directs the Executive Director to make the following adjustment in the 1979 budget to pay the costs of remodeling and furnishing the 8th Floor Jury Assignment Room: FROM: R77 41004 000000 CH & CH Alterations $29,283.30 County's share - Window Project R78 49000 041200 Capital Improvement Program 16,I00.52 Undesignated Projects (1978) $45,383.82 To: 41001 040200 CH & CH Building & Structures $ 6,648.00 40208 040300 Judicial District - Equipment 38,735.82 & Machinery $45,383.82 And Be It Further RESOLVED, That the total cost for this remodeling project of $52,031.82 shall be shared between the County and City as follows: TOTAL COUNTY CITY Furniture $38,735.82 $38,735 .82 $ - - - General work 4,246.00 2,123.00 2,123.00 Electrical Work 6,050.00 3,025.00 3,025.00 Design Fee 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 $52,031.82 $45,383.82 $6,648.00 And Be It Further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to prepare bid specifications for the furniture which is identified as chairs, carpet, and tables. RU$�RT 7. ORTH, Chcwunan � � B .:r��i' G . /�/� C ' - C.�e�i: - C�w�.ty 8aatr. � r � �N l/.i j���•^J�� � " J�U �/tJ V .� l.'L 6/ .i v .r.� k �_ �v . . ..�--:- _ � ���;;��1� �ii,y �iall �: �ourt �Iouse . Con�xx�i'c��e �-tnted �3y Comyl��o*1���r�rd- Dut� July 16, 2979 CIt�lUT1= G. Grillez, Judicial District A3ministrator; P,obt. Olson, Acting �ldg: Superinter:dcn J. ' Houdt, Budgzt & Accountino; Dick Schroeder, Eudget IIirector; � RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Nall Comrnit[ee hzreb�r approves the rec�odeli.no p'rojec� for the Jury Assign:nent F.00�� on tne Stlz fl.00r of the :t Court House at an estimated cost of $52,031.52, consisting of the follo�3ing expenses: Furniture � Chairs � $ 27,902.62 Carpet 5,240_00 Tables 5,543.20 Signage 50.00 $ 38,735.82 - Paintir.o (By building naintenance staff) - . . General Work � Remove one riser on platform, finish floor and base to �a.tch existing_ � Remove bench top. Build cost closets. - Labor 6 nan-«eeks @ $i4.00jhour�= $ 3,360.00 . riaterials '� • ' S0U.00 � Contingency � 386.00 . $ 4,246_00 - Electrical Work . - _ Rewire and rebuild existing light fixtures. I.abor � 5 man-weeks @ $17.47/hoexr = $ 3,SOQ.00 ' rlaterials 2,000.00 Contingency _ � 550.00� - . • - - $ 6,050_00 ` Design Fee . _ For final design and specification of furniture, general canstruc�ion work and electrical er.gineering. $ 3,00O.O�J � TOTAI. PROJECT COST $ 52,03I .82 (Continued) . ..-- By _ _ Chief Clcrk - Co.,nr. �n,r� � ,, . � _, ..� .... � � __ . ` ° ���o��.��t� C�ty �Ia�l �: Co�ixt �Io�se . �oxnnzi�'cee �n,i Le3 By Co:n,-nissioner Norpard� � . • ' . Dete� Julv 16; I979 c n:.ion= - - . � � Continued - Page Two An� B� It Further ` - , RESOLVED, That the total amount of $13,296.00 representing general � construction work, electrical construction work, and the design £ee shal2 be fnnded one-haZf by the City of St. Paul and one-ha2f by the County of Ramsey; and Be It Further ' RESOLVID, .That the room adjacent to the Jury Assigniaent P.00ne, currently being used for paper storage, shall be used for vending machines upon com�letiozL � . of the remodeling project. _ � , _ , � - • , , _ - . - / � - .�-� .`��/" ,��� , � . . ��,---,�.�-�/� /.�� ',� -' ��` l + I Chief:Cicrk - Count� Board � t ' - � ST�1TE OF �I L�'E SO��►. ,� • , , ' SECOVD JUDICZI►L DISTBICT . � � , � �,SSEY COaY'.C'Y CO�Ci22THOL'SE '�:' ' . ' . � � SAZ.ITT Pa�L 301�3 • ,,,� . . -`x� -- �� GOROON M.GRILLCR � � � • ' - OISTLtICT AOMINISTRA?OR � '�'� � � lY�r•rv�OLS.t1LYLUlY1 . . , . � . . . . . . ' _ . , . - .'_' ' TO: ���" � ,. - . .CITY HALL/COiJRTHOIISE C011d�ITTEE . . - . : _ � . COIINTY BOARD OF COMMYSSIONERS � ' - = - . . LARRY BHO�iT, COIINTY EXECUTIVE DTBECTOR - � FRO�i: - G0:3DON �. GFtILI�E.R, JUDICIAL DISTBICT AD�4TNISTRATO� DATE: JUNE 26, 1979 � RE:� - � �JURY �ASS�GN�dENT ROOBd RF�I�DEI;ING _ - : BACKGROIIND - . �. � - � . Since late las�� year, .the Nationa.l Center for State Courts h�as been - co3�ucting an extensive jury study .for the courts in ftamsey. The focus of the project ras stretched from a review of the 3uror se3ection process to improved. information and management spstems. _ . The final report is due �_by late summer. and will be reviewed by the full.. Bench. . . .. :� � : . - - _ - �_ Collaterally,: a number�_of. change� have beea inxt�ated independently�� - _ by the Court Qver the past pear to �improve the �ury spstem. The . � - � juror orientatiQn program has become more in�orma.tive, the term � of service for�jury� dutp;has beea: reduced from two weeks to one week;: and a aepr �uror��:handbook. has been prepared. . _- = -.. , ; ..� . :;. ; . , : . . , � :. . _ ._ - � , Many.=of these cha.nges;°,aad. others .which will be� occasioned. in the � _ future, are improvements-.�in -procedures, processing, and in�ormation � �_ needs; and as such,�� often �involve onlp minimal expenses. Same - - changes, however, will .occasion greater costs, but are necessarg - aad unavoidable. In this respect, on behalf of the Court, T. am - submitting this request-: �or remodeling of the 8t1� Floor Jurp - Assignment (Assembly) Room. . � . , . ' It is felt that such a change is in the bes� interests o� the CotzntSrt will provide �or more �acceptable conditions �or �urors and wi,ll promote a smoother functioning jurp spstem. � . ..� � f!�.' ' . - . . �� �. i• * Page Two Jury Assignment Room Remodeling � The request is made at this time rather thaa at the conclusion . � - of the jury study for several reasons. - - First, the Court feels that the Assembly Room conditions. �or � jurors have been sub-sta.ndard for some time a.nd to continue the situation any longer is a disservice to the more than 44U0 - jurors who serve annually. In this respect, numerous complaints - are received each year regarding the inadequate .facilities. This - -� is excuseable in smaller �urisdictions, but not in a high-volume, _ metropolitan court such as Ramsey. Secondly, detailed remodeling plans bave been developed, are . acceptable to the Court, and fit with the overall changes envisioned in the jury study. The Ellerbe Architectural Firm, a sub-contractor with the National Center on the project, - and the firm designing the 16th floor Court Remodeling Project, completed, to the satisfaction of the Court, the initial design plans. . � � Thirdlp, some form of remodeling must be initiated since i� is � pla.nned that the present bench seating in the 8th floor jurp � assignment �oom will be removed and used as courtroom seating on the 16th floor, saving� the C�unty an e�timated $25,000 in that project. - . ' � . . . . Lastly, any long-term delay occasions higher overa.11 cons�ructa.on and renovating costs: Also, remodeling, since it is c�uite __ limited, can be accomplished with the least .amoun�: of disrupti�an ` to court schedules over the summer months. (The removaZ o� �he -� seating� is scheduled-�or July. ). . � - , JIIRY ASSIGNMENT �{A�SSFI�BLY)";�tOO�d RE�iODEI;II�G - . _' The Judges of both the Distr3ct and Countp Municipal Courts have - formallp endorsed the attached remodeling pla.n and have asked me to work with pou towa.rd its implementation. As you will note, the only structural change suggested is some � � minor reconstruction o# the �udge�s bench to permit the space behind it to be more fully utilized.�; No other structural changes are envisioned, in order to keep costs low and not prohibit the use o� tfie space �or other purposes somet�.me irz the future, if necessarp, � w :` '�' � -1 . . • , �• � , Pa�e Three � Jurp Assignment Room Remodeling � ' Larry Brown and .Mr. . Griller have had a chance to discuss the proposal briefly. Also, both the Historical Society and Building - �• Superintendent:�:s Office have been a.dvised regaxding the possible project and find no problems with it. The projected cost is �52,031.82, which provides for , . final design and specification �vork as well as ca.pital outlaF and construc�ions'�costs. �'le will be �happy to meet � - . � with the Board Committee on Finance or :the Commissioners ' as a group �,rior tq the regularly schedtaled meetings if pou �vish. The Ellerbe Firm also will be available to review specific details at upcoming Committee and Board . Meetings. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. � _ : Edward D, u ally, Chief Judge�-Elec _ . � _ , - - il am . �Flemin , s istant Chief Judg . - - - .. � � . . - - _ � . . . . . . . - Gor on M. Grillez; Judicial Di,strict Administrator � . . - " Atta.chments . - ' � . 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'' � � � _,_, • ,e.; ..�..'�-r-_y..... ;,.,,��.. � . � . , y�. .r. s.""�`�Ai..����'°'s. .�,,,�. ,� , � �.r � �` _ . s . . , .., � �,`�:•� «.._.�.:.r.!�.`�•�r~ ��+n'+"•''-•y��„� %'vw'�.... „"��.� '-�i'�....�!'-"""'r„�-�..�l:�"'�. ... �... �;:• �-..��•� ��_�..�� -. +..�.- .«...., . '_.._.- ^�i ?�"�.'^.`�'aia�.+rx.s��.t'a.�.,o.a....�... . •- ��L�"� - - �'�c:���� � � • - . - '. � � ` . . _ _ � , - �.rr�r�r - � �+ � �;t ?� ; - � . ti:�� _C �.:t >_7 1. L s'� .. .�t. �.L lj.�_. ,- _ __ � , � �� •`� � � U.'.��'i�'�[:�: O:�"i'i f.:L•: C:.:i`=ti' �;t7�I1�;?"T. ���i9_t+�� ;� I"�!_��'; t� � i�,..� -- � t� :;`; _ _ - `j j:.� . `������, f::� D a�e : August 20, 1979 , •� /� - �, � ��rt i�li � � ~� i iY �i �' 4_� � ' "' -,- 1� "r"c 1 � p : �oinl °��u � City �o�rciI - ��� � �,�� ; C��{-�t�t�� p� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL . RUBY HUNT ��; ci�oiFmcn, rnG�;es the rc�tir:�ir�c repor� on C. F. � Oruinance - 3[� Reso�:�'tion - - � -. - - � O�h2r . � � �iL� : _ - . . The Finance Committee at its meeting of August 20, 1979, recommended approval - �of the following: - � _ - 1 . Resoluti�on establishing title and class specifications for Director of - Projects in Grade 30, S�ction 3:K. (Prof/Admin. Supervisors) (9988-RH). . � Recommended Grade 29 instead of Grade 30. : 2. Resolution transferring $6,648 from contingency reserve for remodeling� . jury assignment room on the 8th floor of City. Nall . . 3. Resolution to replace ordinances C.F. 273060 and C.F. 273061 re�ative to � � Bacon-Davis Act. � � � i i(t',�.I, Sf;�'F:ti lf� 7'I.C)O'tL 5:11?�I� I':1v.E,, ::T\\�:5�)�F:\ 5�?i'-, �..,.:.,.. 'i : � : . . ... . . . .. . . . . . .�. . . . ...... ..: . . . ' OM. Q1: �2/�.9�5 ` - Rev. :' 9/8/76 . " EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORZ�ERSr . � RESOLUTZON5, AND 4RDINANCES ��i��� ,, ; c:.r; � , Date: �p; , AqAYL7R GEORGE LATIMER , �: < � ° :� FR: Ri�hard �chroeder� �udget ��.re�tor � RE: , Council resoluti.can transfeacring f�nds �� the �979 contint�ncy reserve - � i �CT141�T �QUES3'ED: ApProval C�f attached �reso�.ution -- .` � � � �� t,: ��. }�� � .� _ . , ` = a� PtIRP4SE AND RAT�('�NALE FOR. THIS ACT�ON: " � # T� �t�ach�t� t�ans�er` of �6,64$ �ro�aa. tk�e con�����a�'°�ee��ctf� ,�e��;es�x�ts- �� -,: c�ne-half the ec��t� o.�' ,q�r�eral_co��tru�ct.a.e�n �►�k t ����i���;����tru�cti�n.. � work and the d�sigri f�:� �or remod�'iing th�� �uz�y as�i " n� �c�m n��,the � � . � �ight� f�oor of Cit� �a�.l. Th� �au�ty wi11 gap �h� r�ir�ir�� rane�-��lf ' ,�� v�t���. as �he cost o�," chairs, .�ib�s, and car�e�: - These �a��s a�e. - . ��+e�.z�d on the attached resolu�ion f#��� �t2�e: 3'+�in� ��.ty ���� �& ,Cd� I�ou�� Co�ttee. x...,:���iCHi�N�S:_ -- x.. ' ,,... � ;;� � � � t �auntaf:I. Resv�.utic�n--= . Joi�t Cit� ��,1'�.,� t��t �ou�� Committ�e Resol�tic>� �etter. ���a Juc��cial�Di$�i,.et Ar�minist�ator : � ' :-: � . : � _ .. � � , , ; .;; , �.. : _ .; .. , � . . _ ... �. .. . .. � . � _. ��:. . _ . . . _ . . .. , .,_ ,_ : ., WHIT�E - C�TV CLERK o,J• ����� PINK � ANGE COURCII � �tn � CAfSAR� �.. �ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE� - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has reviewed the District 7 Plan including its relationship to other elements of the Comprehensive Plan as have been adopted and the overall health, safety, and welfare needs of the residents of the City of Saint Paul and the metropolitan area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the District 7 Plan as recommended by the Planning Commis- sion, subject to such review by the Metropolitan Council as may be required by law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this action does not constitute an implicit adoption of the Comprehensive Plan of 1963 or portions thereof as previously recommended by the Planning Commission. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco r� g 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date �C7 �., � Certi ed Passe y C�� rY By B} t#pp o by 1�lavor: Date UG 2 9 1979 Ap oved by r for Subm' sion to Council By - B / ��.�sH�o S E P 8 1979 , � •:� 1 . - , . � � �t • ' � ; , , ` . f � J . �. . � , � : � � J�v 3� i979 . ; , . Mr. Wf�lism Jr�hneon . � . District' 7 President . _ , . , , lOIQ Univ+ersity Av�e. . �. Paul, Ilianeaota -Sg104 � �. , ` / \ . , , Dear $ir= . _ .� .P2.esae be� advi�ed tt�at the City Counci], wiil ho1Q a he�tring on �` � , � August 2, I9T9 at the re�,ular 10tOC1 City Councl2 �tin�; to �. � , ec�naider tbe Di$triet 7 Plsn. ; , • � ' - : ' F -'CFsry t�nly y+our�, . , , Rose Mix - � , City Clerk _ , ,. � ' , AH�Otla , . _ - tfc s Mr. lh�ed:8�ider, 21th �.00r, Ci�y Rall Annex. � � , � , • ' ♦ _ ` � , ` � .. � 4 . , . � � _ �� � � � � .� . . . . .� - .� , � � . � ...�� - . �. ., . . . . � . . . . . . .� . . � . . . • . . . ..,� : ' � , . � ��� � . , � . � . -. . � � .. . . . ` , . . . . . _ - . . .. ` . . . , , .� . . � . . � � . .- . � _ . ' .. � � � ... � .. - - \ , . . . . � . . . . 1 . . . . .. . � , . _ , . . . . . I�� . , . ' � . .. , . . . � . . � . .. ,' � . . .,�; ♦ . . . . . :. . . .. . . .. � � . .. �. .� . , . . . . . . � . � . . . � �F� � . . � . /`/ , � ,.. - . ., . . . . - . . . _ ' . . � . � - .�� �i� � .. „! ' . . . , . � �_' . , ' . . . .. .' \ . � - . . � � . . . � . . . ' . __ . � � ( � ' . . . . � . . � . I- ' . �� - . , , � � Jt�[l� 1�, 1979 , • , r ; . �. K�n t�.r3stictfereon � ` Citi� ,Parti.oi�a�Eion t7oordinatc�r _ ; 14th l�.ocr, City Hall Anne�c ' • �t. k'�t�3,, blinnesota , , , t - . Deer Ms. Q�ristoPPsrson= � ` : � . • i . ?be Citg t�ounail todsy rw�iv�sd � D3etrla� 7 Plan !'Yo� tl#� �qror end �eqwst�id '�hat yca me�t M11� Aietz�iat 7 re�rea�ertatiwa . , � . , and x�etomr�er�d a data of h+��tring bsFor� �h�i C#t,y. Qo�uec31 to . ccrost�:er spprc�vz�� cf. th� `pl�n. , . YeY'a► �u� Yours� . � ; , � . , � . ,Yr . � ` - . . - � . , � 1WR 17i/L / . . . �, r . � � City C3�e� ' ' /. . �� . . . . � . � � ` . . . . �y, . �. . . . . .. . AB4�3t i . , . � . . � , • . : . � , . � , , : ,. � \ . . ; . , � \ , � , , ; , . , � . � � • . . . " . � � .w '4� . . � . . : .. . .. . . . . . . . . � : - ; . ,. . " � �. � � � , . . . . .. f ' ; • . , , ' r . � � � ��, ; . . � � 3 , ; _ , . . � , � � - , , . - ; , , . , , . . . . . . : ; . . � � A� z;f�s� , , , , � � � �' �. s�st�: . • - City Attc�ar�ey l�oom 54�, C�.ty Hall ' ` , St,.'Fau].,,.Ml.nna�ta , ' . ; .. � /� �. �f7�iri-�. . , . . - . . � ....Y... . . .. � . � . �, . The �i:qc l�ouacil tode�Y: sf°F,�r�+b13c hesr�ag�\e�dopted n motioa '` _ aAPrarir� the Di+atrict �'? Plaz�. �ill you pleue .prepare t� � , � prapar r�eso�.utian isnp'�emeatin� th�.,� e�ction? � , , . r . V�"S►' '�'�J► Y�'�s . • ; . . _ : , � �tc�se I+[i,x ' C���► Clerk - , � � � � ' . ' , � . . . � � . . . . . . ,. . ' . . . � �30 i�.�3 , , . i - r : CC: �'!'y' BOder�!]1D� �.$�D ` A _ ' � � � � °• , \ - � ' _ , . ' . + � • , � , � , , .. ' � � '� ' i � �-t r �� i ��,.� ^ . , ♦ t - ' y ,i; _ .. .. -+ ,... C IT1' OF S�.I�'T P�11TL �',��' OFFICE OF THE �1.�YOP �.'!`_'-' �ui�29 t�rtr �u_!LJIi; 347 CITY IiST.L *� ��!�:; C:EORCiE LATI�IF.R SAI1�iT PAiTI.�MI.\'NESOTA 5510? ; �� '� n- � �� �L�YOR �'61�) 298-4323 ��.3�a+ May 30, 1979 �1 l�? " ) i��� , Council P�esident Council President David H. Hozza and members David H.. Houa of the City Council City Hall , Seventh Floor St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Transmittal of the Qistrict 7 P�an to the City �Council Dear Council President Hozza and members of the City Council : On April 27, 1979, after holding a public hearing, the Planning Commission certified the District 7 Plan. It is the fourth general district plan to be certified by the Planning Commission. District plans are proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan, and must be adopted by the City Council before they come into legal effect. "Certification" by the Planning Commission represents their recommendation to the Mayor and the � City Council that the plan should be adopted. I am distributing to you copies of the plan for review preparatory to your public hearing in the District. The Distri�ct 7 Plan has already undergone an extensive review process. It was approved by the Thomas Dale District 7 Planning Council and the community at large. It was circulated by the Planning Commission to City departments and agencies, both as a preliminary plan and in its present form. It was also circulated to all adjacent districts. Mr. Bellus, in his letter to me, made a special comment on the District 7 Plan. The Planning Commission did not. certify the District 7 positions - on tax assessment policy, Dale Street 4ridening, and education. The - district's positions are left in the general district plan exactly as it was adopted by the community council . The Planning Commission's � explanations of why it did not certify these district recommendations is given on the colored inserts in the report. The Planning Commission recommends that you adopt the plan in this manner, so that the district's positions will be shown in the report but will not be adopted as policies in the comprehensive plan of the city. I am impressed by the understanding of city issues and the dedication of the residents toward their own communities. T am pleased to transmit their District Plan to you. Sincerel �` ` ` � eor �La� er, Mayor. � � CC: J. Be17us � �. I THOMAS�DAtE `�� � � � � -- DISTRICT 7 PLAN ' _ ' 1 1 �. ' ' 1 1 ' � ' � 1 1 ' DI VISION OF PLANNING � DEPARTM�NT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEL�PMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNE�( 25 WEST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � TELEPHONE: 612-298-4151 � -. , _. . . . . ; ,. . L � � ;.. �v � t,„ ��, �- - � �� �i . . � , (E �' 4� 4 ��.� ` ' � . � . . .� n#G �,p a�. . .. � D` , 54 tiv' y^ J �r�R � f�.� _ ' �� . J. � S b Y , � „ .. . . . .. �.:rn� . 7 . � � �y.5. .,*, ..� !�Y � {Yt'q� � 7�r x 'r ��" - t� � �'p,' f �`3 4� �a` �"�: sa��AA;: A : : i, �� ;�s � � �". '� ff i :,.7 -�� �'&Y:'e 4 �' �t d�'T � �' r: .a i c. �t i� �. G .�e,�'� �,'i1� -.� `� .� .:� „�w:ij �+ '� '� ���F '4' �'$ � ,.,�9 '{ Mh ' .,44 �„ '���,...� ��t "'. r r- � ..�,� �C l,�C is� � .:�' ' : a4 �'}.t .. �t t :i �C" i���kl yo �,.�':�,���� ai �; � .�, V� .. �.v1 r °*` a ,��: y4i✓�r, .���. �.� ��� '�a.. ��T� �'M 6�i r :.�,�,r'�_ s ��'..' �� f� =�nk , r>1t �; .` ; i ' ' s� v .� � fs . } . 5:�: J ',"N�.k Sr `� �� T �� �o'�.�!'� �SI �, � t ���:�< ( .:. ��' ` .�+. ,y�'+ .-;�A r ��-+DA� - Y a;� �� t �, �� �""�tl J, ���� 1 �".� �y���� {+n.. ; �,.,�. ti.� � _� 5 � a#. ,rt '� ..:� . � . . �:� ahrf s {'Ft��. l.+�r , aN� �,vl,1& y'S y4� �` � .t5i�� !K ��j`' # t h ��r,'}�3 ��:• ��. S � �4,�tSTRIC?'� T��PL.AH s�� '+4� ia. ��P�. 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T � ..� iwv� ..i3 r, .e.� >k-< �.. �,�� �. � .,; as. � �:` �.�� .� rt+f+a.ri�,_.�K { PREMISE`-"# , Y ," � �:.,,,: �,'�i�tEI6HBORH00D ORGAMIZAT�OMS s`LOCAL BUSIN��SES;, �kND TH�f=: � � �GITY;;have worked,togetfier to prepare; this plan. � t'heir r, ,.c. -.��' �,r�s:.. e� a, «.,, h �. 5 ,� ' s �� � �� ��.,�cantinued ccap�erat�on witf eiake it possible to t�rild i�ct }� ��-� � ``"`� � ��he �trengths ef the Thamas-Date;ar�,;sd:�that i� rr#1'� .,� �u�-�; ' ;- ���r, ���Y.,�� ;: �conttr�ue�;to,.be'�'good�place�to 1:tve,�to wo��,;�and„t� �c� - � �,�,:, ��>� ��� . � �business�r£oncl usions:about:ca�r+uni.ty',raeeds. �nd'�o�crete ; �'� i . � - '� `' � : .� . �� _ � �`-a�� F: Y �-�` . �p�oposals�for meeting tlrose are contained in th�s ` -�� : ` ��"�'� � F�° , � � � : �� y�' = e ��� � � -�F 6 ,� 3��;=Di str#ct�7.°Pl ar���� �� , �� � � f � � �:�� �` � ���:: � ?`���r � ��' �� "� �= �+�i�i�° � s.�y,�s� i .y -' .� "� �+ �... �,h�. c,�� ,�,{:µ4` #��:�"`� a x � *bs a �. ; ^7�' S ,y� ��,��� ��� '.'ka`�w ��,':��� �r� �Y��Y„-.�ti y" �"`I,'3��� '�t�.'i 1G 2xtf.�'�E�Z.9-�. 4r"`3 �' t kz���.,�„�",q�,.,�'S } _iY �+"�f., x �• � .F � �S e�; : �MAIN sRQII�TS� �;�„5y . �� �y�t �. M� T�AS-DAL�. AREA,:othe�^i�rise k�n�..as �j�,. _ �':,�° �� �-�<��s� � a p � ' „�:�'� : rst setti ed��i n the 1870�'and has been � stabl e .wo�kinq :, r� �1` z . �e* � �' f a . i a+�er J s s' � i 5.,�s � w .�w,r �.� � � � �� i��� �� -� �e �ss canawnf t exer 3i e�� ti ; � : ,�� ��t����k� J # a ro q �:. Y Y4 �l`. e �1�,�.t �, � �' 3 � u J�'t a� tl t � .�':rt1�"�,+'�wi'"?'.�,�„�1f t`�" i x . � t�� '°�''y±t p.S�� .,u%��, �t�t��, �e� . �,� .' �''7�`+� � ��ar =`�=} �`� -�� �p� � '����;� ���'�NE OLDEST f�tlIM�S yI� �AREA are.between JRice Str�et artd ` ; �, W` '° �5 "�°�*�s��� ��'` �,���;'D�le Street,� �rf►i�. t newer residences are' la�ated ` �: =�z �'=�A�.� ��4i�` West Vof Dale an� �rt th Capitol area. Mt. 'Airy Homes, , , � a� ` , : ` � .. .. �, �� , � T�;� �: , ���onstruCted 1n the 195 �..-canprises the eastern-most � � � - A:� � r° �heighborhood fin D�str� �7. - � , � :: �ye,y � Rd. �, . 1Y 'v ,4�Y yr i S" r. y. � � 't � .i�': j� . . ,, � ' -' . ,�. . ; �, r , , fi xr. {�. � ��;�..DISl'RtCT�;7� INCLUDES T �Hf�4S-DALE,NEIG}�BEfR�l000;tJE1�ECOP r� ; .�� �}�'� �� � ,� ,;�'.-"MENT �PROGRAM-AkE1�;�- reeeived f�deral .feiridin�. for:: `�`` ,f�"�': ��� �� ��h��1�974, , , . ;�. �; ���£hk,��M ;redevel apment and reha i���tian frOnr 197Q throug � �4�, � a , , ,��. _� : : ; } ,; F � �� :,The NDP pragram remov and :replaced deteriorated it�sing ° � } �� s t�, M° s�; � and rehabilitated. mahy homes. . Most of �3istrict 7's �. . , . � ,u , ? �y $���, ��i�-� ,����fious�ng is now in soun con��tion. It w�'tl rematr� �table ' : �.� :,�� ,� tM . ���,�,�����, if smal'# .scaTe �rivate 9nves�ts are made`ist reh$b�'�� `�.: - > � e �: � 4 Y . ��. ` - ;�,'�_ �s��4`�� ,�.'�A.tatfion and'�rertiovatior�. � t� ; ��" _ �,�i£r� � � � �_ ., - . , ,� +R.� �. � � r��� i fif �S � i '. r „� . . ' #._: '" '^�., �`..,� � •'��. -rs-�'� J N' - ` �� � �{� � ., . > 4.P = p �� ` .' � :' � ,.. , � � > -4.PUBL�C �NVESTMfNT .:IN S EETS, �EMtERS fA�tD GONMU�tITY . �t �' ��' ; .� ,'. , � �, ������'�'�� �. FACTLI'FIfS: sfauld;be u �ta increas� canfidence''ir�. thb N , � ... � • xX � Thanas=Dale area. ".The dehately-priced�fiousing:'irc��he . �� R��� x 1"t' �° ; � �8rea;plays a k�y�rolt tn St: P�u1 's�.housing market 8�:i�d f _ ,�� ��, ��; >� `�4 ;`�` =f°�"_` f��need� pubi ic :investmen in sewers'and streets to`remain � �` . : � �' a" � 7 .�' r��x� ��� � i�S Q• . �' ,�.y���' ys.,� { S, ��1�Y�2��ru,.� `I� Ci �� ��,�, ,l* et!�7 a�4nr>�i.. +,� r� �9 .� � . tabl '� � , x� � ' �k � .. .,y �.�+-�rx f" „i'� �:j+i ss. i+ t�. ., p . d e�.;,, �' i� � � e rT.�,e �i .,y � � � k!° tc� �.h9. Yl A 4���+( �. t a�Tg 'C ; � F; ' ,w�, tr, .��. . .� � t�,�, ) �i e� s'�r ,�!;� �' T`�{�,b ,aF r < ,. �a �� � t ��� r ..S ., . 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' ,� ;; ;<,A ' ,-s, �, �t �,;�;;x 4,�A�NEFGMBORHOOD RECREATION� £ENTER is needed �in the western :; �� ; �:,j F=,{ , , ,�� , >EN, .���= par�;.of::0i str�ct.�7_and .shoul d consi st o� a :combi nation af'y; � . , > '� � ,,: , ,# �f �a the existing fa�cilit�ies' at Yest Minnehaha Playground�and =� k j i " Mw s��� � e t-. �,�;�, � �i d���,�s Dal er Comnun�tX Center.: * ::,� � r� tii ,�rc a f .�r ,f .�r na F' � wµs f �.•r � T ���r��'�"�'����c�^� '� @ 5 � �i}�'f }': .�. 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" 1„ f T .t� `�^,�t n _ � '' � �.r #'Sn� r ."�' -� t}m" �`�� �.s,.," �c, � o�>x- � ��, , � �F� ��u �� � � ,w, _ ,� ,� r 7.�. 3 � "', '���'°� y "`� `ry:: ,. y TH, �`CLTY SHOULD CONTINU� �T��COMMITMENI`" TO��SI�EIN1fESTMENT� �" *3' h s ;� °����r����T���� �:� � FN� OUSING through retiabilitation;`�rants �anQ' ]o+�"� � ^° ,� . , . . �.,� �-'r-. ,��.y.� �r �s�x(".�,: � i i r o v a., cw .rzf�' � •u t:. °S.t,. , yry, .`�� . '°��y^ y.S h3'e{' F �� �Y � � .� :� 7µ3��� � �.{�� '� .kiteres'�ioar�programs�. _ ,�-'� ,��.�� � , ����z ��.� , � ,� sx,�,�J��,� � �� r,,�� � ;�,' � ��' � � �� ���• - *.�� � ri�;w �Tw '� ..���t 3. � �'. e A � '� x���#��'� a i��, �.., yt _ �. }� .�G �- � �,�, sc '�.,� r.. � �' �`" ,�• .� �«��� �„4��uu�.x� . �3f���r��"k �.�� ". w ., o-A ��� . � � �; � .� .� . '. �r � �a --K �, . aa rr �;�� �4 ,�a .� .<��' i t� � ::4 . �f�:�r4 �§ �' : r.�y . +ni+.r ��'�- �.;;�r,c `��� �hF1'� � "�"� � ' � ' r��!L x �' x�' �" s .. '7':'� t '"q�.�� y ,r:�� .� +a� tt " <a;., : 1�'. ,'�.. .v�� _ . �"Y;�r , `�3 „� o z -r Y�.aF' �� -�se, ° �t ,s ,, "r �a. f: xp '� c ��.,t� 5��; ,� �� � a"`' � �� � +� �� � w c-�° s�,�'" Y r 4 � a " a�+ ��..� a ' '�Z ���� C$ Y6i�� � ..�� a�° � ���:. t . � � �- �1 J�t ����� F ���; ir'� � � m'�.�� � ���S� i 7� � +�;: @ f 3 `� Pa �u' ...X'�'t fY�s ��� ; : _�, � , � � a�.� ��� s�i}� o� � ��. Y�.� i � i ) �i r vb y PIRLJL CITY�PLAhW�° ;421� SHA ST EET� SAINT M�IE A 1 ` ,� +,' ..n ,- ..'f y�,i �S �r*'��� �,S` { r-"_ _..� .;� �� z _. � ._ 4 �.., :� ; �� {' "?,' �- . � ,�:�r � t'�s �''.�t r :. -�S " 'r�rd�=� � x'``' ; - ." : kT - ' %,tt�£ {,f%. f'+. . r" � Y ,,r. .:`�' Y� ..� �-a 4�,.' �.. ;�' te ,�t�� ��" t'" �`� .. �.s bn� yrn�,e w �' .�. ` n•}„ � _��ne Y s �`�t ,*�=- . : �� . . . �, �" ��a .t , � . � "t!#s,�..r�,.K.�i:.Y. ' ;�^ ,�- ,+A`�.9,� "�,,�� �,�,y�� ' � . �' �-, �, . 1 : GtNERAL D�STRICT PLAN � FOR DISTRICT 7 � �' PRELIMINARY PLAN ' � 78-207-SWP-02 JULY, 1978 � . � �.. _ _ � : . � 1 �.. �. 1 [. � _ . f � � � , f : �r� i . C �� . � i l . � � _ r I . ___ _ � - �� ._ __ � PEANNING DIVISTON OEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �� 421 WABASHA STREET � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � � f � � . R__.._ �_.,___�_____ __:_..��..__......����r��. __�. ..___..��_�.�r�..�.._.�....�.�.:...R,'.��.�...,.�..a.� _ .�.��_. � TABLE OF CONTENTS . N 1 1 � 1 . HISTORICA CK U .. . . , R06TOWN Y . � ALAN � . -- - . . T NSP R N � 0 n��ar -- >; . � Zo . s � , PLAN - , . 21 3. 0 2 .3 SOCI L S R � 3 , . 24 . .6 C N 26 . 1 � . . . . PLAN . Y N :�7 � 4. INDUS RI 0 27 � 4. C MMERCI D R D 9 . S 3 t - � R 33 ITABLE OF MAPS � _ � � � . . �� __�. . � FIGURE PAGE TITLE lil 9i Community Facilities and Landmarks . 2-1 5 - Residential Improvement Strategy Map 2-2 11 Street Paving Priority Areas � 2-3 16 P.roposed- Street Classifications t 2-4 18 Land Use Plan l. , � . i l � ...�,__ __._.,._._.r_..��-_..�.._.R,......�...�...�.,....� ._.,_.,,.�.�..,�..�....w.,._.w._.._.,r�-��...,_.,.._...��a..,�..,, _ _ .,_.,,,�.�,..,.�..�,,�.. . i � � � _� ' _ .., ,. .. __ ,_..,,,... .._. ._. . . r-_ . .... . . ._. _ : . _ , . � - . _. . .. -FfGURE 1.1 . . �� � � � DISTRICT 7 COh9NUNITY FRCILITIES AND LANDMARKS ._ _ . � �� � �[ -ra� -� ,i , i t.� �; : . �;_ :�-,� ,�- ] e...... ......... �i�� � - . . �� — . ° - - L��t.� ��C.�� ,�,���� '" f . � . ___ . . .. . - — �:• ,,, l ��--�-?��I� � ��3 �f��' i�' •• � ,. _ � - --- - ---- - --- -- --'�l ��' F�-�,�1�� ' !' o! �;� ' ti....,�E�� , _ � - _ B �- _ --- . _. ._ f _ � �..o , � � �• �� [� .r ; j .,,, -- � :..� � �, , . -.n' � _ E�' ,,,� - :f . �J `�� � ' � __ " �: ��' � - ,a.t-�;=-�T ,;���'.�;�o .1 � . '. .. �:. � �� � j E� C7�::#:; �:;: F�E��IL � :+;�r,�t��i ;. � ' ��, �t L� � ��3�---��-T � ;I iL.11 � �� v � a�_._. .•,,:..:.�' : � ' ,,�; � B �i[��""'�r_ ,.; � - I��f !I l� l� ' ���::-: �� =�,h B BBB �E�(,.�„-3��'� �-;����L�ClI ]I ��i?�.ti,. .,��::::� •' .�'' � . . � BBE���B�},.-��f=:-{{ _ -I[ I_li-:�l.�la_ � , ` �':. 15 _ �.,. eee�oo - �-- ��-_�,_ ���:�i�r ���. ��..:�.:�..���", ;, , ,�.; � - -- - � � - -,�- _ ----� ,— _ �---� •.:"�}•..r �r � � � �E_.-J �3���. �. �.._ °rL- � = i '�. ��f � � t � eE�C��3 �� (i"-����;� �j� _�;,;. � ,� � • ����� � �. �;°� e� -- �q = ����C�,..-.�:� �� � �,�� — _ - �--- —�--- _ ,. __ �: , ��-� .� ,.. ^4�. �c �:� � �� ❑❑ � )k-... _ �- i�.: �� � � � �� ����8 ',,.,, ��-`�j��, � % � ��� �"��1, ; B�� �.,� ;' � �� . . . . . •.. -. ,_ .,, � ., .,: . ; , , ;' , , : : . _ ��'i _1. Library 2. Wilder Thamas Dale Comnunity Center 3. Thomas Dale ITA . . 4• . �rew School Site . �� . 5. West Minnehaha pl _ .. . ayground � 6. Fire Station 7. Arundel Mackubin .�� 8. Jackson Schoal 9. Ice Arena 10. Horseshoe Park . � 11. Scheffer Playground - � 12. Rice Marion 13. Winter Street ITA - 14. Minnesota State Capitol Building . �---.�� 15< Franklin Schobl 16. Valley Playground . .. . . , �� A.,..,Wi 1 der Square . �� �B.. �; Korth Capitol. Area - �� G. Mt. Ai ry Nomes � ;. - - � ii # �Y � . . ' . � 1 .0 INTRODUCTIO N �� � � . S G P e purpose o t is p an is to c ear y esta ish t e goals � of the Thomas-Dale community and to guide public and pri- vate investment in the area. This document stat�s goais, proposals, and background information for the community's � physical , social , and economic development. A longer � report, the preliminary form of thi5 plan, contains more information and summarizes data used to make decisions about � ` goals and proposals. This longer document, entitled � the "District 7 Background Report", can be obt�i�ed from - the City Planning Office, 421 Wabasha, .298-4151. � : �` _ � � . K . . E D The Thomas-Dale area, also known as �rogtown, was first � sEttled in the 1870's, and was the home of G�rman, Polish, and Scandinavian inmigr�nts who worked fo� the railroad � and.other early industries in St. Paul . Frog�own still � ' serves the purpose of housin� working people, many of � whom are descendants of the immigrants. _ � "` � . . E - _ The first area to be settled in Frogtown w�s the area � roughly bounded by Rice S�Creet on the east, Minnehaha � Avenue on the north, University Avenue oh the south, and Dale Street on the west. The oldest structures are j generally south of Thomas Avenue, i�fluenced by University ]� Avenue being the first access route into the �rea. By 1905, the street car lines were well develo�ed, and more � � homes were being built west of Dale Street and east of � Rice Street. Most homes between Lexington and Chatsworth were built during the boom of the 1920's. By the tir� the ��' Depression hit the United States in the late 20's, Frog- , town was almost fully developed. . l . . N IG ORHO D REVITALIZATION ACTIVITIES - � After the early urban renewal programs, the Neighborhood Developm�nt Program (NDP) was established. Frogtown was � jone of the St. Paul neighborhoods chosen, in 1969, to be -- �, an NDp area. The objective was to make the �neighborhood a better place to live, to work, and to do business by f alleviating some very specific problems. _ �� - l � �'. � � 1 i � �.�..,�,...�..,m.._.,.�,.��.,.. _.�._..�._._,,....-�.^,�.,. _ � . � . � � _ � , . _ , _ . , . _ . __.... � _ - NDP activities, and more recent activities under the . " � Cor�anunity Development Block Grant program, have accomplished � a lot in Frogtown. Many deterior�ted strUctures have been . removed and replaced with new housing; programs of con- - centrated rehabilitation have improved existing housing; the � . business climate has been improved; and some public improv- ' ` . , ments have been constructed. There is much more to be done. � � ` � .3 RO WN 0 Housing in D�strict consists mast y b s�ng e-family homes, with commercial areas on its major streets. A�out half of HOUSING the housing units in the area are owner-occupied. Frogtown's � � � - �- - � - housing stock plays a key role in,St. Paul , being affordable - to working people with modest means: ' ` . . + � _ - About 13� of District 7 s population is over 65 years of � age. : The area .has experienced a decline in population 1960-1970, and estimates indicate a further decline 1970-75. � POPUt,ATION However, St. Paul 's population 'is expected to level off and become more stable� by the early 1980's, and this trend . , should include Frogtown. u EMPLOYMENT - District 7 workers fall mainly in the blue-collar categor�ies. � . . About 68� of them work within the St. Paul city limits. . . . � _ . _ - - �_ '' � _ _ � __ , . , . _ - , � - , ; � - ' - � � � 1 - � � . ,2 � �♦ . � � PLAN 2.0 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT � � � � .1 S N .1. G A S � '{. To use the available public and privat� resources to improve District 7's neighborhoods according to their particular needs. �� 2. To encourage home-ownership in District 7. 3. To encourage adequate home maintenance in order to keep neighborhoods in good condition. [ _ � : � . . � . The city and the District 7 Planning Councll should � implement the Residential Improvement Strategy in District � 7. See Figure 2-1 . The first priority areas would be: � � NORTH CAPITOL AREA 1. Rice/Marion and the North Capitol Area. This should � continue to be a cooperative proaect with aarticipation from the city of St. Paul , State of Minnesota, Capitol � Area Architectural And Planning Bbard and �istrict 7 �� � Planning Council. , ITA AREAS 2. . Identified Treatment Area east of Arundel .and north of �� Thomas. This basically sound single family area is adjacent to several previously completed housing improvement programs. �� - ->;,: 3. Areas east of the Thomas-Dale ITA, between Grotto and Dale Streets. The Thomas-Dale ITA was completed in 1977. To the east of it is another area whith �� would respond well to the same type of treatment. 4. Implerr�ntation activities in the Conservation I and �� � II areas and Improvement I areas should be on-going, and do not require a major public investmet�t except where street and related improvements are concerned. � Public investment in street improvements wou�d in- � spire both public and private confidence in these areas. �� ST. ADALBERT'S 5. Area around St.� Adalbert's Church, south of Thomas � between Western and Marion. Project planning needs to be completed in blocks around St. Adalbert's . (� Church, including possibilities• for renovation, _ t street vacation, etc. Consultation with residents or those blocks should be included. - � ST. ANTHONY HILL - 6. The Department of Public Works has begun to design the � 'll Storm Sewer ro'ect, which is needed STORM SEWER St. Anthony H� p J • � � to prevent sewer back-ups occurring in many hames in !� _ . . �_ - �� 3 - �� ....�..,._. .. _ --- - . � � - 1 . . ._. , � District -7�;and adjaeent districts, and to secure th� �, future of the area as a desirable residential neigh- ' borhood. The District 7 Planning Council urges the city to proceed as quickly as �ossible with the project.�� �IACANT LAIVD 7. The DistriCt 7 Planning Council has made Jacant larld AND BUILDINGS and buildings a high priority and will continue to� � . request the city to follow up on all vacan� properties both publicly and privately owned. Vacant land � � located on single-family blocks should be used as side yards for existing houses or built on; v�cant i� houses should be either rehabilitated and occupied, or demolished. � � � _. � _ _ �- � - - � �l . - . . K AGE - - District 7's oldest housing is in the eastern portion of i the district, east of Dale Street. With the proper �J improvements, most of this houszng can continue to be � ' '= usefuT for many years to come. . - VALUE The _ �) hous�ng stock �n D1str�ct 7 generally sells for lower prices than in many areas of the city, which means it plays a key role in St. Paul . Whi1e -the priCe of a � new home is rising beyond the means of many working people, the modest, moderately-priced homes in neighbor- � � . hoods like Frogtown are still within their reach. . �� � Marketing studies have indicated that District 7 needs � more one and two bedroom rentai units, such as those � now being built in the Rice-Marion area. , . � OWNER OCCUPANCY District 7's 1970 owner occapancy rate was slightly lower than the city average. Slightly less than half �) of the housing units in the district were owner- occupied. However, the District 7 Ptanning Council and .._ City have encouraged home ownership through various �� - � programs and indications are that the rate has ri5en � - �since 1970. CONDITION � District 7's housing stock is in generally sound conditiorr.� . However, there are several small , well-recognized areas in � the District which are deteriorated. Rehabilitation and redevelopment programs have improved housing conditions .in �� � � � � the district during the p�st eight years. • ° � RESIDENTIAL IMPROV�MENT - � `� District� 7's housing proposaTs are consistent with the STRATEGY city's Residential Improvement Strategy. �� A variety of housing rehabititation programs ar'e available to District 7 residents. , �� 4 � . � . .. . . __ . .. . � � FIGURE 2-1 RESIDENTTAL IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY MAP - � ' _ ,�.w„T � o' .w.,�,�, �., �---__,� � �� ] �OC� DO � � � ��� ..,�.,�„J C�� � j' " U � rwwvM wdar�w ww C4 � ���� � " (�"����0 OwR � � L—Jr���� DI � 1�2 �-i p ,� .. �� � L�J�� p2 ...,� . I z �f'–''7 ..�. � � �O � Q❑ c-, —,� [���.= N� l OC� _-� D O � � � � �0���00 13 ❑ I'3 � . � �"°°°�;ry� o�0000 0 o n � � , r--, ,---,��--,r-„-„---,�--,�r-,r-,��---, .,r-,�� � �� � _ � � � � � � � � � 3 > �. � x � � � . � ; s � � � � � � §. � �� � � � � � C-1 CONSERVATION I aI-2 IMPROVEMENT II C-2 CONSERVATION II I-3 IMPROII�MENT III I-1 IMPROVEMENT I � . . � � . � � _ , � _— - � _ � . � � 5 � ' � � ' i � RESIDENTIAL Residential Improvement Strategy for District 7: -' � ' IMPROVfMENT Based on the information in this plan; the District was STRATEGY divided into treatment areas, as shown in Figure 2-1 . Each area is composed of housing which is simiiar in � ' type and condition. �hese are the characteristics and ' strategies for each area. � CONSERVATION I CONSERVATION I - � � These are .recently constructed residential areas: Wilder , Square, Arundel Mackubin, St. Adalbert's and Rice Ma�ion. _ � OBJECTIVE: Maintain the sound condition of these areas. _ S�RATEGY: Surveillance - : � 1 . : : , . : � � . Periodic windshield inspection to detect early signs or � .. deterioration. _ , � . Assistance as .required to encourag� adequate home _ maintenance. _ � ._ . ._.. __ . ._:_. . �, ' . Systematic upgrading af streets, sidewalks dnd other public facilities. -- , -�F;: _--- _ __ _ _ ; CONSERVATION II CONSERVATI4N II These areas are in very good condition, but show scattered . signs o� decay, i.e, , one or two houses per block which �' lack adequat� maintenance. The northwest corner of the district, west of Wilder, and the Mt. Airy area are in this category. : � OBJECTIVE. Arr°est the process of deterioration, mai�n- � tain sound condition. ' STRATEGY: Intensive maintenance � . Windshield inspection to determine improvement needs. �� . Assistance as required to encourage adequate home maintenance. _.�: �_� Systematic upgradinq of streets, sidewalks, and other - - � � public facilities. IMPROVEMENT I IMPROVEMENT I �� This area is in basfcally �ood condition, but most blocks have several structures which need major repairs and �� several others which need rehabilitation rather than just maintenance. The southwESt corner of District 7 is an Improvement I area. _ �i 6 �I ; �� - OBJECTIVE: Complete required improvements to private properties and public facilities to provide sound housing and eliminate environmentai deficiencies. STRATEGY: Rehabilitation . Concentrated rehabilitation in smali project areas. . Encourage both owner-occupants and landlords to use available rehabilitation funds (either public or � private) to improve their properties. . Initiate measures to improve property maintenancp, particularly as follow-up to rehabilitation activities. � . Continue the completion of needed street and related � improvements in conjunction with concentrated residen- tial rehabilitation efforts. , The District 7 Planning Council wowld reCOrt�nend code enforcement in'this area only with residents' agreer�nt. IMPROVEM�NT II IMPROVEMENT II � These�areas have a greater need for rehabilitation than Improvement I` areas; and a substantiai number of the _ houses in these areas are in need of major repairs �nd • some are beyond repair. About half of District 7 is in thi�s category, including most of the middle portion of � . the district between Victoria and Western, part of the area around St. Adalbert's Church, and the Winter Street area. � OBJECTIVE: Complete required improvements to private • properties and Rublic facilities to provide sound housing and eliminate environmental � deficiencies. STRATEGY: Rehabilitation , � . -- . Undertake rehabilitation in small_ project �reas. . Initiate measures to improve property maintenance, � _ _- particularly as follow-up to rehabilitation ac.t�ivi�ies. � . Continue the completion of needed street and related � improvements in conjunction with concentrated resi- dential rehabilitation efforts. � , 7 � . � . • � ` � �i . Public acquisition of structures in poor condition - ! which are infeasible for rehabilitation. � Note: These areas are similar to those areas treated � � as ITA's in the past few years. � IMPROVEMENT III IMPROVEMENT III - ' J Deterioration has reached major proportions in these �] areas. In many blocks 40-50� of the structures are in _ very poor condition. These areas are located south of: ' . ` � Thamas Avenue, one bet�reen Mackubin and Western and the �� - oth�r between Farrington and Marion. . These blocks also contain some of the oldest homes in 1 . District 7. There are many examples of the modest but �� well constructed brick and wood frame houses built by ; the 3rr�nigrants who ori�ginally settled in Frogtown. �� � Because of this, and because many structures could be ret�ab.ilitated, total clearance should not take place. The land use in th�ese areas should continue to be single- - family, with the improvements described below. . �. . OBJECTIVE: Ensure reasonably adequate living conditions for present residents; acc�mplish improvement � through rehabilitation where feasible and . � appropr.iate and program acquisition of some - structures as required. � ' �,: STRATEGY: Ma�or neighbbrhood �imprbvement, . Provide reh�bilitation assistance as required to � correct hazardous cond�t�onse . Program needed acquisition and redevelopment as it � becomes feasiblee � � . E►tcburage restoration of homes significant to St. Paul and/or Frogtown history. - : '� . Identify possibilities for effective restoration and rehabilitation and program required rehabilitation .. ._ . �� .. : - activity. _ :. - : � - . Implement or continue needed social service and �� � -- . -- � economic development functiQns to expand opportunities � for residents. , . '- , . . ,- . �� �, i � , 8 � . ) � '� (Blank page due to revision approved by the district.} � � . � � . � � � . ' . ' ' ' - - _ � - . - � �' � _ ' _, g � ._. ,..._..,.�.._ , . � � . NS R N . . GO LS � 1 . To see that streets in District 7 are ade quate to serve the func�ions and traffic volume for which they are intended. � 2. To lmprove the quali�y of the residential environrr�nt by paving all streets in District 7 and maintaining -_ � them in gaod condition. 3. To assure traffic safety for both pedestrians and --- vehicles. � . 4. To minimize the impact of truck and other vehicular traffic .and parking in residential areas. � 5. To provide for adequate public transportation. � PR P SALS STREET PAVING 1. All st'ree'ts in Dist�ict 7 shQUld be paved, .beginning� with priority areas shown in Figure 2-2. � DALE STREET 2. Dale Street should be widened between Sherburne and Minnehaha. See comments in Section 2.2.3. � RiCE STREET 3. The I-94/Mar,ion Street interchange Should be improved so that Rice Street may be downgraded to a collector . � street south of Pennsylvania. PARK STREET 4. Also as a result of the I-94/hfarion interchange improvement, Park Street should be downgraded to a � local street. THOMAS AVENUE � 5. Thomas Avenue will continue to serve as a collector � street and should be designated as such. . PIER�E BUTLER 6. The intersection of Pierce Butler and Minnehaha needs � & MINNEHAHA INTEkSECTION some additional controi such as � four-way stop. STREET LIGHTS 7. The old green lighting standards should be preserved . if the residents of those blocks where they are �-- - 1o�ated want them. - TRUCK ROUTES 8. Truck route designation should be removed from Como � �- between Marior� and Park, Rice Street south of Pennsyl- vania, and Park from Pennsylvania to University, when the I-94/Marion intersection is improved. � BUSES 9. Buses should run more frequently on Dale Street. , � 10. . � � ;; ' �ZS k �• r �` f� s >'° '� i ;�, '� �,�frTt � . : � � t� �:. ,�. ����_•� �T�� g °�. �� �'r"4 Y b ����'` � . �'�"'..�.�. 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'`� �4 4 , � � , ,,, �.•�`��tis`�iR��e p���i(it'i.t�:, �ivet� tt'!$� s'�$'� Mtde��rig`r �; �, r fz rL�W _!7 '� '�v� f� �'.j" -s}� a�YW t' ,• t .t=,��",fy�„{�.`$'k2"'i� 6 43'�"S4 ��;5 �y�:y�r.��.,`�� i'f�� �..,.�,�gei��:5 ��.;`w F,�..�';:' �.a4- �''!.-� ^a �i.�� 'y J�? � y ;{'� .Liit�:l i ��k � � -� �F'.r,]Y Ni � �{�,. � m{ � �' R '�-` L: `�'Y' �S�'.�`Ri � �. 'X �p { �� ��. � �P;.. t V Y e�+'.t r f�:� .��l�`fk4' '..� '"4k ',� � � � *°y�+��<4Y�'' 3 r ._7` w�,� ??t�y�q �s1 [k ' �'��,�,��� �• f� '�'" i»�:. � °�� � t .+�.. :"�L�.�',��+�. � '�1^i������k - yq,;}, �s:�'�n �'�irrti tf" . ^'•s'� � �-s=.r�,�. �_.;c':...har..."�....+�., ,, w..rrY�� v_ ;w+�lr:�v� w. -;4s. z �t..r.rb "a}"',...T.a.,�.. . � . � � • }� t � ; PARKING 10. Parking should be restricted in the Winter Street area � � so that residents will be able to use on-street parking. � 11. In making decisions about parking in the Capitol area, the city and CAAPB should try to achieve a balance � between providing adequate parking and putting land to its best use. � 12. Parking should be banned within 100 feet of the � intersection on the southwest and northe�st corners of � Grotto and Thomas. This is to allow buses to stop at , � � this corner without creating a traffic hazard. � 13. A pedestrian crossing signal , such as a blinking warn- � ing light, should be installed at Victoria and � Minnehaha. This is to make it possible for elderly and handicapped people from Wilder Square to cross the � street safely. In addition, parking should be 1 ban�led within 100 feet of the interse�tion, on all four corners. � � � FIGURE 2-2 STR�E7 pAVING PRIORITY AREAS � � r - , � .-- -- � . � �� � .; �. -�; -- _ ;..,�.:� : . -- '_ ( }..� � ....... . . �—.��=�-:. c� �,��� ; - `� � __ „� ___ �� .:..` . -�� _ �-- ' ��� ; �- ^' � ,�—_ � , .- . _ :... �.i���o'�JL�� ;� � . . ��� ��— ... _ -- . ��—�+ _----.a_ i .. �'�-��-� •:_-'� L '� .,� _ ��� i�=-�~.�,;i�-� _ i �— ����J` ' �-�-. � ' —�-�- �����' _� - - �-- -...___ .., ....., .. . W� y `� ����� �r-- -aREa#, , :,�.-� , _ .t ; '„� .� ��i B� �� i, �-------_='; ��. . ', =,- � - -- ���-C �� . �'., � � _. _ -a +� _ ;�_ --�f-=-l(� � '� , �� � ���'� �� � ��! � - ����_ �-�: . � � . ,- � . tl 1'/ ry� l r� --- ��""����' _ - - �;'-��'�� ,�,` //�t •,:�',� � I - -. . —, , •` • . , - . � -�� � —�- _�r-.-# , i�J, °� � .,�, � �,. . � �.-__--�-�7 �r°:'� ��--�y}�-�y�Q.���'�-�ti..�r— _��' ,Y..a �'� - � ,+6�.__����p� -�,� �l '-�: . . . �-._ ����� 4.� .. ,���d[`lC�C`���� �� ---� /��� .��° . %�'�� '' , �� ��:; � � --- _= , d� - _ .. .. ._. �ii, � � �'.� � y�_ •• � �� '�`_�r����—:- . _ Y � J� ;� \ � � '' `���-�E 3F-�1�T � '� `� f � f � 11 i � _ .,_ _ . _M__._..._,_.,._�.T.,.._.__.r �...�...,...��_.�.�._v.. �...,., ,...��.._.�..,_..,,_..�_._ ._.�......� �..,...�...�..._�..�.,.,.,._ � _ .,..,..,-.-... � � 2. .3 BACKGROUND INFORMA ION � . The Street and Nighway Plan proposes few Changes in District 7. No construction of new routes is proposed. The streets in District 7 are adeq�ate for the volume of � traffic they carry. Most local streets need paving. ___ , The intersection of Pierce Butler and Minnehaha needs some � additional control to make it safer and prevent cdngestion. Truck routes are in appropriate locations in District 7, � � except that it is unnecessary to have 3 para11e1 truck routes one block apart, on Marion, Rice and Como. The MTC should consider more fre uent bus service on � G Dale Street. Parking is adequate in most of District 7, except in � the Capitol area� and in some locations on University Avenue and other corr�nerci al streets. � The� chart on the foliowing pages sumnarizes information. from the draft Street and Highway Plan regarding existing and proposed street class'ifications, aid sources, and � traffic� volumes. : � The chart is fol]owed by a map, Figure 2-3, illustrating proposed classifications for streets in District 7. > . .:. . . �� DALE STREET Dale Street has been widened south of `Sherburne Avenue� and � WIDENING is being widened for a short stre�ch north of Minriehaha. The portion between Sherburne and Minnehaha would involve � , acquisition of an additional 60 feet of right-of-way _ along the east side of Dale Street in order to provide an additional lane in each direction. Because of the . � major expense and the impact. this couid have on the :' neighborhood, there has been a lot of discussion about whether it should be implemented. 7he following are the � positions of the various. parties involved:`; - �$ District 7.Plannin9 .Co.uncil is in favor of� the widening � � beca�se o concerns-about the District 7 portion of Dale " �� Street becoming a bottleneck and about property owners on . the east side of Dale being in limbo or having been _ promised they would be acquired. . , j� �- - District Plannin Staff has recomnended against. the widen- ing between . er urne and Minnehaha�, because traffic �� volumes do not appear to warrant adding extra lanes and because the structures on the east side of Dale Street are in use as either businesses or residences and most are � in good condition. f . 12 . ' ,. t , � . � � � _ � � � � � � � � _ � � — � , (Blank page due to revision approved by the district.) � � � i � . � � � �i ' ■ . � _ � � �� � j � . 1 �_ 1 � � _ � , i _ � __ t I 1 � � 1 r 13 '� " : _ . __._ , ._.. .______._.____....__...�,.....�..._._ ..�..,...,.....r_ .�...............__r._.a.,F._..�..�_....,..._,,......,,.._:�.�......:........,.�.�.r ,_,a.�,.. �.......�.....�,............�.'...�.. . � � �� STRE�T CLASSIFICATIONS, AID SOURCES, AND TRAFFIC VOLUMES _ �� Exist9ng Proposed Aid Traffic Volumes, Street Name C�assification Classification Source Comments � Interstate Principle Arter- Sarre as Federal Heavy traffic. South �� 35-E ial : Connects existing of Maryland an esti- metro ar�a with mated 90,000 ADT; -- out-of-city areas; capacity is 100,000 �ti 4-8 lanes; 20,000- � 100,000 average _ � -- � daily traffic (ADT) � . Como Collector: Minor Arterial B: Municipal Western to Marion, A�renue Connects Comnu- Connects adja- State Aid 13,000; 6-7000 � nities and cent sub-areas; (MSA) other portions neighborhoods; 4-6 lanes, 4 lanes, 10-30,000 AD7 1-15,000 ADT � Da1e Minor Arterial B . Same as MSA About 13,000 ADT. Street existing Widening is planned but not in current :_� 5-year CIP budget Jackson Collector Minor Arterial S Mu►iicipal 5-6000 ADT. Traffic Street and would increase if State Aid trunk highway 49 _ � were located to Jackson north of Distriet 7 Lexin ton Minor� Arterial A: Same as MSA 15-16 000 ADT. � g � Parkway Connects sub-areas existing somewhat congested of rt�tro area; 4-6 due to very narrow � lanes; 10-50,000 traffic lanes. ADT Marion � Minor Arteri�l B Minor Arterial A MSA 5-7000 ADT. WouTd � Street incre�se if M�rion/ � I-94 interchange is . improved � � � Minnehaha Collector Same as MSA Volumes vary. Recent Avenue existing improvements have � + increased the street's capacity. � � 14 � Existing Proposed Aid Tr�ffic Volumes, Street Name Classification Classification Source Comments Park Collector Local Street: MSA About 5000 ADT. If Street Provide access South of Marion/I-94 inter- for residents Como change were improved, & service ve- Marion would carry � hicles; 2 lanes, most of this traffic. 500-1500 ADT Pennsylv�nia Collector Minor Arterial A MSA 7800 ADT. If Marion/ Avenue I-94 intercharrge were improved, the Marion/Pennsylvania route to I-35E and the East Side would carry more traffic. Pier�e Butl�r Coliector _ Same as . MSA About 6000 AOT. No Route- existing plans to extend - Pierce Butler. Rice • Minor Arterial B Collector � Trunk�- 12-13,000 ADT; traffic Street south of Highway headed south to I-94 � Pennsylvariia could use Marion if !� Marion/I-94 inter- change is improved. I� �this case Rice could be downgraded to a collector south of Pennsylvania. Thomas Collector Local Street M5A 4000 AD�'. Should re- - Avenue main a collector due - to location, bus route. University Minor Arterial B Same as Federal 18-19,000 ADT. Street's Avenue existing recent widening in- creased its capacity � so it is adequate to , handle this volume. Victoria Collector Same as MSA � 13-1600 �T. Street existing South of • Thomas �; Wester'n Collector Same as MSA 4-5,000 ADT. Street in Avenue existing � very poor conditjo��. All other Local Streets Same as St. Pau� Varies. Should be streets existing CIB 500-1500 ADT. 15 1� � .. _ _. ,r. � ��.. .�.____...__.��,.,�_...��.__ _._,.�_,� ._�.. _.� ..N_�.. .n�..�, ._ , , ._ _ ..._,.,_._ _._._.._...�.....__.„_r._........�...-.�..�,..__....,�.�.._...�,,.�..,,.r,�., . • � , � � FIGURE 2-3 PROPOSED STREET CLASSIFICAi'IONS � � _ _�� �...... .,.,,.... u ��` ' �s_, _�: ,., :��:''. � ` --� �'� � , -- --...nr,cc:.e '" - - _ - ..... �.'��� n���� • , , _ � _� ._: _ . .. , e _ -- - .-- = � � ., --:, __ _ 1 �.� �1,-.- ... � _ -'- � .. -- •tn I. �.� -- �.�-.�� . '- -11 � ,��;— � � .. � , I n�.IL� � -- -�. �---+ � ........ k. _ _ -� - __ �� �� �� ���� ---�. _�i..,.. �' ti-,2'' � ��-- ❑�•, �-- �, �'----��B _� n �. `' ,�. �_ ��c��� -��. ❑� , . r; o �..,---� �� �� ❑n� �C' �' � ������--�=- ----;�s----� u�^ � � - � ,.. �� -- :� �:� _ �� -- ���-- .� - !� � _ �` �' "` '�' i'' ' ''� � � E�E�� _ ...... ;�. :�•� - »��.C�,��` -�. _ � � , _ . - _. �� ,�� �,, J�-� ... . ,- . - - -- �--- - � . � �� �: � :.- r-= - -- � d��_.__�r� ��� - � _ � .� ..N �� - .. _ ._.. ,�.,: � �,� �� �� _ _ , ._. ..... �� " ``.-� .' � � � _ � � PRINCIPLE ARTERIALS � � _ , . � �� MINOR ARTERIAL A - ..�■., MINOR ARTERIAL B i �..... COLLECTOR . . - � - . LOCAL STREET � a_. � „_.._ � . � � . . . . . •_ � - _ „ ; ' : - . . . � � � 16 � � � , .1 . To protect the residential environment in District 7 by buffering it from conflicting uses, and keeping it � free from air, water and noise pollution. 2. To use zoning as a tool to implement the land use plan. � See Figure 2-4. ` 2.3.2 PROPOSALS � 1. 30� of the land area of District 7 is covered by streets. When street paving is done in District 1, consideration should be given to vacating sorr� streets � and/or using them for parkinq, open space or other neighborhood amenities. This applies to the area between. Western and Rice where most blocks are half � the size of a standard city block. 2. The District 7 Planning Council will consider rezonings on an individual basis. On the south side of Sherburne, � the District Council will support only rezoning to P-1 • for parking. ,-�_ � 3. The Zoning Ordinance should include�qetter reguiation � • of parking lots, including screening from view of adjacent properties, clean-up, and security. These � regulations should be adopted and enforced. 4. The University Avenue Development Council and the District 7 Planning Council should work together ta � resolve conflicts between th� residential uses on Sherburne and comnercial uses on University Avenue. � 5. The residential blocks on the south side of Como , between Western and Elfelt should be redeveloped for either multi-family or commercial use. �� 6. The-District 7 Planning Council will continue to work with the CAAPB in planning for the Capitol area. �� 7. Soil borings should precede any new construc'tfon in District 7, since poor soil conditions h�ve been fou►td in several locations. These soil conditions can .be � corrected so that the soil will suppart new buildings. �� t� (� 17 . �� ,� 8. The ultimate reuse of the Drew S`chool site, at Thomas �, and Avon, should be new construction of single fam�ly homes. The city plans to use the site during construc- tion of the St. Anthony Hill Stbrm Sewer. As soon as ,) the site is available, the city should parcelize it and sell the iots. _ �� �IGURE 2-4 l.AND USE PLAN - . . - - - � _� �....., ..., . ��= _ �— - -_ � '�•� • = i r _ ... -,;�� -..� �-��('�=�� - � � --- �.,�;� -=–�-- ��4 _� o � , �� ,`—� �,. `— � – - � __ __ - - __ � �.a '----�;��o�� � ___a, "- C- R a .p:.�' (, � • ��L-�'��"-- � � f�- - - � .o. . .-� - �� OR p�� -��--r—.� 0 `1 - � t � �-- �' .1`==;�� _.� ' �B� __;� ❑C� �-------_"' � ��� B�� �--���� ❑�� R l- � ���8�� ��� �r^�.;" R`� — ;f' '� � :�d����� ��8 ���� ��� � �' ��' r—'�� , � - ��° ���� �: R �— �p ,;;(,� ,� �. � ,� _ - . ;.� ��i'� �J � ��.p — BE��� �B ..:, _.� �.:� ,�' �//� �� �'���•r-�+r-�-�=.�`� - � j�'�`; `� � ;�-, ` � - ��'�����_� �` �—��� ''' '��:°�:�--���` --��'� �' � �: - F_— __�k— ��=-�---I� ' - ,� �` ' � ' .. � � � �EI�OC]C��I���� � ----� �%—�-�`pu_ - � ,� �� :•:. :��7�'��— - ^� �. :. -:-. �>,"�� =— �� ,� � ,�� ���QC�� �: ��,� ��� '.-�` -,, _ `I R RESIDENTIRL , � 0-S OFFICE - SERVICE � - C-R COMMERCIAL - RETAIL � _ I INDUSTRI�AL .� ' � P PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATIONAL FACILITY � - -� ._ � _ �� . : �i . � 18 � ■, � � . � ` � . R � Land use relationships are generally good in District 7. There is little conflict between uses. � 1' The conflicts that do exist are between residential and commercial or industrial uses, on the edges of the � , district. Comnercial areas ih the district are on University � � Avenue, Rice Street, Dale Street, and at Minnehaha and Chatsworth. The Uni-Dale Shopping Center, south of University at' Dale, is to be completed in 1978. � j Industrial uses are located near the railroad tracks along the north edge of the district. � � . Some neighborhood�oriented businesses surrounded by residential properties became non-conforming uses when the 1975 Zoning Ordinance was passed. A few of these � � have now been rezoned, with the support of the District 7 Planning Council , so that they. are �b1e to expa�nd or provide parking. �� � 7he District 7 Planning �Council will consider rezonings on the�south side of Sherburne on an individual basis and will support rezonings only to P-1 for parking. �� The land use plan for the Capitol area calls for exten- sive redevelopment; however, the plan is being revised � ■ by the CAAPB. i The city has completed most of the replanting of boulevard trees in District 7. Many varieties of trees �' are being used to replace the elms. �' � , ' _ � . �� _ � � �� �� 19 I ° . �� r� ' . PUB I S . . OA _-, `� To provide ade ;�. �`e �ublic utilities, in order to encour- age and suppor�� rrivate investment in the area. �1 - . . 1. The �ity should cortunit funds for Construction of the �� St. Anthony Hiil Storm Sewer, phased over a period of ; seVeral years. Preliminary design has begun. This affects all of District 7 west of Rice Street. - . � 2. Durin the surface sewer hase of the above roject, � 9 P P many streets in the district will be torn up. Funds for street paving and related improvements should be �j prograrmned so that they can be done immediately after � the sewer work is done. . �� BACKGROUND INFORMATION District 7 has adequate water, qas and electricity service. The combined sewe�r s stem in the area is outdated. A �� Y storm sewer system should be built to r�lieve the over- load the combined sewer is' now experiencing. -- �� . Street and sewer�improvements should be coordinated so that all improvements can take place during the sarr�e �� construction period. �� �) ,1 i. � . ,�_. � � -- � � r � _ f� 2� �; � 3.0 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN • . S 1 . Make quality health care available to a11 District 7 residents. 2. Promote the maximum use and coordination of existing health services. 3. Promote good environmental health. . . S S le Make health needs part of a needs assessment for District 7. Use the results to determine what type and � where health care should be provided. 2. Refe.r complaints about environmental health hazards (rodents, junk cars, dogs, etc.) to the cor•rect � , sources. . 3. Publicize existing services through community news- � . papers. ` � More information is needed about who needs what health services in District 7. � District 7 is as adequately served as most neighborhoods, except that there are private physicians in only one location, at Bethesda Hospital . � Accessibility needs to be im roved, both b rovidin information about services and by providiny trar�spor9ati:,i: � to them. � ! � - • _ � _ ' . � � 21 � � a � � ,, 3. ED I L . �� 1 . Improve the quality of public education for school age children in District 7. , � 2. Encourage adults in District 7 to continue their � education, so that they wiil be better able to compete in �the job market. ,� 3. Improve the public schools' image to counteract the migration of families with children away fr'om the city. �� 4. The City and the School Bo�rd should work tagether for joint use of school facilities. �� 3. . PR OS S 1. Survey educational needs and attitudes as part of a � , comprehensive needs assessment. Use this information to evaluate the quality of education for children in District 7. � 2. Pu6licize existing adult education programs in District 7; with particular emphasis on encouraging those who have not graduated from high school to ,� participate in graduate equivalency programs. This could be done through the community newspaper and � the Wi7der Thomas-Dale Corr�nnunity Center. � � 3. Schools should be a part of the public relations effort in �Jistrict 7. �� � 3.2.3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION � R esidents of District 7 have access to a variety of public i� and private educational programs and special serv�ces. Of those St. Paul residents over 25 years of age, about ,� 57� have graduated from high school . However, in District 7 only 38� had graduated from high school . This ; indicates a need for people in District 7 to use .the avail-, able adult education•.programs. � Inner city neighborhoods have difficulty attracting new � residents partly because of. a perceived lower quality ! of public educat�on. The city and School Board should � find ways to counteract this. � � � � 22 �4 � ,. y .. , . ,.__. . ... .: , . �,.. . .. ; . .,.: ... . ..._.. . . ,_ . _ _ ,-._.._ _ .,. . _ . : . . � �:. .�., ... . a. � ; ti . _ , ��. ,: , ;. . , _ . . . ; .; ,,.. . , , .. , . , : : .. , , . . . ; . . ,._ :. , , . -..,. .. , ; . . . _ ; , � . ` , ;. . . . . : ,., .; .� . - . . . ,..' . ..Y:� . �.' ♦ ; :..!. .. . . ' , .:• �. .� ,� . , . .. . , ... . . .. , . ;.. . ... :. a':.� . . . ' . : : . . . ' . . . . �'.. .. ..: ��. ,� ., . ��� . . x: . �.; . ..,. ::� . .. . . .-. ti . '� � . . . .. . �_` r./'i' ' F.. 2t � l 1 * - �' a. �p-". t. , : � , � . l ,,, �. E� . These educatia�t �pra osa1� are, beyQnd the �=u�isd�ction .of ; j ' the Gi�jr of St. Pau�. _The Pi�nn�ng �a�ssiort wt'i1 refer :` them to-tf� Bt�rrd of Edt�tfon �r tf���r cor�side�at�. ° � ;�. � :,; i ''i .*�'�� �,. � rs '��'S� �.:�y �;C".., � N F .a� '� �-,�, �% t., t y,,s�:� > , �i y' n _; s'4 Fe, �} Y 4t 'r +ai S�+� �_ t<. * � - � � ^�r � . !�fi ! :k �- t �.r��C' "i'� T ;��� .; � ��„e.�xt'�c a � � , �F�• .�ad� �� Yy ' EA . ..1 � ': i� Y IYJI i �����i k � �k,� % 8,� '� q }t �'-� f � _`3��"` .�rv�t� � C+�. ' t *-��. �'�f r�. y F s i� F �:a a i� �.�" � � q r"'"a �i y., � M1 Y ry'h � r���}�4 � �i 5 f &F 7 -� N a .� .,...�._C� _ _ r_______.___ _ » _ y �� .K r '"- „r,' �4. ';ti � � € . � � . . . G S 1. To ensure that quality social services are available � to those who need them. � 2. To help social service providers to publicize and coordinate existing services so that the Services will be used to their maximum. � 3. To assess the need for expansion of existing programs and for starting of new ones. � � .3. R S S } 1. The District 7 Council should seek funding from RAP � for a needs assessment, the results of which would be used to determine the need far expanded social services programs. � 2. The District 7 Council should explore ways of making its two multi-service centers more accessible, such �� as providing transportation to residents in the � southern part of the Oistrict. + � 3. Youth recreational activities and employment assistance �' are needed in District 7 and should be provided by an existing social service agency. �' � 4. The District 7 Council should help coordinate social services in the District, and should assist the service providers in publiciaing their programs. i� 4 3. . BA KG N I OR A � SOCIAL NEEDS Sociai services are an important part of the revital- �, ization process in District 7. The eastern part of the District is especially in need of social services. �� AVAILABLE There are many types of serv�ces available in D�strict SERVICES 7, including child day care, senior citizen programs, youth programs, emergency food and clothing assistance, i� and guidance and counseling. � Most are loc�ted at one j of the multi-service centers in District 7, Wilder Thomas-Dale Comnunity Center or Mt. Airy Neighborhood �� . Center. MULTI-SERVICE District Z's two multi-service centers are new buildings, CENTERS include most of the services called far in the "Plan for � Multi-Service Centers", and are fairly well located in �� the community. Therefore, District 7 is judged to be adequately served. Additional transportation services to ; these centers would be helpful to people in tk�e southern ;, part of the District. 23 i� . ��, '� YOUTH The District 7 Pl,anning Council 's perception is that �� PROGRAMS young people in District 7 need more planned activities, employment assistance and encouragement to participate in community service projects. �� WILDER FOUNDATION The Wilder Foundation continues to be an important asset to District 7's social services system. ,� NEEDS ASSESSMENT A comprehensive needs assessment wauld be helpful for � evaluating existing social serviees programs and deter- ,� mining future needs. 3. PARKS IVD RECRE ION 3. . GO LS I� 1 . To provide adequate open space and recreational facili- ties for all age groups, accessible to the entire �' district. 2. To assure adequate ma�ntenance and supervision of recreational facilities. t� . 3. . R S S .. - _ 1. Provide a neighborhood recreation center in the western �� part of District 7 by using a combination of the facili- ties already existing at l�est Minr�ehaha and the Wilder �•� Thomas-Dale Co�nunity Center, with its adjacent vacant land. Speci#ically, this means: . Providing city recreation staff for some programming at the Community Center, or funds to Wilder to provide staff. . Construction of a softbail diamond an the Wil der property. . Construction of a gymnasium at one of the two loca- ; tions. . Provision for pedestrians crossing a� Minnehaha and ,t Grotto by installing either a pedestrian bridge or a C pedestrian crossing signal . 2. The city should make sure that parks and playgrounds , are adequately supervised and maintained. This includes � vacant publicly owned land such a5 the Orew School site. 3. The School Board Should build playground equipment at �� Jackson School. . , 4. The open space an the ice arena site should be canverted ,� to a passive park. �; 24 � 5. The city and the District 7 Planning Council y'r�ould keep residents informed of recreational programs available both in the district and in other locations. 3. .3 K ND I The southwestern por.tion of District 7 is not served by any recreational facility or open space of any kind. A combination of West Minnehaha Playground and the Wilder , Thomas-Dale Cor�nunity Center with adjacent vacant land is the best way to serve this need. Parks and playgrounds should be adequately supervised and maintained. The Parks and Recreation Plan recommendations are consis- tent with District 7's goals and proposais. The Jackson .School playground and open space on the ice arena site are opportunities for providing better recrea- tional facilities at a relatively low cost. 3.5 UB C SA ETY GOA S 1 . To make District 7 a safe environment in which to live and do business. 2. To encourage residents to participate in crirne prevention programs. 3. To promote gaod communicat�on betiween police officers and the community. 3. . P POS LS • ." 1 . Youth employment assistance is needed t� i�elp prevent juvenile crime. Employment assistance should be provided through an existing soci�l service agency in District 7. 2. The District 7 Planning Council should encuurage residents to use available crime preventior� progra�us such an Operation Identification and the tr'eighborn000 Assistance Officer program. I � J 25 �� • � , 3.5.3 BACKGR UND INFORMATION , District 7 has had relatively large crime increases during the period 1972-1975, espeeially in the southwest , portion of the District. Residents and business people are concerned about increasi crime and have taken some steps to deal with it. � The tear� police concept appears to be working very well and has resulted in increased communication between poliee , • and neighborhood organizations. . C MMUNITY F CILI IES 3. . G LS , 1 . To maintain an adequate level of po7ice and fire pro- �tection in District 7. 2. To promote fire prevention and education programs. � 3. To encourage residents to use the excellent facilities � available at the Lex�ngton Branch Library. - 3. . PROPOSA S ,' 1 . The city should continue an adequate level of police, fire, and library services in District 7; in addition, fire prevention education programs should be expanded. ' 3. . K R IN RM 0 , District 7 is served by a fire statiori, a team police base, and a library, all of.which appear to be adequate. . , More attention should be given to fire prevention, both to prevent property damage and injury to residents and to p'revent loss of valuable housing to fires. � � . � � � 26 � 4.0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN ■ � � . . -, l . To make District 7 an attractive place to iive so that the population will be stable. � 2. To see that workers and those entering the job market in the future have the assistance they need to gain jobs skills and to find employment. � 4. . PR POSALS - � 1. Implement other proposals in this plan in order to make Distric� 7 attractive to familie� and individuals look- ing for homes to buy. � 2. The District 7 Planning Council should encourage adult residents to use the adult education resources discussed � in Section 3.2 in order to increase their earntng power. 4. .3 BACKGROUND IN�'ORMATION � District 7 has lost population at a faster rate since 197Q than between 1950 and 1970. � About 87� of the work force iiving in District 7 is � employed in the clerical and saies, craftsman, or laborer categories. � . . The fact that District 7 workers are emp]oyed mostly in blue collar categories is partially due to the fact that only about 38� of those over 25 years of age have finished � high school . Most of the workers living in District 7 have jobs with�n � the St. Paul city limits, which means they generally have short distances to travel to work. � � � . IND STRIAL DEVELOPMENT . . GOALS 1. To encourage existing industries to remain in O�strict 7 and to attract new industries which are compatible � with surrounding land uses. 2. To encourage industries to hire residents from nearby � � neighborhoods. � � 27 � ' ' I ' ) � I 4. . PROPOS S � 1. Assist existing industries to remain in the area by � working with them to solve parking or other difficulties. ' a 2. Attract new industries compatible with surrounding land uses by publicizing District 7's assets. + � i .2. BACKGR U D INFORMATION � There are many industrial. uses in and near District 7, ' i which is one reason why most workers living in District 7 ' work within the St. Paul City limits. I Industrial activity in District 7 is concentrated along i the northern edge, in the following locations: � 1. North of Pierce/Butler betwe�n Chatsworth and Dale: mix ' � of industrial uses, many manufacturers. 2�. Burlington-Northern/Dale Street Shops: north of , � Minnehaha between Dale and Arundel . � - . 3. North ofi Minnehaha between ArunGel and Western: small � I industrial area on land made available through redevlop- , ment. i 4. Area bounded by Como, Pennsylvania, I-35E, and Burlingtor� , � �� Northern tracks: sprawling industrial area including some commercial and residential uses. , In addition to these, there are some light industrial uses on University Avenue and in scattered locations in the residential portions of the District. 8ethesda Lutheran ' Hospital , located in the north Capitol area, is a major � service industry. The above-listed industrial areas are the employment � � �enters located in District 7. Howeve�, some other major centers are located just outside District 7. � 1. The State of Minnesota Capito3 Building, State Office � Building, Department of Transportation (formerly High- way Building) Veterans Administration Building, and ' i Centennial Building are located just south of the east � .end of District 7. � � i � I 28. � � � ; i � 2. Downtown St., Paul is also a center of industrial development, as is the Riverview Industrial Park just south of downtown. � 3. The Midway district, west of District 7, is a major industrial area. .3 COMM RCIAL AND .3. GOA S � RETAIL DEVELOPMENT 1. Ta provide for attraetive, healthy shopping areas to serve District 7 and surrounding communities with goods and services and employment opportunities. 2. To assist bu5inesses to stay in the area to maintain the tax base and to serve residential areas. . !, .3. PR POS S 1 . Assist exist�ing businesses to stay in District 7 and � attract new businesses to add to the tax and employ�nerit I base. This should be a cooperative effort among the business orgar�iza�ions, District 7 Planning Council , � and City Department of Pl�nning and Economic Deveiopment. �' 2. The commercial rehabi�litation loan program should be continued and should expand to include RiCe Street. �, 3. The city should continue to provide adequate police protection to the corrunercial areas to prevent vandalism � and theft and to create an atmosphere in which custoii�- f' ers feel safe. 4. Parking shortages which are occurring on University �� Avenue should be solved b}r the businesses ne�ding parking, using shared parking lots where possible. Technical assistance should be avai7able fram the �' Department of Planning and Econamfc Development. 5. Adult entertainment establishments should be reyuired 1 to meet strict e�terior design standards and shouid � provide adequate security, clean-up and screening of their parking lots. They should be located away fr�o��� residential areas. f'! 6. Parking for Rice Street businesses should be part of t►�e Capitol area plan. ;' 7. Wherever feasible, existing vacant commercial buildings ,� should be adapted for reuse by new businesses or those � that wish to expand. '� t� 29 � s ' , � ' � 4.3. ACKGR D INF RM IO � ) The following points from Philip Hammer's 1975 "Economic Policy Overview of St. Paul" apply especially to the economics of the city's residential and commercial areas. � � The report is based on the obvious fact that St. Paul is a fully developed "built city." In most cases, "... . 'economic development' ...is primarily a matter of � preserving, protecting, recycling, regenerating and � ' .increasing the productivity of the city's physical plant.° ; 1. Good quality business and good quality neighborhoods i go hand in hand. The needs of both neighborhoods and � business must be met. If businesses leave the district, residents lose services that make their , � neighborhood an attractive and convenient place to live. If residents move out to the suburbs, purchasing power drops in the trade area of the businesses. � 2. Economic rowth is critical for em lo ment and for non- ' g P Y residential tax base to help support public schools I and city services. Roughly half the city`s prbperty � tax base is nonresidential . : 3. Most growth will be in the form bf expansions by � } existing firms. For cornmercial firms, their potential , i for growth lies mainly in capturing the trade of custom- ers who travel farther away for merchandise that nearby � shops don't carry. � � 4. Many older buildings have excellent potential for "adaptive re-use," that is, remodeling for a new type , � of business activity. � 5. Older commercial buildings frequently play the role of ' ' "incubator" for small , new business ventures. If the venture is successful , it moves on to larger, newer buildings with higher rents. This incubator role is � I a significant one for the city's economy. + 6. Commercial areas should seek new businesses based on a � careful �analysis of the existing "mix" of businesses. f Stores that attract "comparison shoppers" often do well I when competitors enter the area. Stores that attract "convenience shoppers" do well when they have their � ) own market area. Some types of businesses provide similar or related goods and services. These businesses strengthen one another without any direct competition. , This situation is obvious on University Avenue with its , auto-related businesses. � � 30 � �, � . , � � i � 7. Businesses in the built city need to be environmentally '' compatible with good quality neighborhoods. Polluting industries do not have much future within the city. # �� 8. Rehabilitation and redevelopment require closer private- public cooperation than first-time, new development � usually requires. Public sector participation should �' be keyed to "mul�iplier" or "leverage" effects--the amount af private investment that wil.l be triggered by . i a given amount of public investment. . �, The above recommendations should be used in Di$trict 7. � � University Avenue has shown marked improvement due to , the University Avenue Development Counci7 's activities during the last two years. � University Avenue still has parking and adult entertain- , rr�nt issues to deal with. � Dale Street should continue to serve as a neighborhood , � shopp7ng area. 1 The Uni-Dale Mall at University and Dale will be a great i' .asset to District 7. '� ' - The �Rice Street commercial strip is a thriving area and � should be preserved and improved to serve the surrounding � neighborhood and the employees and visitors to the State Capitol area. � `, The visual impact of the huge parking lot at the Minnehaha shopping area should be minimized through � landscaping or other design solutions. ' � � f � ' 1 � 1' � 31 ;, . � � � + � { � � . R S . . G S � DEVELOPMENT 1. To establish' a fair property t�ax structure. ' ' Z. To make mortgagetiand housing rehabilitation loan funds � available to residents of District 7. ' ' - 3. To assure a sound residential communi�y and a strong i business climate. , � - � I . . S 1. New single-family homes should be assessed in the same ' � manner as older homes so that homes of the same value will pay equal taxes whether they are old or new. � 2. The city should involve more private lenders in ' � rehabilitation financing. 3. The residents and business people in District 7 should , � continue to work together toward a sound residential community and a strong business climate. ,. , � . . R � Newly constructed single-family homes pay much higher �� � taxes than old�r homes of the same value and condition. District 7 needs adequate sewers and streets to keep its � part of the city's tax base strong and to remain an ,� attractive r�sidential area. There is loan money available for mortgages and housing ,� rehabilitation ,�� District 7. The city should involve more private lenders in rehabi7itation financing. Homeowners need better informatioh about how the improve- �� ments they make w�71 affect their property taxes. �. f Residents. and the business community have mutual ,( responsibility for the environment and the business � climate. They shouid continue to work together. �� ,� �� 32 . • ,1 .�. �::.-�.�.. �.,.:�..� , ,r._..:,,.�.,...�_:_...�_....;.w .: ..�..< �W..:.,�.�. : . .. � ; _ _ __ _ _ _ . ... . . . .,. .:. . ,�� .�....,:...�,� �. .»�.,�.;.:, , ..�,� .�.�: _ - ` , , ..:, � - �_ : , , . r. , �. .s;:. i . . ; . , . . . .. ; � �;. � + � � - . .,., ��� ``Tax ass�essment �3 i cy i s gt►v�rt�t by, st�tte ?�w, a�c# j' the Ci ty does:not �av� th� aut�ra�i Ly to ma�e �lte prapos�ed change. S�I rt�e t� Di strict 7 P1��tnt rrg C+ae�t i - adapt�d this proposal the T#x Coart has: ruled agatrts� . . . � . the "limited markat �valuat3on" syst�n. H�epih . . ry � County and Mi�sota ;Qepart�nt o� itevenue � �sked _ _ � for� a review af that decisian. � �� ,�° . . � . y� f�yr zy �'�! �� t �-� °�� : . . . . y , . _ , . ,. � . .. . . ; . . .� . , , - -. 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The Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Co�ncil also wants to thank the numerous others who assisted in � preparing this plan. i' DMINISTRATION AND James J. Bellus, Planning Administrator � POLICY DIRECTION Craig Kercheval , Principal Planner ' � RESE RCH AND PL NNING Dorothy Sc esse man, P anner ' � GRAPHICS Thomas As wort , Grap ic Artist ' �, Louise Langberg, Graphic Arts Technician Larry Zangs, Graphic Arts Technician �' Preparation of this report was financed in part through a comprehensive planning grant from the Department of , Housing and Urban Development. �' ' i ! 33 i�� ,s � �,�,� > � � -; �x� � �.+ cit: �t `� :r �� A'�* �'�•"��r � �� ` `� °�' ��'�'�����"�'�' ��`�' � �,._t � ° �,. ��;+�'t i��' �� :. YL y� �( �'. '';#;��i fi x a+� 't r F f` �. 5 �a, tF- ,cy+, j 's. x �^ ' a ` " ,� `" q �`�.'' r �� �,�`i� n �+t . �. '�y'r"�� i !n `f�u�:.. � � � �� � � �� �. yl v�aN r a,$} '�'F °+t+a + ��s`. ]t�`�� �§p � .� � �� {J t�� � � '��r �� �. �����t��M+.'��':�,y .. 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