273173 �NFiITE - CITV CLERK / ������ PINK - FINANCE COUnCIl CANARY - DEPARTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR � � � C ncil Resolution �. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Than pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December l , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the re- commendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary sewer System, the below listed firms have justi- fiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Ser- vice Fund"; and shall be in the following amounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olympia 707 E. Minnehaha Ave. 55165 April 1979 $125,796.94 Hoerner Waldorf Corp. 2251 Wabasha Ave. 55114 March 1979 $ 35,711 .00 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 March 1979 $ 4,251 .60 National Can 139 Eva St. 55107 April 1979 $ 3.186.87 Gillette Co. Sth � Broadway 55101 Jan-March 1979 $ 2,314.07 Fox Chemical 147 S. Robert Street 55107 May 1978-April 1979 $ 1 ,348•99 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g}, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � �, WMITE - C�TV CLERK �-�j c���w�y� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council `�1 �1 !`' CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File� NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa9e 2 NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Cemstone Prod. 1520 E. Minnehaha 55106 Jan-Dec 1978 $ 1 .223•7$ Gold Medal Beverage Company P.O. Box 3466 551b5 March 1979 $ 838.70 America� Bakeries 97 E. Twelfth Street 55101 Jan-June 1978 $ 758. 14 St. Paul Dispatch � Pioneer Press 63 E. Fourth Street 55101 March � April 1979 S 435•20 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. 75 W. Plato Boulevard 55107 April � May 1979 $ 224.64 First National Bank W-1752 ist National Bank Bldg. 55101 May 1979 $ 142.68 Land 0-Lakes, Inc. 415 Grove Street 55101 April 1979 $ 100.86 Central Warehouse P.O. Box 345b 55101 Apri1 1979 $ 55.68 Plastics Inc. 224 Ryan Ave. 55102 Feb-March 1979 $ 5�•56 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Butler Departme�t of Publ i c Works Hozza In Favor - Hunt � Levine __ Against BY M'�� Donald E. Nygaard - ctor of Publ ic Worl Showalter � T��� _��,�g 1979 Form Approved by Cit� ttorn y Adopted by uncil: Date Certifi Passed ouncil Se etary BY ' gy , t#pproved by vor: Date ' t4T9 Appr by Mayor for Su i 1to Council By � _ B !�l.�� JU N 3 Q 1979 � � aM O1: �.2/I975 Rev.: 9/8/76 EXPI,��TATION OF AD1+�IINISTRATIVE 4REIERS, , � �. � ' �tESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINAc�CES ,°�:�'� ,�� . : � �LCEIV�D �U N 41979 Date: May 23, 1979 . : MAYOR'S OFFtC� TQ: MAYOR GEORGE LAT�MER . ' FR: DONALD E. NYGAARfl,:,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . ' gE; Refunds of Sewer S�rvice Chacges + • _ ACTI4N FtEQUESTED: - . : . : Refund Sewe� Service Charges. from Sewer Service Fund � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIC3N: _ Investigation has determined tha� certain volumes af water which were assessed a sewer seryice cha�ge did not, enter the sanitary sewer system and tfiat payment af tt�e charges o� these volumes shouid be refunded. . ATTACHMENTS: . 1. Council Resolution 2. Board of Wate� Commissioners' Resoiution Recaixnending Refunds ' RE61JB/pp , : . ... . _.... _ .,._..: . ...;.. ...�,.. � ..:� . . .,.,:.. . . . N _ . .t . _.. _.. .. . � , . ,,_. .� , - �.,. . .. ..� �.,_.�..�.�..-..N_. ._... ,. .. .. , . CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ Z�$� — = OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ' RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �r a3. 1979 COMMISSIONER - DATE RESOLVED RESOLYED, That the Ba�ar�. aS Water Com�oiseion�ra hervby approvee the recommendation of Ricba,rd L. Wheelex, Aseistant Director and City 3�ngineer, Department of Public Works, iu hie letter of May 23� 1979 to ths Board tha.t �ull or partial r�Funds of paid Se�wor Sox�ric� Cbar�e b� araat�d as lieted in the lett�r; ea,id retuadA to be made from the "Serr��aer gE�rvi�� R�d". Water Commissioners ' Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas ��Qh Nays MadlLoz I�4,Y 23 19�9 ShflWalter — — Yiaa-Prerident 'Tho�p+don Pr�sridsnt Lrvine _ � � ---��� In favor— Opposed ��� �1i� � SECY. �"3