273079 CITY OF ST.PAUL CO L FILE NO. ������ FINAL ORDER � ���� By File No. 1��8 In the Matter of �P� �� s1'��? blR� M�l�i�Bd �Vi�W �1 �clin�toa Aw��, bp s�en�tmrattng t�� daak, sidawaUc. �i s�xiin� atoe� rith c�sts�n�atiag a�taa�► pt�ls teY th� ndstias D�p No. 9440�. vhich a+�acriar J�lcsos itr+�t awr t1�� trlcks o! W�liogtos Ilos�th�era l�s. �01� N.l.� TTb� Cit�r lre�at 1N��r �'ac i��a iob is �•1E191 under� approved �'7�q�j i MAY 3 1979 under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUN 5 1979 COUNCILMEN Ado y the Cou cil: Date Yeas Nays Certified P by Council S�retary ��N 7 ���9 BUt�@C � - �� In Favor Hunt � �.evi ne Against MaddoX Mayor SchowalteC ��7,�. �edesco ��,�D,Jt�t�l.� � � � • � � ��� � 1��a$ � - �.�,�.-;-� � � -� � 2�`���� , � ����� =r�`'T' °°�-;, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � "'� '"�` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , z; �; �.�`� .,: '� iit�atinu ,; ' �' ��€���� '` DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ,, _ - '�°•_ ��` 234 City Hall,Saint Paui,fvtinnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4241 MAYOR February 14, 1979 Iir. Bernard J. Carlson, Director Department of Finance and R�anagement Service � Room 113 City Hall and Court House - Attention: Paul Desch Re: JACKSON ST. BRIDGE N0. 90�+08 ov�er B.V. Inc. (N.P. ) City Project B-1091 Dear Sir: Tne referenced project consists of replacing the existing deteriorated deck on Jackson Street Bridge No. 90408. This bridge is the most northerly bridge on Jackson Street, and is approximwtely 1000 ft. narth of Maryland Avenue. For your information, we attach a copy of our reco�nendation concerning the project and a location map. Please schedule a public hearing concerning the project. Yours very truly,�.� �i ���' � ������� Donald E. Nygaard� Dixector DEN�RE G�mp ���W��:��� Enc. ..�:�. :�..,, cc: R.E.Grieder . FE9 2 `� 1979 -- ASSESSMENT SECTION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANO MANAGEMEfVT SER1!lCES `� �' �" '� '`�� �S . '�' .� �� � '� �' �5c�55 ; I ' ` ' ������.� JACKSON STREET sT� AUL 6R1 DGE REPAIRS LOCAI"10�{ MAP � `� 1]�'-ti � E L �C K � `t Z C IMBtKIA � Ivi�S3:ti�. �:�li jl(�yt�" '`'7�, /� � i� � � L-:-'. \�V�- ' ' II, I 4 I {� �/,\\� A/E. � � � ` � I�' 7 p � � � �� \\` N �1 , �t���r�1 ` N w/ � � Av �/� '� r�- � I ' � _1 •. � -I O p ` OYi I Ve � � 1 \�y� � � � WII � ! ":J � � 1 \+\ ,� y1 a • I t w,��� /�vT i I � z � �� '7� 0 - ' ` �---- N. , ; �, � � �,J/ � �JI ���.__.� � lJ o t � �'� I L " 1 �� � ���m � RASKA r-A V ` I • � T�l >r��p I 7 � � � ! � °C m 4 I� e4.�� � -- -+ N f vA � � . St��� 1 t I G I - T1� �'• .• �_ � ' ' p,yE - W �r � \ � -- ��r �T�-- � U � a "�y � \ z ' ttL RW U :� '� N � J ` �J��J O . Z / � 'I � � ♦ _ ...__ ' . � Y-- JACKSON ST. BR. Av v < U ^COTTAGE ��� � l�. N0.90408 ,, '— - �;. � o j I � CLEA � I1,�, � `+V�;� � J �. � u..►�-�> � � ��1,1( Y� f Lu � '1 - -- �.�., � _ � . � W.-HY�I�INTN I � r, \ F" l�J � I . � ' \ C� �rW � , A'/f. � �q- ^ n � ` � I �� � � \ / I - � � I � � �L.L I •`.\ �. , VI(THOR p' ���� �. � _ � _ �,` 1 AV. av �I ^ �_l� � ��� � r��N� L� � t J y��-U tl A �_\� � _1 `• E Av `, ' � no. — � OSE � � � � �I ;� L� � � o � ' I� Q� , RAN U�A r-A� �-� I` - I ` � G�HANIUM - � i� � 0��—.� �� ��.�-�, ,. ao�� Q_ �o .�ES INE �� �►..� �� �; 3 �i ��.�r �� �� a -#AAG LIA-,AV - I �--+ v nn(�NOII I 2 � - �� + + t t t �� E � �.�� .�.,,� � �'�Hi�,;ton i �-�--CO� -�lvE. � + ♦ ♦ � � ('—� �I��¢ liqh��h. U ( i � yMSpN � AVE. (— � ♦ t t ♦ � l4 SON (� �qt7 �J. L;1, � - � i� � + + t,_._,` - l_�co�scti� � ���yy,,, � JENKS V. �I J NK � w U AvE� �---1 I O � I�--� ($GAOC ����p vE. o-_J; Oal�� and �'_��L; :.�- - � .-. �SU L.._ r�T f 1 �.� + * + t t V � � c d � t.—J � ° = � ��� � �,T�N���0.-s�� �-:�� _t.•a� � ♦ 'h + ♦ t r _ f ? t' ,: v _ �„�,,� � � ' , , , . , , , _ _ __. _ �"���"��_ _ .�`����� SU�i�iARY OF ZPTGII�JEERITdG R�COI���IEP•ID�:TIONS � � ADVISABILITY AT•�D �J£SIRABILI'i'Y PROJECT � Improve JACKSOiJ STREET between Pdaryland Avenue and Arlin�-ton Avenue, by reconstructino the deck, sidewalk, and railin�, alon� tiaith constructing approach panels for the existing Brid�e No. �0408, �ahich carries Jackson Street over the tracYs of the Burlin�ton Northern Inc. (old Pi.P. ). The City Project rlumber for this job is B-1091. • � IlV'ITIATIPdG ACTION This project was initiated at the request of the Department of Public Works. EXISTITtG CONDITIOIdS The existing bridge �•ras constructed in 1952 to replace the then existing timber trestle. The brid�e is no�a carryin�� approximately 5,000 vehicles per day with a roadway width of 3�� feet and tF�o 5 foot sidewalks. The existing street roadway adjacent to the bridge is 4� feet wide with no si�leVralks. The structural condition ra-�ing ior the deck is "t�iini�um adequacy to tolerate present traffic--immediate rehabiiitation necessary . to keep open". There are no approach panels existing, and pavement �rowth has closed the brid�e expansion joints. The eyistin� sidewalks and railings were desibned usin� loadin� criteria wnich does not. rr�eet �current st andards. PROPOSED ItdPROVEN�NTS The existing bridge deck and walks will be removed along with the direc-�ly ad�i�cent roa:dT•�a� p�nels. The twa existing �ier: �ri7.l be remodeled by adding �n additional coluran to each, enablin� the placement of an additional steel beam on the east side of' the existing steel beams. The new deck to be constructed on the existing. steel beams and additional new beam will have one 12 foot lane with a 4 foot driver reaction distance in each direction resulting in a tota.l roadway width of 32 feet. On the west sa.de of the bridge, will be a Type J traffic railin�;, and on the east side of the bridge, �iill be a 6 foot sidewa.lk with a combination traffic and pedes�rian ' railing. In addition, a structurally reiniorced approach panel will be constructed immediately adjacent to each end of the bridge. ALTERT•JRTES In its present condition, the only alternate to deck replacement is to attempt to maintain the existin� structure un�il it is no lon�er possible ._ to allow traffic to use it. � :ti � � � � �� : � � � � . . ���=�,�� 2"7��t1� Su:�ary of En�ineering Recorvnendutions � ' :;dvisability and.Desirability Pa�e 2. Re: Jackscn St. between P�iaryland Ave. �rlington Ave. February 9, 1979 PCSI'rIVE EEi��w.•FITS The 2 foot increase in roadi��ay width will satisff present day stand�.rds for 2 lanes of traffic and trill slightly decrease the battleneck feeling when going from the vrider approachin� road�aays to the narroFrer bridge. The present day designed traific railin�s caill -remove the potentially dangerous existin� railings. The wider side��al.k will a.11ow easier sno,r removal and more comfortable passage for pedestrians. Construction at thi.s time wilZ eliminate expensive annual deck maintenance and the eventual posting of the bridge to less than legal loads. - yDVERSE BFrECT5 Through traffic on Jackson Street will necessarily be stopped zt the brid�e during construction for approximatel;� 3 months, �.lthough local access will be maintained up to the bridge from both directions. I�us routes will have to be temporarily changed. The existing sidewa.lk on the west side of the bridoe �•rill be eliriinated as there seems to be no justification for its replacement. Businesses along Jackson Street will be disrupted. S�CIAL CORTSIDERATIOTdS �lPdo easeMents or right-of-t�ray acquisition will be necessary. A7o assessments • on zdjoining properties are proposed. State Aid Funds trill cover nearly all oi the costs of the project. Consideration will be given to the need of maintainin� pedestrian ti•affic durin� the duration of the project. � public informationa.l meeting to describe the project was held February 6, Z979, at -the 47ashington High School. "II�W SCHEDU'� The p.resent scnedule calls for const.ruction to t�e�in in Pday, 1.979, and to be conpleted by October, �979• COST EST1�FiAi`E Construction Cost �105,800 Engineering and Inspection . �,$�Sr,� . Traf'fic 2,000 �126,300 E ST II�;AT�'D F I11�+I•TC IIJG 197g r•TUnicipal State Aid �116,30J 1979 tuolic Improvement Aid � 10,000 ��6„�o ��� � . � � �� � � �. • � t' . ..� . . • ` • .. . .� �l..t�1„j ., ... ��',�`���. .rf� f � 4 . '"' ������'�� � ���� Surr:,:�ary of �n�ineerin� Reco��miendation� . p�e 3• Advisability axid Desirability February 9� �-979 Re: Jackson St. bet�aeen i��a.ryland Ave. L.: :,rlin�ton Ave. � SOU�tCE OF ADDITIOr1�1L� I'i;�'ORI�TIOP� For additional in�orr.►ation, contact Roy Grieder, E-rid�e En�ineer, 298-�+252. SU��B•�Y f1ND P.ECOI-��'�1?DF,TIOI�t This project proposes: renoving the entire dec� of �he existin� bridge to the structural steel bearis; modifyin� the piers to� facilitate an additional beatn; constructing a completely neza deck, sidev�alk (west side only), and railin�s; and constructin� new a�proach panels. This project t•rill be carried out under a con�ract let by the City of Saint Paul. The De�artment of Public t•lorks feels that this is a necessury and worthiahile project, and the en�ineerin� recomnendation is for a�proval. Respectfully subr.v.tted, Donald E. Piygaard, DET�I�REG�mp . Director o� Public Works "- �' �';� �� �� �.>...��. . , �-�� ��- ,��� � O-7 � � r���,� � ^<x'.4 ,n s' r- +�.0 /s �� � ��• ���_,. ��'� t�, R � . .., ���F y�'� . t ,�� , ��� ,��� i��. :� �: � � � u [: � 9�f, �, g �, ��� .y'ns.�.;:.y . ;f�. "�f�r: _:� � �� '� �"- �I �`�� �� ���.. F . �,, �� I , r M��, i .�, u �;:,1 �� F t> rr� .;�" 'k.; �, i�.. .. � ._� . �: _ . "�'