273223 WHITE - CITV GLERK (�►y^. - ^ � PINK - FINANCE COURCll . •)� /-1 �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR I W 7 � File N 0. C ncil esolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the United States of America from its inception has had a policy of welcoming oppressed people, and WHEREAS, all citizens of this nation, with the exception af the American Indian, can trace their roots to a foreign shore, and WHEREAS, the people of the United States are compassionate when it comes to assisting others less fortunate, and WHEREAS, there now exists a condition in the Far East where citizens are not welcome in any country and are being inhumanely treated, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul implores the President of the United States to offer shelter and aid to some 76,000 "boat people" as a commitment that the United States is assuming its moral obligation of taking care of homeless refugees. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ,� [n Favor Hunt �) -�ze _ __ Against BY Maddox ShowaltgL_ Tede"sco ) ����j 2 6 ,�qA Form Approved by City Attorney Ado�4ed�by Councj-1� Date �� , � " r- ertified :sed by Council Secretary BY y ��_i l�1 d by ;Navor: Date s 19'19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By � �'U$C�SNED J U l. � 1979 ,