01-1038������� �',� Presented Referred 10 CouncilFile# o►�lOar i.__.__r�v__.1. •�w •w� �ommmee liate 1 WHEREAS, 2 adopted 3 complete 4 and the City Council desires to amend Council File #01-901, originally on August 22, 2001, to give the property owner additional time to repairs to his home located at 633 Randolph Avenue in Saint Paul; 5 WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to amend the Resolution based upon 6 extenuating circumstances related to the health of the property owner and his 7 actions following passage of the Resolution; 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends Council File 9 #01-901 as follows: 10 1. That lines 7-8 of page two of Council File #o1-901 be amended to read: The 11 rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within i�f�teen 12-(�-�s} 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing on Auaust 22, 2001. 13 2.That lines 50-51 of page two of Council File #01-901 be amended to read: 14 The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be 15 completed within ��- 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing 16 on Auaust 22, 2001. 17 3. That all other parCs of Council File #01-901 remain in effect. 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reserves the right 19 under the provisions of section 33.03(f)to shorten the time period for 20 completion of the rehabilitation of the property in the event the tollowing 21 actions are not taken by the property owner within the time period indicated: 22 1. By October 24, 2001, the property owner must clear out the house and yard, 23 secure a complete code compliance inspection report and post a performance 24 bond in the amount of $2000.00; 25 2. By October 31,2001, the property owner must secure and furnish bids for 26 all the work ordered in the code compliance inspection report or indicate 27 that he can personally make specific repairs; 28 3. By November 14, 2001, the property owner must have succeeded in restoring 29 all utilities (water, sewer, electricity, gas) to the property; 1 � �; � � (� y� � Oi-to 304:` � inb 2001, the property owner must have completed at least 50 3lpercent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report; 325. By January 16, 2002, the property owner must have completed at least 75 33percent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey ' By: � p . _ � _ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��_a, � By: Approved by Mayor: Date ���� 2 �L < �.��J�'/�I����l Adopted by Council: Date �,�^ , 3� _� 6 � r �� J� DEPARTMINf/OFPICFJCOUNCIL DATEINfMTED �� ' � cz� couNC�L �o os o� GREEN SHEET No >>��Jg CONTACT P6250N 8 PHONE MItlallDao� NivauDale Councilmember. Coleman 266-8620 oe...,�ronr�croR rnrcouci MUST BE ON COUNCIIAGEJDA BV (�A7� AE11G11 October 3 20 1 � arcwnox�r anmK nouiaw �� wnxuivamv¢eson wuxes�.mnnaccro ❑ WVOR(ORAt81STANl) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUES7FD _ Amending C.F. 01-901, adopted August 22, 2001, by allowing the propery owner of 633 Randolph Avenue - 180 days after the date of the Aug. 22 hearing to complete rehabilitation or demolit"ion. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERViCE CANTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has th's persoNfirm ev�u worked under a cantract for this AepartmeM? , PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. Has mie peisoNfiim ever been a dry empwyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO . 3. Daes ihis persaMrtn poseess a sldll no[ normellypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted verwbYt � YES NO F�(ain all yes answers on sepaiate sheet antl attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORiUNIN (Who, What, When, N/here, Why) � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COST/REVENUE BUDCETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNI7Y NUbIBER FlNMICIAL INFORMATON (IXPLAINj ������� �',� Presented Referred 10 CouncilFile# o►�lOar i.__.__r�v__.1. •�w •w� �ommmee liate 1 WHEREAS, 2 adopted 3 complete 4 and the City Council desires to amend Council File #01-901, originally on August 22, 2001, to give the property owner additional time to repairs to his home located at 633 Randolph Avenue in Saint Paul; 5 WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to amend the Resolution based upon 6 extenuating circumstances related to the health of the property owner and his 7 actions following passage of the Resolution; 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends Council File 9 #01-901 as follows: 10 1. That lines 7-8 of page two of Council File #o1-901 be amended to read: The 11 rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within i�f�teen 12-(�-�s} 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing on Auaust 22, 2001. 13 2.That lines 50-51 of page two of Council File #01-901 be amended to read: 14 The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be 15 completed within ��- 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing 16 on Auaust 22, 2001. 17 3. That all other parCs of Council File #01-901 remain in effect. 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reserves the right 19 under the provisions of section 33.03(f)to shorten the time period for 20 completion of the rehabilitation of the property in the event the tollowing 21 actions are not taken by the property owner within the time period indicated: 22 1. By October 24, 2001, the property owner must clear out the house and yard, 23 secure a complete code compliance inspection report and post a performance 24 bond in the amount of $2000.00; 25 2. By October 31,2001, the property owner must secure and furnish bids for 26 all the work ordered in the code compliance inspection report or indicate 27 that he can personally make specific repairs; 28 3. By November 14, 2001, the property owner must have succeeded in restoring 29 all utilities (water, sewer, electricity, gas) to the property; 1 � �; � � (� y� � Oi-to 304:` � inb 2001, the property owner must have completed at least 50 3lpercent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report; 325. By January 16, 2002, the property owner must have completed at least 75 33percent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey ' By: � p . _ � _ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��_a, � By: Approved by Mayor: Date ���� 2 �L < �.��J�'/�I����l Adopted by Council: Date �,�^ , 3� _� 6 � r �� J� DEPARTMINf/OFPICFJCOUNCIL DATEINfMTED �� ' � cz� couNC�L �o os o� GREEN SHEET No >>��Jg CONTACT P6250N 8 PHONE MItlallDao� NivauDale Councilmember. Coleman 266-8620 oe...,�ronr�croR rnrcouci MUST BE ON COUNCIIAGEJDA BV (�A7� AE11G11 October 3 20 1 � arcwnox�r anmK nouiaw �� wnxuivamv¢eson wuxes�.mnnaccro ❑ WVOR(ORAt81STANl) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUES7FD _ Amending C.F. 01-901, adopted August 22, 2001, by allowing the propery owner of 633 Randolph Avenue - 180 days after the date of the Aug. 22 hearing to complete rehabilitation or demolit"ion. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERViCE CANTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has th's persoNfirm ev�u worked under a cantract for this AepartmeM? , PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. Has mie peisoNfiim ever been a dry empwyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO . 3. Daes ihis persaMrtn poseess a sldll no[ normellypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted verwbYt � YES NO F�(ain all yes answers on sepaiate sheet antl attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORiUNIN (Who, What, When, N/here, Why) � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COST/REVENUE BUDCETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNI7Y NUbIBER FlNMICIAL INFORMATON (IXPLAINj ������� �',� Presented Referred 10 CouncilFile# o►�lOar i.__.__r�v__.1. •�w •w� �ommmee liate 1 WHEREAS, 2 adopted 3 complete 4 and the City Council desires to amend Council File #01-901, originally on August 22, 2001, to give the property owner additional time to repairs to his home located at 633 Randolph Avenue in Saint Paul; 5 WHEREAS, the City Council seeks to amend the Resolution based upon 6 extenuating circumstances related to the health of the property owner and his 7 actions following passage of the Resolution; 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends Council File 9 #01-901 as follows: 10 1. That lines 7-8 of page two of Council File #o1-901 be amended to read: The 11 rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within i�f�teen 12-(�-�s} 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing on Auaust 22, 2001. 13 2.That lines 50-51 of page two of Council File #01-901 be amended to read: 14 The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be 15 completed within ��- 180 davs after the date of the Council Hearing 16 on Auaust 22, 2001. 17 3. That all other parCs of Council File #01-901 remain in effect. 18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council reserves the right 19 under the provisions of section 33.03(f)to shorten the time period for 20 completion of the rehabilitation of the property in the event the tollowing 21 actions are not taken by the property owner within the time period indicated: 22 1. By October 24, 2001, the property owner must clear out the house and yard, 23 secure a complete code compliance inspection report and post a performance 24 bond in the amount of $2000.00; 25 2. By October 31,2001, the property owner must secure and furnish bids for 26 all the work ordered in the code compliance inspection report or indicate 27 that he can personally make specific repairs; 28 3. By November 14, 2001, the property owner must have succeeded in restoring 29 all utilities (water, sewer, electricity, gas) to the property; 1 � �; � � (� y� � Oi-to 304:` � inb 2001, the property owner must have completed at least 50 3lpercent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report; 325. By January 16, 2002, the property owner must have completed at least 75 33percent of the repairs ordered in the code compliance inspection report. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey ' By: � p . _ � _ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��_a, � By: Approved by Mayor: Date ���� 2 �L < �.��J�'/�I����l Adopted by Council: Date �,�^ , 3� _� 6 � r �� J� DEPARTMINf/OFPICFJCOUNCIL DATEINfMTED �� ' � cz� couNC�L �o os o� GREEN SHEET No >>��Jg CONTACT P6250N 8 PHONE MItlallDao� NivauDale Councilmember. Coleman 266-8620 oe...,�ronr�croR rnrcouci MUST BE ON COUNCIIAGEJDA BV (�A7� AE11G11 October 3 20 1 � arcwnox�r anmK nouiaw �� wnxuivamv¢eson wuxes�.mnnaccro ❑ WVOR(ORAt81STANl) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUES7FD _ Amending C.F. 01-901, adopted August 22, 2001, by allowing the propery owner of 633 Randolph Avenue - 180 days after the date of the Aug. 22 hearing to complete rehabilitation or demolit"ion. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERViCE CANTRACTS MUSTANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has th's persoNfirm ev�u worked under a cantract for this AepartmeM? , PLANNING COMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMI7TEE 2. Has mie peisoNfiim ever been a dry empwyee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO . 3. Daes ihis persaMrtn poseess a sldll no[ normellypossessetl by any curteM city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted verwbYt � YES NO F�(ain all yes answers on sepaiate sheet antl attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORiUNIN (Who, What, When, N/here, Why) � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COST/REVENUE BUDCETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNI7Y NUbIBER FlNMICIAL INFORMATON (IXPLAINj