273614 WHITE - C+TV CLERK '■���� CANAF;Y -�P RTMENT COUnC1I � BLUE - MAVOR . GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the Matter of the Abatement of Special Assessments for Street Maintenance of 619 W. Minnehaha Avenue. WHEREAS, Burlington Northern Inc. , owner of 619 W. Minnehaha Avenue, St. Paul, did apply to the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County and the Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Minnesota for an abatement or reduction of Street Assessment ##32 for assessment year 1978; and WHEREAS, The application was submitted after a determination by Burlington Northern Inc. that the property should have been assessed on the basis of a Residential Non-Lease Rate as opposed to a Commercial Rate; and WHEREAS, The assessed Commercial rate was $1, 329.38 while the proposed Residential Non-Lease Rate would be $468.72 ; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation has determined that Street Maintenance Assessment �#32, 1978, was erroneously determined using the Cotnmercial Rate when the Residential Non-Lease Rate should have been used; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the application of Burlington Northern for the reduction of the erroneously determined assessment classi- fication and rate for the year 1978 as more fully described in the application identified as County Auditor's Report No. 95826; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage and adoption of the COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By� fApproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ -- BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK C NdRV -',�EP RCTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council I/�� 7 BLUE - MAVOR File �0. u- ��� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of same to the Ramsey County Auditor. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � ____.� [n Favor Hunt /+) Levine �/ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date AUG � R 197q Certi ed Pas- y Coun .� tary BY B � /� Appr by ;Vlavor: Date _�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — By � � � ` DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION " COUNTY OF RAMSEY �������� 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director AUgUSt 2� 1979 Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Iionald J. Thompson, Tax Agent for: Burlington Northern Inc. Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 95826 The assessment, Str. Maint. ��32, levied at the commerical rate be reduced to the residential non-lease rate by resolution of the City Council. Assessment Commercial Residential District Year Rate Non-lease Rate 8 1978 $1,329.38 $468.72 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna Director Departm� o Proper Taxation : , ( � ` By ��l`,�! �� Supv. Appraisal Services RKP:ay O � , r � � Abatement N�C�,��Ei ftEPOftT UF ASSE�SOR,, ftAMSEY COUNTY � ST . PAUL April 30, ls Assessment District: Legal Description: UriplAt�ed L&rid8 oPOPERTY IDENTIFICATION We�� Oiatrict Plat Percel Shed Propert� Coded As: 08 02500 160 50-5 Address of Property: 61-9 W. Psinnehaha Ave. Applicant: Dollald J. Thompson, Tax Agent for: Burlington Northern Inc. Mailing Address: 176 E. 5�h S�•� 55101 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp.$ Total $ Insurance $ a��ea a�touoWS: Application for Exemption �h�� U ESTI►iAATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ' ASSESSED Dishict C �EAR �e�d Bldg/Other Tot61 land BIOg/Other Total Class 'M� VNue 62 U 78 9356 39375 48731 9356 39375 48731 CI 43 20428 62 U 8 7595 0 1 97800 225735 759550 1497800 225735 Ex 1�o go3l.�.6; EXEMPT NO.OP PERCEN. EXCEPTION Z CODES RESO UWNED LiMITED MARKET CODE p U UNITS (HSTOI VALUE — FIRST N q o u T c N � G W S Y A T ACRE LAND ONLY AS p N E N A P r � G E G E G T SMT R�P R E Y � ? � O Assessor's Recommendation: U ESTtMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED School A YEAR Dist�ict C Land Bldg/Other Total Land Bldg/Othe� Totel Claas 'K Vs ue LR � 0- y Reportof Investigation: . Lease on above parcel was cancelled on 10/30/77. Make all exempt for 1978• Ex. WAR ArP.. �J sc��o bl (� �, � � � � ho ized Siqnature �nn.� ,_ , . . . ������ `.��L,"..'°"":`r,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,T. �I�v�,,. -�� M* '-��''� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 'o .� �', �, ������������ '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY :� ���� nu u °= ��;.,P ,.0< ,,,� ,° 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �°""`"°°`�\` 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 15, 1979 Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Bldg. Re: Resolution Approving Application for Reduction of Assessment 619 W. Minnehaha Dear Ms. Mix: I have attached the requested Resolution relative to the above matter. Very truly yours, .�_-._._...�_..___. ��.��:�� _._........_._ .._, -_ . .° ��,,�� �'"d-�'d-�----� WALTER B W R Assistant City Attorney WAB:rl Att. O � _ . , _ � . Form DPT 229 {_ t ' APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form . , • � (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in dupl�ca:e) � . - :�; 121�;�� To the County Hoard and County Ruditor ot Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner ot Revenue ot the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey • ss. pROPERTY CODE: ' 08-02500-160-50 City, Village or Town St. Paul � / � `7�. 5-r.-���� Applicant: Burlington Northern J ,;. ' Resides at: �175 East Sth Street , and that Lessee G. Heileman Brewin� Comuanv Inc. , and that the lease was cancelled 10/30/77. Therefore effective Jan_ 1 _ 1978 this pro�erty was exempt from taxes pavable 1979. See enclosed. Applicant requests: That all taxes levied 1978, pavable 1979 be fully abated, _ �- and that this propertv be ulaced on the exempt roll. And Assessments whicl� are levied at the commercial rate be reduced to the residential non-lease rate. This applies to str, maint. no. 0032 which should be reduced from 1329.38 to 468.72. . � 1 �— " . ,,�-�- / � �.c�; �. %� pPPlicant DATE _ Ma.rch 12. A.D. 19J�_ . . � .. - - � . . CERT�FICATE OF R�COMMENDATION ����� . � � ' .. BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR .` " � I, tLe undeniQ►ed, County Auditoe ot the within named County, do hereby certl[y that a c�ratul ezaminatton into t6e�llepdon�and • statementt set torth !n the within application has been made by the CountY Soard ot safd County and by myselt and that hom�ald examinrtioa wa are conv(nced and verlly Delleve that said apegationi snd �tatements are true I further certlty thst, at • meedn` duly held 19 , sald County Boatd, by of8cial action upon motlon duly adoD�ed and entered upon the minutes of IU Droceedinp u�Dubllc record, �hov►lns th�name�of the taxpayen and otLer D�ons concemed and the amount�Involved,made the[ollowfn`recommendaUon,wherein[hereby concur,upoa�afd�DDLc�tion: T6at the u�eued value of sald DioDrty be reduced to and Hxsd at f I hereby certify the resuit of said recommendetion is as fullows; and if the texes have been paid that peoportional refund- ment De authorized: � � Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total Values Credit Assess. Pa able ORIGINAL • REDUCTION I �; , .;;. �:,'.� NEW ,. y'�e�N;: . Reduction of Penalty Tax Rate �+ills . � � � 'F ' Reductlon ot Intereat -. R.amwy County Auditor ; Witness my hend and otficiel seal � 19- By Deputy County Auditor. I � i ' � °�c� � � ° o � � o uvva � « ° a �� c � �D � u u y V V �V'G' T � � y � � U O V 7 �+ a Q U C � V W Y 67 `i a' Gl 6 F' Y C a•� a L °.` c, a q.� oa o � cb � a A � ° u .�Y -� � �y vC ° � o W• � Y � C d y � U M � Y AI� Y Q Z .'S � O �� � 0 +bjy,dT p • '�'", 39CY O ^ M ;; u v u H W ' � � � � s . � N w` .� O � 3 .'. E V " V � " � 3 w. 0'CQ �, �" W W °' � E a'° T °.2,� [ E u or� � ar E r� '� o w � V � �� vv o c � .. o �i >�o 0 Z �• � p � e w c v v C; . d W a o V Z LL � L 'C p O � � e"O � 7 T b V N � u �'U d C � O c o „d m� a... � � O LF •� Q C.� � N A ,Ty .' ` V N Vi J'J 1L Z i0 l0 w �i �tl A p F. �0 1 L � � � v v �O.a �b Sa„ d v ra '�o � �` o •y �.�7 � �i � . F' � � e ;� - �yg`�'m .. a.[ u . � a `°? u� � � A C V � C Y Y C T y Y � Y� C u la � 0!�y (! 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