273055 WM17E - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �`��(��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT FIlE NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 115 and 116, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, the C1ty is authorized to receive grants and aids for financing the construction of sewer projects, now, therefore be i t RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that Mayor George Latimer be and is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the C1ty of St. Paul with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Federal Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to aid in financing the construction of the St. Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation Project (St. Albans Sewer Tunnel and St. Albans Open Cut Sewer System phases) , inctuding an assurance in compliance with regulations under Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; that the Director of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency may reasonably require in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. COUNCILMEN �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � � In Favor Publ ic Works (REB) —�eeQ�a Hunt � L,evine �' __ Against BY -- ��c Donald E. Nygaard, Dir of Public Works Showalter �° MAY 2 9 f979 Form Approved by��ity At orney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified a_s d y Counc.il cre BY l,. By t �1p d by Mavor: Date c 19 Approved b a or for Submission to Council gy By �/�� � r�� 3u� z �979 _ _ flM O.i s I2/'137 5 � • �;,, . Rev. : 9/8/7 6 ,,___.� �EXPLliN�1�I��I 0�' �.DyiI�7IST�'.t�TIi�T�' QRD��S� . . • . , R�S�7LU'1'Z�JPi�; �iJD O�DI;�:��iCr S . . ��:`���� � . . ►R'�CEIY�ID Date: May 23. 1979 : �.wr � �# 'I�J/J MAYOR'S OffICE . Tp; MAYOP. GEORGE I,F�T II•SE:� FR: tlonald E. Nygaard, Di rector of Publ ic Works gE; Federal and State Constructlon Grant:Apptication - St. Antt�ny Hill Sewer . Rehabilftetion Praject . • ACTION R��UESTED: Authorization for the Mayor tb execute and file the grant application. • - Authorization for the Director of Publlc Works to furnish information needed for the grant , appltcation. - � PURPOS� ��iD R�,TIOtir�LE r^dR TPZS ACTi.O?�I: U.'S. Environmental Protection Agency and Minnesota Rollution Control Agency re►quir�ment • . #o apply for grant funding. ATTACHMENTSt Council Resolutton ' � � � REBf ck ,