273082 � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (j I�y O F SA I NT PA LT L Council j��J(•'J'� BLUERV - MAVORTM " � File NO. ����� ++'� Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, persons over the age of 65 have contri.buted to society in forms and ways beyond reproach and recognition and are severely strapped by the present rampant rate of inflation and economic condition of the dollar, and � WHEREAS, these senior citizens repr sent 13.7,°6 f St. Paul's popul.ation and 8.7% of the metropolitan population and WHEREAS, through funding shortfalls and legislative cutbacks the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) is debating a lOG fare for senior citizens in the off-peak hours, and WHEREAS, the eight million annual passengers over the age of 65 utilize the MTC a� ,�` vital and only means of transportation, and substantial WHEREAS, the off-peak fare for senior citizens on the M'�CC is a��9�r increase in cost to the senior citizens, therefore be it RESOL�D,, that the St. Paul City Council strongly go on record as opposing the l0� fare for senior citizens, and be it further RESOLVED, that the City Council inform the �TC, Covernor of M3.nnesota, and � � legi5.�att�re; leadership of that ,opposition. �" COUNGLMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler ��, [n Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Ted �N � ��19 Form Approve y 'ty Att n Adopted Council: Date a r Cert� ied Pass y Council S cretary BY sy �lppro Wlavor. Date _T_� 1 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ ,�,�►'._"A BY �8���� JUN 1 6v1979 . : . . . , : ...: ,: ... . �. , . . . , . .. .. .. � '' . , . , ,.� . . � _ � �. <; . : , � ,�, . ,. , . . : _ . . . � ' .. . . . ., .�. �q .. ' . . � ���.:. . . . : ' .. . � . . . .e. . � � . . Conrad �ut1 E18•ie M. .$c�tlytt�r � . � � " " � . ,. � �. The<N].y .204 ft, of fol: Com°o�` N line af;�� �4����96 ft E fr�m NW cor, of. ` . ' NW�G; th S$�q,�t ang],e of 61°Ol.' w�#yth Bd �N line,Qn NEIp line o# STH w '� - - ..� 6]r104,; �5`4.8� f't ��ar. �t-nf �eg; th NEiy at ang�,e c�.�56°���`, 2'6� f,t �h •1�i0L to SW�y���ne,��;,t�PFer ��to� Rdx. ,�i S�E.Iy thera�oa������ #t; th�3W�ly 327 ft Mbl to pt t�n 'N�Z�.line o£. sd `:3TH � 9�f1�ft S��y i��i3ni �eg;�,t'� to, . beg, �i�n Sec 3r �, ��,,� �t ��° • Mi$cellaneous: S+a�ic�n '�, �aw�sh�.� 28; y ' g�t�� 22• r;�. � �.��w��� F�., Hara�d G. a4d l�r,�ori� •T�rraa � ;:: a �, � The l��.q'2(1D f�, of fo'i• �. Com, o��W line of � 142�4.9b 'ft L�£ram D1W�co� ': ` . , . . � . .i ' � ' , i.. - . . . . Y, ' • 'f t� af I+IK�; th=S'El st an�le ;of, 61a01' ��,th .ad N line & aa I�ly �.��ne o'� 5TH -' . 9 '; fi1-104�i '64�.83, f� �o;� pt;�� be8..�th'NEly �►t ai�gle gof:�2.•,4�2 f� ,3��.L[: � � . � �MD�, �a 3Wlq lirie of:'Up�pat `Aftan Ra; t� s$Yy ��e�c�,� �s �t� �;�r��;° , . . 397' I�OL to pt bn N��y:.lime4 of �d '3TH & 90 ft�;�Ekp �tc� beg;:"�� to . : beg, in Sec 3:, T ZB,. R �2. - Misce�:�,aneoue• '3ection 3; Tawnst�,P. �8, _ :. . .,. gange 22 ,, _ , _ ,. '��f�0�6 . , , :.. . . . , . , , . .: „ . .. . r John R. `and N�cg C. Spillcer .: ` :. . , . : ,{ -' ' � The NIy 200 �t. bf fol: �x 'E 204 ft`�£x �x beg.o�n N:: line of &�<.1���.9�i � . ft: S from Ni�T cor of 19W�;��th, SEly� $t'.���le of 6id�.1� 'with ed' Ai:,i��e & _ on NEl� :line of STH ,61-104, 739:,,83 f�; rh.N81y :at angle��o�. Sf�°;,�v39? ft ': , . .: MQL to.,'SWly �tn� of TdpP�; Afton Rd; �th NW1'q therer�i�a ;tcr' s,d� �1` �� b£ ` . . ; • � NF1�, th W to`beg, Pa�rt;6� N8� ;of 1�1W�, 'Siq of �s+d Up�aer ��t� l�+s�;• :N1y � . � Ely of ad ST�i & Wly of. a l�ine x'u�a:S 18'45� W�ft�om a point` �o� N �'ine �. �` af & �4�.�b ft W from NB ��r_of�NW�"o,� Sec 3, T 28, .fi=��,, �. Mi�,cellaaeous• Se�tion 3��::Ta�meh�p:�8� R+�age 22 ;. ` . . ' • • ' ,: `; ,. . 180.00 , : ,.. , 'Ear� C�e�l Robin,�on .III �t Pt��q Robinson , �- ' ` � g�$•o�.� line of 6�.'1k�4.«Q6 .fC. E from Ni!I cor of NW+�3 th fol• ra�lq �ltne � ` " , �:� �o� STH:g�•�.Q4 at atsg�e 'of 61°01'' SEIy frc�a� sd �i li�ae �Q0.643 ;ft; th .a� . ' ` i�t►glr� 1�06°40` le£t r.un 93.5� ft to Sly�'line of Upper Af� Rd;; th I�WI�r. r� � :�a�d Nl�r oa ed road .l�.x�e to sd N line,, th W ta,b�g, tm Sec �,:,,•,T �8� , . ' � � � R �22��.��t�Misce�laneo��s � Se�tio� �;.��o�nsli�p�28; .�ge".����- � � �1����,���� � Bile� M�. Chap�b+�rlin and< Maxine $.- Meigs - ` : ` . . x � ' �'�Q ?S f����,1�t��.p"?l�t tfpper �„f�on,Rd & BTEi 6].-1Q�+ with �T�t` li,ne-des�: as � fol• "•;B�g on N .iinre o$ �& 1+42�,96 €t $roa�,1V,W eat' t�f �ac 3�;' t�i-.$8�:y at g '�ettg�t. of, 5I.Ol' W�t� ad` :��'ii,�e 200.,45 �t; t� ang�e 106�4a` ,to �e�t ry'� ' . ''9�,5` :ft� to sd; road, ia �e�_�3�, '� 28,. �.�22: � Miaceil�n�as��,: 'S�e_C�' �, ' � '�m�ns�rip" 38,,-.Ra�tge 22 . , 11��;#��► . Ji�liva A.. snd',�?p�ale�.�, Miller � � ' ,, ,�s�m�pe��.�►g az� �rth :l�a� o� and 1424.9b..f�et Batet'.f�o�a I�o�tiriiest coraer, ,� , � � _ _ :;. ,��� } �� °° ��,q�' �Tcdr�fiWest�;' �ihence Sc��he�ete�lyr at a���ae of 5�. degree� Ol nrit�tea. � -�'� $ ' �+: �.�.��a�s�d North: lint ,aad:,�� Northeaate�ly,�ine.; of. Stat� Trnnk �ighwa�r� �" ",..."�'� e�y �'� . ��61-�.fl4, 304.83 �set' for point o� �g"i�nni�g;:�tti�n��s:.��� �p�.� of iQ6 , .. degrer�s�� p��.uut�e to legt .��5:�7 feet to 8o�t��esCerly lfae:o� I�brp�r , : ' m �l1��an �11�;:Y t�hegcs.:,,�,outheaeterly thereoa ;�0 £�st; -thenc� �"o��ttto�et��,y t �� '�� 4 ''tq� Pa�i;at .o�i Nor�h�as���r3;Y-�i,ne of anid S��te �nk:.��hwa�r �n� �5 �e� ��;�� � �' � � �t r , � f"�ttri�r`te`rl� +�f-'begiet�ing�; thenc� xi��•�,g�nttifng, in Se�ti� 3, `"�+t�i�ti'��sip ' , ;� . _ � ; 3$,�.Renge �2,. . �1�0. a 2g,:fQOt strip•_bet�reen State: T�unk:Hi�ghwa�► aAd IIp�ex `' . .. _ : . : ,. , :� r ��toa Road a�d; �Torthwe��'arlq�4f'"+�a38�.�,�5;.37 foor� 1�n�x �ali��3,ri, �vrC���t,�� A; : ,; ;�+ " � ��c�f°.9ec�i�iSn 3,. Tawn�hip�2$,�_.�ng�e;2� �. Mis�elkaneoue: :. $sc�i�� 3, .` � • .�� ' ° '� = � �� ' ���h�ip `28, -Reu�ge 22. . . : ,., ; ' �. 1b6.50 �F�yla�d and �Msry �, :$�tokes ;- , ,.. ; . :, ' Part of Pareel`.#4,303� aasess�d on� this orde��� �P�trt of. Parctl �230�3 � _ . ab�t� of the �ol�.o� de�aribed linc: Begianing .a� 'a p�i�'��+er�t,,th� ' ' wes� line' of �a�c��`��t�33 P t�at �s �40 f�et so.utth of t�re�-�re�#� ,1ine , , . .s. af U}�p.,e,x Afto� .Rd.; ��a�m�e �c�ning southeast�r'�� tb � poittt �n�the eaat y ,� • . . , ,� �.,ine; of p�r.cel, #�3033:Che��t� is 200 feeti; souCh .o� t#��e:� �u��• l�c�e�of, Aora � .`. ' ��atne' a�d "there tenniinatiag. '- Misc�llareaus• Seet��a �, �nechip 28, � � , . ' � Rati$e 22� ` . ; , .;s., � 30d,00 . _ . .,. ;.:.. ,, . . �,, ; .; _ , � " �tf��110 �nd Msry Ross� . :'. ; . ,. , . - Lvt:3`, �_�&locic 1 w.�osei. Addit�on ` 219.47 1 �: Yven L. and J.ane A,� Leo► ,. = ' . .. � ' Lot 4, $loci� 1 � Rossi A�dditto�.. . �3.75 " , , , . , . , .. , ,, < : , ; t , .. , . . -Robert B. �t�d Rut�;C. Struison : . ; � : . ' . °. i.ot 5,, Bloel� 1..> :Rosei Additio� : " : 12.3.75 � � ,y .-.y �. �.. _ ' t`d r. _ ,�`+Y -+Yt � �.�.r � �' T1S � - ,� ,' t W w�� � �r .' #��" �t .:t• A 1 .i' ' r .4� �r;�1 k: . -. 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St. said � ` •'�in:t b���iig .�0: .feet �o�tk'€re� soro�th .l�r��.of said S�a'��t� Addition _ �� . 'to e�ast l�:me,d��=�a�.d Lot.By tt►en nortfi �a�µ beginni,ng 1ie�.ng part �o� .: . ; ` . �ot; 6,'";.A�pt��,tos�$ :St�bdiwisi-ot�`No.' S'S � `��..58 . , .' ' � Da�r� fl. 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' . :. . - ' TRAC� B. ��Beg�s:tered Laad Surve�r� R�.' 72 .,', : �.;. . . , - > 134�.6b : - �- _ : . ._ � Douglas''A. a�td`Sti�.rley A. Ce��s�n . : , : .;, . _ '"fiRACT � -;;>�e;gis tered:Land, Snrvey..No, -72 1.23�95`°; HarbYd P. Wfldsriauer ,. . _ , ;TI�l4C'!': D - Regiate�d T,artd Survey I�"ci,; 72 . ; , ,;' ' �',� � 117,G1 . '., _ Pky�lis :E. Lehmac�n TRAC'�. A_ - Regis ter°ed Land Survey-po.- �3.,.. � .. '��,�,;b�6�. ' " Ma,r.io C. .and �_Dora�thy A., Carbonc �' := . ..� , ., . . � , ?RAGT_ B `� Regi$tered Laad.Sa;v:�y �.; 83 ' � ' ` 2�»42 . .. ... , .. . ,_ � , . , �. , _ . .,. , . � .., , . , �' D��iiel J.� snd Mery A. Ta�eheny, .,2'�tAL"t C:- �tegf�s�ered` Land.�urvey N�.•: $3 . 20�„�,�;: ;;� Me�.�in .R. sircr� Ma ry• Fern Canover :. � - � .. �� .;� , TRACr lf, - Regfst�red. La1�d- Survey. l�o,* '83 ����.5 � . . � . . S � � i" s f a� �.. . Ejtr�� a�nd, Ms���.�4�i��llua�t�augh , � {� , . . � �� a �G'��'.�. Regi`stere�' Land St��aey' No. 83. ��97.12 . i+ . . � . . . • ' . � , ... ...� . p: . . � . . .... � , , � . . . � .. . , .. 1 . , �. ..� . ,. . ) ^ .� n.� .[ .-.' .' . . ' Q �� Augus� W.; a'r�d Magdi�:kin� ;.E. ,�Reiake � � . -�Gt�F �.R�sg�stered Land. 3arv�ey Nb,, 83 r ` ��1.,�4 V�x'ctan, A.: and G)t�t�ft�k �i,����ghodes ' . ,., . - � . .. ,'�RA�T�C �- Kegister.ed �.a`� Survey No.: 83 190.55 � . . . . . ,, :�- ,. , , ., . .�.. - , :. ._ . . : . � � . . , . . , y . ; .. . ,, . , , ., , ., , - ,, �o�,fiS�`. a;tct �4x�t�y;,E. Bet88r��i ;� , s . . . . :''?�2A� A -��egis�fered L�rnd Su�ey �10. 92 - ' 144.�1k � . ,. , , . . � . � .. . . . , _.. . John �R. a�d i�ac� J�n� Aaderson ' . `F� i`i�L'�`','.� � ��&is:tered Land'S�rvey No.' 92 y:: �; .: 155.89 Anna �,�c]t!s � . �. z. � . . ` ' . �RAC� C �$egis tered Lsnd, SurveX .I�:,,�92 . : :`, � .` ° . ' 1'57«74. . • - , , , . : . ,a, . .. . ... , r;. , .. ;. . . . Ca��. 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S�bject to road, commnencing oa N�lg:ltne of Upper` Afto� R�oa[d, 2�i8.4�+ #t. SE'ly fro� weet line of Lot`6, then narth to point 564s3 �eet� souCh from � north liae of said lot; for beginnin�, then weat 57,86 fQet, :tl'ten ncr�h : 119.8 feet �re-or-less to sou�h lirie of Leone Ave, thea east 57.86 feet; � then south 119.8 feet �re-or-less to beginning ia Lot 6 � Auditor�s Subd�viaion No. 55 $103.9� Theodore D. �rd Dianne �i�, Schoff ` 'Commepcing on Nrly line of iJpper Afton Road anc� 136.8�r fee� SE sfrom e�ctet►ded west line o£ Lot 6, then north 165.08 feet more-or-less` to � point 564.3 feet south of north line of Lot 6 for°beginning; then . �` e�sC 60 feet, then north to south line of Leat�e� Ave., then west 60 feet south to beginni�ig in Lot 6 - Auditor'�s SubdiVision No. 55 107.82 Cfty o$�:$t. P�ul ( Department af Edacatioa) . . `'Su�ject to .xainda and except �a$t Y48..6. f�eet aad excepC weat 268,44 ` feet mo;e�-or�Iesa measured on NE.'ly line of said road, 'as conveyed ia :Dociio�ent 9�98�r18 and 999179 �at►�t �J99180,_,and e�ccept begi�niag at�NW'�y comer of Tract A� s�f Registered �.and 3ur�e�► No. 83 (old I,ot 12) then uorth 4� degree�s, 45 m3nutes west 70 feet; then SW�ly and parallel arith NW'Ly line _ of auid tract A to NE'ly line,of t�gper Afton Road, :then SE�1y thereon � to SW�ly �coruer of said .Tract A, then NE�ly on NW`ly liae of saatd Tract fi _ to begi.nt�ing, part south �of a line run south 69 degre�s, 45 minutes east ` £rom point on �est line of sad 320,75 feet �outh of l� cort�er of ` ` Lot 6 � Auditc�r�s Subdivision No. �S 1,4fl4.81 . �, . � Ftarry L. a�nd D�:loree L. Larson � Beginning at 1Qw�lq corner of Tract �, of Registered`Land Survey No, 83- � (Qld L,At 12� then north 48 degrees 45 minutes west 70 feet, thea 3W'lq �- and. pa�tallel �tith �L�i�ly line of said Tract .A to NE�ly line of [�gper `' AftQ�' �toed, theq SS��y thereon to SW'ly comer of sait Trgc� A, then`�NS'ly an Nf�l'lq line of Traat A. to begitu►ing part o,f 'Lot 6 - � A�ditor��t Subdivfsion No. 55 224.19 Gene R. Sparros+ � ` SUbject to road_ and except w�st 50 feet of north 180 f�et' isad except .east '. :36.63 feet, of Wes't 126,63 feet of north 180 feet, th� £cllowing: be�,icuutic�g at NW corner thea east 123,:63 feet, then south 36T.15 feet, t1�en NW�lg� � ' 134.78 feet to goint of west line, said point being 320�.75 feet south '� ' of NW Gomer, then north on west Iine to beginning�„ part of I�c►t 6 - � lluditor'a Subdf,visiQn �io. 55 311.4I- Aaze� L. Hayne . . � Except norCh 200 �feet:, the west 56.88 feet�of Lot 7 �» Auditor's � ' '` .Subdiviei�n No„ 55 . ", 241.03 Co�rad J. and Mary A. Lee ; � _ , ` 8xcept north 200 feeC, �the eaat 56.88 feet o£ west I33,76 feet; ,of I.ot 7 - Auditor'e S�ubdivisicra �ToR 55 264,49 � Conrsd J. eted Mary ,A. Lee ° Excep.t north 43� feet, east- 56.89 feet of �est 17Q.65 feet of Lot 7 - Auditor's Subdi�viaion No. .55 ` �'64.54 . . . . . . _ .. � . . , . . , " y�� . � • .. . � . . . . , . . . . .. .. _ . �. - � .. � � . - . i �. `�_ - Jer$�3� T�: �Stubbs � . ^, , .: . , Subject to t�pper Afton Road, weat T7#5 feet, except north.206„45 feet Chereof,, of Lot 8 - Auditor"�a :Subdivision No. 55 * „ q 255,►Z5� ,;, "r� . . _ � � � . � - � . . .. . . . . ... .. � . ' . � .. � . . . � .- � *� . � duha, �,�.;Biorke . � � , �,� , - .. � ' $X�egt nart� �206�.45 feet aad ex�ept west 77.5 feet; Lot 8 � Auditox's - _ Subdivisican No�.� 'S5 �25«00 . W�1�.iam;:.H�,.and Theresa C. Wilson ' ?� �� `� � : T}►8 1�;�ly �00 feet af follawfng: Sub j ect to Upper Afton Ro��,.�egtnn3n'g on� '}1�'Iy line of Ldt 10 (SW'ly Line of Old Upper Aftot� Roadf 314�;5 ��et north `47 degr�ea, 27� minutes west �rom_.east corner o# Lot l0, then NW'ly�on same ; Qourse 1�A0 ft.,..then south 23 degrees, 04 minates v��st �3'�.63"•ieet, tfien sat�th � ° � 53 d��reea, 44-2/3 m#��u:tes east 86 feet, then no�th 24 degrees, 20-1/3 .m3x�tes .��-.,, east 411«1'�.ft. to begfnning, beiag part of �at 1U - Aud�,�ar'� :� : . Subdiviaioct Na'r •55 �79:00 . . . . .. _ !r..:.. .. y ' ' X�� ,� "� � . . . -� .. t°� � . 4 �11. i 4F `� ', , • , � I - _ . ,S. ��_ I �, .r1 r t�tP.A, ��'�': . � . � .:� - . . . ey . .. � � . E::�, ' x�iS9:� .A 'v�ts.2 b�rts'°.d ri�vs:'r� ' .�'3� +��•.F�S �bscvSl �t?��A 'x�9�#�,•:a�� stT:�St,%�I'� n�,.;�n:t�i7em,,�os �t,so•� o� ����ax►� -. mc3�� ,i�u�a�•,�s�s� £.,�c)� '�ZJOR Q� if��..:ttsr� .�c�'�o� ��r �n►� s�eFr rna73 YI'.1�, _ .. . .. :: � . � , , I��'IOfi R9i'�yr°i.:7S9j: d}Z.;CC .:k�nSv tT:lf�7 "'a�1T,YdTti��9� "iOi ��SC,1; �),.CK2::'�D �'9ti.fr f��'Yt3fI :�,�" ��s9s dt'..F� 3eA9 s��rf;! �a�rA�:gnos�T. 3c� .9i�.� �it�uoa" o� aa��-x�-�'�o�rt ���3. 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'�- ' , M ' .' � .. t ,� �j};,�1�!@�C .ls""�L�'-'Q�n�,dTe� ,:�,,* �']�$1A�,E ,. � .;.�r + � , "' ,. � x 'Bx� ���'�;I00'�ett o�: 6�ea� 20 �eQt; Lot I,. Bloctc 1 - I.�r��g �dd>it3��a.;�� � .�t9��,�� � . , � � . # , _ � . • ., ..< r. r , ..., ..k. .. � �aiph E. �a ;�n,,8. a�ae�gon , Cqmm�n�,�ng.at paint: ,on �a�t iine c�f and 2�0, £eet from i�hsr�eaat #. �°corser, of� IJorthweat �� r�thence North.b� deg�sre�t 51 ni�6�ct;e�=�eat 19`9 '� e � ' fee���'�or pbfat c�f be.�ic►�iri8� �,�emc�"North 67.de�ees S'� �min4Lee � West b9.52 f�e� to -inte�a�t a �l�s�e '�n South`�,$ d$g�ees:`l►5 minatea . . Wes� froni��o3�t on North ��ue `of` aa� 197.63 ��et-,f�o#a ��theaet corner �af•.;`'s�id`�r` thenee ���h� 18 deg�ee G5 a�f.�ute'a _�Teet �51,b5 f�et to �To��h�f�ste�r.l�y line o,f�,$p�er �ftbn. Road; thence =�tt�eeN�ter�y . ,: '` ° �', �,,,.:; �:'. the�et�n 60 ��eet;-thenc� No�th 22 d�grees 24 mint��e�;8as�°�49,�:� �ee.t � :� to beginni�n$ in�Section 3;��'�awtia�ip 28, Range; 22. -:'Kiscelle�eoua€; -. �. . Section 3, Township 28�. $dn8e� 22 � � �'.1�+6,�,3'9 ;� • . � . . . .. . . . .. . . . . �y..':, Renneth R. and Patricix A. SchwB�t�, . Ct�mmenci�g`;,�t point, ot�'$�s� line of atait 2Sf� �es� fro� l�Ztbe�s.t " cor�e� flf;I�orthwest '�,, t���ce l�arth�l�7 �egxe�ie ��. �m��tta� i�trst„79 , � feet fdr gQint of b�in�3:t�g; t�i�a,c,e.���arth 67_�dtgre�e 51,� m�.itv��s,., . � ?, , . . . . _, . � , West 6�: i'eet; thenia�'S�th 22 dagrees 24 midutes. Wea� „�49„�i��e;�t ' . . ' to 1�Tart�Oe$e�:er,ly �i�e.,p� t�pper Afton, Road; ._t�d�ee� t�8ar�i�e�eY�}► � th�e�eoa 60 iest; �thencd �+br�ti 22 degr+e�es;��►:,miau�ea.;;��ast���50.l�`�e:t ,r , to begitining i,M..$ectiolt 3., .?artahip'•2�,� R��g� 2� - M�sce�l�:aaeous; � � . Section �, Tt�tte���.��,�'8,"�&at�ge 22 �134�.99 . ` "'A � :. : .. . . � .. .. '. ; . � . . , x� .� . . . . ... '-". . . ..�. . .� � ��:i. . � �.' . .� .. . �.., .: �;i�.. - � Miltoa 3. and; Vi�da B, Fr,a�gaer : ' ,:'. ; `. ; , �. ' Subject to IIPpe�. Af�a� Road; Commenci�g ori Nci��i lia��� of �e�td �3��:16 �. _ . . ,: feet W�ist from :N6�theasC'cort�'e�; -ot �Tarth`te�t���i�f� S�et�,ttn �J, fio�ah3�p - . ,, . ,, . :28 s :R�8e �2; t2ienc!! &ou�h �g �e��e ' , . . . � grees 45 m�nu�es Weat�.2��.,�6 �eet ti+� � ° � , : ce�t� '#.ine ei� 'ssid�•rpad; then'c� South 69; d'�_garees�.2��,mriuuCea "�aat on , �., said ��enter li�te ,'75.66 f����,ta pai,nt o�.begi�nais�g�ci.f trac� to.be dc- } .. scri.bed; �then�e';;aonti�e Sc�th��9rd�esr�es��5 �i,`cu�tes Es�t ,� said, ;�: center lfri�. b,s.6`7...f�et>, tt�ence-.porth;:�:8 �egreea 4►5r minut�a �Lsat 1�&.42' � feet,;'<:t�eric;e ��tb T� �egree�,�2�5 min�tes West 65.75- feet; ' tha1tzce S`outfi. - . ° 18 degrees� �5a.pn�ri�tei� Siest�1��2:D2 feet to begi�tui�,�:f�,No�th�rest �;�of: . Se,�t�±�a� 3 T�ahip; 28,. R�tiige 22,, = Miscell�eous: . Se����t�" 3,. Ta��tttfp,, � � c28�; Range 2� I-30.68 Bernard T: �Aol�ae�d aind Lfll�an �,� [��zel � . . � Except �Plier Afton Road; gegin�in� at poin� 347,16 feet��Test from Nc�r��east :�Qrine�� o� 1Qorthweat �;: tt�nce 3oul� !�S deg�re,es 43; Wfnu�ee West 287.76 f�et to center line of aaid �oad; thence South� 69 d�ag�aes,`: i4, 25 m�.nutea Eas�;o�t �afd cenEer line :75.66 .teet";-thenc4 Nortl�"x8 :de�r.ee� �+5 minut�s ��ast :Co North Iin� of Sectfc�i; 'Clienc,e West .to hegi�tfing; <in " � Horth$eet � of Section �, Tc�mship 28;� Re�ge 22. • Miac�ell�ittecfus: ' � rv . .,; Seczion..3, Tc�mehip 28, Range 2� , _ ; . 16�.87 '' >''' �,Iohn 8: and Deniae 1�. I�ue'�1�er , t Cc>m on N �ine t�f�& 1424.9fi ft'�E £rom NW cor.of'I1W�; th 3E�p st a�$le. of bl°p�" with �d. �� I�.ne & ���t�iy li�s o# ST�i b1-304, �29,83 'ft ,for ";' .. . . pt.of beg; th NSlyr��t 'angle of 65°Q2�` 158 f� MOL to SWl,y`iina of i�pPer � � '� - . . . , , Ag�ou Rd; th SEIy thereon f60 Ft;. th SWty�Y91� ft ,MOL to' :pt pn°NElq 1iAe' . �, . . . . : of :�d; S?H b 85 ft 58�.y gzc� beg;�,th to beg, in SeC�i�tn 3, Tcr�fii,p 28.; - , .Range 22. - Mfscell�eou�: Sectfon 3, ?o�tshi�p 28, �ange 22, :' . " 171�,00- � ,: . Welter A. Nichnls�an::. ; . -. . The Ply.�,2'OQ #.t. of fol: Ccnn o�a N I.ine of � 1424.96. ft :E f�om.;1�1 c4�r of NW�;��th BE;ly :�t angle of 6I;.,°._0�'' with sd N l�.ne � o�i�NEly line oi 3TEi 61-104, 464;�83 :ft for•pt of beg;,� ,�h �1� at `angler of 60'U3;�-", 197. : ft MOL .to SWly line of.tlpper A£ton�Rd; t�:;Se�ly th��eon b8 ft;' t� SWly . 262 ft�1�D� .to pt on N�1y: line of sd' STH; 95. P�t Se.lp from beg; th to `' ., , ,- r'�= ii�8�.�; $ec � T 28' R �2:� `- Mi,ecel�.aneous: S�ection �3 Town�hip. 28, ` < ° ;& � . J �R, . � . � . . . ., ,� � - . x , r �2 �20�.:34 A �.. ��! . �d u > ���:- >. i., : ' , y � . �� � . x . , �` .. `R^ ;L L •� . . � ,. �•' . . " . , y :_�„ ' I. �2 r , . . c} . 2 .. .+' A . . . . . '. . 2. {.� . � . , ..a . 3' �. . . . .a.� - . .� . . r.: . ' ri'. - . ,.. .;". .} . . . .. . - . . ... .. .. . . . ,. , � .. - . � . . . . . . . . . ;. . .. . . ,.. . .>„ �� . .� -. ..... n , , � �" . . - . ' _ .. � � . � . : � . . . � � . . , s , . � • " . ' ' .. � , .. . . . , _ . . . .., . �..' , .- . , ' ,� ,�:. ��� , .. .' . . . . .. ,nr? . � � , ' . � - �� .. � . �� . . � � .� .� �i._..