273237 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUtICII ����� • PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' BIUE - MAVOR File NO. - C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Lease Agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society (Minnesota State Fair Board) for the lease of said Board' s Parking Lot in Block 55 (South of Como Avenue only) , commonly known as KCTA T. V. Parking Lot, for the day of July 1, 1979, for the consideration of $100.00; said Lease intended to provide ancill�ary parking facilities to patrons of the Beach Boys ' Concert held that day at Midway Stadium. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �a �` [n Favor COMM Hunt �,/ -i�e�e _ �+ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��N 2 g 1979 Form prove y C' y rne Adopted by Council: Date — C Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy� — A�ppr by Ylavor: � � Ap r ed by Mayor for S is �on•Eo Council Bv - - — BY �tt,tSHFD J U� ? 1979 , ' ' Y � � � OM Ol: 12/1975 Rav. : 9/8/'76 TTON OF ADMINISTRATIVE QRDERS, RE LU'T ONS. AND ORDINANCES . _._.__. �_._. � , • �t)��� Date: June 13, 1979 ��� C � i _V_ ED �o: r�,YO� G�a� t,P,� JUN 1 81919 � � AAA1�O�i � �= Thomas J. Kelley . �= Lease Agreement with Mfinnesota State Agricultural Society �r � AC"�ION REQIIESTED: . Execute Lease Agreement for lease of Board's parking lot. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TSIS ACTION: Provid� parking facilities for Concert at Midway Stadium ATTAC�iENTS: � Council Resolution � . Copy of Contract � � � • 1 ' �w.-�l ,.� k. N ��� CitV of St. Pau1 � l?epattment of Parks �C Recreation Mr. Roger Goski Lease Agreement - Page 2 June 8, 1979 general liability claims against Lessor which may be brought by third parties. This policy of insurance must also insure all property owned by Lessor, wherever located, against any loss or damage including, but not limited to fire, vandalism, theft, malicious destruction or similar event, plus any damage caused by Lessee, its agents, employees, guests, participants and/or invitees. A certificate of the foregoing insurance must be provided for Lessor's review and files no later than Friday, June 22, 1979 � Failure to provide said certificate as specified shall work an automatic cancellation of this lease. It is agreed that in the event any person on the grounds of the h1innesota State Fair for the purpose of working at, participating in and/or attend- ing the Citv of St. Paul Concert Parkin� , during the period Sunda,y, __�uly 1� 1979 , who suffers injury to his person or property anywhere on the Fairgrounds, and makes claim against the Minnesota State Fair for such injury, that the _ City of St. Paul — — Department of Parks & Recreation shall hold harmless and indemnify the Minnesota State Fair for liability incurred on account of any such clalm. . Arrangements for Lessee's physical needs must be made by contacting Lessor's Space Rental Superintendent, Jim Sinclair at (612) 645-2781 . Lessee agrees to meet with Lassor no !ater than Friday, June 22� 1979 to arrange the phys i ca I needs for this facility usage. Please have the appropriate individual sign both copies of this lease and return the original as specified to the undersigned before Friday June 22� 1979 Fa i I ure to execute and return as spec i f i ed shall result in the cancellation of this offer. SPECIA� CONTRACTURAL CONDITIONS: . I,essee agrees to provide three security guards for the Minnesota State Fairgrounds at Zessee 's cos't during the period of this rental. Lessee agrees to clean parking lot following use of same for this event. Zessee agrees to m�.int��.intain and control the area of usage during the period of this rental and shall be responsible for all individuals and parking of vehic�es in this area during the p,eriod. of this rental. I,essee shall provide officers to control entrance and egress to and from parking area before, during and after this useage of same. Please ta.ke speci.al note of "Standard I,ease Conditions" # 5 � 7 attached hereto. � MIP�NESOTA STATE FAIR "The undersigned undersTar�d� and agrees to the terms o� this lease agreement, / / ��` / including special contractual conditions G� i .,� � / // � and standard lease conditions attached B . �� �1,�.. . , . y/J� /G�f� �� y• -�_ r hereto. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Its: Space Rental Supe�rintendent Mayor A ved as o � m: � Director, Department of Community S� � � ' /St�..ci - Director, Department o� Finance Assistant ity Attorne and Management Services SPeeial Eveqts � .� �- v I e Ora rar aIt' � ��1 S �tate Fair�yirouqds,saiqt Paul,miqqesota Ssio8 (6iz) 645'278i � 0 s Date June 8, 1979 � CONTRACT FOR LEASE OF MlNNESOTA STATE FAIR FACILITIES ����� •� Facilities Leased to: City of St. Paul Department of Parks & Recreation � . !'+Zr. Ro�er Goski 545 City Hall St. Paul.� T�Zinnesota 551 1 �y this contract, MlNNESOTA STATE FAIR, hereinafter "Lessor" and the C ity of St. Paul - - Department of Parks & Recreation , hereinafter "Lessee", enter into a lease agreement, whereby Lessor leases to Lessee and Lessee hires frcm �essor �he Mi nnesota State Fa i r Parkin� Lot in Block � 55 ..�Q�zth of Como Avenue Only) for the pub I i c conduct of concert parking _ ___ duri ng the period Sunday, Ju1ZT 1, 1979 Sunda-,T, Ju1Y l, 1979_ w i I i be a I I owed for Lessee's set up/tear down. (No animals, equipment, machinery, vehicles, etc. , may be rr�uved onto the Fa i rgrounds before 7 a.m. , Sun. , Ju1y 1, 1979 . Same must be removed from the Fa i rgrounds before 10 p.m. , Sun. , Ju1V 1, 1979 . ) Th i s I ease agreement is made subject to the provision set forth in the "Standard Lease Conditions" attached hereto, and Lessee agrees to comply with conditions set forth therein. Bas i c renta I fee for th i s usage w i I I be $ 100.00 ( Parkin�' I�ot in Block '� 55 (South of Como Avenue) .) It should be clearly understocd that this renta) fee is "basic" and does not include electrical service/current, set up, clean up, security, loss, damage, etc. Lessee shall be responsible for a�y and all costs incurred by Lessor as a result of this usage, including but not } imited to all property loss, damage and/or liability caused directly or indirectly be Lessee, its agents, employees, guests, participants and/or invitePS, regardless of whether said loss damage and/ o� I i ab i I i ty pe�ta i ns to property owned by Lessor or a th i rd party. -+#-+s-{`-ee��r-ed- �1�--�e�see-�FS-��►-�e-��.-�os�*-0#-�---------------.w.i.#-t�.-#�-C�.-c�.�.f�c4.�anlbmfnr� ------------------------------�r:-Ftrr��r�e�.�--s8t-��e��-�-�-s�er��+er3-�a��-- wer�-��-a:i i�a*i��a�seaaa$±��-�-*.I�i.�--��s-�a..--�-t-�,essae-�eul.d,r���cLy_�ea�T--- e�-�£t��r�i+w-�+t�a�,-►+��-�se��:�!�aa'�#-a+r�-�--t.+.q�-i-�.#a�-�c�,u►acar------ en�ra+t-c�#-�#:�e�-c�es���{�-a-s�-�d��-+o-�#�e--a�x�er�s-a��=.i.c►�.�rr�d-tn------ ��-�a�;�►�-.#e�-#�#►;.s-r-eF�T Lessee further agrees fio make fu I I payme�t of out- ' standing balar�ce within 30 days ot invoice da�re. Lessee is required �o provid� a oolicy of yeneral liability insurance in a form and a^�ount satisfacto�y to Lessor w��ich dees not con-tain any standard "care, custody and control" exclusio�s, and which will pro�tscfi Lessor from any and all