Gundersen RlEG�"".'���� M�Y 1 2��� NOTICE UF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesot�a Minnesota State Statute 46G.05 states that"_..wery person...who claims dmnages frorn mry municripality...shall cau�'e I�b�pr�e�r�/le� governing body of the mYnicipality withi�i 180 days after the dleged loss or injsry is discovoered a nntice stating the time,place,and circumstances thereof,and the mnount of compensation or other�rlief demw�ded." Please complete tLis form in its entiretY bY�Y h'P��P��S Yonr aaswer to each qaestion. If more space is needed,attach additional s6eets. Pl�se note that yos w71 aot be coetacted bp tetephone to darify aeswers,so provide as much information as n�ry ta esplam yonr daim,and tLe�monnt ot coa�ensadon being reqnested. You�n11 receive a written ac�owkdgewent once yoar form is received. The process can talce np to tea weeks or loeger depeading on the nature of yomr da�. This form mnst be s�ed,and batfi pages completed. If someWio�does�t apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOt"�G BLVD,310 CITY HALL, SAIIVT PAUL,MN 55102 First Name �\\5� Mic�le Initial � I,ast Name ���J1►'1 C �X��'�'l Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/No If Yes,C1aim Number? Street Address ��� ��- �'�`�� �"��`�k'�� ���' �� City �-��-�C.�:t 1 ��C--�GI\�5 , �� State �v���iC�4`�L;�� Zip Code S�1 I �J Daytime Phone(�� - Cell Pl�one l�) '��3.'SQ,�Evening Telephone(_� - Date of Accident/Injury or Date Discovered�J�t�� �� Time '�"'W am/� Please state,in detail,what occurred{happened),and why you are submiuing a claim.Please i�licate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages.!M ' °� " 1'� _. , .� , 5 , -C'f c:}�( 1 , �„ 1 ._�V f� V E C� , , • , _ }�.A - L "v C� -). Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: ❑My vehicle was damaged in an accidear O My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑My vehide was damaged by a pc�x�le a condifiatxi of the slr�t �My vehicle was damaged by a plow ❑My vehicle was wrongfiilly towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured on City�opeity �Other type of PropertY dama8�—please spe�ify '�.� ��c'�L�c�.`��,rx�UE � ❑ Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim vou need to indnde covies of aD auulic�ble documents. For the claims types listeti below,please be s�re to inclu�the docu�nts indicated or it will tielay the handling of your claim. Documents WII L NOT be returned and become the�xoperty of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle:two estimates far the repairs to yaur vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the actual b�Is and/or receipts for the repairs ¢�Towing claims:legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impounct 1ot receipt O Other PropertY damage claims:two repair estimates if�e damage exceeds$SEld.00;o�the a,ctual bills and/or receipts f�the repairs;cietaile�list of damaged items O Injury claims:medical bills,receipts O Photographs are always weloome to doczunern and support your claim but will not be reh�med. Pa$e 1 of 2—Pleas�e camplete and retern boW page.s of Cla�Form Failnre to complete and retnrn botL pages w�71 resolt in d�lay in the Landling a[yonr clami. �C1a�tS—please Comp�te this SectiOn V�tere there witnesses to the incic�nt? Yes No � (circte) Provide d�eir names,acldresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcemern called? es 1 No Unknown (circle) If yes,what departmern or agency? `> t. �C�- Case#or report# 1'�-—u���`�2\ Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmazk,etc. Please be as detaileci as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. Please indicate�amount you aze seeking in compensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve tlus claim to your satisfaction. � �C-��-� Vehicle Claims DlCBSC COmPIetC fhiS�C1i0II �check box if this section dces not atmlv Your Vehicle: Year Make Model License Flate Number State Color Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year Make Mode1 License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Na�) Area Damaged Iniury Clam�s ulease comvlete this section C�check box if tlris section does not avvlv How were you injured? Wl�at part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Pla�ing to Scek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)} Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss w�k? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone �Check here dyoa are attaching more pages to this da�form. Nnmber u[additional pages ��. By signing this form,you are stating that aIl infornurtion you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be processed Submitting a false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was compl�ed �����-'�S � V�1C�_c� U���-%��� Print t6e Name af the Person who Completed tl�is Form: �—' �\�� �`��(1C��'�S� Signatare of Peison Maidng the Cla�: ��c�-ti-��--J .J�'•,�, �_�,�-u _ Revised Febmaiy 2011 To Whom It May Concern: 710-LLX,Case Number: l4-067821 I am a recent college graduate and h�ad enough money saved up to buy my first car to cammute to work in the cities.On July 11 my parents drove up from LaCrosse,WI to help me pick out a used car. I bought it on the spot for�2700.My mechanic looked at it and estimated$2000 of repairs to the suspension and engine.(See Figure 1) I was planning on having this car for six to seven years so we said yes to the repairs.A couple weeks later the brakes stopped working so I got those fixed for$900 (See Figure 2).September 11, I came out from work(West 7Lh Street,St Paul} and there was a different car in my parking spot. I called dispatch and reported it stolen.September 16�I got a phone call from the dispatch/impound lot and they said they had recovered my car and it was being towed to impound lot in St Paui. It is drive-able and I could pick it up for$140(See Figure 3).As a victim of car thef� I did not understand why I had to pay to go get my car,but I needed transportation that week and had already put a few thousand dollars into the car.I paid the fee and picked up my vehicle,I had my mechanic check it out to make sure there was no internal damage/ignition damage.Everything was fine,my GPS unit was missing(See Figure 4) but I had my car back.September 26�,I had a flat tire but it turned out all four tires had bad tread,so 1 was towed to Discount Tire(see Figure 5)to have them replaced. November 26�,when temperatures begun to dip below freezing my battery started acting up,so I bought a new battery and had that installed (see Figure 6). Fast forward to January 2°d,2014,I looked out my window of my apartment(Falcon Heights) and did not see my car.I walked outside to double check and it was nowhere to be seen. I called Saint Anthony police and made another report April 10�I spotted a Honda accord with no license p�ates and the radio tarn out[t looked very similar to my car.So I called the police to see if they could come check out the situation.The police called me back and asked when it had been stolen,I told them'�an 2 of Ehis year."The report was made to Saint Anthony Police Department Officer Joshua Nyhus responded to nny location.I had later learned that it had been recovered in February and impounded.After two weeks,the police auctioned it off.I had no l�owledge of any of this and upset that this happened. I am requesting compensation for my vehicle. It was worth�6500 to me,because I had planned to keep it for 6-7 years.We were not able to insure this car with comprehensive coverage so I received no money from insurance. I had no intention of selling the vehicle.There were clearly errors committed,by several entities. Assigning fault is not necessary. I only want some compensation. Thank you for consideration of this situation.See attached documents for details. TUAN AUTO REPAIR 1459 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55104 �1�uY e, 1 651 646 2700 TUANAUTO@HOTMAI L.COM MON-FRI 9-6 SAT 9-4 7/29/2013 0 :40 PM page Invoice#22195 GUNDERSON, RIISE Day Phone : 608-738-4626 Eve Phone : 608-738-4516 Vehicle : 1996 Honda Accord 2.2 L 2156 CC L4 Created : 07/22/2013 09:22:55 AM Odometer In : 0 Complete : 07/29/2013 02:40:43 PM Odometer Out: 0 Invoiced : 07/29/2013 02:40:43 PM Srv Writer: RAKS LabodNotes Qty Codelfech• Reference Description Unit Price Price 12 SAM' LABOR $80.00 $960.00 Parts Qty Codelfech` Reference Descrip6on Condition Unit Price Price 2 NCP 2601353 Ball Joint-Lower-Front Susp $39.16 $78.32 1 ATM 1012939 Control Arm w/Batl Joint-Upper-Front Susp 549.99 $49.99 1 ATM 1012938 Control Arm w/Balt Joir►t-Upper-Front Susp 549.99 549-99 2 RRA 181989 SWt Modular Assy-NAPA Response-Front $79.99 5159.98 1 NS 171286L Quidc Strut Modular Assy-Left Rear $179.99 5119.99 1 NS 171286R Quick Strut Modular Assy-Right Rear $119.99 a119.99 1 SS SS7345X Brake Pads-Front,Premium-OE Ceramic $29.99 $29.99 2 UP 86111 Brake Rotor Only-Front-Ultra Premium E42.02 $84.04 1 SS SS7418AX Brake Pads-Rear,Premium-OE Ceramic $29.99 $29.99 2 NB 4886369 Brake Rotor Only-Rear-Premium $26.18 $52.36 1 UP 82780 Caliper Bushing Kit-Rear $6.20 $6.20 4 NGK 2262 Spark Plug-V Power 52.90 511-60 1 BEL 700800 Sparic Plug Wire Set-Premium S41•50 $41•50 1 ECH EP474 Distributor Rotor $21.10 521.10 1 ECH EP475 Distributor Cap $�•� 326•9� 1 SFI 26303 Air Fifter(ProSelect) �12.29 �12.29 1 - PART DOOR LOCK ACTUATOR Used $114.99 3114.99 1 - PART MODE DOOR ACUATOR Used $114.99 $114.99 Sublet/Misc. Qty CodefTech' Reference Description Unit Price Price 1 - SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLY $30.00 $30.00 CHECK OUT NOISE WHEN DRIVING,AND ALSO DOOR LOCK AND CLIMATE CONTROL.NEED: FRONT: BRAKE PAD AND BRAKE ROTORS UPPER AND LOWER BALL JOINTS STRUT ASSEMBLY REAR BRAKE PADS AND BRAKE ROTOR STRUTS ASSEMBLY TUNE UP SPARK PLUGS,SPARK PLUG WIRES,DISRIBUTOR CAP,IGNfT10N ROTOR,AIR FILTER LOCK RIGHT FRONT LOCK ACTUATOR �'. .;���' TUAN AUTO REPAfR �''� 1459 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55104 651 646 2700 TUANAUTO@HOTMAI L.COM MON-FRI 9-6 SAT 9-4 7/29/2013 02:40 PM page 2 Invoice#22195 GUNDERSON, RIISE Vehicie : 1996 Honda Accord 2.2 L 2156 CC L4 CLIMATE MODE DOOR ACTUATOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL CABLES(2) Labor ......--�---�.......................................... $960.00 Parts ....................................................... $1,124.27 Sublet/Misc. ....................................................... $0.00 OtherCharges ....................................................... $0.00 Charges ....................................................... $30.00 � Sales Tax Tax @$1,124.27'7.6250% $85.73 Cash$2,200.00 Paid $2,200.00 eR caUon# SAM I hereby authorize the repair work herein set forth to be done along with the necessary material and agree that you are not responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicte in case of fire, theft or any other cause beyond your control. I hereby grant you and/or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and/or Inspection.An express garagekeeper's lien is hereby acknowledged on above vehiGe to secure the amount or repairs thereto.All Vehicles left over 48 hrs. after repairs are completed WILL INCUR A $5.00 PER DAY STORAGE FEE. 12 Month or 12,000 Mile WaRanty On Repairs. Customer Signature TUAN AUTO REPAIR 1459 UNIVERSITY AVENUE > �2 ST. PAUL, MN 55104 ������� � 651 646 2700 TUANAUTO@HOTMAI L.COM MON-FRI 9-6 SAT 9-4 8/14/2013 05:54 PM page 1 Repair Order#22427 GUNDERSON, RIISE Day Phone : 608-738-4626 Eve Phone : 608-738-4516 Vehicie : 1996 Honda Accord 22 L 2156 CC L4 VTEC Last Mileage : 0 Created : 08i06/2013 09:22:45 AM Odometer In : 0 Srv Writer: RAKS Odometer Out: 0 Labor/Notes Qty Codelfech' Reference Description ���P� Pnce 3 SAM` LABOR 580.00 $240.00 Parts Qty Codelfech' Reference Descrip6on Condition Unit Price Price 1 WPK WPK41042A NBH Timing Component Kit 8 TFW Water Pump $��•�� $��•�� 1 ATM 2118579 Crankshaft Seal-Front $7•59 $�•� 1 ATM 2118452 Camshaft Seal $5.40 $5.40 1 qTM 211g546 Balance Shaft Seai $5.85 $5.85 1 FPG VS50493R VaNe Cover Gasket Set 528.47 a28.47 1 ATM 4PK1070 Belt-Power Steering $11.65 $11-65 2 PEA 00243 Mtifreeze-Regular Green-Gallon $14.99 $29.98 25 BK 6414000 Brake Tubi►ig-Universal Steel Hydraulic,3l16"O $1.03 E25.75 1 NMC M3122 Brake Master Cylinder-New $�•� �•� 4 WH 62X3 Tube Connection/Fitting �•89 $15'� 1 - PART AC THERMOSTAT New $79.99 $79.99 � _ PART AC LINE New $44.36 344•36 1 - PART COMPUTER New $60.00 560.00 Subiet/Misc. Qty Codelfech' Reference Description Unit Price Price 1 - SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLY ��•� �'� Labor ....................................................... $240.00 Parts ....................................................... $585.37 SubieUMisc. .....-�................................................ $0.00 OtherCharges ....................................................... $0.00 Cha�ges ....................................................... $30.00 Sales Tax Tax @$585.37'7.6250% $44.63 Repair Total $900.00 e eR cation# SAM �i c� i���� �� __.__.____�.w.�..�z....�..l..._.......,�.�....�.a.....��.�.�.v..�._.�..i....,,...-----_w_.._�.�r,_._.�__.........,�._�--__.__ Saint Paul Police impound Lot, 830 Barge Channel Road, Vehicle Release Form � Make: 96 HONDA License#: 710LLX CN: 13194554 invoice#: 146542 DatelTime Released: 09/16i2013 12:07 Tow Charge: $ 54.50 Reieased to:TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CASH Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: CHERI Tax: (7.625%) $ 1026 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 144.76 I will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowledge I will report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 144.76 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report made: Yes_No_IF Yes, CN , If NO,Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT Signature ��� Date/Time Released: 09/16/2013 12:07 Tow Charge: $ 54.50 Released to: TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CASH Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: CHERI Tax: (7.625%) $ 10.26 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 144.76 i will check the vehiGe for damage or any other problems that may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department I acknowledge I will report damage and/or any other problems to the Impound Lot staff Total Cha�ges: $ 144.76 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report made: Yes_No IF Yes, CN , If NO,Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT ANY PROBLEMS/DAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT Signature 5�� L 'Q L� � Y � � � � � � f0 3 �+y G7 � 7 �fG\J��U C1 U O C � m � Cl C � C1 � — fl. � r � V C1� t'+ � �'N V �Y+ fG V G. � ��' � a"'a L yw� �' N � +r y = � � g' � 3 7 U i+ N 3 C'� O C � �� � � i �O p .�_v1 y N y � � �+� � �} yal�1� �. N'G� Vl � i O c.�� � � � � o ��� �� o � N � � � � m � � � - � V ma� ca�a' c W La =� � 3 � `—� � Q � � � � NL C *+ � �n–�ac�vo mL-c� 3° � m �w O C m � c � � N d nco �� � �s� N 3 o�i � Ed1° L ct " v\� � a O � °'av� E `o � a � 3 a�°i c�o C � � V � a� `�v` c°�� 3 (A u,my ��c � id '°� c '° o � 3 L' a� '° ° � � � � � 3 � � � �� L�� � N�� � ; � �a 3 p �t � ��� �- d -� � L 3 A ° o>°- u, � �t OC f o R 3 ��° y p�p � t��t1�1�t��1M0 t' V�1 � .�-1.-1.i.��i.�-�� . y} ,-� N V! � N N y� iq �id�if� m � U � a` "' � � � n � m u1 �+ y � � ti a.�+ � �� '—' C ro __c u �---___.� . Y-- ___ _ __F- ��-�� �p ---- ------ -- - _- — - ----- -- - -- c m � Y y � i0 U �7 Q C =- 'v m 10 �• � a °�S t:° v`v ` F- . ` I� � y � o� 1p U � � � � � +�+ d� m � � V � rl �� O��— �' 'i n � ult»a0am O N � � IA a+ N� .. � � � � � , � J � N � � � � = 3 n 3 rl � -- vi � 3 3 0 L — N � r � O -- \ � � ? � � M ''� �r. �� O � a�+ � � N � M 0 � Q .. 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R I I SE GUi+lDE RSEN 1935 HOND�t M�IM 1�fi 17t�7 FRY ST ACCORI} 13�0 UNIVERSITY flVE WE�T ART 15 RL.L EX �AINT �AUL M!d ��1�4 SAI�iT P�iUL MN �51 i3 ��NDNE: 651—E4i-8'3iC� {H) 6�8-738-4C��6 0�f DAIV I EL A t*100D� 7�R[�UE S�'ECS: 08Q� WORK ORDER# 8� f ¢�,. 8, � "�--r..� 43�11 1�RM 4 19sl60R1� 88H BW YdK YK580 .0Q� 101.00 4�4.�b0 WARRAlV7Y: MILEAGE— f�0,00� SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR WARRANTY DETAILS C�I�MENT: BOLT aATTERN: 4-114.3 COf�MEiVT: I NFLAT I ON F:3� R:.'�� 80017 NRM 4 CERTIFI�A7ES FOft F�EE REF'LAGEMENT .�� 15•00 6�•�tQ1 8��i4 fiIRM 4 WASTE T i RE D I SPC�SAL FEE .�t� 3.�7� 12.00 8�i�i9 NRM 4 INSTALLATION & LIFETIME S�IN BALANCING .Q�0 16.Q+ta 64,��+ 8�4�►� �lRM � VAL UES, R07AT I�DNS & L I FET I ME REF�R I R5 I NCLUDED .� .� •�� SUaT�TAL: �4�.�1@ _ TAX: 35.69 Tfl3�L: �75.E,9 7(7iXXXXXXXXXX ifs52 ViSAe 575.f�9 TENDERED: 575.�� 5ignature an file � i� �ecydab�va� s TUAN AUT� REPAIR 1459 UNIVER�:.TY AVENUE � � ST. PAUL :iN 55104 651 64�2700 * `C�� TUANAUTO�a=:JTMAILCOM MON-FRI��SAT 9-4 page ? 11/26I2013 02:35 PM Invoice�=24001 GUNDERSON, RIISE Day Phone : 608-738-4626 Eve Phone : 608-738-4516 Vehicie : 1996 Honda Accord 22 L 2156 CC L4 VTEC Odometer in : 0 Created : 11/26/2013 02:28:11 PM Odometer Out: 0 Compiete : 11/26/2013 02:35:40 PM Invoiced : 11/26/2013 02:35:40 PM Srv Writer: RAKS Labor/Notes Unit Price P��� Qty Code/Tech' Reference Descriptan $10.00 $10.00 1 RICK' LABOR Parts Condition Unit Price P�� Qty Code/Tech` Reference Description — Battery-NAPA Legend 75 Month $75.89 $75.89 1 BAT 7524F S15.00 �15_00 � CORE Core Charge � _ CORECREDIT Core Credit (515.00) ($15.00) Sublet/Misc. Unit Price Price Qty Code/Tech` Reference Description — � _ SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLY $8.32 $8.32 75 MONTH WARRANTY ON BATTERY 18 MONTH FREE REPIACEMENT Labor -----------------------�------...._.................... $10.00 Parts ...-------�--------------�----------................... $75.89 Sublet/Misc. ---------�--�---�----------�.................•-........ $0.00 OtherCharges --�--�................................................. $0.00 Charges -��F-..�-�-��;;-�----�. ............... $8.32 Sales Tax �ax� ...-�� �.02�0/° $5.79 Cre��:Ca-:�-�:�-�� Paid $100.00 � Certi cation# RICIC I hereby authorize the repair work herein set forth to be done aicr,g with the necessary materiat and agree that you are not responsible for{oss or damage to vei:icte or ar`��les left in vehicle in case of fire, theft or any other cause beyond your control. 1 hereby grant yc:�ar;�or Your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways o�e�setis�here for the purpose of testing and/or Inspection. An express garagekeeper's iien is hereby acknoti•�iz:gE�cn above venicle to secure the a5.00 PERrDAY STOrRAGE FEE.�1 Month orr128000 Mi��V,larranty O Repa�s�WfLL INCUR A $ Customer Signature 4/1�2014 USPS_cart�-USPS TraGing"' ; ��+��t� � �c��se��' ��s�s,ea� _ <��rs����f s���� �=�� � ..C' ..v4..v.L .'_T,'Jl t'u :�.'] 1C�3 J....'v.....�.... ��i c���,��'� P����s�, ��,a� — ,�,i,��;: srtJ� � �� s j F US PS T racki n g� Ha+re questions W'e'ere here to help. _ ___ __..__ ' €r���:ing�un~�ber:920719690Q873045799445 � ;^^E ,+r- � , _ ,.. .>--_.3 � � ����_..� },__; =�.�.s , ��.-_ _ _ _ __ _ ,.-.- � } � �f����� � �'r�����g l���r�a���� ��r�i#a��� ��ti�r� Pos#atPrcduct: feaiures: : Fi;s�;�,tass N�s� Gefified�taaf"� - � : - ;�- February 10,2014,9A1 ���¢Fea gp�►�({PAUL,MN 55147 am . rebn�ary9;20i4,4:49 r"r-=ecessed ihraitgh SAtP17 PAULL:A�f 55'�2�1 am iJ8#�Sart Facili� February 8;2014,�1:27 Processed Urrougt�� SWNT PAUL FMI 55121 pm USaS Sort Facsiity February8;24314;6:3E Pr�essed throcigh MI{MtivEtFOLiS,l4NV 55401 :�m �S°SSartFacility �2bruary 6,2�??.S-G3 Ospari USPS Scrt MINNEAPi?LiS,Mtv 5544'1 zT Facility Feiorua�y 7;2314,8:'t9 f'c�Cessed through M�+tNEAPflLtS,},�J F-5aD1 �rn !!St S Sort Facit�ty February 5,2014,12 46 Insi.�ificient Ifddress SAINT PALfL i�!55113 Cm r=ebruary4;2��4 6:27 t!r�elive�ableas SAINT#'AUl;4,Mi�'I'i3 � ��ressed February 4,20?4;9 35 �;;ar peln,ery SA1NT PAUL A�:�,173 � 21Ti . . . � . . . t=ebruary�;2�'�4,925 Sariing Compte`e SAS�IF f'AEJL,tJ?�i�'!'13 : : am February 4,2�'I A,8:51 prriv-i at Unit SAINT Ffik1l,MN 5�'113 am �eoruary3.2J14;53� Prooessedthcot;gh 8I�'a?PA}JL,t�2�5'�21 �m tiS�S Sa[t Fec�t�ty February 3;20?4,338 DeFart USPS Sort SAIhT�AJL.N8J 55�2'! am Fac�lity =ebcuary 2,2Ct i 4;3:44 PmYessed thra€��h SA{NT PAUL,filiM1t 55121 pm �S,�SoR Facirdy =zbruary'1,2L'14.9 52 Depart USPS Sart LfTTLE ROCK,AR 72231 am Faciiity httpslhools.usps.caNgdTraci�orffirmA�on?iq�tLabd51=92071 1!2 4292014 USPS.corrt�-USPS Trading'"' Eebrua�y1;20�$.12:44 Processedfhroi�h Ll�TLEROCK.N27223i ' am t1SPS Sar1 Facili[y ' January3?,2014.9:14 ProcesseriatUSPS pm Origin Sort Facili�; ��-E ROCK,AR 72231 _ _ __ __ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ ; `��ac� Ar�c�t�er �a��ag� VYhaYS ync�track�g{ot rece�t}t�xtber? frack 4t 4�.A1L L11if15�PS�t= ��5�i#.�PS.fXt1YT`-- ES�kI$Ps�5i'3�F: - �-a� ����t�� ;�a€,�'�r�art�v�> �ti�r�.��c�, ��,�t;s�.s�r�ef=�;�v�y, 7-�>^�;g��° ` E�y%�.�'����p g . "����� � €+.���-���-. :s�: ��:��c*.�e1:Rf�s.''-'�.,��r�- �_��=��iv���.��: ; �'�l�=.vr;.�-2��!x i�k'<��.:�}�l?F3��f.�s2��. �+:'ai#3'�z�:9 -P_]?Yf�#�.7�fi�Y'X+St� - ��'�{�'r_'3.t� �6'i{��+:+7���9�s;.3'c;e�- : ���:�:'ns'��5 e�. � - - �Ttaf�'€���k:5�=.) �r-`p,1i�z-, _ ,� - �,c�f«a atf.,�s`�.`?����f��il�h`5�t.r'�. � � � � https:IftooiS.usps.COn't�golTfad�ConfifmACtion?qtG tLabe151=92QT1 � JI�VVU.0 �red�euvn: tRS/Ub/[u13 SJ1IM'PAUL MN 55102 (651)699-4530 Fax: (651)696-5175 p iq�g �p� pg�pgR013 11:06:53 AM 1 GurxJersen,Ri�se VIP# ID# 1707 Fry St Saint Paul NAV 55113 Horre: (608)738-4626 Waic: Cel: Ext: STK; PO: R� Make: - HDNaA Mp�; ACCORD Salesi: BAS Dey: Friday Bay#:3 Year. 1996 Color: Bladc ��2: Date: 08/O9/2013 VIN#: Start Tme: 10:00 AM Stop Tme: 12:09 PM Odorreter: Registration: 710-LLX ImCR330carry n l0�Ci656 i' �L'��..�Y��r, ��-`'��.� �U �����C�\ � �:�i �-% r� 1 HA1563B SCOSCI�E '86+I�brKla Dasit IOt9�7898 BAS _ #19.99 $19.99 ;_.. _ _.._____.____.__--- �_-----r---- --_._�__�____�.__-------��_._ __._---.__i__.-------_.... ____._ __ :1 N1ACH1 IABOR Fiatdwire dedc No Hamess BAS;O $17.19 $17.19 ___._._.__ _ ..__-- _—__-----_— _----------------- --_._ . ------_ _____ _--__—_ 1 MACHl LA80R dedc i�stal BA5;0 $49.50 $49.50 ___.._. _....___ . .---------____.��— _..__.�_..--_-- _..---.._____.�--- _..._.._.. __...___ ____ ____.--_ __ _ '1 SHOP SUPPt.IeS STANQARD SHOP SFIOP . $7.50 $7.50 i ,�����,� ����`�ti-��- C��� ��ti�����.-�, � �ti�. �.� � Maberiais: $27.49 Labor: $66.69 Suble� $0.00 Otf�er: $0.00 Misc: $3.34 ��T� Sales Tax: $7.19 L�voice $104.71 We are very proud of our reputatbn of�ering the mo5t profe�fonai i�stalatbn servioe ava�able Paid Cash: $104.71 anywhere.To tt�at extent we asic you bke a rrirxibe and i�ect Ya�car before you leave.If tf�ere Paid Charge: is anything we rrey have overboked,Please bri�9�to the tedn�n who worlaed on yas car.Thank Card L�to: Y°U• Audt.Code: SEVEN QAY RE7URN POLICY w�h the exaepbon�radar detedors,I�s and parts which can ady be (�t Card: exdiarx,�ed w�hin 7 days,No ref�d on arry labor.Payment bY d�edc reqt�res a 10-20 bu�s day (�ft Cert: wa�ing period fa refund.A1 Retur�s/6cd'�ar�ges a�e s�ject to RESTOCIQNG Fees of�to 5Q96. Paid Checic: Chk# Y�t our webste:wwvr.Mad�l-Au�io.oam Paid tlouse: s�,ac�re�uw oor�arrar�ess tfiat s a9anst tne iaw to operate te��►�deo�,tne�iew A/R Open: oue: of the driver wNe tlie vehide is n rtntion. Fierein Comparry is rat respor�sbfe or 6able for atry Deposit: Type: $0.00 aoddents or fines for astorrers faiure to abide by tt�law. Last Paid:OB/09/2013 CASH $104.71 eala�