273048 WMITE - C�TY CLERK / (�µ�^ PINK - FINANCE COUI�Cll �)' /•■ x� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I OF SA I NT AIIL File NO. / S�� BLUE - MAVOR h�+ � �' Y o ncil s tion Presented By ��� ���� r Referred To Committ e: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID: That applications for a Building Contractors licens y the following organizations at 1 the addresses atated be and the same are hereby granted. Home Repair Concepts Inc. 74A� Wayzata Blvd Mpls. 1006 New Lawrence Ronning 1069 Cumberland 3t. St Paul 1007 " James Crain 6983 Collingwood Ln Yoodbury 1018 " Noore General Contracting 14?3 E. Clarence St Paul �053 " Gary Christianson Construction Inc. ?70 E. 7th St. St Paul 1061 " COUfVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler .�� [n Favor Hunt p Levine __ Against BY �dex�. Showalter ��'"° MAY 2 � ig79 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a s d y Council cret BY B� tap by 1�lavor: Da e F�' ✓� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ sy ��n �u N a t979