01-103�:`�IG(��IAL Council File # �,� 103 Green Sheet # � �0�4 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Mounds Park Quick Stop (License ID No. 19990007075), located at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolurion and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. �—��� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �,l�� � a1�, �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �, a Q - Approved by Mayor: Date /¢"� GI �( By: L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� BY: C� -,,�.� �- Form Approved by City Attorney By: .�(/ �- � ��-> Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Ol-�o3 �, inia Palmer Februaiy 7, 2001 266-8710 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�un�r e�,oR No 106024 ❑ enr�nauar ❑ ancwrz ❑ w�wcu.acrvcE.ow. ❑ nuwau., ❑ WWRI�AfMAM� ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATUR� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigarette/'Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc., dba Mounds Park Quick Stop, 243 Point Douglas Road North. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMfTTEE CNII SERVICE COMMISSION NOT � mw a��m �•�a �oae. a�a,�a ra m� a�anm�rr YES NO HasMi6 P� m/er hcen a dlY emPloYee4 YES NO Daec thie Peleon/fircn Pwcess a sldll not namel�YP�sesced M' �Y curtent dty emPlq'ee? YES NO Is tliis pateaJfirm a tarpetod �EnEO�? , YES NO (GRCLEON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTM7V NWBER INFORMATON (IXPINln CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemrsn. Mn�'or January 26, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton .LL Robinson, Jr., Ciry Alta�rsey O � i Q 3 CivilDirision 400City�Hal[ Telepkone:65/166-8710 15 West Kellogg Bh�d. Fncsimile: 65/ 298-5619 Saint Pau1, ,Lfirsnuo�a SilO? NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerlManager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Aouglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Mr. SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ✓ � � � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: :�I�ancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary �Roger Curtis, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 01-103 UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Councii Hearing Qate: F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b!a Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 324.07 Date of violation; Piace: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, O�ce of License, �nspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bfny�or December 13, 2000 Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Poini Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICr � THE CITY ATTOIL�iEY C/aytorsb.._.�binson,Jr.,CityA(lorney �A,�rA V \�li Civi1 Dirision 400Cip�Ha[[ Telephone:651266-87l0 !i West Kellogg Bfvd. F¢csinaile: 6il 298-56l9 Saint Pnul, Minnesotn 55/0? NOTICE OF VIOLATION � RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Sir?Madam: The Office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc, d/b/a Mounds Park Quiek Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Mounds Park Quick Stop at 243 Point Douglas Road North as part of a tobacco comptiance check. The individual purchased a package of Newport cigarettes without being asked for identification. It is a violation o£ Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legeslative Code § 324.07 to setl tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay tfie recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment direcfly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection, Room 300 Lov✓ry Professional Buildin�, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver o£the hearing to which you are entifled. Page 2 Mounds Park Quick Stop December 13, 2000 a�-�a3 2. Altematively, ifyou do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul Ciiy Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We �vill need to receiti e your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You cvill have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my le�al assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we wili take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Wednesday, December 27, 2000, �i•e will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty witi be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free Yo call me or have your attomey cati me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L� Lc� �Qrk.c2 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director ofLIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's B1uffDisirict 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, NIN 55106 a �-�03 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVSCE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December I4, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � �. c'��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day � December, 2000. ,�✓� � `��� PETER P PANGBORN Notar PU�J 1. t� �T�Ya%BUC M!NNESOTp Y � • tl,�., MYCOMMlSSION eXPIP.ES JAPd. 37, 2W5 ot-�o3 � � , �. x r W ; �N� 0 � �o y iU'N � 'J N a � N y'i 7 0 I� '' N 'I f�G I � G N � '` U > � �Q .� � � w C H C W � ,; -.1 I � IT d F- m i� � ;N � C � � U +� iJ (0 ,� 0 O — M d r a i� i E � � � o Z� C O iV � �� a � !3 ^ � ¢ J � �_ � y ��Q N F j � �Z � Ip 'D ' �O a Q ,� o _�N ��(J � Y U � a — �Y � '��a Z !Q m :z � I� �'� U Z W � — � ��� �w Z Z ow @',� a ,°a — �; � � 0 UI N , �o , I �� � i I �, W ,' O I C O � 'N N �r I� s ��, !Z ', ��� w !o � a ���'� C � I 7 ,� N Q I � � E m Z T c n� U F' �w U J C Q^ R > > � j _ � d E 7, z; Icl O.� i� i 0 a m y � N n N ^ c, 7'� m � � � � I� ti _JN � I i N I � � Z U Q !� O c � m0 � Z = ¢ O � � UZ oa W M � _lL N �. ,o' � C 10, y'� CI ��I O', U I U � O � � N � S y � �U @ � i - U � I � A � C � U 3 3 � � � . ca dd m c C V G C C Q � O i U_c ' a ..Yq f6 Ua O a� L � J N= N U V O y Tp � � � C � Q� � O U� �(6 U p@O � " � N �(7 N Na N , y�� U C p�j a Y N o� 0' >�Q �ti-a�c� � (�pU�� � �G'C U O Q> � N J�� o , p..mymc�@cor,c� U °�� Uc6(6V c> o��tnw°t Fii3o_=mZ'm@o� - z� 0o a��o rn�o� ' `� 00 c60 �p O N�6i NNU C�NVr NO-C�6) c �-� y O'N ��� � �N CO� G � N� yN� (0 N� CNN _- r vi'o� �.-r- a�-�o3 � � 0 a �x r W w � o Ic � N iNi� N V : p1 J 10 {p i �N �- �N � 0 a d � C 0 m E L w C N N C N U J M N � —� ��� t�n Iy� icla� 'J IU L�Q O I�'U I '�lo ~ �� � l C' � IU''(6 'J ; � _U N �, E'^ �o Z � f�n'O G O 'U'� J •� � �r � Q J � —� O 0 �z -O 'O a a a o M _N l�f � Y U � � E'a N � z m Z � � � _� U z W � — � �a E � m � Z z � W O d' _� U c' � !U , U ��i N '7 Q O i N I� I a, w ' j� ��' i I�, Q � iz' ' I �a + i� � I I� 5 h, C N � m z T c N Q � 0 U � U �, � i� � n I=, Z N c o �° o � � d M N � N r N ^ c � � m � Q � F � � � _N N' U � C Z U Q N O c � m Y� zp ¢ p � UZ �O W a � M _!J- N IN C O � �, U � ,,�', i� O U � C U � O - p N � j � y � �� ` >,•• o � 'm si � V E i �� �'c o � 7 3 N T tn U '� . t .. 9 y O Q � c I v� ��Ur ° O � d� O I �UC � O Q �L tOJ j'p N U=o Y �o v �' C d O_.� �-�- ' O U� �(0 p �-O 'U C �� . � � @� �� y��� m°-a� ��� Yy yo� o�a�=� d UL �? 3 y C > Q � N� N C � N U'6Q' �� C U V1' �oQ? , �'Q?iVV�tyCC� Q�D��U�p�. � Q "O V (6 (6 V V ���>o��iA�� 1- o u`°. 3 o_z �;,o ?' m` `� o� m � ° oo ° a�woyC�o�? `n 00 (60 �p O!!��� NNU�NVr NOt�O> �, �0]v��W �'N�f�f� �� CO� �w��..'o�� ' N� �N� (0 (0� CNN _ �EA N'Oe-Jr� L� 1-1a3 � � m 0 Q x ti W w d'�� � �' o c N V N � J O d � N � O G � C O .� � i w C d N C d U 1 �N �f N �; �'� a�,> U!,U �', N�I � i� ��U 'cjZ` V'�O J i t —� O O — f"� N e- .n � � � o Z � � o V J � � �i� � n � � Q J � i0 � � F- Z aO Qao �M � ___N �f) � Y U � � — i� N,Q �l Z',� m'Z �'� —''� U Z w � _ � �,'a E � �w Z ~ � Z O W p�. �S _LL �U c � 0 IU, � m ��� po � m, Q i Q �W ' NI I�� �� � a� _ �: 0 , a� U c N N C d � m 2 a C N d O 0 U c � � C �, 7, Z', i�, i� O a �n c'> �� � ^ C � y l� � � m �D ❑� m � 1-- � W _N m U N C Z U Q � O c � m0 � z = Q � �� U Z � � d � M � _LL N � _ 0 � U C N i�, E 0 U V @ � � � p) � @ y — � � O� � c (6� � . 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First sale, 5200 matriz penalty. CA 01118/2000 Have received no wmplaints against this Malt off sale, Gas Station, Cigarette, and Grocery License by notification date per Gerry Strathman - ticense approved/CAA 1/14/2000 Per Licensee, he will be doing oil changes on cars under his Gas Station License—krd. 12/17/99 - Notification response date 'I/14/2000, notices mailed �2N7/99; 59M & 43EMIJL o�_�oa FBdress � Licensee j tordact � License � Cardholder � Type: C Property t�` Licensee �`- Un4fficisl C•' All � SYre�t #: 243 — Street Name: OINT DOUGlAS SYreet Type: <All> � Direction: cAtl> �.;; UnH #: r� Crty. aAll> .. - - - -- � �� 0 ��� $ ' . � �� ���� ���=" � „�...�k5x�x . � 990007075 0 �F & D ENTERPRIS�MOUNDS PARFC �UICF�CigaretteRohacco �Active License PriMed ;t?120M999 12f2020�1 243 F � ! �Gas Stffiion Aclive License Prir�tetl 1212�11999 12J20R001 243 f t — .�.._—.�._�____. ._____.___�_.___ � jGrocery (C) Active License Printed 12R0l1999 12R02001 2A3 f � � tMatt Off Safe Acfive License Prirrted 1220t1999 1220R001 243 f 9 Q455 ;F & D ENTERPRIS{M011NDS PARK QU7CF(Alarm Permd (New),dctive 03A27f2Q�Q 1 ZROI1001 243 F � �FalseAlarms Active� 01/01t20�012/3'IR0002431 ' ___...� ___ _ . . _. __ _. ,_ . __ � . i Canceled08t13ID000DuplicateeMry01N17200012l39R000243{ � 3:03 p�_�o3 Typc Stre Stre S[re Dve� lJnit CRy:' � Permd (Newj _ v R asrorn000 : nrzonoot N ; $16.00 ,____ �..r_._.,—.___�.______._.____. _ _ _., -.- Alarms R OiN9f2000 � 12R112D00 N � $25.00 . _ ' ._ _._____.__,,..__...'__`_ ._...__. __ . Alarms R 01101l20U0 3 12f31/1�00 N $50U0 ; License # 9Q00? OOOQ02i 62 0� !F & D a� � '���" �'" licensee 8 D ENTERPRISE INC ,' ay" �r ,�ir�rt x�Fttst ��+' OBA OUNDS PARK QUICK STOP Licznse � Licensee j Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond 1 RequiremeMS � �� Propedy fi Licensee C` Unotticial � Project Faaldator, MARTENS, CORWNE � SYreetName: OINTDOUGLAS_ A 8J73720 O�DuplcateerRry MGS � � SYreetType: ROAD� Directian: �� � UnR Ind: r Unit #: �— ( City: T PAUL license Group CommeMS: � � Stffie: v1N Zip: 65106 � wo� Ahmed, 310 John nn Pkwy. Fvst ale,'$200 as Ward: 7� � ah'ix penaRy. CAR t Dist CounciC �4 1 M 8l2U00 Have received no complairrts against this � tt off sale, Gas Station, Ciqar and GrocerY i ` _ .r s . — __ __ __ .__ _ ___ — Licensee: 8 D EtJTERPP,iSE INC Licensee 1 ff �JZ000 Fredric V Janklow, no longer sole I DBA: UNDS PARH QUICK STOP Comments roprietor. Incorporated ta F& D ErRerprise, : �� Sales Tax ld: 674796 Bus PYane: 651) 776-3700 - nc. Fredric Janklow serves as Presiderit, . ,.. o...�tora rroec��.o+ o��u rcn e.,a ...a..e..e. � Save Oif Sa(e _ u4fthdrawc09ff2f2000 Appficarrt � D01 243 f � ' 00'! 2A3 { 001 233 f 001 233 F x �� ' 000233f , ' 000243f .' 2000 08MSR001 233 � ii- ; ?!ra:Y.;:;:: 3 s . , �r � �G[a .UR�id?�'?� ��� ����n.. �I'� � ����F`�a,�`,€.� ����� ���`."�-''��� 3.�14 Pht t){ —l03 Addre Type, Stre ` Stre Stre Dire� Uni[ City: Licensee & D EMERPRISE INC DBR OUNDS PRRf( QUICK STOP license Licensee � Lic. Types � Insurance � Band l Requiremerrts � Licensee Name: & D EMERPRISE INC DBA: OUNDS PARK QUICFL STOP Sates Tax Id: 87q796 Non-Prafif: r Ntorker's Comp: ONOr0000 A.4 CoMract Rec'd: O100I�000 AA Training Rec'd: U/0010000 AA Fee Colleded: O100N000 Discount Rec'd: r Save Changes to Histary Other Age Ucenses Financial Hold Reasons ,,.., x . �e %-N +,a °�.. �.�a« - r-v� � .t w'.'= ,, p --': -+� - Othe[ C�''i4errsNg R9encY A,�.. -e�.�.�SCLSe.�T:YP�a��i:���� �., .� 4��� 1?^ _`� ;.�'�fi:..a=" kct�.��..:�� �e r ��jcel ` !kK!l�ll i License # 90007 000002762 0 F & D =.i: E't���,: . a.Pro��:.-.'.` r7utail LiCenSe 70. ' r Mail To Conta � � � License Address i L_ —Mail Invoice To' -- � Ma� To corne� ' ' �` License Address ; i1 2�3 F i1 243 F i1 243 f i1 243 f 10 243 F 10 213 f OffSale Wfthtlrawi09M272000AppfiCar�treque08M57200008f152001243 �� �r'" x ` ,i`:= o {,. ,">'., i �Sterf � ��P$�""� �' �' ,k�'-��v`�:� 3.OdPM � � � DATE: (, NAME OF COMPLIANCE CH: czTY oF sa�T raui. Norm Coleman, hf¢��or TOB?,CCO CO�IPLI.�\CE CHECK FQRti - YEaR 2000 NAM£ OF ADULT OFFICEOFLICEVSE,INSPECTIONSAND ' , b,��� E�vViRO�JbtENTALPROTECTiON � Robert Kessler, Dirxmr LOWRYPROFc'SSIO.VdC BL'ILDfiVG 7'efephone. 612466-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-d66-9099 350 Sc Peter Street 612-?66-9(Zt Scin<Pau[, Minnuoto 55f02-I510 CN LICENSE I.D. NU�IBER: NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VENDOR: MOUNDS PARK QUICK STOP 243 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD N —ST PAUL, MN 55106-6518 License Type: License # TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: Cigarefle/Tobacco � 99 � 007 D 75 WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?� WHETZE �VAS THE MACHTNE LOCATED? MACHIVE?_ 7 � s ., . IF A SALE W'AS A�OT ;�LADE: REASON (CHECK Oi�'E) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2) BliSI\TESS CLOSED 3) OL'T OF BUSI?JESS 4) UI`SATISFACTORY COh�ITIONS 51 DOES hOT SELL TOBACC6 eP,,;�Pa roi�nnn �:`�IG(��IAL Council File # �,� 103 Green Sheet # � �0�4 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Mounds Park Quick Stop (License ID No. 19990007075), located at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolurion and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. �—��� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �,l�� � a1�, �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �, a Q - Approved by Mayor: Date /¢"� GI �( By: L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� BY: C� -,,�.� �- Form Approved by City Attorney By: .�(/ �- � ��-> Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Ol-�o3 �, inia Palmer Februaiy 7, 2001 266-8710 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�un�r e�,oR No 106024 ❑ enr�nauar ❑ ancwrz ❑ w�wcu.acrvcE.ow. ❑ nuwau., ❑ WWRI�AfMAM� ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATUR� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigarette/'Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc., dba Mounds Park Quick Stop, 243 Point Douglas Road North. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMfTTEE CNII SERVICE COMMISSION NOT � mw a��m �•�a �oae. a�a,�a ra m� a�anm�rr YES NO HasMi6 P� m/er hcen a dlY emPloYee4 YES NO Daec thie Peleon/fircn Pwcess a sldll not namel�YP�sesced M' �Y curtent dty emPlq'ee? YES NO Is tliis pateaJfirm a tarpetod �EnEO�? , YES NO (GRCLEON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTM7V NWBER INFORMATON (IXPINln CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemrsn. Mn�'or January 26, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton .LL Robinson, Jr., Ciry Alta�rsey O � i Q 3 CivilDirision 400City�Hal[ Telepkone:65/166-8710 15 West Kellogg Bh�d. Fncsimile: 65/ 298-5619 Saint Pau1, ,Lfirsnuo�a SilO? NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerlManager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Aouglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Mr. SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ✓ � � � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: :�I�ancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary �Roger Curtis, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 01-103 UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Councii Hearing Qate: F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b!a Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 324.07 Date of violation; Piace: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, O�ce of License, �nspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bfny�or December 13, 2000 Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Poini Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICr � THE CITY ATTOIL�iEY C/aytorsb.._.�binson,Jr.,CityA(lorney �A,�rA V \�li Civi1 Dirision 400Cip�Ha[[ Telephone:651266-87l0 !i West Kellogg Bfvd. F¢csinaile: 6il 298-56l9 Saint Pnul, Minnesotn 55/0? NOTICE OF VIOLATION � RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Sir?Madam: The Office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc, d/b/a Mounds Park Quiek Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Mounds Park Quick Stop at 243 Point Douglas Road North as part of a tobacco comptiance check. The individual purchased a package of Newport cigarettes without being asked for identification. It is a violation o£ Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legeslative Code § 324.07 to setl tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay tfie recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment direcfly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection, Room 300 Lov✓ry Professional Buildin�, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver o£the hearing to which you are entifled. Page 2 Mounds Park Quick Stop December 13, 2000 a�-�a3 2. Altematively, ifyou do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul Ciiy Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We �vill need to receiti e your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You cvill have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my le�al assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we wili take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Wednesday, December 27, 2000, �i•e will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty witi be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free Yo call me or have your attomey cati me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L� Lc� �Qrk.c2 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director ofLIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's B1uffDisirict 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, NIN 55106 a �-�03 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVSCE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December I4, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � �. c'��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day � December, 2000. ,�✓� � `��� PETER P PANGBORN Notar PU�J 1. t� �T�Ya%BUC M!NNESOTp Y � • tl,�., MYCOMMlSSION eXPIP.ES JAPd. 37, 2W5 ot-�o3 � � , �. x r W ; �N� 0 � �o y iU'N � 'J N a � N y'i 7 0 I� '' N 'I f�G I � G N � '` U > � �Q .� � � w C H C W � ,; -.1 I � IT d F- m i� � ;N � C � � U +� iJ (0 ,� 0 O — M d r a i� i E � � � o Z� C O iV � �� a � !3 ^ � ¢ J � �_ � y ��Q N F j � �Z � Ip 'D ' �O a Q ,� o _�N ��(J � Y U � a — �Y � '��a Z !Q m :z � I� �'� U Z W � — � ��� �w Z Z ow @',� a ,°a — �; � � 0 UI N , �o , I �� � i I �, W ,' O I C O � 'N N �r I� s ��, !Z ', ��� w !o � a ���'� C � I 7 ,� N Q I � � E m Z T c n� U F' �w U J C Q^ R > > � j _ � d E 7, z; Icl O.� i� i 0 a m y � N n N ^ c, 7'� m � � � � I� ti _JN � I i N I � � Z U Q !� O c � m0 � Z = ¢ O � � UZ oa W M � _lL N �. ,o' � C 10, y'� CI ��I O', U I U � O � � N � S y � �U @ � i - U � I � A � C � U 3 3 � � � . ca dd m c C V G C C Q � O i U_c ' a ..Yq f6 Ua O a� L � J N= N U V O y Tp � � � C � Q� � O U� �(6 U p@O � " � N �(7 N Na N , y�� U C p�j a Y N o� 0' >�Q �ti-a�c� � (�pU�� � �G'C U O Q> � N J�� o , p..mymc�@cor,c� U °�� Uc6(6V c> o��tnw°t Fii3o_=mZ'm@o� - z� 0o a��o rn�o� ' `� 00 c60 �p O N�6i NNU C�NVr NO-C�6) c �-� y O'N ��� � �N CO� G � N� yN� (0 N� CNN _- r vi'o� �.-r- a�-�o3 � � 0 a �x r W w � o Ic � N iNi� N V : p1 J 10 {p i �N �- �N � 0 a d � C 0 m E L w C N N C N U J M N � —� ��� t�n Iy� icla� 'J IU L�Q O I�'U I '�lo ~ �� � l C' � IU''(6 'J ; � _U N �, E'^ �o Z � f�n'O G O 'U'� J •� � �r � Q J � —� O 0 �z -O 'O a a a o M _N l�f � Y U � � E'a N � z m Z � � � _� U z W � — � �a E � m � Z z � W O d' _� U c' � !U , U ��i N '7 Q O i N I� I a, w ' j� ��' i I�, Q � iz' ' I �a + i� � I I� 5 h, C N � m z T c N Q � 0 U � U �, � i� � n I=, Z N c o �° o � � d M N � N r N ^ c � � m � Q � F � � � _N N' U � C Z U Q N O c � m Y� zp ¢ p � UZ �O W a � M _!J- N IN C O � �, U � ,,�', i� O U � C U � O - p N � j � y � �� ` >,•• o � 'm si � V E i �� �'c o � 7 3 N T tn U '� . t .. 9 y O Q � c I v� ��Ur ° O � d� O I �UC � O Q �L tOJ j'p N U=o Y �o v �' C d O_.� �-�- ' O U� �(0 p �-O 'U C �� . � � @� �� y��� m°-a� ��� Yy yo� o�a�=� d UL �? 3 y C > Q � N� N C � N U'6Q' �� C U V1' �oQ? , �'Q?iVV�tyCC� Q�D��U�p�. � Q "O V (6 (6 V V ���>o��iA�� 1- o u`°. 3 o_z �;,o ?' m` `� o� m � ° oo ° a�woyC�o�? `n 00 (60 �p O!!��� NNU�NVr NOt�O> �, �0]v��W �'N�f�f� �� CO� �w��..'o�� ' N� �N� (0 (0� CNN _ �EA N'Oe-Jr� L� 1-1a3 � � m 0 Q x ti W w d'�� � �' o c N V N � J O d � N � O G � C O .� � i w C d N C d U 1 �N �f N �; �'� a�,> U!,U �', N�I � i� ��U 'cjZ` V'�O J i t —� O O — f"� N e- .n � � � o Z � � o V J � � �i� � n � � Q J � i0 � � F- Z aO Qao �M � ___N �f) � Y U � � — i� N,Q �l Z',� m'Z �'� —''� U Z w � _ � �,'a E � �w Z ~ � Z O W p�. �S _LL �U c � 0 IU, � m ��� po � m, Q i Q �W ' NI I�� �� � a� _ �: 0 , a� U c N N C d � m 2 a C N d O 0 U c � � C �, 7, Z', i�, i� O a �n c'> �� � ^ C � y l� � � m �D ❑� m � 1-- � W _N m U N C Z U Q � O c � m0 � z = Q � �� U Z � � d � M � _LL N � _ 0 � U C N i�, E 0 U V @ � � � p) � @ y — � � O� � c (6� � . 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M `_LL N � C O a o U y c � E E, 0 U Q � p � � y _ � N O U @ N V � � � � O C �/1 d � � � � � 3 y a y V �-Q � o �a N � m � c V p �� U L p � V C �J � U N Q m m ULO y>.po y' V� � � Q� � O U � � O � � N . � Q � �� � �� O � C �� N i O � O �.V �S � C ' U7 U L C _ (n O > ��U�02N N��UN'--� UOQ) (6�JN� , O s3 ( '��U ��N� O°m>.�U@�.°_°M Q'OQ��� UNV7 U� O�J(n�.=QS' HIL��-2�, TN � � 00 � Xocn �Q(�?u� 0o N,�O y�0 ooV mo � o'�rnoi NN �N N0t6)6) �� 4ip�� O_N � . �N CO� N dV. , N� yN� (4 (0� CNN �. ��EflO w'oc- ��� a� � 0 a' x � W', o I o �n ', � o y V N � J � a , J N r O 2 Q' C 0 f � O C d N C d u J O O M ; N � �y �� ,m � a � N N C I� U � J U ;N N ,Q y F�E �.� �''Q U � y � � —� � � �o Z n c o U � � JIW oi � �� � Q J � �� ,O � � ;z � '� a Q ;� O I 7 � �_N tn N Y U � C1 Y � �� �a Z l (� I m Z � ',� —� U Z w � _ � �, a E � � W Z � c Z o W � O � c2f `LL �U c � 0 V' U y O O �, 0 . 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First sale, 5200 matriz penalty. CA 01118/2000 Have received no wmplaints against this Malt off sale, Gas Station, Cigarette, and Grocery License by notification date per Gerry Strathman - ticense approved/CAA 1/14/2000 Per Licensee, he will be doing oil changes on cars under his Gas Station License—krd. 12/17/99 - Notification response date 'I/14/2000, notices mailed �2N7/99; 59M & 43EMIJL o�_�oa FBdress � Licensee j tordact � License � Cardholder � Type: C Property t�` Licensee �`- Un4fficisl C•' All � SYre�t #: 243 — Street Name: OINT DOUGlAS SYreet Type: <All> � Direction: cAtl> �.;; UnH #: r� Crty. aAll> .. - - - -- � �� 0 ��� $ ' . � �� ���� ���=" � „�...�k5x�x . � 990007075 0 �F & D ENTERPRIS�MOUNDS PARFC �UICF�CigaretteRohacco �Active License PriMed ;t?120M999 12f2020�1 243 F � ! �Gas Stffiion Aclive License Prir�tetl 1212�11999 12J20R001 243 f t — .�.._—.�._�____. ._____.___�_.___ � jGrocery (C) Active License Printed 12R0l1999 12R02001 2A3 f � � tMatt Off Safe Acfive License Prirrted 1220t1999 1220R001 243 f 9 Q455 ;F & D ENTERPRIS{M011NDS PARK QU7CF(Alarm Permd (New),dctive 03A27f2Q�Q 1 ZROI1001 243 F � �FalseAlarms Active� 01/01t20�012/3'IR0002431 ' ___...� ___ _ . . _. __ _. ,_ . __ � . i Canceled08t13ID000DuplicateeMry01N17200012l39R000243{ � 3:03 p�_�o3 Typc Stre Stre S[re Dve� lJnit CRy:' � Permd (Newj _ v R asrorn000 : nrzonoot N ; $16.00 ,____ �..r_._.,—.___�.______._.____. _ _ _., -.- Alarms R OiN9f2000 � 12R112D00 N � $25.00 . _ ' ._ _._____.__,,..__...'__`_ ._...__. __ . Alarms R 01101l20U0 3 12f31/1�00 N $50U0 ; License # 9Q00? OOOQ02i 62 0� !F & D a� � '���" �'" licensee 8 D ENTERPRISE INC ,' ay" �r ,�ir�rt x�Fttst ��+' OBA OUNDS PARK QUICK STOP Licznse � Licensee j Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond 1 RequiremeMS � �� Propedy fi Licensee C` Unotticial � Project Faaldator, MARTENS, CORWNE � SYreetName: OINTDOUGLAS_ A 8J73720 O�DuplcateerRry MGS � � SYreetType: ROAD� Directian: �� � UnR Ind: r Unit #: �— ( City: T PAUL license Group CommeMS: � � Stffie: v1N Zip: 65106 � wo� Ahmed, 310 John nn Pkwy. Fvst ale,'$200 as Ward: 7� � ah'ix penaRy. CAR t Dist CounciC �4 1 M 8l2U00 Have received no complairrts against this � tt off sale, Gas Station, Ciqar and GrocerY i ` _ .r s . — __ __ __ .__ _ ___ — Licensee: 8 D EtJTERPP,iSE INC Licensee 1 ff �JZ000 Fredric V Janklow, no longer sole I DBA: UNDS PARH QUICK STOP Comments roprietor. Incorporated ta F& D ErRerprise, : �� Sales Tax ld: 674796 Bus PYane: 651) 776-3700 - nc. Fredric Janklow serves as Presiderit, . ,.. o...�tora rroec��.o+ o��u rcn e.,a ...a..e..e. � Save Oif Sa(e _ u4fthdrawc09ff2f2000 Appficarrt � D01 243 f � ' 00'! 2A3 { 001 233 f 001 233 F x �� ' 000233f , ' 000243f .' 2000 08MSR001 233 � ii- ; ?!ra:Y.;:;:: 3 s . , �r � �G[a .UR�id?�'?� ��� ����n.. �I'� � ����F`�a,�`,€.� ����� ���`."�-''��� 3.�14 Pht t){ —l03 Addre Type, Stre ` Stre Stre Dire� Uni[ City: Licensee & D EMERPRISE INC DBR OUNDS PRRf( QUICK STOP license Licensee � Lic. Types � Insurance � Band l Requiremerrts � Licensee Name: & D EMERPRISE INC DBA: OUNDS PARK QUICFL STOP Sates Tax Id: 87q796 Non-Prafif: r Ntorker's Comp: ONOr0000 A.4 CoMract Rec'd: O100I�000 AA Training Rec'd: U/0010000 AA Fee Colleded: O100N000 Discount Rec'd: r Save Changes to Histary Other Age Ucenses Financial Hold Reasons ,,.., x . �e %-N +,a °�.. �.�a« - r-v� � .t w'.'= ,, p --': -+� - Othe[ C�''i4errsNg R9encY A,�.. -e�.�.�SCLSe.�T:YP�a��i:���� �., .� 4��� 1?^ _`� ;.�'�fi:..a=" kct�.��..:�� �e r ��jcel ` !kK!l�ll i License # 90007 000002762 0 F & D =.i: E't���,: . a.Pro��:.-.'.` r7utail LiCenSe 70. ' r Mail To Conta � � � License Address i L_ —Mail Invoice To' -- � Ma� To corne� ' ' �` License Address ; i1 2�3 F i1 243 F i1 243 f i1 243 f 10 243 F 10 213 f OffSale Wfthtlrawi09M272000AppfiCar�treque08M57200008f152001243 �� �r'" x ` ,i`:= o {,. ,">'., i �Sterf � ��P$�""� �' �' ,k�'-��v`�:� 3.OdPM � � � DATE: (, NAME OF COMPLIANCE CH: czTY oF sa�T raui. Norm Coleman, hf¢��or TOB?,CCO CO�IPLI.�\CE CHECK FQRti - YEaR 2000 NAM£ OF ADULT OFFICEOFLICEVSE,INSPECTIONSAND ' , b,��� E�vViRO�JbtENTALPROTECTiON � Robert Kessler, Dirxmr LOWRYPROFc'SSIO.VdC BL'ILDfiVG 7'efephone. 612466-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-d66-9099 350 Sc Peter Street 612-?66-9(Zt Scin<Pau[, Minnuoto 55f02-I510 CN LICENSE I.D. NU�IBER: NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VENDOR: MOUNDS PARK QUICK STOP 243 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD N —ST PAUL, MN 55106-6518 License Type: License # TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: Cigarefle/Tobacco � 99 � 007 D 75 WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?� WHETZE �VAS THE MACHTNE LOCATED? MACHIVE?_ 7 � s ., . IF A SALE W'AS A�OT ;�LADE: REASON (CHECK Oi�'E) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2) BliSI\TESS CLOSED 3) OL'T OF BUSI?JESS 4) UI`SATISFACTORY COh�ITIONS 51 DOES hOT SELL TOBACC6 eP,,;�Pa roi�nnn �:`�IG(��IAL Council File # �,� 103 Green Sheet # � �0�4 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Mounds Park Quick Stop (License ID No. 19990007075), located at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection within thirty (30) days ofthe adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolurion and the action ofthe Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 13, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and the November 28, 2000 Tobacco Compliance Check Form. The facts were not disputed by the licensee. �—��� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �,l�� � a1�, �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �, a Q - Approved by Mayor: Date /¢"� GI �( By: L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� BY: C� -,,�.� �- Form Approved by City Attorney By: .�(/ �- � ��-> Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Ol-�o3 �, inia Palmer Februaiy 7, 2001 266-8710 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET m�un�r e�,oR No 106024 ❑ enr�nauar ❑ ancwrz ❑ w�wcu.acrvcE.ow. ❑ nuwau., ❑ WWRI�AfMAM� ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATUR� Resolution recommending adverse action against the Cigarette/'Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc., dba Mounds Park Quick Stop, 243 Point Douglas Road North. PLANNING CAMMISSION GB CAMMfTTEE CNII SERVICE COMMISSION NOT � mw a��m �•�a �oae. a�a,�a ra m� a�anm�rr YES NO HasMi6 P� m/er hcen a dlY emPloYee4 YES NO Daec thie Peleon/fircn Pwcess a sldll not namel�YP�sesced M' �Y curtent dty emPlq'ee? YES NO Is tliis pateaJfirm a tarpetod �EnEO�? , YES NO (GRCLEON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTM7V NWBER INFORMATON (IXPINln CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemrsn. Mn�'or January 26, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton .LL Robinson, Jr., Ciry Alta�rsey O � i Q 3 CivilDirision 400City�Hal[ Telepkone:65/166-8710 15 West Kellogg Bh�d. Fncsimile: 65/ 298-5619 Saint Pau1, ,Lfirsnuo�a SilO? NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerlManager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Aouglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Mr. SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ✓ � � � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: :�I�ancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary �Roger Curtis, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 01-103 UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Councii Hearing Qate: F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b!a Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road North Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paui Legisiative Code § 324.07 Date of violation; Piace: Presumptive Penalty: November 28, 2000 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, O�ce of License, �nspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Tobacco Compliance Check Form 5. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, bfny�or December 13, 2000 Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Poini Douglas Road North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 OFFICr � THE CITY ATTOIL�iEY C/aytorsb.._.�binson,Jr.,CityA(lorney �A,�rA V \�li Civi1 Dirision 400Cip�Ha[[ Telephone:651266-87l0 !i West Kellogg Bfvd. F¢csinaile: 6il 298-56l9 Saint Pnul, Minnesotn 55/0? NOTICE OF VIOLATION � RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a , Mounds Park Quick Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul LicenseID #: 19990007075 Dear Sir?Madam: The Office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigazette/Tobacco License held by F& D Enterprises, Inc, d/b/a Mounds Park Quiek Stop for the premises at 243 Point Douglas Road North in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 28, 2000, a minor entered the premises of the Mounds Park Quick Stop at 243 Point Douglas Road North as part of a tobacco comptiance check. The individual purchased a package of Newport cigarettes without being asked for identification. It is a violation o£ Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legeslative Code § 324.07 to setl tobacco to a person under the age of 18. Since this is a first violation, the licensing office will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay tfie recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment direcfly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection, Room 300 Lov✓ry Professional Buildin�, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver o£the hearing to which you are entifled. Page 2 Mounds Park Quick Stop December 13, 2000 a�-�a3 2. Altematively, ifyou do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul Ciiy Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requestin� a public hearin�. We �vill need to receiti e your letter by Wednesday, December 27, 2000. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You cvill have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my le�al assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we wili take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Wednesday, December 27, 2000, �i•e will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty witi be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free Yo call me or have your attomey cati me at 266-8710. Sincerely, L� Lc� �Qrk.c2 � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director ofLIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's B1uffDisirict 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, NIN 55106 a �-�03 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVSCE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December I4, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by piacing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Mounds Park Quick Stop 243 Point Douglas Road St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite tates mails at St Paul, Minnesota. � �. c'��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day � December, 2000. ,�✓� � `��� PETER P PANGBORN Notar PU�J 1. t� �T�Ya%BUC M!NNESOTp Y � • tl,�., MYCOMMlSSION eXPIP.ES JAPd. 37, 2W5 ot-�o3 � � , �. x r W ; �N� 0 � �o y iU'N � 'J N a � N y'i 7 0 I� '' N 'I f�G I � G N � '` U > � �Q .� � � w C H C W � ,; -.1 I � IT d F- m i� � ;N � C � � U +� iJ (0 ,� 0 O — M d r a i� i E � � � o Z� C O iV � �� a � !3 ^ � ¢ J � �_ � y ��Q N F j � �Z � Ip 'D ' �O a Q ,� o _�N ��(J � Y U � a — �Y � '��a Z !Q m :z � I� �'� U Z W � — � ��� �w Z Z ow @',� a ,°a — �; � � 0 UI N , �o , I �� � i I �, W ,' O I C O � 'N N �r I� s ��, !Z ', ��� w !o � a ���'� C � I 7 ,� N Q I � � E m Z T c n� U F' �w U J C Q^ R > > � j _ � d E 7, z; Icl O.� i� i 0 a m y � N n N ^ c, 7'� m � � � � I� ti _JN � I i N I � � Z U Q !� O c � m0 � Z = ¢ O � � UZ oa W M � _lL N �. ,o' � C 10, y'� CI ��I O', U I U � O � � N � S y � �U @ � i - U � I � A � C � U 3 3 � � � . ca dd m c C V G C C Q � O i U_c ' a ..Yq f6 Ua O a� L � J N= N U V O y Tp � � � C � Q� � O U� �(6 U p@O � " � N �(7 N Na N , y�� U C p�j a Y N o� 0' >�Q �ti-a�c� � (�pU�� � �G'C U O Q> � N J�� o , p..mymc�@cor,c� U °�� Uc6(6V c> o��tnw°t Fii3o_=mZ'm@o� - z� 0o a��o rn�o� ' `� 00 c60 �p O N�6i NNU C�NVr NO-C�6) c �-� y O'N ��� � �N CO� G � N� yN� (0 N� CNN _- r vi'o� �.-r- a�-�o3 � � 0 a �x r W w � o Ic � N iNi� N V : p1 J 10 {p i �N �- �N � 0 a d � C 0 m E L w C N N C N U J M N � —� ��� t�n Iy� icla� 'J IU L�Q O I�'U I '�lo ~ �� � l C' � IU''(6 'J ; � _U N �, E'^ �o Z � f�n'O G O 'U'� J •� � �r � Q J � —� O 0 �z -O 'O a a a o M _N l�f � Y U � � E'a N � z m Z � � � _� U z W � — � �a E � m � Z z � W O d' _� U c' � !U , U ��i N '7 Q O i N I� I a, w ' j� ��' i I�, Q � iz' ' I �a + i� � I I� 5 h, C N � m z T c N Q � 0 U � U �, � i� � n I=, Z N c o �° o � � d M N � N r N ^ c � � m � Q � F � � � _N N' U � C Z U Q N O c � m Y� zp ¢ p � UZ �O W a � M _!J- N IN C O � �, U � ,,�', i� O U � C U � O - p N � j � y � �� ` >,•• o � 'm si � V E i �� �'c o � 7 3 N T tn U '� . t .. 9 y O Q � c I v� ��Ur ° O � d� O I �UC � O Q �L tOJ j'p N U=o Y �o v �' C d O_.� �-�- ' O U� �(0 p �-O 'U C �� . � � @� �� y��� m°-a� ��� Yy yo� o�a�=� d UL �? 3 y C > Q � N� N C � N U'6Q' �� C U V1' �oQ? , �'Q?iVV�tyCC� Q�D��U�p�. � Q "O V (6 (6 V V ���>o��iA�� 1- o u`°. 3 o_z �;,o ?' m` `� o� m � ° oo ° a�woyC�o�? `n 00 (60 �p O!!��� NNU�NVr NOt�O> �, �0]v��W �'N�f�f� �� CO� �w��..'o�� ' N� �N� (0 (0� CNN _ �EA N'Oe-Jr� L� 1-1a3 � � m 0 Q x ti W w d'�� � �' o c N V N � J O d � N � O G � C O .� � i w C d N C d U 1 �N �f N �; �'� a�,> U!,U �', N�I � i� ��U 'cjZ` V'�O J i t —� O O — f"� N e- .n � � � o Z � � o V J � � �i� � n � � Q J � i0 � � F- Z aO Qao �M � ___N �f) � Y U � � — i� N,Q �l Z',� m'Z �'� —''� U Z w � _ � �,'a E � �w Z ~ � Z O W p�. �S _LL �U c � 0 IU, � m ��� po � m, Q i Q �W ' NI I�� �� � a� _ �: 0 , a� U c N N C d � m 2 a C N d O 0 U c � � C �, 7, Z', i�, i� O a �n c'> �� � ^ C � y l� � � m �D ❑� m � 1-- � W _N m U N C Z U Q � O c � m0 � z = Q � �� U Z � � d � M � _LL N � _ 0 � U C N i�, E 0 U V @ � � � p) � @ y — � � O� � c (6� � . 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First sale, 5200 matriz penalty. CA 01118/2000 Have received no wmplaints against this Malt off sale, Gas Station, Cigarette, and Grocery License by notification date per Gerry Strathman - ticense approved/CAA 1/14/2000 Per Licensee, he will be doing oil changes on cars under his Gas Station License—krd. 12/17/99 - Notification response date 'I/14/2000, notices mailed �2N7/99; 59M & 43EMIJL o�_�oa FBdress � Licensee j tordact � License � Cardholder � Type: C Property t�` Licensee �`- Un4fficisl C•' All � SYre�t #: 243 — Street Name: OINT DOUGlAS SYreet Type: <All> � Direction: cAtl> �.;; UnH #: r� Crty. aAll> .. - - - -- � �� 0 ��� $ ' . � �� ���� ���=" � „�...�k5x�x . � 990007075 0 �F & D ENTERPRIS�MOUNDS PARFC �UICF�CigaretteRohacco �Active License PriMed ;t?120M999 12f2020�1 243 F � ! �Gas Stffiion Aclive License Prir�tetl 1212�11999 12J20R001 243 f t — .�.._—.�._�____. ._____.___�_.___ � jGrocery (C) Active License Printed 12R0l1999 12R02001 2A3 f � � tMatt Off Safe Acfive License Prirrted 1220t1999 1220R001 243 f 9 Q455 ;F & D ENTERPRIS{M011NDS PARK QU7CF(Alarm Permd (New),dctive 03A27f2Q�Q 1 ZROI1001 243 F � �FalseAlarms Active� 01/01t20�012/3'IR0002431 ' ___...� ___ _ . . _. __ _. ,_ . __ � . i Canceled08t13ID000DuplicateeMry01N17200012l39R000243{ � 3:03 p�_�o3 Typc Stre Stre S[re Dve� lJnit CRy:' � Permd (Newj _ v R asrorn000 : nrzonoot N ; $16.00 ,____ �..r_._.,—.___�.______._.____. _ _ _., -.- Alarms R OiN9f2000 � 12R112D00 N � $25.00 . _ ' ._ _._____.__,,..__...'__`_ ._...__. __ . Alarms R 01101l20U0 3 12f31/1�00 N $50U0 ; License # 9Q00? OOOQ02i 62 0� !F & D a� � '���" �'" licensee 8 D ENTERPRISE INC ,' ay" �r ,�ir�rt x�Fttst ��+' OBA OUNDS PARK QUICK STOP Licznse � Licensee j Lic. Types � Insurance � Bond 1 RequiremeMS � �� Propedy fi Licensee C` Unotticial � Project Faaldator, MARTENS, CORWNE � SYreetName: OINTDOUGLAS_ A 8J73720 O�DuplcateerRry MGS � � SYreetType: ROAD� Directian: �� � UnR Ind: r Unit #: �— ( City: T PAUL license Group CommeMS: � � Stffie: v1N Zip: 65106 � wo� Ahmed, 310 John nn Pkwy. Fvst ale,'$200 as Ward: 7� � ah'ix penaRy. CAR t Dist CounciC �4 1 M 8l2U00 Have received no complairrts against this � tt off sale, Gas Station, Ciqar and GrocerY i ` _ .r s . — __ __ __ .__ _ ___ — Licensee: 8 D EtJTERPP,iSE INC Licensee 1 ff �JZ000 Fredric V Janklow, no longer sole I DBA: UNDS PARH QUICK STOP Comments roprietor. Incorporated ta F& D ErRerprise, : �� Sales Tax ld: 674796 Bus PYane: 651) 776-3700 - nc. Fredric Janklow serves as Presiderit, . ,.. o...�tora rroec��.o+ o��u rcn e.,a ...a..e..e. � Save Oif Sa(e _ u4fthdrawc09ff2f2000 Appficarrt � D01 243 f � ' 00'! 2A3 { 001 233 f 001 233 F x �� ' 000233f , ' 000243f .' 2000 08MSR001 233 � ii- ; ?!ra:Y.;:;:: 3 s . , �r � �G[a .UR�id?�'?� ��� ����n.. �I'� � ����F`�a,�`,€.� ����� ���`."�-''��� 3.�14 Pht t){ —l03 Addre Type, Stre ` Stre Stre Dire� Uni[ City: Licensee & D EMERPRISE INC DBR OUNDS PRRf( QUICK STOP license Licensee � Lic. Types � Insurance � Band l Requiremerrts � Licensee Name: & D EMERPRISE INC DBA: OUNDS PARK QUICFL STOP Sates Tax Id: 87q796 Non-Prafif: r Ntorker's Comp: ONOr0000 A.4 CoMract Rec'd: O100I�000 AA Training Rec'd: U/0010000 AA Fee Colleded: O100N000 Discount Rec'd: r Save Changes to Histary Other Age Ucenses Financial Hold Reasons ,,.., x . �e %-N +,a °�.. �.�a« - r-v� � .t w'.'= ,, p --': -+� - Othe[ C�''i4errsNg R9encY A,�.. -e�.�.�SCLSe.�T:YP�a��i:���� �., .� 4��� 1?^ _`� ;.�'�fi:..a=" kct�.��..:�� �e r ��jcel ` !kK!l�ll i License # 90007 000002762 0 F & D =.i: E't���,: . a.Pro��:.-.'.` r7utail LiCenSe 70. ' r Mail To Conta � � � License Address i L_ —Mail Invoice To' -- � Ma� To corne� ' ' �` License Address ; i1 2�3 F i1 243 F i1 243 f i1 243 f 10 243 F 10 213 f OffSale Wfthtlrawi09M272000AppfiCar�treque08M57200008f152001243 �� �r'" x ` ,i`:= o {,. ,">'., i �Sterf � ��P$�""� �' �' ,k�'-��v`�:� 3.OdPM � � � DATE: (, NAME OF COMPLIANCE CH: czTY oF sa�T raui. Norm Coleman, hf¢��or TOB?,CCO CO�IPLI.�\CE CHECK FQRti - YEaR 2000 NAM£ OF ADULT OFFICEOFLICEVSE,INSPECTIONSAND ' , b,��� E�vViRO�JbtENTALPROTECTiON � Robert Kessler, Dirxmr LOWRYPROFc'SSIO.VdC BL'ILDfiVG 7'efephone. 612466-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-d66-9099 350 Sc Peter Street 612-?66-9(Zt Scin<Pau[, Minnuoto 55f02-I510 CN LICENSE I.D. NU�IBER: NAME & ADDRESS OF LICENSED VENDOR: MOUNDS PARK QUICK STOP 243 POINT DOUGLAS ROAD N —ST PAUL, MN 55106-6518 License Type: License # TYPE OF ESTABLISHMENT: Cigarefle/Tobacco � 99 � 007 D 75 WAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?� WHETZE �VAS THE MACHTNE LOCATED? MACHIVE?_ 7 � s ., . IF A SALE W'AS A�OT ;�LADE: REASON (CHECK Oi�'E) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2) BliSI\TESS CLOSED 3) OL'T OF BUSI?JESS 4) UI`SATISFACTORY COh�ITIONS 51 DOES hOT SELL TOBACC6 eP,,;�Pa roi�nnn