Yang, Bella C•�✓•� m P. d Ja es Co y David K.Cody t jcody@codylawgroup,com dcody@codylawgroup.com T�e Cody Law Group, Chartered Robert D. Cody 359 Commerce Court rcody@codylawgroup,com Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 Ph: 651.294.0994 • Fax; 651.292.4955 www,codylawgroup.com March 6, 2014 R E����/�� City of St. Paul MAY 0 9 2014 Attn: City Clerk CITY CLERK 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Our Client: Bella Yang DOI: 2/25/13 Your Insured: Michele Leann Giampolo To Whom It May Concern: I have been retained by Bella Yang to represent her in all matters arising out of an automobile accident which occurred on February 25, 2013. Enclosed please find all pertinent information in my possession regarding the accident, injuries, treatment and no-fault claim. In terms of the accident, this was a severe impact with my client's 2012 Toyota Camry totaled as a result. Ms. Yang did begin a course of chiropractic treatment with Dr. Tou Lee on February 25, 2013 shorly following the accident. She also presented to St. John's Hospital several hours later due to increasing neck and back pain. She was referred to the Noran Neurological Clinic and followed by Dr. Soren Ryberg. Cervical and Lumbar MRIs were obtained on June 1, 2013 and the cervical scan did reveal a herniation at C6-7. In terms of his chiropractic treatment, she was treating at a decreased rate of two times per week by June of 2013. Treatment further reduced to one time per week in July of 2013. She does continue to treat on an as-needed basis. In terms of the no-fault, American Family did make voluntary payments of$8,922.14 for treatment through July 10, 2013. We did file a claim for no-fault arbitration and completed a hearing on December 20, 2013. At that time, we had the following outstanding medical: Dr. Tou Lee: $8,343.60 and Noran Neurological Clinic: $3,989.22. We did receive an award of 5,814.51. It would be appreciated if you would begin your evaluation and contact me at your convenience to discuss resolving this bodily inj ury claim. Thank you. Very trul .yours, Ja s P. Cody Enclosure t CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST CERTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF TRIAL ADVOCACY AND THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION t MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF C�RTIFIED TRIAL LAWYERS OF MINNES07A