01-1017G�REGI�lAL CouncilFile# e\+101� Green Sheet # 110334 RESOLUTION %' - Presented by Referred To CommiUee Date 1 WFIEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for properry at 2 953 Marion Street to the City of Saint Paul for a recoxnmendation; 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations 4 within the past five years; and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not detemrined if the property at 953 Marion Street is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paut makes no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County 8 Commissioners request the repurchase application for the property at 953 Marion Street, and; fiuther 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forwazd a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav � Reiter � sosh�om � Lantry ,/ `Z O O Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � 19 Adopted by CouncIl: Date ���- .`_� c�- o o� A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council 20 � PP Y Y 21 Adoprion Certified by Council S cretary B Y� 22 By: �`�, � _ •�—, � �[ 'M 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �[1 /�Q �y( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS 24 By: Jim Reiter,.266-8fi50 °':: STBE ON CAUNCIL Af',Ett�4 BY (MTEI TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �„m — � �- io�� zs; zooi GREEN SHEET No '��O33 � � ov�.,�row�ao¢ ancara aR ❑ an�t�ayar ❑ ane�au ❑nrro��aacoow. �wiwoumwa.+o ' ❑ W19RWRYi�Yl1) � . (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� - Resolution of the City not making any recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for the pYOperty at 953 Marion Street. PLANNING CAMMISSiON CiB CAMMITI'EE CNIL SERVICE COMAAISSION ilasthis persorJfim eyxrwo'ked untlx s cmtrad tor Mic depaMient9 YES NO 41ec Mk penoNflrm ewr been e cYY empbYee4 YES NO Oces ttik O�uJfim� Voscess a&� nat � M airy crrtrent citY anPbY�? YES NO re this pe�sonlfirm a tarpetetl vendofJ , YES NO �GiE,"kR,'`s. �� �i��$� i {: .� --� � „ �a� bUN7 OFTRANSACTION S CAST/REVENUE BUOGETm (CIRC�E ONq � YE6 Np SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER . . NFORt�nZpN(EXPiA1N) - � . b�_to�1 TO: Fred Owusu, City Clerk Court House Room 170 FROM: Kris Kujala, TFL Supervisor 6-2081 Colette Votel, TFL Clerk 6-2082 RCGCW Bldg Room 620 REGARDING: Recommendation on a repurchase application DATE: �_ � _ 0 � ProperLy B,ecords and $evenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-155' September 7, 2001 Fred Owusu Gity Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Pau! MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, 6 1-\���t Fax: 651-266-2210 Enclosed piease find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality wil{ document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax ForFeited Land office for final processing. Ifi you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651)266-2081. Sincerely, G�..=���'�-e�. Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Bule County pnnted On re�yeled paperwith amin�mum at 10%postconsumerconten6 � a�_ �o�� Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 25-29-23-41-0068 PA: 953 Marion Street Police History Summary See attached sheet Code Violation Report See attached sheet Additionallnformation None APPLICATION TO REPURC'rIASE AFTER FORFEZI'ITRE AATE• S"��' �I O \ . �� \'1 � We��, the undersigned, �� hereby nake an app-licatio to repurchase om the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exenpt", as trustee, the £ollowing described lznd situated in Ra�sey County: � �zN: Z�-29-23-�1.1 ABST�TORR: l� NOTICE r nl��b PROPERTY ADDRESS: 'lS� MOlY�1�� S� — SS I I�-� S� 3 pATE OF FORFEITURE: CARSON NO: DESCRIPTION: �� � �� t�t Q��S 7 r a � �; l � . � � . ►4 � t s Lea�is "d �4dd - Fo ��. Paul . Mi� Applicant states and shows that he / repurchase said land by virtue of Applicant fu t er state that sa�d taxe zeasons:_ she / thev del i s / �.e f or entitled to follo*:�ing App lc �nt agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent tax_es, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Paymen� will be made by certified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kellogg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, blinnesota, 55102-1693, Telephone No. 266-2082 � 1 PLEASE PRIPi � HERE a. �� ��/l a�i,� J FILL-OUT BELOW E0�•7 NAME(S) SHOULD LICANT APPEAR ON D�EDS/DOCUI4ENT5. APPLICANT ��3 !�'1a�� `an s� � i�LAILING ADDRESS � S'�:l�.�ca 1 to'��. 3�5�/� CIT /STATE/ZIP CODE �g����� ��K �SI yb'����j��� IF NA2�SE IS DIFFERE'�i FRO�I COMPUTER TELEPHONE PIO. rNST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOS4ING NAME Ci��1NGE. IF IT SHOL3LD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVE PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW Or,?IER(S). FORi4-9 / REVISED 2-23-96TFL <�� , ;`5 '. zE:�iiE� . _ �� ; SPPD RMS QUERY Address Search Address Search: 953 MARION ST (Sector: 2 Grid: 70 ) for all available dates Retrieved 23 �ecords Comp7aiM # Occur Date 8 Time IncidentType DisposBion Apt# 01'I'16778 01039936 99176176 99137560 99085665 99060942 99060925 sso�sni 99012507 98158316 98131695 97192368 97135549 97133575 97133630 97111230 97W4019 97074387 97067964 97059062 97045621 97045508 97037537 O6/11/2001 18:39 OZ128l200'I 21:04 1 0/20/1 999 0927 OS/7 8/1999 1 9:44 061'13H 999 01:10 OSl03/1 999 1 1:43 05l0.3/1 99 9 1 1:17 OZ/10/199917:01 01/27/1999 20:04 09l23/1998 22:54 OS/15H 998 00:41 11 /24/1997 09:77 OSl22/1997 00:00 08/19/1997 00:00 OSH 9l1997 00:00 07H 7/1997 00:00 05l24l1997 00:00 OS/24/1997 00:00 05/13l1997 00:00 04l28A 997 00:00 04l0.3 /1 9 97 2 2:51 04l03/1997 79:12 03/1 9/1 997 1 8:40 INVESTIGATE SNR OTHER VIOLATION RCV ALARMS ADV ANIMALCALLS ADV DOMESTICS ADV ALARMS ADV ALARMS RCV TRAFFICACCDNT CAN TRAFFIC VIOL RCV OTHERASSAUIT ADV DOMESTICS ADV INVESTIGATE GOA FIGHTS ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV THEFT ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV DANG CONDITIONS ADV PREVIOUS CN PCN THEFT RCV OTHERASSAULT ADV VANDALISM RCV DOBS ADV AGG ASSAULT RCV b t - �o �'i Information requested by: (721000) 1 Printed at:OS/22/2001 07:33:13 Pt�operiy �ecbrds snd B,eoenne xi�a a. w�,ax nroi�� ��aasz 6208 Government Center West 5� West %llogg Bouleva�d St, Paul, MN 55142• 1557 August 13, 2001 651 266 8426 Please check and send results for any pas# or curzen# Code Violations on the fotlowing pro�erty. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. J� Z�,� I Z�2.� ) Z-^ S � � a �` ��`� i n �5 �`i P.81/81 D!-1o1"'t, Fax: 65I•26B-22I0 - v�.;r� �°.�«.c� � ocr��,,, C�c.�, �,. � j.�.,�( �, 1����a �rsc sfl� B�t� oon� IDAYOOP I➢eMY E S+v�r WNaminLnum W 10Yenn.,o+u�....�n��.+� AUG-14-20a1 09�54 CODE ENFORCEMENT 953 Marion St. PiN 25-29-23-41- �Q�j� 1- S f� a. u����R. �: j p w o�-r TOTRL P.01 �Resolu�ion Board of al- �o�� �e�tnse� County Co� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting page 1 of 5' Dorothy bicClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands 69HEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissionezs ciesires to establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent c��ith Minnesota Statutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and wHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a f�ir and equitable process for the repurchase of tax iorfeited land that will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the use of such lands that ��rill serve the public interest; Gnd WHEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknowledges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and mainte*_nance of properties in their jurisdictions" and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neighbornoods by ridding the neignborhoods of nuisances; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Board of Co<<<nissioners wi11 aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior o<<mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such repurcnase either ���ill correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from the forfeiture or that such repurchase tioi11 promote the use of such lands that cvill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further ' RESOLVED, That a repurchase application �•;ill b� processed by Property Records and Revenue in the follocving manner: a) Recommendation of Municipality Each repurchase applicGtion cvill b° referred to the [r�snicipality in which the property is located. _The municipal?ty will documen* canether the property is considered a municipal_ problem based on documented police, building code, illegal act?vity, or health violatioas t��ithin the past five years. RAt�4SEY COLl�'T�' 2i0ARD OF CO�'f�fISSIO\BRS YEA i�AY OTHER y Bennztt Lino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Or[e�a Vicioria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafael ORe�a, Chair (Continued) By Bonniz C. J2ckelzn Chief Clerk- Counry Board R�solution Board of �2amsey. Coun�y Commissioner-s D� - to�'l PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. g Attention: Budgetinq and Accounting p� 2 o f S�. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatio� and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along �•rith the resolution and documentation of any violations. c) Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipali�y finds no.violatiors in the past five years, the Director will forward the application to the Cou:,�v Board with the recommendation to approve the applicztion. If a r�.:nicipality finds that violations have occurred within the past ;ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc�or will recommend approval and transmit the entire record to the Cnief Clerk for referral to the Chair of tYze Finance, Personr.e? and Management Committee. Ii the municipality finds that violat_o�s have occurred urithin the past fzve years and recommends denial of the application, the Director ��rill recommend denial and transmit the entire record to the Cnief C1erk °or referral to the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be It Furt:��r PESOLVED, Director to the handled in the That a Finance, folloo-�ing a) IvTotification repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk �aill schedule a hearing o� each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Mana�ement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o: the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and Gny other persons who have asked to receive such notices, RAMSEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA hAY OTHER Tony Bznnett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafaei Ortega V ictoria Reinhard[ Janice Rettman Jan �Viessner � � Rafael Odega, Chair (Continued) By Eonnie C. Jac:zlen Chief Cierk - Counry Board Resoluf�on Board of .Raprzs�� Coun�y C�m�rra.issioners 0 � � 101^� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, i449 No. 99 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Paa= 3 of 5' Dorothy ricClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Fiearing procedures The Fin_ance, Personnel and Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation zrom the municipality. Tn.e anplicant will be allocaed to present any inforr.ation that may be pertinent. The Chair of tne Committee may alloc�� other interested persons to present pextinent information. Based on the information presented on the application, - the recomm2ndatio*� from the municipality and information presented at the hearing, the Committee cai11 recommend approval or denial of the aoDlication. The Committee mav include restrictions or conditions oz the repurchase. Tne final recommendation of the Committee will b� �"orwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Cornmissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations zrom the Finance, Personnel anc3 Managemenc Committe2 �vill be included in the administrati agenda of tlze County Board. The County Board u7i11 consider the recommendation and record from the Com��ittee. No additional_ tescimony wi11 be percnitted unless a majority votes to alloco suc:�_ testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny the aoplication or app, the application cvith restrictions or conditions on the repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the County Board, the final resolution tivill contain l.) P d�termination of wnether or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from the forfeiture ana whether repurchase u�ill correct the un3ue hardship or injustice; and 2.) A determination of wh�cher or not th� repurchase will promote the use of the property ti!�.t best serves th� public interest; and B2 It Further RA\4SE�' COL"11'1' BOARD OF COMMISSIOAERS 1'EA I�'.AY OTHER y Bznne:t t�mo Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortzga ViMOria Reinhardt Janicz Retmian lan tViessnzc _ Rafazl ORega, Chzir _ (Continued) By Bonnie C. Ja:ktlen Chief Clerk - Counry Board Resolufiiora Board of �amsey. ��unta,� Corranagssioners bi. tot� Presented By Co*_nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting pac= c o= 5' Dorothy McClnnq, Property Records & Revenue Tax For£eited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c) b21ow, repurchasers of property classified for property tax puzposes as homestead aroD�rty at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment pavrrencs calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'0l, Subdivision z. . b) A11 Other Property Except as provided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Fu11 in clause c) beloc��, repurchasers of will be allowed installm��t payments vrith Minnesota Statutes, sect�on 2H2,161, If the County Board has good cause to believe t:�•at a repurchase installment payment plan for a particular parcel is un-�ecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may reau?re that the entire repurcnase price be paid in full as a condi�ion of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties cvhich vrere canceled o_, i: a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation _s g2nding, the repurchase wi11 reauire payment in full; and Be 1t -ur�her P.ESOLVED, That th2 County Board impos�s te� following additional restrictions on repurchas�s: RAtt4SEY COU� 7TY B�ARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhard[ )anice Retmian Jan 1Yiessner if epproved SJ? �� be a1lov�ed on Raf:zl0rtega, Chair By (�.'O.^.i`.2flL2C�� Boeuzie C. Jzc;:lzn Chief Cizrk - County Boaid Resolution a�-�oi'� 8oard of .�Zc�msey Coun.ty Commassioners PresentedBy Co;nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99-507 P.ttention: gudqeting and Accountinq paa� 5 0?' 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands a) Cod� Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is co�a�c*Lned at the tim� of repurchase sha11 be subject to code compliance. ihe repurchaser shall present and file a certificate of code co,�:pliance with the Director within six months from the date of Councy Eoard approval. The certificate of codz compliance must be c2rtified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been ?nspected and that it conforms with any ordinances, building and zoning laws applicable to the property. Tnes° conditions of repurcnase wi11 be entered on the repurchase receipt and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code comDliance requirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shal? be subject to car.cellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, �ection 559.21. b) Insurance Requirements Repurchasers of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased u*�der a contract must orovide proof o° insurance in an amount eaual to the Assessor's r..�r}:et value of the structure and must have Ramsey County listed as ada_tional insurec on the policy; ar.d Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is eifective for a�l new repurchase applications received aFter January l, 2000 and supersedes P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That th° Property P,ecords and =°venue Departm°nt u�ill z��ork c•�ith the City of Saint Pau1, its pla-:�zng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to explain the tar_ forieited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by the city councils. RA�ISEY COt1\'Tl' BOARD OF CO�I�itSStO\'ERS YEA 7�T.4Y OTHER ry Bennett X Rzfael Ortzga, Ch_c ;o Guerin X �e Haiah X • .fae( ORega �_ By Victoria Reinhardt �_ Bonnie C. Jzckel JaniceRettman _�_ ChiefCtzr:;- o� ryBoard Jan �Viessner �_ � , COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3 953 MAR(ON ST - ST. PAUL, MN 25-29-23-41-006& � _ � ! — -- - --- T � � � � = �_ W , � , Q � � - � FRONT AVE WAYZATA ST ; , � N �I•�o�7 W E s �� z, 0 �i � i , ; G�REGI�lAL CouncilFile# e\+101� Green Sheet # 110334 RESOLUTION %' - Presented by Referred To CommiUee Date 1 WFIEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for properry at 2 953 Marion Street to the City of Saint Paul for a recoxnmendation; 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations 4 within the past five years; and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not detemrined if the property at 953 Marion Street is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paut makes no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County 8 Commissioners request the repurchase application for the property at 953 Marion Street, and; fiuther 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forwazd a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav � Reiter � sosh�om � Lantry ,/ `Z O O Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � 19 Adopted by CouncIl: Date ���- .`_� c�- o o� A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council 20 � PP Y Y 21 Adoprion Certified by Council S cretary B Y� 22 By: �`�, � _ •�—, � �[ 'M 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �[1 /�Q �y( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS 24 By: Jim Reiter,.266-8fi50 °':: STBE ON CAUNCIL Af',Ett�4 BY (MTEI TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �„m — � �- io�� zs; zooi GREEN SHEET No '��O33 � � ov�.,�row�ao¢ ancara aR ❑ an�t�ayar ❑ ane�au ❑nrro��aacoow. �wiwoumwa.+o ' ❑ W19RWRYi�Yl1) � . (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� - Resolution of the City not making any recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for the pYOperty at 953 Marion Street. PLANNING CAMMISSiON CiB CAMMITI'EE CNIL SERVICE COMAAISSION ilasthis persorJfim eyxrwo'ked untlx s cmtrad tor Mic depaMient9 YES NO 41ec Mk penoNflrm ewr been e cYY empbYee4 YES NO Oces ttik O�uJfim� Voscess a&� nat � M airy crrtrent citY anPbY�? YES NO re this pe�sonlfirm a tarpetetl vendofJ , YES NO �GiE,"kR,'`s. �� �i��$� i {: .� --� � „ �a� bUN7 OFTRANSACTION S CAST/REVENUE BUOGETm (CIRC�E ONq � YE6 Np SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER . . NFORt�nZpN(EXPiA1N) - � . b�_to�1 TO: Fred Owusu, City Clerk Court House Room 170 FROM: Kris Kujala, TFL Supervisor 6-2081 Colette Votel, TFL Clerk 6-2082 RCGCW Bldg Room 620 REGARDING: Recommendation on a repurchase application DATE: �_ � _ 0 � ProperLy B,ecords and $evenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-155' September 7, 2001 Fred Owusu Gity Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Pau! MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, 6 1-\���t Fax: 651-266-2210 Enclosed piease find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality wil{ document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax ForFeited Land office for final processing. Ifi you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651)266-2081. Sincerely, G�..=���'�-e�. Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Bule County pnnted On re�yeled paperwith amin�mum at 10%postconsumerconten6 � a�_ �o�� Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 25-29-23-41-0068 PA: 953 Marion Street Police History Summary See attached sheet Code Violation Report See attached sheet Additionallnformation None APPLICATION TO REPURC'rIASE AFTER FORFEZI'ITRE AATE• S"��' �I O \ . �� \'1 � We��, the undersigned, �� hereby nake an app-licatio to repurchase om the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exenpt", as trustee, the £ollowing described lznd situated in Ra�sey County: � �zN: Z�-29-23-�1.1 ABST�TORR: l� NOTICE r nl��b PROPERTY ADDRESS: 'lS� MOlY�1�� S� — SS I I�-� S� 3 pATE OF FORFEITURE: CARSON NO: DESCRIPTION: �� � �� t�t Q��S 7 r a � �; l � . � � . ►4 � t s Lea�is "d �4dd - Fo ��. Paul . Mi� Applicant states and shows that he / repurchase said land by virtue of Applicant fu t er state that sa�d taxe zeasons:_ she / thev del i s / �.e f or entitled to follo*:�ing App lc �nt agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent tax_es, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Paymen� will be made by certified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kellogg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, blinnesota, 55102-1693, Telephone No. 266-2082 � 1 PLEASE PRIPi � HERE a. �� ��/l a�i,� J FILL-OUT BELOW E0�•7 NAME(S) SHOULD LICANT APPEAR ON D�EDS/DOCUI4ENT5. APPLICANT ��3 !�'1a�� `an s� � i�LAILING ADDRESS � S'�:l�.�ca 1 to'��. 3�5�/� CIT /STATE/ZIP CODE �g����� ��K �SI yb'����j��� IF NA2�SE IS DIFFERE'�i FRO�I COMPUTER TELEPHONE PIO. rNST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOS4ING NAME Ci��1NGE. IF IT SHOL3LD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVE PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW Or,?IER(S). FORi4-9 / REVISED 2-23-96TFL <�� , ;`5 '. zE:�iiE� . _ �� ; SPPD RMS QUERY Address Search Address Search: 953 MARION ST (Sector: 2 Grid: 70 ) for all available dates Retrieved 23 �ecords Comp7aiM # Occur Date 8 Time IncidentType DisposBion Apt# 01'I'16778 01039936 99176176 99137560 99085665 99060942 99060925 sso�sni 99012507 98158316 98131695 97192368 97135549 97133575 97133630 97111230 97W4019 97074387 97067964 97059062 97045621 97045508 97037537 O6/11/2001 18:39 OZ128l200'I 21:04 1 0/20/1 999 0927 OS/7 8/1999 1 9:44 061'13H 999 01:10 OSl03/1 999 1 1:43 05l0.3/1 99 9 1 1:17 OZ/10/199917:01 01/27/1999 20:04 09l23/1998 22:54 OS/15H 998 00:41 11 /24/1997 09:77 OSl22/1997 00:00 08/19/1997 00:00 OSH 9l1997 00:00 07H 7/1997 00:00 05l24l1997 00:00 OS/24/1997 00:00 05/13l1997 00:00 04l28A 997 00:00 04l0.3 /1 9 97 2 2:51 04l03/1997 79:12 03/1 9/1 997 1 8:40 INVESTIGATE SNR OTHER VIOLATION RCV ALARMS ADV ANIMALCALLS ADV DOMESTICS ADV ALARMS ADV ALARMS RCV TRAFFICACCDNT CAN TRAFFIC VIOL RCV OTHERASSAUIT ADV DOMESTICS ADV INVESTIGATE GOA FIGHTS ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV THEFT ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV DANG CONDITIONS ADV PREVIOUS CN PCN THEFT RCV OTHERASSAULT ADV VANDALISM RCV DOBS ADV AGG ASSAULT RCV b t - �o �'i Information requested by: (721000) 1 Printed at:OS/22/2001 07:33:13 Pt�operiy �ecbrds snd B,eoenne xi�a a. w�,ax nroi�� ��aasz 6208 Government Center West 5� West %llogg Bouleva�d St, Paul, MN 55142• 1557 August 13, 2001 651 266 8426 Please check and send results for any pas# or curzen# Code Violations on the fotlowing pro�erty. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. J� Z�,� I Z�2.� ) Z-^ S � � a �` ��`� i n �5 �`i P.81/81 D!-1o1"'t, Fax: 65I•26B-22I0 - v�.;r� �°.�«.c� � ocr��,,, C�c.�, �,. � j.�.,�( �, 1����a �rsc sfl� B�t� oon� IDAYOOP I➢eMY E S+v�r WNaminLnum W 10Yenn.,o+u�....�n��.+� AUG-14-20a1 09�54 CODE ENFORCEMENT 953 Marion St. PiN 25-29-23-41- �Q�j� 1- S f� a. u����R. �: j p w o�-r TOTRL P.01 �Resolu�ion Board of al- �o�� �e�tnse� County Co� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting page 1 of 5' Dorothy bicClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands 69HEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissionezs ciesires to establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent c��ith Minnesota Statutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and wHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a f�ir and equitable process for the repurchase of tax iorfeited land that will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the use of such lands that ��rill serve the public interest; Gnd WHEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknowledges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and mainte*_nance of properties in their jurisdictions" and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neighbornoods by ridding the neignborhoods of nuisances; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Board of Co<<<nissioners wi11 aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior o<<mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such repurcnase either ���ill correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from the forfeiture or that such repurchase tioi11 promote the use of such lands that cvill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further ' RESOLVED, That a repurchase application �•;ill b� processed by Property Records and Revenue in the follocving manner: a) Recommendation of Municipality Each repurchase applicGtion cvill b° referred to the [r�snicipality in which the property is located. _The municipal?ty will documen* canether the property is considered a municipal_ problem based on documented police, building code, illegal act?vity, or health violatioas t��ithin the past five years. RAt�4SEY COLl�'T�' 2i0ARD OF CO�'f�fISSIO\BRS YEA i�AY OTHER y Bennztt Lino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Or[e�a Vicioria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafael ORe�a, Chair (Continued) By Bonniz C. J2ckelzn Chief Clerk- Counry Board R�solution Board of �2amsey. Coun�y Commissioner-s D� - to�'l PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. g Attention: Budgetinq and Accounting p� 2 o f S�. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatio� and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along �•rith the resolution and documentation of any violations. c) Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipali�y finds no.violatiors in the past five years, the Director will forward the application to the Cou:,�v Board with the recommendation to approve the applicztion. If a r�.:nicipality finds that violations have occurred within the past ;ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc�or will recommend approval and transmit the entire record to the Cnief Clerk for referral to the Chair of tYze Finance, Personr.e? and Management Committee. Ii the municipality finds that violat_o�s have occurred urithin the past fzve years and recommends denial of the application, the Director ��rill recommend denial and transmit the entire record to the Cnief C1erk °or referral to the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be It Furt:��r PESOLVED, Director to the handled in the That a Finance, folloo-�ing a) IvTotification repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk �aill schedule a hearing o� each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Mana�ement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o: the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and Gny other persons who have asked to receive such notices, RAMSEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA hAY OTHER Tony Bznnett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafaei Ortega V ictoria Reinhard[ Janice Rettman Jan �Viessner � � Rafael Odega, Chair (Continued) By Eonnie C. Jac:zlen Chief Cierk - Counry Board Resoluf�on Board of .Raprzs�� Coun�y C�m�rra.issioners 0 � � 101^� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, i449 No. 99 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Paa= 3 of 5' Dorothy ricClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Fiearing procedures The Fin_ance, Personnel and Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation zrom the municipality. Tn.e anplicant will be allocaed to present any inforr.ation that may be pertinent. The Chair of tne Committee may alloc�� other interested persons to present pextinent information. Based on the information presented on the application, - the recomm2ndatio*� from the municipality and information presented at the hearing, the Committee cai11 recommend approval or denial of the aoDlication. The Committee mav include restrictions or conditions oz the repurchase. Tne final recommendation of the Committee will b� �"orwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Cornmissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations zrom the Finance, Personnel anc3 Managemenc Committe2 �vill be included in the administrati agenda of tlze County Board. The County Board u7i11 consider the recommendation and record from the Com��ittee. No additional_ tescimony wi11 be percnitted unless a majority votes to alloco suc:�_ testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny the aoplication or app, the application cvith restrictions or conditions on the repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the County Board, the final resolution tivill contain l.) P d�termination of wnether or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from the forfeiture ana whether repurchase u�ill correct the un3ue hardship or injustice; and 2.) A determination of wh�cher or not th� repurchase will promote the use of the property ti!�.t best serves th� public interest; and B2 It Further RA\4SE�' COL"11'1' BOARD OF COMMISSIOAERS 1'EA I�'.AY OTHER y Bznne:t t�mo Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortzga ViMOria Reinhardt Janicz Retmian lan tViessnzc _ Rafazl ORega, Chzir _ (Continued) By Bonnie C. Ja:ktlen Chief Clerk - Counry Board Resolufiiora Board of �amsey. ��unta,� Corranagssioners bi. tot� Presented By Co*_nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting pac= c o= 5' Dorothy McClnnq, Property Records & Revenue Tax For£eited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c) b21ow, repurchasers of property classified for property tax puzposes as homestead aroD�rty at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment pavrrencs calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'0l, Subdivision z. . b) A11 Other Property Except as provided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Fu11 in clause c) beloc��, repurchasers of will be allowed installm��t payments vrith Minnesota Statutes, sect�on 2H2,161, If the County Board has good cause to believe t:�•at a repurchase installment payment plan for a particular parcel is un-�ecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may reau?re that the entire repurcnase price be paid in full as a condi�ion of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties cvhich vrere canceled o_, i: a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation _s g2nding, the repurchase wi11 reauire payment in full; and Be 1t -ur�her P.ESOLVED, That th2 County Board impos�s te� following additional restrictions on repurchas�s: RAtt4SEY COU� 7TY B�ARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhard[ )anice Retmian Jan 1Yiessner if epproved SJ? �� be a1lov�ed on Raf:zl0rtega, Chair By (�.'O.^.i`.2flL2C�� Boeuzie C. Jzc;:lzn Chief Cizrk - County Boaid Resolution a�-�oi'� 8oard of .�Zc�msey Coun.ty Commassioners PresentedBy Co;nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99-507 P.ttention: gudqeting and Accountinq paa� 5 0?' 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands a) Cod� Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is co�a�c*Lned at the tim� of repurchase sha11 be subject to code compliance. ihe repurchaser shall present and file a certificate of code co,�:pliance with the Director within six months from the date of Councy Eoard approval. The certificate of codz compliance must be c2rtified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been ?nspected and that it conforms with any ordinances, building and zoning laws applicable to the property. Tnes° conditions of repurcnase wi11 be entered on the repurchase receipt and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code comDliance requirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shal? be subject to car.cellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, �ection 559.21. b) Insurance Requirements Repurchasers of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased u*�der a contract must orovide proof o° insurance in an amount eaual to the Assessor's r..�r}:et value of the structure and must have Ramsey County listed as ada_tional insurec on the policy; ar.d Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is eifective for a�l new repurchase applications received aFter January l, 2000 and supersedes P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That th° Property P,ecords and =°venue Departm°nt u�ill z��ork c•�ith the City of Saint Pau1, its pla-:�zng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to explain the tar_ forieited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by the city councils. RA�ISEY COt1\'Tl' BOARD OF CO�I�itSStO\'ERS YEA 7�T.4Y OTHER ry Bennett X Rzfael Ortzga, Ch_c ;o Guerin X �e Haiah X • .fae( ORega �_ By Victoria Reinhardt �_ Bonnie C. Jzckel JaniceRettman _�_ ChiefCtzr:;- o� ryBoard Jan �Viessner �_ � , COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3 953 MAR(ON ST - ST. PAUL, MN 25-29-23-41-006& � _ � ! — -- - --- T � � � � = �_ W , � , Q � � - � FRONT AVE WAYZATA ST ; , � N �I•�o�7 W E s �� z, 0 �i � i , ; G�REGI�lAL CouncilFile# e\+101� Green Sheet # 110334 RESOLUTION %' - Presented by Referred To CommiUee Date 1 WFIEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has referred a repurchase application for properry at 2 953 Marion Street to the City of Saint Paul for a recoxnmendation; 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has reviewed police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations 4 within the past five years; and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not detemrined if the property at 953 Marion Street is a municipal 6 problem; therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paut makes no recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County 8 Commissioners request the repurchase application for the property at 953 Marion Street, and; fiuther 9 RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is requested to forwazd a certified copy of this Council resolution to the 10 Ramsey County Tas Forfeited Land Office, Room 620, Ramsey County Government Center - West for final 11 processing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav � Reiter � sosh�om � Lantry ,/ `Z O O Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � 19 Adopted by CouncIl: Date ���- .`_� c�- o o� A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council 20 � PP Y Y 21 Adoprion Certified by Council S cretary B Y� 22 By: �`�, � _ •�—, � �[ 'M 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �[1 /�Q �y( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS 24 By: Jim Reiter,.266-8fi50 °':: STBE ON CAUNCIL Af',Ett�4 BY (MTEI TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �„m — � �- io�� zs; zooi GREEN SHEET No '��O33 � � ov�.,�row�ao¢ ancara aR ❑ an�t�ayar ❑ ane�au ❑nrro��aacoow. �wiwoumwa.+o ' ❑ W19RWRYi�Yl1) � . (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� - Resolution of the City not making any recommendation that the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners request the repurchase application for the pYOperty at 953 Marion Street. PLANNING CAMMISSiON CiB CAMMITI'EE CNIL SERVICE COMAAISSION ilasthis persorJfim eyxrwo'ked untlx s cmtrad tor Mic depaMient9 YES NO 41ec Mk penoNflrm ewr been e cYY empbYee4 YES NO Oces ttik O�uJfim� Voscess a&� nat � M airy crrtrent citY anPbY�? YES NO re this pe�sonlfirm a tarpetetl vendofJ , YES NO �GiE,"kR,'`s. �� �i��$� i {: .� --� � „ �a� bUN7 OFTRANSACTION S CAST/REVENUE BUOGETm (CIRC�E ONq � YE6 Np SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER . . NFORt�nZpN(EXPiA1N) - � . b�_to�1 TO: Fred Owusu, City Clerk Court House Room 170 FROM: Kris Kujala, TFL Supervisor 6-2081 Colette Votel, TFL Clerk 6-2082 RCGCW Bldg Room 620 REGARDING: Recommendation on a repurchase application DATE: �_ � _ 0 � ProperLy B,ecords and $evenne Richard J. Wendt, Division Manager 620B Government Center West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-155' September 7, 2001 Fred Owusu Gity Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Pau! MN 55102 Re: Repurchase application relating to tax-forfeited land Dear Mr. Owusu, 6 1-\���t Fax: 651-266-2210 Enclosed piease find a repurchase applications, received from the prior owner(s), for land forfeited to the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exempt". Recent County Board policy adopted December 21, 1999, No. 99-507, allows for "each repurchase application to be referred to the municipality in which the property is located. The municipality wil{ document whether the property is considered a municipal problem based on documented police, building code, illegal activity, or health violations within the past five years. The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase application and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along with the resolution and documentation of any violations." Along with a copy of the repurchase application, enclosed are the following documents to assist you: 1) Code Violation Reports; 2) Police history summary; and 3) Resolution No. 99-507, regarding the Tax Forfeited Lands repurchase policy recently adopted. While the repurchase policy does not have a specific timeline for action by the City Council, we ask that, if possible, we receive the Council's recommendation within 60 days. Please forward a certified copy of the Council's resolution to the Tax ForFeited Land office for final processing. Ifi you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (651)266-2081. Sincerely, G�..=���'�-e�. Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor Tax Forfeited Lands Minnesota's First Home Bule County pnnted On re�yeled paperwith amin�mum at 10%postconsumerconten6 � a�_ �o�� Fred Owusu City Clerk City Hall, Room 170 15 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul MN 55102 Re: Documents relating to tax-forfeited land P I N : 25-29-23-41-0068 PA: 953 Marion Street Police History Summary See attached sheet Code Violation Report See attached sheet Additionallnformation None APPLICATION TO REPURC'rIASE AFTER FORFEZI'ITRE AATE• S"��' �I O \ . �� \'1 � We��, the undersigned, �� hereby nake an app-licatio to repurchase om the State of Minnesota, "Trust Exenpt", as trustee, the £ollowing described lznd situated in Ra�sey County: � �zN: Z�-29-23-�1.1 ABST�TORR: l� NOTICE r nl��b PROPERTY ADDRESS: 'lS� MOlY�1�� S� — SS I I�-� S� 3 pATE OF FORFEITURE: CARSON NO: DESCRIPTION: �� � �� t�t Q��S 7 r a � �; l � . � � . ►4 � t s Lea�is "d �4dd - Fo ��. Paul . Mi� Applicant states and shows that he / repurchase said land by virtue of Applicant fu t er state that sa�d taxe zeasons:_ she / thev del i s / �.e f or entitled to follo*:�ing App lc �nt agrees to pay the sum total of all the delinquent tax_es, assessments, penalties, cost and interests. Paymen� will be made by certified check, made payable to the Department of Property Records and Revenue and submitted to the Office of Tax Forfeited Lands, 50 Kellogg Blvd. W. Suite 620B, Saint Paul, blinnesota, 55102-1693, Telephone No. 266-2082 � 1 PLEASE PRIPi � HERE a. �� ��/l a�i,� J FILL-OUT BELOW E0�•7 NAME(S) SHOULD LICANT APPEAR ON D�EDS/DOCUI4ENT5. APPLICANT ��3 !�'1a�� `an s� � i�LAILING ADDRESS � S'�:l�.�ca 1 to'��. 3�5�/� CIT /STATE/ZIP CODE �g����� ��K �SI yb'����j��� IF NA2�SE IS DIFFERE'�i FRO�I COMPUTER TELEPHONE PIO. rNST HAVE DOCUMENT(S) SHOS4ING NAME Ci��1NGE. IF IT SHOL3LD BE IN THE NAME OF THE ESTATE FILL-OUT ACCORDINGLY OR HAVE PROOF OF PROBATE SHOWING NEW Or,?IER(S). FORi4-9 / REVISED 2-23-96TFL <�� , ;`5 '. zE:�iiE� . _ �� ; SPPD RMS QUERY Address Search Address Search: 953 MARION ST (Sector: 2 Grid: 70 ) for all available dates Retrieved 23 �ecords Comp7aiM # Occur Date 8 Time IncidentType DisposBion Apt# 01'I'16778 01039936 99176176 99137560 99085665 99060942 99060925 sso�sni 99012507 98158316 98131695 97192368 97135549 97133575 97133630 97111230 97W4019 97074387 97067964 97059062 97045621 97045508 97037537 O6/11/2001 18:39 OZ128l200'I 21:04 1 0/20/1 999 0927 OS/7 8/1999 1 9:44 061'13H 999 01:10 OSl03/1 999 1 1:43 05l0.3/1 99 9 1 1:17 OZ/10/199917:01 01/27/1999 20:04 09l23/1998 22:54 OS/15H 998 00:41 11 /24/1997 09:77 OSl22/1997 00:00 08/19/1997 00:00 OSH 9l1997 00:00 07H 7/1997 00:00 05l24l1997 00:00 OS/24/1997 00:00 05/13l1997 00:00 04l28A 997 00:00 04l0.3 /1 9 97 2 2:51 04l03/1997 79:12 03/1 9/1 997 1 8:40 INVESTIGATE SNR OTHER VIOLATION RCV ALARMS ADV ANIMALCALLS ADV DOMESTICS ADV ALARMS ADV ALARMS RCV TRAFFICACCDNT CAN TRAFFIC VIOL RCV OTHERASSAUIT ADV DOMESTICS ADV INVESTIGATE GOA FIGHTS ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV THEFT ADV LANDLORD NEIGHB ADV DANG CONDITIONS ADV PREVIOUS CN PCN THEFT RCV OTHERASSAULT ADV VANDALISM RCV DOBS ADV AGG ASSAULT RCV b t - �o �'i Information requested by: (721000) 1 Printed at:OS/22/2001 07:33:13 Pt�operiy �ecbrds snd B,eoenne xi�a a. w�,ax nroi�� ��aasz 6208 Government Center West 5� West %llogg Bouleva�d St, Paul, MN 55142• 1557 August 13, 2001 651 266 8426 Please check and send results for any pas# or curzen# Code Violations on the fotlowing pro�erty. Please fax to the above number. Thank you. J� Z�,� I Z�2.� ) Z-^ S � � a �` ��`� i n �5 �`i P.81/81 D!-1o1"'t, Fax: 65I•26B-22I0 - v�.;r� �°.�«.c� � ocr��,,, C�c.�, �,. � j.�.,�( �, 1����a �rsc sfl� B�t� oon� IDAYOOP I➢eMY E S+v�r WNaminLnum W 10Yenn.,o+u�....�n��.+� AUG-14-20a1 09�54 CODE ENFORCEMENT 953 Marion St. PiN 25-29-23-41- �Q�j� 1- S f� a. u����R. �: j p w o�-r TOTRL P.01 �Resolu�ion Board of al- �o�� �e�tnse� County Co� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: Budgeting and Accounting page 1 of 5' Dorothy bicClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands 69HEREAS, The Ramsey County Board of Commissionezs ciesires to establish a repurchase policy for tax forfeited lands that is consistent c��ith Minnesota Statutes and reflects the Board's standards for promoting the public interest; and wHEREAS, The Ramsey County Board intends to establish a f�ir and equitable process for the repurchase of tax iorfeited land that will correct any undue hardship or injustice or promote the use of such lands that ��rill serve the public interest; Gnd WHEREAS, Tne Ramsey County Board of Commissioners acknowledges the responsibility of local governments to establish ordinances governing the use and mainte*_nance of properties in their jurisdictions" and supports efforts of local governments to strengthen neighbornoods by ridding the neignborhoods of nuisances; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Ramsey County Board of Co<<<nissioners wi11 aoprove a repurchase application of tax forfeited lands by a prior o<<mer upon a finding b_y the Board that such repurcnase either ���ill correct any undue hardship or injustice resulting from the forfeiture or that such repurchase tioi11 promote the use of such lands that cvill best serve the public interest; and Be It Further ' RESOLVED, That a repurchase application �•;ill b� processed by Property Records and Revenue in the follocving manner: a) Recommendation of Municipality Each repurchase applicGtion cvill b° referred to the [r�snicipality in which the property is located. _The municipal?ty will documen* canether the property is considered a municipal_ problem based on documented police, building code, illegal act?vity, or health violatioas t��ithin the past five years. RAt�4SEY COLl�'T�' 2i0ARD OF CO�'f�fISSIO\BRS YEA i�AY OTHER y Bennztt Lino Guerin Sue Hai�h Rafael Or[e�a Vicioria Reinhardt Janice Rettman Jan Wiessner Rafael ORe�a, Chair (Continued) By Bonniz C. J2ckelzn Chief Clerk- Counry Board R�solution Board of �2amsey. Coun�y Commissioner-s D� - to�'l PresentedBy Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. g Attention: Budgetinq and Accounting p� 2 o f S�. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Resolution by a Municipality The municipality, by resolution, shall recommend that the County Board approve or deny the repurchase applicatio� and return the repurchase application to Ramsey County along �•rith the resolution and documentation of any violations. c) Recommendation of the Director of Property Records and Revenue If a municipali�y finds no.violatiors in the past five years, the Director will forward the application to the Cou:,�v Board with the recommendation to approve the applicztion. If a r�.:nicipality finds that violations have occurred within the past ;ive years, but recommends approval of the application, the Direc�or will recommend approval and transmit the entire record to the Cnief Clerk for referral to the Chair of tYze Finance, Personr.e? and Management Committee. Ii the municipality finds that violat_o�s have occurred urithin the past fzve years and recommends denial of the application, the Director ��rill recommend denial and transmit the entire record to the Cnief C1erk °or referral to the Finance, Personnel and Management Committee; and Be It Furt:��r PESOLVED, Director to the handled in the That a Finance, folloo-�ing a) IvTotification repurchase application referred by the Personnel and Management Committee will be manner: The Chief Clerk �aill schedule a hearing o� each repurchase application before the Finance, Personnel and Mana�ement Committee. Property Records and Revenue will send a notice to the applicant notifying the applicant of the time and date o: the hearing. Notices will also be sent to the municipality and Gny other persons who have asked to receive such notices, RAMSEY COWi TY BOARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA hAY OTHER Tony Bznnett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafaei Ortega V ictoria Reinhard[ Janice Rettman Jan �Viessner � � Rafael Odega, Chair (Continued) By Eonnie C. Jac:zlen Chief Cierk - Counry Board Resoluf�on Board of .Raprzs�� Coun�y C�m�rra.issioners 0 � � 101^� Presented By Commissioner Rettman Date December 21, i449 No. 99 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting Paa= 3 of 5' Dorothy ricClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands b) Fiearing procedures The Fin_ance, Personnel and Management Committee will review th� application and the recommendation zrom the municipality. Tn.e anplicant will be allocaed to present any inforr.ation that may be pertinent. The Chair of tne Committee may alloc�� other interested persons to present pextinent information. Based on the information presented on the application, - the recomm2ndatio*� from the municipality and information presented at the hearing, the Committee cai11 recommend approval or denial of the aoDlication. The Committee mav include restrictions or conditions oz the repurchase. Tne final recommendation of the Committee will b� �"orwarded to the Ramsey County Board of Cornmissioners. c) County Board Procedures Recommendations zrom the Finance, Personnel anc3 Managemenc Committe2 �vill be included in the administrati agenda of tlze County Board. The County Board u7i11 consider the recommendation and record from the Com��ittee. No additional_ tescimony wi11 be percnitted unless a majority votes to alloco suc:�_ testimony. The County Board may approve the application, deny the aoplication or app, the application cvith restrictions or conditions on the repurchase. For every repurchase application considered by the County Board, the final resolution tivill contain l.) P d�termination of wnether or not undue hardship or injustice resulted from the forfeiture ana whether repurchase u�ill correct the un3ue hardship or injustice; and 2.) A determination of wh�cher or not th� repurchase will promote the use of the property ti!�.t best serves th� public interest; and B2 It Further RA\4SE�' COL"11'1' BOARD OF COMMISSIOAERS 1'EA I�'.AY OTHER y Bznne:t t�mo Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortzga ViMOria Reinhardt Janicz Retmian lan tViessnzc _ Rafazl ORega, Chzir _ (Continued) By Bonnie C. Ja:ktlen Chief Clerk - Counry Board Resolufiiora Board of �amsey. ��unta,� Corranagssioners bi. tot� Presented By Co*_nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999 No. 99-507 Attention: gudgeting and Accounting pac= c o= 5' Dorothy McClnnq, Property Records & Revenue Tax For£eited Lands RESOLVED, That repurchases, terms as described herein: a) Homestead Property Except as provided in clause c) b21ow, repurchasers of property classified for property tax puzposes as homestead aroD�rty at the time of repurchase, will be allowed�installment pavrrencs calculated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 282.2'0l, Subdivision z. . b) A11 Other Property Except as provided non-homestead property calculated in accordance Subdivision 3. c) Payment in Fu11 in clause c) beloc��, repurchasers of will be allowed installm��t payments vrith Minnesota Statutes, sect�on 2H2,161, If the County Board has good cause to believe t:�•at a repurchase installment payment plan for a particular parcel is un-�ecessary and not in the public interest, the County Board may reau?re that the entire repurcnase price be paid in full as a condi�ion of the repurchase. If the applicant has had repurchase contracts on the same or other properties cvhich vrere canceled o_, i: a current contract, are in arrears and a cancellation _s g2nding, the repurchase wi11 reauire payment in full; and Be 1t -ur�her P.ESOLVED, That th2 County Board impos�s te� following additional restrictions on repurchas�s: RAtt4SEY COU� 7TY B�ARD OF CO�IMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Tony Bennett Dino Guerin Sue Haigh Rafael Ortega Victoria Reinhard[ )anice Retmian Jan 1Yiessner if epproved SJ? �� be a1lov�ed on Raf:zl0rtega, Chair By (�.'O.^.i`.2flL2C�� Boeuzie C. Jzc;:lzn Chief Cizrk - County Boaid Resolution a�-�oi'� 8oard of .�Zc�msey Coun.ty Commassioners PresentedBy Co;nmissioner Rettman Date December 21, 1999No. 99-507 P.ttention: gudqeting and Accountinq paa� 5 0?' 5. Dorothy McClung, Property Records & Revenue Tax Forfeited Lands a) Cod� Compliance Any property that is being repurchased but is co�a�c*Lned at the tim� of repurchase sha11 be subject to code compliance. ihe repurchaser shall present and file a certificate of code co,�:pliance with the Director within six months from the date of Councy Eoard approval. The certificate of codz compliance must be c2rtified by an appropriate city official and must" indicate that the property has been ?nspected and that it conforms with any ordinances, building and zoning laws applicable to the property. Tnes° conditions of repurcnase wi11 be entered on the repurchase receipt and, if the repurcnaser defaults on the code comDliance requirement, the repurchase and the installment contract shal? be subject to car.cellation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, �ection 559.21. b) Insurance Requirements Repurchasers of tax for°eited properties that have structures and are being repurchased u*�der a contract must orovide proof o° insurance in an amount eaual to the Assessor's r..�r}:et value of the structure and must have Ramsey County listed as ada_tional insurec on the policy; ar.d Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That this policy is eifective for a�l new repurchase applications received aFter January l, 2000 and supersedes P.esolution 97-3�2; and Be It Further P.ESOLVED, That th° Property P,ecords and =°venue Departm°nt u�ill z��ork c•�ith the City of Saint Pau1, its pla-:�zng councils and the other municipalities in Ramsey County to explain the tar_ forieited processes and provide sample resolutio:�s ior use by the city councils. RA�ISEY COt1\'Tl' BOARD OF CO�I�itSStO\'ERS YEA 7�T.4Y OTHER ry Bennett X Rzfael Ortzga, Ch_c ;o Guerin X �e Haiah X • .fae( ORega �_ By Victoria Reinhardt �_ Bonnie C. Jzckel JaniceRettman _�_ ChiefCtzr:;- o� ryBoard Jan �Viessner �_ � , COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3 953 MAR(ON ST - ST. PAUL, MN 25-29-23-41-006& � _ � ! — -- - --- T � � � � = �_ W , � , Q � � - � FRONT AVE WAYZATA ST ; , � N �I•�o�7 W E s �� z, 0 �i � i , ;